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The document discusses remote tap changer circuits and their components as well as different types of tap changers for transformers.

The document discusses mechanical, electronically assisted, and fully electronic tap changers.

Off-load tap changers require interrupting the power supply during a tap change while on-load tap changers can change taps without interrupting the power supply.

Remote Tap Changer Circuit A transformer tap is a connection point along a transformer winding that allows a certain number

of turns to be selected. By this means, a transformer with a variable turns ratio is produced, enabling voltage regulation of the output. The tap selection is made via a tap changer mechanism. Remote tap changer circuit consist of following Major Components: I) Automatic Voltage Regulator II) Temperature indicator III) Temperature Controller IV) Winding Temperature Indicator V) Oil Temperature Indicator VI) Annunciator Alarm Windows Voltage considerations If only one tap changer is required, tap points are usually made on the high voltage, orlow current, side of the winding in order to minimize the current handling requirements of the contacts. However, a transformer may include a tap changer on each winding if there are advantages to do so. For example, in power distribution networks, a large step-down transformer may have an off-load tap changer on the primary winding and an on-load tap changer on the secondary winding. The high voltage tap is set to match long-term system profile on the high voltage network and is rarely changed. The low voltage tap may be requested to change positions once or more each day, without interrupting the power delivery, to follow loading conditions on the low-voltage network. To minimize the number of windings and thus reduce the physical size of a transformer, a 'reversing' winding may be used, which is a portion of the main winding able to be connected in its opposite direction and thus oppose the voltage. Insulation requirements place the tap points at the low voltage end of the winding. This is near the star point in a star connected winding. In delta connected windings, the tappings are usually at the center of the winding. In an autotransformer, the taps are usually made between the series and common windings, or as a series 'buckboost' section of the common winding. Tap changing Off-circuit designs (DETC) In low power, low voltage transformers, the tap point can take the form of a connection terminal, requiring a power lead to be disconnected by hand and connected to the new terminal. Alternatively, the process may be assisted by means of a rotary or slider switch. Since the different tap points are at different voltages, the two connections can not be made simultaneously, as this would short-circuit a number of turns in the winding and produce excessive circulating current. Consequently, the power to the device must be interrupted during the switchover event. Off-circuit or de-energized tap changing (DETC) is sometimes employed in high voltage transformer designs, although for regular use, it is only applicable to installations in which the loss of supply can be tolerated. In power distribution networks, transformers commonly include an off-circuit tap changer on the primary winding to accommodate system variations within a narrow band around the nominal rating. The tap changer will often be set just once, at the time of installation, although it may be changed later during a

scheduled outage in order to accommodate a long-term change in the system voltage profile. On-load designs

A mechanical on-load tap changer (OLTC), also known as under- load tap changer (ULTC) design, changing back and forth between tap positions 2 and 3 For many power transformer applications, a supply interruption during a tap change is unacceptable, and the transformer is often fitted with a more expensive and complex on-load tap-changing (OLTC, sometimes LTC) mechanism. On-load tap changers may be generally classified as either mechanical, electronically assisted, or fully electronic. Mechanical tap changers A mechanical tap changer physically makes the new connection before releasing the old using multiple tap selector switches, but avoids creating high circulating currents by using a diverter switch to temporarily place a large diverter impedance in series with the short-circuited turns. This technique overcomes the problems with open or short circuit taps. In a resistance type tap changer, the changeover must be made rapidly to avoid overheating of the diverter. A reactance type tap changer uses a dedicated preventive autotransformer winding to function as the diverter impedance, and a reactance type tap changer is usually designed to sustain off-tap loading indefinitely. In a typical diverter switch powerful springs are tensioned by a low power motor (motor drive unit (MDU)), and then rapidly released to effect the tap changing

operation. To reduce arcing at the contacts, the tap changer operates in a chamber filled with insulating transformer oil, or inside an SF6 vessel. Reactance-type tap changers, when operating in oil, must allow for with the additional inductive flyback generated by the autotransformer and commonly include a vacuum bottle in parallel with the diverter switch. During a tap-change operation, the flyback raises the potential between the two electrodes in the bottle, and some of the energy is dissipated in an arc discharge through the bottle instead of flashing across the diverter switch. Some arcing is unavoidable, and both the tap changer oil and the switch contacts will slowly deteriorate with use. In order to prevent contamination of the tank oil and facilitate maintenance operations, the diverter switch usually operates in a separate compartment from the main transformer tank, and often the tap selector switches will be located in the compartment as well. All of the winding taps will then be routed into the tap changer compartment through a terminal array. One possible design (flag type) of on-load mechanical tap changer is shown to the right. It commences operation at tap position 2, with load supplied directly via the right hand connection. Diverter resistor A is short-circuited; diverter B is unused. In moving to tap 3, the following sequence occurs: Switch 3 closes, an off-load operation. Rotary switch turns, breaking one connection and supplying load current through diverter resistor A. Rotary switch continues to turn, connecting between contacts A and B. Load now supplied via diverter resistors A and B, winding turns bridged via A and B. Rotary switch continues to turn, breaking contact with diverter A. Load now supplied via diverter B alone, winding turns no longer bridged. Rotary switch continues to turn, shorting diverter B. Load now supplied directly via left hand connection. Diverter A is unused. Switch 2 opens, an off-load operation. The sequence is then carried out in reverse to return to tap position 2. I) Automatic Voltage Regulator The Electronic voltage regulator serves for automatic control of transformer with motor driven on-load-tap-changer moves to the next position and the transformer voltage value is adapted to preset desired voltage level. To allow individual adaptation of the control system to the various field service condition encountered, influencing variables such as time delay, bandwidth and even line dependent parameters can be programmed for compensation of voltage dependent and/or current-depends limits. As a special feature, the voltage regulator is also capable of controlling parallel transformer operation. The electronic voltage regulator is controlled by micro controller. Beside a voltage transformer and a current transformer it contains optocoupler input with potential separation as well as potential free output contact. Bandwidth: The transformer step voltage must be known to ensure proper setting of this value. Bandwidth is calculated by the below expression:

For increasing voltage sensitivity it is also possible to set lower values, although it is highly unadvisable to go beneath 60% of the computed value. Higher value will cause a decrease in regulating sensitivity. If the measuring circuit voltage is altered far enough during operation exceed the set bandwidth, the presignal will respond. An output pulse will be generated according to the set delay time. If no compensation occurs for more than 15min, the Function Monitoring relay will respond. The relay will not be reset until a shortfall of the bandwidth threshold has occurred. Standard Setting Range: + 0.5 - + 9 Standard Step Width: 0.1% A load dependent line voltage drop, e.g of spur line leading from the transformer to load, can be compensated either by simulation (Line drop Compensation) or by loadcurrent dependent increase of the voltage level (Z Compensation). Line Drop Compensation: For calculating correct line drop compensation it is necessary to calculate the resistive and inductive line voltage drop in relation to the secondary side of the voltage transformer in V and the correct setting of the existing measuring transformer configuration according to below figure: Values of the customary circuit: 0o (for One- phase Systems) 0o (for Single- phase Systems) 0o (for Three- phase Systems) 90o (for Three- phase Systems) 30o (for Three- phase Systems) -30o (for Three- phase Systems)

IF the active voltage drop Ur and Reactive voltage drop Ux is calculated correctly, then the line end voltage will remain constant regardless of Load. For Calculating the Resistive voltage drop Ur and inductive voltage drop Ux refer the below formula.

Z Compensation: For correct setting of the parameter the voltage rise has to be calculated in consideration of the current.

The voltage regulator inherent under voltage blocking and overvoltage monitoring ensures trouble free operation. Delay time: The Delay time starts as soon as the deviation exceeds the set bandwidth limit below or above. If the deviation still present after the delay time has elapsed, an output pulse is emitted. If the deviation returns to within the bandwidth limits, then the current delay time is cancelled immediately. There are two delay time relays are present in the AVR. The second delay time will be effective if more than one tap change is required for reduction of the control deviation below the bandwidth limit. Parallel operation: Parallel operation of maximum 8 transformer are available in the TAPCON 230, either in bus bar arrangement or in two groups. Parallel operation are achieved via the CAN (Controlled Area Network protocol) bus. Parallel operation is possible in two different ways: Parallel operation according to principal of minimum circulating reactive current. Or Parallel operation according to the principal of Tap change synchronicity ( Master Follower) Minimum circulating reactive current The circulating reactive current is computed from the transformer current and their respective phase angles. For correction of measuring circuit voltage, a voltage proportional to the circulating reactive current is applied to self-sufficiently operating

regulators. This correction voltage can be either decreased or increased through adjustment of the stability. If an inadmissibly high circulating reactive current is detected, all no-load tapchangers involved will be reset after only 10 s, regardless of the delay time preset at voltage regulator. This method is suitable for transformers of comparable output, weather with uniform or with non-uniform step voltage. No information of tap position is required. The stability value is a measure used for determining the effect of the circulating reactive current on the voltage regulator. If it is set 0 no effect will occur. For a circulating reactive current equals to the rated current of the voltage transformer, a setting value of 10 would result in a voltage correction of 10% in the voltage regulators. You can set the bandwidth from 0.5% to 20% ( in relation to the rated current of the voltage transformer).If the circulating reactive current exceeds the preset threshold value during parallel operation, a warning message will be displayed and after a period of 30s the signal relay contact will respond. All voltage regulator engaged in parallel operation will be blocked.

Tap Change Synchronicity ( Master Follower) This method is suitable for transformers featuring an identical rated current, identical step voltage, and identical number of service position. The motor drive must signal the tap-change position by means of a current of 4-20 mA. Optionally a connection of a potentiometer contact range in the motor drive is possible in lieu of the injected current. During parallel operation voltage regulation is performed by one of the voltage regulators ( Master Function). The second voltage regulator (Follower) receive the tap change position of the motor drive from the first regulator, for the comparison with the tap change position of its own motor drive. If a difference is noted, the motor drive in question will receive a suitable control pulse.

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