Civil Module 1-New
Civil Module 1-New
Civil Module 1-New
Towers: A tower is a tall structure. There are different towers like clock
tower, transmission tower, bell tower,radio tower, communication tower
etc.They are not intended for living .but for specific purposes.
• Transmission tower- for distribution of electric power.
• Communication tower- for transmission of communication signals
like microwave.
• Bridge tower- type of fortified tower built on a bridge.There is
usually a tower at both ends of the bridge.
• Castles\Forts- using the visibility of the surroundings.
Bridge Tower
Chimneys: A chimney (flue) is a structure intended for the passing off
smoke, hot flue gases from the furnace or fireplace to the outside atmosphere.
Chimneys are kept in a vertical position so that the gases pass smoothly.
Chimneys can be found in buildings, steam locomotives, ships, brick
kilns,factories etc.. Since in factories the pollutant gases are passed out
through tall towers, the surrounding area is not polluted. In addition, the
dispersion of pollutants at higher altitudes can reduce their impact on the
immediate surroundings.The cross section of a chimney may be square,
rectangular or circular with smooth finish inside. The height of the chimney
stack should be at least one meter above the roof level. In big factories,tall
chimneys are provided to pass the exhaust gases and smoke at a higher level.
The following points must be kept in mind while constructing a tall
• Refractory brick lining should be provided inside a chimney
when the temperature is expected to exceed 750 degree
• The total height of the chimney shaft should not exceed 12 times the
external diameter at the base or 10 times the least lateral dimension
at the base for chimneys of rectangular section. The general practice
is to construct the chimneys in lime mortar than cement mortar
because cement mortar is likely to disintegrate at high temperature.
• Wind pressure must be taken into account when designing a chimney.
Bridges: A bridge is a structure built to cross an obstacle. The obstacle
may be a river, railway line, road or canal.The components of a bridge are
Abutments, Pier, Deck Slab, Hand- rail, Beam,Bearings,Approaches,
Parapet etc.
Water tanks:
A water tank is a container to store and distribute water. The water may be
used for drinking,irrigation or fire suppression. It can be at the ground level
or on an elevated stage. They may be of steel, concrete or plastics and of
circular or rectangular shape. Nowadays for rainwater harvesting also tanks
are being used. Rainwater tank (sometimes called a rain barrel ) is a water
tank used to collect and store rainwater runoff from roof tops via rain
gutters. A rainwater catchment or collection (also known as "rainwater
harvesting") system can yield2358 litres of water from 2.54 cm of rain on a
93 m2 roof area. Rainwater tanks are devices for collecting and maintaining
harvested rain. These tanks are installed to use rain water for later use. and
aid self- sufficiency. Stored water may be used for watering gardens,
agriculture, flushing toilets, in washing machines, washing cars, and also for
drinking, especially when other water supplies are unavailable.Underground
rainwater tanks can also be used for retention of stormwater for release at a
later time.
water tank
Group F - Mercantile
Shops, stores markets area upto 50 sqm
Underground shopping centres, departmental stores with area more than 500 sqm
Group G: Industrial Buildings
These include buildings or part thereof in which materials of all kinds are
manufactured or processed.
Group H: Storage Buildings
These are buildings used for the storage of goods, vehicles or
Group I: Hazardous Buildings
Nowadays no one can construct a building as per his/ her wishes. It is controlled by
your Local administration ie. Panchayath, Municipality of Corporation of the place
where your property is situated. Also every State has their own restrictions for the
constructions based on a set of Laws approved by the Law makers.
Kerala Building Rules were implemented in the state in the year 1968. The Laws
were applicable to Municipalities and Corporations, which are urban in nature. The
availability of Land for spacious construction was a challenge in Urban areas.
Since the laws were implemented successfully, the chance of making faulty of
unscientific constructions was much reduced and so these rules help all of us to
lead a peaceful life.
The coastal areas of seas, bays, creeks, rivers, and backwaters which get
influenced by tides up to 500 m from the high tide line (HTL) and the land
between the low tide line (LTL) and the high tide line have been declared as
coastal regulation zone (CRZ) in 1991.
The first and foremost step in construction is to select an appropriate site for
the building.
A properly selected site of the building will increase the beauty of
building without any extra
expense. The selection of site for a project depends upon the purpose of
building,mode of construction, available fund, future development if any
required, accessibility from road, school, hospital etc. In case of marshy land
or water logged area we have to spend more money for the construction of
foundation and there is chances of settlement if the building is not properly
The following points are to be considered while selecting the site for
any building:
• Selected site should not be undulating because it will increase the
cost of leveling.
• It should be very near to the road otherwise transportation of the
building materialis a big problem.
• Civic services like water supply, electric lines, telephone
lines,drainage sewers should be rear to the site.
• It should not be a waterlogged area and ground water should be at least
1.5mbelow the ground level.
• It should not be a made up land, otherwise foundation cost will be high.
• Selected sites should be as far as large enough to provide sufficient light
andair to the building.
• The site should not be in a depression and it should have a general
slope away from the building for easy drainage.
• The site should possess good soil at reasonable depth for reducing the
cost of foundation.
• The selected site should have adequate space to accommodate all the
essential accessories required in the building.
• Site should not be located near workshops and factories since such locations
are subjected to noise/air pollution.
• Site along the seashore is good from the entertainment point of view but
sea breeze is not good for health and it may also lead to corrosion of
metal fittings.
• Type of building also affects the selection of the site. For example
Industrial building should be situated outside the city,residential
building must be near toSchools & hospitals, and
a public building should be located in an open area so that all
the requirements should be fulfilled.
Pier: Pier is a vertical load bearing member similar to column, except that it
is bonded to a load bearing wall at the side to form an integral part of wall
and it extends to the full height of the wall. Usually a pier is constructed to
increase the stiffness of the wall to carry additional vertical concentrated
Lintels: Lintels are reinforced cement concrete structures provided over the
opening such as doors, windows, etc. and are used to transfer the load of
wall above the opening to the supporting wall on either side of opening.
Sunshade: The slab projecting from the external wall just above the doors,
windows, ventilators, etc. are called sunshades. It protects doors and
windows from direct sunlight and rain.
Floors: Floors are horizontal surfaces, which divide a building into
different levels and over which the occupants of the building move about.
The floors provided on the top of the buildings are called first floor, second
floor, etc. depending upon their relative
position. Sub-floor is the structural part of the floor which supports all the
loads and the flooring material like marble, tile, mosaic etc are provided
over this subfloor as a finishing layer.
Basement floors: They are floors of room below the ground level
Roofs: The top most part of a building, which covers the space enclosed by
the wall, is called roof. Main two components of oof are roof decking and
roof covering. Roof decking is the structural part which supports the roof
Stairs: These are structures used to climb from one floor to another.Stairs
consists of a number of steps. Height of step is 15 cm and
width of step varies from 25 to 30 cm.
Partition: An interior non-load bearing wall of full wall height or part
storeyheight used for dividing floor area into different sections
Parapet: These are structures constructed over the roof slab or sunshade for
better appearance of building and for safe usage of roof surface.
Plinth area, built up area, floor area, carpet area and floor area ratio