Lycoming 1E4
Lycoming 1E4
Lycoming 1E4
Notes: 1. This AD schedule is applicable to Lycoming AEIO-540 and IO-540 series engines
manufactured under FAA Type Certificate Number 1E4.
2. The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) is the National Airworthiness Authority
(NAA) responsible for the issue of State of Design Airworthiness Directives (ADs)
for Lycoming reciprocating engines. State of Design ADs can be obtained directly
from the FAA website at
3. Where a NZ AD is based on a foreign AD, compliance may be shown with either the
NZ AD or the equivalent State of Design AD, because they will have essentially the
same requirements i.e. the logbook will need to list all the NZ ADs, but the CAA will
accept compliance with the equivalent State of Design AD as a means of
compliance with the NZ AD. (The same as happens now for an imported aircraft.)
4. Manufacturer service information referenced in Airworthiness Directives listed in this
schedule may be at a later approved revision. Service information at later approved
revisions can be used to accomplish the requirements of these Airworthiness
5. The date above indicates the amendment date of this schedule.
6. New or amended ADs are shown with an asterisk *
DCA/LYC/109A FAA AD 64-16-05 Fuel and Oil Vent Restriction – Modification ........................................ 3
DCA/LYC/115A FAA AD 63-14-03 Oil Pump Drive Shaft - Inspection........................................................ 3
DCA/LYC/118B Magneto Drive Gears and Cushion Retainers - Inspection ............................................... 3
DCA/LYC/120A FAA AD 66-20-04 AC Oil Filter Adaptor Gasket – Replacement ...................................... 4
DCA/LYC/136 Crankcase Bearing Dowel Replacement - Modification .................................................... 4
DCA/LYC/150 FAA AD 73-23-01 Piston Pins - Inspection ....................................................................... 4
DCA/LYC/154 FAA AD 75-09-15 Bendix Fuel Injector Flow Divider Cover Gasket - Modification .......... 4
DCA/LYC/162 FAA AD 78-23-08 Injector Fuel Line - Modification .......................................................... 5
DCA/LYC/163 FAA AD 78-23-10 Bendix Fuel Injector Bellows Assembly - Modification ........................ 5
DCA/LYC/164 FAA AD 79-04-05 Bendix Fuel Injector Assembly - Inspection ........................................ 5
DCA/LYC/166 FAA AD 79-21-08 & 79-26-03 Bendix Fuel Injection Regulator - Inspection .................... 5
DCA/LYC/168 Bendix Fuel Injector Assembly - Inspection ...................................................................... 6
DCA/LYC/174F FAA AD 96-09-10 Oil Pump Impellers – Replacement ..................................................... 6
DCA/LYC/175A FAA AD 83-22-04 Bendix Fuel Injection Diaphragm - Inspection .................................... 7
DCA/LYC/181 FAA AD 87-10-06R1 Rocker Arm Assembly - Inspection ................................................ 7
DCA/LYC/187 FAA AD 92-12-05 Piston Pin - Removal .......................................................................... 7
DCA/LYC/189 FAA AD 95-07-01 Connecting Rod Bolts - Removal........................................................ 8
DCA/LYC/190A FAA AD 97-01-03 Piston Pin - Removal .......................................................................... 8
DCA/LYC/191 FAA AD 96-23-03 High Pressure Fuel Pump - Inspection ............................................... 9
DCA/LYC/192 FAA AD 97-01-04 Superior Air Parts Inc Cylinder Assemblies - Inspection .................... 9
DCA/LYC/194 FAA AD 98-17-11 Repaired Crankshafts - Inspection .................................................... 10
DCA/ LYC/195B FAA AD 2003-14-03 Rotary Fuel Pump Relief Valve – Inspection ................................ 14
DCA/LYC/196A Piston Pin Plug Wear – Inspection ................................................................................. 15
DCA/LYC/198 FAA AD 99-04-04 Slick Magneto Impulse Coupling – Inspection and Replacement ..... 15
DCA/LYC/154 FAA AD 75-09-15 Bendix Fuel Injector Flow Divider Cover Gasket -
Applicability: All Lycoming model IO-320, AIO-320, IO-360, LIO-360, HIO-360-C, IVO-360, TIO-
360, AIO-360, IGO-380, IO-540, TIO-540, IVO-540, IGO-540, and IO-720 series
engines equipped with Bendix fuel injector flow divider part numbers listed in
Lycoming SB 382.
Requirement: Accomplish Lycoming SB 382.
(FAA AD 75-09-15 and Bendix Bulletin RS43 also refer)
Compliance: Within the next 50 hours TIS or by 4 August 1975 whichever occurs the sooner
Effective Date: 6 May 1975
DCA/LYC/166 FAA AD 79-21-08 & 79-26-03 Bendix Fuel Injection Regulator - Inspection
Applicability: Bendix fuel injection systems models RSA-5AB1, RSA-5AD1, RSA-7AA1, RSA-7DA1,
RSA-1OAD1, RSA-1ODB1, RSA-1ODB2, RSA-1OED1, and RSA-1OED2 with parts
list numbers detailed in Bendix SB's RS-68, RS-69 and RS-70 installed on, but not
limited to, IO-320, AIO-320, AEIO-320, IO-360, HIO-360, AIO-360, AEIO-360, TIO-
360, IGO-480, IO-540, HIO-540, AEIO-540, IGO-540, IVO-540, TIO-540, TIO-541,
TIGO-541 and IO-720 series engines
Requirement: Inspect and modify affected regulators per Bendix fuel systems SB's RS-68, RS-69 or
RS-70 as applicable.
(FAA ADs 79-21-08 and 79-26-03 refer)
Compliance: Within next 25 hours TIS or by 18 October 1979 whichever is the sooner
Effective Date: 18 September 1979
DCA/LYC/192 FAA AD 97-01-04 Superior Air Parts Inc Cylinder Assemblies - Inspection
Applicability: Models TIO-540-A2C, -F2BD, -J2B, -J2BD, -N2BD, -R2AD, -S1AD and LTIO-540-
J2B, -F2BD, -J2BD, -N2BD, -R2AD and IO-540-M1B5D fitted with Superior Air Parts
Inc replacement cylinder assemblies P/Ns SL54000-A1, -A2, -A2P, -A20P and -A21P
with S/Ns 001 through 650.
Requirement: To prevent cylinder head separation, possible engine failure and fire, accomplish the
1. Perform a dye penetrant inspection for cracks per Superior Air Parts Inc Mandatory
SB 96-002, revision A. Prior to further flight remove from service cylinder assemblies
found cracked and replace with serviceable parts.
2. Remove affected cylinder assemblies from service.
(FAA AD 97-01-04 refers)
Note: For the purpose of this airworthiness directive, a serviceable part is defined as
a cylinder assembly other than a Superior Air Parts replacement cylinder assembly
P/N SL54000-A1, -A2, -A2P, -A20P and -A21P with S/N 001 through 650.
Compliance: 1. Inspect at 250 hours TTIS since installation of the affected cylinder assemblies, or
within next 5 hours TIS whichever is the later. Thereafter at intervals not to exceed 25
hours TIS, until replacement per part 2.
2. Remove at 300 hours TTIS since installation of the affected cylinder assemblies, or
within next 5 hours TIS whichever is the later.
Effective Date: 4 January 1997
DCA/ LYC/195B FAA AD 2003-14-03 Rotary Fuel Pump Relief Valve – Inspection
Applicability: Model IO-320, LIO-320, IO-360, HIO-360, TIO-360, LTIO-360, GO-435, GO-480,
IGO-480-A1B6, IO-540, IGO-540, AEIO-540, HIO-540, TIO-540, LTIO-540, TIGO-
541, IO-720 and TIO-720 fuel injected reciprocating engines fitted with Crane/Lear
Romec “AN” rotary fuel pump model series RG9080, RG9570 or RG17980.
These engines are installed on but not limited to fuel injected, reciprocating engine
powered aircraft manufactured by Cessna, Piper, Mooney, Beech, Bellanca,
Champion, Partenavia, Rockwell, Schweizer, Enstrom, Aerospatiale (SOCATA),
Maule, Aero Commander, Hiller, and Pacific Aerospace.
Note 1: No action required if already in compliance with DCA/LYC/195A. This AD revised with
Lycoming SB No. 529 now at revision B and to include note 2 with no change to the
AD requirement.
Requirement: To prevent rotary fuel pump leaks, which could result in an engine failure, engine fire
and damage to or loss of the aircraft, accomplish the following:
Perform initial and repetitive torque check inspections of pump relief valve attaching
screws per the instructions in Textron Lycoming SB 529B as follows:
1. Perform the initial torque check inspection. If the torque does not meet the
specifications in SB 529B, tighten screws to the required torque per SB 529B.
2. Perform a follow-up torque check inspection. If the torque does not meet the
specification in SB 529B, during follow-up inspections, tighten screws to the required
torque in accordance with SB 529B.
3. Replacement of a rotary fuel pump series RG9080, RG9570, or RG17980, with a
modified pump (with the "/M" after the part number) is a terminating action for the
inspection requirements of parts 1 and 2 of this AD.
Note 2: Lycoming SB No. 529B or later FAA approved revisions pertains to the subject of this
(FAA AD 2003-14-03 refers)
Compliance: 1. Within the next 10 hours TIS or 30 days, whichever occurs sooner unless
previously accomplished.
2. Repetitive Torque Check Inspections after accumulating 50 hours TIS, or 6
months since the initial torque check inspection, whichever occurs first. Continue the
repetitive torque check inspections per requirement 2 of this AD until:
(i) The accumulation of 100 hours TIS since the initial inspection with the torque
remaining within the SB specification for 50 hours TIS, or
(ii) The torque meets the SB specification during the initial inspection and a
subsequent inspection taking place at least 50 hours TIS later.
Effective Date: DCA/LYC/195 - 25 September 1998
DCA/LYC/195A - 28 August 2003
DCA/LYC/195B - 18 December 2008
Note 3: Do not install ECi connecting rods P/N AEL11750 which have S/Ns 54/6 or lower into
any engine.
Compliance: 1. Before further flight.
2. For engines fitted with connecting rods that have 2000 hours or more TIS:
Replace within the next 50 hours TIS.
For engines fitted with connecting rods that have less than 2000 hours TIS:
Replace the connecting rods at the next engine overhaul, or at the next
accessibility of the connecting rod, but no later than 2000 hours TIS on the
connecting rod.
Note 4: For the purpose of this AD, connecting rod accessibility is defined as any maintenance
action in which a cylinder assembly is removed for maintenance.
Effective Date: 29 June 2006
DCA/LYC/210 FAA AD 2006-12-07 ECI Classic Cast Cylinders – Inspection and Replacement
Applicability: Models 320, 360 and 540 series parallel valve engines, specified in table 1 fitted with
ECi cylinder assemblies P/N AEL65102 series "Classic Cast" having casting head
markings EC 65099-REV- 1 and with S/Ns 1 through to 9879.
Note 1: The set of numbers appearing on the cylinder below and to the left of the S/N in the
form of "12345-67" is not used for determining applicability.
AEL65102–NST08 O–320–B1A, B1B, B2A, B2B, B3A, B3B, B3C, C1A, C1B,
C2A, C2B, C3A, C3B, C3C, D1A, D1B, D2A, D2B, D2C.
AEL65102–NST10 O–360–A1A, A1C, A1D, A2A, A2E, A3A, A3D, A4A, B1A,
B1B, B2A, B2B, C1A, C1C, C1G, C2A, C2B, C2C, C2D,
D1A, D2A, D2B.
IO–360–B1A, B1B, B1C.
Requirement: To prevent loss of engine power due to cracks in the cylinder assemblies and possible
engine failure caused by separation of a cylinder head. If your engine was overhauled
or repaired since new, do the following:
1. Determine if ECi cylinder assemblies, P/N AEL65102 series ''Classic Cast'', with
casting P/N EC 65099-REV-1 and S/Ns 1 through 9879 are installed on your engine.
Note 2: Serial numbers may have an "L" prefix for a long reach spark plug.
If the cylinder assemblies are not ECi, P/N AEL65102 series ''Classic Cast'', with
casting P/N EC 65099-REV-1, no further action is required.
2. If any cylinder assembly is an ECi P/N AEL65102 series ''Classic Cast'', with
casting P/N EC 65099-REV-1 and a S/Ns 1 through 9879, replace the cylinder
(FAA AD 2006-12-07 refers)
Compliance: 1. By 29 July 2006.
2. Before the cylinder assembly exceeds 800 hours TIS or within 50 hours TIS,
whichever occurs later.
Effective Date: 29 June 2006
Note 1: The affected cylinder assembly S/N range in this AD has been revised to narrow the
applicability even further. Accomplishment of DCA/LYC/213 satisfies the requirements
of this AD.
Requirement: To prevent cylinder head fatigue failure and separation at the head-to-barrel threaded
interface that could lead to engine failure, accomplish the following:
1. Inspect the aircraft log books to determine which cast cylinder assemblies are
If the aircraft log books do not list the P/Ns of the cylinders fitted to the engine, then
visually inspect the engine to determine which cylinders are fitted.
Replace cylinder assemblies S/N 47LE053559 through to 47LF053643, and
47SE054212 through to 47SF054251, and 52D0531708 through to 52H0532197, and
55E05223 through to 55G05289, and 32WE059006 through to 32WF059067, and
32WHE05379 through to 32WHE05392, and 326WF055517 through to
326WF055532, and 36TWF05430 through to 36TWG05453, and 36WF058058
through to 36WG058124, and 366WE056944 through to 366WF057061, and
366WF057150 through to 366WF057232, and 366WF057259 through to
366WG057534, and 366WG057556, 366WG057569, 366WG057598,
Requirement: To prevent complete loss of engine oil and possible seizure of the engine and fire due
to oil leaks between the converter plate and accessory housing, accomplish the
1. For engines with more than 50 hours TSN, TSO or time since the last
replacement of the oil filter converter plate gasket P/N LW-13388 or the oil filter
converter plate P/N LW-13904:
Replace the converter plate gasket or converter plate kit per paragraphs 1 and 2 of
Lycoming MSB 543A dated 30 August 2000 before further flight.
2. For engines with less than 50 hours TSN, TSO or time since the last
replacement of the oil filter converter plate gasket P/N LW-13388 or the oil filter
converter plate P/N LW-13904:
Inspect the oil filter base for signs of oil leaks between the oil filter base and the
accessory housing and also inspect for any evidence of the gasket extruding beyond
the perimeter of the base. If any oil leaks are found, or if the seal is damaged,
extruded, displaced or deteriorated, replace the converter plate gasket or converter
plate kit per paragraphs 1 and 2 of MSB 543A before further flight.
3. Replace the oil filter converter plate gasket or oil filter converter plate kit per part
II or part III of Lycoming Supplement No. 1 of MSB 543A dated 4 October 2000, or
Lycoming MSB 543B dated 1 July 2003.
Note 2: Replacement of oil filter converter plate gasket P/N LW-13388 with a new gasket P/N
06B23072 per part II or part III of Supplement No. 1 of MSB 543A, or MSB 543B is a
terminating action to requirements 1 and 2 of this AD.
Note 3: Lycoming SB No. 543A and Supplement No. 1 of MSB 543A pertains to the subject of
this AD. SB No. 543B has superseded SB No. 543A and Supplement No. 1 of MSB
(AD 2002-12-07 refers)
Compliance: 1. Before further flight unless previously accomplished, and thereafter replace the
converter plate gasket P/N LW-13388 or the oil converter plate kit P/N LW-13904 at
intervals not to exceed 50 hours TIS.
2. Within the next 10 hours TIS or the next 3 days, whichever occurs sooner unless
previously accomplished, and thereafter replace the converter plate gasket P/N LW-
13388 or the oil converter plate kit P/N LW-13904 at intervals not to exceed 50 hours
3. By 18 December 2009, unless previously accomplished.
Effective Date: 18 December 2008
Note 4: The set of numbers appearing on the cylinder above and to the left of the S/N in the
form of ''123456'' is not used for determining applicability.
Table 1:
Requirement: To prevent loss of engine power due to cracks in the cylinder assembly head-to-barrel
interface and possible engine failure caused by separation of a cylinder head,
accomplish the following:
1. Inspect the aircraft logbooks and/or the aircraft and determine if the engine has
been overhauled since new, or if a cylinder assembly has been replaced since new.
No further action is required if the engine has not been overhauled since new, or a
cylinder assembly has not been replaced since new.
If the engine has been overhauled since new, or a cylinder assembly has been
replaced since new, determine if any ECi Titan cylinder assemblies P/N AEL65102,
S/N 1138-02 through to 35171-22 and 35239-01 through to 42179-30 and cylinder
head P/N AEL85099 is fitted to the aircraft engine.
No further action is required if an ECI cylinder assembly P/N AEL65102 is not fitted to
the engine.
No further action is required if an ECI cylinder assembly P/N AEL65102 is fitted to the
engine, and the S/N is not an affected S/N.
From 1 October 2012 the Civil Aviation Authority of New Zealand (CAA) will no longer rewrite the
text of State of Design ADs. Applicable State of Design ADs will be listed below and can be
obtained directly from the National Airworthiness Authority (NAA) web site. The link to the FAA
web site is available on the CAA web site at
If additional NZ ADs need to be issued when an unsafe condition is found to exist in an aircraft or
aeronautical product in NZ they will be added to the list below.
2. Replacement:
Remove and replace all parallel valve cylinder and head assemblies listed in
Table 1 of MSB 634, dated 11 October 2018, or later FAA approved revision.
Affected parallel valve cylinder and head assembly listed in Table 1 of MSB 634
shall not be overhauled, refurbished, or repaired and returned to service.
From the effective date of this AD, an affected parallel valve cylinder and head
assembly listed in Table 1 of MSB 634, shall not be installed on any engine.
Compliance: 1. Inspection:
Within the next 50 hours TIS and thereafter at intervals not to exceed 50 hours
TIS until requirement 2 of this AD is accomplished.
2. Replacement:
Replace all affected cylinder and head assemblies at the next engine overhaul.
Effective Date: DCA/LYC/224 - 25 October 2018
DCA/LYC/224A - 28 February 2019