Kes 187
Kes 187
Kes 187
RHEUMATOLOGY doi:10.1093/rheumatology/kes187
Advance Access publication 9 August 2012
Original article
The early psoriatic arthritis screening questionnaire:
a simple and fast method for the identification of
arthritis in patients with psoriasis
Ilaria Tinazzi1, Silvano Adami1, Elisabetta Maria Zanolin2, Cristian Caimmi1,
Silvia Confente1, Giampiero Girolomoni3, Paolo Gisondi3, Domenico Biasi1 and
Objective. Dermatologists usually see patients with psoriasis before arthritis develops, making them well
placed to diagnose early PsA (ePsA). This study aimed to develop a rapid and robust screening ques-
tionnaire for predicting PsA in patients with psoriasis referred to a specialized joint dermatologyrheuma-
tology combined clinic.
Methods. In all, 228 psoriasis patients naı̈ve to DMARD treatment were administered two screening
questionnaire: the new Early ARthritis for Psoriatic patients (EARP) questionnaire and the existing
Psoriatic Arthritis Screening and Evaluation (PASE) questionnaire. The diagnostic accuracy of the two
questionnaires for the diagnosis of ePsA was compared by receiving operating characteristics curves.
Results. After psychometric analysis, a simplified questionnaire of 10 items was found to have good
internal reliability (Cronbach’s a = 0.83) and was much faster and simpler to administer than the PASE.
Both the EARP and PASE questionnaires presented similar receiving operating characteristics curves
(specificity 91.6 and 67.2 and sensitivity 85.2 and 90.7, respectively) in identifying ePsA patients by
using the cut-off value of 3 for EARP-10 and the standard cut-off value of 44 for PASE. The CASPAR
criteria for PsA were present in 61 (26.7%) of the patients at clinical presentation and in 32.9% at 1-year
follow-up, and the EARP score of 53 correlated with clinically determined arthropathy by a
Conclusion. The EARP questionnaire is simple and fast to administer and proved robust for the identi-
fication of PsA in the dermatological setting. Dermatologists should consider the EARP for patients
attending clinics, as it correlates well with early PsA diagnosis.
Key words: screening questionnaire, ePsA, PASE, psoriasis.
who will develop PsA is an area of significant controversy,
PsA is an inflammatory arthritis associated with psoriasis with studies demonstrating a range from as low as 6% to
that can have either an indolent or rapidly progressive as high as 42% [1, 2]. Typically psoriasis patients initially
course. The exact proportion of patients with psoriasis seek treatment for their skin and then are referred to a
rheumatologist as arthritic symptoms develop. However,
concurrent PsA in psoriasis patients may be overlooked in
Unit of Rheumatology, 2Department of Public Health and Medicine,
Unit of Epidemiology and Medical Statistics, 3Department of Medicine,
dermatology and general medicine practices, particularly
Section of Dermatology and Venereology, University of Verona, in the early stages of the disease, as enthesitis-related
Verona, Italy and 4Section of Musculoskeletal Diseases, NIHR Leeds manifestations at clinically inaccessible sites may be dif-
Biomedical Research Unit, Leeds Institute of Molecular Medicine,
University of Leeds, Leeds, UK. ficult to recognize, and inflammatory markers may remain
Submitted 5 January 2012; revised version accepted 1 June 2012. normal.
Correspondence to: Ilaria Tinazzi, Unit of Rheumatology, University of
Several factors contribute to the delay in diagnosis of
Verona, P. le Scuro, 1 37134 Verona, Italy. E-mail: PsA. These include the lack of awareness among patients
! The Author 2012. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the British Society for Rheumatology. All rights reserved. For Permissions, please email:
EARP questionnaire to detect early PsA
of the relationship between skin symptoms and joint rheumatologist. The two questionnaires were adminis-
symptoms and the absence of a specific diagnostic tered in a random sequence (1/1).
marker. Ideally every psoriasis patient with musculoskel- The PASE questionnaire [4] consists of two subscales:
etal pain should be evaluated by a rheumatologist, but this symptoms and function. The back-translation from Italian
is not practical. Accordingly, several groups developed to English yielded no appreciable differences. The pos-
screening questionnaires for use in the dermatology or sible answers consist of five categories (15) related to
general practice setting to identify individuals that might the level of agreement with the statement (strongly
be at high risk for the development of PsA [35]. These agree to strongly disagree). A total score was calculated
include the Toronto Psoriatic Arthritis Screen (ToPAS) by summing the score for each question, with a range of
screening questionnaire, the Psoriatic Arthritis Screening 1575.
and Evaluation (PASE) questionnaire, the Psoriasis and The EARP questionnaire was developed through review
Arthritis Questionnaire [35] and the Psoriasis of the typical symptoms and signs seen among patients
Epidemiology Screening Tool (PEST) questionnaire [6]. with an established diagnosis of PsA. Fourteen questions 2059
Ilaria Tinazzi et al.
EARP questionnaire to detect early PsA
Age at inclusion, mean (S.D.), years 50.1 (11.4) 49.2 (12.9) 45.8 ± 8.4 0.31
Sex, women, % 50.7 47.9 35.5 0.01
BMI, median (range) 26 (1831) 25 (1936) 27 (2034) 0.58
Clinical presentation, n (%)
Polyarthritis (53) 14 (19.4)
Oligoarthritis (<3) 22 (30.5)
Dactylitis 11 (15.3)
Spinal involvement 2 (2.8)
MASES, median (IQR) 2 (04) 0 (01) 1 (03) 0.01
TJ 68, median (IQR) 4 (210) 0 (02) 1 (02) 0.01
SJ 68, median (IQR) 2 (05) 0 (01) 0 (01) 0.05
BASDAI, median (IQR) 3.3 (2.19.7) 1.4 (0.73.2) 1.6 (0.84) 0.04
PASI, mean (S.D.) 6.8 (3.18) 5.8 (2.88) 6.2 (2.54) 0.18
Onicopathy, n (%) 41 (56.9) 65 (45.7) 8 (57.1) 0.22
Baseline characteristics of the 228 patients included in the study. All these patients completed EARP and PASE questionnaires
and were followed over 1 year. PsO: psoriasis, IQR: interquartile range, TJ: tender joints, SJ: swollen joints; PASI: Psoriasis
Area and Severity Index.
AUC of EARP was slightly higher at 0.906 (S.E. 0.025; 95% 44. In the 14 patients who developed PsA within the
CI 0.857, 0.955) (Fig. 2). following year, the baseline EARP score was >3 in 10,
The EARP false-positive rate (i.e. with a score 53 but whereas a PASE score >44 was present in only 5 of the
without PsA) was 22.3% (19 of 85 patients), and the patients.
false-negative rate was 3.5% (5 of 143 patients); i.e.
ePsA patients with a score <3 on the EARP but with
PsA. This yields a sensitivity of 85.2% and a specificity
of 91.6%. The sensitivity and specificity of the PASE was In this study we have shown that a large proportion of
90.7% (95% CI 54.3, 78.4) and 67.2% (95% CI 79.7, patients with psoriasis exhibit previously unrecognized
96.9), respectively. Sensitivity and specificity rose to signs of ePsA, and that this can be reliably collected
87.5% (95% CI 76.8, 94.4) and to 81.5% (95% CI 68.5, using the new EARP screening questionnaire. Moreover,
90.7), respectively, with a cut-off equal to 36 rather than the EARP was extremely quick to administer in 2061
Ilaria Tinazzi et al.
TABLE 2 Raw itemtotal, raw itemrest and optimal this study, the development of a PsA screening question-
itemtotal correlations of EARP naire, such a referral pattern would be useful. The clinical
signs of the PsA appeared within a year in an additional
Raw Raw Optimal 6.1% of patients. This is much more than that reported in
itemtotal itemrest itemtotal epidemiological surveys, where only 10% of cases de-
Question no. correlation correlation correlation velop PsA after a decade of follow-up [1]. However, in
previous studies the incidence of PsA was reported,
1 0.791 0.711 0.811
rather than assessed, and this inevitably might consider-
2 0.687 0.582 0.682
3 0.511 0.394 0.486
ably underestimate the true disease incidence.
4 0.616 0.503 0.615 Our results underline the importance of periodic
5 0.733 0.635 0.744 rheumatology assessment, or at least rheumatic symptom
6 0.666 0.554 0.674 evaluation, among psoriasis patients with tools such as
7 0.492 0.382 0.493 EARP.
EARP questionnaire to detect early PsA
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