Trockers - End of Year Examination Paper 1
Trockers - End of Year Examination Paper 1
Trockers - End of Year Examination Paper 1
General Certificate of Education Advanced Level
Additional materials:
Answer Paper Non-programmable calculator
Graph Paper List of formulae
TIME 3 hours
Write your name in the spaces provided on the answer sheet/answer booklet.
Answer all questions.
If a numerical answer cannot be given exactly, and the accuracy required is not specified in the
question, then in the case of an angle it should be given to the nearest degree, and in other
cases it should be given correct to 2 significant figures.
The number of marks is given in brackets [ ] at the end of each question or part question.
The total number of marks for this paper is 120.
Questions are printed in the order of their mark allocations and candidates are advised to
attempt questions sequentially.
The use of an electronic calculator is expected, where possible.
You are reminded of the need for clear presentations in your answers.
3) The diagram shows part of the graph of . Find the value of the constants
8) a) Show that the equation of the circle which passes through , and
is . [7]
(b) , [3]
[Turn Over
10) The acute angle radians is such that , where is a positive constant.
Express, in
terms of ,
(a) [1]
(b) . [2]
11) Find the value of the constant c for which the line is a tangent to the curve
. [4]
(ii) , [2]