Trockers - End of Year Examination Paper 1

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General Certificate of Education Advanced Level



Additional materials:
Answer Paper Non-programmable calculator
Graph Paper List of formulae

TIME 3 hours


Write your name in the spaces provided on the answer sheet/answer booklet.
Answer all questions.
If a numerical answer cannot be given exactly, and the accuracy required is not specified in the
question, then in the case of an angle it should be given to the nearest degree, and in other
cases it should be given correct to 2 significant figures.


The number of marks is given in brackets [ ] at the end of each question or part question.
The total number of marks for this paper is 120.
Questions are printed in the order of their mark allocations and candidates are advised to
attempt questions sequentially.
The use of an electronic calculator is expected, where possible.
You are reminded of the need for clear presentations in your answers.

This question paper consists of 5 printed pages and 1 blank page.

Copyright: Tarakino N.P. (Trockers) – Vimbai High School, End of Year Examination Paper 1 2019
© Tarakino N.P. V.H.S. End of Year Examination Paper 1 2019
Typed and Compiled by Trockers 0717267175/ 0772978155 [Turn Over
1) Solve the following equations:
(i) [4]
(ii) [4]

2) It is given that and .

(i) Find and clearly state its domain. [4]
(ii) Draw the graph of and show that is a one-one function. [3]

3) The diagram shows part of the graph of . Find the value of the constants


4) Given that , , and

(a) Show that and are collinear. . [4]

(b) Find
(i) , [3]
(ii) The unit vector in the direction of . [2]

5) Solve the inequality . [4]

6) a) Solve the equation for . [4]

b) The smallest positive solution of the equation , where is a
positive integer is . State the value of and hence find the largest solution of the
equation in the interval . [3]
7) Find the coordinates of the points of intersection of the line and the curve
. [4]

8) a) Show that the equation of the circle which passes through , and
is . [7]


The diagram shows a triangle in which is and is . The

gradients of and are and respectively, where is a positive
(i) Find the gradient of AB and deduce the value of m. [2]
(ii) Find the coordinates of C. [4]
The perpendicular bisector of AB meets BC at D.
(iii)Find the coordinates of D. [4]

9) Prove the following identities:

(a) , [3]

(b) , [3]

[Turn Over
10) The acute angle radians is such that , where is a positive constant.
Express, in
terms of ,
(a) [1]
(b) . [2]

11) Find the value of the constant c for which the line is a tangent to the curve
. [4]

12) a) Find the coefficient of in the expansion of . [3]

b) Show that . [2]

13) Given that

Express in the form where . [3]
(a) State
(i) the value of , [1]
(ii) the coordinates of the turning points. [1]
(b) Find . [2]
(c) State the range of . [1]

14) a) Differentiate the following functions:

(i) , [4]

(ii) , [2]

b) The polynomial is given by . If is a factor

of find . [2]
Hence find the exact roots of the equation . [4]
15) Given that

(i) Express in partial fractions. [4]

(ii) Show that, when is small for and higher powers to be neglected


16) The curve with equation has one stationary point.

(a) Find the coordinate of this point. [4]
(b) Determine whether this point is a maximum or minimum point. [2]


In the diagram is an isosceles triangle with and angle radians.

Arc has center and radius and the line is a tangent to the arc as .
(i) Find the total area of the shaded region in tems of and . [4]
(ii) In the case where and , find the total perimeter of the shaded regions,

leaving your answer in terms of and . [5]

Always have Faith and be Patient: Philippians 1vs. 6

Compiled and typed by Tarakino Nyasha Patrick (Trockers)

0772978155 or 0717267175

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