ManufacturingTheFuture Stratasys
ManufacturingTheFuture Stratasys
ManufacturingTheFuture Stratasys
T H E N E X T E R A O F G L O B A L I Z AT I O N W I T H 3 D P R I N T I N G
As the world flattens and interconnects more than ever before, the global market becomes
adopt best practices and crushes those who linger in the ways of the past. Three key
supply chains and product life cycle efficiency—and dictate success for manufacturers in
the 21st century. Companies that adopt 3D printing in their manufacturing and
digital link between remote design and local Pre-surgery planning and rehearsal using 3D printed models has
reduced the time for complex surgeries and improved success rates.
production in regional or local R&D facilities. Toru Kawakami, general manager for the
ASO International, a leading Japanese orthodontic 3D Printer. Now we can work with an orthodontist
laboratory, has built such a ubiquitous digital located just a few miles away or one that is located
Companies like ASO International can potentially A few bleeding-edge companies have gone even
expand their business everywhere. As long as further to meet short lead-time demands by
there is an internet connection, a design file can turning to digital manufacturing techniques, thus
be transmitted and 3D printed in a consistent enabling flexible manufacturing lines that can
fashion, thus increasing efficiency by streamlining easily change production from one product to the
the production process. Businesses can ultimately next with no retooling or rearrangement required.
do most of their development work in-house, This addresses the need for customization or any
This digital thread also enables manufacturers to
design changes.
outsourced our thermoforming requirements for Collin Wilkerson, Managing Director of Western
handmade wooden molds, we found that we were Tool & Mold, looked into 3D printing to ensure
accumulating significant labor costs and having to an aerospace customer could manufacture its
contend with lengthy lead times. However, since parts on time. “We can provide fast reactions
3D printing the injection molds ourselves, we have to immediate needs,” he noted. “In traditional
reduced lead times in the conceptual phase by manufacturing, you have to deal with quick spikes
The automotive and aerospace industries demand
7665 Commerce Way, Eden Prairie, MN 55344
+1 800 801 6491 (US Toll Free)
+1 952 937 3000 (Intl)
+1 952 937 0070 (Fax)
For more information about Stratasys systems, materials and applications, call 888.480.3548 or visit