Fast Phonics
Fast Phonics
Fast Phonics
Learning Overview
PHASE 2: Peaks 1 – 5: 19 letters, 23 graphemes, 143 words, 9 books
In Phase 2, children learn the sounds that letters make (phonemes). By the end of Phase 2 children
are reading some vowel-consonant (VC) and consonant-vowel-consonant (CVC) words. They also
know some high frequency ‘tricky words’ like ‘the’ and ‘go’. Children learn to sound out each phoneme
and blend these sounds together to read new words. For example, they will blend the sounds c-a-t
to make the word cat. They will also start learning to segment words for spelling. Letters and sounds
are introduced in this order: s, a, t, p, m, i, d, n, g, o, c, k, ck, e, r, u, l, h, f, b, ll, ss, ff.
Set 1: at, as, pat, Pat, sap, sat, tap, taps Pat taps
s, a, t, p
Phase 2 taps
Katy Pike
Illustrated by Molly Sage
Set 2: a, and, did, in, is, it, no, the, dad, Tim and the map
m, i, d, n map, man, mat, nap, nip, pan, pin,
Tim and
Phase 2 pip, pit, sad, sip, sit, Tim the map
Katy Pike
Illustrated by Molly Sage
Set 3: can, go, got, not, on, to, cap, cat, Sam can
g, o, c, cot, dig, dog, dot, kid, mop, pan,
Sam can
Phase 2 k, ck pans, pot, pots, pig, pop, Sam, sack,
sock, tin, top
Katy Pike
Illustrated by Molly Sage
Set 4: am, get, I, it, to, up, cannot, carrot, The red rocket
r, e, u cup, kick, Kit, mad, men, Moppet, The cat and
The red The cat
Phase 2 muck, mud, mug, neck, nips, peg, the rat and the
pen, pocket, pup, rat, rats, red, rat
rocket, rug, run, sick, sits, socks,
sun, ten, ticket Katy Pike
Illustrated by Molly Sage
Katy Pike
Illustrated by Molly Sage
Set 5: gets, had, has, he, him, his, of, off, Bill
l, h, f, b, see, back, bad, bed, bell, big, Bill, Kit the cat Bill Kit the cat
Phase 2 ll, ff, ss bin, bit, bug, bun, bus, carrots, doll, Carrots
fan, fed, fig, fill, fin, fit, fusspot, Hot dog
gap, hat, hid, hill, hiss, hop, hot, Sara Leman
Sara Leman
In Phase 3, children can blend and segment words containing the 19 letters taught in Phase 2. During Phase 3,
twenty-five new graphemes are covered, one at a time, including the most common digraphs and trigraphs.
Letters and sounds are introduced in this order: j, v, w, x, y, z, zz, qu. Consonant digraphs: ch, sh, th, ng.
Vowel digraphs and trigraphs: ai, ee, igh, oa, oo, ar, or, ur, ow, oi, ear, air, ure, er.
Set 6: an, for, her, into, put, puts, sees, Peg and Meg Peg and Ravi’s
j, v, w she, this, will, with, bucket, egg, Ravi’s pen pen
Phase 3 fun, fuss, hen, hug, jacket, jam, Mud on the rug
Jess, jet, job, jog, kitten, legs, less, Pug the pup
lost, Meg, met, naps, nut, Peg, pet, Sara Leman
Illustrated by Molly Sage
Sara Leman
Illustrated by Molly Sage
Set 7: do, my, yes, bag, box, buzz, Off on a jet
Off on My duck
x, y, z, cobweb, Dot, duck, fix, fizz, hops, My duck a jet
Phase 3 zz, qu Jack, lap, lemon, lets, locks, lot, A visit to the vet
miss, pack, packs, pick, picks, Lots of pets
picnic, pond, quack, quick, quit, Six big pigs Sara Leman
Illustrated by Molly Sage
Sara Leman
Illustrated by Molly Sage
Set 8: look, than, that, them, you, we, Fish for Kit Fish Bill’s
sh, ch, bats, bath, cash, chat, chickens, Bill’s bath for bath
K it
Phase 3 th, ng chill, chin, chip, chips, chop, cubs, The bug
den, dish, fish, fox, full, hush, jug, Sunset
king, lid, long, magnet, mitten, Sara Leman
Illustrated by Molly Sage
Sara Leman
Illustrated by Molly Sage
Set 9: along, but, if, its, me, oh, out, aim, King Rex
King Rex Off on
ai, ee, beep, boat, butterfly, check, checks, Can a chicken a boat
Phase 3 igh, oa coat, deep, dull, fail, feel, feet, get mail?
fight, foal, goat, hails, high, hum, Off on a boat
Jeep, keen, laptop, last, light, loads, Max gets wet Sara Leman
Illustrated by Molly Sage
Sara Leman
Illustrated by Molly Sage
In Phase 3, children can blend and segment words containing the 19 letters taught in Phase 2. During Phase 3,
twenty-five new graphemes are covered, one at a time, including the most common digraphs and trigraphs.
Letters and sounds are introduced in this order: j, v, w, x, y, z, zz, qu. Consonant digraphs: ch, sh, th, ng.
Vowel digraphs and trigraphs: ai, ee, igh, oa, oo, ar, or, ur, ow, oi, ear, air, ure, er.
Set 10: are, be, by, must, so, too, was, Poor Kit
oo, ar, bags, bark, barn, bedroom, bench, A visit to the moon
Phase 3 or, ur book, born, burn, car, card, cart, Charley the farm dog
Charley, cook, cool, cord, cork,
corn, curl, curls, dark, door, far,
farm, farms, food, foot, fork, fur, Charley
good, goodnight, hard, harm, hurt, Poor A visit to
the farm
Kit the moon
Karl, lick, loops, moon, Nan, next, dog
oops, park, parks, pool, pools,
poor, purr, rocks, rooftops, room, Sara Leman
Sara Leman
Illustrated by Molly Sage
Sara Leman
Illustrated by Molly Sage
Set 11: again, all, down, from, now, there, Sam has a pain
ow, oi, they, when, your, ago, boil, bow, Dad gets mad
Phase 3 ear, air beard, carpark, chair, coop, coil, Six bad chickens
coin, cow, cows, dabs, dear, dinner,
ear, farmer, fear, garden, gear,
gown, hair, harp, hear, howl, Jim,
join, kept, main, market, fight, Sam has Dad gets Six bad
foil, moans, near, nod, oil, oink, a pain mad chickens
ow!, owl, pair, pairs, Pam, pulls, Sara Leman Sara Leman
Set 12: how, over, under, achoo!, assure, Kit gets lost
er, ure better, bows, bitter, boxer, butter, Jess the jogger
Phase 3 corner, curd, cure, digger, dinner, King Rex’s dinner
fitter, foods, form, hammer, hard,
harder, heels, higher, hotter,
jogger, ladder, letter, longer,
meow, mixer, mood, nearer, order, Jess the King Rex’s
pad, pepper, poison, power, pure, jogger dinner
quicker, richer, river, rocker,
runners, secure, secures, seen,
shiver, shivers, shower, singer, Sara Leman
Illustrated by Molly Sage
Sara Leman
Illustrated by Molly Sage
In Phase 4, children blend and segment words containing the letters, sounds, and digraphs previously
taught in Phases 2 and 3. They consolidate this knowledge to blend and segment words containing adjacent
consonants, as well as polysyllabic words. The main focus of Phase 4 is on CVCC, CCVC, CCVCC, and CCCVC
words. For example, hand, swim, spend, and string.
Peak Focus New decodable words and high frequency words Decodable books
Set 13: come, have, just, like, little, one, some, thing, went, what, Karl and Charley go camping
CVCC, air, arms, asleep, bang, bank, beef, bend, belt, best, black, A trip to the coast
Phase 4 CCVC boast, bottom, bright, bring, bunk, burned, burst, camp, The test
camping, carsick, champ, chops, clap, cliff, clock, coast, cold,
cookbook, cooking, crab, desktop, dart, dear, digs, ding- Karl and
Charley go
dong, drag, drip, drop, drum, dusk, eggs, fast, feels, fills,
fishing, flap, flesh, fond, foolish, forget, forks, fresh, frog,
frown, gasp, getting, gift, glad, gloop, goal, grabs, green,
groan, grim, growl, gulls, gulp, gust, hail, hand, hands, hats,
Sara Leman
Illustrated by Molly Sage
Set 14: about, after, also, been, children, ever, here, himself, it’s, Stink’s snack
CCVCC, let’s, likes, onto, said, until, were, across, afternoon, a-ha, Good dog, Scrap!
Phase 4 CCCVC ask, ball, bland, blank, blasts, blend, blink, blinks, blocks, Gramps the grump
boiling, boots, branch, brings, brisk, brown, bulldog, bumps,
call, cards, cheer, Cheng, chimps, chomps, chunk, clank,
clings, clink, clonk, clump, clunk, coin, crack, craft, cramp, Stink’s
crank, creeps, crisp, crops, cross, darts, drank, drink, snack
droops, drops, dug, ears, ends, fair, flash, floor, flowers,
French, fright, frogs, frowns, goals, Gramps, grand, grasp,
grasps, grass, greet, grins, groans, grump, grunt, grunts, ha
Sara Leman
Illustrated by Molly Sage
slinks, slips, slops, slurp, smack, smells, snack, sorts, spend, Gramps
spill, spills, splash, splat, split, splosh, spots, spring, springs, the grump
sprint, sprints, stamp, stamping, stamps, stand, stands,
starts, steers, steps, stick, sticks, stink, stinks, stomp,
stomps, stool, street, string, strong, strums, stump, stunt, Sara Leman
Illustrated by Molly Sage
In Phase 5, children blend and segment words containing the adjacent consonants taught in Phase 4. In
Phase 5, they learn more adjacent consonants, as well as polysyllabic words. Children learn new graphemes
and phonemes, and their alternative pronunciations when reading and spelling. Letters and sounds are
introduced in this order: ay, ie, ea, oy, ir, ou, ue, aw, wh, ph, ew, oe, au, ey, a-e, e-e, i-e, o-e, u-e. Children
learn alternative pronunciations of graphemes, with specific focus on: c, g, ow, ea, and y. They will also learn
alternative spellings for phonemes, with specific focus on: tch, dge, kn, wr, and mb.
Peak Focus New decodable words and high frequency words Decodable books
Set 15: being, called, comes, could, looked, Mr., Mrs., myself, Beach clean-up
ay, ie, often, or, other, please, people, should, would, adds, Full of fleas!
Phase 5 ea, oy, agrees, animal, annoy, annoys, asks, away, bay, The royal pie
ir beach, bead, beads, beak, beams, bean, beat, beats,
bends, bird, birds, birthday, bits, boy, cheek, chirps, Beach
clay, clean-up, crayon, creak, cream, cries, crisp,
crust, day, destroys, die, dirt, drags, drains, dream,
dreams, each, eat, enjoy, enjoys, fantastic, feast,
fighting, first, fleas, flies, float, free, fries, girl, glass, by Sara Leman
Set 16: asked, house, their, water, where, which, why, Looking for Humph
ou, ue, about, aloud, alphabet, argue, argues, around, barks, Rain, rain go away!
Phase 5 aw, wh, basketball, block, blue, claw, claws, cleaning, cloud, Ways to get about
ph clouds, club, clue, clues, cockatoo, continue, counts,
crawl, crawls, crop, cutting, dawn, deck, different, Looking
for Humph
digging, dolphin, dolphins, draw, dress-ups, elephant,
fact, finish, fins, flick, found, fuel, gasps, girl, glut,
gopher, gophers, gout, glue, ground, hawk, hound,
hours, Humph, jaw, jigsaw, lawn, leap, leash, loud,
Sara Leman
Illustrated by Molly Sage
In Phase 5, children blend and segment words containing the adjacent consonants taught in Phase 4. In
Phase 5, they learn more adjacent consonants, as well as polysyllabic words. Children learn new graphemes
and phonemes, and their alternative pronunciations when reading and spelling. Letters and sounds are
introduced in this order: ay, ie, ea, oy, ir, ou, ue, aw, wh, ph, ew, oe, au, ey, a-e, e-e, i-e, o-e, u-e. Children
learn alternative pronunciations of graphemes, with specific focus on: c, g, ow, ea, and y. They will also learn
alternative spellings for phonemes, with specific focus on: tch, dge, kn, wr, and mb.
Peak Focus New decodable words and high frequency words Decodable books
Set 17: because, goes, something, us, Abbey, afraid, aircrew, Andrew, another, News reporters
ew, oe, Audrey, August, author, automatic, barking, barley, beans, blew, blog, Audrey the vet
Phase 5 au, ey Bluey, Boe, brew, bunch, camera, cameras, carpet, cashew, chatting, The new stew
checking, chew, chews, chimney, chutney, cleans, clever, clinic, clips,
coach, cracks, crew, crowd, crowds, defeat, desk, dew, disaster, dominoes, News
donkey, drew, edit, end, event, events, ew!, extra, festival, few, film,
flew, flings, garlic, gather, gooey, happen, Harley, haul, hauls, hee-
haw, helicopter, hockey, honey, important, interest, interests, Internet,
by Sara Leman
invent, jar, jewels, key, keys, kidney, launch, Laura, leads, meowing,
money, monkey, mouse, nephew, network, new, news, newt, oboe, open, Audrey
parsley, person, phew, plops, point, pointing, points, potatoes, problems, the vet
record, refund, relax, renew, report, reporter, revolting, screaming,
screw, seconds, send, shoosh, simmering, skills, snout, sobs, speaking,
spits, sports, sprouts, standing, stars, stew, threw, tiptoes, toe, toenails,
Sara Leman
Illustrated by Molly Sage
toes, tomatoes, traffic, trap, trolley, turkey, TV, valley, venues, weekend, The new
Whiskers, woe, work, works stew
Sara Leman
Illustrated by
Marta Tesoro
Set 18: before, sometimes, these, through, while, ah, airline, airport, airports, alive, Going on a plane
a-e, e-e, alone, appears, arrive, athlete, awake, backstroke, bedside, beehive, begin, Catnap time
Phase 5 i-e, o-e, bike, bite, blades, boasts, bone, bookcase, booms, brake, brand-new, brave, The royal golf
u-e breeze, burger, butler, buzzing, cabin, cake, cape, cases, casserole, catnap, game
chase, check-in, checking-in, cheers, choke, chugs, Clive, close, clothes,
clubs, coffee, compete, concrete, cone, cope, crane, cranes, crate, crocodile, Going on
cube, cupcakes, date, Dave, decade, deer, desks, dine, dives, divide, doze, a plane
dreaming, drive, drives, drove, eats, escape, escapes, Eve, exits, explain,
explode, extreme, fades, faster, fine, fire, five, flags, flat, flight, flights,
freeze, game, gate, gaze, globe, going, golf, grape, greens, greets, hazard,
by Sara Leman
heats, heatwave, hide, hits, hole, home, hopes, inside, jackets, Jade, Jake, Catnap
Jane, June, Kate, keyhole, kite, lake, late, leave, leaves, life, line, listen, time
load, loudspeaker, lunchtime, made, make, makes, masks, maze, milkshake,
mistake, mole, mule, nine, note, pancakes, panic, parade, parts, pass, pays,
pedal, perfume, phone, pile, pine, plane, planes, plans, plate, pockets, poke, Sara Leman
Illustrated by Marta Tesoro
pretends, pride, prize, prune, quite, rake, reach, reading, real, relaxing,
rides, rise, role, rope, rude, rules, safe, safer, sale, same, save, scale, scan, The royal
screening, seaside, seatbelt, Selene, selfish, shade, shake, shakes, shape, golf game
shapes, shine, shopping, shot, side, sister, sizes, skate, sleeve, slice, slides,
slope, smile, smiles, smoke, snake, snakes, sneeze, snooze, spade, spends,
sphere, spine, spire, splendid, splutters, spoke, squeeze, state, stones,
Sara Leman
Illustrated by Molly Sage
In Phase 5, children blend and segment words containing the adjacent consonants taught in Phase 4. In
Phase 5, they learn more adjacent consonants, as well as polysyllabic words. Children learn new graphemes
and phonemes, and their alternative pronunciations when reading and spelling. Letters and sounds are
introduced in this order: ay, ie, ea, oy, ir, ou, ue, aw, wh, ph, ew, oe, au, ey, a-e, e-e, i-e, o-e, u-e. Children
learn alternative pronunciations of graphemes, with specific focus on: c, g, ow, ea, and y. They will also learn
alternative spellings for phonemes, with specific focus on: tch, dge, kn, wr, and mb.
Peak Focus New decodable words and high frequency words Decodable books
Set 19: any, give, gives, many, most, once, our, very, acid, acrobats, The Circus
soft c, g act, acts, added, advice, ahead, amaze, amount, amounts, Lost in the cyber place
Phase 5 ow as in snow Antarctica, artist, artists, assures, attracts, baby, balance, Ways to reduce waste
begs, bins, blab, blob, blow, blows, books, borrow, bounce,
ea as in bread, breakfast, brush, cactus, cage, calcium, cans, canvas,
bread carry, carton, cartons, celebrate, cell, cells, cent, century,
y as in as chance, changes, charge, charity, choice, choose, circus, city, The Circus
in baby, claps, class, clowns, collect, comedy, composter, composting,
by Sara Leman
FAST PHONICS 7 © Blake eLearning
Learning Overview ❆
PHASE 5: Peaks 15 – 20: 500+ words, 18 books
In Phase 5, children blend and segment words containing the adjacent consonants taught in Phase 4. In
Phase 5, they learn more adjacent consonants, as well as polysyllabic words. Children learn new graphemes
and phonemes, and their alternative pronunciations when reading and spelling. Letters and sounds are
introduced in this order: ay, ie, ea, oy, ir, ou, ue, aw, wh, ph, ew, oe, au, ey, a-e, e-e, i-e, o-e, u-e. Children
learn alternative pronunciations of graphemes, with specific focus on: c, g, ow, ea, and y. They will also learn
alternative spellings for phonemes, with specific focus on: tch, dge, kn, wr, and mb.
Peak Focus New decodable words and high frequency words Decodable books
Set 20: become, does, doing, done, eyes, friends, laugh, laughs, A knotty problem
tch as in more, thought, thoughts, aground, always, animals, appear, Please call the plumber!
Phase 5 match array, arrives, artifacts, arty, attract, attracted, avoid, Shipwrecks
badge, bandage, batch, beg, blocked, Boga, bombs, boots,
dge as in
brain, bridge, Bridget, broke, broken, brow, buckle, budge, A knotty
calls, cargo, catch, causes, cheeky, closes, clutching, comb, problem
kn as in knee combs, containers, copy, coral, crashed, crashes, crumb,
wr as in wrap decides, destroy, disasters, dishes, display, divers, dodged,
mb as in lamb dodging, dropping, edge, etch, everyone, exactly, fetch,
Sara Leman
Illustrated by Molly Sage