Hextar Global Berhad - Merged
Hextar Global Berhad - Merged
Hextar Global Berhad - Merged
Hextar was founded in 1985 with the goal of actively contributing to the development
and advancement of Malaysia's agriculture business, as well as the lives of those who work
in it. Hextar has been positioning itself as one of Malaysia's leading agrochemical companies.
It has been in business for 36 years and has successfully registered over 600 items in Malaysia
and around the world. The company's operations have grown to include 30 countries and 500
employees, serving as the best support system for its customers and suppliers in over 30
Over the years, the organization has evolved into a one stop solution center for the
agriculture business. The company's main activities include the manufacturing and distribution
of agrochemicals, fertilizers, and seeds, as well as industry related research and development.
Thanks to its specialized agricultural goods supply chain, Hextar Group is now the largest crop
management solutions provider in the United States, with a strong global presence. Hextar
has constantly offered new and enhanced superior agrochemical products to its customers,
from research and development to manufacture and distribution, and will continue to do so for
the foreseeable future. Furthermore, Hextar continues to manufacture consumer items in both
domestic and foreign markets while preserving the Group's primary business in agriculture.
By exporting to Argentina, Egypt, and South Africa, they continue to increase their market
increases income levels in rural areas. Maintaining adequate agricultural practices ensures
better utilization of agrochemical products in the areas that were overlooked in the past. This
is made possible by population figures and the shrinking amount of arable land. Due to the
adoption of modern farming techniques, Malaysia has seen a considerable increase in the
usage of agrochemicals, particularly for pesticide and fertilizer consumption. The rapid
increase of regions covered by oil palm and rubber plantations is another factor influencing
The production and supply of the agrochemicals market have been impacted by
COVID-19. The proper operation of numerous sectors around the world has been influenced
by the global pandemic, and this includes the market for agrochemicals. There was a
significant difference between the number of workers needed to produce agrochemicals and
those who were available due to a short-term labour shortage of migrant workers and
distribution bottlenecks, which decreased production efficiency and disrupted supply chains
across the nation. As a result, the global COVID-19 epidemic had a detrimental effect on the
From the table 1, the revenue of Hextar was increasing from year 2018 to 2021. The
group’s revenue was increase significantly from 2018 to 2019 which around 23.1%. The
significant increase was mainly due to contribution from the enlarged agriculture segment and
the incorporation of revenue from the consumer products segment, following the completion
of the Reversed Acquisition on 30 April 2019. About 94,4% of the Hextar’s revenue come from
core agriculture segment in 2019. However, Hextar’s EBIT in 2019 is much lower compare
with 2018, although the revenue increase. This was primarily caused by the RM23.99 million
had announced by having the movement order control (MCO), the agriculture segment has
only a little disruption. This is because agriculture-related activities are thought to be essential
services since they are a part of the food supply chain. Furthermore, the revenue increases
also due to the increase of the consumer products in year 2020. The increase revenue from
of consumer product segment was mainly due to increase in market demand for wet wipes
and tissue consumptions during the Covid-19 pandemic, as consumers are more aware on
From 2020 to 2021, the revenue increases 10.90%. The main contribution of the
revenue is from the new acquired Specialty Chemical segment amounting RM46.2 million.
Although the main agriculture segment contributes RM402.1 million in 2021, but it only
increases 2.3% compare with 2020. This is because the shortage of supply chain and
increasing in cost in 2021. However, Hextar’s EBIT was decrease 4.00% in 2021 compare
with 2020. This is because the high administrative fee due to one-off legal and professional
fees for the various corporate exercises undertaken during the financial year 2021, including
As a conclusion, from the view of revenue, the Hextar is doing quite good before and
during the pandemic covid-19. Although Hextar is facing the challenges in the global business
environment due to the Covid-19 pandemic, Hextar continues to show resilience and growth.
2. Capital Structure Data
The debt-to-equity ratio slightly increase about 13.33% from 2018 to 2019. The was
mainly due to the increase of term loan by RM26.04 million and bills payable by RM18.79
During the year of Covid-19, which is 2020, Hextar’s debt-to-equity ratio decrease
about 58.82%. This is because Hextar need to reduce the uncertainty or risk that may be
occurred and hit the business. The current ratio of the Group was recorded at 2.49 times as
current ratio was mainly due to the decrease in bank borrowings. The decreasing in debt is to
prevent the high debt pressure in the future. Hence, to face the uncertainty in the future that
caused by Covid-19, Hextar was increase it cash flow, which from RM39,525 in 2019 to
RM39,525 in 2020.
From the 2020 to 2021, Hextar’s debt-to-equity ratio increase dramatically from 0.21
million related to the profit guarantee offered by the vendors of the Specialty Chemical
business, as well as an increase in term loans of RM139.0 million to help partially finance the
purchase consideration for business acquisitions. Current liabilities went from RM86.7 million
to RM221.7 million, an increase of almost RM135.0 million or 155.9%. Term loans climbed
from RM3.2 million to RM16.8 million, trade payables increased from RM24.8 million to
RM53.1 million, and bills payable increased from RM33.0 million to RM93.0 million.
3. Financial Information
Gearing Ratio
Market ratio
From 2018 to 2019 the gearing ratio of the Hextar Global Berhad overall is increase.
The company is increasing the debt and the equity from 2018 to 2019. The main reason of the
company increases the debt is mainly due to the increase in bank borrowings following the
Reverse Acquisition. Although the company is increase in the debt, but it does not lead to the
increment of the earning per share, it is because in 2019 about the company spend RM23.99
million one-time goodwill impairment on business combination. As a result, in this case the
leverage effect cannot apply, because most of the loan is for administration expense’s purpose
but not productivity purpose. The market ratio of the company decreases due to the decrease
From 2019 to 2020, the gearing ratio is decreasing a lot. In 2020, Hextar reduce the
debt to deal with the Covid-19. In 2021 many uncertainties such as shortage in the supply
chain, unemployment rate increase, government restriction policy and the international
restriction. As a result, Hextar repayment RM 23,689,527 of term loans and did not do any
borrowing in 2020. Although the gearing ratio of the company decreases, and many sectors
and industries had been restricted during the movement order control (MCO), Hextar still can
outperform. This is because Hextar is the essential industry that supply the chemical products
to farmers. Other than that, the company the issuance of 714,679,564 new ordinary shares in
the company at an issue price of RM0.81 per share the capital is for the acquisition purpose.
From year 2020 to 2021, the company debt increases about 121.43% which in very
large percentage. Based on the The Edge Markets, Hextar Group had financing about RM105
million to acquire Nobel Synthetic Polymer Sdn Bhd and Nobel Scientific Sdn Bhd, collectively
known as the Nobel Group. These two companies are the manufactures and supplies coating,
chemical derivatives, and related products. On 23rd September 2021, Hextar Global’s all
shareholders approved of its proposed acquisition of the Nobel Group, and they believe it will
contribute the group in positive earnings in the following years. The acquisition of the company
is one of the productivity activities because acquisition is the one of the ways to expand
Hextar’s market. Hence it also causes the stock price of the Hextar increase greatly in 2021.
In here the gearing effect can be seen since the revenue and the earning per share is increase.
4. Forecasted financial statement
The forecasted statement of profit or loss below is from 2022 to 2026. The growth sales
we are using are the average growth rate from 2018 to 2021 as shown in the appendix. For
the other incomes, we will use the average 4 years' income because this income is generated
from other than production lines such as rental income and dividend income, so it is difficult to
predict. Besides that, selling and marketing expenses, administrative expenses, other
expenses, net impairment losses on financial assets, and share of profit of a joint venture are
calculated using the average percentage of the total revenue from 2018 to 2021. The finance
cost or also known as interest expense, we are assuming the cost will be 10% of the debt,
The forecasted statement of financial position in below is from 2022 to 2026. All the
items in the current assets are calculate using the average percentage of total revenue from
2018 to 2021. The plant, equipment and property also using the average percentage while the
other non-current assets such as the intangible assets and right- of-use assets we assume
the same above, since the increasing in production line only need to increase the equipment
and factories. For the ending capital, we add the beginning capital and the retained earnings
in that year. The account payable and non-trade and non-bank liabilities is using the average
percentage. The debt calculation can refer to the debt table. All the percentage calculation is
in appendix.
Average Percentage/
Year Amount (%/RM) 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026
Current Assets
Cash and cash equvalents 7.94 43,985,288 52,500,840 62,665,003 74,796,947 89,277,636
Account Receivable 36.16 200,315,872 239,097,025 285,386,209 340,636,979 406,584,298
Inventories 25.59 141,761,150 169,206,108 201,964,411 241,064,721 287,734,851
Other current asset 4.05 22,435,821 26,779,396 31,963,887 38,152,095 45,538,341
Total current Assets 408,498,131 487,583,369 581,979,509 694,650,742 829,135,126
Non-current Assets
Plant, property, equipment 12.7 82,160,533 83,974,895 100,232,435 119,637,435 142,799,242
Other Non-current Assets 192,210,411 192,210,411 192,210,411 192,210,411 192,210,411
TOTAL ASSETS 682,869,075 763,768,676 874,422,356 1,006,498,588 1,164,144,779
Beginning Capital 227,584,561 240,888,033 255,233,499 272,693,852 293,443,528
(+)Retained Earning 13,303,472 14,805,376 17,460,352 20,749,676 24,689,109
Ending Capital 240,888,033 255,693,409 272,693,852 293,443,528 318,132,637
Debt 158,414,671 196,398,616 233,912,952 274,959,378 323,540,240
Account Payable 12.93 56,629,441 67,592,901 80,678,887 96,298,319 114,941,673
Non-Trade and Non-Bank
Liabilities 27.31 151,289,449 180,579,086 215,539,197 257,267,586 307,074,590
Total Liabities 366,333,561 444,570,603 530,131,036 628,525,283 745,556,504
LIABILITIES 607,221,594 700,264,012 802,824,887 921,968,811 1,063,689,140
New Financing 75,647,481 63,504,664 71,597,468 84,529,777 100,455,639
Debt Table From 2022 to 2026
Year 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026
Beginning Debt 158,414,671 218,220,685 259,903,280 305,510,420 359,489,155
(-)Interest Payment (10%) 15,841,467 21,822,068 25,990,328 30,551,042 35,948,916
Balance of debt 142,573,204 196,398,616 233,912,952 274,959,378 323,540,240
(+) New Financing 75,647,481 63,504,664 71,597,468 84,529,777 100,455,639
Ending Debt 158,414,671 218,220,685 259,903,280 305,510,420 359,489,155 423,995,879
Current Assets
Cash and cash equvalents 13,921,666.00 29,550,577.00 17,324,535.00 63,953,055.00
Account Receivable 117,052,685.00 130,796,125.00 111,194,739.00 169,742,974.00
Inventories 72,979,315.00 79,190,179.00 81,117,669.00 152,509,384.00
Other current asset 5,539,854.00 33,616,735.00 6,168,932.00 12,701,789.00
Total current Assets 209,493,520.00 273,153,616.00 215,805,875.00 398,907,202.00
Non-current Assets
Plant, property, equipment 32,048,190.00 45,542,372.00 41,393,295.00 72,901,981.00
Other Non-current Assets 15,441,686.00 38,625,885.00 49,855,449.00 192,210,411.00
TOTAL ASSETS 256,983,396.00 357,321,873.00 307,054,619.00 664,019,594.00
Non-current Assets
Plant, property, equipment Percentage to Revenue 11.70 13.50 9.89 15.71 12.70
Other Non-current Assets
Account Payable Percentage to COGS 11.70 12.60 9.76 17.67 12.93
Non-Trade and Non-Bank Liabilities Percentage to Revenue 18.40 30.02 14.57 46.23 27.31
Total Liabities