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Pretreatment Continuous

Continuous pretreatment for knitwear Through optimum adaptation of - protonic treatment

the selection of Clariant products - scour boiling
to the customers’ needs as well as - causticizing
the requirements of the Benninger - bleaching
machines it is possible to apply - scouring
numerous processes with excellent - washing off
results. With our modern products - postscouring
the following processes lead to - special enzymatic treatments.
outstanding results through gentle
treatment of the knitted goods
in a wide variety of continuous
pretreatment operations:



TRIKOFLEX Open – Width Bleaching 1 TRIKOFLEX LTS A Sandozin* MRZ liq, Plexophor ® ECO liq
2 STEAMER B Sandozin* MRZ liq, Sirrix ® DNA liq
range for Knitwear 3 TRIKOFLEX LTDS C Sandozin* MRZ liq, Sirrix ® CRC liq
4 SQUEEZER D Sandozin* MRZ liq, Plexophor ® ECO liq,
Stabilizer SIFA liq
protonic treatment, boilling off, hot reductive causticizing, bleaching,
E Sirrix ® DNA liq, Bactosol ® SAP liq
washing off, antiperoxide treatment, neutralizing

2 3


TRIKOFLEX washing range 1 TRIKOFLEX LTDS A Sandozin* MRZ liq, Plexophor ® ECO liq
2 TEMPACTA LV B Sandozin* MRZ liq, Sirrix ® DNA liq
for pre- and posttreatment 3 TRIKOFLEX LTDS C Sandozin* MRZ liq, Plexophor ® ECO liq,
4 SQUEEZER Stabilizer SIFA liq
D Sirrix ® DNA liq, Bactosol ® SAP liq
protonic treatment, boilling off, bleaching, washing off,
antiperoxide treatment, neutralizing



«Starter-Kit» for Knitwear CPB bleaching/ 1 BICOFLEX A Sandozin* MRZ liq, Sirrix ® DNA liq
2 TRIKOFLEX B Sandoflex* A liq
washing, CPB dyeing/washing C Sandozin* MRZ liq, Plexophor ® ECO liq,
Stabilizer SIFA liq
D Sandozin* MRZ liq, Plexophor ® ECO liq
washing off, protonic treatment, Sandoflex treatment,
E Sirrix ® DNA liq, Bactosol ® SAP liq
cold pad-batch bleaching, antiperoxide treatment, neutralizing
Continuous pretreatment for wovens The increasing demands of the cus- - enzymatic desizing
tomers and the increasing speed - oxydative desizing
of the Benninger machines require - protonic treatment
a wide range of chemicals with - scour boiling
special properties. The Clariant pro- - hot and cold causticizing
ducts meet these manifold require- - bleaching
ments in an exemplary manner - scouring
and form an excellent partnership - washing off
between machine and chemistry - postscouring
for all the following continuous - special enzymatic treatments
treatments for woven fabrics:

6 7 8
3 4
1 5


Pre- and posttreatment plant for 1 FORTRACTA A Sandozin* MRZ liq, Plexophor ® ECO liq
2 HYDROVAC B Sandozin* MRZ liq, Sirrix ® DNA liq
mono and bielastic woven fabrics 3 TRIKOFLEX LTDB C Sandozin* MRZ liq, Plexophor ® ECO liq,
4 SQUEEZER Bactosol ® HTN liq c
5 BOOSTER D Sandozin* MRZ liq, Sirrix ® CRC liq
washing off, protonic treatment, desizing, boilling off, hot reductive causticizing,
6 REACTA E Sandozin* MRZ liq, Plexophor ® ECO liq,
bleaching, antiperoxide treatment, neutralizing
7 TRIKOFLEX LTDB Stabilizer SIFA liq
8 SQUEEZER F Sirrix ® DNA liq, Bactosol ® SAP liq

2 7
5 6


Desizing and Bleaching with bleachliquor 1 INJECTA A Sandozin* MRZ liq, Plexophor ® ECO liq
2 EXTRACTA B Sandozin* MRZ liq, Sirrix ® DNA liq
application on the IMPACTA 3 IMPACTA C Sandozin* MRZ liq, Plexophor ® ECO liq,
4 STEAMER Bactosol ® HTN liq c
5 FORTRACTA D Sandozin* MRZ liq, Sirrix ® 2UD liq
washing off, protonic treatment, desizing, boilling off, hot reductive causticizing,
6 EXTRACTA E Sandozin* MRZ liq, Sirrix ® CRC liq
bleaching, antiperoxide treatment, neutralizing
7 SQUEEZER F Sandozin* MRZ liq, Plexophor ® ECO liq,
Stabilizer SIFA liq
G Sirrix ® DNA liq, Bactosol ® SAP liq

Bactosol ® HTN liq conc Sandozin* MRZ liq Sirrix ® CRC liq Stabilizer SIFA liq
is a highly concentrated alpha amy- a concentrated nonionic, APEO- versatile, low-foaming product, with is an organic stabilizer for silicate-
lase with high efficiency for the hot and silicone-free wetting, washing reducing power for the CRC pro- free peroxide bleaching. Several
enzymatic desizing of starch size. and cleaning agent for all types of cess and alkaline scour boiling in exceptional effects and interesting
fibre. Has excellent wetting power fully or semicontinuous pretreat- advantages of this product include:
Bactosol ® SAP liq over an entire pH range up to 9°C ment of cotton and its blends with it replace silicate completely, en-
a bio-catalyst based on selected Bé NaOH, exhibits good compati- synthetic fibres. hances the degree of whiteness with
catalase enzymes for removing bility with all enzymes. Dilutable in increasing concentration, forms
hydrogen peroxide in very acid any ratio, pumpable and therefore Sirrix ® DNA liq complexes with heavy metal ions
as well as in alkaline medium particularly suitable for automatic a new protonic product in the DNA thus preventing catalytic damage, is
(pH 4-10) and also stable in warm metering devices. Shows very little concept for textiles applications stable to alkali up to 18° Bé (150 g/l
temperature (up to 70°C). foaming and is bio-degradable. with a large range of exceptional caustic soda solid), is bioeliminable
properties. Is a strong acid for and free from nitrogen, phosphorus
Sandoflex* A liq Sirrix ® 2UD liq ionizing in the pretreatment as well and toxic substances.
is a polyfunctional product with is distinguished by its versatile as for a deep neutralizing in short
wetting, dispersing, sequestering, application spectrum. It deminera- time. Acts for demineralization, Plexophor ® ECO liq
fibre protective and detergent lizes cotton, ionizes metalparticles decoloration, dispersing, antipre- is a new, highly efficient, non-foa-
effects for the special Sandoflex and replaces organic acids in cipitant and anticatalyst for iron ming, biodegradable sequestrant
process. neutralizing operations. It exhibits ions. for calcium, magnesium, iron,
pH - specific action; in alkaline copper and other ions, with very
medium it acts as a non-foaming good dispersing action. It also in-
buffer, sequestrant and stabilizer. crease the degree of whiteness.

Many of their dyestuffs, pigments and chemicals are patented by Clariant Ltd or its affiliates in numerous industrial countries. ® Trademark registered by Clariant Ltd or Clariant GmbH in numerous countries. * Trademark licensed to Clariant Ltd in numerous countries. + Manufacturer's registered trade mark.
The signs ®, * and + appear only at the first mention of the product. The information and recommendations presented here were compiled with the utmost care, but cannot be extended to cover every possible case. They are intended to serve as non-binding guidelines and must be adapted to the prevailing conditions.

Clariant (Switzerland) Ltd. Rothausstrasse 61, CH-4132 Muttenz, Switzerland, Phone: +41-61-469-7074, Fax: +41-61-469-7548, bu.textile.chemicals@clariant.com, www.textiles.clariant.com
Benninger AG CH-9240 Uzwil, Switzerland, Phone: +41-71-955-85-85, Fax: +41-71-955-87-47, beninfo@benninger.ch, www.benninger.ch 1089602

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