Neuropsychological Functioning of Individuals at C
Neuropsychological Functioning of Individuals at C
Neuropsychological Functioning of Individuals at C
Received: 21 September 2020 / Accepted: 18 November 2020 / Published online: 23 December 2020
© The Author(s) 2020
Objectives Numerous studies showed that adults with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) suffer from impair-
ments in a range of cognitive functions when compared to healthy controls. However, only little is known about the neu-
ropsychological functions when compared to various clinical control groups and whether a distinct neuropsychological
profile can be identified for adult ADHD.
Method This retrospective study examined data of 199 outpatients referred for clinical evaluation of adult ADHD, allocated
either to an ADHD group (n = 78) or to one of two clinical comparison groups, depending on whether they show indications
(n = 71) or no indications (n = 50) for the presence of psychiatric disorders other than ADHD. All individuals performed a
comprehensive neuropsychological test battery.
Results Data analysis revealed impairments in a range of cognitive functions in a substantial number of patients of all three
groups. However, profiles of neuropsychological impairments were similar between groups. Furthermore, significant small-
to medium-sized correlations between basic and higher-order cognitive functions were revealed in the ADHD group and the
clinical comparison group with indications for psychiatric disorders other than ADHD.
Conclusion Neuropsychological impairments are prominent in psychiatric outpatients seeking a clinical evaluation of adult
ADHD but are not specific for ADHD. It is concluded that neuropsychological test performance may have limited incremental
value to support the psychiatric differential diagnosis. Furthermore, a clinical trajectory may need to take into account that
deficits in a range of higher-order cognitive functions can be substantially explained by deficits in basic cognitive functions.
2007), more alcohol and drug abuse (Torgersen, Gjervan, as many as 16 cognitive functions to be relevant in a clini-
and Rasmussen, 2006; Cumyn, French, and Hechtman, cal neuropsychological assessment of adults with ADHD
2009), and a lower quality of life (Agarwal, Goldenberg, (Fuermaier et al. 2019).
Perry, and Ishak 2012; Stern et al. 2017). Moreover, the majority of previous studies revealed cog-
Because ADHD is by definition a disorder with predomi- nitive differences between adults diagnosed with ADHD and
nant cognitive dysfunctions that interfere with many tasks of healthy control group as recruited from the local community
daily living, a large body of neuropsychological research has (Boonstra et al. 2005; Alderson et al. 2013). This compari-
been performed to elucidate the level of neuropsychologi- son may not be representative for the use of neuropsycho-
cal functioning of individuals with ADHD. Converging evi- logical assessment in the evaluation of ADHD in clinical
dence from numerous studies revealed impairments of adults practice, where individuals with ADHD are sought to be
with ADHD in multiple domains of cognition, including dif- differentiated from clinical controls, which include individu-
ferent aspects of attention, processing speed, memory and als having other psychiatric conditions or individuals who do
executive functions (Barkley and Murphy 2010; Boonstra not reach diagnostic criteria for any psychiatric disorder but
et al. 2005; Brown, 2002; Fuermaier et al. 2015; Jacobson nevertheless had reasons for referral. In this respect, Holst
et al. 2011; Tucha et al. 2009). Research further revealed that and Thorell (2017), Pettersson, Soderstrom, and Nillson
neuropsychological functions appear to improve, but do not (2018) as well as Braek, Dijkstra, and Jolles (2011) found
normalize under pharmacological treatment with stimulants, that patients with ADHD performed significantly poorer in
as deficits are still present under stable medication especially a range of neuropsychological tasks compared to a clinical
in the domains of memory and attention (Fuermaier et al. control group in an ADHD outpatient assessment, including
2017; Muller et al. 2007). Furthermore, studies showed that measures of reaction time variability, attention, vigilance,
the impairments in the various domains of cognition may inhibition, verbal (working) memory, verbal learning, set
not be independent entities, but that impairments in basic shifting, planning, fluency, and delay aversion. However,
cognition, such as processing speed and attention focus, effect sizes of group differences were mostly small to mod-
may explain a considerable proportion of the impairments erate, and neuropsychological tests were found to have a
in the more complex cognitive functions, such as divided relatively poor ability to discriminate between adults with
attention, memory, or executive functions (Holst and Thorell ADHD and clinical controls. In another study, Wiig and
2017; Boonstra et al. 2010). Due to the cognitive impair- Nielsen (2012) revealed participants with ADHD to be sig-
ments of adults with ADHD, the assessment of neuropsy- nificantly slower in a task for processing speed than both
chological functions using cognitive performance tests has a healthy and a clinical control group, whereas no signifi-
been suggested to be of added value to the clinical evaluation cant differences were observed between these two control
of adults with ADHD. In this respect, neuropsychological groups. In contrast to the findings differentiating adults with
assessments are performed to characterize individual cogni- ADHD from clinical controls, Walker and colleagues (2000)
tive strengths and weaknesses, which may help to understand could only demonstrate cognitive impairments of adults with
why an individual patient is experiencing problems in daily ADHD when compared to a healthy control group, but not
life (Barkley, and Fischer 2011; Mapou 2019; Stern et al. when compared to a clinical control group. Similarly, Mar-
2017; Yáñez-Téllez et al. 2012). chetta, Hurks, Krabbendam, and Jolles (2008) reported a
However, defining the role of a neuropsychological range of cognitive impairments of adults with ADHD when
assessment in the clinical evaluation of adult ADHD is compared to a healthy control group, but significant differ-
complicated because of the large heterogeneity of findings ence to a clinical control group was found only in a task for
in previous research. For example, although adult ADHD mental flexibility. Given these findings, it can be concluded
was found in numerous studies to be associated with mul- that studies comparing cognitive functions between patients
tiple cognitive impairments on a group level, not all adults with ADHD and relevant clinical control groups in the same
with ADHD share the same type and degree of cognitive clinical setting are still scarce and that findings across stud-
impairment, with some patients even showing not a single ies remain inconsistent (In de Braek et al. 2011; Holst and
cognitive impairment in a cognitive test battery (Mostert Thorell 2017; Marchetta et al. 2008; Pettersson et al. 2018;
et al. 2015; Nigg, Willcutt, Doyle, and Sonuga-Barke 2005; Walker et al. 2000; Wiig and Nielsen 2012).
Wåhlstedt, Thorell, and Bohlin 2009). The heterogeneity of Due to the heterogeneity of the applied research (includ-
findings does not allow clear conclusions about what func- ing differences in patient samples, control groups and cog-
tions are more helpful in discriminating patients affected nitive measures applied), conclusions about what cognitive
with ADHD from individuals not being affected with ADHD impairments are most characteristic for ADHD are difficult
within a clinical evaluation (Dias et al. 2013). This heteroge- to draw. Thus, in order to further elucidate the role of a
neity is also reflected in a recent consensus report including neuropsychological assessment in the clinical evaluation of
international renowned experts in the field, which suggests adult ADHD, the present study employs a large sample of
clinically referred individuals to an ADHD outpatient clinic evaluate the retrospective symptoms in childhood (Retz-
(n = 248), who all performed a comprehensive test battery Junginger et al. 2003; Ward et al. 1993), while the German
consisting of a broad range of measures, which was specifi- version of the ADHD Self-Report Scale (ADHS-SB) was
cally composed for the neuropsychological assessment of administered to assess current ADHD symptoms (Adler
adult ADHD. In this study, we aim to reveal differences in et al. 2006; 2008; Kessler et al. 2005; Rösler et al. 2008).
cognitive functions between individuals who receive a diag- The diagnostic evaluation also included objective measures
nosis of ADHD and individuals who have been referred for such as evidence derived from school reports and reports
clinical assessment because of an assumed ADHD, but who of failure in academic and/or occupational achievement,
actually did not fulfill the diagnostic criteria of an ADHD. and comprised multiple informants for all individuals (e.g.,
We expect that adults diagnosed with ADHD perform sig- employer evaluation, partner or parent-reports). The neu-
nificantly poorer in several aspects of attention and executive ropsychological assessment using cognitive tests was part
function than individuals not reaching diagnostic criteria for of the routine examination of all individuals in the ADHD
ADHD. However, we expect that effect sizes of impairments outpatient clinic, however, cognitive test results were not
between groups differ across functions and will not exceed part of the standard diagnostic decision process and deci-
small to medium size (Boonstra et al. 2005; Hervey et al. sion-making. All individuals agreed to their data being used
2004; Marchetta et al. 2008; Mostert et al. 2015; Pettersson for scientific purposes and gave written informed consent.
et al. 2018). Moreover, as motivated by previous findings Forty-nine of the 248 participants were excluded from the
(Butzbach et al. 2019; Holst and Thorell 2017; Boonstra present study, i.e., 47 participants were excluded because
et al. 2010), we aim to quantify the effect of basic cognitive the diagnostic process was not completed or did not allow
functions (i.e., processing speed and distractibility) on more a formal diagnostic decision, and two participants were not
complex cognitive functions (i.e., different aspects of com- considered because the neuropsychological assessment was
plex attention and executive control) in adults with ADHD not or only partly administered, leaving a sample of 199
and seek to determine whether this hierarchical relationship participants for inclusion in the final data set that entered
is shaped differently in groups not having ADHD, such as data analysis. All participants in this sample were allocated
being diagnosed with other psychiatric disorders or did not to one of three diagnostic groups, i.e., the ADHD group
fulfill the diagnostic criteria of any psychiatric disorders. (diagnosis of ADHD was established, n = 78), the Clinical
Comparison Group (CCG; participants did not meet diag-
nostic criteria for ADHD but showed evidence for one or
Method more other psychiatric disorders; n = 71) and the Cinical
Comparison Group-Not Diagnosed (CCG-ND; participants
Participants did not meet diagnostic criteria for ADHD and were also
not diagnosed with any other psychiatric disorder; n = 50).
Two hundred and forty-eight participants were considered Participants of the CCG showed evidence for one or more
for inclusion in the present study. All participants were sus- psychiatric disorders other than ADHD, including mood
pected to have ADHD (e.g., by general practitioners, neu- disorders (n = 50), addiction disorders (n = 22), anxiety dis-
rologists, or psychiatrists) and were therefore referred for orders (n = 5), personality disorders (n = 3), eating disorders
a diagnostic assessment to the ADHD outpatient clinic of (n = 3), adjustment disorders (n = 2), schizoaffective disor-
the Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, University ders (n = 2), obsessive–compulsive disorders (n = 1), conduct
of Duisburg-Essen, Germany. All individuals underwent a disorders (n = 1), and intellectual developmental disorders
comprehensive diagnostic assessment by trained psycholo- (n = 1). With regard to symptom presentations of ADHD,
gists or psychiatrists. The diagnosis of ADHD was estab- 66 patients with ADHD were diagnosed with the combined
lished based on the criteria as outlined in the Diagnostic presentation and nine patients with the predominantly inat-
and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 5th Edition tentive presentation, whereas the symptom presentation of
(DSM–5; American Psychiatric Association 2013). The three other patients with ADHD was not reported. Moreover,
assessment procedure included a semi-structured interview 31 of the 78 patients with ADHD showed evidence for one
to evaluate ADHD psychopathology (i.e., the Wender–Reim- or more comorbid psychiatric disorders, including mood
herr Interview, Retz-Junginger, Giesen, Philipp-Wiegmann, disorders (n = 19), addiction disorders (n = 5), adjustment
Rösler and Retz 2017; and the Essen-Interview-for-school- disorders (n = 5), anxiety disorders (n = 3), obsessive–com-
days-related-biography, Grabemann et al. 2017). Further- pulsive disorders (n = 2), personality disorders (n = 1), oppo-
more, two self-report scales were completed by all par- sitional defiant disorders (n = 1), intellectual developmen-
ticipants to quantify the retrospective and current ADHD tal disorders (n = 1), and autistic disorders (n = 1). Table 1
symptom severity (Rösler et al. 2008). The German version presents characteristics of the three groups (ADHD, CCG,
of the Wender Utah Rating Scale (WURS-K) was used to CCG-ND) and revealed significant group differences in age,
Table 1 Characteristics (M ± SD) of the ADHD group (ADHD), clinical comparison group (CCG), and clinical comparison group-not diag-
nosed (CCG-ND)
ADHD (n = 78) CCG (n = 71) CCG-ND (n = 50) F/χ2 p value
Age (in years) 31.9 ± 10.3b 38.8 ± 11.2 35.4 ± 12.1 7.026 0.001
Sex (female/male) 27/51a 28/43 28/216 6.553 0.038
Education (1/2/3/4/5)1 4/23/15/22/136 b 0/11/29/18/126 0/14/12/16/8 16.718 0.033
Childhood ADHD s ymptoms2 44.6 ± 12.4a b 34.5 ± 11.4a 27.9 ± 12.5 26.486 < 0.001
Current ADHD s ymptoms3 35.5 ± 9.8a b 29.6 ± 8.7 26.4 ± 11.7 12.060 < 0.001
Symptom presentation of ADHD4 66/9/0/3
Psychiatric disorders other than ADHD5 19/5/3/1/0/5/0/2/1/1/1 50/22/5/3/3/2/2/1/1/1/0
ADHD attention deficit Hyperactivity disorder; CCGclinical comparison group; CCG-ND clinical comparison group-not diagnosed
Education (1/2/3/4/5) = no school-leaving qualification/compulsory schooling or intermediate secondary school/college or vocational training/
Higher secondary school with university entrance qualification/university
Childhood ADHD symptoms as measured with the German version of the Wender Utah rating scale-short version
Current ADHD symptoms as measured with the German version of the ADHD self-report scale
Symptom presentation of ADHD = combined/inattentive/hyperactive-impulsive/not reported
Psychiatric disorders other than ADHD = mood disorders/addiction disorders/anxiety disorders/personality disorders/eating disorders/adjust-
ment disorders/schizoaffective disorders/obsessive–compulsive disorders/conduct disorders/intellectual developmental disorders/autistic disor-
Sex/education was not reported in one case
p < .05 when compared with CCG-ND
p < .05 when compared with CCG
F(2) = 7.026, p = 0.001, sex, χ2(2) = 6.553, p = 0.038, edu- items, each answered on a 4-point Likert scale. A sum score
cation level, χ2(8) = 16.718, p = 0.033, childhood ADHD was calculated for each scale.
symptoms, F(2) = 24.486, p < 0.001, and current ADHD
symptoms, F(2) = 12.060, p < 0.001. Compared to the Neuropsychological tests for cognitive functions
CCG-ND, patients with ADHD had a significantly lower
female-to-male ratio, and scored significantly higher on The test battery Cognitive Functions ADHD (CFADHD;
childhood and current ADHD symptoms. Compared to the Tucha et al. 2013) of the Vienna Test System (VTS, Schuh-
CCG, patients with ADHD were on average significantly fried 2013) was administered to all participants. The
younger, more individuals attained a relatively low level of CFADHD is a computerized test battery assessing cognitive
education, and obtained significantly higher scores in both functions in which adults with ADHD have been shown to
scales for ADHD symptom severity. The CCG only differed commonly present difficulties.
significantly from the CCG-ND with regard to a higher score
for childhood ADHD symptoms. Selective attention
Interference is assessed with the Stroop Interference Test Planning ability is assessed with the Tower of London—
(Schuhfried 2016). This test is a variant of the color–word Freiburg Version (TOL-F, Christoph et al. 2011) of the VTS.
interference, which was introduced by Stroop (1935) as a The TOL-F dates back to the design originally proposed by
measure of interference function. This test contains four Shallice to measure planning ability (Shallice 1982). The
conditions. The first condition is a color–word condi- task requires participants to move balls of different colors
tion, in which color–words (BLUE, GREEN, YELLOW, (red, yellow, blue) that can be placed on three rods from
RED) printed in gray are shown on the computer screen given positions to certain target positions. Start state and
and participants are asked to press the button of the same goal state are presented on the lower and upper part of the
color as the meaning of the color word. The second con- computer screen, respectively. The left rod can hold three
dition is a color–banner condition, in which colored ban- balls, the middle one can hold two, and the right one can
ners (banners printed in blue, green, yellow and red) are hold only one. Participants are asked to convert a given
presented. Participants are asked to press the button of the start state into a goal state by using the minimum number of
same color as the color of banners. The third condition is moves possible. The minimum number of moves to convert
a given start state into a goal state is shown on the left of the Procedure
screen. The item that is being worked on is automatically
terminated after 60 s. If it has not been solved within this The diagnostic and neuropsychological assessments were
time, the next item will be presented. A total of 28 items are both part of the standard clinical routine of all participants
included in the test and presented in the order of an increas- referred to the ADHD outpatient clinic of the University
ing minimum number of moves. The number of items solved of Duisburg-Essen, Germany. All participants agreed and
in the minimum number of moves is registered. signed a written informed consent for their data being used
for scientific purposes. Ethical approval for this proce-
Inhibition dure was provided by the local ethical review board (20-
9380-BO). Participation was voluntary, unpaid, and it was
Inhibition is assessed with a Go/No-Go test paradigm (Kai- stressed that the agreement to take part in research did not
ser et al. 2016), as originally designed for the measurement affect their clinical assessment or treatment. All partici-
of inhibitory control (Drewe 1975). In this test, a series of pants were asked to complete a set of questionnaires at
triangles and circles are consecutively presented on the home prior to the diagnostic interview. The clinical evalu-
screen. Participants are asked to press a response button ation started with the diagnostic interview, and continued
when a triangle is presented and to show no response to with the neuropsychological assessment (cognitive testing)
a circle stimulus. A total of 250 stimuli (202 triangles, 48 at the same or another day of convenience for the exami-
circles) are presented in the test, each for 200 ms. The inter- nee. The neuropsychological assessment using cognitive
stimulus interval is one second. The number of commission tests took about two hours to administer, and was led by a
errors is recorded. trained psychologist or neuropsychological test assistant
under close supervision. Participants were not informed
about their diagnostic status at the time of the neuropsy-
Task switching chological assessment.
Task switching is assessed with the SWITCH (Gmehlin et al.
2017) of the VTS. In this test, a series of visual stimuli with
Statistical analysis
different forms (circle or triangle) and different brightness
(light or dark) are consecutively presented. Participants
Missing values occurred in 5.3% of the data due to admin-
are asked to respond to stimuli based on two rules that are
istrative errors and were not replaced. Test data of all three
applied alternately. One rule asks participants to react to
groups are presented in descriptive statistics. Furthermore,
form (circle or triangle) but ignore brightness. The other rule
neuropsychological test data are interpreted based on norm
requires participants to react to brightness (light or dark)
scores as provided by the test publisher, i.e., to derive the
but ignore form. After every two stimuli, participants must
number of individuals having impairment in each of the
change whichever rule is being applied and apply the other
functions assessed. An impairment is defined as an individ-
rule. The tasks requiring the same rules as used in the last
ual test performance that is equal or below the 16th percen-
are defined as repeated tasks and tasks requiring different
tile (i.e., one SD below the mean) of the representative test
rules as used in the last are defined as switch tasks. The main
norms as provided by the test publisher (Schuhfried 2013).
variable of interest is task switch accuracy. Task switching
Furthermore, neuropsychological functions are com-
accuracy is calculated by subtracting the number of cor-
pared between groups using statistical significance tests
rect responses in switch tasks from the number of correct
and effect sizes. Because assumptions for parametric
responses in repeated tasks.
analyses (e.g., normality, homogeneity of variances) were
not met in several variables, nonparametric statistical
Subjective experiences of cognitive functioning analyses were performed. Per test score, the ADHD group
was compared with the CCG and CCG-ND, respectively,
The Questionnaire on Mental Ability (FLEI; Beblo et al. using Mann–Whitney U tests. The significance level was
2012) as part of the CFADHD on the VTS was adminis- adjusted to p < 0.01 in order to control for alpha error
tered to assess self-reported cognitive deficits. Items of this growth in multiple testing. The effect size Cohen’s r was
questionnaire ask participants to indicate to which extent calculated to indicate the magnitude of pairwise group dif-
everyday manifestations of problems in attention, executive ferences. Cohen’s r was chosen as it does not rely on the
functioning, and memory, apply to them. The FLEI includes normality assumption. Based on Cohen’s criteria for r, 0.1
35 items scored on a 5-point Likert scale ranging from 0 indicates a small effect, 0.3 indicates a medium effect, and
(never) to 4 (very often). A sum score is computed to indi- 0.5 indicates a large effect (Cohen 1988).
cate the self-reported cognitive deficits.
In order to investigate the effect of basic on complex the number of impairments in Figs. 1 and 2, indicate no
cognitive functions, functional domain scores were cre- meaningful group differences. The only significant effect
ated representing different aspects of basic (i.e., process- of medium size was observed in subjective experiences of
ing speed and distractibility) and complex (i.e., different cognitive functioning, i.e., the ADHD group reported signif-
aspects of complex attention and executive control) cogni- icantly more problems of cognitive functioning in their daily
tive functions (see Table 4). Basic cognitive functions were lives than the CCG-ND. In addition, some effects did not
measured with the variables of the selective attention task reach significance but indicate a trend level effect of small
(logarithmic mean of RT, logarithmic standard deviation size (Table 3). Specifically, when compared to the CCG,
of RT, omissions), vigilance task (logarithmic mean of RT the ADHD group performed faster in the TMT-A and better
and omissions) and TMT part A. With regard to complex in the figural fluency task (5-point test), but showed worse
cognitive functions, it is differentiated between working planning ability (TOL-F). When compared to the CCG-ND,
memory (NBV correct responses), inhibition/interference the ADHD group showed better naming interference ability
control (Go/No-Go omissions, Stroop Interference Test in the Stroop task, but worse planning ability in the TOL-F.
naming interference and reading interference), cognitive However, differences in processing speed between groups
flexibility (TMT part B/TMT part A, SWITCH task switch must be interpreted with caution, because groups differed
accuracy), fluency (number of unique patterns created), substantially in age, and age was observed to be significantly
and planning (TOL-F number of items solved). All test associated to processing speed in medium to large-sized cor-
variables per defined functional domain are z-standardized relations, i.e., r = 0.31, r = 0.34, and r = 0.26, for CCG-ND,
based on scores of the CCG-ND and averaged in order to CCG, and ADHD, respectively.
obtain one measure per functional domain. In addition, the Spearman’s rank correlation coefficients between basic
association between basic cognitive functions and each and complex aspects of cognitive functions in the three
aspect of complex cognitive functions is examined by groups are presented in Table 4. For the ADHD group, a
Spearman rank correlation coefficients, separately for the small-sized effect was found between basic cognitive func-
ADHD group, CCG, and CCG-ND. The size of the asso- tions and the total compound score of complex cognitive
ciation is interpreted as small (r = 0.1), medium (r = 0.3), functions (r = 0.28). Differentiating between different
and large (r = 0.5). aspects of complex cognitive functions, a significant asso-
ciation of medium size was obtained with inhibition/interfer-
ence control (r = 0.36) and a significant association of small
Results size with fluency (r = 0.29). For the CCG, a significant and
medium-sized effect was found for the total compound score
Descriptive statistics of neuropsychological test performance of complex cognitive functions (r = 0.34), with a significant
as well as the percentage of impairment per test variable and small-sized effect to inhibition/interference control (r = 0.26)
neuropsychological function are presented in Table 2 and and a significant medium-sized effect to fluency (r = 0.32).
Fig. 1. Decreased cognitive functions were found in all three Finally, a small and nonsignificant association was found
groups compared to test norms, with a considerable propor- between basic cognitive functions and the compound score
tion of individuals being impaired in aspects of attention, of complex cognitive functions of the CCG-ND (r = 0.15).
i.e., selective attention (52.0, 54.9, and 62.8% for the CCG- Per domain of complex cognitive functions, a significant
ND, CCG, and ADHD, respectively) and vigilance (49.0, effect (medium size) was revealed only for the association
51.4, and 60.8%, respectively), inhibition (40.8, 39.1, and with fluency (r = 0.45).
49.3%, respectively), and interference control (30.6, 40.6,
and 41.1%, respectively). Furthermore, the majority of indi-
viduals reported that they experience cognitive complaints Discussion
in their daily lives (71.4, 95.5, and 89.2%, for the CCG-
ND, CCG, and ADHD, respectively). The number of neu- This study aimed to explore neuropsychological functioning
ropsychological functions indicating impaired performance of individuals at clinical evaluation of adult ADHD, and
(Fig. 2) differs largely across individuals, with the major- examine the associations between basic and higher-order
ity of individuals (98.0, 98.6, and 98.8%, for the CCG-ND, cognitive functions in this population. An analysis of neu-
CCG, and ADHD, respectively) having either no impairment ropsychological test performance revealed that individuals
or impairments in up to six functions. with ADHD exhibit impairments in several of the neuropsy-
Nonparametric group comparisons (Mann–Whitney U chological functions assessed in this study. Considerable
Tests) were computed to determine performance differences rates of impairment, as determined by use of test norms,
between the ADHD group and both the CCG and the CCG- were shown in adults with ADHD in selective attention, vig-
ND. Test statistics of Table 3, as well as bar charts presenting ilance, inhibition, and interference control (63, 61, 49, and
Table 2 Neuropsychological test performance and self-report of the groups ADHD, CCG, and CCG-ND
Neuropsychological vari- ADHD CCG CCG-ND
Range (min–max) Mean Median SD % Range (min–max) Mean Median SD % Range (min–max) Mean Median SD %
Percen- Percen- Percen-
tile ≤ 16a tile ≤ 16a tile ≤ 16a
Selective attentionb—Log- 159–621 359 350 79 15.5 149–739 375 368 94 18.3 49–563 358 348 86 14
arithmic mean of RT
Selective attentionb—Log- 0–5.43 1.43 1.28 0.80 54.5 1.09–9.08 1.41 1.25 0.97 36.6 1.11–9.82 1.43 1.25 1.21 40
arithmic SD of RT
Selective attentionb— 0–30 1.46 0 4.16 33.7 0–12 0.54 0 1.69 22.5 0– 2 0.34 0 0.59 28
Omission errors
Vigilancec—Logarithmic 253–688 458 458 76 16.4 307–706 462 447 82 19.7 341–726 457 459 71 8.2
mean of RT
Vigilancec—Omission 0–21 3.41 2 4.04 59.5 0–13 2.50 1 3.21 46.4 0– 18 2.73 1 3.79 48.9
Speed of processingd— 2.2–37 21.11 20.30 5.73 22.1 13.5–43.1 23.47 23.1 5.99 32.3 11.1–34.7 20.43 19.9 4.71 10
Time needed in seconds
Working memorye—Cor- 0–15 10.91 12 3.49 22.1 0–23 11.23 12 4.01 16.9 0–15 11.02 12 3.73 24
rect responses
Figural fluencyf—Unique 11–51 25.38 24 9.13 22.1 6–46 22.39 20 8.74 29.5 10–49 25.56 23 9.56 18
patterns created
Interferenceg—Reading − 0.03–1.1 0.22 0.18 0.17 38.3 − 0.04–0.86 0.20 0.17 0.15 30.4 − 0.04–0.49 0.17 0.14 0.13 24.5
Interferenceg—Naming − 0.01–2.78 0.15 0.11 0.33 10.9 − 0.07–0.46 0.14 0.11 0.10 17.1 0.02–0.46 0.14 0.13 0.08 12.2
Planning abilityh—Num- 7–22 13.49 14 3.04 17.2 7–22 14.45 15 3.44 14.9 8–21 15.02 15 3.64 14.3
ber of items solved
Inhibitioni—Commission 2–32 15.79 15 7.85 49.3 2–32 13.45 12 7.32 39.1 2–30 13.51 12 7.14 40.8
Flexibilityj—Quotient 0.76–3.85 1.58 1.50 0.47 10.5 0.95–4.67 1.61 1.52 0.54 18.3 0.62–2.62 1.48 1.41 0.35 8.3
Task switch accuracyk— − 8–20 2.80 2 5.84 25.3 − 11–18 3.70 3 5.29 22.7 − 10–32 3.90 3 6.50 22
Accuracy score
Subjective experiences of 19–120 77.24 83 21.44 89.2 4–106 77.18 78 17.37 95.5 23–93 62.97 66.50 20.68 71.4
cognitive functioning
ADHD attention deficit hyperactivity disorder; CCGclinical comparison group; CCG-ND clinical comparison group-not diagnosed
Percentage of individuals with percentile rank ≤ 16 based on test norms. bPerceptual and Attention Functions-Selective Attention (WAFS). cPerceptual and Attention Functions—Vigilance
(WAFV). dTrail-Making Test-A (TMT-A). eN-back verbal task (NBV). f5-Point Test—Langensteinbach Version. gStroop Interference Test. hTower of London—Freiburg Version (TOL-F). iGo/
No-Go test. jTime to complete TMT-B divided by time to complete TMT-A. kSWITCH task. lQuestionnaire on Mental Ability (FLEI). 1ADHD group reported significantly more problems of
cognitive functioning than CCG-ND
N. Guo et al.
Neuropsychological functioning of individuals at clinical evaluation of adult ADHD 885
Fig. 1 Percentage of individuals indicating impairment (percentile participants having impairment (i.e., baseline if impairment is defined
rank ≤ 16) in neuropsychological test performance and self-report. as percentile rank ≤ 16); ADHD attention deficit hyperactivity disor-
Impairment per function is defined if test performance is impaired in der; CCG clinical comparison group; CCG-ND clinical comparison
at least one test variable of this function; Dotted line indicates 16% of group-not diagnosed
41% of participants, respectively). This is in line with the impairments in daily life activities have been reported in ear-
results of numerous previous studies showing impairments lier research on adults with ADHD (In de Braek et al. 2011;
in adults with ADHD in various cognitive functions (Bálint, Fuermaier et al. 2014), and may also explain the referral
Czobor, Mészáros, Simon, and Bitter 2008; Boonstra et al. reason of the present sample, as all individuals were seek-
2005; Pritchard, Neumann, and Rucklidge 2008). The pre- ing a clinical evaluation of adult ADHD as they thought to
sent results conform to previous findings, demonstrating experience ADHD-like problems in their daily lives. When
that slower responses, a greater reaction time variability, comparing neuropsychological studies in ADHD across
and more omission were commonly observed in adults with lifespan, it becomes apparent that ADHD is characterized
ADHD when compared to healthy control participants in by heterogeneous cognitive profiles with marked differences
tests of attention (Cross-Villasana et al. 2015; Kofler et al. between individuals, but also across time (Luo, Weibman,
2013; Mostert et al. 2015). The sensitivity of the vigilance Halperin and Li 2019; Seidman 2006). For example, neu-
task to reveal cognitive impairment underlines its central roimaging studies demonstrated morphological and physi-
role in the neuropsychological assessment of adult ADHD, ological changes in ADHD over time to be associated with
despite its long administration time may cost comparably differences in neuropsychological functioning (Cortese
much clinical resources. Furthermore, this study demon- et al. 2012; Hoogman et al. 2017; Krain, and Castellanos
strates marked cognitive complaints as reported by patients 2006). Furthermore, potential comorbid disorders that indi-
with ADHD. The pronounced experiences of cognitive viduals with ADHD may grow into in adolescence and early
ADHD attention deficit hyperactivity disorder; CCGclinical comparison group; CCG-ND clinical comparison group-not diagnosed
**Statistically significant at p < .01
Mann–Whitney U test. bPositive values indicate worse functioning in ADHD in the respective comparison, negative values indicate better func-
tioning in ADHD in the respective comparison. cPerceptual and Attention Functions-Selective Attention (WAFS). dPerceptual and Attention
Functions- Vigilance (WAFV). eTrail-Making Test-A (TMT-A). fN-back verbal task (NBV). g5-Point Test—Langensteinbach Version. hStroop
Interference Test. iTower of London—Freiburg Version (TOL-F). jGo/No-Go test. kTime to complete Trail Making Test-B (TMT-B) divided by
time to complete Trail Making Test-A (TMT-A). lSWITCH task. mQuestionnaire on Mental Ability (FLEI)
Basic cognitive functions: Compound Z-score of selective attention task (logarithmic mean of RT, log-
arithmic standard deviation of RT, omissions), vigilance task (logarithmic mean of RT and omissions),
and TMT part A; Working memory: Z-score of correct responses in NBV; Inhibition/Interference control:
Compound Z-score of Go/No-Go omissions and Stroop Interference Test naming interference and read-
ing interference; Cognitive flexibility: Compound Z-score of TMT part B/TMT part A and SWITCH task
switch accuracy; Fluency: Z-score of number of unique patterns created in 5-Point Test; Planning: Z-score
of number of items solved in TOL-F; Total compound: Compound Z-score of working memory, inhibition/
interference control, cognitive flexibility, fluency, and planning
ADHD attention deficit hyperactivity Disorder; CCG clinical comparison group; CCG-ND clinical com-
parison group-not diagnosed
*Significant at the 0.05 level. **Significant at the 0.01 level
adulthood, as well as drug abuse that often commences in size. A significant difference between groups was found in
this development phase, are likely to represent additional the subjective experience of cognitive functioning only. In
sources for marked inter-individual differences in neuropsy- this self-report, patients with ADHD indicate significantly
chological profiles in young adults with ADHD (Marks, more pronounced cognitive complaints compared to the
Newcorn and Halperin 2001; Rose, Bramham, Young, Pal- CCG-ND. However, inspecting the magnitude of cognitive
iokostas and Xenitidis 2009). complaints of all three groups, it becomes apparent that the
Moreover, the present study demonstrates that individu- complaints may be no good indicator for differential diag-
als of the clinical comparison groups, i.e., the CCG and nostic purpose, as pronounced and marked cognitive impair-
CCG-ND, showed a similar pattern of neuropsychological ments are reported by all three groups at clinical assessment,
functioning and exhibit impairments in the same functions which may explain their referral to an ADHD outpatient
as observed in the group of patients diagnosed with ADHD, clinic. Taken together, data of this study, on the one hand,
including selective attention, vigilance, inhibition, interfer- provide evidence for the notion that a neuropsychological
ence control, as well as in subjective ratings of cognitive assessment may have limited ability to discriminate between
functioning. This is also illustrated by an inspection of the adult ADHD and other psychiatric disorders in a psychiatric
number of impairments by group, which shows a similar assessment (Barkley 2019; Holst and Thorell 2017; Petters-
distribution for the ADHD group, CCG, and CCG-ND. The son et al. 2018; Solanto, Etefia and Marks 2004; Walker
vast majority of individuals have impairments in one to six et al. 2000). On the other hand, marked cognitive impair-
functions (of ten functions assessed), with a peak at two ments that are observed in the majority of individuals with
to four impairments. The observation of similar patterns ADHD in this study supports earlier seminal work which
of neuropsychological functions between the three groups argued that a neuropsychological assessment using cogni-
is consistent with the view of ADHD as dimensional con- tive performance tests may contribute to the comprehen-
struct, with ADHD-like symptoms and impairments occur- sive understanding of an individual, including the charac-
ring in large parts of the population, including the general terization of individual cognitive strengths and weaknesses
psychiatric population (Sergeant, Geurts and Oosterlaan and potentially also guide treatment planning, such as the
2002). In this context, multifactorial models are discussed administration of cognitive remediation programs or acquir-
in the etiology of ADHD, with, for example, a large number ing compensation strategies to overcome consequences of
of gene loci that may contribute to the clinical syndrome cognitive deficits (Lange et al. 2014; Mapou 2019; Pineda
of ADHD (Bobb et al. 2005; Cortese 2012; Li et al. 2006; et al. 2007). Regarding cognitive remediation, there is yet
Demontis et al. 2019). The notion of a similar pattern of an ongoing discussion on its usefulness in the treatment of
neuropsychological functioning across the three groups is adults with ADHD with nonconforming findings reported in
supported by group comparisons revealing mostly non-sig- different studies (Chevalier et al. 2017; Cortese et al. 2015;
nificant group differences, ranging from negligible to small Rapport, Orban, Kofler and Friedman 2013; Solanto, Marks,
Mitchell, Wasserstein and Kofman 2008). Further research or not having psychiatric conditions, and subsequent group
is therefore needed on the extent to which neuropsycho- comparisons, must be interpreted with caution.
logical tests can effectively be used to guide psychological Third, the missing of more differences between groups
interventions. may have been caused by similarities in group characteris-
Finally, findings of earlier research (Butzbach et al. 2019; tics. For example, a similar range of psychiatric disorders is
Holst and Thorell 2017) could be confirmed by demonstrat- observed both in the ADHD group and the CCG. Further,
ing significant correlations between basic cognitive func- given this context of an ADHD outpatient clinic, it must be
tions and higher-order cognitive functions in the ADHD considered that also individuals not being diagnosed with
group. The observed associations support the impairments ADHD may suffer from a similar clinical pattern which may
in basic functions may lead to impairments in higher-order just not reach diagnostic threshold for ADHD.
functions, such as aspects of complex attention and execu- Fourth, even though the neuropsychological assessment
tive control. Noteworthy, the present study adds to previous using cognitive tests was not part of the standard diagnos-
research in demonstrating significant and medium-sized tic routine of clinicians, results of the cognitive assessment
associations between basic and higher-order cognitive func- were accessible to patients and clinicians, and may have
tions not only in the ADHD group but also in the CCG. guided clinical decision-making. However, this may even
This effect may indicate that the relationship between basic support the notion that a neuropsychological assessment
and higher-order cognitive functions may not be specific for using cognitive tests may not contribute substantially to a
adult ADHD, but may also hold true in individuals with differential diagnostic process of psychiatric disorders, if
other psychiatric disorders. In contrast, no such relation- one takes into account that the neuropsychological assess-
ship was found in the clinical comparison group with no ment was not completely independent from the diagnostic
diagnostic status. The findings of a hierarchical relationship assessment and still the ADHD group does not largely differ
between basic and higher-order cognitive functions may not in neuropsychological functions from the two other clinical
only be utilized to optimize neuropsychological assessment, groups.
but provides also implications for the treatment of cogni-
tive deficits of patients with psychiatric conditions. Previous
research already demonstrated that stimulant drug treatment Conclusions
improves basic cognitive functions, i.e., processing speed
and reaction time variability, which in turn may indirectly This study demonstrates that individuals seeking a clini-
improve higher-order cognitive functions (Bron et al. 2014; cal evaluation of adult ADHD show marked impairments
Butzbach et al. 2019; Kofler et al. 2013; Wong and Stevens in several aspects of cognitive functions, irrespectively
2012). Similarly, cognitive remediation programs aiming to from whether they fulfill diagnostic criteria for ADHD or
improve processing speed and other aspects of basic atten- not. This is underlined by group comparisons indicating
tion may have a broader area of effect than initially assumed, no meaningful differences in cognitive functions between
and may also impact on higher-order functions (Sonuga- patients with ADHD, the clinical comparison group, and
Barke et al. 2014). the clinical comparison group with no diagnostic status. We
conclude that cognitive deficits are prominent in patients of
this setting, but are not specific for ADHD. And a neuropsy-
Limitations chological assessment using cognitive tests may not provide
the clinician with incremental information for the differential
This study needs to be seen in the context of several limita- diagnostic process of adult ADHD. Furthermore, we con-
tions. First, the group of patients with ADHD is a selected clude and support earlier work that deficits in a range of
sample, with the majority being diagnosed with the com- cognitive domains can be substantially explained by deficits
bined symptom presentation and various comorbid psychi- in lower-order cognitive functions, such as processing speed
atric disorders. It is, therefore, difficult to evaluate how rep- and basic aspects of attention and distractibility.
resentative the present data are for the population of adults
with ADHD when compared to clinical control groups, and
whether the observed effects would hold in clinical samples Funding
with different characteristics.
Second, because the clinical assessment was designed Open Access This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attri-
bution 4.0 International License, which permits use, sharing, adapta-
mainly to determine the presence of adult ADHD, only clini- tion, distribution and reproduction in any medium or format, as long
cal indications, but no verified diagnoses, could be given for as you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source,
the differentiation between other clinical conditions. Thus, provide a link to the Creative Commons licence, and indicate if changes
the differentiation between individuals presumably having were made. The images or other third party material in this article are
included in the article’s Creative Commons licence, unless indicated and DRD1. Am J Med Genet Part B Neuropsychiatr Genet
otherwise in a credit line to the material. If material is not included in 134(1):67–72
the article’s Creative Commons licence and your intended use is not Boonstra AM, Oosterlaan J, Sergeant JA, Buitelaar JK (2005) Execu-
permitted by statutory regulation or exceeds the permitted use, you will tive functioning in adult ADHD: a meta-analytic review. Psy-
need to obtain permission directly from the copyright holder. To view a chol Med 35(8):1097–1108
copy of this licence, visit Boonstra AM, Kooij JJ, Oosterlaan J, Sergeant JA, Buitelaar
JK (2010) To act or not to act, that’s the problem: primar-
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