Revised Martial Equipment - The Homebrewery
Revised Martial Equipment - The Homebrewery
Revised Martial Equipment - The Homebrewery
Revision 1.14.2
Table of Contents
Martial Interactions 4 Join the Discord!
Weapon Group Summaries 5 Have questions or comments to give to the
Special Lists and Definitions 6 development team of Revised Martial Equipment
Weapon Properties 7 or any other Commander brew? Join our discord!
All critique is welcome and we'll be glad to have
Fighting Styles 11 your feedback.
Spell and Ability Interactions 12 If you wish to receive updates on this and future
Class Proficiencies and 13 brews, ask for the Scryer role when you join.
Starting Equipment
Equipment Groups
Armor 15
Shields 17
Ambush Weapons 19
Axes 21
Bludgeons 23
Bows and Slings 25
Combat Blades 27
Crossbows 29
Dueling Blades 31
Firearms 33
Flails and Whips 35
Hammers and Picks 37
Polearms 39
Spears 41
Throwing Weapons 43
Reference Tables 46
Credits and Patreon Link 45
Realistic Equipment with a Fantasy Flair
he RME Homebrew gives extra options, more Downtime Training
damage, and greater flexibility to the
equipment of martial classes. It is an attempt You may also increase your training with any equipment
to make each weapon feel unique and group. To train up from Untrained to Basic for a certain
interesting, and give the average fighter more weapon group, you must find a capable teacher and train for
to do on their turn, rather than simply attack, 42 days. To train from Basic to Master, your teacher must
roll a couple of damage dice, then wait for the train you for 250 days. Bear in mind most trainers must be
next turn. paid for their work. These days do not need to be consecutive
The equipment in this system is not only lifted from the and can be part of downtime during travel or other light
core rules, but several dozen more were added for fantasy activity, provided there is room to practice and a teacher
concepts and to cover a wide range of cultures and time present.
frames at home in a medieval fantasy setting. The weapons
are no longer divided into "simple" and "martial" categories,
rather each weapon, shield, and armor is now part of a group Training Levels are Important!
of similar equipment, such as axes, bludgeons, or polearms.
Different shields and armors are now available, having Each character now has three levels of training with all
greater flexibility on what to do with your shield, and having equipment; Untrained, Basic, and Master.
greater historical accuracy on what types of armors were With each level of training, the character gains
made and worn by medieval peoples. In general, RME more abilities, higher damage, and greater
weapons and equipment find similar roles as what was found flexibility with the equipment presented here.
in ancient combat history, while also blending fantasy
elements such as returning boomerangs or dual wielding
Translating Weapon Proficiencies
to Training Levels
Look at your race, class, subclass, and any feats you've taken;
note any proficiencies with weapons, armor, and shields.
These proficiencies become Basic training. For example, if
your class gives proficiency with martial weapons, you use all
RME weapons with Basic training. If your class gives
proficiency with simple weapons, you use weapons in the list
"simple weapons" with Basic training. If proficiency with a
specific weapon is listed, for example, high elves with
longswords, shortswords, longbows, and shortbows, you use
them with Basic training. Anything you do not have
proficiency with means you are at the Untrained level. For
example, a Sorcerer would use a greatsword at an Untrained
If any proficiencies are redundant, you instead have master
training with that equipment. For example, a Drow has
proficiency with hand crossbows, shortswords and rapiers,
and the rogue class gives proficiency with those as well. So a
Drow Rogue would have master training with hand
crossbows, shortswords and rapiers, and Basic training with
the other weapons listed for Rogue. The exception to this is
with multiclassing. A Fighter multiclassed with Barbarian
would not have master training with all weapons, simply
because both classes give proficiency with martial weapons.
Other Racial Weapon Proficiencies
Your campaign may also have specific settings and cultures
unique to each race. At your DMs discretion, your racial
choice may give you proficiency, which translates to basic
training, in two or three different pieces of equipment.
Because this can be easily abused, before your campaign
starts, your DM should determine which two or three
proficiencies each race would inherit. These should be based
upon national identity, cultural influence, or military heritage,
and not simply a character's background or profession.
Martial Interactions Feat and Skill Changes
There are a few tweaks and adjustments to the core rules of The following changes must be made to 5e feat and skill
5e to accommodate the Revised Martial Equipment system choices for RME to balance properly:
presented here, as well as some important things to note The following feats are disallowed: Blade Master, Fell
about the RME system itself while using it. Handed, Flail Mastery, Gunner, Heavy Armor Master,
Medium Armor Master, Polearm Master, Shield
Weapon DC Master, Spear Mastery and Warhammer Master
When your enemy must make a saving throw to avoid the The feat Weapon Master allows you to gain master
conditions given by weapon properties, it is against your training with four weapons of your choice, regardless of
weapon DC, which is calculated with the following equation: your current proficiency.
Weapon DC = 8 + your proficiency + your Strength The feat Skilled allows you to take any combination of
modifier + any magical weapon enhancement. three skills, tools, weapon, armor, or shield training levels.
You can substitute Strength with Dexterity if the weapon has At DM discretion, you may substitute an artisan tool or
the finesse property. You may also substitute Strength for skill proficiency (not gaming set or musical instrument)
another ability used for a melee weapon attack as part of a for an increase in training for one piece of equipment.
class ability, such as Hexblade Warlock using Charisma
instead of Strength.
Any other effect, such as the modifier used to damage on a RME Master Feats and Perks
Disarm, Entangle, or Trip attempt is only ever Strength and Each equipment group lists a feat that a character can take to
cannot be substituted. gain unique abilities with the equipment of that group.
Weapon DC for crossbows or firearms is calculated using When you take a group master feat, you gain master
the bonus damage they receive in place of Strength. If the training with four weapons of your choosing in that
crossbow or firearm has no bonus damage, you only add group. When you have master training with any weapon,
your proficiency to the weapon DC equation. either by the feat or some other means, you have access
Each weapon property use must be announced before the to that weapon's master perk.
attack is made. A player cannot wait to know if they hit before All master feats apply to that group only. For example, if
they say they are using a Trip with this attack. Instead, the you have taken Combat Blade Master, which grants you
player must declare they are making a Trip attack and advantage on opportunity attacks, you only have this
proceed as directed. advantage when using a Combat Blade to make the
opportunity attack.
Damage Types All master perks apply to that weapon only. For
Some weapons list two or three types of damage in their example, if you have master training with the Battleaxe,
properties. These weapons are capable of different types of which grants you rerolls on damage if you roll a 1 or 2, you
attacks that deal different types of damage; for example, a cannot wield a battleaxe and reroll all damage rolls from
sword swing deals slashing damage, while a sword thrust other weapons or sources. The damage rerolls only apply to
deals piercing. the battleaxe and its attachers only.
If a weapon's damage types are separated by "or", as in
slashing or piercing damage, the player must choose which Multiple target attacks
type of damage they are using before the attack is made. Some weapons in this system allow you to make one attack
However, if the damage types are separated by "and", as in roll against more than one target, for example the fire lance
bludgeoning and piercing damage, this weapon deals both which sprays fire in a 15 ft cone. When this happens, you roll
types of damage, using whichever type will damage the one attack roll and compare it to all available target ACs, and
enemy the most, but has no effect on choose one target to add your ability modifier in damage only.
the total damage dealt. Any attachers such as sneak attack or smite are only applied
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to that target as well.
Dueling Blades
Weapon Group Summaries Dueling blades are smaller, lighter weapons designed for
Shields civilian defense or judicial duels. These weapons deal less
Whether a target or tower, shields come in all shapes and damage but have more specialized uses, often used with
sizes from kites to circles to teardrops to coffins. There are finesse. A dueling blade master uses the weapon speed to
obvious benefits to the size and shape of your shield, and take advantage of a distraction and the dueling nature to
masters learn offensive use of their shield and can even deflect countless blows while dueling a single enemy.
protect themselves from dragon's breath.
Ambush Weapons These are late medieval to early renaissance period firearms
These weapons are not designed for battle, rather for close which either strike flint or touch a lit wick to a flash pan,
quarters or surprise attacks. They are easily hidden or igniting gunpowder and propelling a projectile in most cases.
mundane, and in the right hands can end a fight before it's They are prone to jamming, require specialized training, and
even started. Ambush masters have learned to strike more create loud sound and smoke which can be to the detriment
critically, taking full advantage of a surprise attack, and can of the user. However, even combat blades struggle to have as
strike fast enough to turn an enemy's miss into an opening. much stopping power as even the smallest firearm. Master
musketeers can quickly clear a jam, use the firearm as a
Axes melee weapon in close combat, and can fire more accurately
Axes easily chop through targets using weight instead of a with their shots.
honed edge and an axe beard in the hands of a trained Flails and Whips
combatant can be used to trip and bind, even disarm. Axe These are weapons of misdirection and circular momentum.
masters carry the weight of the head through soft targets and
into others and can fell even the stoutest foes with a While the weapon design may not always be optimal, the
woodcutter's swing. reach and flexibility gives additional options in battle.
Masters with the flail and whip can swing around shields,
Bludgeons and use the binding property of their weapon to trip foes
Bludgeons are simple weapons that rely on pure weight over unready for the attack.
control. However, they have additional uses in stunning, Hammers and Picks
disabling and fatiguing the enemy with repeated and precise
blows to the head or body. A master with these brutish Designed in the late middle ages as primarily anti-armor,
weapons more deftly causes stuns and exhaustion. these weapons differ from bludgeons in that they require
control of a concentrated point or face to be of any use.
Bows and Slings However, even a proficient warrior can injure the most well
The bow is as ancient as civilization itself, the tool of the protected knight with a well placed hammer or pick. Masters
hunter, sniper, assassin and soldier alike. Bows require more knock foes to the ground and can even pierce or bludgeon a
training than crossbows, but reload faster, making them still target through the armor that stops a hit.
hold relevance in the age of mechanical winding and Polearms
gunpowder. A master archer places arrows as effortlessly as a
master swordsman places their blade, can take advantage of These are weapons of reach, usually a weapon mounted on a
distracted foes, and can even shoot other missiles out of the lengthy pole. These weapons are often designed for use in
air. standard infantries, and have natural capabilities against
charging cavalry or massive targets. A master has developed
Combat Blades such precision they can strike as a reaction at reach and can
Combat blades are military weapons designed for soldiers at even strike with the butt of the weapon in close quarters.
war. These weapons are long, powerful swords used for Spears
maximum reach and damage. A master with combat blades A feature in almost every military in history, spears have an
takes full advantage of the guard, and takes the best
advantage of the opportunity to rout an enemy. Few weapons efficiency unmatched in terms of production, training, and
are as damaging or devoted to battle as Combat Blades. application. It's hard to compete with the simple design,
extended reach, and stopping power of a spear. Masters have
Crossbows acquired the lunge, and can trade accuracy for a flurry of
Crossbows require less training to operate than a bow and shots.
are often more powerful, but their reload time keeps them
from making the former obsolete, while their ease of use Throwing Weapons
prevents them from being made obsolete by firearms. Unlike These weapons allow snap precision in combat at medium
a bow, crossbows require time to reload, shown in their range. Often paired with special abilities, throwing is a very
description. They pack a harder punch to make up for slower unique combat style. In addition to the weapons in this group,
attacks, but bolts are small and usually metal, making them the Throwing Weapons Master feat applies to any weapon
punch much harder on a critical hit. Masters of the crossbow with the Thrown property, and a master can throws with their
shoot in combat without distraction, and dodge and weave off hand as well as the main hand with lightning accuracy
with their smaller ranged weapon when in melee. Return to Top
Special Lists Definitions
Attacher - Any damage which is not built into a normal
Best Practices weapon that is dealt on hits, such as Sneak attack, Smite,
These suggested house rules make RME more fun and Elemental bonus damage, etc. Additionally, any weapon
impactful but are not required for the system to work as which attacks multiple targets with one attack can only
intended. apply the attacher to one target of your choosing, unless it
states otherwise.
Flanking an enemy adds +2 to attack rolls when two
creatures flank an enemy, and +5 if three or more Equipped - Items are equipped when they are held with
creatures flank an enemy. as many hands as is required to use it properly. Some
Off hand and Double Ended attacks are made as part of items are worn, such as hidden blades or cloaks, but to
your attack action if you have the feat Dual Wielder, or use them, they must be equipped. Equipping an item is
the Two-Weapon Fighting Style. Remember that you can only done on your turn, and you must have a free hand to
only make one off hand or Double Ended attack, which is equip it to. The weapon perks and usage as a reaction are
either your bonus action or part of your attack action. impossible unless it is equipped at the end of your turn.
If you have the Grappler or Tavern Brawler feat, you gain Mighty Blow - This describes when your attack roll is 5
a level of training with Unarmed Strike, and you can make higher than the target's AC.
unarmed deflect, trip, and disarm attacks. Powerful Blow - This describes when your attack roll is
In RME, Basic training with Unarmed Strikes deals d4 10 higher than the target's AC. This can count as a mighty
bludgeoning damage. To balance any race which grants blow or a powerful blow, but not both unless a weapon
natural weapons such as Tabaxi claws or Lizardfolk bite, states otherwise.
increase the damage dice size by one. A Tabaxi's claws
would deal d6 slashing damage, for example. This further Weapon AC - Weapon AC is a bonus to your AC that is
increases with any other ability or perk that increases much like a shield. In this system, weapon AC doesn't
your dice size from unarmed strikes. If you need to stack. Your weapon AC bonus is the highest bonus you are
increase beyond d12, you use 2d8, then 2d10, and finally currently given from your weapons, e.g. a +2 weapon AC
2d12, never d20. bonus replaces a +1 bonus.
When you score a Critical hit, maximize your weapon or Martial/Simple Weapon - There are no "simple" or
spell's dice damage, then roll the bonus damage from a "martial" weapons in RME, only training levels. However,
Critical hit. As an example, a greataxe critical hit would some mechanics and prerequisites reference martial or
deal 12 + str + d12 damage on a Critical hit. This prevents simple weapons. For the purpose of those mechanics, any
critical hits dealing less damage than a normal hit. Do not weapon which has the Awkward property at the untrained
maximize attachers. The maximum damage dice does not level is considered a martial weapon. Weapons without
count for Puncture. this property at Untrained are simple weapons.
When you make an attack against a creature that you are
grappling or that you are grappled by, you gain advantage
if you make the attack with natural weapons such as Bite
and Claw attacks. In contrast, you suffer disadvantage if
you make the attack with a Heavy or Two Handed weapon.
This also has an added benefit of making weapons with
Versatile more versatile!
Allow your players to draw weapons freely, but that
sheathing a weapon requires an Object Interaction. This
allows for some flexibility in combat while still limiting
weapon swapping to a realistic amount
Weapon Properties When this weapon rolls a 1 on any of its damage dice, you
Affixed may reroll that dice but must use the new result. If you wield
This equipment is worn and wielded in the main or off hand. this weapon with two hands, you may reroll the damage dice
While dual wielding with an affixed weapon, the other if it is a 1 or a 2.
weapon does not need the Light property. Affixed weapons Brace
are donned or doffed as an action and cannot be disarmed. As an action you choose to Brace. On your turn, choose any
While worn, it can be equipped for free during your turn, and targets you can see that are more than 20 feet away from you.
while not equipped, it remains attached to your body, leaving If any of those targets move within your weapon’s reach
your hand open for other things. before your next turn, as a reaction you can roll one melee
Awkward attack against them with advantage. If the attack hits, treat
This weapon requires Basic training to use properly, but you the attack as a critical hit. While bracing, if you use a different
still get limited use with it. You do not add your proficiency reaction, you are no longer bracing.
bonus while rolling an attack with this weapon. While bracing, if you move or are moved against your will,
you can no longer perform this attack and must brace again
Barbed at the start of your turn to do so again. A brace attack is not
When this weapon is entangling your enemy, and the enemy an opportunity attack.
succeeds on the check to escape from your grapple, that Conceal
enemy takes your weapon's damage. At the start of combat, if your passive Sleight of Hand is
higher than your enemy's passive perception, or as a bonus
action make a Sleight of Hand check to beat this score, you
can hide these weapons from your enemy. If hidden, the first
attack made with it against a single unaware enemy is treated
as attacking a surprised creature, as your enemy wasn't
expecting your weapon. Once you use the weapon, you
cannot hide it again, nor can you make any further surprise
attacks with any conceal weapon during that same encounter.
When struck by a melee weapon attack from a creature you
can see, you can use your reaction to deflect some damage
you would receive. If wielding one Deflect weapon, you may
roll your weapon's damage, add your Strength modifier, or
Dexterity modifier if your weapon has the finesse property,
then subtract that total from the damage you would receive. If
you are wielding a Deflect weapon with two hands, you can
add your Strength modifier twice to this total, or add your
Strength in addition to your Dexterity modifier if your
weapon has the finesse property. If you are wielding two
deflect weapons, you can choose to roll both weapon's deflect
rolls for the same attack or you can choose to deflect another
attack using your off hand weapon, as part of the same
reaction. You do not add your modifier to the off hand Deflect
roll unless you have the Two-Weapon Fighting Style.
Deflect does not interact with any other weapon property,
such as balanced or puncture; you simply roll your weapon's
damage dice normally.
When you hit with a Disarm attack, you deal damage equal to
your Strength modifier, minimum of 1, and force your enemy
to roll its choice of a Strength or Dexterity saving throw. On a
failure, it drops one held object of your choice, landing within
5ft of it in a direction of your choosing. If you have a free
hand, you may come into possession of the disarmed item
If your target is a category size larger than you or using a
two-handed weapon, it gains advantage on this save, while
enemies two size categories larger than you are immune to
this attack from you. If it is smaller than you, it suffers
disadvantage. If you land a critical hit with this attack, your
weapon deals normal damage in addition to forcing your
enemy to roll the saving throw.
Double Ended Light
When you take the attack action, you can make one In order to dual wield two weapons, both weapons you wield
additional attack as a bonus action using the damage listed must have this property. You can make an attack with your
plus your ability modifier, if you are within 5 ft of your target off-hand weapon as a bonus action, but don't add any ability
and wielding your weapon with two hands. Double Ended modifier to damage. There is no requirement that your off
attacks are counted as off hand attacks, but do not need Two hand weapon be melee in order to dual wield.
Weapon Fighting Style to gain your weapon ability modifier
to damage. Lunge
If you use an attack action, you can use 5ft of movement to
Entangle attack a foe up to 5ft further than normal. Each attack which
When you hit with an Entangle attack, you deal only your uses this property costs 5ft of movement. In order to use the
Strength modifier in damage, minimum of 1, and force the lunge property, there must be clear ground in the direction of
enemy to succeed on its choice of a Strength or Dexterity your lunge. You cannot lunge if an enemy or obstacle is
saving throw or be grappled by you. To escape, the creature directly in front of you.
must succeed a grapple check against your weapon DC,
gaining advantage if it is a size category larger than you. Nimble
Creatures two size categories larger than you are immune to When you make an attack against a creature that you are
Entangle attacks from you. If you land a critical hit, your grappling or that you are grappled by, or while prone, you
weapon deals normal damage in addition to forcing your gain advantage
enemy to roll the saving throw. to the roll.
While you are holding the weapon entangling your target,
your weapon attacks against it automatically hit, but only
deals damage equal to your Strength modifier, minimum 1.
You can release an entangled enemy at any time. If you drop
the weapon, the creature is immediately free.
When making an attack with a finesse weapon, you may use
your Dexterity modifier for the attack and damage rolls, and
use Dexterity instead of Strength in your weapon DC
All firearm weapons require gunpowder per attack in
addition to their other ammo requirement. Both ammunition
requirements cannot be retrieved after making a ranged
weapon attack with them. Rolling a 1 on an attack Roll
causes this weapon to jam. It's still loaded, but a malfunction
prevented ignition. As an action, you must clear the jam
before it can make a ranged attack again. Firearm weapons
can't make ranged attacks underwater, and if they are
subjected to water such as from rain or a tidal wave spell,
they gain +1 to their jam until you spend an action to dry
them. All firearms create a sound which can be heard up to
300ft away.
Category size Small creatures always suffer disadvantage to
attack rolls with a heavy weapon. Tiny and smaller cannot
wield this weapon.
This ranged weapon is extremely nimble and
maneuverable. When you make a ranged weapon attack,
you can ignore disadvantage for doing so while a hostile
creature is within 5ft of you.
This weapon is extraordinarily sharp or devastatingly
accurate. When you score a critical hit or land an
attack roll that is 10 or more than the enemy's AC
with this weapon, add an additional damage dice
to the weapon damage dice rolled. The added damage
dice is not doubled in the case of a critical hit.
Melee Puncture
Melee weapons make a melee weapon attack at a target up to These piercing weapons deal significantly more damage if
5ft away, and add Strength modifier to attack and damage they hit a vital weak spot in the enemy. When you roll a
rolls. maximum value with any of your weapon's damage dice, you
can roll that dice again and add the result to the total damage
One Handed dealt. This can keep happening as many times as you roll
This weapon requires only one hand to wield properly. maximum values on damage dice, even on the new rolls.
Penetrate Ranged
When you target an enemy with an AC of at least 15, minus Ranged weapons make a ranged weapon attack using
any Dexterity bonus it may have, you may add half your Dexterity for attack and damage rolls. It must be loaded with
Strength modifier again to your attack roll if you wield a ammunition to make an attack. The ranged numbers list its
Penetrate weapon with one hand, and your full Strength normal and maximum range. When attacking enemies
modifier if you wield the weapon with two hands. If you are beyond the normal range or with an enemy within 5ft of you,
wielding a weapon with Penetrate and Finesse with two you suffer disadvantage for that attack. A ranged weapon
hands, you may half your Dexterity modifier instead of your cannot attack targets beyond its maximum range.
Strength modifier.
Any ranged weapon which has Penetrate works a bit Reach
differently. You may add half your Dexterity modifier instead This weapon adds 5 feet to your reach when you make a
of Strength, no matter how many hands you use to wield the melee weapon attack, as well as for determining your reach
weapon. for opportunity attacks with it. Note that if there is a creature
between you and your enemy within reach, your enemy has
half cover. Reach cannot be used to extend the range of a
Double Ended attack.
Some ranged weapons take a time to reload, expressed in
types of game actions. These game actions represent the
time it takes to reset a weapon and prime it for another
attack. From fastest to slowest, these are; free, object
interaction, reaction, bonus, attack, action.
Reload weapons require two hands to reload unless
otherwise stated. If dual wielding with a Reload weapon,
one item must be sheathed or dropped to Reload.
Remember that sheathing a weapon requires an object
Reloading as attack means you use an attack action and
one of your main hand attacks is used to reload. If you
have 3 attacks, you attack once, use your second attack to
reload, then attack again. Note that you must use either an
attack or an action to reload, and if you do not wish to
attack, then reloading your weapon takes an action.
Reload free has no action economy cost and reloads as
quickly as a bow. The only detriment is that a Reload
weapon still takes two hands to reload.
You must always reload your weapon before using it for a
ranged weapon attack again. If your weapon is empty at
the end of your turn, it must be reloaded before you can
use it again.
Anything which grants an action or special set of extra
actions, such as Haste or action Surge, can be used to
reload. Furthermore, anything which grants a use object
action as a bonus action, such as Rogue Thief's Fast
Hands, can shorten an action or attack reload to a bonus
You have the choice of reloading your weapon with any of
the options that are slower. For example, a crossbow
master using a light crossbow is able to reload using an
object interaction, but can reload with a reaction, a bonus
action, an attack, or an action.
Stagger Trip
The weight of your weapon can stagger the enemy's defense, When you hit with a trip attack, you deal only your Strength
causing them a minor distraction as the weapon you wield modifier in damage on hit, minimum of 1, and your enemy
knocks them off guard. When you miss a creature that you must succeed on its choice of a Strength or Dexterity saving
can see with this weapon without rolling a 1, but the attack throw or be knocked prone. If you land a critical hit, your
roll is less than the target's AC up to an amount equal to your weapon deals normal damage in addition to forcing your
Strength modifier, the next attack against this creature gains enemy to roll the saving throw. Enemies a size category
advantage. When you hit, you can choose to deal only your larger than you gain advantage on this save. Enemies two
Strength modifier in damage, minimum of 1, and impart this size categories larger than you are immune to being tripped
effect voluntarily or push the target up to 5ft in a direction of in this way.
your choosing. When you score a critical hit you can do both
and deal full weapon damage. You cannot stagger targets 2 Two Handed
size categories larger than you. This weapon requires two hands to use when you attack with
When using a ranged weapon with the stagger property, it. You can't use only one hand to attack with a two handed
you substitute Dexterity for Strength in this case. weapon. While wielding a two handed weapon with strength
as your ability modifier to attack and damage, add 1.5 your
Sunder Strength modifier to damage, rounding down.
This weapon is especially heavy or designed to ruin armor.
When you hit with a Sunder attack, you deal damage equal to Versatile
your Strength modifier, minimum of 1, and force your enemy This weapon may be used with one or two hands and you can
to roll its choice of a Strength or Dexterity saving throw plus switch between them at any time. When used with two
any magical bonus to AC it may have. If it fails this save, you hands, you use the damage dice listed in parentheses. While
reduce the AC of its armor by 1 if you wield your Sunder wielding a versatile weapon with two hands with strength as
weapon with one hand, and by 2 if you wield your Sunder your ability modifier to attack and damage, add 1.5 your
weapon with two hands. Sunder cannot reduce the AC bonus Strength modifier to damage, rounding down.
provided by magical spells or items.
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Thrown weapons are used to make a ranged weapon attack
by throwing them at the enemy, dealing their melee damage
on hit unless a different damage value is listed after the
Thrown weapon property. They use Strength for attack and
damage, unless the weapon has the Finesse property.
You may draw and throw a weapon as part of the attack. If
you throw a weapon without the Thrown property, the
weapon is treated as an improvised weapon and may only
cause a small amount of damage.
Revised Fighting Styles Your time aboard ships as a marine has trained and
The fighting styles presented here are meant to mesh with conditioned you to be agile on ropes and in water, and this
the added weapon properties and improve their performance. agility extends to your defense. As long as you are not
wearing heavy armor or using a shield, you have a swimming
Archery speed and a climbing speed equal to your normal speed, and
You are a skilled and focused marksman. You gain a +1 bonus you gain a +1 bonus to AC. While using an underwater
to attack rolls you make with bows, slings, and crossbows. weapon, you gain a +1 to weapon DC.
Additionally, if you do not move during your turn, you can Protection
spend a bonus action to aim carefully, giving yourself
advantage on your next attack. After you use this ability, your You are a trained guardian, protecting those around you from
speed becomes 0 until the start of your next turn. attack. When a creature you can see hits a target other than
you that is within 5 feet of you, you can use your reaction to
Blind Fighting force the enemy to reroll the attack. If you are wielding a
You have trained to fight an unseen enemy using your focus shield, the enemy rerolls the attack with disadvantage.
and senses other than sight. You have blindsight with a range Thrown Weapon Fighting
of 10 feet. Within that range, you can effectively see anything
that isn’t behind total cover, even if you’re blinded or in You throw weapons with extreme accuracy and power. While
darkness. Moreover, you can see an invisible creature within you wield a weapon with the Thrown property, you gain the
that range, unless the creature successfully hides from you. following abilities: you gain a +2 bonus to weapon damage,
both melee and ranged attacks ignore half and three quarters
Close Quarters Shooter cover, and before you make a ranged or melee attack you can
You are trained in making quick and accurate ranged attacks forgo your proficiency bonus but if you hit, you deal extra
in close quarters. All ranged weapons you wield gain the damage equal to double your proficiency bonus.
hipshot property. If an enemy misses you with a melee attack, Tunnel Fighter
as a reaction, you can make a ranged weapon attack against
that enemy. Finally, you ignore half and three-quarters cover You excel at defending narrow passages, doorways, and other
when an enemy is within 30ft of you. tight spaces. As an action, you can enter a defensive stance
that lasts until the start of your next turn. While in your
Defense defensive stance, your weapon gains Brace, you are bracing,
You employ defensive martial techniques in close quarters, and you can make Brace attacks without using your reaction.
moving inside an attacker's guard. While you are wearing Additionally, you can use your reaction to make a melee
armor, you gain a +1 bonus to AC. Additionally, when an attack against a creature that moves more than 5 feet while
enemy within 5ft of you is about to make a melee attack, you within your reach.
can use your reaction to impose disadvantage. If an enemy Two-Weapon Fighting
misses when you use this ability, you can attempt a grapple or
shove as part of the same reaction. You are a balanced and ambidextrous warrior. When you
engage in two-weapon fighting, you can add your ability
Dueling modifier to the damage of the second attack. You make the
You are trained in defensive and lethal dueling techniques. attack with your off hand as part of your attack action, instead
When you are wielding a melee weapon in one hand and no of a bonus action. Finally, when you make an opportunity
other weapons, you gain a +2 bonus to damage rolls with that attack, you can attack with both weapons instead of one.
weapon and you roll an additional damage dice when you roll Unarmed Fighting
a deflect roll. If you reduce your enemy's damage to 0, you can
make an attack against that enemy as part of the same You are much more capable with your hands than any
reaction. weapon. You gain master training in Unarmed Strikes. If you
aren’t wielding any weapons or a shield when you make an
Great Weapon Fighting attack roll, your unarmed strike damage dice is increased by
You are a warrior that makes the best use of full body 1 size, e.g. from a d6 to a d8. At the start of each of your turns,
techniques while fighting. While wielding a melee weapon you can automatically deal 1d4 bludgeoning damage to one
with two hands, your weapon gains the Stagger weapon creature grappled by you without using any action.
property when you deal slashing or bludgeoning damage, and Superior Technique
the Puncture property when you deal piercing damage.
Additionally, you may roll your weapon's damage twice and You learn one maneuver of your choice from among those
take the better result. available to the Battle Master archetype. If a maneuver you
use requires your target to make a saving throw to resist the
Interception maneuver’s effects, the saving throw DC is your weapon DC.
You are vigilant and protective of your allies in combat. When You gain one superiority die, which is a d6 (this die is
an enemy you can see within your reach damages an ally added to any superiority dice you have from another source
within your reach with an attack, you can use your reaction to and matches that dice size if it increases). This die is used to
reduce the damage your ally takes by rolling your melee fuel your maneuvers. A superiority die is expended when you
weapon's damage + your proficiency bonus (to a minimum of use it. You regain the expended superiority die earned from
0 damage). If you are wielding a shield, you can choose to this fighting style when you finish a short or long rest, you
instead roll d10 + your proficiency bonus. reduce a CR1 or greater enemy to 0hp, or if you roll a natural
20 on any attack roll during a combat encounter.
Spell and Ability Ranged Weapon Spells
Swift Quiver - This spell can be used on any ammunition and
Interactions with RME any container for which ammunition is stored, such as a
There are some magic spells which produce a weapon, or bullet pouch, bolt case, or spinner cartridge. The ammunition
weapon-like quality that the caster can use offensively like a and container gain all the effects of the spell. However, the
normal melee weapon. It is important to clearly detail how weapon for which the ammunition is used must still be
this system interacts with those spells, and to what extent reloaded, using the time as is appropriate for the training
these summoned effects benefit from weapon properties level you are at with that weapon.
from Revised Martial Equipment. You have Basic training Conjure Barrage - This spell can be used on any ammunition
with any weapon you summon, which can stack with your or weapon with the Thrown property. The weapons or
own proficiencies to give you master training if appropriate. ammunition that are conjured lose any weapon properties or
master perks they have prior to the spell and deal only 3d8
Melee Weapon Spells damage of the type appropriate for the weapon.
Flame Blade - This spell summons any Combat Blade or Conjure Volley - This spell can be used on any ammunition
Dueling Blade with the One Handed property that lacks or weapon with the Thrown property. The weapons or
Versatile. ammunition that are conjured lose any weapon properties or
Shadow Blade - This spell summons any Combat Blade or master perks they have prior to the spell, and the spell
Dueling Blade with the One Handed property that lacks continues as normal for its description.
Versatile. Cordon of Arrows - This spell may be used on any
Spiritual Weapon - This spell summons a floating spectral ammunition or weapon with the Thrown property. The
weapon which cannot be wielded. It gains no weapon weapon loses any weapon properties it has, and deals only
properties, nor can it be attacked or used to attack even by 1d6 damage of the type appropriate for the weapon.
the caster. It is essentially a vehicle for bonus action force
damage. Other
Shillelagh - This spell can be used on any Bludgeon weapon, Artificer Infusion: Returning Weapon - This Infusion can
but its damage is d8, even if the weapon would normally have be used on any weapon with the Thrown property.
a better damage die. However, this damage does extend to Artificer Infusion: Repeating Shot - This Infusion can be
Double Ended. used on any weapon with the Reload property. When you
Tenser's Transformation - This spell does all it says in its reload this weapon, reduce its reload time by one step, e.g. if
description. When you cast this spell, you choose a weapon, a weapon with your current training has Reload as a bonus
shield, or armor group and gain master training with all action, you can choose to Reload as a reaction. This is the
equipment in that group for the spell's duration. You do not effect of your ammunition teleporting back into place in your
gain the master feat for that group unless you already have it. ranged weapon, but you must still manually prime the
weapon for attack.
Mordenkainen's Sword - This spell summons a sword-
shaped plane of force that can assume any Combat Blade or Subclass Master Training
Dueling Blade's shape. However, this weapon cannot be The following subclasses gain master training with the
wielded, and gains no weapon properties. weapon or equipment listed.
Artificer Armorer - Diskarmor
Arcane Archer - All Bows and Crossbows
Bladesinger - 1 one-handed melee weapon of choice
Cavalier - Lance
College of Swords - Scimitar
Eldritch Knight - the weapon used with Weapon Bond
Pact of the Blade - The pact weapon if it is Simple
Way of the Kensei - Chosen Kensei weapons
Way of the Open Hand - Unarmed Strike
Return to Top
Class Training and Starting Equipment
Artificer Druid
Basic training Basic Training
Armor: Light armor, medium armor, shields Armor: Light armor, medium armor, shields
Weapons: All simple weapons, Crossbows, compound bow, Weapons: Ambush Weapons, Bludgeons, Spears, Throwing
hidden blade, pepperbox, whip sword, wrist rocket, wrist Weapons, dagger, kukri, scimitar, sickle, sling, tomahawk,
shot war scythe, wall pick, whip, wrist shot
Tools: Thieves' tools, tinker's tools, one type of artisan's tools Tools: Herbalism kit
of your choice
Starting Equipment
Starting Equipment (a) a buckler, (b) skirmish shield, (c) spiked shield, or (d)
Any two simple weapons any simple weapon
Any crossbow without the Heavy property and 20 bolts (a) a scimitar, (b) boomerang, (c) trident, (d) or any simple
(a) Padded armor or (b) chain shirt weapon
Thieves' tools and a dungeoneer's pack Padded armor, an explorer's pack, and a druidic focus
Basic Training
Armor: Light Armor, medium armor, shields
Weapons: All weapons
Tools: None
Starting Equipment
(a) any weapon with the Two Handed property or (b) any
martial melee weapon
(a) two simple weapons of the same type which have the
One Handed property or (b) any simple weapon
Explorer's pack and (a) 4 Throwing Weapons or (b) 4
Basic Training
Armor: Light Armor
Weapons: All simple weapons, Dueling Blades,
Throwing Weapons, Interceptor, Longsword, Scimitar
Tools: Three musical instruments of your choice
Starting Equipment
(a) any Dueling weapon or (b) any simple weapon
(a) diplomat's pack or (b) an entertainer's pack
Any musical instrument
Padded armor and a dagger
Basic Training
Armor: Light armor, medium armor, shields
Weapons: All simple weapons
Tools: None
Starting Equipment
(a) any Bludgeon weapon or (b) any martial weapon
with the versatile property.
(a) padded armor, (b) chain shirt, or (c) hauberk
(a) a simple ranged weapon and 20 pieces of
ammunition for it or (b) any simple weapon
(a) a priest's pack or (b) an explorer's pack
(a) a buckler, (b) kite, or (c) skirmish shield
A holy symbol
Fighter Rogue
Basic Training Basic Training
Armor: All armors and shields Armor: Light armor
Weapons: All weapons Weapons: All simple weapons, Dueling Blades, and any
Tools: None weapon with the Conceal property
Tools: Thieves tools
Starting Equipment
(a) chain shirt or (b) padded armor Starting Equipment
(a) greatbow, (b) longbow, or (c) recurve bow and 20 Any Dueling blade
arrows (a) any simple ranged weapon and 20 pieces of
(a) any weapon and shield or (b) any two weapons ammunition for it or (b) any Dueling blade
(a) a simple ranged weapon and 20 pieces of ammunition (a) a burglar's pack, (b) dungeoneer's pack, or (c) an
for it or (b) any two simple weapons of the same type explorer's pack
(a) dungeoneer's pack or (b) an explorer's pack Padded armor, two daggers, and thieves' tools
Basic Training Sorcerer
Armor: None
Weapons: All simple weapons with One Handed property, Basic Training
blowgun, bo staff, broadsword, godendag, hook sword, Armor: None
interceptor, katana, katar, knuckle axe, meteor hammer, Weapons: Dagger, dart, sling, quarterstaff, light crossbow
quarterstaff, sai, trisectional staff, whip dagger, unarmed Tools: None
Tools: Choose one type of artisan's tools or one musical Starting Equipment
instrument (a) any simple ranged weapon and 20 pieces of
ammunition for it or (b) any simple weapon
Starting Equipment (a) a component pouch or (b) an arcane focus
any weapon with which you are proficient (a) a dungeoneer's pack or (b) an explorer's pack
(a) dungeoneer's pack or (b) explorer's pack Two daggers
any 10 Throwing Weapons
Paladin Basic Training
Basic Training Armor: Light armor
Armor: All armor, shields Weapons: All simple weapons
Weapons: All weapons Tools: None
Tools: None
Starting Equipment
Starting Equipment (a) Any simple ranged weapon and 20 pieces of
(a) any weapon and shield or (b) any two weapons ammunition for it or (b) any simple weapon
(a) 5 javelins or (b) any simple melee weapon (a) a component pouch or (b) arcane focus
(a) a priest's pack or (b) explorer's pack (a) a scholar's pack or (b) dungeoneer's pack
Hauberk and a holy symbol Padded armor and two daggers
Ranger Wizard
Basic Training Basic training
Armor: Light armor, medium armor, shields Armor: None
Weapons: All weapons Weapons: Dagger, dart, sling, quarterstaff, light crossbow
Tools: None Tools: None
Starting Equipment Starting Equipment
(a) chain shirt or (b) padded armor (a) a quarterstaff or (b) a dagger
(a) any two weapons which have Melee, One Handed, and (a) a component pouch or (b) an arcane focus
Light properties or (b) any two simple melee weapons (a) a scholar's pack or (b) an explorer's pack
(a) a dungeoneer's pack or (b) an explorer's pack A spellbook
Any Bow or Sling and 20 pieces of ammunition for it
Return to Top
Armor Training
Armor Untrained with armor represents wearing the armor for
Light Armor
basic protection but not necessarily knowing how to wear it
properly. You have disadvantage on any ability check, saving
Type Base AC Stealth Weight Gold Cost throw, or attack roll that involves Strength or Dexterity, and
Padded 11 Disadvantage 4 5 you can't cast spells while wearing armor for which you are
Leather 11 None 5 10
Basic Training with armor means you know how to wear it
Studded 12 None 6 45 properly, how to move with its articulations, and how to
Lacquered 13 Disadvantage 6 300 correct the fit. This is akin to normal proficiency.
Master Training with armor represents wearing armor so
Medium Armor
effortlessly, you become accustomed to its encumbrance.
With light and medium armor, worn armor does not add to
Type Base AC Stealth Weight Gold Cost your encumbrance, and with heavy armor, you only count half
Chain Shirt 13 Disadvantage 10 50 the weight.
Ring Mail 14 None 12 100
Breastplate 15 None 10 300 Variant Weight
Banded Mail 16 Disadvantage 20 500 As an option, your DM can elect to have all armor
and shields for small creatures, such as halflings
Heavy Armor and gnomes, weigh three-quarters the amount
Type Base AC Stealth Weight Gold Cost presented here, and for armor and shields for large
creatures, such as ogres and or horses weigh four
Hauberk 15 Disadvantage 25 150 times the amount.
Scale Mail 16 Disadvantage 30 300
Splint 17 Disadvantage 33 750
Plate 18 Disadvantage 40 1500
Type AC bonus Strength Stealth Donning action (strapped) Donning action (held) Weight Cost
Arm Guard 1 N/A None N/A Object Interaction 1 10
Buckler 1 N/A None N/A Object Interaction 3 5
Diskarmor 2 N/A None N/A Bonus Action 5 150
Kite 3 13 Disadvantage Action Action 10 50
Pavise 1 13 Disadvantage N/A N/A 15 35
Skirmish 2 N/A None Action Bonus Action 6 10
Spiked 2 N/A Disadvantage Action Bonus Action 8 20
Tower 3 13 Disadvantage Action Action 20 50
Diskarmor Skirmish
An esoteric weapon of gnomish invention, a diskarmor is a Skirmish shields come in a variety of shapes but are about
round shield attached to a chain mechanism that retracts the size of the user's torso. A Skirmish shield is large enough
quickly after the chain reaches its length to make essentially to provide better passive protection than the buckler, while
a shield yo-yo. The user can toss it out to wield it like a large still providing the agility missing with a tower shield. The
flail, then retract it to be used as a shield again. master can extend this agility to even spell attacks.
Diskarmor is a shield which has the following properties:
One Handed, Melee d6, Entangle, Reach, Trip. Diskarmor Basic You gain an additional +2AC bonus against ranged
deals bludgeoning damage. A diskarmor is not considered a weapon attacks, adding +4AC in total.
weapon. Master You gain an additional +2AC bonus against ranged
spell attacks, adding +4 in total, and a successful
Basic You can replace any of your attacks with an attack shove deals d4 + Strength modifier in bludgeoning
using the Diskarmor. This attack does not benefit damage.
from your ability modifier to damage unless you
have the Two-Weapon Fighting Style.
Master When your ally within 10ft is hit by an attack, you A spiked shield is a blanket term for all weaponized shields,
can use your reaction to confer your shield AC
bonus from this shield to them until the end of
with spikes on the face and either a spiked or bladed edge.
your next turn, possibly negating an attack. Somewhat cumbersome compared to a skirmish shield with
the added weaponization, a spiked shield is hard to be
stealthy and agile with.
Kite shields are as wide as the wielder's torso but extend Spiked shield is a shield which has the following
properties: One Handed, Melee d6, Brace, Puncture, Thrown
downward with a point or oval extension to protect the legs, (20/60). Spiked shield deals piercing or slashing damage. A
which can also be used offensively to knock an enemy off spiked shield is not considered a weapon.
guard. While wielding a Kite, you only add a maximum of +2
to your AC from your Dexterity modifier. Basic You can replace any of your attacks with an attack
using the Spiked shield. This attack does not
Basic You gain advantage on any saving throw or ability benefit from your ability modifier to damage
check made to resist being knocked prone or unless you have the Two-Weapon Fighting Style.
moved along the ground.
Master You are so effective at using the dangerous points
Master When you win an athletics contest, you can or blades of your shield that all enemies suffer
choose to stagger your enemy instead of any disadvantage to athletics checks against you, and a
normal outcome of the contest. successful shove deals d4 + Strength modifier in
piercing or slashing damage.
A pavise is a lighter tower shield with a central spike to drive Tower
into the ground, or a set of legs to allow the shield to stand This massive shield is as tall as you and just as wide; you
freely. While deployed, you can use it as cover. Unfortunately more fight around it like a door as a piece of mobile cover.
it is unwieldable as a normal shield, only able to be worn on The master shieldman can take cover at a moment's notice,
the back. While wearing it, you are unable to equip any other effectively giving the enemy no target. While wielding a tower
shield, and only add a maximum of +2 from your Dexterity shield, you cannot add your Dexterity modifier to your AC.
modifier to your AC, as its size is ungainly and cumbersome.
While deployed, a Pavise can be knocked down if the Basic You negate any flanking bonus an enemy might
enemy succeeds on an Athletics Check against your weapon have on you. Additionally, when you are hit with an
DC. As a bonus action you can pick up a pavise and either attack or are forced to roll a Dexterity saving
deploy it again or don it on your back. throw, you may use your reaction to gain half
cover, possibly negating the attack or granting you
a bonus to your Dexterity saving throw before you
Basic While worn, you gain +1 AC and negate any roll. This half cover lasts only for the effect that
flanking bonus any enemy might have on you. As a triggered your reaction.
bonus action, you can deploy the shield to solid Master While using the shield as cover, if you are
ground, which takes up a 5 ft square space. While subjected to an effect that allows you to make a
the shield is between you and any enemy, you gain Dexterity saving throw, and you fail that save, you
the benefits of half cover. take only half damage.
Master While the shield is between you and any enemy,
you gain the benefits of three-quarters cover.
Additionally, an enemy has disadvantage on any
roll made to knock your shield down while you use
it as cover.
Return to Top
Ambush Weapons
Weapon Damage Types Untrained Damage Basic Damage Master Damage Weight Gold Cost
Punch Dagger Piercing or Slashing d4 d4 d4 1 1
Whip Dagger Piercing d4 d4 d4 3 15
Gauntlet Bludgeoning, Piercing, or Slashing d4 d6 Damage Scales 1 10
Hidden Blade Piercing d4 d4 d4 1 50
Interceptor An interceptor deals no damage 0 0 0 1 3
Katar Piercing d4 d4 d6 1 5
Knuckle Axe Slashing d4 d6 d6 1 25
Side Baton Bludgeoning d4 d6 d8 2 10
Unarmed Strike Bludgeoning d1 d4 Damage Scales 0 0
Gauntlet Knuckle Axe
Spiked or weighted knuckles worn as a glove or held in hand. Designed much like brass knuckles, but with a blade that
A master's damage scales like Unarmed Strike, and can sweeps back toward the forearm, over the side of the fist. The
catch an enemy's weapon mid-swing. The hand with the knuckle axe resembles an axe head with no handle, and
gauntlet cannot be used to wield other equipment. either 4 finger holes or a curved handle to rest inside a closed
fist. Masters with knuckle axes slash through soft targets
Untrained One Handed, Melee d4, Affixed, Deflect much like a real axe, attacking two targets at once.
Basic One Handed, Melee d6, Affixed, Deflect,
Disarm, Light, Nimble Untrained One Handed, Melee d4, Awkward, Finesse,
Light, Keen
Master One Handed, Melee (table), Affixed, Deflect,
Disarm, Light, Nimble, Stagger Basic One Handed, Melee d6, Deflect, Finesse, Light,
Master When hit with a melee attack, as a reaction
Perk before the damage, you can attempt a disarm Master One Handed, Melee d6, Deflect, Finesse, Light,
attack. If your enemy fails, you disarm and take Keen
no damage. Master When you score a critical hit or reduce a target
Perk to 0hp, you may make an additional melee
Hidden Blade attack to another creature adjacent to you as
part of the same action.
A mechanical means to instantly deploy a piercing dagger
from under the wrist built into a bracer. The master takes full
advantage of a surprise attack, ending a life in an instant. Side Baton
Often called a Tonfa, Riot Baton, or Arm Club, this defensive
Untrained One Handed, Melee d4, Affixed, Awkward, weapon is designed to deflect attacks with the forearm. It is a
Conceal, Finesse, Light, Nimble stout club with a perpendicular handle attached a third of the
way down the length, allowing it to be swung out for a swipe,
Basic One Handed, Melee d4, Affixed, Conceal,
Finesse, Light, Nimble or extend the reach of a thrust. A master uses the handle as a
hook just effectively as an axe and maximizes the defensive
Master One Handed, Melee d4, Affixed, Conceal,
Finesse, Light, Nimble
properties of this weapon.
Master Surprised creatures take maximum damage Untrained One Handed, Melee d4, Light
Perk from this weapon and any attachers.
Basic One Handed, Melee d6, Deflect, Light
Interceptor Master One Handed, Melee d8, Deflect, Light, Trip
A generic term for clothing used to deflect, such as a thick Master Your deflect roll is d10, rather than d8, and you
wool cloak, silk scarf, or wide brimmed hat. While you may Perk may add your proficiency to this roll.
wear an interceptor, it must be equipped to be used but gives
you +1 Shield AC when equipped. The master can catch
missile weapons in flight, even protecting an ally. Unarmed Strike
Untrained unarmed strikes are simple punches while Basic
Untrained You cannot wield an interceptor while training teaches proper punches and kicks. However, a real
Untrained. master of unarmed strikes is as well trained as a traditional
Basic One Handed, Affixed, Conceal, Deflect (d6), monk. A master's damage scales according to proficiency
Finesse, Light bonus on to the table below unless it is already higher.
Your unarmed strikes don't count as weapon attacks until
Master One Handed, Affixed, Conceal, Deflect (d8),
Disarm, Entangle, Finesse, Light, Trip
you have master training or have chosen the Unarmed
Fighting style.
Master Your deflect can be used against ranged
Perk weapon attacks. When a creature you can see
attacks a target within 5 ft of you, you can use Untrained One handed, Melee d1, Awkward
your reaction to impose disadvantage. Basic One handed, Melee d4, Finesse, Nimble
Master One handed, Melee Table, Deflect, Disarm,
Katar Finesse, Light, Nimble, Trip
A wide, leaf shaped blade mounted in line with the fist at the Master As a bonus action, you can Shove or make a
end of an H shaped handle. The katar is a unique punch Perk Disarm attack. You may make an Unarmed
weapon, and the master's speed and precision is unmatched. attack as an off hand attack even if you're
wielding a One Handed weapon that's not
Untrained One Handed, Melee d4, Awkward, Conceal, Light.
Finesse, Keen, Light, Nimble
Proficiency Damage Die
Basic One Handed, Melee d4, Conceal, Finesse, Keen,
Light, Nimble +3 d6
Master One Handed, Melee d6, Conceal, Finesse, Keen, +4 d8
Light, Nimble
+5 d10
Master When you score a powerful blow, you can make
Perk an additional attack as part of this same action. +6 d12
If dual wielding katars, these extra attacks can
also activate this ability. Return to Top
Weapon Damage Types Untrained Damage Basic Damage Master Damage Weight Gold Cost
Battle Axe Slashing d8 d8 (d10) d10 (d12) 4 10
Greataxe Slashing d10 d12 2d8 6 30
Halberd Piercing or Slashing d10 2d6 2d8 7 35
Handaxe Slashing d6 d6 d6 2 5
Hook Sword Slashing d6 d6 d6 2 60
Khopesh Piercing or Slashing d8 2d4 2d4 3 10
Poleaxe Bludgeoning, Piercing, or Slashing d10 d10 2d6 7 40
Tomahawk Piercing or Slashing d4 d4 d4 1 1
The classic barbarian axe, but which also includes more
historical versions such as the bardiche, voulge, or Dane axe.
The greataxe has incredible potential for damage, and the
master greataxe wielder fells even the stoutest of foes with
reliability not seen in many other weapon styles.
Untrained Two Handed, Melee d10, Awkward, Heavy
Basic Two Handed, Melee d12, Disarm, Heavy, Trip
Master Two Handed, Melee 2d8, Disarm, Heavy, Trip
Master When you score a mighty blow you can roll all
Perk damage and any attachers twice and take the
better result.
Halberd Khopesh
An axe blade topped with a spike mounted on an 8ft long This hybrid axe and sword was made famous by ancient
shaft, with a hook on the back side of the axe blade for Egyptians. It is a sword built with a large crescent shaped
pulling mounted combatants from the saddle. With at least protrusion about one third from the tip, and a hooked tip,
Basic training, a halberd can be used to perform a trip forming a sort of question mark shape. It acts similarly to a
against mounted foes to pull them from the saddle to a prone handaxe, but is lighter and can more reliably cut with a larger
position, and the master has conquered this maneuver. surface area. A Master with the Khopesh has learned to use
the hooked point to hamstring enemies with ease.
Untrained Two Handed , Melee d10, Awkward, Brace,
Heavy Untrained One Handed, Melee d8, Awkward, Disarm
Basic Two Handed, Melee 2d6, Brace, Heavy, Reach, Basic One Handed, Melee 2d4, Disarm, Keen, Light,
Trip Trip
Master Two Handed, Melee 2d8, Brace, Entangle, Master One Handed, Melee 2d4, Disarm, Keen, Light,
Heavy, Reach, Trip Trip
Master Your trip attacks impose disadvantage to saving Master If you hit with a trip attack, your enemy's speed
Perk throws made to resist them. Perk is reduced by 10ft until the end of their next
turn. While they have this penalty, they suffer
Handaxe disadvantage to Strength saving throws.
An incredibly versatile weapon and tool, the hand axe can be
thrown, or used in melee, and can be used to trip your foe, Poleaxe
and the master binds and disarms with lightning efficiency. If An infantry weapon designed for use against armored foes,
you have a handaxe on your person, you may gain advantage characterized by an axe on one side and a hammer on the
on survival checks where the handaxe can be used to help, other, tipped with a dagger-like spike from the top. It is
such as cutting firewood or putting up tents. typically on a 6 ft haft, shod with iron to protect it from
damage. Though not long enough for a reach weapon, its
Untrained One Handed, Melee d6, Thrown (10/30) style resembles that of a quarterstaff and axe combined. A
master uses the weapon's iron shodding more actively,
Basic One Handed, Melee d6, Thrown (20/60), Light, blocking attacks that would normally chop through the wood
Trip shaft.
Master One Handed, Melee d6, Thrown (20/60),
Disarm, Light, Trip Untrained Two Handed, Melee d10, Awkward, Heavy,
Master You gain advantage on all disarm attacks. Puncture, Stagger
Perk Basic Two Handed, Melee d10, Brace, Deflect, Heavy,
Penetrate, Puncture, Stagger, Trip
Hook Sword Master Two Handed, Melee 2d6, Brace, Deflect, Heavy,
An exotic weapon made famous by the northern Chinese Penetrate, Puncture, Stagger, Trip
masters; a shortsword length weapon in which the tip forms Master While wielding a poleaxe, you gain +1 weapon
a prominent hook, and which the knuckle guard features a Perk AC and you may add your proficiency bonus to
crescent shaped blade. A hook sword can easily catch deflect rolls.
weapons and limbs, giving it superior control over an enemy's
movements. Tomahawk
The master can also join two hook swords together for a Also called a fransisca, this small axe features a slimmer
unique means of trapping and binding enemies, as well as blade more balanced for throwing, and an opposing spike or
striking further by forming a makeshift flail; letting go of one small hammer so both sides of the weapon were dangerous
hook sword and swinging it by the hook of the other sword. in flight.
Hooking the swords together, or unhooking and wielding Tomahawks are balanced for throwing further distances
them separately requires an object interaction. When you than any other axe, and the master throws them with great
hook two hook swords together, your weapon gains Reach force, using the hammer or spike's weight to drive the thinner
and loses Light. While wielded in this way, your hook swords axe head deeper into a target and throw them off balance or
count as one weapon instead of dual wielding two weapons. strike their arm mid swing.
Untrained One Handed, Melee d6, Awkward
Untrained One Handed, Melee d4, Awkward, Thrown
Basic One Handed, Melee d6, Deflect, Disarm, (10/30)
Finesse, Light, Trip
Basic One Handed, Melee d4, Thrown (40/120),
Master One Handed, Melee d6, Deflect, Disarm, Finesse, Light, Trip
Finesse, Light, Entangle, Lunge, Trip
Master One Handed, Melee d4, Thrown (40/120),
Master When you are hit with a melee weapon attack, Disarm, Finesse, Light, Trip
Perk as a reaction you can make a disarm or entangle
attack against that enemy. Master If you score a mighty blow, your enemy has
Perk disadvantage on its next attack roll.
Return to Top
Weapon Damage Types Untrained Damage Basic Damage Master Damage Weight Gold Cost
Greatclub Bludgeoning d8 d8 d10 8 0.2
Heavy Club Bludgeoning d6 d6 (2d4) 2d4 (d10) 3 0.1
Light Club Bludgeoning d4 d4 d6 2 0.1
Bar Mace Bludgeoning and Piercing d6 d8 d8 3 3
Flanged Mace Bludgeoning and Slashing d6 d6 2d4 4 5
Mallet Bludgeoning d4 d4 d6 3 0.3
Morningstar Bludgeoning and Piercing d8 d10 d12 [d4] 6 15
Bo staff Bludgeoning d6 d6 [d4] d6 [d6] 2 0.3
Quarterstaff Bludgeoning d6 d8 [d6] d8 [d8] 3 0.5
Heavy Club
A larger mass weapon, much like a bat or
ball mace. A master can target the foe's head
more easily, disorienting and disabling their
foes with a wound-up swing for the fences.
Untrained Two Handed, Melee d6
Basic One Handed, Melee d6, Versatile
2d4, Thrown (20/40)
Master One Handed, Melee 2d4, Versatile d10, Thrown
Master If you score a mighty blow, your enemy must
Perk succeed on a Constitution saving throw or
suffer disadvantage to all attacks and ability
checks until the end of its next turn.
Light Club Morningstar
A simple sap or a metal bar, many clubs used for combat are An infantry weapon in the form of a thick wooden shaft up to
designed to be thrown. Some light clubs are designed for 8 feet in length, slightly fluted toward the top, with a spiked
policing, intended to be less-than-lethal, while others can be head and topped with a stout iron spike. This reach weapon
shorn in spikes or sharpened rings with a broad spiked tip. A gives infantry an advantage against armored opponents
master is extremely accurate at a foe's head to knock them off without needing to learn advanced techniques, enabling
balance. simple militias to protect themselves from armor. A master
with a morning star can absolutely ruin armor, rendering it
Untrained One Handed, Melee d4, Conceal, Finesse, Light less effective for its wearer.
Basic One Handed, Melee d4, Conceal, Thrown
(20/60), Finesse, Light Untrained Two Handed, Melee d8, Brace, Reach, Sunder
Master One Handed, Melee d6, Conceal, Thrown Basic Two Handed, Melee d10, Brace, Penetrate,
(40/80), Finesse, Light Reach, Sunder
Master When you score a mighty blow, your foe must Master Two Handed, Melee d12, Brace, Double Ended
Perk succeed on a Constitution saving throw or d4, Penetrate, Reach, Sunder
suffer disadvantage to its Strength, Dexterity, Master If your enemy fails the saving throw against
and Wisdom saving throws and Ability Checks Perk sunder, their AC is reduced by an amount equal
until the end of your next turn. to your Strength modifier, minimum of 1.
Bows and Slings
Weapon Damage Types Untrained Damage Basic Damage Master Damage Weight Gold Cost
Bladed Bow Piercing or Slashing d8 d6, d8 d6 [d6], d8 5 100
Compound Piercing d10 d10 d12 3 500
Greatbow Piercing d10 d10 d12 5 75
Longbow Piercing d8 d8 d10 2 50
Recurve Piercing d8 d8 2d4 2 75
Shortbow Piercing d6 d6 d8 2 25
Sling Bludgeoning d4 d4 d6 0 0.1
Wrist Shot Bludgeoning or Slashing d4 d4 d6 1 5
True broadswords have a wider blade to add power to the cut,
and often perform more like an axe in the strike. Examples
include the messer, cleaver sword, or Chinese dadao. A
master strikes through soft targets, driving their momentum
to other targets.
Untrained One Handed, Melee d8, Awkward
Basic One Handed, Melee, 2d4, Penetrate
Master One Handed, Melee 3d4, Keen, Penetrate
Master When you score a critical hit or reduce a target
Perk to 0 hit points, you can make another attack to
another target within 5ft, as part of the same
action. This effect can happen multiple times as
long as the criteria are met.
Greatsword Montante
Often as tall as its wielder, spanning in the 5ft-6ft range with A type of greatsword made famous by western Europeans,
a 2ft handle and a lengthy, wide blade. The long blade, prized for its reach and seen as the perfect weapon against
lengthy handle, and added weight make the greatsword one multiple assailants. It is similar in length to a polearm, has
of the most damaging melee weapons in use, and can easily similar reach and can even use similar techniques thanks to a
dispatch larger targets with ease. A master finds the greatest smaller handle above the crossguard called a ricasso, and
weapon to use against a large enemy is the greatsword. forward parrying hooks for easy defense without ever
exposing one's hands. The master has learned the famous
Untrained Two Handed, Melee 2d6, Awkward, Heavy protection technique, keeping an ally safe with expert
Basic Two Handed, Melee 2d8, Heavy
application of refined angles and parries.
Master Two Handed, Melee 2d10, Heavy Untrained Two Handed, Melee 2d6, Awkward, Heavy
Master Against category size Large and larger targets, Basic Two Handed, Melee 2d6, Balanced, Heavy,
Perk your damage is 2d12, instead of 2d10. Reach
Master Two Handed, Melee 3d6, Balanced, Heavy,
Falchion Reach
A cusped falchion is slightly different from the broadsword Master On your turn, you can use your reaction to
from which it is descended. The straight blade with a curved Perk enter a protective stance, choosing to protect
tip and longer length was a later period design but iconic in one ally within your reach. Until the start of
appearance. This falchion exists as the two handed version of your next turn, all attacks that target this ally
the broadsword. A master maximizes the falchion's cutting suffer disadvantage. This protection lasts until
power, striking soft targets with critical accuracy. the start of your next turn.
Weapon Damage Types Untrained Damage Basic Damage Master Damage Weight Gold Cost
Blowgun Piercing d1 d2 d2 1 1
Hand Crossbow Piercing d6+2 d6+2 d6+2 2 75
Heavy Crossbow Piercing d10+4 d10+4 d10+4 8 50
Hidden Crossbow Piercing d4+1 d4+1 d4+1 1 150
Light Crossbow Piercing d8+3 d8+3 d8+3 5 25
Mauler Piercing 3d4+3 3d4+3 3d4+3 6 100
Portable Ballista Piercing d12+5 2d6+5 3d6+5 15 500
Repeating Crossbow Piercing d6 d6 d6 6 300
Spinner Slashing 2d4 2d4 2d4 2 100
Hand Crossbow
A hand drawn bow on a pistol grip, these prods are weaker
than other crossbows, but the drawstring can be pulled back
without mechanical assistance. A master reloads one-handed,
using the bolt case to draw and load in one motion.
Untrained One Handed, Ranged d6+2 (20/60), Light,
Reload object interaction, Hipshot, Keen
Basic One Handed, Ranged d6+2 (30/120) Light,
Reload free, Hipshot, Keen
Master One Handed, Ranged d6+2 (30/120) Light,
Reload free, Hipshot, Keen
Master Can be reloaded with one hand. As a bonus Crossbows Reload Faster!
Perk action, you can make an attack if you haven't Crossbows have a special Reload rule: If you spend
used it for an off-hand attack or held your no movement on your turn, you can reload your
action for an attack. crossbow for free at the end of your turn, as you
slip your foot into your weapon's stirrup to aid in
the reload.
Heavy Crossbow Mauler
A large crossbow with steel prods, loading over a thousand Two bows mounted in an X shape to a tiller which holds three
pounds of force. A master arbalist has become deadly bolts. Even with four prods, the bolts fly with less power than
accurate with their bolt, maximizing their sniper potential. a hand crossbow and don’t group well at distance, but have
incredible stopping power up close. Masters group the bolts
Untrained Two Handed, Ranged d10+4 (50/200), Heavy, at weak points with devastating effect.
Keen, Penetrate, Puncture, Reload attack Because the bolts spread over distance, the damage is only
Basic Two Handed, Ranged d10+4 (100/400), Heavy,
1d4+1 on medium or smaller size targets outside normal
Keen, Penetrate, Puncture, Reload bonus, Trip range, as only the top bolt is on target. All three bolts hit
Large and larger creatures at any range.
Master Two Handed, Ranged d10+4 (100/400), Heavy,
Keen, Penetrate, Puncture, Reload reaction, Trip
Untrained Two Handed, Ranged 3d4+3 (20/50), Reload
Master Every 5 more you roll over your target's AC, you attack, Awkward, Hipshot, Keen, Puncture
Perk add another weapon damage dice. These
additional dice are unaffected by a critical hit. Basic Two Handed, Ranged 3d4+3 (30/60), Reload
bonus, Hipshot, Keen, Puncture
Hidden Crossbow Master Two Handed, Ranged 3d4+3 (40/80), Reload
This wrist-mount is similar to a hidden blade, deploying in reaction, Hipshot, Keen, Puncture
secret with one hand. The small mechanism can be pulled Master If you reroll any dice with the Puncture
back by hooking it onto the needle case to reload one-handed. Perk property, roll 2d4 instead of 1d4.
The master can shoot in melee at the slightest distraction.
Portable Ballista
Untrained One Handed, Ranged d4+1 (10/30), Reload This small siege weapon is slow to reload with an enormous
reaction, Affixed, Awkward, Conceal, Hipshot, crannequin but the punch is worth the wait. Masters use
Light flanking surfaces to pin a target with the launched javelin.
Basic One Handed, Ranged d4+1 (20/40), Reload A deployable stand can be purchased for 150g. As an
object interaction, Affixed, Conceal, Hipshot, action, you mount the ballista to the stand. While mounted, its
Light reload is an object interaction, but you cannot move it until
Master One Handed, Ranged d4+1 (30/60), Reload you use another action to unmount it.
free, Affixed, Conceal, Hipshot, Light
Master If an enemy misses you with an attack, you can Untrained Two Handed, Ranged d12+5 (150/400),
Perk use your reaction to make a ranged attack Awkward, Entangle, Heavy, Keen, Penetrate,
against it. Puncture, Reload action, Trip
Basic Two Handed, Ranged 2d6+5 (150/600), Heavy,
Light Crossbow Entangle, Keen, Penetrate, Puncture, Reload
attack, Trip
A simple wooden crossbow drawn by pulling a lever. A
master can move and shoot reflexively at moving targets. Master Two Handed, Ranged 3d6+5 (150/600), Heavy,
Entangle, Keen, Penetrate, Puncture, Reload
bonus, Trip
Untrained Two Handed, Ranged d8+3 (40/200), Reload
bonus, Keen, Penetrate Master Your Entangle attacks add the restrained
Perk condition if successful, as you pin your target
Basic Two Handed, Ranged d8+3 (80/320), Reload surrounding terrain features.
reaction, Keen, Penetrate
Master Two Handed, Ranged d8+3 (80/320), Reload Spinner
object interaction, Keen, Penetrate
This gnomish invention launches discus blades with internal
Master You may use your reaction to make a ranged mechanisms instead of prods. It holds ten blades, reloading
Perk opportunity attack when an enemy enters or for free by pulling the level located at the back of the weapon.
exits a 10ft radius around you. When depleted, you must spend an action to reload ten more.
Masters can attack several targets at once by expertly
Repeating Crossbow planning their ricochet path.
Repeaters have a weaker draw strength to allow the user to
draw with one hand by pulling a lever along the bottom much Untrained Two Handed, Ranged 2d4 (20/60), Reload free,
like a modern shotgun. It holds 6 bolts and once depleted, Awkward, Disarm, Hipshot
you must spend an action to refill the magazine. The master Basic Two Handed, Ranged 2d4 (30/120), Reload
has learned to shoot as they pull the reload lever, dumping free, Disarm, Hipshot
shots into a target with speed.
Master Two Handed, Ranged 2d4 (30/120), Reload
free, Disarm, Hipshot
Untrained Two Handed, Ranged d6 (40/200), Reload free,
Awkward, Keen Master As an action, you can choose a number of
Perk targets equal to your Intelligence modifier,
Basic Two Handed, Ranged d6 (80/320), Reload free, minimum of 1, within 10ft of your first target
Keen to all be the target of a single attack roll. Roll
Master Two Handed, Ranged d6 (80/320), Reload free, damage separately for each target you hit.
Master You may use your bonus action as an attack Return to Top
Perk action if you do not move on your turn.
Dueling Blades
Weapon Damage Types Untrained Damage Basic Damage Master Damage Weight Gold Cost
Dagger Piercing or Slashing d4 d4 d4 1 2
Estoc Piercing d8 d8 d10 3 25
Kukri Slashing d6 d6 d6 2 3
Rapier Piercing or Slashing d6 d8 d8 2 25
Saber Piercing or Slashing d6 d8 2d4 2 35
Sai Piercing d4 d4 d4 1 5
Shortsword Piercing or Slashing d6 d6 d8 2 10
Sickle Piercing or Slashing d4 d4 d6 2 1
Smallsword Piercing d6 d6 d6 1 30
A variation of the longsword, this two handed thrusting
weapon often had no cutting edge but a needle-like tip, called
a tuck or a panzerstecher. The estoc was perfect for piercing
mail and plate armor, making it prized among masters who
leverage both arms to punching armor.
Untrained Two Handed, Melee d8, Awkward, Brace,
Finesse, Penetrate, Puncture
Basic Two Handed, Melee d8, Brace, Finesse,
Penetrate, Puncture,
Master Two Handed, Melee d10, Brace, Finesse, Keen,
Lunge, Penetrate, Puncture
Master As a bonus action, you can make an attack with
Perk this weapon if you haven't held your action for
an attack.
Kukri Shortsword
A thick, hooked blade with a cutting edge on the inside, Much like daggers, there are as many shortswords in the
performing more like a handaxe than a dagger. The wing world as there are cultures who produced them. In general,
shape flies somewhat like a boomerang, and the master uses they describe swords between 2ft-3ft in length, one-handed
its forward curve to hamstring enemies. hilts, double or single edged and with a stabbing or curved
point. Examples include weapons like a seax, cutlass, gladius,
Untrained One Handed, Melee d6, Keen, Light, Thrown kopis, machetes, among many others. Their wide and varied
(20/60) designs mean that a master can find the perfect form for their
Basic One Handed, Melee d6, Finesse, Keen, Light, style.
Thrown (40/80), Trip
Master One Handed, Melee d6, Disarm, Finesse, Keen, Untrained One Handed, Melee d6, Balanced, Finesse,
Light, Thrown (40/120), Trip Light
Master When you hit with a trip attack, your target's Basic One Handed, Melee d6, Balanced, Finesse,
Perk speed is reduced by 10ft. It may attempt a Light
Constitution saving throw at the end of its turn, Master One Handed, Melee d8, Balanced, Finesse,
ending the effect on success. Light
Master When you have advantage on the attack, you
Rapier Perk can roll damage twice and take the better result,
A thin, tapered sword with a wide guard and extra weight in including any attachers. Additionally, this
the handle for maximum control with the tip, prized as the weapon's balanced property applies to
pinnacle of finesse. Rapier masters are unmatched duelists
with perfect reach and riposte.
Untrained One Handed, Melee d6, Awkward A crescent-shaped blade derived from a farming tool with the
cutting edge on the inside. While not originally intended for
Basic One Handed, Melee d8, Finesse, Puncture dueling, a variety of dueling styles were developed by peoples
Master One Handed, Melee d8, Finesse, Light, Lunge, needing to protect themselves with what they had. A master
Puncture with the sickle has learned to grab with every attack and
Master If you are wielding only a rapier, you can add d4 hamstring with the reaping curve.
Perk to your damage rolls. If you are dual wielding a
light weapon, instead add +1 to weapon AC. Untrained One Handed, Melee d4, Light, Keen, Puncture,
Saber Basic One Handed, Melee d4, Entangle, Light, Keen,
Slightly curved, single-edged, one-handed weapons often with Puncture, Trip
a basket hilt, allowing expert deflections off the curve. The Master One Handed, Melee d6, Entangle, Light, Keen,
master's defensive capabilities with the saber are unmatched Puncture, Trip
among dueling blades. Master When you hit with an entangle or trip attack,
Perk you deal full weapon damage and your enemy
Untrained One Handed, Melee d6, Awkward suffers -10ft to its speed until it succeeds on a
Constitution saving throw at the end of its turn.
Basic One Handed, Melee d8, Deflect, Finesse, Keen
Master One Handed, Melee 2d4, Deflect, Finesse, Smallsword
Keen, Light
A needle-like blade with a narrow profile and a fine tip, often
Master If you are wielding a single saber, you may add given a dome shaped guard to protect the hands while
Perk d4 to your deflect rolls. While wielding two thrusting. The smallsword can fit between any gaps in rings
sabers, if you reduce an enemy's damage to 0,
you gain the use of your reaction back. or between plates in armor, making it a serious threat to even
the most armored in the hands of a duelist. The master has
such control and poise that any distraction or detriment can
Sai be ignored with enough focus on the target.
A dagger sized weapon made famous in Okinawa, consisting
of a sharpened metal rod with two forward swept prongs as a Untrained One Handed, Melee d6, Awkward, Finesse
guard, making it easy to block and trap enemy weapons. The
master parries and disarms in an instant with the prongs. Basic One Handed, Melee d6, Finesse, Light,
Untrained One Handed, Melee d4, Awkward, Light, Master One Handed, Melee d6, Finesse, Light, Lunge,
Nimble Penetrate
Basic One Handed, Melee d4, Conceal, Deflect, Master If you have advantage on your attack, you may
Finesse, Light, Nimble Perk add a d4 to your attack roll. If you have
disadvantage on your attack, as a bonus action,
Master One Handed, Melee d4, Conceal, Deflect, you may roll your choice of athletics or
Disarm, Finesse, Light, Nimble acrobatics to negate the disadvantage. The DC
Master You gain +1 weapon AC if you are wielding a Sai is equal to your target's AC.
Perk in your off hand. If an enemy misses you with a
melee attack, as a reaction you can force them Return to Top
to succeed on a saving throw against your
weapon DC or drop the weapon.
Weapon Damage Types Untrained Damage Basic Damage Master Damage Weight Gold Cost
Arquebus Piercing 2d10+5 2d10+5 2d12+5 10 750
Blunderbuss Piercing 2d8+5 2d8+5 2d10+5 5 300
Firelance Fire or Piercing d8/d8 d10/d12 d12/2d8 5 200
Gunblade Piercing or Slashing d6+5/d6 d6+5/d8 d6+5/2d4 3 450
Hand Cannon Piercing 2d6+5 2d6+5 2d8+5 3 250
Pepperbox Piercing d4+5 d4+5 d4+5 1 1500
Portable Cannon Bludgeoning 2d10+5 3d10+5 4d10+5 12 1000
Wrist Rocket Fire d4 2d4 2d6 3 150
A flared, muzzle loaded, short musket which uses a load of
small pellets called shot. If an enemy is within 5ft of you, the
weapon gains Penetrate. If two targets are within 5ft of one
another and at least 30ft away from you, you can attack both
targets as part of the same attack. A master overpacks the
weapon to blast foes to the ground.
Untrained Two Handed, Ranged 2d8+5 (40/60), Reload
action, Awkward, Firearm, Hipshot, Trip
Basic Two Handed, Ranged 2d8+5 (40/60) Reload
attack, Firearm, Hipshot, Trip
Master Two Handed, Ranged 2d10+5 (40/60), Reload
attack, Firearm, Hipshot, Trip
Master On hit, a target within 15ft must succeed on a
Perk Strength saving throw or becomes your choice
of pushed back 5ft or prone.
Firelance Pepperbox
This hollow-tipped lance is packed with gunpowder normally, A concealable firearm with two barrels on a swivel, firing
but can be filled with other substances, such as poison, acid, twice before reloading. More barrels may be added by a
or even alchemist fire. You squeeze a plunger to release the master smith, but the weapon loses its conceal property and
contents or ignite the gunpowder. The ranged attack is a 15ft each added barrel increases the misfire range by 1. Turning
cone, attacking all targets caught in the blast, but only one the swivel requires an object interaction. As an action you
target you choose takes your ability modifier in damage. A reload two barrels. The master can unload a hail of gunfire at
master sweeps the fire in an arc, spreading the contents in a close range by firing all barrels within seconds.
tight ring, aiming the blast of smoke and soot at the enemy's
face. Untrained Two Handed, Ranged d4+5 (30/120), Reload
action, Awkward, Firearm, Hipshot, Light
Untrained Two Handed, Ranged d8 (15ft cone) Melee Basic One Handed, Ranged d4+5 (30/120), Reload
(d8), Awkward, Firearm, Reload attack action, Conceal, Firearm, Hipshot, Light
Basic Two Handed, Ranged d10 (15ft cone), Melee Master One Handed, Ranged d4+5 (30/120), Reload
(d12), Firearm, Reload bonus action, Conceal, Firearm, Hipshot, Light
Master Two Handed, Ranged d12 (15ft cone), Melee Master As an action you fire all barrels at once, ignoring
(2d8), Firearm, Reload bonus Perk Reload and rolling an attack for each loaded
Master As an action, you sweep the lance around you, barrel. The weapon is destroyed if you roll a 1,
Perk forcing all creatures within 10ft to succeed on but could be repaired with smith's tools.
a Dexterity saving throw or become blinded
until the end of their next turn. Portable Cannon
This cannon fires smaller iron balls than mounted varieties
Gunblade and requires 15 Strength to wield it. A master overpacks the
A single edged sword with a barrel built into the spine. It has cannon for a powerful concussive blast.
a pistol grip handle and a trigger hidden in the guard, but On miss, this weapon lands on the ground within 5ft of the
other variations of gunblade may exist, such as a gun axe or intended target. Roll a d8. The result is which square it lands
gun spear, which all use these properties. A master can in, starting with the square closest to you as 1, and counting
seamlessly use the blade and bullets of a gunblade. clockwise until you reach the rolled number. If a creature is in
this square, you roll an attack with disadvantage, dealing only
Untrained One Handed, Ranged 2d6+5 (30/120), Reload d10 damage without your ability modifier.
action, Melee d6, Awkward, Finesse, Firearm, A deployable stand can be purchased for 150g. As an
Hipshot action you mount the cannon. It can't be moved and has no
Basic One Handed, Ranged 2d6+5 (40/160), Reload Strength requirement until it is unmounted as an action.
attack, Melee d8, Finesse, Firearm, Hipshot
Master One Handed, Ranged 2d6+5 (50/200), Reload Untrained Two Handed, Ranged 2d10+5 (100/400)
attack, Melee 2d4, Finesse, Firearm, Hipshot Awkward, Firearm, Heavy, Reload action,
Stagger, Sunder
Master If you take the attack action and make a melee
Perk attack, you can use your bonus action to use Basic Two Handed, Ranged 3d10+5 (200/800),
this weapon's ranged attack. If you take the Firearm, Heavy, Reload action, Stagger, Sunder
attack action and make a ranged attack, you can Master Two Handed, Ranged 4d10+5 (300/1200),
use your bonus action to use this weapon's Firearm, Heavy, Reload action, Stagger, Sunder
melee attack.
Master As an action, you can force all creatures in a
Perk 15ft cone to succeed on a Constitution saving
Hand Cannon throw or be blinded and deafened. They can
A smooth bore, muzzle loaded, short range firearm that uses attempt the save again at the end of their turn
lead ball as ammunition, but the smaller barrel diameter and and end these effects on success.
shorter length allows this weapon to be fired in melee. A
master shoots from the hip, even while distracted or Wrist Rocket
performing other tasks. A bracer with a hidden gunpowder compartment, but which
can be filled with other substances similar to a firelance. The
Untrained One Handed, Ranged 2d6+5 (200/600), ranged attack is a 15ft line 5ft wide The master can deploy
Reload action, Awkward, Firearm, Hipshot, the fire at a moment's opportunity.
Basic One Handed, Ranged 2d6+5 (200/600), Untrained One Handed, Ranged d4, Reload action,
Reload attack, Firearm, Hipshot, Puncture Awkward, Affixed, Conceal, Firearm, Hipshot,
Light, Nimble
Master One Handed, Ranged 2d8+5 (200/600),
Reload attack, Firearm, Hipshot, Puncture Basic One Handed, Ranged 2d4, Reload attack,
Affixed, Conceal, Firearm, Hipshot, Light,
Master As a bonus action, you can make an attack with Nimble
Perk this weapon if you haven't used this weapon for
an off-hand attack or held your action for an Master One Handed, Ranged 2d6, Reload bonus,
attack. Affixed, Conceal, Firearm, Hipshot, Light,
Return to Top Master If an enemy misses you with an attack, as a
Perk reaction you can roll a ranged attack against
that enemy alone.
Flails and Whips
Weapon Damage Types Untrained Damage Basic Damage Master Damage Weight Gold Cost
Double Flail Bludgeoning and Piercing 2d4 2d4(2d6) 2d6(2d8) 7 20
Light Flail Bludgeoning and Piercing d4 d6 d6 3 8
Heavy Flail Bludgeoning and Piercing d8 d8 (d10) d8 (d10) 5 10
Pole Flail Bludgeoning and Piercing d10 d10 d10 10 25
Meteor Hammer Bludgeoning d4 d4 d4 3 5
Nunchaku Bludgeoning d4 d4 d4 1 1
Trisectional Staff Bludgeoning d6 d6[d4] d6[d6] 3 10
Whip Slashing d2 d4 d6 1 2
Whip Sword Piercing or Slashing d6(d8)/d4 d8(d10)/d6 d8(d10)/d8 3 250
Light Flail
The familiar 2lb spiked ball at the end of a length of
chain, attached to a short iron or wooden haft usually
similar in length to a handaxe. The light flail sees
lightning fast attacks turned into a great boon for the
master, carrying the weapons speed and momentum
into another attack if they miss.
Untrained One Handed, Melee d4, Light, Trip
Basic One Handed, Melee d6, Disarm, Light, Trip
Master One Handed, Melee d6, Disarm, Light, Trip
Master You may reroll any attack you miss once, but
Perk must take the new result.
War Hammer
Historically a lightweight, long-handled
weapon around 3ft-4ft in length, designed to damage
armored enemies. The small, pronged hammer head is
often backed with a military pick or different style of face.
A master of the warhammer carries momentum into each
attack to send foes reeling.
Untrained One Handed, Melee d8, Awkward, Penetrate,
Stagger, Sunder
Basic One Handed, Melee d8, Penetrate, Stagger,
Sunder, Versatile d10
Master One Handed, Melee d10, Penetrate, Stagger,
Sunder, Versatile d12
Master If you move at least 10ft in a straight line
Perk before your attack, your sunder can lower an
enemy's AC by 1 more than normal; -2 AC if it
is wielded one handed, and -3 AC if it is wielded
with two hands.
Return to Top
Bladed Staff Partisan
A 6' staff weapon with a sword on each end, usually straight, Much like a Glaive design, this pole weapon is essentially a
but curved varieties exist. A bladed staff can be used to great shortsword blade mounted to a long haft, but keeps a wide
effect, creating space around the wielder in a skirmish, or cross guard at the base of the blade, trading sweeping cuts
used as an effective spear with a wicked butt end. The master for defensive guards. The master Partisan uses the guard of
is able to attack as quickly with two blades as others are with their weapon like a shield at distance, and can even use it to
only one, in lightning rapid fire strikes that take full protect allies.
advantage of the weapon's reach.
Untrained Two Handed, Melee d10, Awkward, Brace,
Untrained Two Handed, Melee d8, Awkward, Balanced, Reach, Heavy
Brace Basic Two Handed, Melee 2d6, Brace, Reach, Heavy
Basic Two Handed, Melee 2d4, Double Ended d4, Master Two Handed, Melee 2d6, Brace, Reach, Lunge,
Balanced, Brace, Finesse, Reach Heavy
Master Two Handed, Melee 2d4, Double Ended 2d4, Master You have +2 weapon AC. When an enemy lands
Balanced, Brace, Finesse, Reach Perk an attack on an ally within your range, you may
Master When you use the double ended property, you use your reaction to force the enemy to reroll
Perk do not need to be within 5ft of your target. the attack.
Weapon Damage Types Untrained Damage Basic Damage Master Damage Weight Gold Cost
Godendag Bludgeoning or Piercing d6 d6 d8 5 12
Harpoon Piercing d6 d6 d8 1 1
Javelin Piercing d6 d6 d8 1 1
Lance Piercing d8 d12 2d8 6 10
War Spear Piercing d8 d8 (d10) [d4] d10 (d12) [d4] 3 25
Pike Piercing d10 d12 2d8 8 5
Ravenbeak Piercing or Slashing d8 d8 d10 3 15
Trident Piercing d6 d8 (2d4) d12 (3d4) 3 10
A barbed throwing spear with a welded ring, attached to a
length of rope or chain so the target or harpoon can be
retrieved. A master of the harpoon impales with ease and can
swiftly reel in a harpooned prey.
Each hit, your enemy must succeed on a Constitution
saving throw or be impaled, while a critical hit always
Untrained Two Handed, Melee d6, Thrown (10/40), Harpoon Retrieval
If you win an Athletics contest, as a bonus action,
Basic One Handed, Melee d6, Barbed, Puncture, you drag an impaled enemy toward you a number
Thrown (20/60) of feet equal to your Strength score, and on its
Master One Handed, Melee d8, Barbed, Penetrate, turn, the enemy follows this same rule to pull away.
Puncture, Thrown (30/120), Light While impaled, the enemy takes your weapon
Master You drag an enemy toward you a number of feet damage at the start of its turn.
Perk equal to twice your Strength score, and your If you impale an enemy at least two size
target suffers disadvantage to Strength saving categories larger than you, you simply move with
throws while it is impaled. your target if you hold the rope. Impaled enemies
can spend an action to attempt a Strength saving
throw, pulling the weapon free on a success.
Javelin War Spear
A light throwing spear balanced for flight but sturdy enough A 6ft spear with a thick shaft, shod in banding and with a
as a simple spear. A master can make an Olympian throw, hefty counterweight to provide maximum tip control one
puncturing shields so deeply, the enemy must pry the handed, or a brutal bludgeon while wielded in two hands,
remnants out before it can be of any use in combat. which makes it very balanced for throwing. A war spear is the
soldier's ideal weapon on the front line, and a master is a true
Untrained One Handed, Melee d6, Thrown (20/60), Light, war fighter, using spear techniques as ancient and true as the
Penetrate armies that employed them.
Basic One Handed, Melee d6, Thrown (30/120),
Light, Penetrate, Sunder Untrained Two Handed, Melee d8, Awkward
Master One Handed, Melee d8, Thrown (30/240), Basic One Handed, Melee d8, Thrown (20/60),
Light, Penetrate, Sunder Balanced, Finesse, Penetrate, Puncture,
Versatile d10
Master When you score a mighty blow, your enemy
Perk suffers a -2 AC penalty if it wields a shield. On Master One Handed, Melee d10, Thrown (30/120),
its turn an enemy can use an action to succeed Balanced, Double Ended d4, Finesse, Penetrate,
on a Strength saving throw to pry the javelin Puncture, Versatile d12
free, destroying it in the process.
Master If you use this weapon one handed, you can use
Perk Double Ended as if you were using it with two.
Lance If you use this weapon two handed, you deal an
Designed for mounted use, the lance has ample hand additional d6 damage each time you hit with
the primary attack.
protection and a heavily weighted pommel to brace the spear
to target a mounted enemy in a charge or foot soldiers at
range. Due to its design, a lance imposes disadvantage on Ravenbeak
attacks against targets within 5ft while on foot, but while A war spear with a crescent shaped hook on one side of the
mounted, this weapon gains Penetrate. Masters leverage tip, to be used to hook or slash. The added weight reduces its
their mount's Strength into each attack, allowing for versatility, but the hook's utility more than makes up the
devastating blows that knock enemies to the ground with difference. In the hands of a master, the beak can be used to
ease. redirect attacks into an enemy's allies.
Untrained Two Handed Melee d8, Awkward, Brace, Reach Untrained Two Handed, Melee d8, Brace, Heavy, Reach,
Basic Two Handed Melee d12, Brace, Reach
Basic Two Handed, Melee d8, Brace, Entangle, Heavy,
Master One Handed, Melee 2d8, Brace, Reach, Stagger Lunge, Reach, Trip
Master You may attempt a Shove as a bonus action. Master Two Handed, Melee d10, Brace, Disarm,
Perk While mounted, each attack is also a shove Entangle, Heavy, Lunge, Reach, Trip
attempt, and you have advantage in the contest.
Additionally, you no longer suffer disadvantage Master If your enemy misses you with a melee weapon
to attack rolls when you use this weapon on Perk attack, you can cause it to instead target a
foot. creature of your choosing within its reach with
that same attack roll.
The pike is a long weapon, varying in size from 8 to 12 feet Trident
long, designed for foot soldiers in a phalanx formation to be Traditionally a fishing tool, the war trident is repurposed with
used against an opposing line. It has a wooden shaft shod in little modification. Three prongs more reliably damage than
iron, with a long spearhead affixed to allow deep punctures. A an ordinary spear, and the master can trap, bind and disarm
master with the Pike fights as a phalanx soldier, striking so enemies with ease.
deftly they can stop a charging lineman.
Untrained One Handed, Melee d8, Awkward
Untrained Two Handed, Melee d10, Brace, Heavy, Basic One Handed, Melee d8, Disarm, Thrown
Puncture, Reach (20/60), Versatile 2d4
Basic Two Handed, Melee d12, Brace, Heavy, Lunge, Master One Handed, Melee d12, Deflect, Disarm,
Puncture, Reach Thrown (30/120), Versatile 3d4
Master Two Handed, Melee 2d8, Brace, Heavy, Lunge, Master You can attempt to deflect any attack that you
Puncture, Reach Perk can reach, even attacks made against your allies.
When you deflect with two hands on your
Master You ignore half cover. Additionally, when you weapon, as part of the same reaction, you can
Perk target a creature more than 5ft away, if your force your enemy to succeed on a Strength
attack is successful, your target cannot move saving throw or be disarmed.
closer to you until the end of its next turn.
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Throwing Weapons
Weapon Damage Types Untrained Damage Basic Damage Master Damage Weight Gold Cost
Bolas Bludgeoning d4 d4 d4 2 1
Boomerang Bludgeoning or Slashing d6 d6 d6 1 3
Chakram Slashing d4 d6 d8 0.1 0.1
Dart Piercing d4 d4 d6 0.05 0.1
Kunai Piercing d4 d4 d6 0.1 0.1
Net A net deals no damage 0 0 0 3 1
Throwing Knife Bludgeoning, Piercing or Slashing d4 d4 d4 0.05 0.25
Throwing Shot Bludgeoning d8 d10 d12 (2d8) 6 0.5
Throwing Star Piercing d4 d4 d4 0.05 0.1
A hooked wing, sharpened on the inner curve and used like a
cudgel. The master can curve its flight path to hit more than
one target with a powerful throw.
Untrained One Handed, Melee d6, Thrown (30/120),
Awkward, Light
Boomerang Flight
Basic One Handed, Melee d6, Thrown (40/120),
Disarm, Finesse, Light If you have master training, you can trace any
path to your target as long as that path is not
Master One Handed, Melee d6, Thrown (80/240, longer than your long range.
Disarm, Finesse, Light, Stagger Remember that if you can't see your target, you
Master Once on your turn, you can choose two targets suffer disadvantage to attack.
Perk within 40ft to attack with the same attack. After the attack, it retraces the same path back
to you, avoiding targets until you catch it.
Chakram Throwing Knife
A sharpened discus or ring, sturdy enough to be used in Small, balanced knives with a broad piercing tip and
melee. Dangerous from all angles, the master uses any sharpened pommel, no longer than 4"-6". Easily hidden, these
opening as an opportunity for a quick throw or slash. blades offer more range than throwing stars due to the higher
weighted pommel. A master has perfected the art of quick
Untrained One Handed, Melee d4, Thrown (20/60), throws at their enemy's hands or arms as they swing a
Awkward, Keen, Light weapon, causing the knife to interfere with their attack.
Basic One Handed, Melee d6, Thrown (40/120),
Finesse, Keen, Light Untrained One Handed, Melee d4, Thrown (20/60),
Awkward, Conceal, Finesse, Light
Master One Handed, Melee d8, Thrown (80/500),
Finesse, Keen, Light Basic One Handed, Melee d4, Thrown (30/90),
Conceal, Finesse, Light
Master If a creature misses you with an attack, as a
Perk reaction you can attack that creature. Master One Handed, Melee d4, Thrown (60/120),
Conceal, Finesse, Light
Dart Master You can choose to deal only your Strength or
A short rod fletched like an arrow with a weighted tip. A Perk Dexterity modifier in damage, but force your
target to succeed on a Dexterity saving throw
master pins targets with precision aimed at clothing. or lose its reaction and suffer disadvantage on
its next attack roll.
Untrained One Handed, Thrown d4, (20/60), Finesse,
Light, Penetrate, Puncture Throwing Shot
Basic One Handed, Thrown d4, (30/60), Finesse, Though not strictly their invention, the technique to throw an
Light, Penetrate, Puncture iron ball in combat was pioneered by the Orcs. Not many can
Master One Handed, Thrown d6, (60/120), Finesse, stand up to the heavy iron in flight. A master is deadly
Light, Penetrate, Puncture accurate with the shot and is able to target an enemy's head
Master You can choose to deal no damage on hit and to stun if they have an advantage. A creature with Strength
Perk pin the enemy to an adjacent wall or obstacle less than 13 cannot wield a shot at all.
causing your enemy to be restrained. The
escape DC is your weapon DC. Untrained One Handed, Thrown d8 (10ft) Awkward,
Penetrate, Stagger
Net Basic One Handed, Thrown d10 (20/60), Penetrate,
A Large or smaller creature hit by a net is restrained until Stagger, Trip
freed. It has no effect on creatures that are formless or Huge Master One Handed, Thrown d12 (30/90), Disarm,
or larger. Dealing 5 slashing damage to the net (AC10) ends Penetrate, Stagger, Trip, Versatile (2d8)
the restrained condition and destroys the net. Masters can
toss the net in a way that tangles it around their prey, making Master
If you have advantage and both dice would have
hit, or if you score a critical hit, your enemy
it much harder to escape. must succeed on a Constitution saving throw
or be stunned until the end of its next turn. If
Untrained Two handed, Thrown (5/10), Awkward, you have disadvantage but one dice would have
Entangle hit, deal your Strength modifier in damage,
though this still counts as a miss.
Basic Two Handed, Thrown (10/20) Entangle
Master One Handed, Thrown (15/30), Deflect d6, Throwing Star
Entangle, Trip Star shaped metal disks made to be palmed together and
Master If you have advantage when you entangle your thrown as a pepper of smaller strikes to disable an enemy
Perk enemy, it has disadvantage on the check made before a followup attack. The flat, small design of these
to escape. The net's AC is increased by an weapons allows many to be palmed at once and thrown all
amount equal to your proficiency. together. A master has the capability to dance in a quick
circle, throwing stars at all foes around them.
A small, dagger-like tool of Japanese origin derived from a Untrained One Handed, Thrown d4 (10/30), Conceal,
masonry trowel. Its ring pommel and wide design allow for Finesse, Light, Nimble
unique utility with rope, and in the hands of a master, the Basic One Handed, Thrown d4 (20/60), Conceal,
heavier design allows for deflections mid-flight . Finesse, Light, Nimble
Master One Handed, Thrown d4 (40/120), Conceal,
Untrained One Handed, Melee d4, Thrown (20/60), Finesse, Light, Nimble
Conceal, Finesse, Light
Master As an action, you can make a single attack
Basic One Handed, Melee d4, Thrown (20/60), Perk against all targets of your choice in a 20ft
Conceal, Deflect, Finesse, Light radius. You must have enough throwing stars to
Master One Handed, Melee d6, Thrown (30/90), attack each target.
Conceal, Deflect, Finesse, Light
Master You can use your deflect property within your Return to Top
Perk normal range, and for any creature of your
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Page Art Credit you!
Cover Page Art - Wenjun Lin
2 "Weapon Rack" by Leesha Hannigan
3 "The Second Labor of Heracles" Stepan Alekseev Thank you to my wonderful Patrons!
4 "Frontline" Dominik Mayer Almosthim
6 "Anno 1485" Vladimir Manyuk John Siegmund
7 "Thief" Daria Rashev Mark Johnson
8 "Dragonborn" Matias Trabold Nam Huynh
9 "Ana" Daniel Kamarudin Shaustin
10 "Dis" by Borja Pindado SilverYimi
12 "Icewind Dale" Stepan Alekseev Zoey Nightlight
13 "S'virr" by Third_Cookie
15 "Sparticus" Wenjun Lin
16 Art by Stepan Alekseev
17 "Shield of Faith" Steve Goad
19 "A Dance for the Lord" by Gabriel Tan
21 "Viking" Kim Ha Yeong
23 "Priest" by Russell Dongjun Lu
25 "Wild Hunter" by Russell Dongjun Lu
27 "Brego" Manuel Castanon
29 "Demon Hunter" by Paul Connon
31 "Assassin" by Russell Dongjun Lu
33 "Musket Knight" by Ariel Perez
35 "Paladin" Thomas Karlsson
37 "Dauntless Bodyguard" Manuel Castanon
39 "Baptism of Blood" by Xiaoyu Wang
41 "Barbarian Ranger"
by Russell Dongjun Lu
43 "Bard Throwing Star"
by Stefan Skellen
45 "Viking Weapon Arrangement"
Russell Dongjun Lu
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Reference Tables
Light Armor
Type Base AC Stealth Weight Gold Cost RAW Equivalent
Padded 11 Disadvantage 4 5 Padded
Leather 11 None 5 10 Leather
Studded 12 None 6 45 Studded
Lacquered 13 Disadvantage 6 300 Hide
Medium Armor
Type Base AC Stealth Weight Gold Cost RAW Equivalent
Chain Shirt 13 Disadvantage 10 50 Chain Shirt
Ring Mail 14 None 12 100 Scale Mail
Breastplate 15 None 10 300 Breastplate
Banded Mail 16 Disadvantage 20 500 Half Plate
Heavy Armor
Type Base AC Stealth Weight Gold Cost RAW Equivalent
Hauberk 15 Disadvantage 25 150 Ring Mail
Scale Mail 16 Disadvantage 30 300 Chain Mail
Splint 17 Disadvantage 33 750 Splint
Plate 18 Disadvantage 40 1500 Plate
Ambush Weapons
Weapon Damage Types Untrained Basic Master Weight Cost
Punch Dagger Piercing or Slashing d4 d4 d4 1 1
Whip Dagger Piercing d4 d4 d4 3 15
Gauntlet Bludgeoning, Piercing, or Slashing d4 d6 Scales 1 10
Hidden Blade Piercing d4 d4 d4 1 50
Interceptor An interceptor deals no damage 0 0 0 1 3
Katar Piercing d4 d4 d6 1 5
Knuckle Axe Slashing d4 d6 d6 1 25
Side Baton Bludgeoning d4 d6 d8 2 10
Unarmed Strike Bludgeoning d1 d4 Scales 0 0
Battle Axe Slashing d8 d8 (d10) d10 (d12) 4 10
Greataxe Slashing d10 d12 2d8 6 30
Halberd Piercing or Slashing d10 2d6 2d8 7 35
Handaxe Slashing d6 d6 d6 2 5
Hook Sword Slashing d6 d6 d6 2 60
Khopesh Piercing or Slashing d8 2d4 2d4 3 10
Poleaxe Bludgeoning, Piercing, or Slashing d10 d10 2d6 7 40
Tomahawk Piercing or Slashing d4 d4 d4 1 1
Bows and Slings
Weapon Damage Types Untrained Basic Master Weight Cost
Bladed Bow Piercing or Slashing d8 d6, d8 d6 [d6], d8 5 100
Compound Piercing d10 d10 d12 3 500
Greatbow Piercing d10 d10 d12 5 75
Longbow Piercing d8 d8 d10 2 50
Recurve Piercing d8 d8 2d4 2 75
Shortbow Piercing d6 d6 d8 2 25
Sling Bludgeoning d4 d4 d6 0 0.1
Wrist Shot Bludgeoning or Slashing d4 d4 d6 1 5
Combat Blades
Bastard Sword Piercing or Slashing d10 d12 d12 (2d6) 4 30
Broadsword Piercing or Slashing d8 2d4 3d4 3 20
Greatsword Piercing or Slashing 2d6 2d8 2d10 5 50
Falchion Piercing or Slashing d8 d10 d10 (d12) 4 25
Katana Piercing or Slashing d6 d6(d8) d8(d10) 2 10
Longsword Piercing or Slashing d8 d8 (d10) d10 (d12) 3 15
Montante Piercing or Slashing 2d6 2d6 3d6 5 75
Scimitar Slashing d6 d6 d8 2.5 25
Short Glaive Piercing or Slashing d8 2d4 2d4 4 25
Blowgun Piercing d1 d2 d2 1 1
Hand Crossbow Piercing d6+2 d6+2 d6+2 2 75
Heavy Crossbow Piercing d10+4 d10+4 d10+4 8 50
Hidden Crossbow Piercing d4+1 d4+1 d4+1 1 150
Light Crossbow Piercing d8+3 d8+3 d8+3 5 25
Mauler Piercing 3d4+3 3d4+3 3d4+3 6 100
Portable Ballista Piercing d12+5 2d6+5 3d6+5 15 500
Repeating Crossbow Piercing d6 d6 d6 6 300
Spinner Slashing 2d4 2d4 2d4 2 100
Dueling Blades
Weapon Damage Types Untrained Basic Master Weight Cost
Arquebus Piercing 2d10+5 2d10+5 2d12+5 10 750
Blunderbuss Piercing 2d8+5 2d8+5 2d10+5 5 300
Firelance Fire or Piercing d8/d8 d10/d12 d12/2d8 5 200
Gunblade Piercing or Slashing d6+5/d6 d6+5/d8 d6+5/2d4 3 450
Hand Cannon Piercing 2d6+5 2d6+5 2d8+5 3 250
Pepperbox Piercing d4+5 d4+5 d4+5 1 1500
Portable Cannon Bludgeoning 2d10+5 3d10+5 4d10+5 12 1000
Wrist Rocket Fire d4 2d4 2d6 3 150
Throwing Weapons
Bolas Bludgeoning d4 d4 d4 2 1
Boomerang Bludgeoning or Slashing d6 d6 d6 1 3
Chakram Slashing d4 d6 d8 0.1 0.1
Dart Piercing d4 d4 d6 0.05 0.1
Kunai Piercing d4 d4 d6 0.1 0.1
Net A net deals no damage 0 0 0 3 1
Throwing Shot Bludgeoning d8 d10 d12 (2d8) 6 0.5
Throwing Star Piercing d4 d4 d4 0.05 0.1
Throwing Knife Bludgeoning, Piercing or Slashing d4 d4 d4 0.05 0.25
---Additional Throwing Weapons---
Battle Axe
REFERENCE Slashing d8 d8 (d10) d10 (d12) 4 10
50 Light Club Bludgeoning d4 d4 d6 2 0.1
Heavy Club Bludgeoning d6 d6 (2d4) 2d4 (d10) 3 0.1
Finesse Weapons - Each training level retains properties from the previous