Grade 4 TOS
Grade 4 TOS
Grade 4 TOS
ICT Grade 4
3rd Quarter Examination (1st mastery test)
Name: ________________________________________________________Date: _____________________Score: _______________
Can use the Test I. Multiple Choice
computer, internet, Direction: Encircle the letter of the correct answer.
and email in a safe 1. Is an electronic device used to access, store, or work on data or information and
and responsible produced desired outputs by using different programs or applications.
way. a. Technology b. Computer c. ICT d. Keyboard
2. Refers to the program or application installed in a computer to do a specific task or
produced a specific output.
a. Hardware b. Computer c. ICT d. Software
3. The following are example of hardware except one:
a. Mouse b. Keyboard c. Google d. Monitor
4. Which of the following is an example of hardware?
a. Mouse b. Search engine c. MS word d. Excel
5. Which of the following is an example of application software?
a. Word processor b. Monitor c. Printer d. Clock
6. It can quickly damage your computer files and be transferred and distributed
across computer networks through email and flash drives.
a. Virus b. Worm c. Infected d. Trojan horse
7. The following are example of malware except one:
a. Worm b. Spider c. Trojan horse d. Virus
8. Which of the following is an example of input devices?
a. Monitor b. Mouse c. Speaker d. Projector
9. Used to create, edit, save, and print a document.
a. Word processor b. Spreadsheet c. Web browser d. Presentation
10. Used to display information in a slide format.
a. Word processor b. Spreadsheet c. Web browser d. Presentation
Can show Test III. Constructed Response
knowledge and skill Direction: Answer the question to the best of your knowledge and write your answer on
in using ICT. the space provided. (5 sentences) 10pts.