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Electric Charge

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Coulomb’s Law
1. An infinite number of charges each equal to 4𝜇𝐶 are placed along X axis at x = 1m, x =
2m, x = 4m, x = 8m & so on. Find the total force on a charge of 1C placed at the origin.

2. Three point charges +q each are kept at the vertices of an equilateral triangle of side𝑙.
Determine the magnitude & sign of charge to be kept at its centroid so that the charges at
the vertices remain in equilibrium?

3. Charges𝑞1 = 1.5𝑚𝐶, 𝑞2 = 0.2𝑚𝐶 𝑞3 = −0.5𝑚𝐶 are placed at the points A, B, C

respectively as shown. If 𝑟1 = 1.2𝑚 &𝑟2 = 0.6𝑚. Calculate the magnitude of resultant
force on 𝑞2.

4. Two particles A & B each having a charge Q are placed a distance d apart. Where a
particle of charge q should be placed on the perpendicular bisector of AB so that it
experiences maximum force? What is the magnitude of this maximum force?

5. Two particles A & B each carrying charge Q are held fixed with a separation d between
them. A particle C having mass m & charge q is kept at the middle point of the line
AB.(a) If it is displaced through a distance x perpendicular to AB, What would be the
electric force experienced by it. (b) Assuming ≪ 𝑑 , show that this force is proportional
to x. (c) Under what conditions will the particle execute simple harmonic motions if it is
released after such a small displacement? Find the time period of these oscillations if
these conditions are satisfied.

6. Repeat the previous problem if the particle C is displaced through a distance x along the
line AB.

7. Two identical pith balls, each carrying a charge q are suspended from a common point by
two strings of equal length ‘l’. Find the mass of each ball if the angle between the strings
is 2𝜃 in equilibrium.

8. Two identical spheres A & B carrying a charge q repel each other with a force F. A third
metallic sphere C of the same size, but uncharged is successively made to touch the
spheres A & B & then removed away. What is the force of repulsion between A & B?
1. Consider 3 charges q1,q2,q3 each equal to charge q at the vertices of en equilateral triangle of
side l. What is the force on a charge Q placed at the centroid of the triangle?

2. Three point charges +q placed at the vertices of an equilateral triangle of side ′𝑙′. Determine
the magnitude & sign of charge to be kept at the centroid so that the charges at the vertices
remain in equilibrium?
3. Ten positively charged particles are kept fixed on the x axis at points x =10cm, 20 cm, 30
cm,…100cm. The first particle has a charge of 10-8C, the second 8×10-8 C, third 27×10-8 C & so
on. The tenth particle has a charge of 1000×10-8 C. Find the magnitude of electric force on a
charge of 1C placed at the origin.
Electric field
1. In the figure given below the electric field lines on the left have twice the separation of
those on the right (a) If the magnitude of field at A is 40N/C , what is the magnitude of
the force on a proton at A?
(b) What is the magnitude of field at B?

2. In the above figure the four particles form a square of side a = 5cm & have charges q1 =
+10nC, q2 = -20nC, q3 = +20nC, q4 = -10nC. In unit vector notation what net electric
field do the particles produce at the centre of the square?

3. An oil drop of 12 excess electrons is held stationary under a constant electric field of 2.55
×104 V/m in Millikan’s oil drop experiment. The density of the oil is 1.26gcm-3. Estimate
the radius of the drop (g = 9.8ms-2 & e =1.6×10-19 C
4. A system has two charges qA = 2.5×10-7 C & qB = -2.5×10-7 C, located at points A
(0,0,-15cm) & B (0,0,+15cm).What is the total charge & electric dipole moment of the
5. In the figure given below the four particles are fixed in place & have charges q1 = q2 = +5e
, q3 = +3e & q4 = -12e. Distance d = 5.0µm. What is the magnitude of net electric field at
point P due to the two particles?

6. A particle of mass m & charge –q enters the region between the two charged plates
initially moving along x axis with speed vx. The length of the plate is L & a uniform
electric field E is maintained between the plates.
Show that the vertical deflection of the particle at the far edge of the plates is 𝑚𝑣 2 .
7. The above figure shows three particles that are fixed in place & have charges q 1 = q2

= +e & q3 = +2e. Distance a = 6.00µm. What are the (a) magnitude & (b) direction
of the net electric field at point P due to the particles?
8. Negative charge –Q is distributed uniformly around a quarter-circle of radius that lies
in the first quadrant, with the centre of curvature at the origin. Find the x and y
components of the net electric field at the origin?
9. Find the magnitude & direction of the net electric field at the origin produced
by this distribution of charge.

10. Two identical dipoles are arranged in x-y plane as shown. Find the magnitude & the
direction of net electric field at the origin O.
11. The figure shows three different patterns of electric field lines. In each pattern , a proton is
released from rest at point P & then accelerated towards Q by the electric field . Rank the
patterns according to the linear momentum of the proton when it reaches Q , greatest first.

12. Derive the expression for the torque experienced by an electric dipole in a uniform electric
field & discuss the conditions of stable & unstable equilibrium.


1. Define electric flux. Is it a scalar or a vector quantity?
A point charge q is at a distance of d/2 directly above the centre of a square of side d as
shown in figure. Use Gauss’s law to obtain the expression for electric flux through the

2. (i)State Gauss’s law of electrostatics. Show with the help of a suitable figure that outward
flux due to a point charge Q in vacuum within the Gaussian surface, is independent of its
size & shape.
(ii) In the given figure there are 3 infinitely long thin sheets having surface charge density
+2𝜎,-2 𝜎 & + 𝜎 respectively. Give the magnitude & direction of electric field at a point to
the left of the sheet of charge density +2 𝜎 & to the right of sheet of charge density + 𝜎

3. If the total charge enclosed by a surface is zero, does it imply that the electric field
everywhere on the surface is zero? Conversely, if the electric field everywhere on the
surface is zero, does it imply that the charge inside is zero?
4. Electric field in the figure is directed along +X direction & given by 𝐸𝑥 = 5𝐴𝑥 + 2B,
where E is NC-1 & x is in metre, A & B are constants with dimensions. Taking A = 10
NC-1m-1 & B = 5 NC-1, calculate (i) the electric flux through the cube (ii) net charge
enclosed within the cube.

5. Show that dependence of electric field of a point charge is consistent with the concept
of electric field lines.
6. Derive coulombs law from Gauss’s Law.
7. The electric field components in the following figure are 𝐸𝑥 = 𝛼𝑥 2 , 𝐸𝑦 = 𝐸𝑧 = 0 in
which 𝛼 = 800𝑁/𝐶𝑚2. Calculate (i) the flux 𝜑𝐸 through the cube & (ii) net charge
within the cube. Assume that a = 0.1m

8. A spherical Gaussian surface encloses a charge of 8.85× 10−8 𝐶 (i) calculate the electric
flux passing through the surface (ii) If the radius of the surface is doubled, how would the
flux change?
9. An infinitely long positively charged wire has a linear charge density 𝜆𝐶𝑚−1. An
electron is revolving around the wire as its centre with a constant velocity in a circular
plane perpendicular to the wire. Deduce the expression for its kinetic energy. (b) Plot a
graph of the kinetic energy as a function of charge density𝜆.
10. If 𝜌(𝑟) = be the charge density distribution for a solid sphere of radius R & total
charge is Q, find the magnitude of the electric field at a distance 𝑟1 from the centre of the
11. Let a total charge 2Q be distributed in a sphere of radius R, with charge density given
by 𝜌(𝑟) = 𝑘𝑟, where r is the distance from the centre. Two charges A & B of –Q each are
placed on diametrically opposite points at equal distance a, from the centre & if A & B do
not experience any force, then find the value of ‘a’?
12. Apply Gauss’s theorem to calculate the electric field of a thin infinitely long straight line
of charge, with a uniform charge density of 𝜆𝐶𝑚−1
13. Apply Gauss’s theorem to calculate the electric field due to an infinite plane sheet of
14. Apply Gauss’s theorem to show that for a spherical shell, the electric field inside the shell
vanishes, whereas outside it, the field is as if all the charges had been concentrated at its
15. A cube of side L is kept in space as shown in figure. An electric field 𝐸⃗ = (𝐴𝑥 + 𝐵)𝑖̂
exists in the region. Find the net charge enclosed by the cube [CBSE 2023]

Assertion and Reasoning

Each of the following questions consists of a Statement-I and a Statement-II. Examine
both of them and select one of the options using the following codes:
(A) Statement-I and Statement-II are true and Statement-II is the correct explanation
of Statement-I.
(B) Statement-I and Statement-II are true, but Statement-II is not the correct
explanation of Statement -I
(C) Statement-I is true, but Statement -II is false
(D) Statement-I is false, but Statement -II is true
1. Statement I: The principle of superposition holds good for electric fields.
Statement II: Electric field is a vector.
2. Statement I: The electric field at different points of a Gaussian surface is non-zero.
Statement II: The net charge enclosed by the Gaussian surface may be zero.
3. Statement I: The electric field in a region of space is in the same direction but decreases in
strength in the same direction.
Statement II: Electric field lines are closer where the field is stronger.
4. Statement I: According to Gauss’ law,  E.ds =  0

Statement II: The electric field E can only be attributed to the charge q.
5. Statement I: Coulomb’s law can be derived from Gauss’ law.
Statement II: Gauss’s law can be derived from Coulomb’s law.
6. Statement I: When a free neutron decays into a proton and an electron, a third particle
called neutrino is also emitted which has no mass and no charge.
Statement II: In any nuclear interaction charge must be conserved



1. The electrostatic force between two small charged spheres having charges of 2 x
10-6 C and 3 x 10–6 C placed 30 cm apart in air is

(a) 0,9 N (b) 0.6 N (c) 1.2 N (d) 1.8 N

2. Four point charges q A = −2C,q B = −5C,q c = −2C and q D = −5C are located at
the corners of a square of side 20 cm (In cyclic order). What is electric force on a
charge of 1C placed at the centre of square?
(a)0.9N (b) Zero (c) 0.6 N (d) 2.4 N
−7 −7
3. A system of two charges q A = 2.5 10 C and q B = −2.5 10 C are located at
A: (0. 0,-15 cm) and B: (0. 0, 15 cm) respectively. The electric dipole moment of
system is
(a) 2.5 10−7 Cm (b) 5 10−7 C m
(c) 7.5 10−8 C m (d) Zero

4. A polythene piece rubbed with wool is found to have negative charge of

3.2 10−6 C . The number of excess electrons on polythene is
(a) 2  10 (b) 4  10 (c) 5.5 10 (d) 6 10
13 12 9 20

5. An electron falls through distance of m in uniform electric field from state of

rest. The time of fall if E = 6 104 NC−1 is
−6 −9
(a) 1.5 10 s (b) 1.94  10 s
−5 −6
(c) 3.3 10 s (d) 2.3 10 s
6. Consider charges q,-q and q placed at vertices of an equilateral triangle as shown
in figure. Calculate force on -q charge due toother

q2 q2 2q 2 3q 2
1) 2) 3) 4)
2 0 2 4 0 2  0 2 4 0 2
7. Which among the given statements is incorrect statement?
(a) For every positive point charge, electric field lines will be directed radially
outwards from charge.
(b) Magnitude of electric field E will depend on distance form point charge
(c) The electric field due to a point charge has spherical symmetry
(d) A test charge q experiences electric force F at a point then electric field
intensity is defined as E = 2
8. A proton and an electron are released form rest in uniform electric field then the
correct Statement among the following is
(a) Time required to fall through certain distance is more for an electron
(b) The force experiences by proton will be more
(c) Magnitude of acceleration experienced by proton is more
(d) KE gained by both charges in moving through same distance are equal

9. Regarding electric lines of force, the correct statement is/are

(a) Field lines carry information about direction of electric field
(b) Relative density of field lines at different points indicates relative strength of
electric field at these points
(c) The field lines crowd where field is weak and spaced apart where field in
(d) Both (a) and (b) are correct

10. The incorrect statement among the following statements is

(a) Electric field lines can never cross each other
(b) Electrostatic field lines do not form any closed loop
(c) In charge free region, electric field lines can be taken to be continuous curve
(d) Field lines around a system of two positive charges is straight and parallel
lines pictorially

11. A dipole consist of two charges q and -q separated by a distance 2a. The electric
field of this dipole at distance r from centre of dipole at a point A on axis is
2p 2p p 2pr
1) 2) 3) 4)
40 r 2 3
40 r 3
40 (r 2 − a 2 ) 2
4 0 (r 2 + a 2 ) 2
12. Electric field components are E x = 100x , E y = E z = 0 . Calculate net electric flux

though the cube placed in electric field at shown position.

(a) 900Nm2C–1 (b) 1800Nm2C–1 (c) 600 Nm2C–1 (d) 3600 Nm2C–1
13. An infinite long straight wire has linear charge density  = 4 105 Cm −1 . The
electric force experienced by a proton at perpendicular distance of 10 mm from
axis of wire is

(a) 1.25 x 10-4 N (b) 1.68 x 10–3N

(c) 2.8 x l0–6 N (d) 1.15 x 10–1 N
14. Coulomb’s law of electrostatic for the force between two point charges most
(a) Law of conservation of charges
(b) Law of conservation of energy
(c) Newton’s second law of motion
(d) Newton’s law of gravitation
15. A point charge q of mass m is placed in front of a uniformly charged infinite sheet
and released. The surface charge density of sheet is C m–2. The kinetic energy of
charge after t second is
[NCERT Pg. 39]
q 2 2 t 2 q 2 2 t 2 q 2 2 t 2 q 2 2 t 2
1) 2) 2 3) 4)
402 m 0 m 802 m 402 m
16. An electric dipole consists of two equal and opposite charges 002  C separated
by 2 mm. The dipole is placed is uniform electric field of 107 N C–1. Maximum
torque exerted by field on dipole is
−4 −4
(a) 2 10 Nm (b) 4 10 Nm
−4 −6
(c) 8  10 Nm (d) 2 10 Nm
17. A thin spherical shell is given a charge q = 4  C, uniformly distributed over its
surface. Consider a point P outside the shell at distance of 2 m from surface. If the
radius of shell is 1 m, what is electric field at point P?
(a) 4kNC–] (b) 2kNC–1 (c) 9 kN C–1 (d) 36 kN C–1
18. Figure shows track of three positive charged particles through uniform electric
field E. All charges are equal in value. Which charge particle has more initial
kinetic energy on entering horizontally between the plate?
(a) Particle 1 (b) Particle 2
(c) Particle 3 (d) Both 1 and 2 have equal initial KE
19. A uniformly charged conducting sphere of 3 m diameter has a Surface charge
density of 90  C/m2. What is total electric flux leaving the surface of sphere?

2 −1 2 −1
(a) 1.76 10 N m C (b) 2.87 10 N m C
8 8

2 −1 2 −1
(c) 5.2 10 N m C (d) 4.52  10 N m C
8 6

20. Incorrect statement among the following is

(a) Gauss’s law is useful in calculating electric field when system has some
(b) Gaussian surface can pass through a continuous charge distribution
(c) Gauss’s law is based on inverse square dependence of electric field on distance
(d) In situation when surface is so chosen that some charges are outside and some inside,
electric field (whose flux appears on left side of Gauss’s equation) is only due to the
charges inside the closed surface.

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