Office Automation
Office Automation
Office Automation
• You can scroll through these styles to find one you want to
use, or you can click the arrow in the “Style” tab to select
the one you want.
• Find and Replace helps you to find words or formats in a
document and can let you replace all instances of a word
or format.
• This is par cularly handy in long documents. To use Find
and Replace, use the shortcut Ctrl+H or navigate to
Edi ng in the Home tab of the ribbon, then choose Find
and Replace.
Cut :
• Dele ng unnecessary data from a document is called
cu ng.
• In Microso Word, you can cut text from one area of a
document and paste that text anywhere in the
• A er you cut the text, it gets stored in the clipboard.
• If you want to cut any text or word
from a document, it is advisable to
Select the word first.
Tables :
• This bu on is used to insert a table into the document.
• A grid will appear that can be used to create the table.
• Addi onal op ons for crea ng a table are also
available, such as drawing a table or using the Quick
Tables feature.
Picture :
• To insert a picture from a file on the computer into the
document, click this bu on.
• The Insert Picture dialog box will appear.
• This dialog box is used to select the picture that is to
be inserted into the document.
Clip Art :
Shapes :
• This bu on is used to insert
ready-made shapes such as
circles, squares, arrows, and
triangles into a document.
• When the bu on is clicked, a
gallery of different shapes will
• To insert a shape, click the
desired shape and then draw the
shape in the document.
Smart art :
• Smart Art To insert a Smart Art graphic into the
document, click this bu on.
• Smart Art graphics are objects such as Venn diagrams
and organiza onal charts.
• When the bu on is clicked, a gallery of different
categories and shapes will be displayed.
Chart :
• Group/Bu on Descrip on Chart Use this feature to
insert a bar, area, or line chart.
• When this bu on is clicked the Insert Chart dialog box
will display.
• In this dialog box, it is possible to specify the type of
Inser ng a hyperlink
• Open Microso Word.
• Type the appropriate text in the Word document.
• With your mouse or keyboard, highlight the text you
want to turn into a hyperlink. For example, in the
picture below, the text "ComputerHope website" is
• In the menu bar or Ribbon at the top of the Word
program window, click the Insert tab.
• On the Insert tab, in the Links sec on, click the
Hyperlink or Link op on.
• In the Insert Hyperlink window, type in the web page
address you want to set the highlighted text to link to
in the Address text field, then click OK.
Footer :
This bu on is used to insert
text that appears at the
bo om of each page of the
document. A gallery of footer
styles and formats will
Click the footer style that is
displayed to insert it into the
Click Insert > WordArt, and pick the WordArt style you
To insert decora ve text into the document, click this
bu on.
A gallery of different styles of WordArt will display.
Click the desired format to create the WordArt image.
Symbol :
Equation :
• This bu on is used to insert a
mathema cal | equa on into
a document.
• The equa on tools ribbon
will appear when the bu on
is clicked.
• This ribbon is used to create
the equa on. A list of
common equa ons is also
Symbol :
• Click this bu on to insert a symbol
such as a copyright or trademark
into the document.
• It has the symbol that are not
present in your keyboard like
copyright symbol, Trademark
Symbol, Paragraph Marks, and
Unicode Character.