Journal Pcbi 1010584
Journal Pcbi 1010584
Journal Pcbi 1010584
Organoids are multicellular three-dimensional (3D) structures derived from primary or stem
cells that are embedded into a biological matrix to create an extracellular environment that
provides structural support and key growth factors. Organoids closely recapitulate cellular het-
erogeneity, structural morphology, and organ-specific functions of a variety of tissues, which
improves modeling of in situ biological phenomena compared to traditional monolayer cell
cultures [1]. Live-cell imaging can reveal important features of organoid dynamics, such as
growth, apoptosis/necrosis, movement, and drug responses, which can reflect physiological
and pathological events such as organ development, function, infarction, cancer, and infection
While organoids have been successfully used to investigate important phenomena that
might be obscured in simpler models, their use in data-intensive applications, such as high-
throughput screening, has been more difficult. A major challenge for organoid experiments is
drug-response measurement and analysis, which must be performed for a large number of
microscopy images. Image analysis is particularly difficult for organoid experiments due to the
movement of organoids across focal planes and variability in organoid size and shape between
different tissue types, within the same tissue type, and within the same single culture sample
[8,9]. Several recently developed organoid platforms, while powerful, rely on per-experiment
or per-image tuning of brightfield image analysis parameters [10–12], or require manual label-
ing of each image [7,13,14], which limits experiment reproducibility and scale. Organoids can
be fluorescently labeled to aid in image segmentation and tracking, such as through genetic
modification for fluorescent protein expression [15–17], cell fixation and staining [10,16], or
the use of membrane-permeable dyes. However, these approaches may alter intrinsic cellular
dynamics from original samples [18,19], limit measurements to endpoint assays, or cause
cumulative toxicity through longer growth times and limited diffusion through the hydrogel
matrix [20]. There is a critical need for an automated image analysis tool that can robustly and
reproducibly measure live-cell organoid responses in high-throughput experiments without
the use of potentially toxic or confounding fluorescence techniques.
A number of software tools have been developed to automate the process of brightfield/
phase-contrast organoid image analysis. These platforms use conventional image processing
methods, such as adaptive thresholding and mathematical morphology [21], or convolutional
neural networks [22–24] to identify organoids in sequences of microscopy images. Despite
their advantages, many existing platforms require cellular nuclei to be transgenically labeled
[23], which increases experiment time and complexity and may modify cellular dynamics.
Other existing platforms require manual tuning of parameters for each image [21], focus on
single-timepoint analysis [24], only provide population-averaged (bulk) measurements with-
out single-organoid resolution, or are limited to bounding-box detection [22], which fails to
capture potentially useful morphological information at the individual organoid level. Changes
in organoid shape, such as spiking or blebbing, can reveal important responses to external sti-
muli and might be missed with bounding-box measurements [25]. Many of these existing plat-
forms were also developed for the analysis of organoids derived from a single type of tissue
and for images obtained with one specific optical configuration, precluding their use across
different experimental settings.
To address these challenges, we have developed a software platform, OrganoID, that can
identify and track individual organoids in a population derived from a wide range of tissue
types, pixel by pixel, in both brightfield and phase-contrast microscopy images and in time-
lapse experiments. OrganoID consists of (i) a convolutional neural network, which detects
organoids in microscopy images, (ii) an identification module, which resolves contours to
label individual organoids, and (iii) a tracking module, which follows identified organoids in
time-lapse imaging experiments. Most importantly, OrganoID was able to accurately segment
and track a wide range of organoid types, including those derived from pancreatic ductal ade-
nocarcinoma, adenoid cystic carcinoma, and lung and colon epithelia, without cell labeling or
parameter tuning. The OrganoID software overcomes a major hurdle to organoid image anal-
ysis and supports wider integration of the organoid model into high-throughput applications.
Fig 1. Architecture and evaluation of the OrganoID platform and neural network. (a) The OrganoID software automates robust analysis of organoid
microscopy images. Contours are detected pixel by pixel and then separated into distinct organoids for bulk or single-organoid analysis. Identified organoids
can also be tracked across time-lapse image sequences to follow responses over time. (b) Microscopy images are processed by a convolutional neural network to
produce images that represent the probability that an organoid is present at each pixel. The network follows the u-net architecture, which applies a series of
two-dimension convolutions, maximum filters, and image concatenations to extract and localize image features. Feature channel depths were minimized to
limit overfitting and computational power required to use the tool. Scale bar 100 μm. (c) The intersection-over-union (IOU) metric, defined as the ratio of the
number true positive pixels to the union of all positive pixels, was used to measure the quality of the neural network detections. To compute the IOU, pixels
above 0.5 in the network prediction image were marked as positives. Examples of IOU values for several degrees of overlap are shown. (d) A representative set
of images of different organoid types from the test dataset are shown with the corresponding OrganoID detections. Detections are overlayed on top of ground
truth measurements and colored according to the schema in (c). The mean and standard deviation of IOU for images of each organoid type in the test dataset
are also shown. Scale bar 100 μm.
across the full network (over 30 million) [26]. We sequentially reduced the number of filters in
the first layer by powers of two to reach a minimal value that preserved performance on the
validation dataset (validation cross-entropy loss was minimal at 0.088 for 8 filters in the first
layer, compared to 0.098 for 4 filters and 0.1 for 16 filters). The final OrganoID u-net structure
uses only 8 filters in the first layer, which results in a network structure with less than 500,000
trainable parameters (a 98% reduction compared to the original implementation). All convolu-
tional neurons were set to compute outputs with the exponential linear unit activation func-
tion, which has been previously shown to produce higher accuracy than the rectified linear
unit (ReLU, used in the original u-net implementation) and avoid vanishing gradient problems
during network training [28]. Neurons in the final convolutional layer were set with a sigmoid
activation function to produce a normalized output that corresponds to the probability that an
organoid is present at each pixel in the original image. All images are automatically contrasted
and resized to 512x512 pixels before training and inference. Python was used for the entire
OrganoID platform and Keras (a neural network interface for the TensorFlow software
library) was used for network expression, training, and operation.
An original dataset of 66 brightfield and phase-contrast microscopy images of organoids
were manually segmented to produce black-and-white ground truth images for network train-
ing (52 image pairs) and validation (14 image pairs) (S1A Fig). Each image featured 5 to 50
organoids derived from human pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC) samples from two
different patients. Organoids were either grown on a standard tissue culture plate or on a
microfluidic organoid platform [29]. To teach the network that segmentations should be inde-
pendent of imaging orientation, field of view, lens distortion, and other potential sources of
overfitting, the training dataset was processed with the Augmentor Python package [30] with
random rotation, zoom, elastic distortion, and shear transformations to produce an aug-
mented set of 2,000 images for training (S1B Fig). The neural network was trained on this
dataset with the Adam stochastic optimization algorithm [31] at a learning rate of 0.001.
Unweighted binary cross-entropy between predicted and ground-truth segmentations was
used for the loss function. Layer weights were initialized with the He method [32]. An early
stopping rule was used to halt training once performance on the validation dataset reached a
minimum (i.e. once 10 epochs pass with no improvement in validation loss). The batch size
was set to train on 8 augmented images for every round of backpropagation. Dropout regulari-
zation was introduced after all convolutions to randomly set 12.5% of neuron weights to zero
after each batch. After each epoch, a copy of the model was saved for additional evaluation of
the training process.
Fig 2. (a) OrganoID can identify individual organoid contours, including those in physical contact. An example image (left) is shown to demonstrate the steps
of single-organoid identification. The neural network predictions (second-from-left) are observably less confident for pixels at organoid boundaries (enlarged
view, indicated with white arrows), which enables edge detection with a Canny filter (second-from-right). Edges are used to identify organoid centers, which
serve as basin initializers for a watershed transformation on the prediction image to produce a final single-organoid labeled image (right). (b) The identification
pipeline was used to count the number of organoids in images from the test dataset. These counts were compared to the number of organoids in the
corresponding manually segmented images. The concordance correlation coefficient (CCC) was computed to quantify measurement agreement (left). Bland-
Altman analysis (right) demonstrates low measurement bias and limits of agreement. Black dots are test images. Green line in the left plot is y = x. (c) The area
of each organoid in all test images was also measured manually and with OrganoID. Measurements were compared with CCC computation (left) and Bland-
Altman analysis (right). Black dots are identified organoids. (d) Identified organoids in time-lapse microscopy images are matched across frames to generate
single-organoid tracks and follow responses over time. Shown are images of three timepoints from an organoid culture experiment. (e) Automatically
measured growth curves for a selected set of organoids from the experiment in (d).
applies a hysteresis-based threshold to identify locally strong edges. Edges are removed from
the thresholded prediction image to mark the centers of each organoid. These centers are then
used as initializer basins in a watershed transformation [34], an algorithm inspired by the fill-
ing of geological drainage basins that is used to segment contacting objects in an image. The
image is further refined to remove organoids that may be partially out of the field-of-view or
below a particular size threshold. The pipeline outputs a labeled image, where the pixels that
represent an individual organoid are all set to a unique organoid ID number, which can be
used for single-organoid analysis (Fig 2A).
The scipy [35] and scikit-image [36] packages were used to identify individual organoids
from the network detection images. Detection images were thresholded at 0.5 and passed
through a morphological opening operation to remove weak and noisy predictions. Partial
derivatives were computed with a Sobel filter, passed through a Gaussian filter (σ = 2), and
converted to an edge mask with a hysteresis threshold filter (Thi = 0.05, Tlo = 0.005), which was
then was used to mark organoid centers. The watershed method was used to identify filled
organoid contours, with the organoid centers as label initializers and the network prediction
image as an inverted heightmap. Labeled organoids were morphologically filled and discarded
if the total area was below 200 pixels. Images were morphologically processed with scikit-image
to record properties of identified organoids.
Network training halted after 37 epochs, when segmentation error (binary cross-entropy) on
the validation dataset converged to a minimal value (S1C Fig and S1 Video). After hyperpara-
meter tuning, the final model performance was assessed on a novel PDAC organoid testing
dataset, previously unseen by the network. Performance was quantified with the intersection-
over-union (IOU) metric, which is defined as the overlap between the predicted and actual
organoid pixels divided by their union (Fig 1C). An IOU greater than 0.5 is generally consid-
ered to reflect a good prediction [38,39] and we chose this value to be the minimal benchmark
for satisfactory model performance. All PDAC images passed the benchmark, with a mean
IOU of 0.74 (SD = 0.081) (S2 Fig).
Because the network was trained and assessed solely with images of PDAC organoids, we
were also curious to evaluate its capacity to generalize to organoids derived from non-PDAC
tissues. Microscopy images of organoids derived from lung epithelia, colon epithelia, and sali-
vary adenoid cystic carcinoma (ACC) were manually segmented (6 images for each tissue
type). The OrganoID network passed the benchmark for all of these non-PDAC images, with a
mean IOU of 0.79 (SD = 0.096) (S2 Fig). Additionally, 19 images of organoids derived from
mouse small intestine were segmented and evaluated with the model and passed the bench-
mark with a mean IOU of 0.70 (SD = 0.15). These results support the potential of the Orga-
noID neural network to generalize to organoids from various tissues of origin without
parameter tuning (Fig 1D). However, 3 images of mouse small intestinal organoids did not
pass the benchmark, which suggests a limit to this generalizability. To demonstrate how
performance can be improved on novel datasets, a copy of the neural network was additionally
trained on a subset of mouse small intestinal organoid images. This retrained network showed
considerable improvement on a test dataset of mouse intestinal organoids with a mean IOU of
0.82 (SD = 0.09) while maintaining performance on the original test dataset with a mean IOU
of 0.76 (SD = 0.10) (S2 Fig).
The network was also evaluated for appropriate exclusion of non-organoid technical arti-
facts. Air bubbles in culture media or gel matrix were rarely detected by OrganoID with a false
positive rate of 4.2% (S3A Fig). We observed that OrganoID segmentations also avoided cellu-
lar debris or dust embedded into the gel, ignored chamber borders, and performed robustly
across microscope resolutions, organoid concentrations, and organoid shapes (S3B–S3G Fig).
OrganoID proved to be computationally efficient; each image was segmented in ~300 millisec-
onds on a laptop CPU (Intel i7-9750H, 2.6GHz) with less than 200 megabytes of RAM usage.
For quantitative validation of single-organoid analysis, OrganoID was used to count and
measure the area of organoids in images from the PDAC and non-PDAC human testing data-
sets (a total of 28 images). These data were then compared to the number and area of orga-
noids in the corresponding manually segmented images. Organoid counts agreed with a
concordance correlation coefficient (CCC) of 0.95 [95% CI 0.89–0.98]. OrganoID, on average,
detected 1.1 fewer organoids per image than manual segmentation. The limits of agreement
between OrganoID and manual counts were between -10.35 and 8.14 organoids (Fig 2B).
Organoid area comparison demonstrated a CCC of 0.97 [95% CI 0.96–0.97]. OrganoID area
measurements were biased to be 1.06x103 μm2 larger per organoid with limits of agreement
between -3.42x103 μm2 and 5.55x103 μm2 (Fig 2C). Several additional morphological metrics
were calculated, including circularity (the ratio of the organoid perimeter to the perimeter of a
perfect circle), eccentricity (a measure of elliptical deviation from a circle), and solidity (the
ratio of the organoid area to the area of its convex hull). These three metrics showed moderate
concordance (0.52, 0.41, and 0.59 respectively) between automated and manual measurements
(S4 Fig). Performance on brightfield microscopy images was higher than performance on
phase-contrast microscopy images. Overall, the measurements produced by OrganoID were in
considerable agreement with those obtained by hand in our test dataset, which supports the
use of OrganoID for automated single-organoid analysis.
For validation of the organoid tracking module, microscopy images taken every 2 hours
from a 92-hour organoid culture experiment were passed through the entire OrganoID pipe-
line to produce growth curves that followed single-organoid changes over time (Fig 2D–2E).
The tracking step was also performed by hand to evaluate automated performance. OrganoID
tracking maintained over 89% accuracy (defined as the fraction of identified organoids that
were correctly matched at each time step) throughout the duration of the experiment (S5 Fig
and S2 Video). Tracking accuracy was not affected when frames were discarded to simulate a
12-hour imaging interval, which demonstrates low susceptibility to imaging frequency.
Fig 3. OrganoID facilitates morphological analysis of a chemotherapeutic dose-response experiment. (a) PDAC organoids were treated with a serial
dilution of gemcitabine (3 nM to 1,000 nM) and imaged over 72 hours. Propidium iodide (PI) was used to fluorescently label dead organoids. Shown are
representative brightfield images from three time points for control and 30 nM gemcitabine conditions. OrganoID was used to identify organoid contours,
which are displayed on top of the PI fluorescence channel. (b) OrganoID measurements of fold change (FC) organoid area (top) and number of organoids
(bottom) over time for each concentration of gemcitabine. Measurements were normalized to the initial timepoint. Error bars represent standard error of the
mean (n = 6). (c) Total PI fluorescence intensity above control for each concentration of gemcitabine (top). The fluorescence intensity per area of each
OrganoID-identified and tracked organoid were then normalized to the timepoint of first detection, which improved separation of responses to difference
concentrations of gemcitabine and reduced standard error across replicates (bottom). (d) An MTS assay was used as a gold standard measurement of viability
to compute the half-maximal effective concentration (EC50) at the end of the experiment. Organoid area, total fluorescence, and area-normalized fluorescence
were also measured at endpoint to produce dose-response curves and estimate EC50 without the need for live-cell staining. (e) Descriptive shape
measurements, including circularity (the inverse ratio of organoid perimeter to the perimeter of a perfect circle with equivalent area), solidity (the ratio of
organoid area to its convex hull), and eccentricity (elliptical deviation from a perfect circle), were computed for each organoid. The effect size (Cohen’s d
statistic) between each gemcitabine concentration is shown. Effect size is computed from dosages on the x-axis to dosages on the y-axis.
(Fig 3B). Identified organoid counts for gemcitabine concentrations above 10 nM also sharply
decreased over time. The total fluorescence intensity of the PI signal increased over time to a
value and at a rate proportional to gemcitabine concentration, however the response to 100
nM gemcitabine appeared to induce a stronger death signal than the response to 1000 nM
gemcitabine (Fig 3C).
Measurements of death stains such as PI are typically normalized to a viability measure-
ment that accounts for differences in the number and size of organoids between replicates that
can compound over the duration of an experiment. We hypothesized that OrganoID could be
used to measure morphological features indicative of organoid viability over time, which could
then be used to normalize and decrease the variability of measurements across experimental
replicates. Furthermore, organoid tracking with OrganoID would enable per-organoid mea-
surement normalization, which we observed to significantly decrease the coefficient of varia-
tion of organoid area and fluorescence change across organoids imaged at the same time point
and exposed to the same concentration of gemcitabine (S6 Fig). Normalization of PI intensity
with tracked single-organoid area indeed increased the separation of responses between each
treatment group over time, decreased standard error across replicates, and corrected the
response discrepancy between the 100 nM and 1000 nM conditions (Fig 3C). We also com-
pared dose-response measurements to an MTS proliferation assay ((3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-
2-yl)-5-(3-carboxymethoxyphenyl)-2-(4-sulfophenyl)-2H-tetrazolium), a gold-standard indi-
cator of cell viability, at the experiment endpoint. The MTS assay determined the half-maximal
effective concentration (EC50) to be 26.13 nM of gemcitabine. However, total fluorescence and
organoid area underestimated this value to be 16.95 nM and 12.67 nM, respectively. In con-
trast, the dose response of area-normalized fluorescence determined the EC50 to be 24.45 nM,
considerably closer to the MTS standard (Fig 3D).
the advantages of OrganoID for automated bulk and single-organoid morphological analysis
of time-course experiments without the need for live-cell fluorescence techniques.
We have released the OrganoID platform open-source and freely licensed on GitHub
( The repository includes all source code as well as
usage instructions and scripts used for the examples presented in this paper. The network
training module is also included on the repository to allow further model training to improve
performance for any untested applications. The training and testing dataset is available at
through the Open Science Framework ( Our image analysis platform
serves as an important tool for the use of organoids as physiologically relevant models in high-
throughput research. The platform can accurately capture detailed morphological measure-
ments of individual organoids in live-cell microscopy experiments without the use of genetic
modifications or potentially cytotoxic dyes. These metrics can reveal important organoid
responses that might be otherwise obscured with the use of bounding-box tools. The ability of
the platform to generalize to a range of organoid types without parameter tuning also reflects
the potential for the platform to standardize morphological assay readouts and improve mea-
surement reproducibility. OrganoID achieves comprehensive and expedient image analysis of
organoid experiments to enable the broader use of organoids as tissue models for high-
throughput investigations into biological systems.
Supporting information
S1 Fig. Network training performance. (a) The network was trained on 66 manually labeled
microscopy images of organoids derived from pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC)
samples from two patients. Organoids were cultured in a well plate or microfluidic format and
imaged through phase-contrast or brightfield microscopy. Images were then split into datasets
for network training (80%) and validation (20%). (b) The 52 images in the training dataset
were passed through a series of random transformations to produce an augmented dataset of
2,000 images. (c) Network training was stopped after 37 epochs, once a minimum binary
cross-entropy loss on the validation dataset was reached. (d) The OrganoID neural network
predicts the probability that an organoid is present at each pixel. Shown are network predic-
tions produced by intermediate models at selected epochs through the training process.
S2 Fig. Network test dataset performance. A test set of images of organoids derived from
human PDAC, salivary adenoid cystic carcinoma (ACC), colon epithelia, distal lung epithelia,
and mouse small intestine were manually segmented to assess network performance (top). An
IOU of 0.5 was set as a benchmark for a successful network prediction (dashed green line). All
images of human organoids in the test set passed the benchmark, which demonstrates the
capacity of the PDAC-trained network to generalize to other organoid types. Several of the
mouse organoids did not pass the benchmark, and so the model was later retrained with part
of this dataset included to demonstrate extensibility (bottom).
S3 Fig. Exclusion of non-organoid artifacts. OrganoID ignored bubbles (a), debris (c-d), and
plate or microfluidic chamber borders (f) to accurately identify organoids that exhibit diverse
morphology and sizes, even within a single sample (b). OrganoID can also handle various opti-
cal configurations, including low-resolution or poorly-lit images (e). Gel droplets can support
densely-packed or isolated organoids, which can all be detected with OrganoID (g).
S4 Fig. Evaluation of organoid shape measurement. OrganoID was used to measure orga-
noid circularity (ratio of organoid area to the area of a perfect circle with equal perimeter),
solidity (ratio of organoid area to area of the convex hull), and eccentricity (elliptical deviation
from a circle). These measurements were then compared to those from manual segmentation.
The concordance correlation coefficient (CCC) was computed for all organoids, as well as for
organoids imaged through phase contrast (PC, red) or brightfield (BF, blue) microscopy. For
calculation of CCC for circularity and solidity (bounded to 0–1, with most values near 1), the
data was first logit-transformed.
S5 Fig. Tracking accuracy over time. A time-lapse microscopy experiment was analyzed with
OrganoID to identify organoids in each image. OrganoID was then used to match identified
organoids across frames to build single-organoid tracks. The identified organoids were also
matched by hand to assess tracking performance. Accuracy was defined the number of orga-
noid track labels in agreement divided by the total number of organoids present at each frame.
S6 Fig. Comparison of batch vs. tracked normalization. In batch analysis, measurements of
organoids exposed to the same gemcitabine dosage for the same duration were normalized to
the average of organoids at t = 0. In tracked analysis, organoid measurements are instead nor-
malized to each individual organoid measurement when initially detected by the tracking algo-
rithm. The coefficient of variation (CV) was significantly lower with tracked analysis for
change in fluorescence (Welch’s t-test p = 2e-30), area (p = 2e-29) and perimeter (2e-63). CV
was significantly higher with tracked analysis for eccentricity (p = 7e-25) and circularity
(p = 2e-12).
S7 Fig. Dose response of shape metrics. Organoid circularity, solidity, and eccentricity were
observed to follow sigmoidal dose responses to gemcitabine.
S1 Video. Network training at the end of each epoch, representative image.
S2 Video. Organoid tracking video.
S1 Data. Numeric data used in all figures.
S1 Methods. Further description of methods.
Author Contributions
Conceptualization: Jonathan M. Matthews, Brooke Schuster, Sara Saheb Kashaf, Savaş Tay.
Data curation: Jonathan M. Matthews, Brooke Schuster, Rakefet Ben-Yishay, Dana
Ishay-Ronen, Le Shen, Christopher R. Weber, Margaret Bielski, Sonia S. Kupfer.
Formal analysis: Jonathan M. Matthews, Brooke Schuster.
Investigation: Jonathan M. Matthews, Brooke Schuster, Sara Saheb Kashaf.
Methodology: Jonathan M. Matthews, Brooke Schuster, Sara Saheb Kashaf.
Resources: Rakefet Ben-Yishay, Dana Ishay-Ronen, Evgeny Izumchenko, Le Shen,
Christopher R. Weber, Margaret Bielski, Sonia S. Kupfer, Savaş Tay.
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