MD - Unit I
MD - Unit I
MD - Unit I
III. Bryophytes
Bryophytes are the most primitive land plants. They are also known as “amphibians of plant kingdom”.
Bryophytes are mostly found in moist, shady and damp places. The study of bryophytes is called bryology.
The plant body of bryophytes is multicellular and is either flat dorsiventral or erect.
They are small and grow only few centimetres in height.
They lack vascular system.
The lack true root, stem and leaves. Instead of roots they have unicellular or multicellular rhizoids.
The sex organs in bryophyte are multicellular and jacketed. Male sex organ is known as antheridium
and female sex organ as archegonium.
The reproduce by vegetative and sexual methods.
Importance of bryophytes
Bryophytes play some important ecological and economic roles as they prevent soil erosion, are used as
ornamentals, in medicine, in agriculture and are used as indicator plants.
IV. Pteridophytes
Pteridophytes are terrestrial vascular plants that reproduce by spores. They don’t produce flowers and seeds and
are also known as vascular cryptogams. The study of pteridophytes is known as pteridology.
Pteridophytes are mostly found in moist shady places.
The plant body of pteridophytes is well differentiated into root, stem and leaves.
They have well developed vascular system.
The leaves are either small or very large known as fronds.
They don’t produce flowers and seeds.
a b c
Figs. (a) Lycopod (Lycopodium), (b) Horsetail (Equisetum) and (c) Fern (Dryopteris)
V. Gymnosperms
Gymnosperms are the primitive seed-bearing plants. They produce naked seeds i.e., not enclosed in fruits.
They are all terrestrial and are found in cold areas where snowfall occurs.
They are large woody trees or shrubs.
They don’t produce flowers.
They generally possess small needle-like leaves.
The reproductive organs in gymnosperms occur in compact structures known as cones.
They are mostly evergreen.
Gymnosperms are important in many ways as they provide timber, fuel (firewood), medicines and are also used
as ornamentals.
VI. Angiosperms
Angiosperms are the flowering plants that bear seeds within the fruits. They are found almost everywhere both
in water as well as on land.
Angiosperms constitute the most advanced and diverse group of plants. About 80% of all known living
green plants are angiosperms.
They are either herbs, shrubs or trees.
They show highest diversity of root, stem and leaves.
Angiosperms are broadly classified into two groups on the basis of number of cotyledons present in the
Monocots: Angiosperms that have single cotyledon in their seeds. E.g., Rice, maize, banana, onion
Dicots: Angiosperms that have two cotyledons in their seeds. E.g. beans. pea, apple.
Angiosperms are of great ecological and economic importance. They provide basic needs of food for most
of the animals including humans. They are also important as source of timber, fuel, medicines. spices etc.
II. Plant Processes
1. Transpiration
The process of loss of water in the form of water vapours from the aerial parts of a plant is called
Transpiration mostly occurs through leaves. The leaves contain numerous small pores known as stomata
through which transpiration takes place. More than 95% of water absorbed by the plant is lost through
Transpiration is important as it not only has cooling effect but also helps in transport of dissolved minerals
from roots to aerial parts.
2. Photosynthesis.
The process by which green plants make their own food is called photosynthesis. It may also be defined as
the process to convert light energy into chemical energy.
Thus green plants are known as autotrophs. They are also called as primary producers because all other
organisms known as heterotrophs depend upon autotrophs directly or indirectly for their food.
In photosynthesis, green plants use carbon dioxide (CO2) and water (H2O) and convert it into carbohydrates
(glucose) using sunlight as source of energy. Thus photosynthesis may also be defined as the process to
convert light energy into chemical energy. During photosynthesis, oxygen is also released.
6CO2 + 6H2O + Light Energy → C6H12O6 + 6O2
(Carbon dioxide) (water) + (sunlight) → (Glucose) (oxygen)
The photosynthesis mainly occurs in leaves in special cell organelles called chloroplasts. The
chloroplasts contain green pigment chlorophyll which absorbs sunlight and this solar energy is used to
convert carbon dioxide and water into glucose.
3. Respiration
The process by which organisms breakdown food to obtain energy is called respiration.
Respiration occurs in every living cell.
Respiration is of two types:
i) Aerobic respiration: Respiration which occurs in presence of oxygen is called aerobic respiration.
Aerobic respiration occurs in special cell organelles known as mitochondria. As respiration leads to
production of energy, mitochondria are also known as “power house of the cell”.