Sec-Lf and SC Study-1
Sec-Lf and SC Study-1
Sec-Lf and SC Study-1
2. ABBREVIATIONS ...................................................................................................................................... 4
Abbreviations ....................................................................................................................................................... 4
7. CONCLUSION ........................................................................................................................................... 21
This document shows the result of power system studies for the electrical distribution
network in MV SWGR #1 and 2 .The Power system includes 8 Generators on each SWGR
and each SWGR includes 7 Substation. In normal Scenario only 7 Generators will supply
the system and one Generator is on Stand by and there will be no SEC supply. In Worst
Case scenario all the 8 Generators will supply the system. There is one other Scenario in
which all the Generators are out of the system and SEC supply will bear the load of the
system. Following studies are performed under the scope of this document:
AC : Alternating Current or voltage
DC : Direct Current
Hz : Frequency (cycles/second)
LV : Low Voltage (below 1000 volts)
MV : Medium Voltage
KW : Kilowatt
KVA : Kilo Volt Ampere
UPS : Uninterruptible Power Supply
IP : Ingress Protection
IEC : International Electro technical Commission
EPC : Engineering Procurement and Construction
This document shows the result of power system analysis conducted on Pumping Station’s
electrical network, as mentioned below:
Load Flows Studies using the ETAP Load Flow Analysis module is performed to calculate
the bus voltages, branch power factors, currents, and power flows through the electrical
system of Pumping Station under particular loading conditions. The LF study output report
verifies key system parameters and the output results on the one-line diagram.
Short Circuit Studies are carried out to verify the adequacy of existing and new interrupting
equipment (MCC buses, breakers etc.), perform protective device settings and coordination.
used to analyze the following.
A load flow calculation determines the state of the power system for a given load and
generation distribution. It represents a steady-state condition as if that condition
had been held fixed for some time. In actuality, line flows and bus voltages fluctuate
constantly by small amounts because loads change constantly as lights, motors, cooling
equipment and other loads are turned on and off. However, these small fluctuations can
be ignored in calculating the steady-state effects on system equipment. Load flow study
is performed on the basis & recommendations of following international standards:
IEEE Std 399-1997
(IEEE Recommended Practice for Industrial & Commercial Power System Analysis)
IEEE Std 141-1993
(IEEE Recommended Practice for Electric Power Distribution for Industrial Plants)
Critical Marginal
Method/Formula Used for Calculations
Study Objective
Short circuit study is performed on the basis & recommendations of followinginternational standards:
IEEE Std 399-1997
(IEEE Recommended Practice for Industrial & Commercial Power System Analysis)
IEEE Std 141-1993
(IEEE Recommended Practice for Electric Power Distribution for Industrial Plants)
IEC 60909, Part 0
(Calculation of Fault Currents)
Model Simulation Conditions
Standard: IEC
c factor ( fault) = 1.05 for <1kV; 1.1 for >1kV
X/R Calculation = Method C
17-SMDP-05 0.4 400 97.95 181.3 45.3
17-SMDP-6 0.4 400 98.81 115.6 28.9
17-SMDP-07 0.4 1000 99.27 0.115 0
21-MDP 0.4 2500 98.79 1590 63.6
21-SMDP-1 0.4 400 98.41 273 68.3
21-SMDP-2 0.4 400 98.08 272.2 68
21-SMDP-3 0.4 400 98.21 272.4 68.1
21-SMDP-04 0.4 400 97.9 271.2 67.8
21-SMDP-5 0.4 400 97.39 213.8 53.5
21-SMDP-6 0.4 400 97.49 179.5 44.9
21-SMDP-7 0.4 400 98.34 115.3 28.8
22-SMDP-01 0.4 400 99.05 275.2 68.8
22-SMDP-02 0.4 400 98.71 274.5 68.6
22-SMDP-03 0.4 400 99.03 188.4 47.1
22-SMDP-04 0.4 400 98.81 187.9 47
22-SMDP-5 0.4 400 98.01 215.8 54
22-SMDP-06 0.4 400 98.11 181.4 45.4
23-SMDP-01 0.4 400 98.77 245 61.2
23-SMDP-02 0.4 400 98.53 266.1 66.5
23-SMDP-03 0.4 400 97.86 310.2 77.5
23-SMDP-04 0.4 400 98.57 205.3 51.3
23-SMDP-05 0.4 400 98.45 124.8 31.2
23-SMDP-06 0.4 400 98.1 186.1 46.5
23-SMDP-07 0.4 400 98.11 123.7 30.9
24-SMDP-01 0.4 400 97.49 268 67
27-SMDP-01 0.4 400 98.41 273 68.3
27-SMDP-02 0.4 400 98.08 272.2 68
27-SMDP-03 0.4 400 98.21 272.2 68.1
27-SMDP-04 0.4 400 97.9 271.2 67.8
27-SMDP-05 0.4 400 97.39 213.8 53.5
27-SMDP-06 0.4 400 97.49 179.6 44.9
27-SMDP-07 0.4 400 98.35 114.9 28.7
BUS-1S/S-01 13.8 400 100 187.6 46.9
BUS-1S/S-02 13.8 0 100 139.7 0
BUS-1S/S-03 13.8 0 100 92.42 0
BUS-1S/S-04 13.8 0 100 48 0
BUS-1S/S-05 13.8 0 100 34.27 0
BUS-1S/S-06 13.8 0 100 72.26 0
BUS-1S/S-07 13.8 0 100 113.4 0
BUS-2S/S-1 13.8 400 100 177.5 44.4
BUS-2S/S-2 13.8 0 100 130.4 0
BUS-2S/S-3 13.8 0 100 91.32 0
BUS-2S/S-4 13.8 0 100 48.17 0
BUS-2S/S-5 13.8 0 100 34.28 0
BUS-2S/S-6 13.8 0 100 66.03 0
BUS-2S/S-7 13.8 0 100 113.1 0
MV SWGR#1 13.8 600 100 300.9 50.2
MV SWGR#2 13.8 1250 100 290.7 23.3
Transformer Results in LF- SEC (% Loading)
12-SMDP-4 0.4 400 97.64 184.8 46.2
12-SMDP-5 0.4 400 96.8 220.1 55
12-SMDP-6 0.4 400 96.94 178 44.5
12-SMDP-7 0.4 400 97.02 280.7 70.2
13-SMDP-1 0.4 400 98.13 242.9 60.7
13-SMDP-2 0.4 400 97.9 263.8 65.9
13-SMDP-3 0.4 400 97.24 307.1 76.8
13-SMDP-04 0.4 400 97.94 203.6 50.9
13-SMDP-5 0.4 400 97.82 123.7 30.9
13-SMDP-6 0.4 400 97.47 184.3 46.1
13-SMDP-7 0.4 400 97.12 167.2 41.8
14-SMDP-01 0.4 400 96.99 260.8 65.2
16-SMDP-2 0.4 400 97.32 213.6 53.4
17-SMDP-01 0.4 400 98.35 272.8 68.2
17-SMDP-02 0.4 400 98.02 271.8 68
17-SMDP-03 0.4 400 98.15 272.2 68.1
17-SMDP-04 0.4 400 97.84 271 67.7
17-SMDP-05 0.4 400 97.42 179.7 44.9
17-SMDP-6 0.4 400 98.28 114.9 28.7
17-SMDP-07 0.4 1000 98.73 0.041 0
21-MDP 0.4 2500 98.39 1579 63.2
21-SMDP-1 0.4 400 98.01 271.5 67.9
21-SMDP-2 0.4 400 97.69 270.6 67.7
21-SMDP-3 0.4 400 97.82 270.9 67.7
21-SMDP-04 0.4 400 97.51 269.6 67.4
21-SMDP-5 0.4 400 97 212.5 53.1
21-SMDP-6 0.4 400 97.1 178.3 44.6
21-SMDP-7 0.4 400 97.95 114.9 28.7
22-SMDP-01 0.4 400 98.65 273.8 68.5
22-SMDP-02 0.4 400 98.31 273 68.3
22-SMDP-03 0.4 400 98.63 187.4 46.9
22-SMDP-04 0.4 400 98.41 186.9 46.7
22-SMDP-5 0.4 400 97.62 214.6 53.6
22-SMDP-06 0.4 400 97.71 180.3 45.1
23-SMDP-01 0.4 400 98.37 243.7 60.9
23-SMDP-02 0.4 400 98.13 264.6 66.2
23-SMDP-03 0.4 400 97.47 308.3 77.1
23-SMDP-04 0.4 400 98.17 204.2 51.1
23-SMDP-05 0.4 400 98.05 124.1 31
23-SMDP-06 0.4 400 97.71 185 46.2
23-SMDP-07 0.4 400 97.71 122.8 30.7
24-SMDP-01 0.4 400 97.09 266.9 66.7
27-SMDP-01 0.4 400 98.02 271.5 67.9
27-SMDP-02 0.4 400 97.69 270.7 67.7
27-SMDP-03 0.4 400 97.82 270.7 67.7
27-SMDP-04 0.4 400 97.51 269.7 67.4
27-SMDP-05 0.4 400 97 212.5 53.1
27-SMDP-06 0.4 400 97.1 178.4 44.6
27-SMDP-07 0.4 400 97.95 114.4 28.6
BUS-1S/S-01 13.8 400 99.46 185.6 46.4
BUS-1S/S-02 13.8 0 99.46 138.1 0
BUS-1S/S-03 13.8 0 99.46 91.44 0
BUS-1S/S-04 13.8 0 99.46 47.61 0
BUS-1S/S-05 13.8 0 99.46 33.71 0
BUS-1S/S-06 13.8 0 99.46 71.48 0
BUS-1S/S-07 13.8 0 99.46 112.2 0
BUS-2S/S-1 13.8 400 99.59 176.1 44
BUS-2S/S-2 13.8 0 99.59 129.3 0
BUS-2S/S-3 13.8 0 99.59 90.6 0
BUS-2S/S-4 13.8 0 99.59 47.88 0
BUS-2S/S-5 13.8 0 99.59 33.87 0
BUS-2S/S-6 13.8 0 99.59 65.51 0
BUS-2S/S-7 13.8 0 99.59 112.2 0
MV SWGR#1 13.8 600 99.46 297.9 49.7
MV SWGR#2 13.8 1250 99.59 288.5 23.1
Generation Results in Case LF-GEN
BUS-1S/S-07 13.8 0 99.26 55.14 0
BUS-2S/S-1 13.8 400 99.46 342.8 85.7
BUS-2S/S-2 13.8 0 99.46 287.3 0
BUS-2S/S-3 13.8 0 99.46 241.3 0
BUS-2S/S-4 13.8 0 99.46 190.6 0
BUS-2S/S-5 13.8 0 99.46 133.6 0
BUS-2S/S-6 13.8 0 99.46 93.17 0
BUS-2S/S-7 13.8 0 99.46 55.29 0
MV SWGR#1 13.8 600 99.26 360.5 60.1
MV SWGR#2 13.8 1250 99.46 342.9 27.4
Generation Results in Case LF- Worst Case
Voltage Remarks
Voltage profile are within
DP-LP-02 0.4 97.16 95.52
the tolerable limits
Screen Short of Panel in Worst-Case
12-SMDP-02 0.4 1.1 19.58106
12-SMDP-3 0.4 1.1 21.37465
12-SMDP-4 0.4 1.1 17.55443
12-SMDP-5 0.4 1.1 11.63573
12-SMDP-6 0.4 1.1 10.82421
12-SMDP-7 0.4 1.1 15.01054
13-SMDP-1 0.4 1.1 24.77562
13-SMDP-2 0.4 1.1 21.13272
13-SMDP-3 0.4 1.1 15.77258
13-SMDP-04 0.4 1.1 19.58104
13-SMDP-5 0.4 1.1 13.39241
13-SMDP-6 0.4 1.1 13.20261
13-SMDP-7 0.4 1.1 10.06373
14-SMDP-01 0.4 1.1 14.92301
16-SMDP-2 0.4 1.1 10.49237
17-SMDP-01 0.4 1.1 25.52249
17-SMDP-02 0.4 1.1 20.04565
17-SMDP-03 0.4 1.1 21.92905
17-SMDP-04 0.4 1.1 17.92718
17-SMDP-05 0.4 1.1 10.96505
17-SMDP-6 0.4 1.1 16.21281
17-SMDP-07 0.4 1.1 11.21047
21-MDP 0.4 1.1 35.62495
21-SMDP-1 0.4 1.1 24.78827
21-SMDP-2 0.4 1.1 19.58937
21-SMDP-3 0.4 1.1 21.38437
21-SMDP-04 0.4 1.1 17.56123
21-SMDP-5 0.4 1.1 11.63889
21-SMDP-6 0.4 1.1 10.89028
21-SMDP-7 0.4 1.1 16.04984
22-SMDP-01 0.4 1.1 24.78818
22-SMDP-02 0.4 1.1 19.58931
22-SMDP-03 0.4 1.1 21.38429
22-SMDP-04 0.4 1.1 17.56118
22-SMDP-5 0.4 1.1 11.63887
22-SMDP-06 0.4 1.1 10.82695
23-SMDP-01 0.4 1.1 24.78814
23-SMDP-02 0.4 1.1 21.14217
23-SMDP-03 0.4 1.1 15.77812
23-SMDP-04 0.4 1.1 19.58928
23-SMDP-05 0.4 1.1 13.3965
23-SMDP-06 0.4 1.1 13.20659
23-SMDP-07 0.4 1.1 10.06611
24-SMDP-01 0.4 1.1 14.92769
27-SMDP-01 0.4 1.1 24.78807
27-SMDP-02 0.4 1.1 19.58924
27-SMDP-03 0.4 1.1 21.38421
27-SMDP-04 0.4 1.1 17.56113
27-SMDP-05 0.4 1.1 11.63885
27-SMDP-06 0.4 1.1 10.89024
27-SMDP-07 0.4 1.1 16.04975
BUS-1S/S-01 13.8 1.05 21.05465
BUS-1S/S-02 13.8 1.05 21.05246
BUS-1S/S-03 13.8 1.05 21.05147
BUS-1S/S-04 13.8 1.05 21.05031
BUS-1S/S-05 13.8 1.05 21.04862
BUS-1S/S-06 13.8 1.05 21.04871
BUS-1S/S-07 13.8 1.05 21.04999
BUS-2S/S-1 13.8 1.05 21.01299
BUS-2S/S-2 13.8 1.05 21.01085
BUS-2S/S-3 13.8 1.05 21.00988
BUS-2S/S-4 13.8 1.05 21.00874
BUS-2S/S-5 13.8 1.05 21.00707
BUS-2S/S-6 13.8 1.05 21.00715
BUS-2S/S-7 13.8 1.05 21.00841
DB-B01-01 0.4 1.1 9.734983
DB-B01-001 0.4 1.1 9.73779
DB-B01-02 0.4 1.1 10.52845
DB-B01-002 0.4 1.1 10.53145
DB-B01-03 0.4 1.1 11.8176
DB-B01-003 0.4 1.1 11.8227
DB-B01-04 0.4 1.1 14.14999
DB-B01-004 0.4 1.1 14.15653
DB-B01-05 0.4 1.1 16.18417
DB-B01-005 0.4 1.1 16.19172
DB-B01-06 0.4 1.1 20.62889
DB-B01-006 0.4 1.1 20.64073
DB-B01-7 0.4 1.1 16.39912
DB-B01-07 0.4 1.1 16.40831
DB-B01-8 0.4 1.1 13.47632
DB-B01-08 0.4 1.1 13.48322
DB-B01-09 0.4 1.1 12.14285
DB-B01-009 0.4 1.1 12.14838
DB-B01-10 0.4 1.1 14.65145
DB-B01-010 0.4 1.1 14.65869
DB-B01-11 0.4 1.1 18.20839
DB-B01-011 0.4 1.1 18.21753
DB-B01-12 0.4 1.1 14.96343
DB-B01-012 0.4 1.1 14.96973
DB-B01-13 0.4 1.1 13.0675
DB-B01-013 0.4 1.1 13.07298
DB-B01-14 0.4 1.1 11.06422
DB-B01-014 0.4 1.1 11.06862
DB-B01-15 0.4 1.1 10.07954
DB-B01-16 0.4 1.1 8.84871
DB-B01-17 0.4 1.1 8.922411
DB-B01-017 0.4 1.1 9.737759
DB-B01-18 0.4 1.1 9.582482
DB-B01-018 0.4 1.1 10.53141
DB-B01-19 0.4 1.1 11.82266
DB-B01-019 0.4 1.1 13.16866
DB-B01-20 0.4 1.1 14.15646
DB-B01-020 0.4 1.1 13.16866
DB-B01-21 0.4 1.1 16.19164
DB-B01-021 0.4 1.1 11.09226
DB-B01-22 0.4 1.1 20.64058
DB-B01-022 0.4 1.1 21.14686
DB-B01-23 0.4 1.1 16.40822
DB-B01-023 0.4 1.1 16.46471
DB-B01-24 0.4 1.1 13.48317
DB-B01-024 0.4 1.1 13.68811
DB-B01-25 0.4 1.1 12.14834
DB-B01-025 0.4 1.1 12.31507
DB-B01-26 0.4 1.1 14.65862
DB-B01-026 0.4 1.1 14.90757
DB-B01-27 0.4 1.1 18.21742
DB-B01-027 0.4 1.1 18.61083
DB-B01-28 0.4 1.1 14.96965
DB-B01-028 0.4 1.1 15.23403
DB-B01-29 0.4 1.1 13.07293
DB-B01-029 0.4 1.1 13.27192
DB-B01-30 0.4 1.1 11.2083
DB-B01-030 0.4 1.1 11.06858
DB-B01-31 0.4 1.1 10.06054
DB-B01-031 0.4 1.1 10.08218
DB-B01-32 0.4 1.1 9.262141
DB-B01-032 0.4 1.1 8.851078
DB-B01-33 0.4 1.1 9.571435
DB-B01-033 0.4 1.1 9.574195
DB-B01-34 0.4 1.1 10.52843
DB-B01-034 0.4 1.1 10.53143
DB-B01-35 0.4 1.1 9.161542
DB-B01-035 0.4 1.1 9.164007
DB-B01-36 0.4 1.1 9.941692
DB-B01-036 0.4 1.1 9.944327
DB-B01-37 0.4 1.1 11.81758
DB-B01-037 0.4 1.1 11.82268
DB-B01-38 0.4 1.1 14.1565
DB-B01-38. 0.4 1.1 14.14996
DB-B01-39 0.4 1.1 16.18413
DB-B01-039 0.4 1.1 16.19168
DB-B01-40 0.4 1.1 20.64066
DB-B01-040 0.4 1.1 20.62882
DB-B01-41 0.4 1.1 16.40827
DB-B01-041 0.4 1.1 16.39908
DB-B01-42 0.4 1.1 13.4832
DB-B01-042 0.4 1.1 13.4763
DB-B01-116 0.4 1.1 10.08222
DB-B01-117 0.4 1.1 8.851104
DB-B02-1 0.4 1.1 10.43326
DB-B02-01 0.4 1.1 10.42866
DB-B02-2 0.4 1.1 13.15687
DB-B02-02 0.4 1.1 13.15027
DB-B02-3 0.4 1.1 17.38433
DB-B02-03 0.4 1.1 17.37512
DB-B02-4 0.4 1.1 14.27878
DB-B02-04 0.4 1.1 14.2851
DB-B02-5 0.4 1.1 11.99034
DB-B02-05 0.4 1.1 11.99554
DB-B02-6 0.4 1.1 9.727314
DB-B02-06 0.4 1.1 9.731146
DB-B02-7 0.4 1.1 16.47778
DB-B02-07 0.4 1.1 16.48578
DB-B02-8 0.4 1.1 12.47561
DB-B02-08 0.4 1.1 12.46977
DB-B02-9 0.4 1.1 10.0139
DB-B02-10 0.4 1.1 11.25664
DB-B02-010 0.4 1.1 11.26049
DB-B02-11 0.4 1.1 9.689663
DB-B02-011 0.4 1.1 9.686373
DB-B02-12 0.4 1.1 11.71544
DB-B02-012 0.4 1.1 11.71933
DB-B02-13 0.4 1.1 9.70328
DB-B02-013 0.4 1.1 9.706542
DB-B02-14 0.4 1.1 8.280777
DB-B02-014 0.4 1.1 8.283414
DB-B02-15 0.4 1.1 9.434161
DB-B02-015 0.4 1.1 9.436341
DB-B02-16 0.4 1.1 8.990166
DB-B02-016 0.4 1.1 8.9922
DB-B03-1 0.4 1.1 13.6436
DB-B03-01 0.4 1.1 13.63901
DB-B03-2 0.4 1.1 16.2716
DB-B03-02 0.4 1.1 16.26488
DB-B03-3 0.4 1.1 14.6879
DB-B03-03 0.4 1.1 14.68283
DB-B03-4 0.4 1.1 18.73042
DB-B03-04 0.4 1.1 18.72226
DB-B04-1 0.4 1.1 19.28784
DB-B04-01 0.4 1.1 19.27773
DB-B04-2 0.4 1.1 21.46117
DB-B04-02 0.4 1.1 21.4725
DB-B06 0.4 1.1 10.02907
DB-B08-09 0.4 1.1 10.00972
DB-B14 0.4 1.1 11.61133
DB-B21 0.4 1.1 6.843555
MV SWGR#1 13.8 1.05 21.05579
MV SWGR#2 13.8 1.05 21.0141
Load Flow
Load flow analysis was performed on the electrical network for different cases
mentioned in Section 6 of this document
Analysis of the Load Flow study shows that all the buses operate within
acceptable voltage limits of +/-10% under the specified operating condition.
All transformers are loaded within normal limits.
In LF-Gen only 7 Generators are supplying the System but in LF-Worst
Case load of the system is higher which tends to operate Gen-8 of Both
Switch Gears which is stand by in normal case and satisfy the demand of
the system
Farthest Panel Voltage Profile is being observed in Load Flow Worst Case
and Gen Case. Voltage profile remains in the threshold limit.
Short Circuit
Short circuit analysis has been performed on ETAP model and results have been recorded
for study case configuration as described in section 6 of this document. In this Study Case
SEC supply is intact on both the Switch gear and the short circuit is contributing from Grid
Side on overall system. The specified short circuit ratings of the distribution equipment in
the design documents are higher than the simulated fault current values obtained with
ETAP study report. This verifies the adequacy of specified Short Circuit Value assigned to
the distribution equipment.
500 MVAsc
7193 kVA
88.91% PF
4-3/C 500
100 m
MV SWGR#1 13.8 kV
13.8 kV 7193 kVA 100 % 1250 A
600 A 88.91% PF 1250 A
2500 A
2500 A
2500 A 2500 A 2500 A 2500 A 2500 A Open 2500 A
Open Open Open Open Open Open Open
1-3/C 500
1-3/C 500 1-3/C 500 1-3/C 500 1-3/C 500 1-3/C 500 1-3/C 500 220 m
195 m 375 m 170 m 200 m 46 m 15 m AL
1S/S06--TR 1S/S07--TR
1S/S05--TR 1500 kVA 1500 kVA
1500 kVA 13.8/0.4 kV 13.8/0.4 kV
1S/S2-TR 1S/S3-TR 1S/S4-TR 13.8/0.4 kV 2.5% TapS
1S/S1-TR 1500 kVA 1500 kVA 2.5% TapS
1500 kVA 2.5% TapS 6 %Z 6 %Z
1500 kVA 13.8/0.4 kV 13.8/0.4 kV 13.8/0.4 kV 6 %Z
13.8/0.4 kV 6 %Z 2.5% TapS 2.5% TapS
6 %Z 2.5% TapS 6 %Z 6 %Z
2.5% TapS
1105 kVA 797.7 kVA 881.7 kVA 954 kVA
90% PF 1092 kVA 1028 kVA 1105 kVA 89.84% PF
89.97% PF 89.77% PF 89.78% PF 90.02% PF
1-S/S-1 89.97% PF 1-S/S-06
1-S/S-3 1-S/S-4 1-S/S-05 1-S/S-7
500 MVAsc
6948 kVA
88.94% PF
1-3/C 500
1-3/C 500 1-3/C 500 1-3/C 500 1-3/C 500 1-3/C 500 1-3/C 500 220 m
195 m 375 m 170 m 200 m 46 m 15 m AL
2S/S06--TR 2S/S07--TR
2S/S05--TR 1500 kVA 1500 kVA
1500 kVA 13.8/0.4 kV 13.8/0.4 kV
2S/S2-TR 2S/S3-TR 2S/S4-TR 13.8/0.4 kV 2.5% TapS
1500 kVA 1500 kVA 2.5% TapS
2S/S1-TR 1500 kVA 2.5% TapS 6 %Z 6 %Z
1500 kVA 13.8/0.4 kV 13.8/0.4 kV 13.8/0.4 kV 6 %Z
13.8/0.4 kV 6 %Z 2.5% TapS 2.5% TapS
6 %Z 2.5% TapS 6 %Z 6 %Z
2.5% TapS
1088 kVA 797.9 kVA 740.4 kVA 1088 kVA
90% PF 908.5 kVA 999.3 kVA 1109 kVA 89.83% PF
89.98% PF 89.79% PF 89.78% PF 90% PF
2-S/S-1 90% PF 2-S/S-6
2-S/S-3 2-S/S-4 2-S/S-5 2-S/S-7
1105 kVA 9 8 .7 3
0.4 kV 90% PF
2500 A 186.6 kVA 186 kVA 186.2 kVA 185.3 kVA 146.1 kVA 122.9 kVA 96.8 kVA
89.83% PF 89.76% PF 89.78% PF 89.71% PF 89.56% PF 89.53% PF 89.94% PF
2-4/C 185
2-4/C 185 2-4/C 185 2-4/C 185 2-4/C 185 2-4/C 185 2-4/C 185
23 m 43 m 35 m 54 m 108 m 119 m 64 m
400 A
11-SMDP-1 %
0.4 kV 98.35
400 A
62.3 kVA 62.1 kVA 62 kVA
90.05% PF 90.01% PF 90.01% PF
150 A
150 A 150 A
1-4/C 70
1-4/C 70 1-4/C 70
38 m
10 m 24 m
150 A 150 A %
150 A DB-B01-8
0.4 kV
DB-B01-06 % 98 .04 % 14.1 15.4
kVA kVA 14.1 kVA 14.2 kVA 3.81 kVA
0.4 kV 98.22 0.4 kV 400 A 89.95%
PF PF 89.97% PF 89.91% PF 89.04% PF
400 A 14.2 kVA 15.5 kVA 14.2 kVA 14.3 kVA 3.84 kVA 400 A 14.115.5
kVA kVA 14.1 kVA 14.3 kVA 3.82 kVA
89.96% PF 89.88% PF 89.98% PF 89.92% PF 89.13% PF 89.95%
PF PF 89.97% PF 89.92% PF 89.09% PF
150 A 150 A 150 A 150 A 150 A
150 A 150 A 150 A 150 A
150 A 150 A 150 A 150 A 150 A 150 A
1-4/C 25
1-4/C 25
35 m 18 m
1-4/C 25 1-4/C 25 1-4/C 25 CU
1-4/C 25 1-4/C 25 1-4/C 25 1-4/C 25
1-4/C 25 1-4/C 25 1-4/C 25 1-4/C 25 1-4/C 25 1-4/C 25 45 m 25 m 52 m
25 m 45 m 25 m 52 m
45 m 52 m 35 m 18 m 35 m 18 m CU CU CU
CU 14 kVA 15.4 kVA 14 kVA 14.2 kVA 3.85 kVA
15.5 kVA 14.1 kVA 15.5 kVA 14.1 kVA
14.1 kVA 14.2 kVA 14.3 kVA 3.88 kVA 14.3 kVA 3.86 kVA 90% PF 90% PF 90% PF
90% PF 90% PF 90% PF 90% PF 90% PF 90% PF
90% PF 90% PF 90% PF 90% PF 90% PF 90% PF
400 A
11-SMDP-2 %
0.4 kV 98.02
400 A 61.5 kVA 61.7 kVA 61.8 kVA 0.186 kVA
90% PF 90.01% PF 90.03% PF 90.54% PF
150 A
150 A 150 A
150 A
0.185 kVA
90% PF
0.28 kVA
150 A
150 A 150 A
DB-B01-04 DB-B01-05 %
% 0.4 kV 97.72
% 97.85
0.4 kV 97.53 0.4 kV
14.1 kVA 15.4 kVA 14.1 kVA 14.2 kVA
3.81 kVA
14 kVA 15.3 kVA 14 kVA 14.1 kVA 3.78 kVA 400 A 14 kVA 15.414
kVA 14.2 kVA 3.8 kVA
400 A
89.94% PF 89.85%
PF PF 89.9% PF 88.96% PF 40089.94%
A PF 89.85% PF 89.96% PF 89.9%88.99%
89.93% PF 89.84% PF 89.96% PF 89.89% PF 88.9% PF
150 A 150 A 150 A 150 A
150 A 150 A 150 A 150 A 150 A 150 A 150 A
150 A 150 A 150 A
150 A
400 A
11-SMDP-3 %
0.4 kV 98.15
400 A 61.7 kVA 61.9 kVA 62.1 kVA
90.01% PF 90.01% PF 90.05% PF
150 A
150 A 150 A
1-4/C 70
1-4/C 70 1-4/C 70
10 m
40 m 25 m CU
150 A
150 A 150 A
DB-B01-10 %
DB-B01-09 % DB-B01-11
0.4 kV 97.63
% 0.4 kV 97.83 0.4 kV
kVA kVA 14.114.3
kVA kVA 3.85 kVA
400 A 14 kVA 15.3 kVA 14 kVA 14.2 kVA 3.81 kVA 40014A kVA 15.414.1
kVAkVA 14.2 kVA 3.83 kVA
400 A 89.78%
PF PF 89.92%
PF PF 89.7% PF
89.76% PF 89.85% PF 89.91% PF 89.94% PF 89.67% PF 89.77% PF 89.86%
PF PF 89.95% PF 89.69% PF
150 A 150 A 150 A 150 A
150 A 150 A 150 A 150 A 150 A 150 A 150 A
150 A 150 A 150 A 150 A