2021 Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome Update, W
2021 Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome Update, W
2021 Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome Update, W
Expert Review
2021 Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome Update,
With Coronavirus Disease 2019 Focus
Carson Welker, MD*, Jeffrey Huang, MD*,
nez Gil, MD, PhD, FESCy,
Ivan J. N
Harish Ramakrishna, MD, FACC, FESC, FASEz
Division of Critical Care Medicine, Department of Anesthesiology and Perioperative Medicine, Mayo Clinic,
Rochester, MN
Department of Cardiology, Cardiovascular Institute, Hospital Clınico San Carlos, Madrid, Spain
Division of Cardiovascular and Thoracic Anesthesiology, Department of Anesthesiology and Perioperative
Medicine, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN
Acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) is a heterogeneous lung disease responsible for significant morbidity and mortality among
critically ill patients, including those infected with severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2, the virus responsible for coronavirus
disease 2019. Despite recent advances in pathophysiology, diagnostics, and therapeutics, ARDS is dangerously underdiagnosed, and sup-
portive lung protective ventilation and prone positioning remain the mainstay interventions. Rescue therapies, including neuromuscular
blockade and venovenous extracorporeal membrane oxygenation, remain a key component of clinical practice, although benefits are
unclear. Even though coronavirus disease 2019 ARDS has some distinguishing features from traditional ARDS, including delayed onset,
hyperinflammatory response, and pulmonary microthrombi, it clinically is similar to traditional ARDS and should be treated with estab-
lished supportive therapies.
Ó 2021 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Key Words: acute respiratory distress syndrome; ventilator-induced lung injury; mechanical ventilation; coronavirus disease 2019; COVID-19; prone position;
neuromuscular blocking agents; extracorporeal membrane oxygenation; nitric oxide; positive end-expiratory pressure
ADVANCES in acute respiratory distress syndrome widely underrecognized, with resulting underutilization of
(ARDS) diagnosis and therapy have developed steadily over LPV. Morbidity burden remains extremely high in survivors
the last 50 years. However, mortality has remained static at of ARDS who may experience post-traumatic stress disorder,
30%-to-40% the last ten years, and the disease is underdiag- post-intensive care syndrome, long-term physical disability,
nosed, with disparate effects on race, poverty, and sex.1 and neuromuscular weakness.
Although lung-protective ventilation (LPV) and prone posi- Although severe coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19)
tioning clearly have been shown to reduce mortality, questions often meets diagnostic criteria of traditional ARDS, additional
remain about the benefit of rescue therapies such as paralysis, features have been reported, such as delayed onset, binary pul-
inhaled pulmonary-vascular vasodilators, extracorporeal mem- monary compliant states, and hypercoagulable profile, which
brane oxygenation (ECMO), and other pharmacologic thera- have obscured the utility of traditional ARDS therapies. The
pies. Despite the expansion of ARDS management, it remains efficacy of steroids in COVID-19 and need for systemic anti-
coagulation have been established, but other targeted COVID-
Address correspondence to Harish Ramakrishna, MD, FACC, FESC,
19 therapies have not been found to be effective in reducing
FASE, Division of Cardiovascular and Thoracic Anesthesiology, Department mortality. Despite its novelty, COVID-19 ARDS has clear
of Anesthesia and Perioperative Medicine, Mayo Clinic, 200 First St SW, crossover with traditional ARDS therapy, and lung-protective
Rochester, MN 55901. ventilation and prone positioning should be widely used.
E-mail address: Ramakrishna.harish@mayo.edu (H. Ramakrishna).
1053-0770/Ó 2021 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
C. Welker et al. / Journal of Cardiothoracic and Vascular Anesthesia 36 (2022) 11881195 1189
iatrogenic damage from mechanical ventilation remain the pil- diastolic area to left ventricular end-diastolic area (RVEDA/
lar of ARDS therapy. During mechanical ventilation, lung LVEDA) ratio and septal dyskinesia.40 Prone positioning, in
injury can occur on either end of the pulmonary hysteresis conjunction with LPV, is a well-validated therapy in ARDS,
curve where overdistention can cause volutrauma and baro- and a clear mortality benefit has been demonstrated when used
trauma, whereas negative transpulmonary pressures during in a protocolized fashion in ten-to-12-hour sessions.41 Prone
exhalation can cause atelectrauma from repetitive small airway positioning in awake, non-intubated patients with COVID-19
collapse and reexpansion. A recent systematic review and pneumonia has been shown to improve oxygenation, but the
meta-analysis confirmed the tenets of LPV (ie, tidal volume effect on survival remains unclear.42 Successful proning has
limited to 4-8 mL/kg [predicted body weight based on height], been described in both awake and intubated pregnant patients
plateau pressures <30 cmH2O, and higher PEEP).32 A signifi- with COVID-19.43 Current guidelines from the National Insti-
cant recent addition revealed that lower driving pressures tutes of Health recommend that mechanically ventilated
(defined as plateau pressure minus PEEP) are associated with patients with moderate-to-severe COVID-19 ARDS undergo
decreased mortality.33 Higher PEEP titration generally is con- prone ventilation for 12- to-16 hours per day.44
sidered to be a reasonable strategy to aid in oxygenation.34
The ART trial, a recent multicenter, randomized controlled Fluid Management
trial, showed worsened 28-day mortality with such a strategy,
although the results should be interpreted with caution because Fluid overload has deleterious effects in ARDS, as shown
the trial used recruitment maneuvers as high as 45 cmH2O.35 by the landmark FACTT trial, in which conservative fluid
High-frequency oscillation is not recommended in ARDS.34 management resulted in fewer days of mechanical ventila-
Given the similar respiratory mechanics between patients with tion and intensive care unit (ICU) stay.45 Positive-pressure
ARDS from COVID-19 versus other causes, and absence of ventilation and increased pulmonary vascular constriction
evidence to the contrary, patients with COVID-19 should be can independently increase fluid retention and interstitial
ventilated with traditional lung-protective strategies and indi- edema regardless of fluid administration.46 Based on recent
vidualized levels of PEEP.32 randomized controlled trials and meta-analyses, a fluid-
Esophageal manometry has gained popularity as a tool for restrictive strategy remains the preferred management, with
individually tailoring plateau and driving pressures. This benefits including enhanced oxygenation, fewer days on
technology estimates the transpulmonary pressure (the pres- mechanical ventilation, and fewer days in the ICU.46,47 A
sure gradient across alveoli) by accounting for intrapleural recent large, retrospective study also suggested mortality
pressures, in contrast to traditional direct airway pressure benefit with a fluid restrictive strategy.48 Although there is
measurements.36 Measuring the end-inspiratory and end- no consensus on specific fluid restriction goals, limiting
expiratory pressures in both the airway and the esophagus maintenance intravenous fluids and active diuresis are com-
generates a transpulmonary pressure profile that is useful in mon clinical practices.
obesity, when chest wall compliance can become so poor that
the effective PEEP can remain negative even with high PEEP ARDS Rescue Therapies: Paralysis, Inhaled Pulmonary
settings. In the 2019 EPVent-2 randomized controlled trial, Vasodilators, and Venovenous ECMO
there was no difference in mortality between ventilation man-
agement using esophageal manometry and traditional PEEP/ Even with the previously discussed standard ARDS thera-
FIO2 titration. However, the control PEEP was never lower pies, refractory hypoxemia in ARDS is a common clinical
than 20 cmH2O, and a prone position strategy was not used in feature requiring rescue therapies to maintain adequate oxy-
the trial, two factors that limit generalizability.37 Esophageal genation. Neuromuscular blockade commonly has been
manometry remains heavily institutionally-dependent with used to promote ventilator synchrony, particularly after the
unclear benefit. landmark ACURASYS trial demonstrated a 90-day mortal-
ity benefit from 48 hours of continuous cisatracurium infu-
Prone Positioning in ARDS and COVID-19 sion in a multicenter, randomized controlled trial.49
However, the mortality benefit has come into question with
Prone positioning is a well-established therapy in ARDS, the subsequent ROSE trial in 2019, which demonstrated no
with a 90-day mortality benefit first elucidated in the landmark mortality benefit.50 Even though the ROSE trial had a large,
PROSEVA trial.38 Prone positioning optimizes lung recruit- randomized cohort, it was unblinded and a significant num-
ment and lung perfusion while augmenting the functional size ber of patients who received paralysis were excluded from
of the lung, which can prevent regional barotrauma. Prone the trial, which may have favored the control group. In addi-
positioning also enhances secretion clearance and may tion, the ROSE trial was stopped for futility, which rendered
decrease rates of ventilator-associated pneumonia.39 Prone the trial underpowered. Despite conflicting data, paralysis
positioning also may alleviate the right ventricular strain that remains common practice in severe ARDS as both rescue
occurs secondary to increased pulmonary vascular resistance and routine therapy.
during hypoxemia and hypercarbia. Right ventricular strain Pulmonary vasodilators, such as inhaled nitrous oxide, never
has been shown to demonstrably improve on echocardiography have demonstrated mortality benefit and have been believed to
during prone positioning, with a reduced right ventricular end- contribute to renal injury. However, they remain in clinical use
C. Welker et al. / Journal of Cardiothoracic and Vascular Anesthesia 36 (2022) 11881195 1191
for refractory hypoxemia.51 Evidence remains limited. Recent Traditional ARDS Pharmacologic Therapies
Cochrane reviews suggest that even though inhaled nitrous
oxide and inhaled prostaglandins may confer transiently Aside from glucocorticoids in COVID-19 ARDS, no other
improved oxygenation, they likely are harmful and worsen pharmacologic therapy has been shown to decrease mortality
renal function.52,53 in ARDS. Glucocorticoids have been studied extensively in
Venovenous (VV)-ECMO clearly can improve oxygenation nonCOVID-19 ARDS and traditionally have been believed
in severe ARDS, but there remains a paucity of clinical trials, to worsen mortality.59 Recent randomized trials and meta-
including the recent randomized controlled EOLIA trial, which analyses have suggested mixed results with some signal of
showed no mortality benefit but was limited by significant faster clinical improvement with glucocorticoids.60,61
treatment crossover.54,55 Proposed benefits of VV-ECMO Other potential pharmacologic therapies in traditional
include the ability to “rest” the lungs to mitigate iatrogenesis ARDS, including dual budesonide and formoterol therapy,
or even facilitate extubation followed by physical therapy. which has been shown to reduce hospital length of stay,
Exclusion criteria vary by institution but typically include pro- improve oxygenation and perhaps even attenuate severity.62
longed mechanical ventilation, older age, obesity, active can- Sivelestat sodium, a neutrophil elastase inhibitor, may improve
cer, neurologic injury, and unwitnessed cardiac arrest. Even oxygenation but with no mortality or duration benefit.63 A
though VV-ECMO cannulation is highly dependent on institu- recent randomized controlled trial showed no improvement
tion and resource availability, it commonly is used as rescue with adult surfactant, and this therapy currently is not recom-
therapy, and referral should be considered early in the disease mended.64 Statins also have been investigated as ARDS treat-
course. Because of the resource-intensive nature of ECMO ment based on animal studies but have not been found to be
and the large pool of potential candidates, patients with beneficial in humans.65 A summary of recent and pertinent
COVID-19 should exhaust traditional therapies before initia- clinical trial outcomes for traditional ARDS can be found in
tion of ECMO. Stringency of selection criteria should be Table 1.33,35,37,38,45,49,50,54,55,59,60,62,64
adjusted as healthcare systems escalate in surge capacity.56
The mortality rate of patients with COVID-19 ARDS requiring COVID-19 ARDS Pharmacologic Therapies
any form of ECMO has been estimated at 39%.57 Optimal
mechanical ventilation strategies on VV-ECMO in the setting Patients hospitalized with COVID-19 ARDS requiring sup-
of COVID-19 ARDS remain unclear.58 plemental oxygen or invasive mechanical ventilation had
Table 1
Key ARDS Trials
Abbreviations: AHR, adjusted hazard ratio; ARDS, acute respiratory distress syndrome; ECMO, extracorporeal membrane oxygenation; HR, hazard ratio; ICU,
intensive care unit; NNT, number needed to treat; PEEP, positive end-expiratory pressure; RR, relative risk; VV, venovenous.
1192 C. Welker et al. / Journal of Cardiothoracic and Vascular Anesthesia 36 (2022) 11881195
lower 28-day mortality with the use of dexamethasone 6 mg patients with COVID-19 who required ICU admission.80 This
daily for ten days. There was no mortality benefit for those was much higher than the incidence of 2.8%-to-5.6% reported
receiving no respiratory support.30 In patients with moderate in nonCOVID-19 hospitalized patients.81-83 Subgroup analy-
or severe COVID-19 ARDS receiving standard of care, addi- sis of a retrospective study showed that among mechanically
tion of a ten-day course of intravenous dexamethasone (20 mg ventilated patients, mortality was 29.1% with therapeutic anti-
daily for five days followed by 10 mg daily for five days) coagulation compared with 62.7%. However, the study did not
increased the number of ventilator-free days during the first report patient characteristics, indications for anticoagulation,
28 days.31 Studies have failed to demonstrate a benefit with or descriptions of other therapies and did not discuss survival
hydrocortisone or methylprednisolone.66,67 A recent system- bias.84 A meta-analysis by the American Society of Hematol-
atic review and meta-analysis demonstrated that corticosteroid ogy compared therapeutic with prophylactic anticoagulation
treatment for COVID-19 infection was associated with signifi- and found that therapeutic anticoagulation decreased pulmo-
cant reductions in mortality and need for invasive mechanical nary embolism (odds ratio 0.09) but significantly increased
ventilation, but may be associated with delayed viral clearance major bleeding (odds ratio 3.84), with a statistically insignifi-
and increased secondary infections.68 cant decrease in mortality.85 Large multicenter trials compar-
Remdesivir has been shown to shorten time to recovery in ing therapeutic with prophylactic anticoagulation are in
adult patients hospitalized with COVID-19 with evidence of progress. At present, the National Institutes of Health recom-
lower respiratory tract infection.69 At the time of this writing, mends that all hospitalized COVID-19 patients without evi-
the National Institutes of Health guidelines did not recommend dence of venous thromboembolism should be placed on
remdesivir for patients who require mechanical ventilation prophylactic anticoagulation, while acknowledging that there
because of insufficient evidence of benefit in this population.44 is controversy regarding initiating intermediate-dose anticoa-
Many other therapies currently are being studied, including gulation among critically ill patients.44
convalescent plasma, monoclonal antibodies against the sur- Although SARS-CoV-2 viral entry into cells is mediated by
face spike glycoprotein of the SARS-CoV-2 virus, mesenchy- the ACE2 receptor, and chronic use of angiotensin-converting
mal stem cell infusion, ruxolitinib, interferon-a2b, and enzyme inhibitors or angiotensin-receptor blockers theoreti-
tocilizumab.70-76 Hydroxychloroquine has not been associated cally upregulates ACE2 receptor expression, patients who are
with a significant clinical benefit.77,78 on chronic angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors or angio-
COVID-19 infection results in an inflammatory and pro- tensin- receptor blockers do not have a clinically significantly
thrombotic state.79 A systematic review and meta-analysis increased risk of COVID-19 diagnosis or hospitalization.86 A
demonstrated a venous thromboembolism incidence of 14.1% summary of important COVID-19 ARDS trials can be found
among all patients hospitalized with COVID-19 and 22.7% in in Table 2.30,31,66,67,69,71,74,76-78
Table 2
Key COVID-19 ARDS Trials
Abbreviations: ARDS, acute respiratory distress syndrome; COVID-19, coronavirus disease 2019; CT, computed tomography.
C. Welker et al. / Journal of Cardiothoracic and Vascular Anesthesia 36 (2022) 11881195 1193
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