Legends of Strength v1.0
Legends of Strength v1.0
Legends of Strength v1.0
Starting at 3rd level, when you kill a creature
while raging, you gain a stack of Bloodlust, up to
a maximum of 3. Each stack gives you an
additional +1 to melee attack and damage rolls
while raging. Bloodlust stacks reset whenever
your rage ends.
Starting at 3rd level, You can detect the scent of
blood acutely. You have advantage on checks to
percieve, find, or track blood or bleeding
Starting at 6th level, whenever you take piercing
or slashing damage while raging, you gain Rage
HP equal to the damage taken.
Starting at 10th level, you can spend a stack of
Bloodlust to make one melee weapon attack as a
bonus action.
Starting at 14th level, when you are reduced to 0
HP while raging, you can make a DC 10
Constitution save to drop to 1 HP instead, and
immediately gain a stack of Bloodlust.
In the obscure tales of mythic eras, murmurs
echoed regarding the Seraphs, an enigmatic
presence. Their gaze aflame with otherworldly
light, utterances of unraveled concealed truths,
leaving cryptic marks upon selected adversaries.
With wings radiant, they ascended beyond
mortal reach, ethereal forms instilling fear into
those who would dare even gaze upon them.
Starting at 6th level, 4 spectral wings erupt
from your back when you begin raging. This
grants a flying speed equal to 10 times the
number of wings you have. The wings dissapear
at the end of your rage.
At 10th level, your head morphs and transforms Starting 14th level, when using Wings of Light
to depict different emotional aspects ‐ joy, you manifest 6 wings instead of 4. As an action
sorrow, rage, or tranquility. As a bonus action while raging, you can undergo a magical
while raging, you can summon an aura depicting transformation that lasts for 10 minutes (or
one of the four faces. The aura extends 10 feet until dismissed as a bonus action). Your body is
around you. Each face grants a unique effect: wreathed in flame, and a golden ring covered in
eyes erupts from your head. You gain the
J oy : You and allies in the aura can add 1d4 to a following benefits:
failed attack roll, ability check, or saving throw
once each turn. H a l o of Eyes : You can see through the
golden halo of eyes floating around your head,
Sorrow : Enemies that step within the aura you gain an expertise die on Perception checks
have their speed reduced by 10 feet. and Dexterity saving throws, and you cannot be
R a g e : You and allies in the aura gain an extra
1d4 on damage with weapon attacks and R a d i a n t F l a m e : You gain resistance to fire
Strength checks and saves. damage, and immunity to radiant damage. Your
weapon attacks deal an additional 2d6 radiant
T ra n q u i l i ty : You and allies in the aura gain a or fire damage.
+1 bonus to AC and Dexterity saving throws.
Additionally, when entering this form, choose
You can switch the aura face as a bonus action one of these divine furious criticals. It becomes
while raging. The aura lasts until your rage ends. an additional option for the duration of the
In the shadows of an age lost to time, a lone
warrior, earned the name "Battering Ram." The
tale unfolded during a momentous siege where,
armed solely with unyielding fists, this
enigmatic figure faced the imposing gates of a
castle. With a relentless fervor, each strike
became a thunderous assault, resonating with a
primal force that shattered the very foundations
of that gate. The besieged, witnessing this awe‐
inspiring feat, christened the warrior with a
name that echoed through the ages.
Starting at 3rd level, your unarmed strikes
count as heavy weapons. They deal 1d10
bludgeoning damage plus your Strength
modifier and gain the Breaker weapon
Starting at 6th level, your strikes send enemies
careening with destructive force. When you hit
a creature with an unarmed strike, the target
must make a Strength saving throw against your
Maneuver DC. On a fail, you can push the
target up to 10 feet.
Starting at 10th level, when you hit a creature Starting at 14th level, your momentum itself
with an unarmed attack, you can attempt to becomes a lethal weapon. When you take the
overwhelm them with brute force. The target dash action, you can make a single melee attack.
must make a Strength saving throw against your On a hit, the target must make a Strength
Maneuver DC. On a failed save, they are knocked saving throw against your Maneuver DC, on a
prone. failure, you may knock back the target in a
straight line, a distance equal to your remaining
Whether the target is prone or not, they take movement, triggering the extra damage from
2d10 + your Strength modifier bludgeoning Crumbling Blows upon an impact with an
damage. Other creatures within 5 feet must object.
make a Dexterity saving throw against your
Maneuver DC or take half of the damage and fall You can use this feature a number of times
prone, taking none on a success. equal to your Strength modifier (minimum 1).
You regain expended uses after a long rest.
Debris kicks up in a 10‐foot radius crater
centered on the target, considered difficult
C on ten t d esi g n ed u si n g :
‐ Scribus
‐ Claude AI by Anthropic
‐ Stock Art from Pixabay.com
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