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ManufacturingTheFuture Stratasys

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Manufacturing the Future

T H E N E X T E R A O F G L O B A L I Z AT I O N W I T H 3 D P R I N T I N G

Tyler Benster, 3D Printing Evangelist and Researcher

When it comes to manufacturing, there is no bigger story than the impact of globalization.

As the world flattens and interconnects more than ever before, the global market becomes

a winner-takes-all affair. The global economy rewards manufacturers that quickly

adopt best practices and crushes those who linger in the ways of the past. Three key

manufacturing trends build upon globalization—infrastructure productivity, responsive

supply chains and product life cycle efficiency—and dictate success for manufacturers in

the 21st century. Companies that adopt 3D printing in their manufacturing and

embrace these trends will have an advantage over the competition.


Manufacturing the Future
T H E N E X T E R A O F G L O B A L I Z AT I O N W I T H 3 D P R I N T I N G

According to the Harvard Business Review, higher

infrastructure productivity is essential for tackling

the world’s infrastructure problems. For example,

streamlining the delivery process of production

tools, parts and prototypes via improved transport

infrastructure could save up to $400 billion a

year. 3D printing brings improvement to transport

productivity at minimal cost by providing a rapid

digital link between remote design and local Pre-surgery planning and rehearsal using 3D printed models has
reduced the time for complex surgeries and improved success rates.

manufacturing. Logistical and infrastructure

shortcomings can be overcome via in-house

production in regional or local R&D facilities. Toru Kawakami, general manager for the

company’s CAD/CAM division, explained, “We

can receive STL data from anywhere in the world

IN-HOUSE SOLUTIONS and then create models using our Eden260V™

ASO International, a leading Japanese orthodontic 3D Printer. Now we can work with an orthodontist

laboratory, has built such a ubiquitous digital located just a few miles away or one that is located

manufacturing business thanks to 3D printing. 5,000 miles away.”

In addition to reaching more customers, the

company reduced costs associated with logistics

and storage. “We have centralized the collection

of all models from orthodontists at our Tokyo

headquarters. Sending scanned 3D data instead

of physical models to customers produces

significant savings on transport costs, while

eliminating the risk of damaged models in transit,”

adds Mr. Kawakami.

A poured gypsum model (left) and 3D printed model (right).


Manufacturing the Future
T H E N E X T E R A O F G L O B A L I Z AT I O N W I T H 3 D P R I N T I N G

Companies like ASO International can potentially A few bleeding-edge companies have gone even

expand their business everywhere. As long as further to meet short lead-time demands by

there is an internet connection, a design file can turning to digital manufacturing techniques, thus

be transmitted and 3D printed in a consistent enabling flexible manufacturing lines that can

fashion, thus increasing efficiency by streamlining easily change production from one product to the

the production process. Businesses can ultimately next with no retooling or rearrangement required.

do most of their development work in-house, This addresses the need for customization or any

thereby minimizing the need to outsource while high-mix, low-volume production.

maintaining high quality standards.

This digital thread also enables manufacturers to

swiftly react to time-sensitive orders from buyers.

Buyers increasingly demand responsive supply

chains with short lead times for new orders or

design changes.

Companies like Unilever have seen substantial

A 3D printed injection mold for a domestic-brand toilet rim block.
reductions in lead times by adopting 3D printing.

Stefano Cademartiri, R&D, CAP and prototyping

specialist at Unilever, explains, “Having previously

outsourced our thermoforming requirements for Collin Wilkerson, Managing Director of Western

handmade wooden molds, we found that we were Tool & Mold, looked into 3D printing to ensure

accumulating significant labor costs and having to an aerospace customer could manufacture its

contend with lengthy lead times. However, since parts on time. “We can provide fast reactions

3D printing the injection molds ourselves, we have to immediate needs,” he noted. “In traditional

reduced lead times in the conceptual phase by manufacturing, you have to deal with quick spikes

approximately 35 percent.” in the need for resources, but [with 3D Printing]


Manufacturing the Future
T H E N E X T E R A O F G L O B A L I Z AT I O N W I T H 3 D P R I N T I N G

The company specializes in customizing

accessories to local market preferences. “3D

printers allow us to synchronize the development

schedule with that of the vehicle itself and create

the accessory parts simultaneously, improving

both the quality and speed of the prototype

process,” commented Hiroshi Takemori, senior

3D printed components help streamline Western Tool & Mold’s
manufacturing process. researcher from the product planning department.

our clients can re-engineer resources to their

greater benefit, resulting in a leaner manufacturing

process, which includes a smaller workforce and

less idle time.”

The automotive and aerospace industries demand

high degrees of responsiveness and availability.

A 3D printed fog light garnish.
With competition growing even fiercer in the

global economy, greater efficiency is required

through the entire life cycle of the product. Such

efficiency can be improved both in initial as well

as subsequent manufacturing runs to support

products through end-of-life.

Honda Access, a subsidiary of the Honda

Group headquartered in Tokyo, manufactures

accessories for cars and motorcycles worldwide.

The final production part.


Streamlining Future Demand
The benefits of adopting 3D printing for end-of-

life goods may be even more substantial than

the cost-savings from prototyping. Omer Krieger,

General Manager of Stratasys Asia Pacific and

Japan, commented that “Spare parts supply from

the product life cycle is a growing space for us,

because companies start to think about, ‘Now,

An automotive wheel concept model printed by an Objet Eden500V.
how do I deliver this part 15 years from now?’”

With traditional manufacturing, a company must

Companies that adopt 3D printing in their
anticipate future demand a decade or more in
manufacturing will have an advantage over the
advance. Then, the spare parts must be stored
competition for embracing these trends.
and distributed as demanded. Should inventory

run out, a new run must be made at great expense

with poor lead times. Omer explained that rather

than putting the part on a shelf and waiting, with

3D printing “I can put files in my memory disk,

print and deliver it in 15 years.”

These three trends represent tremendous

opportunity for the bold manufacturer. Enhancing

infrastructure productivity by replacing physical

delivery of goods with digital transmission

will enable a company to generate growth in

markets previously inaccessible. Optimizing for

responsiveness in manufacturing operations

empowers a business to profitably produce short

runs on tight time schedules. Increased flexibility

in supply across the product life cycle promises

to improve customer satisfaction and potentially

provide higher margins in long-term contracts.



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