Assessable Task READING 2ºBACH
Assessable Task READING 2ºBACH
Assessable Task READING 2ºBACH
After producing the first cow-less burger, which cost a massive €250,000 to grow, a researcher at the
University of Maastricht has become the public face of cultured meat. That first burger, which was financed by a co-
founder of Google, was tasted live in London back in 2013. The price has since dropped to around €10 per burger,
and several new companies in the US and in Israel are currently working on their own cultured meat products. In 3-4
years’ time these companies might have launched some expensive burgers in small scale production. However,
large-scale production with a price equal to regular meat will take much longer.
III Lab grown meat is not only beneficial for humans. Animal welfare is an added benefit; however, if one had
to prioritize, no doubt the environmental impact of protein production alternatives for beef and pork is even more
important. More cultured meat means less pollution through fossil fuel usage, animal methane, effluent waste, and
water and land consumption.
1 Are the following statements TRUE or FALSE? Copy the evidence from the text. NO MARKS are given for only TRUE or
FALSE. (4 points)
1. The University of Maastricht invested a total of a quarter of a million euros from its own budget in the first
synthetic burger.
2. It will take some time before the cultured burgers cost as much as regular ones.
2 In your own words and based on the ideas in the text, answer the following questions. DO NOT COPY FROM THE TEXT.
(4 points)
1. Explain how tissue engineering may help biomedical research.
2. What may be the effects of large-scale cultured meat production on global warming?