Application Form
Application Form
Application Form
Any centre which does not have a sufficient number of candidates will be cancelled and the respective candidates
will be directed either to the centre of their Second Choice or to a suitable Centre.
(b) Year of passing G.C.E. (A/L) Western Music: ................. Grade obtained: .................. Index No.: ......................
(c) Year of passing Grade V Theory or higher Examination in Western Music of the Department of Examinations:
(a) Year of passing Grade VIII Theory: …………………… Grade obtained: …………… Index No.: ……………
(b) Year of passing Diploma General Paper: ....…………… Grade obtained: …………… Index No.: ……………
*Please attach the photocopies of the relevant certificates having certified them as the true copies by the attestor
8. Fees paid Rs.
GRADE I - Rs. 600/- Grade IV – Rs. 600/- Grade VII - Rs. 800/-
GRADE II - Rs. 600/- Grade V – Rs. 800/- Grade VIII - Rs. 800/-
GRADE III - Rs. 600/- Grade VI – Rs. 800/-
Candidates should affix the receipt for examination fee paid at a post office. They are advised to
keep a photocopy of the receipt with them.
9. I certify that the information given in this form is correct. I do hereby agree to be bound by the Regulations
of this Examination, and the Rules for Candidates issued by the Commissioner General of Examinations.
I certify that the above named candidate who is personally known to me placed his / her signature in my presence
………………………………………. …………………………………….
Signature of Candidate Signature of Attestor
Date ………………………….
Address ……………………………………………………………………………
The Attestation required on this form should be made by a Justice of the Peace, Commissioner of Oaths, Attorney at
Law or Notary Public, or a permanent Government officer in receipt of an annual consolidated salary of Rs. 240 360/- or
over, Head of a Government / Director Managed / approved School or the incumbent of a place of worship or a religious
dignitary of standing or the Grama Niladhari of the Division, or a Principal of the private Music school presenting
candidates for this examination.