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Office Automation

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• A word processor is so ware or a device that allows users

to create, edit, and print documents. It enables

you to write text, store it electronically, display it on a
screen, modify it by entering commands and characters
from the keyboard, and print it.

• Working With Text and Styles

Microso Word is a word processor, which means that it's
designed primarily for text-based documents. These can
be business reports, student papers, informal notes from
a call or a lecture, or le ers to friends and rela ves.
• Saving and Prin ng
A er you create a document in Word, you usually want to
save it for later access, send to someone, print it out, or
any combina on of these uses.
• Word and Compa bility
Microso Word has been designed for years to maximize
compa bility between versions. Typically, versions of
Microso Word can open files created in previous
versions of the so ware and save files in formats usable
by earlier versions.
• Preview Facility : Before ge ng a print of our document,
we can get a preview of document. If mistakes are there,
we can change the document.
• Easy Typing : In MS Word, typing is so easy because
– we need not click enter bu on a er the end of a line
as in case of type writer.
• Adding, Removing and Copying Test : Documents can be
modified easily in MS Office. We need not strike off any
word as in the case of type writer. We can easily place a
new word in place of exis ng one. The new word or
paragraphs will automa cally be adjusted in the place of
deleted or modified text. We can also copy a part or
whole of the ma er from one file or document to another
• Spell Check of words : The spellings of words in the
document can be rec fied automa cally. We can find
alterna ve words to our typed words. Not only that, even
the gramma cal errors can also be rec fied in word
• Headers and Footers : A Header is the text appearing
above the document and Footer is the text appearing
below the document. In Word Processor, we can create
these Headers and Footers in the document easily.
• Crea on of Tables : Tables can be created neatly in word
processor. If you give direc ons for required number of
rows and columns, word processor provides a ready
made table to work .
• Bullets and Numbering : Bullets are special symbols
which can be put for different points in a document
whereas numbers are ascending figures like1, 2, 3, ......
etc. Which can be assigned to different points in the
paragraph or document. In word processor we can assign
such bullets or numbers automa cally with a single
• Home: Clipboard, Fonts, Paragraph, Styles, and Edi ng.
• Insert: Pages, Tables, Illustra ons, Links, Header & Footer,
Text, and Symbols.
• Page Layout: Themes, Page Setup, Page Background,
Paragraph, Arrange
• References: Table of Contents, Footnote, Cita on &
Bibliography, Cap ons, Index, and Table of Authori es
• Mailings: Create, Start Mail Merge, Write & Insert Fields,
Preview Results, Finish
• Review: Proofing, Comments, Tracking, Changes,
Compare, Protect
• View: Document Views, Show/Hide, Zoom, Window,
• Create a New Document
There are several ways to create new documents, open
exis ng documents, and save documents in Word:
I. Click the Microso Office Bu on
and Click New or II. Press CTRL+N
on the keyboard.

• Opening an Exis ng Document

I. Click the Microso Office Bu on and Click Open, or
II. Press CTRL+O on the keyboard, or
III. If you have recently used the document you can
click the Microso Office Bu on and click the name
of the document in the Recent Documents sec on
of the window Insert picture of recent docs
• Saving a Document
I. Click the Microso Office Bu on and Click Save or
Save As, or
II. Press CTRL+S on the keyboard, or
III. Click the File icon on the Quick Access Toolbar.
• Prin ng Document to a file page You can print the document.
Print – In print op on you can change the number of copies, Select
page no., choose printer etc before prin ng.
Quick Print – In quick print the document is directly send to the
printer without making any changes.
Print Preview – Preview and make changes to pages before prin ng.

•Most of those frequently used commands are located in

the Home Tab.
•The Ribbon is located close to the top of the Word window.
•The Ribbon is organized into a set of task-oriented tabs,
and each tab on the Ribbon contains groups of commands.
•The Home Tab contains the most frequently used
commands in Word.
Forma ng Features of Ms word:-

Select the style to apply to paragraphs

Changes the font of the selected text

Changes the size of selected text and numbers

Makes selected text and numbers bold

Makes selected text and numbers italic

Underlines selected text and numbers

Used for superscript and subscript of the text

It is used to highlight the important text

It is used to change the color of the font.

It is used to draw a line through the middle of the

selected text.

It is used for sentence case, Lower case, Upper case,

ToggLe case etc.

It is also used to change the size of the selected text

Make sure the “Home” tab is ac ve and click the “Paragraph
Se ngs” bu on in the lower-right corner of the “Paragraph”
sec on. On the “Paragraph” dialog box, select the se ngs
you want to change

Aligns to the le with a ragged right margin.

Centers the selected text.

Aligns to the right with a ragged le margin.

Aligns the selected text to both the le and right


Makes a numbered list or reverts back to normal.

Add, or remove, bullets in a selected paragraph.

Decreases the indent to the previous tab stop.

Indents the selected paragraph to the next tab stop.

Adds or removes a border around selected text or


It is used to give the spacing between the lines.

It is used to sort the Lines in order to alphabe cal or

Show paragraph marks and other hidden forma ng


Color the background behind the selected text or


• Style refers to the format of your paragraph.MS word

offers several quick styles that you can use.

• These include heading, No spacing, Sub tles, Emphasized

text, List paragraph, etc.

• To apply a list go to the “ Home” tab on the ribbon and go

to the “Style Group”.

• You will see some style in white boxes.

• You can scroll through these styles to find one you want to
use, or you can click the arrow in the “Style” tab to select
the one you want.
• Find and Replace helps you to find words or formats in a
document and can let you replace all instances of a word
or format.
• This is par cularly handy in long documents. To use Find
and Replace, use the shortcut Ctrl+H or navigate to
Edi ng in the Home tab of the ribbon, then choose Find
and Replace.


• Find searches for specified text in the ac ve document

• To find a specified text in the document go to Edit menu
choose find op on or click the find icon ( ) on the toolbar
or make use of the shortcut key combina on Ctrl+F.
• The Find and Replace dialog box will get displayed.
• Enter the text to be searched in the Find what tab.
• Clicking the Find Next bu on the specified text will be
located in the document.

To find and replace a word or phrase in your document you

need to :
• Go to Edit sec on in the Home Tab select “Replace” to
open the find /replace dialog box.

• Enter the text in the “Find what” box.

• Enter the text in the replace box which you want to


• Note : If you do not enter any character at the “Replace

box”, the program will delete all the results matching the
search criteria.

• Many mes we need to apply the same forma ng effects,

like font,font size, style, color, border, shading and many
more to different por ons in ac ve document with the help
of Format Painter facility in MS Word.
• Format in MS Word is an important tool of Microso Word.
•You can use Format Painter to quickly applied copied
forma ng from one place to another place in the ac ve
document of MS Word.
• If you want to cancel Format paint then you just simply
press ESC key.

Method 1: Format Painter using the Shortcut Key

Combina on

Step 1. If you want to copy forma ng to place and apply on

another place then first you have to select the forma ed
text or shape which forma ng you want to copy.
Step 2. To copy the forma ng press CTRL+SHIFT+C shortcut
key combina on.
Step 3. Select the target text or shape on which you want to
paste or apply copied forma ng.
Step 4. To paste forma ng on target loca on you have to
press CTRL+SHIFT+V shortcut key combina on.

Method 2: Format Painter using the Mouse

You can also use another method to copy forma ng

from one place to another place using the Mouse:
Step 1. Select the forma ed text or shape (source loca on)
which forma ng you want to copy.
Step 2. Now, Click on the Format Painter bu on which is
placed in the Home tab >>> Clipboard group for copy
forma ng.
Step 3. Select the target text or shape (target loca on) on
which you want to paste forma ng.

Figure : Format painter using the mouse

Cut :
• Dele ng unnecessary data from a document is called
cu ng.
• In Microso Word, you can cut text from one area of a
document and paste that text anywhere in the
• A er you cut the text, it gets stored in the clipboard.
• If you want to cut any text or word
from a document, it is advisable to
Select the word first.

• To cut, Right Click → Cut.

• The shortcut key is "Ctrl + X".
• Copy op on can be used when we need to retype the
same text as it reduces me and effort.
• By using copy op on, you can copy the text from one
loca on to another.
• Informa on stored on the clipboard stays there un l
new informa on is either cut or copied.
• Each me you use cut or copy, you replace the old
informa on on the clipboard with the informa on you
just cut or copied.
• To copy, Right Click → Copy.
• The shortcut key is "Ctrl + C".
• Select your text and then copy it..
• Use mouse to move the cursor to desired posi on to
paste the copied text.
• Click paste to insert the copied text in its new place.
• You can paste clipboard informa on as o en as you
• To paste, Right Click → Paste.
• The shortcut key is "Ctrl + V".
• The Insert Tab is right next to the Home Tab in
Microso Word 2007.
• The Insert Tab is used to insert different features such
as tables, pictures, clip art, shapes, charts, page
numbers, word art, headers, and footers into a
• Cover Page :This bu on can be used to insert a pre-
forma ed cover page for a
document. The informa on that is
to appear on the page is filled in
a er the page is created.

• Blank Page :To insert a new blank

page for a document at the cursor
posi on, click this bu on.

• Page Break :Click this bu on to end a page at the

current cursor posi on and start a new page.

Tables :
• This bu on is used to insert a table into the document.
• A grid will appear that can be used to create the table.
• Addi onal op ons for crea ng a table are also
available, such as drawing a table or using the Quick
Tables feature.
Picture :
• To insert a picture from a file on the computer into the
document, click this bu on.
• The Insert Picture dialog box will appear.
• This dialog box is used to select the picture that is to
be inserted into the document.
Clip Art :

• In word 2007 , You have the ability to search clip art

files on your local computer and on Microso office
• You can Modify that clip art using picture edi ng tool.

Shapes :
• This bu on is used to insert
ready-made shapes such as
circles, squares, arrows, and
triangles into a document.
• When the bu on is clicked, a
gallery of different shapes will
• To insert a shape, click the
desired shape and then draw the
shape in the document.
Smart art :
• Smart Art To insert a Smart Art graphic into the
document, click this bu on.
• Smart Art graphics are objects such as Venn diagrams
and organiza onal charts.
• When the bu on is clicked, a gallery of different
categories and shapes will be displayed.

Chart :
• Group/Bu on Descrip on Chart Use this feature to
insert a bar, area, or line chart.
• When this bu on is clicked the Insert Chart dialog box
will display.
• In this dialog box, it is possible to specify the type of
Inser ng a hyperlink
• Open Microso Word.
• Type the appropriate text in the Word document.
• With your mouse or keyboard, highlight the text you
want to turn into a hyperlink. For example, in the
picture below, the text "ComputerHope website" is
• In the menu bar or Ribbon at the top of the Word
program window, click the Insert tab.
• On the Insert tab, in the Links sec on, click the
Hyperlink or Link op on.
• In the Insert Hyperlink window, type in the web page
address you want to set the highlighted text to link to
in the Address text field, then click OK.

• As you can see in the image below, the highlighted text

is now a hyperlink, set to the desired web page.
Bookmark :
• Create a bookmark to assign a name to a specific point
in a document
• A bookmark in Word works like a bookmark you
might place in a book: it marks a place that you want to
find again easily. ...
 To insert text that appears
at the top of each page of
the document, click this
bu on. A gallery of header
styles and formats will
 Click the heading style that
is to be applied to insert it
into the document.

Footer :
 This bu on is used to insert
text that appears at the
bo om of each page of the
document. A gallery of footer
styles and formats will
 Click the footer style that is
displayed to insert it into the
 Click Insert > WordArt, and pick the WordArt style you
 To insert decora ve text into the document, click this
bu on.
 A gallery of different styles of WordArt will display.
 Click the desired format to create the WordArt image.

Symbol :
Equation :
• This bu on is used to insert a
mathema cal | equa on into
a document.
• The equa on tools ribbon
will appear when the bu on
is clicked.
• This ribbon is used to create
the equa on. A list of
common equa ons is also

Symbol :
• Click this bu on to insert a symbol
such as a copyright or trademark
into the document.
• It has the symbol that are not
present in your keyboard like
copyright symbol, Trademark
Symbol, Paragraph Marks, and
Unicode Character.

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