MG 2 11 18
MG 2 11 18
MG 2 11 18
Reference: (a) RMI Marine Notice 2-011-13, International Safety Management (ISM) Code
This Marine Guideline provides a reference list to assist in International Safety Management (ISM)
Code compliance. It should be used in conjunction with the Republic of the Marshall Islands (RMI)
Maritime Administrator’s (the “Administrator”) Marine Notice (MN) 2-011-13.
This version supersedes Oct/2023. Section 6.0 has been amended to reference the latest issuance
of the port State control procedures, IMO Assembly Resolution A.1185(33), Procedures for Port
State Control, 2023, adopted 6 December 2023.
This Guideline should be referred to by all Companies and RMI-flagged vessels to which the ISM
Code applies and those that voluntarily comply with it.
There are many regulations and guidelines, internationally adopted and industry-initiated, that a
Company should consider when developing, managing, and implementing an ISM Safety
Management System (SMS). A non-exhaustive list of these instruments and publications
follows in §1.0.
The RMI Maritime Act 1990 (the “Maritime Act”) establishes the foundation for the RMI
Maritime Regulations (the “Maritime Regulations”). Compliance with RMI laws,
regulations, codes, rules, and standards is mandatory. Rules and standards that are
particularly important for ISM compliance include:
Compliance with RMI Marine Notices is mandatory as they are an extension of the
Maritime Regulations. Marine Notices which are particularly relevant to ISM compliance
are listed below. Many of these are already referred to in MN 2-011-13.
Notice Title
MN 2-011-14 Maintenance and Inspection of Fire Protection Systems
and Appliances
MN 2-011-16 International Ship and Port Facility Security (ISPS) Code
MN 2-011-33 Maritime Labour Convention, 2006 Inspection and Certification Program
MN 2-011-37 Lifesaving Appliances and Systems
MN 2-011-39 Piracy, Armed Robbery, and the Use of Armed Security
MN 2-011-47 Plans and Procedures to Recover Persons from the Water
MN 2-013-2 MARPOL Recordkeeping and Reporting Requirements
MN 2-013-4 Approval for Shipboard Marine Pollution Emergency Plans for Oil and/or
Noxious Liquid Substances
MN 2-013-12 MARPOL Annex VI, Chapter 4 – Regulations on the Carbon Intensity of
International Shipping
MN 2-014-1 Ballast Water Management
MN 5-034-1 Safety Inspection Program
MN 5-034-3 Operational Safety Checklist for SOLAS 74/78 Requirements
MN 7-038-2 Minimum Safe Manning Requirements for Vessels
MN 7-038-4 Principles of Watchkeeping
MN 7-041-1 Entering Enclosed Spaces – Safety Precautions
MN 7-041-5 Electronic Record Books and Logbook Systems
MN 7-041-6 Nautical Chart and Publication Carriage and Electronic Chart Display and
Information System (ECDIS) Requirements
MN 7-042-1 Medical Care on Board Ship and Ashore: Medicine Chest, Recordkeeping,
Responsibilities and Training for Medical Care
MN 7-044-1 Accommodations, Recreational Facilities, Food, Catering, and Water
MN 7-045-1 Demonstrating Compliance of Seafarer Recruitment and Placement Services
MN 7-046-1 Articles of Agreement between the Master and Seafarers in the Merchant
Service of the Republic of the Marshall Islands (Shipping Articles)
MN 7-049-1 Shipboard Occupational Health and Safety, including Hazardous Work
Issues for Seafarers Under 18 Years Old
MN 7-051-1 Payment of Wages – Account
MN 7-051-2 Minimum Hours of Rest
MN 7-052-1 Repatriation
MN 7-053-1 On Board Complaint Procedures
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Guideline Title
MG 2-11-16 Maritime Cyber Risk Management
MG 2-13-3 Oil Record Book Guidelines
MG 2-14-1 Ballast Water Management
MG 5-34-2 Guidelines for Undergoing a Port State Control Inspection
MG 6-36-1 Guidelines on the Control of Ships in an Emergency
Notification and Reporting of Marine Casualties, Marine Incidents,
MG 6-36-2
Occurrences and Offenses
MG 7-41-5 Stowaways: Prevention of Unauthorized Access and Case Resolution
MG 7-44-1 Food Handling, Storage and Preparation
MG 7-45-1 Guidance on Seafarer Employment Agreements
MG 7-47-1 Guidance on Medical Exams and Certificates for Seafarers
The following IMO and ILO Conventions, to which the RMI is a Party, are particularly
significant for ISM compliance.
Convention Title
International Convention for the Control and Management of Ships’
BWM 2004
Ballast Water and Sediments, 2004
Convention on the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at
Sea, 1972, as Amended
CSC 1972 International Convention for Safe Containers, 1972
LL 1966 & LL International Convention on Load Lines, 1966 and Protocol of 1988,
Protocol 1988 relating to the International Convention on Load Lines, 1966
Protocol of 1978 Relating to the International Convention for the
Prevention of Pollution from Ships, 1973
MLC, 2006 Maritime Labour Convention, 2006
SOLAS International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, 1974, as Amended
International Convention on Standards, Training, Certification and
Convention &
Watchkeeping for Seafarers, 1978, including the 2010 Manila amendments
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Code Title
CSS Code Code of Safe Practice for Cargo Stowage and Securing
International Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying
IBC Code
Dangerous Chemicals in Bulk
International Code of Safety for Ships Using Gases or Other
IGF Code
Low-Flashpoint Fuels
IMDG Code International Maritime Dangerous Goods Code
IMSBC Code International Maritime Solid Bulk Cargoes Code
ISPS Code International Ship and Port Facility Security Code, (Part A)
Code for the Construction and Equipment of Mobile Offshore Drilling
Units (1979, 1989, and 2009 MODU Codes)
Polar Code International Code for Ships Operating in Polar Waters
SPS Code Code of Safety for Special Purpose Ships
Assembly Resolutions
Decisions of the Shipmaster with regard to Maritime Safety and
Marine Environment Protection, 15 November 1979
General Principles for Ship Reporting Systems and Ship Reporting
Requirements, Including Guidelines for Reporting Incidents
A.851(20) involving Dangerous Goods, Harmful Substances and/or Marine
Pollutants, 27 November 1997, as amended by MEPC.138(53), 22
July 2005
A.1185(33) Procedures for Port State Control, 2023, 6 December 2023
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Depending on the ship type and their relevance, the following best practice guidelines and
tools may be helpful in developing, implementing, and improving the SMS.
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Guidelines on Good Employment Practice ( ISF)
ILO Maritime Labour Convention 2006: A Guide for the Shipping Industry
Marlins English Language Test for Seafarers
On Board Training Record Book for Deck Ratings
On Board Training Record Book for Engine Ratings
On Board Training Record Book for Engineer Cadets
On Board Training Record Books for Deck Cadets
Personal Training and Service Record Book
The STCW Convention: Incorporating STCW Checklists
Watchkeeper (IMO/ILO work hour record program) (ISF)
Joint Publications
Industry Non-Governmental Organizations Best Management Practices to Deter Piracy and
Enhance Maritime Security in the Red Sea, Gulf
of Aden, Indian Ocean and Arabian Sea
ICS/OCIMF/IAPH International Safety Guide for Oil Tankers and
ICS/OCIMF Peril at Sea and Salvage - A Guide for Masters
ICS/ISF Pirates and Armed Robbers - Guidelines on
Prevention for Masters and Ship Security
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ISO 31000:2018 addresses the entire management system that supports the design,
implementation, maintenance, and improvement of risk management processes.
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