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020791 A Calculation of Pseudo--Relative Permeability Curve

Using Reservoir Performance Data
Shengzong Zhang, The Research Institute; Jianguo Hu,
Research Institute; Zhongxing Li, Research Institute;
Keqiang Yu, Research Institute

COFy.:~i;t. 1990 Society of Petroleum Engineers

This manuscript was provided to the Society of Petroleum Engineers for distribution
and possible pUblication in an SPE journal. The material is subject to correction
by the author(s). Permission to copy is restricted to an abstract of not more than
300 words. Write SPE Book Order Dept., Library Tt:lchnician, P.O. Box 833836,
Richardson, TX 75083-3836 U.S.A. Telex 730989 SPEDAL.
MAR 2 11990

Zhang Shengzon~ Hu JianguQ

Li Zhongx.ing, Yu Keqiang

The research i n s i t i t u t e of

Changqing oilfield~ CHINA

SPE 2 0791

Amethod to obtain pseudo-relative permeability curve is given in this paper.
Through matching calculation with practical development data of hydrophilic
reservoirs, the method shows good adaptability.

Pseudo-relative· permeability curve is a important and basic data for design and analy-
sis of reservoir development. It is necessary to obtain the correct curve to perfectly rea-
lize reservoir development effect and search out reasonable recovery methods.
Low permeability reservoir development by water floodin~from beginning at production, is
generally a flow process of both oil and water. The process is affected by a variety of fac-
tors/mainly such as reservoir characteristics/ fluid properties, well pattern and production
management. A correct relative permeability curve should be able to behave the effects
caused by these factors. The curve which is only b,y laboratory does not meet this require-
ment. through differedt ways,reservoir engineers expect to find out a pseudo-relative
permeabi Ii ty curve which can behave the composite effects caused by the previous factors.
Now someinitial methods have been found out by a great deal of study work. The curves gained
by these methods are undoubtedly closer to actual reservoir development. It shows importance
of studying pseudo-relative permeability curve.
The pseudo-relative permeabil i ty curve studied in this paper is obtained through the
following steps.
1. Based on a large number of reservoir performance data, establishing statistical rela-
.' tionship of the four endpoints of the curve(i.e. the irreducible water saturation, the resi-

dual oil saturation, the oil relative permeabi li ty at the irreducible water saturation, the
water relative permeability at the residual oil saturation);
2. Considering reservoir characteristics and using data of capi llary pressure curve, making
out initial calculation of oil and water relative permeabilities;
3. According to actual reservoir developnent data, further matching reservoir development
. prt?cess.
After finistdng the previous wurk,' a pscudo-relaf1ve-peroi~~~tbiHt·Y(:lirv~~ 'c';;'n he uhta.i'neJ"·
which generally conforms to actual reservoir developnent prnl~(~ss.

The practical data show that the curve determined by this method can better behave reser-
voir properties and changing regularity of development indexes.

Study of the Feature Values of Relative

Permeability Curve
As we know,a caDplete relative permeability curve includes the irreducible water satura-
tion Swc,the residual oil saturation Sor,the oil relative permeability at the irreducible
water saturation Kro(Swc) and the water relati~ permeability at the residual oil saturation
1. Changing regularity of the irreducible water saturation
The irreducible, water saturation refers to the initial water saturation in oil zone. It
includes the irreducible water attracted on sand surface and the free water drops in pores.
At the irreducible water saturation, the effect of water on oil flow is so small that oil re-
lative permeability hardly reduces. Water relative permeability becaDes zero in that time
because water is a dispersed phase. and can notflow continuously.
To evaluate reserve at beginning of production, it is a important work to determine the
irreducible water saturation Swc in reservoir. In Changqing oilfield, a relation of the core
air permeability Kwith the irreducible water saturation Swc has been drawn out in order to
obtain the values of Swc in the reservoirs(Fig.l). The coring was using oil-based mud
and the effects of degas and volatilization on Swc were corrected. In Fig. 1, the relationship
between Kand Swc is expre~sed by
SPE 2 0791

Swc=-O.2957 (4+1gK) +0.8327 1.
R= 0.98384


, 0.&


- 0.6
.~ I
:~ 04-
~ 0·2

~ 0
.' I~

Fig.l The relationship between Swc and K

As shown in Fig. 1, the higher the value of K,the lower the value of Swc. When K is 0.001
~m2.. o. 01 ~m2
and o. 1 ~m2 respect ively, Swc is 0.537 0.396 and 0.285 correspondently. It
indicates that values of Swc are quite not equal with order of magnitude of K. Therefore,
corresponding Swc with different K should be used to ~alculate relative permeability curve.
2. Changing regularity of the residual oil saturation
Oil saturation, in terms of Reference 1 and the core data from the eight wells in flooded
region, was corrected to eliminate the effects of degas and volatilization. The residual oil
saturation Sor is defined as the oil saturation in the time when intervals corresponding to
analysed cores only produce water by verification of well testing. To be convenient to com-
pare cores each other,a concept of the residual oil ratio $, which means the ratio of the
residual oil saturation Sor to the initial oil saturation Soi in the same core, is introduced
- here. Evidently, the higher the value of ljJ, the more the residual oil in core and the worSG
the displacement efficiency. Factors of effect on \j) were discussed in Reference I in detail.
A statistical relation between K and ljJ is sho~ in Fig.2. The expression is
ljJ =0. 7918(2-lgK) -0.5838 2

. . ·'...
.._. 0.8 ....... .
. :- .
.. .-..
•• t •
'. :.:r. • t- . .-,
0.6 •• :""
·· .. ... . ...
" '.,
" . .
• 'I:' .'. .':
'. '..: ..,
-" .
..,. .. .
• :. •• I,

• • ' ••• e.

. '

. ---+,....L'D'::'-'---7.IO~~---~JOI

. I



Fig.l The relatiorl between ljJ and K

As shown in Fig. 2, the higher the value of K, the lower the value of ljJ. When K is 0.01,0.1
and 1I-l.m 2 respectively, ljJ is 0.780, 0.646 and 0.1477 correspondently. It shows that low per-
meabiBty zone in water flooding reservoir, thete is a great deal of residual oil and the
displacement efficiency is poor,and it will bJ better to the relatively high permeability
3, An analysis to the relative permeabi IHy at ISWC
It is clear that the closer to 1 the oil relJtive permeability, the smaller the effect of
the initial water saturation on it. Flowability of oil will descend obviously with increase
seE 2 079 1
of initial· water saturation in reservoir.
The oil relativp. permei.1oil ity at Swc have a good relat ion with the air permeabil i ty K ac-
cording to the experiment a 1 data from 75 relat ive permeabi 1l ty curves. It is
Kro(Swc)= O.2461IgK+O.822 3.
R= 0.91405




l:l-o 04



,&-' 10'
- f---·

Fig.3 The relation betlween Kro(Swc) and K

We can see from Fig.3 and Eq.3 that Kro(Swc) Jill increase with K increase, in other words)
the effect of water on oil is severe and flowabillity of oil will be weakened in the reser-
voir wi tll high ini tial water saturation. converJely) tIle effect is smal I and the flowahil i ty
will he better in the reservoir with low initial water satllration. The value of Kro(Swc)
wi 11 be low in the first case and higher in the second case.
4.An analysis to the water relative permeability at Sor
Oil will be in the isolated drop state and its relative permeability will become zero at
Sor. It is not difficult to see that the effect of oil in the isolated drop state on water is
serious. Krw(Sor) has the following relation with K based on stati~tics of laboratory data

seE 2' 079 1

which is shown in Fig.4.

. 0.0071
Krw(Sor)= 13.973-13.821 (l-lgK) 4.
R= 0.9396
-----' _- .


Fig.4 The relation between Krw(Sor) and K

All of equations from Eq.1 to Eq.4 show good relations with air permeability. It indicates

that values of the four endpoints are unlike for reservoirs with different properties.
Obviously, for different reservoirs, corresponding relative permeability curves are needed to
display flow features of both oil and water. It is not proper to expect to describe movement
regularity of both oil and water only using one relative permeability curve for a oilfield
composed of multi-reservoir. The relative permeability curve obtained only from laboratory
data is quite not coincident with actual reservoir development. The statistical relations
given in the paper is very convenient to search out the endpoints for different relative
permeability curves.

Calculation of Oil and Water Relative

SPE.2 079 1
Permeabilities Using Capillary Pressure Cur~e

It is not adeqate to make out a complete relative permeability curve only knowing the
feature values ( or endpoint values ). Changing regularity of oil and water permeabilities
with different wetting phase saturations must be known. Two aspects are generally considered
to seek this kind of calculation. The first is rich in data and simple reliable in method,
the second is convenient to match with actual development data.
From Purcell's study2 ,reservoir permeability has a relation with capillary pressure:
<I> 'A J ---=-d(Sw)
K=--( acos 8)2 5.
2 o Pc
Hence, oil and water permeabjlities in reservoir are respectively:
1 Sw 1
Kw=--( a cos 8 )2 J ---=-d 6.
<I> 'A
op 2 (Sw)

1 1
Ko=--( a cos 8 )2 <I> 'A J ~(Sw) 7.
2 . Sw Pc 2
Naturally,relative permeabilities to oil and water are:
J _1 d(Sw)
Kw 0 Pc
Krw=-=------------ 8.
K 1 I
J - d(Sw)
o Pc 2

1 1
J - d(Sw)
Ko Sw
Kro=-=--------------- 9.
K 1
J _1 d(Sw) ....._.
o Pc

Now, let Krw, Kro, Sw in Eqs.8 and 9 standardi ze:

Sw* 1 *
J - d(Sw )
o Pc 2

Kr;=-------------- 10.
J1 - 1 *
d(Sw )
o Pc 2

1 1
f - d(Sw) SPE 2 0791
1 1
f - d(Sw)
o pc 2

Brookx R.H and Corey A. T 3 gave out the relation between the capillary pressure Pc and the

finite wetting phase saturation Swt * based on numerousexperiment data:

Swt * =(Pc/Pe) -A 12.

Take the logarithm of Eq.12:

IgPc=IgPe-IgSwt * / A 13.
. *
It can.be seen from Eq.13 that the relation between Pc and Swt is the straight line with
the slop of -11 A, A is defined as the pore distribution index.
It has much to do with the air permeability K through statistics to the mercury injection
data of the 327 samples from Maling oilfield (Fig.5). The equation is

-0. 08521 19K-O. 3749

A =10 14.


~, '.0

...... .

,'. i .: .. &:~•• ,'
" " .,. '. : -.
: ••••••••• ",
, '. . .'":.'.
.... '" . ' ..:

. IZ:l
" :"1: ..,.


• .' i'"
. • , .


0.2. -4- IO-~ IO-l. 10" 10'


Fig.5 The relation between A and K

SPE.2 0791

The va 1ue of 'A is a factor to express even extent of pore distribution. When 'A approaches
_. 00 I pore distr ibution is even; When 'A is arourd 4, pore di stribution is miu·-h~tcrc~enAous;

When 'A is less than 1, pore distribution is very heterogeneous.

Eq.12 can also be written as
)( -II 'A
Pc=Pe (Swt ) 15.
Substi~uting Eq.15 into Eqs.l0 and 11, we have
)( * -II 'A
Krw =(Swt ) 16.
Kro = 1- (Swt )
* (2+'A)/'A 17.

In actual calculation,a item of factor is introduced into Eq.17:

Kro*=( I-Swt)2
* * (2+'A)/'A )
(l-tswt) 18.

Eqs.16 and 17 are calculating formulas to obtain the standardized relative permeability

curve of oil and water phases. When 'A i $ known, the relat ion curves of Kro* and Krw wi th Swt * *
can be calculated out.
lt is clear that actual relat ive permeabi lit ies of oi 1 and water can be wr j tten as:

Krw= Krw • Krw(Sor) 19.

Kro= Kro* • Kro(Swc) 20.

Substituting Eqs.16 and 18 into Eqs. 19 and 20 respectively, we have

Krw =( Swt )
* (2+'A)1 'A• Krw(Sor) 21.
Kro =( }- Swt )2 • ( 1-( Swt )
* (2+1..)1 'A ) . Kro($wc) 22.

The relation between Swt* and Swt is

* Swt- Swc
=--- - - - - 23.
1- Swc- Sor
SPE 2 0791

Substituting Eq.23 into Eqs.21 and 22 separately:

Swt - Swc (2 +A)/ A
Krw =( -) . Krw( Sor) 24.
1- Swc- Sor

Swt -Swc Swt -Swc (2 +A)/ A

Kro=(l- )2 [1-( ) ] Kro(Swc) 25.
I-Swc-Sor I-Swc-Sor
It is known from Eqs.24 and 25 that when the values OfA,Swc,Sor,Kro(Swc) and Krw(Sor) are
aware, a complete relative permeability curve can be drawn out. The above rcht.ions are gai-
ned under displacement condition which means oil drives water in hydrophilic reservoir.
Imbibition relative permeability should be used for the process in which water (wetting
phase) drives oil (non-wetting phase). For wetting phase, relative permeabilities of imbibi-
tion and displacement are coincident, that is, relative permeability of wetting phase is only
a function of itself saturation. For non-wetting phase, imbibition relative permeability is·
always less than displacement relative permeability at the same saturation.
Land4 thinks the key to calculate the two-phase imbibition relative permeability curve is
to correct non-wetting phase saturation by means of the trap saturation.

Swt* +snw* = 1 26.

Substituting Eq.26 into Eq.22,we have

Krnt *=( Snw)2

* • ( }-( }- Snw*)(2+i\)/A ) 27.

For imbibition relative permeability of non-wetting phase is expressed using the free sa-

* Eq.27 can be written as

turation Snwf.
* ¥ * (2+A)/A
Krnt =( Snwf)2 (}-( 1- Snwf » ) 28.
In process of reservoir develupment, total effective non-wetting phase saturation Snw* is

seE 2·0791
* and the trap saturation Snwt,
equal to the sum of the free saturation Snw! * that is,

Snw* = Snw! + Sowt * 29.

Through derivin~Land *
gave the expression of thefree saturation Snw! as follows:

Snwf * * J(Snw-Snwr)2
=-z1 [(Snw-Snwr)+ * * * * ]
+-e4 (Snw-Snwr) 30.

Relative permeabi Ii ties to oil and water phases "for t he imbibition process in hydropi lie
reservoir are derived by
* * (2+A)/ A
Krw =( Swt ) 31.
* *
Kro =( Sof )2 • ( 1-(
* (2+A)/A )
I-So! ) 32.
Sof*=--1 [(So
. *-SOf)+j(SO
* *-Sor)2
* 4 * * ]
t-- (So -Sor) 33.
2 e
Soi *
SO! 34.
1+ eSoi *

Eqs.31 and 32 are the standardized relative permeabi li ty calculation. Let them be trans-
formed into actual relation permeabilities:

Krw = Krw • Krw(Sor) 35.

Kro *
= Kro • Kro(Swc) 36.
1- Swc

The trap constant e is given by the following equations:

1 1
---=e 38.
Sor * Soi *
* Sor
Sor : : - - - - 39.
1- Swc
* Soi
Soi = - - - - 40.
1- Swc

The value of C wi 11 be inf inity if no trap (Sor=O)~ The higher the vai ue of C, the smaller
the trap capacity.
C is also written in this form:
I-Swc 1-Swc
--=C 41.
Sor Soi
Introduced the residual oil ratio "', Eq.41 can be expressed by
- - 1= C 42.
That is
1- 1\J
C-'--- 43.

Substituting Eq.43 into Eq.34:

* Soi
Sor = - - - - - - - -
1+( 1- '" ) Soi *
Eq.44 is simplified as the following:

Sor = 1\J 45.

Substituting Eqs.37 and 45 into Eq.33, the free saturation (non-wetting phase) Sof is deri- *

Sof*= 2 ( A+ JA2 +-1- " ' -

1- l\J
A) 46.

r--= 1- Sw
1- Swc -l\J

Then, calculating formulas of the imbibi tion relative permeabi Ii ty curve are

Sw- Swc (2+ "A )1 "A

Krw =( ) . Krw(Sor) 48.
1- Swc- Sor
Kro =(Sof )2 • (1-( 1- Sof )
* (2+"A)/"A) . Kro(Swc) 49.

SPE 2 0191
Matching Oil-Water Relative Permeability
Curve Using Actual Reservoir Data"
Reservoir development process is usually complicated. How to perfectly indicate this
process in relative permeability curve is the key to gain the correct relative permeability
curve. The method to solve the problem is to match the calculated relative permeability
curve so as to coincide with practical development.
It is proved by numerous operation that the results after correcting 'A are more suitable
to practical reservoir development. The dbplacemen t relative permeability curve after cor-
recting 'A is derived from the following equations:
Swt- Swc (2+ a 'A)/ a 'A
Krw =( -) • Krw( Sor) 50.
1- Swc- Sor
Swt -Swc Swt -Swc (2 + a 'A) 1 a 'A
Kro=(l )2 [1-(--------) ] Kro(Swc) 51.
1-Swc-Sor 1-Swc-Sor

For the imbibition relative permeability curve, the equations are

Sw- Swc (2+a A)/a A

Krw = ( - - - - - - ) . Krw(Sor) 52.
1- Swc- Sor
~ l( (2+a 'A)I a 'A
Kro=(Sof)2 (1-( l-Sof ) ) . Kro(Swc) 53.

It is known that the ratio Kro/Krw has a relat ion wi th Sw:

Kro -bSw
= a.e 54.
and the fractional flow formula is

fw =--- - - - - - 55.
1+ - - . - -
~o Krw
Substituting Eq.54 into Eq.55:
fw------- 56.
l-L w -bSw

seE ,2 0791

According to the definition of the recovery ratioR,we have

sw -Swc 57.
1 - Swc
_ 1- fw
Sw =SW2 + . _ - - 58.

For a definite relative permeability curve, the values of a and b are determinate. IJ.0/ IJ.W
and Swc are also aware to certain oi lfield. Therefore, when Sw(or SW2 ) is given, the recovery
ratio R and the corresponding water percentage fw can be obtainedfrom Eqs.56, 57 and 58.
A relationship curve between fw and R can be drawn out using pracl ieat data of reservoir
development. For a displacing-type oilfield (i.e. non-wetting phase drives wetting phase),
the relation of the theoretical water percentage with the recovery ratio is calculated
through Eqs.49, 51, 56, 57 and 58. For a imbibiting-type oilfield (i.e wetting-phase drives
non-wetting phase), that is done through Eqs.52, 53, 56, 57 and 58. Then, by ll/.:t!~;ting the
value of a in the equat ions, a optimum match will b reached between theoretical calculation
and practical development data.
It is determined through laborat.ory work that Malin oilfield etc. ate hydrophilic reser-
voirs. The imbibition relative permeability curve is suitable to them, that is,Eqs. 52 and 53
should be used.
The relations between the water sataration and the recovery ratio after metched are illus-
trated as followl
ML oilfield ( Fig. 6, a )
The first central region in ML oilfield ( Fig.6, b )
The second northern region in ML oilfield ( Fig. 6, c )
The central region in DSK oilfield ( Fig. 6, d )
BYJ oi If ield ( Fig. 6, e )
The first northern region in ML oilfield ( Fig.6, f )
CH oilfield (Fig.6,g)
The first southern region in ML oilfield ( Fig.6, h )
HJZ oilfield ( Fig.6, i )
The pseudo-relative permeability curves after matched are the following:
ML oilfield ( Fig. 7, a )
Tho first region in ML 01 lfield (F1g.7,b)

SPE 2 0791
The second northern region in ML oilfield ( Fig.7,c )
The central region in DSK oilfield ( Fig.7,d )
BY! oilfield ( Fig. 7, e )
'- The first northern region in ML oi If ield ( Fig.7, f )
CH oilfield ( Fig. 7, g )
The first southern region in ML oilfield ( Fig. 7, h )
HJZ oi If ield ( Fig. 7, i )

1. Through much theoretical study and production practice, people has realized more and
more that it is not suitable to use the oil-water relative permeability curve for reservoir
development which is only produced in laboratory. It is necessary to search for pseudo-rela-
tive permeabllity curve closer to actual reservoir developnlcnt.
2. The pseudo-relative permeability curve given in this paper.. hased on a large munher of
development data and considering dL,tribution regularity of the initical water saturatiun
and the residual oil saturation) can behave tlte features of oil saturation and waterflooding
recovery objectively.
3. The research results have been obtained before in which the capillary pressure is used
to describe the changing regularty of wetting and non-wetting phases.Utilizing these retults)
the calculation of pseudo-relative permeability is put forward in the paper with integrity
in theory and strictness in logic. Therefore) the calculation is generally suitable for wa-
terflooding oilfield.
4. Through matching calculation to nearly ten regions in Changqing oilfield, it is proved
that the calculation of pseudo--relative permeability curve recommended in the paper is wide-
ly of lisevalue and can be used for waterflooding reservoir. The curve obtained from the r.al-
culation isable to correct ly behave basic features of reservuir development.

C = a trapping characteristic constant

SPE 20791

fw :. water fractional flow (cut)

K :; permeabi lity to air, lJ.m2
Ko :; permeability to oil, lJ.m2
-- Kw = permeabi Ii ty to water, lJ.m2
Kro = relat~ve permeability to oil
Krw :; relative permeability to water
Kr~ = effective relative permeability to oil
KrtV =. effective relative permeability to water
Kro(Swc)= relative permeability to oil at Swc
Krw(Sor):; relative permeability to water at Sor
Pc :; capillary pressure
Pe = canst.
R :; oil recovery
Snw = effective non-welt ing phase saturat ion, fract ion of effect ive pore space
Snwf :; mobile or Ifree l effective non-wetting phase saturation, fraction of effective pore
Sn"Wr = res i dual or n irreduci bIen effec live non-wet t i ng phase sa turati on, fraction of errec-
tive pore space.
Sn;t = effective non-wetting phase saturation, fraction of effective pore space
So = oil saturation, fraction of pore space
Sor = residual or n irreducible· oi 1 saturation, fract inn of pore space
scr :; effective oil saturation, fration of effctive pore space
Sof = mobile or -free l effective oil saturation, fraction of effective pore space
sOT = ititial effective oil saturaation,fraction of effective pure space
Sor* = residual effective oil sat.urat ion, fraction of effective pore space
Sw = water saturation, fraction of pore space
Swc = residual or nirreducible- water saturation,fraction of pore space
Sw~ = effective water saturation, fraction of effective pore space
Sw7 = effective wetting phasion of effctive pore space
A = pore distribution index
~ = residual oil ratio

1. Zhang Shengzong et al : "Factors Affecting Residual Oil Saturation and its Distribution
in a Wuter-Wetted Tight Reservoir during Waterflooding." The paper of the Third Inter-
national Meeting on Petroleum Engineering (SPE.17824), 1988.
2. Purcell, W. R.: "Capi llary Pressures-Their Measurement Using Mercury and the Calculation
of Permeability TIlcreform." Trans. AlME (194a) 186.
3. Brookx,R.H. and Corey,A.T.: "Hydraulic Prnpert:es elf Pornus Media." Hydraulic Paper No.
3, Colorado Stale University. 1964.
4. Lann.. C.S.: "Comparison of Calculated With Experimental Imbihition Relative Permeabilit;;."
Trans. AIME (1871),251.

The author's name and address: Zhang Shengzong and Hu Jianguo

P.O. Box 215
Qingyang, Gansu

SP,E 2 0791

----------_ .. -.- .. _. -------_ ... _-.

SfE 20791

. ... _-.--
·s .,

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',- .J._ .~

;s 0
.!If 4'

_ _-----
~ _._---_.
'(,11 _
---_.- ------- .. _._---
Ir: I


., .,
0 ..
f -I ., -,
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.U '.10 .~

, .lS .t:J ·4' -ss 4'

\:t.l cj)
0 .J ·s ~
p., ·4 .. ...
., ., .~


., ., .,
.1$ -IS
'lIS .- 'JS ·If

.•. ,/" (i)

Jo. ,_

- . "l~~~~

Fig.7 The pseudo-relative permeability curves

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