Accommodation-Form-converted Aaaa

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Indent # (For Hostel


National Academy of Agricultural Research Management

Rajendranagar, Hyderabad-500030.

Requisition for Accommodation to be sent to Director NAARM

Name & Designation of the Indenter:

Type of accommodation required 1. Single Room 1. AC

2. Double Room 2. Non-AC

2. Serving Officers of Central/State
Govt./PSU/Autonomous Organization.
Visitor Category – Please tick
3. Private Visitor (Other than Sl no. 1&2).
4. Foreigner – SAARC.
5. Foreigner-Non-SAARC.

Purpose of Visit – Please tick 1. Official 2. Private

Specify Reason of Visit

Name, Designation, Address,

Phone/Mobile number of Visitor

Number & Relation of accompanied

person (s) any

Arrival Date & Time

Departure Date & Time

Visitor/ indenter/ any other (specify)…………

Payment to be done by - Please tick

Signature of Head of
Organization/Institute SIGNATURE of indenter with Date

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