Cost-Utility Analysis of Oral Anticoagulants For Nonvalvular Atrial Fibrillation Patients at The Police General Hospital, Bangkok, Thailand
Cost-Utility Analysis of Oral Anticoagulants For Nonvalvular Atrial Fibrillation Patients at The Police General Hospital, Bangkok, Thailand
Cost-Utility Analysis of Oral Anticoagulants For Nonvalvular Atrial Fibrillation Patients at The Police General Hospital, Bangkok, Thailand
(rivaroxaban and apixaban). Their primary advan- complications (eg, hydrocephalus, seizures, venous
tages over warfarin are that their thromboembolic thrombotic events, hyperglycemia, increased blood
preventive effects are at least equal to those of pressure, fever, infections), extracranial hemorrhage
warfarin but with no INR monitoring required.5 (eg, major gastrointestinal bleeding with/without com-
Conversely, the budget gain from medical expenses plications such as hypovolemia and shock); nondis-
was often realized as a financial burden in Thailand. abling major bleeding (defined by mRS scores of 0–2);
Finally, there were no population-specific cost-effec- disabling major bleeding (defined by mRS scores of 3–
tiveness studies available, either in Thailand specifi- 5); myocardial infarction with/without complications
cally or in Asia in general. (eg, acute heart failure, arrhythmia); full recovery
Therefore, this study was conducted to evaluate the from myocardial infarction (defined as a successful
cost-utility analysis of NOACs compared with war- percutaneous coronary intervention); and death (from
farin for SPAF in the Thailand using the Asia-Pacific any health state including natural cause of death). The
subgroup analysis parameters from 3 main studies assumptions were set into the model as (1) the treat-
which had been submitted to the US Food and Drug ment effect exhibited immediately after starting and
Administration for approval: the RE-LY (Randomized remaining constant throughout life, (2) the adherence
Evaluation of Long-Term Anticoagulation Therapy),6 to each alternative was similar, and (3) drug was
ROCKET-AF (Rivaroxaban Once Daily Oral Direct discontinued until the patient died.
Factor Xa Inhibition Compared with Vitamin K
Antagonism for Prevention of Stroke and Embolism Clinical Treatment Effect and Transitional
Trial in Atrial Fibrillation),7 and ARISTOTLE Probability Parameters
(Apixaban for Reduction in Stroke and Other A systematic review was conducted in MEDLINE
Thromboembolic Events in Atrial Fibrillation).8 via PubMed to gather clinical model input. Three
notable published studies (subgroup analysis of RE-
METHODS LY, ROCKET-AF, and ARISTOTLE) were recruited
Model Structure and their relevant data extracted to obtain the relative
A Markov health state model was adapted from risk of such alternatives (Supplemental Table I). The
related health technology assessment literature9,10 and baseline annual rate of important clinical events while
reviewed by a cardiologist (Supplemental Figure 1). taking warfarin were calculated by the pooled mean
The model cohorts were patients older than 65 years and SD from Asia-Pacific regional data according to the
of age with newly diagnosed NVAF, a moderate to formula reported elsewhere.11 The pooled estimation of
high risk of stroke (CHADS2 score [Congestive heart clinical relevance events of NOACs was derived from a
failure, Hypertension, Age Z75, Diabetes mellitus, meta-analysis using Review Manager software version
and prior Stroke or transient ischemic attack 5.2. The mortality rate was multiplied by factors of 3.7,
(doubled)] Z2), and no history of stroke. Each 3.7, and 1.05 after ischemic stroke, intracranial hemor-
patient included in the model was assigned to one of rhage, and myocardial infarction, respectively.9 The
the following strategies: dose-adjusted warfarin (target transitional probabilities of health outcomes were
INR of 2–3), dabigatran 150 mg BID, dabigatran 110 obtained from local literature (Thailand journal) to
mg BID, rivaroxaban 20 mg/day OD, or apixaban 5 reflect our context (Supplemental Table I).
mg BID. Starting from a well state, each selected Because Asian individuals are more prone to
patient could then be in any one of 10 states of health experiencing dyspepsia than white individuals,3 that
in 1-year cycles for 30 years or until death. The 10 was the only adverse drug reaction (ADR) in this
health states included in the model were as follows: model. The ADR event rate of NOACs other than
well/full recovery from any health state; ischemic dabigatran was assumed to be equal to that of
stroke with/without complications (eg, pneumonia, warfarin. Minor bleeding rates and consequences
seizure, urinary tract infection, pressure sore); nondis- were excluded from our analysis because most of
abling ischemic stroke (defined by modified Rankin our patients were advised in self-management by a
Scale [mRS] scores of 0–1); disabling ischemic stroke team of clinical pharmacists so fewer patients pre-
(defined by mRS scores of 2–5); major bleeding sented to a hospital for further investigation or treat-
(defined by intracranial hemorrhage) with/without ment in such cases.
Dabigatran 150 mgBID 186,641.60 2.34 2,268,738.48 335,804.35 2.34 2,252,938.19
Dabigatran 110 mg BID 187,653.46 2.29 46,426,823.22 337,267.66 2.29 46,286,254.56
Rivaroxaban 20 mg OD 173,149.61 2.31 5,050,231.84 322,713.63 2.31 5,030,280.45
Apixaban 5 mg BID 299,536.42 2.33 5,583,860.99 448,747.82 2.33 5,565,388.48
Dose-adjusted Warfarin 71,184.43 2.29 — 221,151.27 2.29 —
CHADS2 score r 2
Dabigatran 150 mg BID 186,748.20 2.33 2,535,524.53 335,959.69 2.33 2,518,951.89
Dabigatran 110 mg BID 187,668.28 2.29 65,944,679.23 337,289.23 2.29 65,748,864.69
Rivaroxaban 20 mg OD 173,193.96 2.31 5,686,276.58 322,778.63 2.31 5,664,973.82
Apixaban 5 mg BID 300,099.13 2.30 14,015,073.58 449,534.87 2.30 13,982,557.34
Dose-adjusted Warfarin 71,184.43 2.29 — 221,151.27 2.29 —
CHADS2 score Z 3
Dabigatran 150 mgBID 186,960.42 2.32 3,308,592.48 336,268.88 2.32 3,289,777.82
Dabigatran 110 mgBID 187,193.14 2.31 4,543,093.27 336,597.37 2.31 4,521,060.53
Rivaroxaban 20 mg OD 173,284.06 2.30 7,639,459.04 322,910.70 2.30 7,614,004.55
Apixaban 5 mg BID 299,677.37 2.32 6,575,136.64 448,944.98 2.32 6,555,015.63
Dose-adjusted Warfarin 71,184.43 2.29 — 221,151.27 2.29 —
decreased in the subsequent year. When the unsuit- by differences in the model input. First, both ischemic
ability of warfarin was implied, the maximum budget and hemorrhagic stroke rates were higher than in
for apixaban 5 mg was 74,080,336.23 Thai baht in other reports. Second, comorbidity treatment cost was
the first year (Supplemental Table III). included in our analysis. Finally, the apixaban unit
cost was assumed by multiplying the unit cost of 2.5
DISCUSSION mg by 2. These factors caused the lifetime cost in the
This is the first health technology assessment in Thai- present study to be higher than in previously pub-
land that evaluated the cost utility of NOACs com- lished literatures.
pared with warfarin in SPAF by using population- NOACs dominated warfarin in 490% of itera-
matched parameters. The base-case analysis revealed tions when decision makers had a WTP of
that warfarin produced higher cost-effectiveness prob- Z4,000,000 Baht per QALY gained. Consequently,
ability than NOACs in any scenario. This is consistent policymakers should not include NOACs for SPAF in
with the findings of the PSA and indicates the robust- all NVAF patients. When WTP was set at 1 GDP per
ness of the model. capita following Thailand’s guideline, all NOAC costs
As far as we know, the findings of this analysis are should be negotiated.
inconsistent with those of any previously published The methods of patient selection or conditioning
studies. Coyle et al10 showed that dabigatran 150 mg used in this study are of interest to policymakers. If the
and apixaban dominated warfarin at a WTP threshold budget allocation for health technology is dependent
of $50,000 per QALY gained. Harrington et al9 on financial implications, then the most valuable way
reported that NOACs (dabigatran 150 mg, riva- to use NOACs is to prescribe them only in cases in
roxaban, and apixaban) were cost-effective alterna- which warfarin is unsuitable. In clinical practice,
tives when using a WTP of $50,000 per QALY warfarin-unsuitable patients account for 14% to
gained. This contradiction could be explained in part 44% of total SPAF patients.4 One of the most
85,000.00 5 GDP per capita
Incremental cost (Thai Baht)
3 GDP per capita
15,000.00 1 GDP per capita
–0.02 0.00 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.10 0.12 0.14
Incremental QALYs gained
Figure 1. Cost-effective plan calculated from 5,000 simulations that compared new oral anticoagulants with
warfarin. GDP ¼ gross domestic product
important limitations in prescribing warfarin is herbal healing, which is common in Thailand, such real-
hemorrhagic complications. Hori et al3 documented world practices should be taken into consideration by
that the bleeding rate in Asians was much higher policymakers during their decision making. In addition,
than in non-Asians. In the study conducted by Shah all direct medical costs were collected solely in the Police
and Gage,16 NOACs were cost-effective when the General Hospital. This could cause different outcomes
CHADS2 score and risk of hemorrhage predicted by when generalized to other settings.
the HEMORR2HAGES score were Z3. Therefore, the
risk of bleeding should be evaluated and documented CONCLUSIONS
in all cases before NOACs are prescribed. According to this analysis, the government-supported
One other point that has been of concern among medication for SPAF in patients 65 years or age and
some clinicians recently is genetic polymorphism, older with a moderate to high risk of stroke (CHADS2
particularly in Thais. From Asian base-case input,3 score Z2) in Thailand should continue to be treated
the mean time in the therapeutic range was 54.5%, with warfarin. NOACs were determined as likely to
which was higher than in our setting by 20%. As a be cost-effective only when their prescription is limited
result, the budget for NOACs could be much lower to patients for whom warfarin is unsuitable or if the
and the role of genotype-guided therapy increased. unit cost of NOACs is reduced by 485%.
There were a number of limitations to our analysis.
There was no patient-level data available for obtaining ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
the true mortality rate of Asian NVAF patients as a Research question, study design, data collection and
survival function. Consequently, Thai life tables and analysis was done by first author. The second
multiple factors were used to predict the death risk of author responsible in report writing and corre-
each cycle. The heterogeneity of the parameters was spondence. We express our great appreciation to
another limiting factor due to data being extracted from Dr. Yot Teerawattananon and the Health Interven-
a variety of different sources. Because of poor adherence tion and Technology Assessment Program team for
to drug regimens and the popular reliance on traditional their guidance and encouragement. We are grateful
Dr. Kasem Ratanasumawong, Head of the Depart- 7. Patel MR, Mahaffey KW, Garg J, et al. Rivaroxaban versus
ment of Medicine, Medical College and Vajira Warfarin in Nonvalvular Atrial Fibrillation. N Engl J Med.
Hospital, Bangkok, Thailand, for reviewing and 2011;365:883–891.
checking the model. 8. Granger CB, Alexander JH, McMurray JJV, et al. Apixaban
versus Warfarin in Patients with Atrial Fibrillation. N Engl J
CONFLICTS OF INTEREST Med. 2011;365:981–992.
9. Harrington AR, Armstrong EP Jr, PEN, et al. Cost-
The authors have indicated that they have no conflicts
Effectiveness of Apixaban, Dabigatran, Rivaroxaban, and
of interest regarding the content of this article.
Warfarin for Stroke Prevention in Atrial Fibrillation. Stroke.
SUPPLEMENTAL MATERIALS 10. Coyle D, Coyle K, Cameron C, et al. Cost-Effectiveness of
Supplemental figure and tables accompanying this New Oral Anticoagulants Compared with Warfarin in
article can be found in the online version at http:// Preventing Stroke and Other Cardiovascular Events in Pa- tients with Atrial Fibrillation. Value Health. 2013;16:498–506.
11. Bisson J, Dix P, Ehlers A, et al. Appendix 10 Methods for
calculating means and standard deviations for pooled
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Partial Partial
recovery recovery
Myocardial infarction
Supplemental Figure 1Supplemental Table I–III
Supplemental Table I. Model input variables: base-case values and ranges used in probabilistic sensitivity
Variables Base-case 95% CI Reference
Annual cost of dabigatran 150 mg and 110 mg BID 41,011.40 Hospital based data
Annual cost of rivaroxaban 20 mg OD 36,222.60 Hospital based data
Annual cost of apixaban 5 mg BID 78,110.00 Hospital based data
Annual cost of 1NR monitoring 420.00 381.58–458.42 Hospital based data
Annual cost of service fee for OFD visit 300.00 272.56–327.44 Hospital based data
Annual cost of EKG monitoring 200.00 Hospital based data
Admission cost per 1 event of ischemic stroke 24,604.16 21,686.02–27,522.30 Hospital based data
Admission cost per 1 event of major bleeding 33,683.87 28,020.74–39,347.00 Hospital based data
Admission cost per 1 event of myocardial infarction 93,882.44 75,380.85–112,384.03 Hospital based data
Treatment cost per 1 event of dyspepsia 197.71 180.71–214.71 Hospital based data
Co-morbidity treatment per year: Diabetes mellitus 3,597.71 3,538.71–3,656.71 Hospital based data
Co-morbidity treatment per year: Heart failure 2,239.16 2,077.24–2,401.08 Hospital based data
Co-morbidity treatment per year: Hypertension 10,080.78 9,973.59–10,187.98 Hospital based data
Co-morbidity treatment per year: Myocardial infarction 2,239.23 2,161.22–2,317.24 Hospital based data
Direct non-medical cost:
Transportation cost for hospital visit per year 955.99 819.55–1,092.43 [15]
Food cost for hospital visit per year 352.15 289.23–415.07 [15]
Informal care cost per month for severe disabling stroke 12,260.59 4,208.91–20,312.27 [13]
Informal care cost per month for mild to moderate disabling stroke 5,023.93 3,359.71–6,688.15 [13]
Food and room cost per 1 admission due to ischemic stroke 8,568.32 7,146.78–9,989.86 [15]
Food and room cost per 1 admission due to major bleeding 11,726.36 9,362.09–14,090.63 [15]
Food and room cost per 1 admission due to myocardial infarction 6,285.11 5,023.88–7,546.34 [15]
Utility parameters
Well/Full recovery from any health state 0.79 0.70–0.88 Hospital based data
Non-disabling stroke, unspecified 0.61 0.58–0.64 [35]
Disabling stroke, unspecified 0.14 0.13–0.15 [35]
Myocardial infarction 0.77 0.75–0.79 [36]
Supplemental Table II. Threshold analysis of medication unit cost depending on societal perspective.
Clinical Therapeutics
Supplemental Table III. Budget impact analysis according to societal perspective.
Maximum Budget impact
(Warfarin Unsuitable
Budget Impact* (National List of Essential Medicines Policy) Policy†)
Year Warfarin Dabigatran 150 mg Dabigatran 110 rag Rivaroxaban 20 mg Apixaban 5 mg New Oral Anticoagulants
Percentage of warfarin prescribed in NVAF was estimated at 15 to 60 [4].
Warfarin unsuitability was defined by the published criteria elsewhere and assumed in a proportion of 14-44% of indicated cases [4].
Volume 36 Number 10