Current Electricity

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Current Electricity

15 Hours 14 Marks

Current Electricity
A branch of Physics that deals with the study of charges in motion.

Electric Current
It is the rate of flow of charges through any cross section in a conductor.
It’s given by,
Electric Current =
I =
• SI Unit is Amphere (A).
• It is a Scalar quantity.
We have,
I= but, q = ne
I =

Types of Current
Direct Current (D.C): The current which flows in the same direction is
called direct current.
Alternating Current (A.C): The current which vary and changes the di-
rection periodically is called Alternating current.
Instantaneous Current: It is the rate of flow of charges through any cross
section area of the conductor at any instant of time. It’s given by,
∆q dq
I(t) = lim =
∆t→0 ∆t dt
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Current Electricity

Electric current in Conductor

Conductors have large number of free electrons. In the absence of applied elec-
tric field, The free electron move in a random direction due to thermal energy.
Therefore, number of free electrons travelling in any direction will be equal to the
number of free electrons travelling in the opposite direction. That is net flow of
free electron in a specific direction is zero. Therefore, net current flows through
the conductor is zero.

Take positive and negatively charged circular dielectric plates. Now, attach them
on the two ends of a conductor A and B. then end A is positively charged (+Q)
and end B is negatively charged (-Q). Therefore end A is at higher potential
(+ve) and end B is at lower potential (-ve). As a result electric field is acted
from A to B. Therefore, force is acted on free electron against the electric field.
So all the free electrons move in a direction opposite to electric field (i.e) from
lower potential to higher potential). As a result net current flows through the
conductor. During the motion, the free electrons collide with fixed ions and atoms
due to thermal excitation, and they lost kinetic energy in the form of heat.

Drift velocity (Vd)

The average velocity with which free electrons are drifted in a conductor under
the influence of electric field is called drift velocity.
SI unit is m/s

Relaxation time (τ )
The average time interval between two successive collisions of free electrons in a
conductor is called relaxation time.
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SI unit is second(s)

Mobility (µ)
The ratio of magnitude of drift velocity to the applied electric field is called
It’s given by,
Where, vd is the drift velocity
E is the applied electric field
SI unit is m2/V s

Expression for drift velocity

Derive an expression for drift velocity in terms of relaxation time.
[Mar 2016, July 2016]
The acceleration of a free electron due to electric field E is,
a=m , but F = −eE
[where, e is charge of electron and m is mass of electron.]
∴a= 99K (1)
We have,
v = u + at 99K (2)
For drift velocity v = vd, t = τ (average relaxation time) and average initial
velocity u = 0. Equation (2) becomes,
vd = 0 + aτ 99K (3)
Substitute (1) in (3),
vd =
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Current Electricity

or |vd| =

1. Drift velocity in terms of relaxation time is |vd| = m

2. Mobility in terms of relaxation time is µ = m

State and explain Ohm’s law.

The current through a metallic conductor is directly proportional to the potential
difference between its ends, provided temperature and other physical conditions
kept constant.

V ∝I
V = IR

Where, V is Potential different

I is current
R is Resistance of the conductor

What are Ohmic and Non-ohmic materials? Give examples.

Ohmic materials are those which obey Ohm’s law.
Eg: Resistor, Ammeter, Voltmeter.

Non-ohmic materials are those which do not obey Ohm’s law.

Eg: Thermistor, Vacuum tube.

Limitations of Ohm’s law

• It is not applicable for metallic conductors at very high and very low tem-

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Current Electricity

• It is not applicable for semiconductors (Diodes, Transistors).

• It is not applicable to super conductors.
• It is not applicable to vacuum tubes.

Resistance (R)
Resistance is the ratio of potential difference across a conductor to the current
flowing through it.
SI Unit is ohm or Ω

Define Ohm
Resistance of a conductor is said to be one ohm, when one volt of potential
difference across its ends produces a current of one ampere through it.

Resistance of a conductor depends.

1. The length of the conductor (R ∝ l)
2. inversely proportional to Area of cross-section of the conductor (R ∝ A1 )
3. Temperature of the conductor. (R ∝ T )
4. Material of the conductor.

Resistivity (ρ)
Resistivity is the resistance offered by a conductor having unit length and unit
area of cross section. It’s SI Unit is Ω m

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Current Electricity

At constant temperature, the Electrical resistance of a conductor is directly pro-

portional to length l and inversely proportional to area A.
If A = 1m2, l = 1m then ρ = R thus resistivity of material is equal to resistance
of an object if length is 1m and area is 1m2.

Factors on which the resistivity ρ of a conductor depend

1. Resistivity does not depend on the dimension (length and area) of a con-
ductor but it depends on the nature of material of the conductor.
2. Resistivity of a conductor is directly proportional to temperature. ρ ∝ T

Conductance (G)
The reciprocal of resistance is called conductance.

It’s given by,

1 I
G= =
R v
SI Unit is Siemen or mho (Ω−1) .

Conductivity (σ)
The reciprocal of resistivity is called conductivity.

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Current Electricity

It’s given by,

Conductivity =
Conductivity is the conductance offered by a conductor having unit length and
unit area of cross section.

We have,
σ= RA

SI Unit is mho m−1 or 0 m−1

Current density (j)

It is the current through unit area of cross section of a conductor held normal to
the current.


• SI Unit is Am−2
• It is a Vector quantity.

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Current Electricity

Note: We have,
But, q = ne

Relation between current density and conductivity of

a conductor or

Ohm’s law in terms of electric field and current density.

Consider a conductor of length l and area of cross section A.

Let, V → potential difference applied across the ends of the conductor.
I → current in the conductor.
R → resistance of the conductor.
E → electric field. By ohm’s law,
V = IR
but R =
∴ V =I 99K (1)
Where: ρ is the resistivity of the conductor

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Current Electricity

and E =
V = El 99K (2)
From equation (1) and (2) we get
El = I
I 1
= E 99K (3)
A ρ
I 1
but j = the current density and σ = is the conductivity of the conductor
A ρ
Equation (3) becomes

j = σE

⃗ and E
In Vector form, ⃗j = σ E ⃗ = ρ⃗j

Obtain an expression for current in terms of drift velocity (OR)

Show that I = nAeVd , where the symbols have their usual mean-

Consider, a conductor of length l and uniform area of cross section A.

When potential difference V is applied across the ends of the conductor, electric

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Current Electricity

field E is set up. The electrons are drifted with drift velocity vd.
We have, I = 99K (1)
But, q = ne 99K (2)
Number of electrons per unit volume is given by,
Number of free electrons
volume of the conductor
N = nV [∵ V = A × l]
N = nAl 99K (3)
Equation(2) =⇒ q = nAle
Equation(3) =⇒ I =
I = nAvde ∵ vd =

Deduce the expression for conductivity of a conductor in terms of

relaxation time. Or
Assuming the expression for drift velocity, derive the expression
for conductivity of material σ = ne
m τ where the symbols have their
usual meaning . [3 mark] [July 2015]

Consider a conductor of length l and area of cross section A.

Let, E → electric applied across the conductor

n → number of free electrons per unit volume
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Current Electricity

vd → drift velocity of the electrons

τ → relaxation time.
If I is the current in the conductor then,

I = nAVde
= nevd
I eEτ
but j = is current density and vd = is drift velocity
A  m
∴ j = ne
ne τ
j= E
Comparing this with j = σE
This is the expression for conductivity of a conductor.

Expression for resistivity of the material

We have,
but ρ =
ρ= 2
ne τ
Where, ρ → resistivity
m → mass of electron
n → number of free electron per unit volume
τ → relaxation time

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Factors on which resistivity depends

• directly proportional to absolute temperature.
• inversely proportional to numbers of free electrons per unit volume.
• inversely proportional to relaxation time.

Temperature Dependence of Resistivity

The resistivity of a conductor is given by,

ρT = ρ0 [1 + α(T − T0)]
Where, ρT → resistivity at temperature T
ρ0 → resistivity at temperature T
α → temperature co-efficient of resistivity

Temperature coefficient of resistivity of a conductor (α)

ρ − ρ0
T − T0
Where, α → is the temperature coefficient of resistivity
ρ → is the resistivity at the temperature T
ρ0 → is the resistivity at the temperature at the reference temperature T

Note: The same expressions can be written for resistance of a conductor. Then
α will be called as temperature coefficient of resistance.

R = R0[1 + α(T − T0)]

R − R0
and α =
R0(T − T0)

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Current Electricity

Graphs showing variation of resistivity of metallic conductor and

semiconductor with absolute temperature.

Cell, EMF and Internal Resistance

Electrolytic Cell: Cell is used to maintain the flow of current (or steady cur-
rent) in the circuit.

EMF of a cell (E ): The potential difference between the electrodes of a cell

in an open circuit. EMF stands for Electromotive force.

Internal Resistance (r): Internal resistance of a cell is the resistance offered

by the material of the cell to the flow of current through it.

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Current Electricity

terminal potential difference (V ): The potential difference between the

electrodes of a cell in a closed circuit .

Derive an expression for terminal potential difference (TPD) in

case of a simple circuit.

Consider a cell of emf E and internal resistance r connected to an external

resistance R.
Let I be the current in the circuit.
The total emf of the cell is divided into two parts, one part appears across the
external resistance and the other part across the components of the cell.

E =V +V

Where, V − potential difference across the external resistance

V − potential difference across the components of the cell

by Ohm’s Law,

V = Ir
E = V + Ir
Terminal potential difference in the circuit is,
V = E − Ir

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Current Electricity

Derive an expression for current through simple circuit. or Ob-

tain the expression for current drawn by external resistance using
Ohm’s law.

Consider a cell of emf E and internal resistance r connected to an external

resistance R.
Let I be the current in the circuit.
The total emf of the cell is divided into two parts, one part appears across the
external resistance and the other part across the components of the cell.

E =V +V

Where, V − potential difference across the external resistance

V − potential difference across the components of the cell

by Ohm’s Law,

V = IR and V = Ir
E = IR + Ir
E = I(R + r)
Current in the circuit is, I =

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Current Electricity

Combination of cells
Derive an expression for equivalent emf and equivalent internal
resistance when two cells connected in series. [5 Mark]

Consider emfs of two cells E1 and E2 and their internal resistances r1 and r2
respectively and connected in series between points A and C.
Let I be the current through the combination.
Let VA, VB and VC be the potentials at A, B and C respectively.

The potential difference across E1 is,

VAB = VA − VB = E1 − Ir1 → (1)

The potential difference across E2 is,

VBC = VB − VC = E2 − Ir2 → (2)

The potential difference across the combination (i.e, between A and C) is,

VAC = VA − VC + VB − VB
VAC = (VA − VB ) + (VB − VC )
VAC = (E1 − Ir1) + (E2 − Ir2)
VAC = (E1 + E2) − I(r1 + r2) → (3)

when the combination is replaced by an equivalent cell between A and C of emf

Es and internal resistance rs.

VAC = Eeq − Ireq → (4)

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Comparing equations (3) and (4)

Equivalent emf,
Es = E 1 + E2

Equivalent internal resistance,

req = r1 + r2

Derive an expression for equivalent emf and equivalent internal

resistance of two cells, when connected is parallel.[5 mark][March
2018, March 2019]

Consider emfs of two cells E1 and E2 and their internal resistances r1 and r2
respectively and connected in parallel between points A and C.
Let V be the common potential difference across the two cells.
Let I1, I2 and VC be the currents passing through positive electrodes of cells of
emfs E1 and E2 respectively.

At junction B1,
I = I1 + I2 → (1)
The potential difference across E1 is,
V = E1 − I1r1
I1r1 = E1 − V
E1 − V
∴ I1 = → (2)
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The potential difference across E2 is,

V = E2 − I2r2
I2r2 = E2 − V
E2 − V
∴ I2 = → (3)
Substituting (3) and (2) in (1)
E1 − V E2 − V
I= +
r1 r2
E1r2 − V r2 + E2r1 − V r1
I(r1r2) = E1r2 − V r2 + E2r1 − V r1
I(r1r2) = (E1r2 + E2r1) − V (r1 + r2)
dividing by r1 + r2
I(r1r2) E1r2 + E2r1 V (r1 + r2)
= −
r1 + r2 r1 + r2 r1 + r2
E1r2 + E2r1 I(r1r2)
V = − → (4)
r1 + r2 r1 + r2
when the combination is replaced by an equivalent cell between A and C of emf
Ep and internal resistance rp.
V = Ep − Irp → (5)
Comparing equations (4) and (5)

Equivalent emf,
E1 r2 + E2 r1
Ep =
r1 + r2
Equivalent internal resistance,
rp =
r1 + r2

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The above expression can be written as,

Ep E1 E2
= +
rp r1 r2
1 1 1
and = +
rp r1 r2
1. Expression for the current due to n identical cells in series combination.
R + nr
2. Expression for the current due to n identical cells in parallel combination.
nR + r

Electrical network: An electrical network is a combination of various circuit
elements and sources of emf connected together.
Node or Junction: The points in electrical network at which the current finds
more than two paths is called node.
Mesh or Loop: The closed paths in electrical network are called mesh or loop.

Kirchhoff ’s rules:
1. Kirchhoff’s junction rule or Current rule.
2. Kirchhoff’s loop rule or Voltage rule.

Kirchhoff ’s junction rule or Current rule

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Current Electricity

Statement: In an electrical network, algebraic sum of currents at a node is zero.

Explanation: At the node, ’p’

I1 + I2 − I3 + I4 − I5 = 0
or I1 + I2 + I4 = I3 + I5

Kirchhoff ’s loop rule or Voltage rule

Statement: ”In an electrical loop, the algebraic sum of IR (current and resis-
tance) products is equal to the algebraic sum of the emf ’s.
IR = E

Explanation: Applying Loop rule to ABCDA,

E1 − I1R1 + I2R2 − E2 = 0


1. Significance of Kirchhoff’s junction rule is Law of conservation of Charges.

2. Significance of Kirchhoff’s loop rule is Law of conservation of Energy.

Wheatstone Bridge
It is an electrical network in which four resistors are connected in the form of
quadrilateral. It is used to find the unknown resistance.

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Current Electricity

Obtain the balancing condition of Wheatstone network using Kir-

choff ’s rules. Or Draw the circuit diagram of Wheatstone’s bridge
and deduce the balancing condition for the same. [5 mark] [July
2014, March 2016, July 2016, March 2017, June 2019]

Let I be the main current and G be the resistance of the galvanometer. The
currents through resistors P,Q,R,S and G are as shown in the circuit diagram.

Applying Kirchoff’s loop rule to the mesh ABDA,

I1P + Ig G − I2R = 0 → (1)
Applying Kirchoff’s loop rule to the mesh BCDB,
(I1 − Ig )Q − (I2 + Ig )S − Ig G = 0 → (2)
When the Wheatstone bridge is balanced, Ig = 0

equation (1) becomes,

I1P − I2R = 0
I1P = I2R → (3)
equation (2) becomes,
I1Q − I2S = 0
I1Q = I2S → (4)

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(3) I1P I2R

=⇒ =
(4) I1Q I2S


Electrical Energy
Electrical energy is the total amount of work done in maintaining an electric
current in an electric circuit for a given time.

Electrical Power
Electric power is the rate at which electrical work is done by a source of emf in
maintaining an electric current through a circuit.

Expression for power dissipated in a resistor

P =
P =
∴ P =VI


but, V = IR

∴ P = I 2R

and P =

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Previous Year Questions Mar 2014 - Mar 2024

Drift velocity
1. What is drift velocity? [Jul 14, Mar 18, Mar 19, Sep 20]
2. Derive the expression for drift velocity in terms of relaxation time. [Mar
16, Jul 16, Sep 21, May 22]
3. Write the expression for drift velocity of electrons and explain the terms.
[Mar 19]
4. Write the expression for drift velocity in terms of current and explain the
terms [Mar 19, Aug 22]

Mobility and relaxation time

1. Define mobility. [Mar 14, Mar 17, Jun 17, Mar 18, Sep 20, Sep
2. Mention SI unit of mobility. [Jun 17, Aug 22]
3. Define relaxation time. [Mar 18]

ne2 τ
1. Derive the expression for the conductivity of a material. σ = m [Mar 23]

Current density
1. Name the SI unit of current density. [Mar 17]

Ohm’s law
1. State and explain Ohm’s law. [Mar 17, Jul 18, Sep 21, May 22,
Aug 22]

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Current Electricity

2. Mention the limitations of Ohm’s law. [Jul 14, Mar 15, Jun 15, Jun
19, Mar 20, Sep 21]
3. What is ohmic device? Give an example. [Jun 17]

Variation of resistance with dimension

1. On What factors does the resistance of a conductor depend? [Mar 18]
2. How does the resistance of a conductor vary with its length? [Jun 19]
3. Define electrical resistivity of material of a conductor. [Mar 19]
4. Derive the expression for electrical conductivity of a material in terms of
relaxation time. [Jun 15, Jul 18, Mar 20]
5. Derive the relation J⃗ = σ E(Equivalent
⃗ form of Ohm’s law). [Jun 17]
6. Why manganin and constantan are used in making standard resistors?
[Mar 19]

Variation of resistance with temperature

1. Represent graphically the variation of resistivity of i) copper ii) nichrome
with absolute temperature. [Jul 18, Sep 20, May 22]
2. Graphically represent the variation of resistivity of a semiconductor with
absolute temperature. [Mar 20]

Combination of cells
1. Define emf and internal resistance of a cell. [Sep 21]
2. Derive the expression for equivalent emf and equivalent internal resistance
when two cells are connected in series. [Mar 17, Sep 20]
3. Derive the expression for equivalent emf and equivalent internal resistance
when two cells are connected in parallel. [Mar 18, Mar 19]
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Current Electricity

Kirchhoff ’s laws
1. State Kirchhoff’s junction rule. [Jun 17, Mar 18]
2. State Kirchhoff’s II law or voltage law or loop rule. [Mar 18]

Wheatstone’s network
1. Draw a labelled Wheatstone’s bridge and hence write the balancing condi-
tion in terms of resistances.
2. Obtain the expression for balanced condition of the Whetstone’s network.
[Jul 14, Mar 16, Jul 16, Mar 17, Mar 18, Jun 19, May 22,
Aug 22]
3. What is the condition for the balanced state of Wheatstone’s network? [Jun
4. Draw Wheatstone’s bridge circuit and write the condition for its balance.
[Mar 14, Mar 17]

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