Dear Sirs,
In consideration of MSC accepting to deliver to us shipments carried under Sea Waybill, We, the
undersigned [PT. PANCAR BINTANG TIMUR], hereby confirm as receivers and/or consignees of said
That we have taken note of the particulars of the contract of carriage and of the Terms and
Conditions applicable thereon;
That we accept said Terms and Conditions to be applicable and that we consider ourselves bound by
said Terms and Conditions against Delivery of the shipment and, in any event, if we make or
purport to make a claim in respect of subject shipment;
That we accept to be party to the contract of carriage as a condition to the Delivery of the shipment
to us or to any third party assigned by us or acting as servant or subcontractor to us;
That the present undertaking will remain into force for as long as we will be using MSC’s Sea
Waybill procedure and that we will keep ourselves acquainted with any change to the carrier’s
Terms and Conditions that may happen from time to time.
We take note that for ease of reference the up-to-date version of these Terms and Conditions is
always available from MSC’s Website .
Delivery of the shipment shall mean, in the context of this Letter, release or delivery of the goods or
issuance of a delivery order or of any other means, whether electronic or not and/or whether
nominative or not, aiming at allowing us to take delivery of the goods.
We furthermore confirm that we shall hold MSC Mediterranean Shipping Company SA harmless
and indemnified in respect of any and all liability and/or loss and/or damage it may suffer caused by
or incurred in connection with the Delivery of the shipment as aforesaid.
Yours faithfully,
For and on behalf of
Authorised signature………………………………………
Sensitivity: Internal
Format creation/revision date: June 2017
No. 03/PBT/I-2024
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