1079 697h Jemstar II User Manual
1079 697h Jemstar II User Manual
1079 697h Jemstar II User Manual
Digital Multifunction
Electricity Meter
User Manual
Publication 1079-697
Rev. H
October 2022
Hazardous voltages are present during normal servicing of this device that can cause severe injury or
death. These voltages are present throughout the utility’s potential transformer (PT) and current
transformer (CT) circuits, and the meter’s connection terminals. Only qualified, properly trained
personnel should perform installation and servicing on this equipment.
Table of Contents
General Information ................................................................................................................1
Overview ................................................................................................................................1
Supporting Software ..........................................................................................................2
Display Navigation & Menus ............................................................................................3
Unlocking the Meter ..........................................................................................................4
Technical Description ............................................................................................................5
Event Recording ................................................................................................................6
Model Number Description ...................................................................................................7
Specifications .......................................................................................................................11
Measured Quantities ........................................................................................................11
Input Range Limits and Burdens .....................................................................................12
Accuracy ..........................................................................................................................14
Loss Compensation..........................................................................................................18
Auxiliary Power ...............................................................................................................18
Frequency Range .............................................................................................................19
Clock Accuracy ...............................................................................................................19
Meter Creep .....................................................................................................................19
Analog Outputs (Option) .................................................................................................20
Test Outputs .....................................................................................................................20
Digital Inputs/Outputs .....................................................................................................20
Registers ..........................................................................................................................20
Load Profile .....................................................................................................................23
Meter Memory .................................................................................................................24
Communication Ports ......................................................................................................25
Communication Protocols ...............................................................................................26
Environmental .................................................................................................................27
Agency Standards and Certification ................................................................................28
Installation ..............................................................................................................................29
Case Styles ...........................................................................................................................29
Size and Weight ...............................................................................................................29
A-Base Mounting ............................................................................................................30
Switchboard Case Mounting............................................................................................30
Current and Voltage Input Wiring .......................................................................................32
External Connections ...........................................................................................................47
Grounding Recommendations .........................................................................................47
Signal Inputs ....................................................................................................................47
Auxiliary Power ...................................................................................................................48
Meter Inputs and Outputs ....................................................................................................49
Digital Input / Output Options .........................................................................................50
Socket Meter I/O Wiring Connections ............................................................................51
Switchboard Meter Connections......................................................................................51
Digital I/O Wiring ...........................................................................................................53
Analog Output / Internal Modem Options .......................................................................54
Analog Outputs ................................................................................................................55
Analog Output Connections ............................................................................................56
Communication Ports ..........................................................................................................57
Communication Options ..................................................................................................57
Communication Port Protocol Assignments ....................................................................58
Optical .............................................................................................................................58
RS-232 and RS-232/RS-485............................................................................................59
Analog Modem ................................................................................................................64
Cellular Modem ...............................................................................................................65
Communication Repeater (future) ...................................................................................72
Ethernet Port ....................................................................................................................73
External Time Synchronization ...........................................................................................74
Operation ................................................................................................................................75
Meter Nameplate..................................................................................................................75
Meter Power Up ...................................................................................................................75
Meter Configuration ............................................................................................................76
Changing Meter Configurations ......................................................................................76
Display Faceplate .................................................................................................................78
Meter Display ......................................................................................................................79
Navigating the Register Display ......................................................................................80
Navigating the Display User Menus ....................................................................................85
Using Display Menus...........................................................................................................87
Unlocking the Meter ........................................................................................................87
Meter Settngs ...................................................................................................................88
Time & Date: ...................................................................................................................88
PT/CT Ratio .....................................................................................................................88
Digital I/O ........................................................................................................................88
Analog I/O .......................................................................................................................89
Preset Registers ................................................................................................................89
Communication Settings ..................................................................................................90
Test Mode ........................................................................................................................90
Meter Status .....................................................................................................................90
Meter ID, Firmware Version ...........................................................................................92
USB Port(future): ............................................................................................................92
Maintenance ...........................................................................................................................99
Servicing ............................................................................................................................100
Socket-base meters (S- and A-base) ..............................................................................100
Switchboard Meters .......................................................................................................102
Serviceable Parts............................................................................................................102
Security Keys .................................................................................................................107
Firmware Upgrades .......................................................................................................109
Using the WEB Browser for Firmware Upgrades .............................................................109
Cold Start ...........................................................................................................................112
Default Time Displays ...................................................................................................113
Site Diagnostics .................................................................................................................114
Meter Health and Status.................................................................................................114
Phasor Display ...............................................................................................................115
Advanced Features...............................................................................................................116
Time of Use .......................................................................................................................116
Load Profile .......................................................................................................................117
Status Word........................................................................................................................120
Power Quality ....................................................................................................................124
Power Quality Recording ..............................................................................................126
Power Quality Recording Modes...................................................................................127
Voltage Sag / Swell / Outage Detection ........................................................................134
High Speed RMS Recording .........................................................................................136
Waveform Capture Recording .......................................................................................138
Power Quality Data Storage ..........................................................................................140
IEC 61000-4-30 Compliance .........................................................................................146
Demand Prediction (future) ...............................................................................................147
Fixed VAR Correction (future) ..........................................................................................150
Voltage and Current Transformer Gain Correction ...........................................................151
Totalization ........................................................................................................................153
Appendix D DNP Serial Communications .............................................................................1
Introduction ............................................................................................................................1
DNP v3.00 Device Profile .....................................................................................................1
Implementation ......................................................................................................................4
IMPLEMENTATION TABLE..........................................................................................4
DNP Mapping ....................................................................................................................9
Events ..............................................................................................................................16
Time and Date .................................................................................................................16
Configuration ...................................................................................................................16
Glossary ....................................................................................................................................1
General Information
The JEMStar II Digital Power Meter is a multifunction electricity meter for use in revenue & billing,
energy management and power quality applications. JEMStar II is available in a variety of installation
styles including Socket-base (S-base), A-base using an adapter, Switchboard case and a several retrofits
of older meters.
Note: Certain features may require the installation of an optional module, firmware upgrade, or software
General Information
Supporting Software
The following packages are available for use with JEMStar II:
• UTS MV-90™1 Translation Interface Module (TIM) software that can be added to an
existing MV-90 system. This package will perform the data retrieval functions that are
normally assigned by JEMRead. For further information, contact AMETEK, or go to the
web at www.itron.com.
General Information
Display Scrolling:
During normal operation, the display scrolls the
registers. The meter display can show from 1 to 4
registers per display screen. The scroll rate is selectable
using the JEMWare II software.
Meter Settings:
To enter, press Set. Using this menu you can configure
features such as:
Date/Time, PT/CT, I/O and Register Presets.
From the Meter Display Menu press the Right arrow
once. And press Set. This will invoke the
Communications menu where you can configure the
Test Mode:
From the Meter Display Menu press the Right arrow
twice. Press Set. This will invoke the Test Mode menu
where you can configure various tests.
Meter Status:
From the Meter Display Menu press the Down arrow
once. Press Set. This will invoke the Meter Status menu where you can check the Comm and
Site Status, check the battery state, reset users and passwords and do a cold start.
General Information
Meter ID:
From the Meter Display Menu, press the Down and Right
arrow once each. Press Set. This will invoke the Meter ID
menu where you can view the identification and
firmware version.
This is accomplished from theconfiguration screen you wish to make a change to.
General Information
JEMStar II offers a large variety of meter register data that can be viewed from the meter’s display or
retrieved using serial communications. Some of the register types include:
⚫ Consumption (Summation) ⚫ Peak Demand ⚫ Time and Date of Peak Demand
⚫ Coincident Demand ⚫ Average Power Factor ⚫ Coincident Power Factor
⚫ Date & Time ⚫ Cumulative Registers ⚫ Continuous Cumulative Registers
⚫ Firmware Version ⚫ Health Status.
JEMStar II also has Time-Of-Use (TOU) capabilities, and most registers can be associated with a
particular TOU rate.
The meter has an internal pulse recorder for storing load-profile data. The standard meter provides
enough memory to store 16 channels of recorded data in 15-minute intervals for up to 365 days.
Utilizing fewer channels will extend the length of time data may be recorded (for example, reducing the
number of channels by ½ doubles the length of recording time). [see Load Profile charts in the Advanced
Features section for more detail.] Special events such as power failures, time sets, and demand resets are
also stored in the load-profile data. This data can be retrieved through serial communications and
Ethernet using JEMWare II or JEMReadTM software. Optionally, a custom Translation Interface Module
(TIM) is available for the popular MV-90TM software supplied by Itron, Inc. The JEMStar II meter can
also provide analog and contact outputs for external monitoring devices.
Serial communications are performed through an optical port on the front of the meter and optional
communication board (RS-232, RS-485, Ethernet, internal modem). The meter has multiple levels of
password protection with assignable privileges to accommodate read-only applications.
JEMStar II is software configurable using JEMWare II™. This software allows the meter to be scaled
for direct primary readings, demand information, register information, load-profile configuration, and
Time-Of-Use rates. Refer to the JEMWare II instruction manual 1079-699 for details on all the different
parameters that can be programmed into the JEMStar II.
General Information
Event Recording
JEMStar II maintains records of certain events independent of the Load Profile features. JEMWare II or
JEMRead is able to retrieve some of this information independently. However, if you need access to the
data for troubleshooting or historical purposes, it is available in the meter
All recorded events include the following information:
• Type of event description
• The date and time at which the event occurred
• If applicable, the time after the event
*Note that some events (such as power outages and freezes) are reported in the JEMRead Load Profile
General Information
JEMStar II Base Meter Communication and I/O Options Additional Options Power Quality
Meter Form Enclosure Frequency Current Class Communication Options I/O Options Comms, Power, Time Sync Power Quality / PMU
05 = Form 5 S = S Base 50 = 50Hz 02 = Class 2 0 None 0 None 0 = No Additional Options 0 = No Additional Options
3 phase, A = A Base 60 = 60Hz 10 = Class 10 1A Single Serial: RS-232 DIO Internal Ch 6 D I/O
3 wire Delta R = Switchboard 20 = Class 20 1B Dual Serial: RS-232/485 DIOP Internal 6 Ch D I/O w/PS Ethernet Options Power Quality Options
06 = Form 6 1C Triple Serial: AO1 Internal 4 Ch AO (0-1mA) PQ PQ Ready
3 phase, (2) RS-232/485, (1) RS-232 AO2 Internal 4 Ch AO (4-20mA) IEC = IEC 61850 Protocol Meter can be upgraded in the field
4 wire Wye J1 = JEM1 Tall Retrofit 2A Single Ethernet Port for a future PQ Option
08 = Form 8 J1F = JEM1 Front Retrofit 2B Dual Ethernet Port You can select 1 each of Items: Time Sync Options PQ1 PQ Basic
3 phase, J2 = JEM2 Retrofit DIO or DIOP IB = IRIG-B Time Sync High Speed RMS, Power Availability
4 wire Delta J10 = JEM10 Retrofit AO1 or AO2
09 = Form 9 JS = JEMStar Retrofit 3A Internal Analog Modem EXDIO or EXAI or EXDA PQ2 PQ Advanced
3 phase, Q = Q121, 220 Retrofit (Ex. DIO/AO1/EXAI) Waveform capture, Harmonic
4 wire Wye Q4 = Quad 4 Retrofit You can select 1 each of Items: Recording, Flicker (includes
Q4T = Quad 4 Retrofit (Tall) 1,2,3 (Ex. 1B/2A/3A) Measurement Logging)
45 = Form 45
TD = MarkV Retrofit Measurement Recording Options
3 phase,
3wire Delta G1 = GE DS63 Retrofit DLP = Dual 16 ch Load Profile PQ3 PQ Max
G2 = GE DSW63 Retrofit ML =Measurement Logging PQ Basic and PQ Advanced
G3 = GE DS64 Retrofit (2x50 channels)
U = Universal
G4 = GE DSW64 Retrofit
Form 5/9
3 phase, G5 = GE Phase 3 Retrofit Meter Power Options
4 wire Wye G6 = GE DS65 Retrofit EAP = External Power (socket)
3 wire Delta W = Westinhouse Retrofit DC = DC Power (19-58VDC)
(use w/A Base All retrofits are based on
& SWBD) switchboard enclosure
General Information
General Information
General Information
PQ2 PQ Advanced
Waveform capture, Harmonic
Recording, Flicker (includes
Measurement Logging)
Measurement Recording Options
DLP = Dual 16 ch Load Profile PQ3 PQ Max
ML =Measurement Logging PQ Basic and PQ Advanced
(2x50 channels)
General Information
Product specifications are subject to change. Please consult the factory for updates, improvements, and
new features.
Meter Forms
Form Number Type
Form 5S, 5A, 5R 2 Element [2PTs, 2CTs] (3 phase, 3 wire Delta)
2 Element [2PTs, 2CTs] (3 phase, 3 wire Open Delta)
2 Element [2PTs, 2CTs] (3 Phase, 3 wire Network)
2 Element [2PTs, 2CTs] (3 phase, 3 wire Wye)
Form 6S, 6A, 6R 2-½ Element [2PTs, 3CTs] (3 phase, 4 wire Wye)
Form 8S, 8A, 8R 3 Element [3PTs, 3CTs] (3 Phase, 4 wire Delta)
Form 9S, 9A, 9R 3 Element [3PTs, 3CTs] (3 Phase, 4 wire Wye)
Form 45S, 45A, 45R 2 Element [3PT’s, 2CT’s] (3 Phase, 3 wire Delta)
U (Universal) 2 Element [2PTs, 2CTs] (3 phase, 3 wire Delta)
2 Element [2PTs, 2CTs] (3 phase, 3 wire Open Delta)
A-Base and 2 Element [2PTs, 2CTs] (3 Phase, 3 wire Network)
Switchboard Meters 2 Element [2PTs, 2CTs] (3 phase, 3 wire Wye)
2-½ Element [2PTs, 3CTs] (3 phase, 4 wire Wye)
3 Element [3PTs, 3CTs] (3 Phase, 4 wire Delta)
3 Element [3PTs, 3CTs] (3 Phase, 4 wire Wye)
2 Element [3PT’s, 2CT’s] (3 Phase, 3 wire Delta)
Current Classes
2 Amp (.001 – 2A)
10 Amp (.002 – 10A)
20 Amp (.002 – 20A)
Measured Quantities
Integrated quantities
Integrated quantities are power measurement quantities that are integrated over time, and which may be
accumulated. Integrated quantities are used for developing Consumption, Fixed or Sliding Window
Demand (Peak or Coincident), Load Profile, or Pulse Contact outputs.
Instantaneous quantities
Instantaneous quantities are short-term average or RMS measurements of electrical characteristics in a
circuit. Instantaneous quantities are suitable for Instantaneous Registers, or analog outputs.
JEMStar II measures the following instantaneous quantities:
General Information
Uncompensated Quantities
JEMStar II is able to simultaneously provide both uncompensated and transformer- or line-loss
compensated measurements for Watt / Watthour, VAR / VARhour, VA / VAhour, Q / Qhour, and Power
Factor quantities in Display Registers, Load Profile, and KYZ pulse outputs. Analog outputs are always
loss compensated if compensation is enabled in the meter.
Current Overload
1.5x rated class current continuous 20x rated class current for 1 second
General Information
55–530VAC or 90–300VDC externally powered via terminals
Maximum burden of 25VA.
50/60 Hz
AC Line frequency can be used as time synchronization input
When the AC line sync is selected, it will be used as a backup time sync whenever there is
no other external time sync connected.
Internal Crystal
The internal crystal will be used whenever there is no external time sync methods used.
Accuracy: 0.5 sec/day
The internal clock is maintained by a battery when powered is off.
Battery life: 10 years
Time sync input (modulated or de-modulated) accurate to +/- 1 ms UTC Time
Modulated or Demodulated (auto-sensing), 9.3K ohm input impedance
The IRIG-B Option can be used for external time synchronization. When enabled, the
IRIG-B becomes the default time sync. When not available, the meter reverts to the AC
Line Sync or Internal Crystal.
General Information
The nominal conditions referenced in the specifications are defined as follows:
VINPUT = Nominal Input Voltage ICLASS = Meter Class Current
TA = Test Amperes = ½ Class Amps Full Scale = ICLASS x VINPUT
VAhours, Qhours Class 10 Input Class 20 Input Accuracy (PF=1) Accuracy (PF=0.5
Current Current lag)
(per phase, polyphase total) 0.2 to 10 A 0.2 to 20 A 0.1 % RD 0.15 % RD
0.1 to 0.2 A 0.1 to 0.2 A 0.2 % RD 0.25 % RD
0.05 to 0.1 A 0.05 to 0.1 A 0.3 % RD 0.35 % RD
Instantaneous Watts Class 10 Input Class 20 Input Accuracy (PF=1) Accuracy (PF=0.5
Current Current lag)
General Information
Instantaneous Vars Class 10 Input Class 20 Input Accuracy (PF=0) Accuracy (PF=0.5
Current Current lag)
(per phase, polyphase total) 0.2 to 10 A 0.2 to 20 A 0.15 % RD 0.2 % RD
0.1 to 0.2 A 0.1 to 0.2 A 0.25 % RD 0.3 % RD
0.05 to 0.1 A 0.05 to 0.1 A 0.35 % RD 0.4 % RD
Instantaneous VA, Q Class 10 Input Class 20 Input Accuracy (PF=1) Accuracy (PF=0.5
Current Current lag)
(per phase, polyphase total) 0.2 to 10 A 0.2 to 20 A 0.15 % RD 0.2 % RD
0.1 to 0.2 A 0.1 to 0.2 A 0.25 % RD 0.3 % RD
0.05 to 0.1 A 0.05 to 0.1 A 0.35 % RD 0.4 % RD
Class 2:
Watthours Class 2 Input Accuracy (PF=1) Accuracy (PF=0.5
Current lag)
(per phase, polyphase total) 0.1 to 2 A 0.1 % RD 0.2 % RD
General Information
General Information
Class 2, 10, 20
Instantaneous Volts Class 2 Class 10 Class 20
(per phase, polyphase total) 0.04% RD 0.04% RD 0.04% RD
General Information
Loss Compensation
Type: Transformer Loss Compensation (TLC)
Line Loss Compensation (LLC)
NOTE: Registers, Load Profile channels, or KYZ Pulse outputs that are individually selected to be
"compensated" in JEMWare II have the following accuracy modifications:
For example, an uncompensated Watthour register will have an accuracy of 0.12% at 10 A and 1.0
PF. If the same register is compensated (even though no compensation is enabled in the meter
overall), that register will have an accuracy of 0.07%. See the JEMWare II User Manual
(document 1079-699) for details on how to select a register as "uncompensated."
Auxiliary Power
Requirements: 55 – 530 Volts AC
90 – 300 Volts DC (switchboard models and socket/A-Base with
External Aux Power Options)
19 – 58 Volts DC (switchboard models and socket/A-Base with
Low Voltage DC Power – Option DC)
Source: S-base and A-base: derived from three phase voltage input
Switchboard: separate terminals, AC or DC
Power Factor Influence: Maximum additional error due to power factor influence is
±0.002%/P.F. for P.F. less than 0.5.
General Information
Frequency Range
50 Hz 42.5-57.5 Hz
60 Hz 51-69 Hz
Clock Accuracy
External tracking Accuracy of the clock is directly determined by the power
(line frequency): system frequency, except during loss of auxiliary power to the
meter. The internal reference accuracy is applicable for that time
Meter Creep
The meter does not creep No pulses or registration will occur on any function that depends on
current with the current circuit open
General Information
Test Outputs
Type IR LED test pulse output provided through the optical port
transmitter; emits bidirectional (delivered or received energy) Wh
pulse when meter is in Normal mode, test pulse based on
displayed register when in Test mode.
Digital Inputs/Outputs
6 Channels
User configurable for either an input or output
When configured as an input the channel shall have the following requirements:
Selectable as Form A or KYZ
Maximum 40 Vdc input
1 mS time accuracy
Ability to capture 10 transitions per second
* An optional isolated 24Vdc supply is available to be used for a contact input
wetting voltage
When configured as an output the channel shall have the following requirements:
Selectable as Form A or KYZ
200 Vdc, or 200 V peak AC @ 50mA contact rating
Ability to transmit 25 transitions per second
Characteristics - Updated every 1.5 seconds
- Average of 1.5 seconds
Displayed Quantities:
Per Phase and Polyphase W Del, W Rec,, W Bidirectional, VAR Del, VAR Rec, VAR Q1,
VAR Q2, VAR Q3, VAR Q4, VAR Bidirectional, VA Del, VA
Rec, VA Bidirectional, Volts, Amps, Q Del, Q Rec, Q
Bidirectional, PF Del, PF Rec, PF Bidirectional, V2, A2
Per Phase Volts THD, Amps THD
Phase A only Frequency
General Information
Displayed Quantities:
Per Phase and Polyphase Wh Del, Wh Rec, Wh Net, Wh Absolute, VARh Del, VARh Rec,
VARh Net, VARh Absolute, VAh Del, VAh Rec, Vah Net, VAh
Absolute, VARh per quadrant, Ah, Qh Del, Qh Rec, V2h, A2h
General Information
Peak Demand
Displayed Quantities Normal peak, Cumulative Demand, or Continuous Cumulative
Coincident Demand
Displayed Quantities:
Per Phase and Polyphase W Del, W Rec, VAR Del, VAR Rec, VA Del, VA Rec, VAR per
quadrant, A, Q Del, Q Rec
Thermal Demand
Types Thermal Demand
Peak Thermal Demand
Time of Peak Thermal Demand
Displayed Quantities:
Per Phase and Polyphase W Del, W Rec, VAR Del, VAR Rec, VA Del, VA Rec, VAR per
quadrant, Volts, A, Q Del, Q Rec, PF
Per Phase Volts THD, Amps THD
Phase A only Frequency
Demand Prediction
Displayed Quantities:
Per Phase and Polyphase W Del, W Rec, VAR Del, VAR Rec, VA Del, VA Rec,
VAR per quadrant, Amp, Q Del, Q Rec
General Information
Periodic Self-Read
Records Displayed Date and time of the Self Read
Health Status summary
Up to 4 Registering quantities
Storage Time, date, firmware version, comm setting, and health status
Totalization (future)
Characteristics - Special-purpose Consumption registers
- Displayed quantities, scaling, preset, and register retrieval are
identical to Consumption registers.
Load Profile
Displayed Quantities:
Per Phase and Polyphase Wh Del, Wh Rec, VARh Del, VARh Rec, VAh Del, VAh Rec,
VARh per quadrant, Ah, Qh Del, Qh Rec, Avg. W Del, Avg. W
Rec, Avg. VAR Del, Avg. VAR Rec, Avg. VAR per quadrant,
VA,Volts, Amps, Power Factor, Hertz, Volts-THD, Amps-THD,
Pulses, Status, A2, V2, A2h, V2h, Q, Qhr, Totalization channels 1–
General Information
Meter Memory
1GB NAND Flash (Non Volatile), 2GB RAM (Volatile)
The JEMStar II uses a combination of non-volatile NAND Flash memory, RAM (volatile memory) and
battery backed memory. The distribution of memory for various functions is described below:
Meter Configuration - Stored in non-volatile memory the moment it’s loaded into the meter
Register Measurements - Stored in non-volatile memory every 10 minutes or directly after a Freeze
command. Battery backed memory used to temporarily store
measurements since the last write.
Load Profile Data - Stored in non-volatile memory after an interval has completed. Battery
backed memory used to temporarily store load profile data since the last
interval write.
Power Quality Data - Stored in non-volatile memory at the completion of every event.
Clock - The meter’s internal clock saves the time and date using battery backed
memory. If power is removed from the meter and the battery is dead (or
removed), the time will revert to midnight, January 1, 1970 upon power
General Information
Communication Ports
Optical (Port 1)
– Type 2, Front panel mounted
– Mating Sensor can be attached with the meter cover installed
(magnetic type), or cover removed (hanging type)
– Complies with ANSI C12.13-1991, Section 3.6
– Uses JEM Binary Protocol
– User configurable for 300 – 19200 baud
– Primarily used for calibration, verification and configuration
General Information
Compliance – CCITT: V.34 bis, V.34, V.32 bis, V.32, V.22 bis, V.22, & V.21
– Bell®: 212A and 103
Communication Protocols
Port 1 Port 2 Port 3 Port 4 Port 5 Port 6 Port 7 Port 8
Optical RS-232 RS-232/485 RS-232/485 Modem Ethernet Ethernet WIFI
JEM Binary 1 1 1 1 1 4 4
Modbus RTU 1 1 1 1
Modbus TCP/IP 2 2
DNP 1 1 1 1 5 5
DLMS/COSEM 1 1 1 1 1 1
IEC 61850 1 1
ANSI Tables
C37.118 Future
IEEE 1588
WEB Server
General Information
• Operating
o Continuous operating temperature: -30 to +70 °C
o Short term (24 hour maximum operating temperature) per ANSI C12.20: +85 °C
o Display operating range: -20 to +55 °C
o Basic meter accuracy shall be derated by 50 ppm of Rated Output per degree C
difference from nominal
• Storage
o The storage temperature range shall be -30 to +85 °C
• Continuous operating humidity: 95% at +40 °C
Voltage / Current Inputs In accordance with ANSI Standard C12.20
Auxiliary Power Input: 1500 Vrms, 60Hz for 1 minute between Aux. Power
(Switchboard only) and voltage input.
2500 Vrms, 60Hz for 1 minute between Aux. Power and all other
inputs, outputs and case.
Contact Inputs 500V RMS, 60Hz for 1 minute between each contact input circuit
and any other contact input circuit
1 kV RMS, 60Hz for 1 minute between each contact input circuit
and all other circuits, terminals, and case
Contact Outputs 500V RMS, 60Hz for 1 minute between each contact output
circuit and any other contact output circuit
1 kV RMS, 60Hz for 1 minute between each contact output circuit
and all other circuits, terminals, and case
Communication Ports
RS-232/485, Ethernet: 1 kV RMS, 60Hz for 1 minute between the RS-232/485 and
Ethernet circuits and all other circuits, terminals, and case
Modem 1 kV RMS, 60Hz for 1 minute between the modem telephone line
circuit and all other circuits, terminals, and case
o IEC 61000-4-5
Magnetic Field
• 100 A-turn
General Information
• IEC 61000-4-4
o 5/50 nS
o 4kV on power inputs
o 2kV on inputs/outputs
• IEEE 37.90.1, 2.5kV oscillatory
RF Susceptibility
• 15 V/m, 200kHz to 10 GHz
• FCC Part 15, subpart A, class A
• IEC 61000-4-2, 15kV
JEMStar II is available in the following case styles:
Installation and Operation
A-Base Mounting
IMPORTANT: When installing the meter locking ring on the A-base adapter, be sure that the ground
tab on the right side of the adapter is securely fitted under the ring.
Installation and Operation
Installation and Operation
Meter Forms
Installation and Operation
Installation and Operation
Installation and Operation
Installation and Operation
Installation and Operation
Installation and Operation
Installation and Operation
Installation and Operation
Installation and Operation
Installation and Operation
Installation and Operation
Installation and Operation
Installation and Operation
Installation and Operation
Installation and Operation
JEMStar II uses industry-standard power connector configurations consistent with the standards listed in
the Specifications section. JEMStar II Switchboard Case power connectors will accept 12 gauge solid
wire or a ring or spade lug.
Connections that are intended to be made and broken during normal meter operation (e.g. temporary data
connections, Test Pulse pickup, etc.) are accessible without exposing the operator to live power terminals
or conductors.
Other JEMStar II electrical connections (e.g. Contact Outputs, Contact Inputs, Modem) are brought
outside the meter as pigtail leads (S-base, A-base) of an appropriate wire gauge and insulation to
maintain the electrical requirements of ANSI standards. The Switchboard model provides user
connections on rear-mounted terminal blocks or connectors.
Grounding Recommendations
It is important to ensure that the JEMStar II meter is properly grounded. The S-base and A-base models
are constructed per ANSI C12.10 standards and the ground tabs on the rear of the meter must be properly
connected to earth ground through the socket. The Switchboard case is steel and must have a good
protective ground to ensure that the entire housing is safe. The switchboard housing has an earth ground
terminal at the rear of the housing. Supply an adequate, low-impedance ground to the JEMStar II case
and verify with an ohmmeter. Be sure not to make grounding connections on painted surfaces. All
signal inputs and outputs that will be wired for extended distances from the JEMStar II should be
shielded cables, with the shield grounded at one end. The instrument PT and CT commons should be
grounded consistent with your company’s wiring procedures.
Signal Inputs
Voltage Inputs
The meter will operate continuously at any voltage within the nominal range of 55 – 530 volts while still
meeting all operational specifications.
Current Inputs
The JEMStar II is configured at manufacture for one of the standard current Class ranges listed in the
Specifications section. Each JEMStar II current input can withstand a continuous overload of 1.5 times
the Class current, or 20 times the Class current for 0.5 second without damage or permanent change in
registration. Refer to the Specifications section for input burden.
Installation and Operation
For S-base and A-base models, the standard meter configuration is Self Powered via the Phase A, B & C
voltage inputs. The power supply will operate from any phase. No separate connection is required. Refer
to the Specifications section for burden.
There are two options available for external auxiliary power on S-base and A-base models. Option EAP
is for a universal AC/DC Power Input as shown below. Option DC is for a Low Voltage DC power
supply. A two wire cable will be provided from the bottom of the meter socket for connection to power.
Wire Function Option EAP Option DC
Color AC Range DC Range DC Range
Red + (L) 55-530 90- 19-58VDC
(White) VAC 300VDC
Black - (N)
The Switchboard models are designed to obtain Auxiliary Power from a separate terminal block
connection. The Switchboard meter comes with a universal AC/DC power supply as shown below. As
an option, the Switchboard models can be ordered with the Low Voltage DC Power, Option DC.
AUX Power
+ -
(L) (N) Switchboard Meter (rear view)
Power Input
(refer to table above)
Installation and Operation
I/O Options
0 None
DIO Internal Ch 6 D I/O
DIOP Internal 6 Ch D I/O w/PS
AO1 Internal 4 Ch AO (0-1mA)
AO2 Internal 4 Ch AO (4-20mA)
You can select 1 each of Items:
AO1 or AO2
The Digital I/O and Analog Output options are contained on separate boards which are easily accessible.
The drawing below shows where the boards are located on a socket meter. The same orientation is used
for the switchboard meter.
Installation and Operation
Contact Inputs
The Form A Contacts and can be configured to perform any one of the following functions:
• Pulse Counter: Each transition (make or break) is counted as a pulse.
• Interval synchronization pulse: Each "make" causes the Demand Interval and / or Load Profile (if so
configured) to be re-synchronized.
• TOU Rate Override: Each "make" will cause the present Time Of Use rate to change to a user-
configured “override” billing rate.
• Status Input: Each "make/break" of an external contact can be monitored by the meter
• Record Load Profile: This can be used to enable the recording of Load Profile when that channel is
configured to record only during the presence of the digital input.
• Trigger Alarm: Used to trigger a power quality event.
JEMStar II can provide an internal 24 Vdc wetting voltage for the contact inputs (Option DIOP). If
option DIO is specified, the user must provide an external wetting source. The external source must have
the following characteristics:
JEMStar II will de-bounce both "make" and "break" transitions on each contact input for at least 20
milliseconds. The maximum detectable pulse rate is 100 transitions per second.
Contact Outputs
JEMStar II Outputs can be used as a Form A or KYZ.
I/O Cable
P2 Cables
RS-232 Ports
(DB9 Female)
Installation and Operation
Form A Input
contact contact
Form A Input 10 to 40 VDC Form A Input
- K
Meter with DIO Meter with DIOP
KYZ Output
Normally Open Normally Closed
KYZ Output consists of
two independent Form A
K K contacts connected
Meter with DIO Meter with DIO
Note: Normally Open/Closed refers to the power on normal state (no pulses)
Form A Output
Installation and Operation
For the S-Base and A-Base meter styles, JEMStar II contact input connections are provided via a multi-
conductor cable. The wire colors are as follows.
For Switchboard style meters, the connections are provided on rear-mounted terminal blocks.
Installation and Operation
The option board can also be field installed if not ordered with the meter. (check with factory on
compatibility for the cell modem option)
Installation and Operation
Analog Outputs
JEMStar II can include an optional feature that consists of four analog output channels. All channels are
configured at the factory for either 0–1 mA or 4–20 mA output. Each of these channels may be
configured for any instantaneous quantity. Loss Compensation can be utilized with any Analog Output
that is based on Watts, VARs, VA, PF, or Q.
0–1 mA Outputs
A JEMStar II meter equipped with 0–1 mA analog outputs has the following characteristics:
• Each output channel will source and sink up to 2 mA.
• Each output channel will have a compliance voltage of at least 10 volts.
• Analog output accuracy is 0.15% of its full scale output, and is de-rated by an additional 75 ppm of
Rated Output per degree C difference from nominal.
• The output can be configured to indicate bi-directional input quantities.
Example: +
Input Range Analog Output
- 1000 watts -1 mA
0 watts 0 mA Aout 1 Load
+ 1000 watts +1 mA
0 - 1 mA Output
4–20 mA Outputs
A JEMStar II meter equipped with 4–20 mA analog outputs has the following characteristics:
• Each output channel requires a separate, external loop supply of up to 24 volts.
• Analog output accuracy is 0.15% of its full scale output, and is de-rated by an additional
50 ppm of span per degree C difference from nominal.
• The outputs can also be configured to indicate bi-directional input quantities.
4 - 20 mA Output
Installation and Operation
Analog Output
For Switchboard style meters, the connections are provided on the rear panel via terminal blocks.
Installation and Operation
The meter has 8 communication ports available, consisting of Optical, Serial, Modem and Ethernet
selections. Each port can support one or more communication protocols. All communication ports
operate simultaneously and independently.
Communication Options
The Communication ports are available in the following configurable options.
For each Port Type (Serial, Ethernet, Modem), you can select a single option. For example: Option 1A or
1B or 1C.
The Optical Port is included with every meter.
Installation and Operation
JEMStar II uses a front panel mounted Type 2 Optical Port. A magnetic mating probe may be attached
with the cover on the meter. With the cover removed, a wire retaining clip is required. The JEMStar II
Optical Port incorporates JEM Binary Protocol, and may be configured for 300, 1200, 2400, 9600 or
19200 baud communications.
Installation and Operation
Any RS-485 network requires 120 terminating resistors at each end to operate properly. The JEMStar
II RS-485 communication option has a built in terminating resistor that may be enabled using the
JEMWare II software. See the section "Communication Repeater," later in this manual, for details on
when and how to enable the terminating resistor.
RS-232 Communications
For the S-Base and A-Base meter styles, JEMStar II serial output connections are provided via cables
with pigtail wiring. There is an option to supply cables with DB-9 connectors. The connections are as
S-Base and A-Base RS-232 Connections (RS-232 Ports 2, 3 & 4) Pigtail Wiring
Signal Port 2 Port 3 Port 4
RS-232 RX Wht/Red/Blu Wht/Red Wht/Grn
RS-232 TX Wht/Blu Wht/Blk/Blu Wht/Red/Grn
RS-232 RTS Wht/Org Wht/Blk/Brn Wht/Red/Org
Serial Com Wht/Org/Brn Wht/Blk Wht/Org/Blu
S-Base and A-Base RS-232 Connections (RS-232 Ports 2, 3 & 4) DB-9 Female Connector
Signal Port 2 Port 3 Port 4
RS-232 RX P4–3 P2–3 P3–3
RS-232 TX P4–2 P2–2 P3–2
RS-232 RTS P4–7 P2–7 P3–7
Serial Com P4–5 P2–5 P3–5
Installation and Operation
For Switchboard style meters, the connections are provided on the rear panel via 9-pin DB9 connectors.
Installation and Operation
RS-485 Communications
For the S-Base and A-Base meter styles, JEMStar II serial output connections are provided via cables
with Pigtail Wiring. There is an option to supply cables with DB-9 connectors. The connections are as
S-Base and A-Base RS-485 Connections (RS-485 Ports 3 & 4) Pigtail Wiring
Signal Port 3 Port 4
RS-485 TX RX + Wht/Blk/Blu Wht/Red/Grn
RS-485 TX RX – Wht/Blk/Brn Wht/Red/Org
Serial Com Wht/Blk Wht/Org/Blu
S-Base and A-Base RS-485 Connections (RS-485 Ports 3 & 4) DB-9 Female
Signal Port 3 Port 4
RS-485 TX RX + P2-2 P3-2
RS-485 TX RX – P2-7 P3-7
Serial Com P2-5 P3-5
Installation and Operation
For Switchboard style meters, the connections are provided on the rear panel via terminal blocks.
Installation and Operation
The RS-485 protocol permits up to 32 transceiver pairs to share a party line. Because RS-485
communications are differential, much longer cable lengths are possible than RS-232C. The total length
of the network wiring must not exceed 4000 feet. A single twisted-pair of wires can connect up to 32
drivers and receivers for half-duplex communications.
The signals labeled “TX(+)/RX(+)” and “TX(–)/RX(–)” are a half-duplex pair that carry Received Data
to the meter and Transmitted Data to the master.
There are no restrictions on where the meters are connected to the wires, and it is not necessary to have
the meters connected at the ends (you may have other devices connected in the same string). However,
the wire pair must be terminated at each end with a 120 resistor. If the JEMStar II meters are the end
devices, this is accomplished via the JEMWare II software or meter front panel. If you have another type
of device located at the end, refer to the instruction manual for that device; you may need to install the
resistor externally. JEMStar II meters that are not at the ends of the RS-485 wiring should have their
terminating resistors disabled via JEMWare II software or meter front panel.
Installation and Operation
Analog Modem
JEMStar II can be optionally equipped with an internal modem. The port is configurable via JEMWare II
for any communication address supported by the meter and can be set for 300 – 56K bits per second. A
custom initialization string can also be configured to adapt the modem to specific conditions (see
Appendix A for the default AT command codes).
Modem tip and ring connections are made using a standard four-wire RJ-11 phone jack.
Installation and Operation
Cellular Modem
JEMStar II can be optionally equipped with an internal cell modem using 4G LTE Cat 1 technology. The
cell modems can support Verizon, Sprint and several GSM based carriers. The cell modem can be
supplied with an internal antenna or external antenna.
Code Modem Options
3A Internal Analog Modem
3B Internal Cell Modem (GSM)
3C Internal Cell Modem (Sprint)
3D Internal Cell Modem (Verizon)
4A Internal Antenna for Cell Modem
4B External Antenna - Screw Mount
4C External Antenna - Surface Mount
4D Customer Supplied Antenna
For cell modems, you have a choice of option 3B, 3C or 3D. For antennas, you can select from a choice
of option 4A, 4B, 4C or 4D.
For external antennas, we will supply an antenna cable from the meter with a standard SMA Female (RP)
The cell modems are IP Addressable and can support up to 8 simultaneous connections usimg the JEM
Binary and DNP protocols. In addition, the cell modem can support the Alarm Notification messages
using the JSON WEB message format.
The cell modems can be configured for up to 6 whitelisted IP addresses to prevent unauthorized access to
the meter. Refer to the JEMWARE software manual for more details.
Support for APN’s (Access Point Names) is provided and firmware updates are available over the air
Installation and Operation
Several options are available for connecting both internal (under the glass) and external antennas to the
internal Cell Modem. The selection and location of the antenna (internal vs external) is based on the
signal strength at the meter location.
The Cell Modem supports the use of MIMO (Multiple In Multiple Out) diversity antennas which uses a
dual antenna system to improve the quality and reliability of the wireless link. As such, two separate
antenna cables are provided. The antennas we provide for options 4A, 4B and 4C have both antennas
integrated into a single unit making it easier to install.
Signal Strength
It is recommended to have at least 3 bars of signal strength which is approximately -100dB or better.
The JEMStar II Meter display will show the number of bars for signal strength and there is a User Menu
display that shows the connection details and signal strength. There are other commercially available
devices and applications that can provide your signal strength.
When connecting to the meter with the JEMWARE Software using any available communication option;
the Meter Connection Status screen will also show the cell modem details and signal strength.
Installation and Operation
External Antennas
There are two external antenna options available (screw mount and surface mount).
Installation and Operation
SIM Cards
Customer supplied SIM Cards can be provided using the mini 2FF standard format.
SIM cards can be activated according to normal practices.
Retainer clips
Backplane Board
Analog/Modem Board
Installation and Operation
4. Remove the Analog/Modem Board. Use caution for the antenna cables connected to the board.
Cell Modem
5. The SIM Card holder can be opened for installation of the SIM Card.
Slide the holder forward (do not pry up as damage will occur). You will feel it click into the
unlatched position.
Slide in this
Slide the SIM Card direction
holder to the right
Installation and Operation
Once unlatched, you can open up the SIM card holder, install the SIM Card and then close it.
(slide it back to latch)
6. Reinsert the Analog/Modem Board in the meter followed by the Backplane Board.
(reconnect any antenna cables if removed)
7. Apply Power to the meter. To activate your SIM Card, you will need the IMEI and CCID
numbers which are shown on the Meter User Menu Display or in the JEMWARE Software on
the ‘Connection Status Screen’ shown below.
8. Connect to the meter using the JEMWARE Software on any communication port. The Meter
Connection Status Screen will indicate that the modem is installed. It will not show an IP
Address until the SIM is activated and the cell modem is configured in JEMWARE first.
9. Configure the modem using the JEMWARE Software. Items to configure include:
a. Inactivity Timeout
b. APN (Access Point Name) provided by your cell phone carrier
c. List of whitelisted IP addresses
Installation and Operation
10. After configuring the meter, wait about 5 minutes for the cell carrier to recognize the modem and
then perform a Status Query in the JEMWARE Software.
The Meter Connection Status Screen will indicate that the modem is installed and it has an IP
Address as assigned by your Carriers APN.
Installation and Operation
Each meter in the network must be assigned a unique communication address via JEMWare II
configuration software. Multiple meter connectivity is obtained through one CommRepeater master
meter and subsequent slave meters as shown in the diagram below.
The interface to the master meter must be through a phone line that is connected to the internal JEMStar
II modem. Note that the slave meters (those without an internal modem) in the network cannot cause the
modem to originate a call. The daisy-chained slaves are connected in a standard RS-485 configuration.
These signals are connected via the I/O cable (S and A-base), or rear-mounted terminal blocks
(switchboard case). See the previous section titled “RS-485 Connections” for wiring details. The
JEMStar II CommRepeater utilizes a half-duplex communications link.
Installation and Operation
Ethernet Port
JEMStar II can be optionally equipped with a single or dual Ethernet port. The Ethernet port is
configurable via JEMWare II for any IP address or it can obtain an IP address automatically using
DHCP. The Ethernet port supports all JEMStar II protocols. (Modbus, DNP, ANSI Tables, Binary) Up to
twelve simultaneous connections are possible, permitting each user to access whatever metering
information is necessary. Up to ten passwords can be configured in the meter to restrict or allow certain
functions per user. For example, one user can be granted access to display registers while a second user
has access to load profile data and a third simultaneous user has access to all data and configuration
Ethernet connections are provided through a standard RJ-45 jack.
S-base and A-base meters are supplied with a network cable and RJ45 (male) connector on the rear of the
meter. Switchboard meters have a RJ45 jack on the rear.
RJ45 Port
Installation and Operation
Switchboard Models
The IRIG-B will be available from a BNC connector on the rear of the unit. The connections for this are
shown below:
IRIG-B Time sync input (modulated or de-modulated - auto sensing) is accurate to +/- 1 ms UTC Time.
9.3K ohm input impedance
Installation and Operation
The meter’s nameplate provides general information about the meter including the Serial Number, model
number, form, class, voltage, frequency, wiring configuration (3-Wire or 4-Wire), test amps, and the Kt
(test pulse constant in WH/count). There is also an area for the user to write in the CTR (current
transformer ratio), VTR (voltage transformer ratio), and a multiply-by field.
The Model Number indicates all of the options as described in the General Inforatioon section of this
When power is applied to the meter, it goes through a start up process that lasts about 4 ½ minutes. The
display will come up immediately with a graphic image followed by a Display Register Screen. The
values shown in the Display Register will either display the last value recorded by the meter or will
display NOT SET, to indicate that the display has not completed the start up process. During this time, it
is advisable to not use the display buttons (arrow buttons, Read, Reset, etc) as the meter hasn’t fully
started up.
Internally, the meter starts to register power within several seconds of power up and we start sending out
test pulses from the Optical Port within 10 seconds. Once the display values change from NOT SET to
actual values, this is an indication that the meter has completed the start-up process.
Installation and Operation
All of the parameters that determine the meter’s operation can be set by using the JEMWare II
configuration software. JEMWare II includes a file-management system for storing configurations,
configuration-editing screens for setting the various parameters, and communication channel setups to
program the meter. JEMWare II provides the ability to read the existing configuration from the meter
and to read the time on the meter through serial communications. The JEMWare II Instruction Manual
1079-699 describes each parameter that can be programmed.
NOTE: You may use the latest version of JEMWare II to open a configuration file saved with a prior
version, or to read the configuration from a JEMStar II meter that was programmed with a prior version.
If you do this, however, you must verify all settings in the configuration before saving it or programming
it into a meter. Verify the settings by opening each item in the Meter Settings menu and reviewing the
settings. This ensures confidence that the correct settings are in place and also allows JEMWare II to
insert appropriate default settings for features that may not have been present in the older version of
Display Registers
The Display Registers feature includes the following parts of the JEMStar II:
• Registers in the Normal display list
• Registers in the Alternate display list
• Registers in the Test display list
• Self Read registers
• Register Thresholds
• Site Monitor alarms
• Totalization registers
The following configuration sections, if modified, will cause the Display Registers feature to be re-
initialized, erasing all previous data:
• Normal display list
• Alternate display list
• Test display list
• Demand settings
• Self Read settings
• Primary Scaling settings (including changing VT Ratio or CT Ratio from the meter front
• Register Threshold settings
• Demand, Load Profile Interval Timing settings
• Totalization channel setup
Installation and Operation
Load Profile
The Load Profile features (which does not include individual Event Logs) will be erased and re-
initialized if these configuration sections are modified:
• Demand, Load Profile Interval Timing settings
• Load Profile channel assignments
• Primary Scaling settings (including changing VT Ratio or CT Ratio from the meter front
• Totalization channels
Energy Pulses
The Energy Pulse feature will be re-initialized if these configuration sections are changed:
• Energy pulse channel assignments
Installation and Operation
Optical Port Used for connecting an Optical Probe to read/write to the meter
Navigation Keys Up/Down/Left/Right/Set keys used to navigate the user menu
Read Key Used to scroll through the register displays
Reset Key Used to perform a billing reset, peak demand reset and min/max reset. This
button can be sealed from the outside cover to prevent unauthorized access. In
addition, you can prevent access through the Security Key on the Register board.
Refer to the Maintenance section for further information.
Installation and Operation
The JEMStar II Meter includes a color graphic display. The display is used to scroll the meter
measurements (Display Registers), special displays (Phasor Display) and a user menu system that will
show various meter configuration settings. The different display screens will automatically scroll from
one meter display to another. The scroll rate and display screen contents are configurable in the
JEMWARE Software. The main register display functions are shown below.
Load Profile Interval Up to 10 Digit
Status Measurements
Installation and Operation
Alternate Mode registers are a second group of registers that could be used as a convenient method to
group Billing Period quantities, site monitor displays, or any other user purpose. They are accessible to
the meter reader by pressing and holding the READ button for at least five seconds. To return to Normal
registers, press and hold the READ button again for five seconds.
Test Mode is used for testing the accuracy of the meter. Refer to the Test & Calibration section for a
complete explanation of Test Mode.
Note: When in Test Mode, only the Test Mode registers update. The standard metering registers and
load-profile data do not accumulate. The normal metering functions are suspended until Test Mode is
Installation and Operation
Special Displays
There are several custom displays that can be intermixed with the register displays including:
• Phasor Display
• Communication Status
• Alarm Display
• Graphical User Menu
Phasor Display
This display shows the current and voltage phase vectors graphically in real time. The display also shows
the individual current and voltage magnitudes and phase angles. The solid line is for Voltage and the
dashed line is for current.
Installation and Operation
Alarm Display
The Alarm Display will show the status of all alarms as configured in the JEMWARE Software. The
Alarm Display will show the alarm trigger and time and date when it went into alarm.
Installation and Operation
Note: The hardware Security Key in the Register board can be set up to disable access the user interface
of the meter. Refer to the Maintenance section for a complete description of the Security Key features.
Menu Name
JEMStar II Display
Installation and Operation
Menu Name
Each menu’s title/name is displayed in the top left corner.
The Meter Display Menu is the main starting point for navigating all the menus.
Meter Settings
This is the default starting point, indicated by the red perimeter. Items included in this menu:
⚫ Date & Time ⚫ PT/CT ⚫ Digital I/O
⚫ Analog I/O ⚫ Normal Preset Registers ⚫ Alternate Preset Registers
In the lower left corner is the Back navigation button. From any menu, moving the selection point to this
icon will revert the display back to the previous menu.
Your log-in status is indicated at the bottom of the display.
Installation and Operation
The Display Menu is divided into logical groups of features and categories. The following shows all
menu functions.
Meter Settings:
To enter, press Set. Using this menu you can configure
features such as:
Date/Time, PT/CT, I/O and Register Presets.
From the Meter Display Menu press the Right arrow
once. And press Set. This will invoke the
Communications menu where you can configure the
Test Mode:
From the Meter Display Menu press the Right arrow
twice. Press Set. This will invoke the Test Mode menu
where you can change the test pulse scaling, enable loss
compensation and start Test Mode.
Installation and Operation
Meter Status:
From the Meter Display Menu press the Down arrow once. Press Set. This will invoke the
Meter Status menu where you can check the Comm and Site Status, reset the battery status,
reset users and passwords and do a cold start.
Meter ID:
From the Meter Display Menu, press the Down and
Right arrow once each. Press Set. This will
invoke the Meter ID menu where you can view
identification and firmware version.
USB Port(future):
From the Meter Display Menu, press the Down arrow
once and Right arrow twice. Press Set. This will invoke
the USB Port menu where you can manage firmware,
load profiles, logging and more.
Installation and Operation
Some display menu features are read-only and some are directly editable. The meter settings that can be
edited via the front panel are limited to the most common functions. ALL JEMStar II settings can be
configured using JEMWare II software. Please refer to the JEMWare II instruction manual 1079-699 to
configure a meter via software.
JEMStar II uses two security keys to limit access to the front panel pushbuttons. Depending upon your
company’s policy, you may need to “unlock” the keypad. Refer to Section 5 – Maintenance for
instructions about Security Keys.
Installation and Operation
Meter Settngs
This user menu will allow the viewing or editing of Date and Time,
PT/CT Ratios, Digital and Analog I/O and Presetting Normal and
Alternate Registers.
PT/CT Ratio
You can read and change the Power Transformer Ratio and the
Current Transformer Ratio by going to the Meter Display Menu and
selecting Meter Settings. Scroll right to PT/CT and press Set. Edit
the existing setting by moving from field to field and using the
arrow buttons to enter a new ratio and then pressing SET. Be sure
to update the front panel label to correspond to the new ratio that
you entered.
NOTE 1: Changing the meter’s PT or CT Ratio will cause Load Profile pulse constants, Energy
Pulse constants, Site Monitor thresholds, and Analog Output levels to be re-scaled automatically
so that they will maintain the same settings in Primary units. It will also cause all numeric
registers to be erased and re-initialized.
NOTE 2: Changing the meter’s PT or CT Ratio from the front panel will invalidate any Loss
Compensation settings that may already be configured. If you use the Loss Compensation
feature, enter the PT and CT Ratios via JEMWare II configuration software to maintain your
TLC settings.
Digital I/O
This is a view-only menu from the meter; all edits must be performed
using JEMWare II software. If equipped with the DIO option, this
screen will show whether the I/O channel is set up as an Input or
Output, the function of the I/O and the current I/O state (ON or OFF)
To view the input settings: from the Meter Settings menu press the
right arrow twice and hit Set. Then select a Channel number that you want to view. The screen will
display what each of the channels has been configured to monitor. To edit the configuration, you must
use JEMWare II software.
Installation and Operation
Analog I/O
This is a view-only menu showing how the Analog Output option
is configured. It will display whether the Analog Outputs are 0-
1mA or 4-20mA, the measurement that was configured for each
output and how the minimum and maximum scaling was
configured. For example, if Channel 1 was configured as 0-1mA
with a measurement of watts, 0mA could be 0 watts and 1mA
could be 1500 watts.
Preset Registers
Register Preset enables the user to set meter registers at a
predetermined value. This option is often used when meters are
replaced, allowing the user to set the new meter with the
previous meter’s register settings.
Note: Pressing the READ button while editing a register will cancel the SET operation and restores the
register to its’ original value(s).
Installation and Operation
Communication Settings
There are a few methods of interfacing with JEMStar II: Optical port,
Serial data (RS-232/485), modem, Ethernet & WiFi. The display
menu allows reading and editing of basic communications port
parameters such as:
Type: For Serial ports, select whether
communications are via RS-232 or RS-485
Protocol: Use the arrow buttons to select a
communication protocol, such as; Binary,
DNP, Modbus (RTU or ASCII), or ANSI Tables
Baud: Use the arrow buttons to scroll through the available choices
Address: A unique address assigned the each meter.
IP Address: Select this for Ethernet options
Press the Left navigation key to invoke the Meter Display Menu. Press the right arrow once and hit Set.
From this menu you can configure the desired communication parameters. To change the meter’s IP
Address, clear the existing IP Address and enter the new one. After pressing ‘Enter’, select the “Save’
Test Mode
This display is used for putting the meter into Test Mode which is
used for checking the accuracy of the meter. More details on testing
the meter are in the next section called Test and Calibration
Meter Status
The meter has several internal safeguards that verify its own
operation. You can check the status of these monitors from the
display menus by going to Meter Display Menu, scroll down once
to Meter Status and press Set. This will display a screen that
shows: Comm Status, Site Status, Reset Battery, Reset Users and
Passwords, and Cold Start.
Installation and Operation
Reset Battery The meter has a 10 year lithium ion battery to back up the time clock. If
the battery needs replacement it will produce a Battery Warning
indication. When the battery is replaced, you need to reset the Battery
Monitor using the Reset Battery screen. Refer to the Maintenance section
of the manual for battery replacement.
Reset Users & Passwords This selection resets all user names and
passwords back to factory defaults. You
will be warned of the pending removal
of user configurations, which you must
accept by selecting Yes. You will then
be prompted to remove power from the meter within 15 seconds or it will
ignore the request.
Installation and Operation
The Meter Status screen has indicators on the right side for the Time Sync Status, Battery Status, Internal
Diagnostics and PQ Memory. The function of these indicators is shown below.
Firmware Versions This is the version number of the firmware installed in the meter.
USB Port(future):
This screen is used with the built-in USB port for ‘plug-in’ memory sticks. It is used for upgrading the
meter’s firmware, downloading Load Profile and meter logging data, downloading power quality data and
import and export of meter configuration files.
Installation and Operation
Normal Mode
Using JEMWARE Configuration Software, you can set up the Optical port to continuously output test
pulses for either watt-hours or VAR-hours using your own scaling factors. The test pulses will be scaled
to whatever the secondary meter input is. For example, if the meter secondary is registering 1,800 watt-
hours and the scaling is set for 1.8, you will get 1,000 pulses per hour. This allows you to check the
meter accuracy without removing the meter cover and without putting the meter into Test Mode.
Notes: When the meter is first powered up, the meter begins registering power within a few seconds and
the test pulses begin within 10 seconds. (The meter continues to start up during this process, eventually
scrolling measurements on the display and enabling the communication options.)
When the Optical Port is used for serial communications, the test pulses will stop and serial
communications will be established. Once the Optical Port communications are finished, the meter will
automatically resume sending test pulses within a few minutes.
Installation and Operation
Test Mode
You can test meter functions and accuracy from the front panel. Since this may temporarily inhibit
registration, this session is logged as a Test Mode event.
The JEMStar II optical port on the face of the meter performs two functions. During Standard Meter
Mode it is used for serial communications. In Test Mode, the optical port on the face of the meter sends
out test pulses consistent with the test register that is being displayed (e.g. Watthour, Varhour). The
KYZ digital pulse outputs are available even when the meter is in Test Mode, operating at their
programmed Ke value. You may use a Scientific Columbus Model 5282 Optical Port Adapter or
equivalent that will convert the optical pulses to contact closures. This can then be interfaced to a Watt
standard’s (such as Scientific Columbus’ MicroJoule®II) external gate input.
The JEMStar II is tested like any other electronic meter. It should be set up so the test standard sees the
same voltage and current as the meter. This is done by connecting the JEMStar II voltage elements in
parallel and the current elements in series. Refer to the following example that shows how to connect a
JEMStar II and a Watt Standard to an external load source.
Installation and Operation
Any direction (Delivered, Received, per-quadrant) and element (phase A, B, C, or total) that may be
selected for one of these measurements in a display test register may be output as a Test Pulse. The pulse
weight (Kt) for each pulse is selectable by the user in JEMWARE via the Test Register setup or through
the front panel user menu while in Test Mode.
The Optical Test Pulse may be picked up with any Optical Port receiver, although we recommend the
Scientific Columbus Model 5282 Optical Port Adapter. The 5282 allows the Optical Port to be used for
serial communication with a computer as well as directing the Test Pulse to an external counter for
accuracy testing.
Installation and Operation
Installation and Operation
1. Press the left arrow key to enter the Meter Display User Menu.
3. Press the right arrow key 2 times to select Test Mode. Press the Set Button to enter the Test
Mode Screen. If you wish to change the test pulse scaling to something different than the Test
Register settings programmed in JEMWARE, use the arrow buttons to enter a new scale factor.
Press Enter when done. This scale factor is equal to the quantity of secondary Watts (Whr) per
pulse. A setting of 1.8 is equal to a single pulse every 1.8 Watts (Whr). You can also choose to
disable Loss Compensation during the test if the Test Registers were programmed to include
4. When you press the ‘Start Test Mode’ button, the Test Register Display will be shown. This
looks like the Normal and Alternate Display Register except the Test Register ID numbers start at
200. You can scroll through your list of Test Registers (configured in JEMWARE) by using the
‘Read’ button on the front of the meter. The Optical Port will output test pulses based on the
input to the meter and the Test Register Selected. To Exit Test Mode, press the left arrow button
to return to the Test Mode Screen.
Installation and Operation
5. When you return to the Test Mode Screen, the Test Pulses will stop. You have the option to
Continue Test Mode, Stop Test Mode and exit this screen or make an adjustment to the Watt and
VAR Gain. (see below)
Use the arrows to enter a gain adjustment in percent. There is a separate entry for Watts and VARs.
When adjusting Watts, this will be applied to Watts, Whr, VA-vect, VAhr-vect, Q, Qhr, PF-vect.
When adjusting VARs, this will be applied to VARs, VARhr, VA-vect, VAhr-vect, Q, Qhr , PF-vect.
The range available is +9.99% to -9.99%. This adjustment would be applied across the whole range from
zero to full scale. When done, press the Enter key to save the change. It is recommended to retest the
meter after the change has been made.
Note: This is not a replacement for the full meter calibration which examines multiple test points and
measurement types. If a full re-calibration is required, send the meter to the factory.
Damage to the instrument can be caused by Electrostatic Discharge (ESD). Appropriate precautions
should be incorporated.
Any JEMStar II option, except for those noted as "factory configuration" or "configured at manufacture,"
can be installed by a user with the following capabilities:
The JEMStar II meter design, with its plug-together boards, requires few tools for maintenance.
All meter work must be performed at electrostatic-protected workstations
The technician must follow properly prescribed electrostatic-control practices.
Refer to Appendix C for more information.
JEMStar II meters are available in socket-base (S- and A-base), and switchboard mounting packages.
The disassembly procedure for each type is described as follows.
Switchboard Meters
Cover Removal
1. Remove power from the meter, if possible. It is not mandatory that power is removed
because the Switchboard meter has its’ own disconnect device. However, caution is advised
since live terminations exist inside the housing even after the paddle is removed.
2. Remove the wire seal on the thumbscrew at the bottom center of the meter cover.
3. Unfasten the thumbscrew and lift the cover slightly while pulling forward from the bottom.
When re-installing the meter, note that the thumbscrew on the front cover has a small indentation on the
head. This indicates the orientation of the hole in the screw for inserting the sealing wire. Turn the
screw until the dot is in a horizontal position, and the hole in the screw will line up with the hole in the
plastic cover.
Serviceable Parts
The JEMStar II’s Ethernet, Serial Analog/Modem and Digital I/O boards can be changed in the meter
shop with a few simple procedures.
The JEMStar II clock/RAM battery is designed to last 10 years under normal storage and usage
conditions. If the battery needs replacement, or you would like more information on any JEMStar II
components, call Ametek Power Instruments’ Technical Support staff at 888-880-5361.
Switchboard Meters
1. To access the option boards, the backplane retainer clip must be
removed. Press the ends and pull upward. (Black arrow)
2. After removing the retainer clip, unplug the battery from the
front of the backplane board. (Blue arrow)
3. Remove the backplane board. (Orange arrow)
The Analog/Modem and Digital I/O boards slide into card guides on the inside walls of the meter.
The Ethernet and Serial boards mount to the rear of the Register assembly, behind the display.
To remove the Register assembly, gently pry out each of the 4 plastic clips (Black arrows) around the
outside of the front bezel and pull the front assembly away from the main housing.
There is one standard battery (Blue arrow) and one
optional battery (Black arrow) in the JEMSTar II.
Clock Battery
The long life cell should provide support for 10
years, and its life can be checked from the front panel
1. Press the Left key to invoke the Meter
Display Menu.
2. Press the –/Down key once to highlight the Meter Status menu.
3. Press Set.
Battery Status is displayed on the bottom right.
JEMStar II contains an easily replaceable battery that is used to power the internal clock. There is also a
display register (Days on Battery) that can be read to determine how many days the battery has been
used. If the meter is in service, the battery should be replaced while the meter is under power so that
time is not lost (the battery is not used as long as service power is connected).
5. Install a new, exact replacement battery, available from the factory. Specify part number 1079-
The Call Home battery provides power to the optional Analog/Modem board on power fail,
Communications Option 6. Refer to the Call Home Power Fail section for information on setup and
operation. This battery connects to the top of the optional Analog/Modem board.
Removing a JEMStar II battery with the meter unpowered will result in the Digital I/O, Analog Outputs,
Display Registers, and Load Profile reverting to default configurations when power is restored. After the
meter has finished rebooting their configurations will be restored, but Register and Load Profile data will
have been erased. Also, the real-time clock will be reset to 1/1/2000.
Security Keys
JEMStar II includes two security keys to protect the meter from tampering and unwanted access to
certain meter functions. There are two removable jumpers (keys) located inside the meter on the rear of
the Register board.
One security key is used to disable all functions that could impact meteorological measurements. This
includes configuration changes from the front panel keypad menus, plus the following commands when
accessing the meter via remote communications using JEMWare II.
The following commands will be allowed with the security key installed:
• Configure Meter Identification
• Configure Communication Settings
• Configure Protocol Settings
• Configure Display Settings
• Configure User Admin
• Change Password
• Set Time
• Freeze Registers
• Meter/Battery Status
• Read Triggered Alarms
• Read Display registers
• Read Load Profile
• Read Event/Diagnostic Logs
• Read Security Logs
The other key is used to disable just the meter’s front panel RESET pushbutton. The RESET button is
used to perform a Billing Period Reset (see the Glossary for definition). With the jumpers removed,
access is enabled. Install the jumpers to restrict access.
The meter is provided with both keys factory removed. If you want to install the key(s) after proper
configuration in your meter shop, follow this procedure.
Tip: You can “park” the jumper in a disconnected position by just plugging it onto one contact. This will
keep the jumper in the meter for future use.
Firmware Upgrades
New meter firmware can be downloaded locally or remotely via the meter’s communication ports. New
firmware may be used to add optional features (like Power Quality), product enhancements, or program
The firmware that can be upgraded on the meter consists of Register,
Service and Metrology. When upgrading more than one version of
firmware at one time, start with Service followed by Register and
Metrology. The current versions of the firmware installed in the meter
can be displayed on the User Menu, added to a Normal or Alternate
register for scrolling on the display, or displayed on a WEB Browser
when using that for a firmware upgrade.
A firmware upgrade will have no impact to the meter configuration, data saved, time and date. It is
always a good idea to save the meter data and configuration file prior to the upgrade as some updates
may require a Cold Start.
It is recommended to use the Ethernet port for these upgrades due to the size of the firmware file. On
meters that do not have the Ethernet Option provided, the meter will still contain a built-in Ethernet port
to be used for this purpose.
To perform a Firmware Upgrade, save the updated firmware file(s) you received from AMETEK to your
computer. Connect your computer to the meter either locally or remotely via the Ethernet Port. Make
sure the computer is set up to connect to the IP address assigned to the meter. The User Menu can be
used to display the IP Address of the meter. The default setting from the factory is:
The upgrade can be performed through the JEMWARE II Software or through a standard WEB Browser.
Connect the computer to the Meter’s Ethernet Port. It is recommended to download the configuration file
and meter data from the meter if you don’t already hava copy of it. (Refer to the JEMWARE Software
Manual for more details).
Using a standard web browser such as Internet Exporer, Mozilla Firefox, etc; enter the IP Address of the
meter. (The factory default is If successful, you will get a prompt for a Username and
Password. The default is: User Name: admin Password: admin
(The JEMWARE Software controls the setting of usernames and passwords. You must have the
necessary permissions to update the meter firmware.)
Once the password is entered, you will get a browser window. Select the tab on the left for Firmware.
This will open up a screen that will show you the current version of firmware. Select the Browse button
to search your PC for the new firmware file. It is recommended to select the re-boot register board when
complete. The browser screen will show you the status of the upgrade. When done, it will automatically
disconnect from the web browser, so you will need to close out any warning messages that appear.
A Cold Start will bring the meter back to factory defaults. Sometimes this is needed when upgrading
much older firmware to newer firmware. The AMETEK Service group will always advise if this is
necessary in the update instructions. Other times, if configuration data gets corrupted, communications
are locked up or you have internal issues that can’t be resolved; a cold start can start you back to factory
A ‘Warm Start’ can also be tried first, which consists of removing power from the meter for a few
seconds. If the issue isn’t resolved, a Cold Start may be required.
Before performing a Cold Start, it is recommended to download/back-up all meter data and configuration
Note: A cold start erases all register and load profile data. The configuration parameters are reset
to factory defaults (see Appendix A).
• Requires the admin username and password
• Must un-seal the meter (remove globe on socket meter or front cover of switchboard meter)
• Will require removal of power from the meter
• Must be performed at the meter
1. From the Meter Display User Menu, press the down
button once and press Set.
This takes you to the Meter Status menu.
2. You will need to unlock the meter by moving to the
‘lock’ icon and press Set. This will bring up a keypad to
select the admin username and password authorized to
do this.
3. Using the navigation keys, move down to Cold Start
and press the Set button.
4. Acknowledge the warning by selecting Yes.
5. The meter will prompt you to power down the meter
within 15 seconds
6. The meter will take a little longer to start up. This is
After a Cold Start is performed, the meter should be
reconfigured using JEMWare II configuration software
to program the meter for your specific application.
Note: If you still encounter issues after a Cold Start, try disconnecting the battery, remove power and re-
apply power. Plug in battery after the meter starts up.
Note: When the meter is powered up, it will display the Jan 1, 1970 time and date until it completes the
start-up process.
JEMStar II can be configured to monitor its operating environment and report suspicious conditions.
This monitoring occurs in two forms: Meter Health & Status and Phasor Display.
The following items are monitored in the Meter Health and Status display:
Meter Status:
This identifies the internal meter status. Green is normal. If red, you should be able to see additional
detail by reading the Diagnostic Log from the meter. The meter status is also provided on the JEMStar
Meter display.
Battery Status:
This indicates the status of the internal replaceable battery used to back up the time and date on the
internal clock. Green indicates normal, yellow indicates that the battery should be replaced in 1-2 years
and red indicates that you should replace the battery now. The same green/yellow/red indicator is
provided on the meter display. The battery warning (red indicator) can be reset on the meter user menu
display. Note: The internal battery is rated for 10 years under typical use. The battery monitor is
conservative and assumes worse case where the battery is used almost continuously.
Triggered Alarms:
This is a display of all active alarms configured by a user trigger. The Alarm Log contains the history of
all active alarms and previous alarms.
Phasor Display
The Phasor Display is available on the meter display and in JEMWARE Software as shown below. It
provides quick verification of the site conditions and confirmation that it was wired correctly.
The Phasor display has a user field for entering custom information in case you wish to save or print this
display. There is a selection on the right top of the phasor display for printing this page or saving it as a
bitmap file.
JEMStar II maintains Time Of Use (TOU) information for Consumption, Average PF, Peak Demand,
Time of Peak Demand, Coincident Demand, and Coincident PF registers.
The meter can differentiate among up to 9 possible TOU rates, with registers for each rate, as configured
by the user. JEMStar II can have up to 8 rate changes per day. Each rate change is configured for the
time of the change (resolved to 1 minute) and the rate code (A – H, or Total). Midnight is always
assumed to be a rate change. The user must define the rate to begin at midnight of each day (midnight
counts toward the limit of 8 changes per day).
JEMStar II will recognize up to 9 day types per season: each day of the week (Sunday through Saturday)
plus two Holiday types (Type 1 and Type 2). A rate change schedule must be defined for each day type.
A given day is recognized as a particular day of the week based on the JEMStar II internal clock and
calendar, unless that date is listed in the Holiday List. Any date in the Holiday List must be identified as
a Type 1 or Type 2 Holiday. JEMStar II can store up to 200 holidays in the Holiday List.
JEMStar II is configurable for up to 4 season changes per year. The date (month, day, and year) of each
season start, along with an indication of the season (Season 1, Season 2, Season 3, or Season 4) that starts
on that date, is stored in the Season List. The Season List will hold up to 80 Season Start dates (4 per
year for 20 years).
JEMStar II can be configured to force the present TOU rate in effect to any other programmed rate by
triggering a contact closure input. The user must select a rate (1-8, or Total) to switch to when a closure
is detected on the input. The rate then reverts to the normal scheduled rate when the contact opens.
To configure a meter for Time Of Use functions, consult the JEMWare II instruction manual 1079-699.
Advanced Features
JEMStar II can record up to 16 Load Profile channels as a standard feature, or up to 32 channels as an
added option. All Load Profile configurations are performed using JEMWare II software. Load Profile
storage is such that if the available memory becomes full, the oldest record(s) are deleted from memory
to make room for the most recent. Sometimes referred to as First In, First Out (FIFO). JEMStar II stores
one single record at the end of each Load Profile interval. A Load Profile interval may end on any of the
following conditions:
• On the hour (if configured for "internal Load Profile synchronization") and each multiple of
the configured Load Profile interval length after the hour. Load Profile intervals may be
configured to be 1, 5, 10, 15, 20, 30, or 60 minutes in length.
• On any time set, Daylight Saving Time adjustment, recognizable power outage, or other
event that would cause a discontinuity in interval timing.
• On any event that may cause a discontinuity in registration so that register readings and
equivalent Load Profile readings could not be reconciled. (E.g. Register Freeze, Billing
Period Reset, Register Preset, etc.)
The Load Profile intervals resemble demand intervals, but can be set independently. The interval
closures occur on even increments within the hour. For example, a 15-minute interval will begin on the
hour and will close at 00:15; the next interval will close at 00:30; the next interval will close at 00:45;
etc. At the end of each interval, the meter records the number of pulses accumulated since the last Load
Profile interval closure or special event. When the Load Profile data storage memory is full, the meter
will overwrite the oldest information. The number of days of storage available is determined by the
Load Profile interval length and number of channels stored.
Each Load Profile interval contains one or more channels of data. The Load Profile Recdording can be
set up to record measurements in 16 bit (counts) with a scaling factor applied to the measurement (Km)
or 32 bit values that can represent actual engineering values (no scaling required). When using 16 bit
counts, each channel can store up to 16,383 counts per interval. When using 32 bit values, each channel
can store measurements up to 1,073,741,824.
JEMStar II load profile storage will vary by the number of channels selected and the recording data
interval. By configuring fewer channels and/or longer intervals, you can increase the number of days of
Table 1 details the days available for the JEMStar II.
Each Load Profile channel can be configured to record one of the following:
• Any consumption quantity
• The number of pulses received in an interval on a contact closure input.
Both make and break transitions are counted in the total.
• State of a contact input over the interval. If the contact was closed one or more times during
the interval, the channel will record 1 count, otherwise zero.
• The average of any Instantaneous quantities over a Load Profile interval. In this case, the
channel pulse count multiplied by the equivalent pulse constant shall give the average value,
NOT the consumption in unit-hours, for the Load Profile interval.
• Accumulation in a Totalization channel.
Advanced Features
For example, for a 3-element meter operating at 120 volts, 5 amps, 1.0 PF on every
element, an equivalent pulse constant of 1.0 on all channels, and 15 minute Load Profile
intervals, the Watthour Delivered channel will report 450 counts (120V x 5A x 3
elements / 4 intervals per hour). The Average Instantaneous Watt Delivered channel will
report 1800.
Number of Load Profile Channels
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
1 128 101 83 70 61 54 48 44 40 37 34 32 30 28 26 25
2 256 201 166 141 122 108 97 88 80 74 69 64 60 56 53 50
3 383 301 248 211 183 162 145 132 120 111 103 96 90 84 79 75
4 509 400 330 280 244 216 193 175 160 148 137 127 119 112 106 100
5 635 499 411 350 304 269 241 219 200 184 170 159 149 140 132 125
6 759 597 492 418 364 322 289 261 239 220 204 190 178 167 158 149
10 1095 981 809 688 599 530 475 431 394 363 336 314 294 276 260 246
12 1095 1095 956 821 714 632 567 514 470 433 401 374 350 329 311 294
15 1095 1095 1095 1016 885 783 702 637 583 537 498 464 434 408 385 365
20 1095 1095 1095 1095 1095 1029 923 837 766 705 654 610 571 537 506 479
30 1095 1095 1095 1095 1095 1095 1095 1095 1095 1029 954 889 833 783 739 700
60 1095 1095 1095 1095 1095 1095 1095 1095 1095 1095 1095 1095 1095 1095 1095 1095
JEMStar II will record certain events in the Load Profile system intermixed with regular interval data.
Any event that would end a Load Profile interval will be recorded, including the following:
Power Fail
Indicates the meter has lost auxiliary power. If the meter does not have separate auxiliary power, Power
Fail indicates the loss of all 3 phase inputs. The time of power failure & time of restoration are recorded.
Time Set
The beginning and end of a time set are recorded in load-profile memory. Time set can be performed at
the meter or by use of serial communications.
Daylight-Saving Time
Adjustment events are stored. Changes are programmed via the JEMWare II program. The DST change
start and stop times are recorded.
Test Mode
Entries and exits are recorded as events. No load-profile data is recorded during the Test Mode. Test
Mode can be initiated at the meter or through serial communications.
Configuration Event
A configuration event is stored in the load-profile memory. Load-profile data is erased when any load-
profile-related parameter is configured. The configuration event is executed only through serial
Freeze Event
Advanced Features
A freeze event will cause the meter to take a snapshot of the Normal- and Alternate-Mode registers.
When the meter reads these registers via serial communications, the value stored at the time of the most
recent freeze event is returned. This event is executed only via serial commands.
Demand Reset
Indicates the time of storage-register updates and register clearing. This command can be initiated from
the meter or through serial communications.
Register Preset
Indicates the time of storage-register presetting when used. This command can be initiated from the
meter or through serial communications.
Indicates when midnight occurs in the Load Profile sequence of events.
Load-Profile Retrieval
Load Profile may be retrieved in any of the following segments:
• All complete Load Profile records in memory, oldest first.
• All complete Load Profile records since the last Load Profile read, oldest first.
• All Load Profile records for the last N days, for N = 0 through 60. For any number of days
requested, the meter will send that number of complete day’s records plus whatever records have
been stored in the current day.
For example, requesting 0 days gives only today's records since midnight. Requesting 2 days gives all
records for the preceding 2 days plus the present day's records. If the Load Profile memory does not
contain enough days of records to fulfill the request, the meter will send all records presently stored.
Data can be retrieved with Ametek Power Instruments’ JEMWARE II Software, JEMRead software or
by Itron’s MV-90 software. Connection to the meter can be via the optical port, RS-232 / RS-485 serial
port, Ethernet or a modem.
When configured for external synchronization, the meter uses two time sources—one for determining
interval closure and one for the meter's real-time clock. Data skewing is possible if a synchronization
pulse occurs on the load-profile interval boundary.
Advanced Features
The Status Word provides the current status of the meter. The Status Word can be configured as a
Display Register and logged into Load Profile for each interval. The Status Word consists of two 16 Bit
words: System Bit and Triggered Bit. Each individual bit provides the status of a particular item as listed
System Bit
This provides the current status of the meter with regards to internal diagnostics and external influences.
The following items and their location within the 16 bit word are shown below:
Note: All of the above status indicators will stay active for the duration of the condition with a minimum
duration equal to the current Load Profile Interval.
For example; if using a 15 minute Load Profile Interval, and the terminal cover was removed for 5
seconds, the ‘Terminal Cover’ bit would stay active during the 15 minute interval in which it occurred.
The system bit will be presented as a Hex word which can be converted into a 16 bit string with 1’s or
0’s representing the status of each item above. As shown below; a System Bit presented as: 00 21 hex
(Binary: 0000 0000 0010 0001) would indicate a ‘Battery Failure’ and ‘Loss of Time Sync’.
Example 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1
Bit 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
Advanced Features
Trigger Bit
This provides the current status of the meter with regards to alarm triggers that you can configure in
JEMWARE. A typical example of various triggered alarm bits is shown below:
Some of the trigger bits can be a combination of alarm triggers as shown in Bits 6-8
Note: All of the above status indicators will stay active for the duration of the condition with a minimum
duration equal to the current Load Profile Interval.
Assignment of triggers to
trigger bit number
Advanced Features
The Status Word can be presented when you connect to a meter in the Connection Status screen, as a
display register, in load profile and in the communication protocols.
The value will be shown in Hex format which needs to be converted into Binary to determine the status
of the 16 individual bit positions.
Some examples of this are shown below:
Display Register
If a display register is configured for the Status Word, the value will be shown when you read the
register. Keep in mind that the current value for any register will be shown right after a meter freeze.
Note: When you hold your mouse over the Status Word displayed in JEMWARE, it will indicate the
individual bit status. As shown above, the mouse indicates that the System Bit result of 0x0400 is a
configuration change.
The Trigger Bit Hex value of 0x0070 in binary is: 0000 0000 0111 0000. This reflects trigger bit
numbers 5, 6 and 7 in alarm.
Advanced Features
Load Profile
If a load profile channel is configured for the Status Word, it will show the current status for every
interval. In the screenshot below, Load Profile Channel 5 is configured for the System Bit and Channel 6
is used for the Trigger Bit.
The Hex values displayed in Load Profile via JEMWARE will be identified by holding the mouse over
them. As shown above, the trigger bit value in Hex 0x0070 is equal to trigger bits 5, 6 and 7.
Advanced Features
The JEMStar II can measure, capture and record power measurements related to power quality. The
typical power quality issues include a variation of voltage above or below operating requirements and the
presence of transients and harmonics. To capture these variations of the pure sine wave, there are several
methods used including continuous recording of various power measurements and recording data after a
pre-configured trigger. Once the data is collected, it needs to be analyzed so you can determine the type
of issue, root cause and corrective action.
The JEMStar II meter has a variety of tools provided for your power quality applications:
• Sag/Swell/Outage Recording
• Waveform Capture
• High Speed RMS Recording
• Harmonic/Interharmonic Recording
• Flicker Measurement Recording
• Measurement Log (for saving recorded values)
Every JEMStar II meter includes the Sag/Swell/Outage Recording. When enabled, voltage sags and
swells will record the time and date of the occurrence, number of cycles duration, phase that triggered the
anomaly and the minimum/maximum/average current, voltage, power factor, THD and frequency during
that event. For outages (interruptions), we record the start and end times/dates.
There are options available to enable the other power quality tools:
In addition to waveform capture, the PQ2 option provides the recording of harmonics and flicker. The
measurements we can record include:
• Harmonics
o Voltage and Current Magnitude per phase up to 64th
o Voltage and Current Phase Angle per phase up to 64th
o Voltage and Current THD to 128th
• Interharmonics
o Voltage and Current Magnitude per phase up to 50th
• Flicker
o Pst, Plt, Pinst
These measurements are recorded in the Measurement Log with selectable recording intervals from
150/180 cycles to 120 minutes. Refer to the next section on Measurement Log for more details.
Sag/Swell/Outage Capture
This is a recording of voltage sags and swells upon a trigger. The recording is a snapshot of the event,
recording min/max/avg values during the Sag or Swell. The measurements include volts, amps, THD,
Power Factor and Frequency. This collection of data can provide a high-level overview of how the sag or
swell occuured and what might have caused it. Outages (Interruptions) are logged with the time and date
when you lose all three phases.
Advanced Features
Continuous Recording
The JEMStar II Meter uses the Measurement Log Option for continuously recording measurements over
pre-selected time intervals.
Measurement Log
The Measurement Log is an option to record up to 100 channels, divided into two groups of 50. While
similar to Load Profile, the Measurement Log includes a wider choice of measurements and recording
intervals and it does not record the various metering events like meter freeze, midnight event, billing
reset, etc. The measurement log allocates it’s non-volatile memory using FIFO storage (first in, first out)
and all measurements are stored in 32 bit format.
The Measurement Log is included with option PQ2 and PQ3 but can be included on it’s own without
either Power Quality Option. (Note: You need the PQ options to record items like harmonics and flicker)
Measurements can be recorded as individual phases or the total polyphase quantities. An example of a
single channel for the measurement log would be: Phase A Voltage Minimum
To record the min/max/avg for all 3 Phase voltages would require 9 channels.
The available measurements include:
• Metering
Instantaneous: Volts, Amps, Watts, VA, VARs, PF, Freq, Q, Volts2, Amps2, Unbalance
Integrated: Whr, VARhr, VAhr. Qhr, Amphr, Amp2hr, Volt2hr
• Harmonics
Magnitude and Phase Angle of harmonics 2-64, THD, TDD, Crest Factor
• Interharmonics
Magnitude of inter harmonics 2-50
• Flicker
Short term, long term, instantaneous
• Digital Inputs
Contact Inputs
• Fault
Positive, Negative, Zero Sequence Components
Note: Harmonic, Interharmonic, Flicker and Fault measurements are only available with options PQ2
and PQ3. For a full list of measurements, refer to the back of the manual.
Advanced Features
On meters equipped with power quality enabled, unbalance is calculated using the ratio of Negative
Sequence and Zero Sequence Ratios. Percent THD is calculated per IEC61000-4-7, and includes
harmonic content (up to and including the 128th harmonic).
On meters equipped with no power quality, unbalance is calculated using the ratio of the maximum
deviation from average over the average. Percent THD is calculated using the Total RMS (over all
harmonics) and the RMS over the Fundamental frequency. (typical for volts and amps)
Advanced Features
For each measurement, you can select whether it is a primary or secondary value, engineering units for
the value (units, kilo, mega, etc) and whether to include transformer compensation (if applicable).
Recording Interval
Each group of 50 measurement channels can have it’s own recording interval. The available recording
intervals are:
• 150/180 Cycles (150 cycles for 50 Hz, 180 cycles for 60 Hz)
• 1 minute
• 2 Minutes
• 3 Minutes
• 4 Minutes
• 5 Minutes
• 10 Minutes
• 15 Minutes
• 20 Minutes
• 30 Minutes
• 60 Minutes
• 120 Minutes
If using all 50 channels with a recording interval every 10 minutes, that’s 144 x 50 channels per day =
7,200 measurements per day. With a maximum of 1,460,000 measurements, that equates to
approximately 203 days.
If the Power Quality configuration in JEMWARE includes the measurement log in the PQDIF file, the
measurements will be stored in a daily file starting at midnight and ending in 24 hours.
Advanced Features
The Measurement Log can be retrieved via JEMWARE and downloaded into Excel and CSV formats.
The Measurement Log can be displayed in JEMWARE as shown below.
When the measurement log is stored in PQDIF format, it can be displayed graphically in JEMWARE as
shown below.
Advanced Features
Triggered Recording
For the triggered recording, you set an alarm threshold for a measurement (Volts, THD, Power Factor,
etc) and then you select the type of recording method, such as Sag/Swell snapshot, High Speed RMS or
Waveform Capture.
Up to 64 triggers can be created; each one with it’s own triggering criteria and recording modes.
Trigger Measurements
Category Measurements
Instantaneous Volts Frequency Watt Volt2
Amps Power Factor VAR Amp2
Volts THD % Volts Imbalance VA
Amps THD% Amps Imbalance Q
Power Quality Flicker TDD Volts THD Odd % Volts THD Even%
Volts THD % TDD Odd Amps THD Odd% Amps THD Even%
Amps THD% TDD Even Crest Factor
Fault Negative Sequence, Positive Sequence, Zero Sequence
Digital Input On/Off
Trigger Operation
The measurements used for triggers are calculated with a full cycle of sampled data updated every half
cycle. The measurements are sampled at a fixed rate of 512 samples per cycle. Voltage Sag/Swell
triggers have the option of using Class A or Class S triggers as described in the next section.
Note: When PQ is enabled in the meter, some measurements; like Sequence Components and Harmonics
are calculated over 10/12 cycle intervals.
Digital Input Triggers have a resolution of 100 msec which means the ‘ON State’ must be at least 100
msec in duration. Since there could be a 100 msec delay to start the capture, make sure you have
adequate pre-trigger settings >100 msec so that you don’t miss the start of the anomaly.
Trigger settings can be filtered by adding delays in milliseconds. Trigger delays extend the time before a
trigger is activated to help reduce nuisance alarms. A setting of 0 indicates no delay. There is a separate
setting for the trigger reset (Hysteresis). This setting determines the level when the trigger returns to
When a trigger is activated, it will turn the Alarm indicator on the meter to red and the trigger will be
recorded in the Alarm Log which can be retrieved by JEMWARE. The Alarm Log indicates the trigger
number, value of the trigger and time and date when it triggered. A separate log entry keeps track when
the trigger returns to normal.
In addition to logging the alarm, you can select several items that can be activated by the triggered alarm
such as:
• Digital Output (must have the DIO option)
• Sag/Swell Capture
• High Speed RMS Recording
• Waveform Capture Recording (low, medium, high resolution)
Note: Some or all of these selections are available depending on the measurement and options installed
in the meter. For example, The Sag/Swell capture only applies to Voltage triggers; High Speed RMS and
Waveform capture require the power quality options.
Advanced Features
The meter will only allow a single set of voltage triggers for Sag and Swell capture. The trigger setup
needs to use a phase selection of ‘Any’ which provides a trigger from any one phase.
The top of the trigger screen provides a tool to set the voltage triggers for Sags and Swells using a % of
nominal as opposed to specific magnitudes.
Once you adjust your settings, you select the ‘Apply to Sag/Swell Triggers’ button which will transfer
the settings to your Voltage Sag/Swell triggers velow.
Note: You must have a voltage sag trigger pre-configured to make the ‘Apply’ button work. A voltage
Sag/Swell trigger is the selection of Instantaneous Voltage
When configuring triggers, you can select to trigger based on IEC-61000-4-30 Class A for Sags and
When selecting High Speed RMS and Waveform Capture, you need to configure how these recordings
will operate in the Power Quality Setup.
Advanced Features
Class A triggering is synchronized to the zero crossings where Class S is synchronized to the
fundamental period. In the example below, the waveform has multiple zero crossings.
Refer to the plots below to see how the calculation windows differ between Class A and Class S.
Advanced Features
Sag / Swell /Outage Recording is used for capturing power quality events related to voltage. Voltage
Sags occur when voltages drop below nominal levels for short periods of time. Voltage Swells occur
when voltages rise above nominal levels. Outages are Voltage Sags that exceed 1 minute in time. The
meter shall capture Sag/Swell/Outage events based on a power quality trigger. The meter will store up to
500 combined Sag/Swell/Outage events.
Sag/Swell Events
The Sag/Swell events are generated from configurable triggers and the duration can be as short as ½
cycle and as long as 1 minute. Events lasting longer than 1 minute on all 3 phases will be classified
as an Outage.
The following information will be recorded during a Sag/Swell Event
• Time and date when it occurred (to the msec)
• Duration of the event in line cycles
• Trigger Setting and value that initiated the event
• Volts, Current, Power Factor, Frequency, Volts THD, Amps THD per phase (min/max/avg)
Advanced Features
The Voltage Interruption Log is used to store all interruptions of power. A trigger for voltage
interruptions must be configured and enabled in order to log these events. All three phases need to fall
below the trigger setting before an interruption is recorded.
The log includes the start and end time of each interruption, duration in cycles, and value of the voltages
that triggered the event. There are buttons on the top right to print or download the load profile data in
Excel or CSV formats.
Trigger settings used for the above events are shown below:
Advanced Features
The settings for High Speed RMS Recording are in the JEMWARE Power Quality screen.
The entry is in cycles and the msec timing is automatically calculated in regards to your primary
configuration setting of 50 or 60HZ frequency. The estimated quantity of records that can be stored in
memory is displayed along with the file size for each record.
High Speed RMS measurements are calculated every cycle with updates on the half cycle. Two
measurements are provided per cycle.
The High Speed RMS data is saved in non-volatile memory in a PQDIF File Format. It can be viewed in
JEMWARE or other third party software that supports the PQDIF File Format.
Advanced Features
High Speed RMS Plot in JEMWARE - Phase A Voltage Sag along with Phase A Current
Advanced Features
The settings for Waveform Recording are in the JEMWARE Power Quality screen.
The entry is in cycles and the msec timing is automatically calculated in regards to your primary
configuration setting of 50 or 60HZ frequency. The estimated quantity of records that can be stored in
memory is displayed along with the file size for each record.
The waveform capture data is saved in non-volatile memory in a PQDIF File Format. It can be viewed
in JEMWARE or other third party software that supports the PQDIF File Format.
Advanced Features
Waveform Capture Plot in JEMWARE - Phase ABC Current from above Voltage Sag
Advanced Features
With the above structure, it is possible to have a single PQDIF File that contains multiple observations
and multiple recording methods. It provides a complete picture of the power quality anomaly.
The JEMStar II meter saves the power quality data internally in PQDIF format, so there is no need to
retrieve data and convert it. There are two options available for storing data in the PQDIF format.
Advanced Features
Example of a single PQDIF File displayed in JEMWARE Software. It has three observations
over the 24 hour period. First observation at 12/08/2016 09:22:51 has a waveform capture.
Same PQDIF File as above. The second observation at 12/08/2016 00:00:01 contains the 24 hr
measurement log.
Note: The PQDIF File has a maximum size of 500K. In cases where the number of observations
stored for this 24 hour period exceeds the 500K, a separate file(s) will be created to store the
Example of a single PQDIF File with a single observation that contains a Sag/Swell Record,
Waveform Capture and High Speed RMS recording.
Advanced Features
Serial number of the meter; with spaces removed
• TimeStamp
10 digit time format (number of seconds elapsed since Jan 1, 1970) of when this file was created
• Microsecond
Variable length number 0->999,999 indicating the microsecond of the TimeStamp when the first
event occurred
• DataType
A number representing the type of data stored in this file. See table below.
Single PQDIF File Generated by Observation
01 Sag/Swell Recording
02 Waveform Capture
03 Sag/Swell and Waveform Capture
04 High Speed RMS
05 Sag/Swell and High Speed RMS
06 Waveform Capture and High Speed RMS
07 Sag/Swell, Waveform Capture and High Speed RMS
08 Measurement Log
Advanced Features
Advanced Features
Advanced Features
You enter the IP Address of the PC you wish to download files to and it will transfer them as soon as
they are generated. If the meter is set up to generate a single PQDIF file per day; this transfer will occur
shortly after midnight (assuming there was a file created). If the meter is set up to generate a a single
PQDIF file per observation; this transfer will occur after the PQDIF file is created.
Note: The PC must be equipped with a file server application that can support the transfer of FTP or
SCP files.
On meters with the dual Ethernet Port Option, the files will be transferred from the Ethernet Port 6. If it
is unable to transfer the files via this port, it will automatically switch to Ethernet Port 7.
Advanced Features
These measurements are all available with the measurement log. The measurements are calculated over
200 msec (10/12 cycle). The measurement calculations are then aggregated in the following intervals:
▪ 150/180 cycles
▪ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 15, 20, 30, 60, 120 minutes
Note: While the standard only specifies 150/180 cycles, 10 minutes and 120 minutes recording intervals,
we apply the same 10/12 cycle measurement aggregation over the other intervals.
Some measurementslike flicker and harmonics require power quality options PQ2 or PQ3.
Advanced Features
• PredDmd = Demand Prediction
• Avg = Average of Instantaneous Readings already taken in the present demand interval.
The average is updated just before the Prediction is made.
• Sec = Seconds that have already elapsed in the demand interval
• Pres = Most recent Instantaneous Reading
• Rem = Seconds remaining in Demand Interval
• Int = Total number of seconds in Demand Interval
Advanced Features
(Graphs are not to scale. Assume one Instantaneous measurement per minute for illustration purposes.)
At 16 minutes into the demand interval, every measurement was 1000 W, which means the average
power was also 1000 W. 1,000 W times 16 minutes = 16,000 watt-minutes.
The most recent Instantaneous measurement (taken at 16 minutes into the interval) is 1000 W. Assume
the average power of the remaining 14 (of 30) measurements is 1000 W. (I.e. a level load.) 1,000 W
times 14 minutes = 14,000 watt minutes. Added to the 16,000 watt-minutes from before, the total is
30,000 watt-minutes. Divided by 30 total minutes, the Predicted Demand is 1000 W.
At 16 minutes into the demand interval the average of 16 Instantaneous measurements was 493.75 W.
That average times 16 minutes equals 7900 watt-minutes.
The most recent Instantaneous measurement (taken at 16 minutes into the interval) is 100 W. Assume
the average power of the remaining 14 (of 30) measurements is 100 W. (I.e. a level load.) 100W times
14 minutes = 1400 watt minutes. Added to the 7900 watt-minutes from before, the total is 9300 watt-
minutes. Divided by 30 total minutes, the Predicted Demand is 310 W.
Advanced Features
Advanced Features
The user may enter a separate amount of fixed VARs for each phase, or a polyphase total that will be
distributed across all active phases in the meter.
Since VAR measurements contribute to a number of meter quantities, the fixed VAR compensation will
affect other readings such as VA, Q, and PF.
The JEMStar II may be configured to add a fixed amount of VAR registration to all measurements in
cases where a known amount of VAR compensation is required. This setting does not affect meter
calibration; it simply adds a fixed offset to the meter's VAR readings.
Since the fixed VAR compensation is part of the meter configuration, it will be lost if the meter receives
a Cold Start or firmware upgrade. Also, if the same configuration file is to be used in multiple meters, the
compensation needs to be confirmed or modified before being programmed into each meter.
Advanced Features
Transformer gain and phase corrections are set in JEMWare II Software from the Primary Configuration
The user may enter a gain correction (Ratio) from -10.00% to +10.00% in 0.01% increments for each
voltage and current input. The user may also enter a phase correction from -5.00 to +5.00 degrees in 0.01
degree increments for each voltage and current. Furthermore, different current corrections may be
entered for multiple user-defined current ranges. The gain correction is either added or subtracted from
the transformer's ratio using the correction value entered. These corrections are applied directly to
measured voltages and currents before any further computations are performed; therefore they affect
virtually all quantities in the meter.
Because gain and phase errors may vary over the operating range of a current transformer, the user may
specify up to eight different current ranges, each with its own gain and phase correction. For example, a
current transformer may require -1% gain correction and -0.5 degree phase correction below 1 amp, but
only 0.05% gain and 0.1 degree correction at 5 amps.
Changing the gain of a voltage or current input will cause any single-phase measurement using that input
to increase or decrease by the amount of the change. For example, changing the Phase A Volts by
+1.00% will cause all Phase A measurements to read 1% high (except for amp quantities).
Polyphase measurements will change by the average of the changes made to each individual phase. For
example, if Phase A Volts is changed by +1.00%, Phase B Volts by +2.00% and Phase C Volts by
+4.00%, the change to polyphase watts is (1+2+4)/3=2.333%.
Advanced Features
Corrected Ratio (result) = Transformer Ratio + (Transformer Ratio * Correction Factor / 100)
Transformer Ratio = 120:1
Correction Factor = -10
Phase correction changes the apparent phase relationship between voltage and current, and its effects
vary depending on the original phase relationship. For example, a 1 degree phase correction on a circuit
at 1.000 PF will cause the displayed PF to read 0.999, while the same correction on a circuit at 0.866 PF
will cause the displayed PF to read 0.857.
Advanced Features
The JEMStar II meter may be purchased with an optional Totalization system. Totalization is the ability
to sum the energy readings from several different instruments and display the result. The JEMStar II has
16 totalization channels. Each channel may be displayed as a register in the Normal, Alternate, and Test
lists, as a Load Profile channel or a Measurement Log channel.
Each Totalization channel behaves as a Consumption register with several added features. Details on
how to configure Totalization channels are contained in the JEMWare II User Manual, (document 1079-
699). For each channel, the user must configure the following:
• Measurement quantity: choice of Watthours, VARhours, VAhours, Qhours, Amphours, Volt Squared
hours, Amp Squared hours* or None (which accumulates only external energy)
• Phase: A, B, C, or Polyphase*
• Direction: Delivered, Received, Net, Absolute or a single quadrant for VARhours*
• Time of Use Rate: None, A through H or Total*
• Loss Compensation*
• Enabled
• Up to 6 external Digital Input channels (setup as Pulse Counter)
• Pulse Weight in Primary units for each Digital Input channel.
• Operation (Add/Subtract) for each each Digital Input channel.
These settings are identical to those of a Consumption register.
Most of these settings are self-explanatory, but a few require further description.
1. Enabled set to Yes implies that the Totalization channel is setup to accumulate its own
registration with that computed using the pulses recorded on the Digital Input channels associated
with it. When set to No, the channel will only record registration based on the Digital Input
2. Digital Input channels are external energy inputs setup as pulse counters on the JEMStar II. Any
transition (make or break) on one of these inputs can be detected by any Totalization channel and
cause that channel to add the associated Pulse Weight to the Totalization channel’s contents to
obtain a totalized value.
NOTE: Input Pulse Weights are configured independently for each Totalization channel.
For example, Totalization Channel 1 may count each transition on input 1 as 1.0 MWh,
while Totalization Channel 2 may count each transition on input 1 as -3.8 MWh.
4. To record a Totalization channel in the Load Profile, add a Totalization type channel in
JEMWare II. In the Quantity field, select the desired Totalization channel number. The Direction,
Advanced Features
and Phase settings will be bypassed, but you may still select whether to record always or only
during TOU Rate Override & specify the km value.
TIP: Normally, Load Profile channels may not be associated with Time of Use rates other than
Total. However, you may simulate a Load Profile channel that records only during a given rate
period by assigning it to a Totalization channel with the correct rate. The Totalization channel
need not record any external energy, making it essentially identical to an integrated Load Profile
5. To record a Totalization channel in the Measurement Log, add a Totalization type channel in
JEMWare II. In the Quantity field, select the desired Totalization channel number. The Direction,
Phase, TLC, Recording Method & Scaling settings will be bypassed, but you may still configure
the Units.
Totalization Calculation:
The output of a totalization channel is the arithmetic sum of the registration of the meter (if Enabled is
set to Yes) and the registration computed using the pulses recorded on the Digital Input channels
associated with it. Each Digital Input channel setup as a Pulse Counter & associated with the totalization
channel can be assigned a pulse weight and an operation (addition/subtraction). The registration
associated with such a Digital Input would be the product of the number of pulses recorded on it during
an interval and the pulse weight.
Total Pulse Counter based registration = Pulse Counter channel 1 registration +/- Pulse Counter
channel 2 registration +/- …. Pulse Counter channel ‘N’ registration
Where N = total number of pulse counter channels associated with the totalization channel.
Totalized Value = Total Pulse Counter based registration + Meter registration (if Enabled set to Yes)
Advanced Features
Digital Input channels 1 to 6 are setup as Pulse Counters and are being used in totalization channel 1 with
the shown pulse weights & operations (add). A make or break operation on these channels would imply
that registration worth the value of the pulse weight be added to the totalized value.
This channel may now be used in the Load Profile, Display Registers and the Measurement Log.
Consider the following example of a Load Profile channel using this totalization channel. The interval is
set to 1 hour.
Assume a balanced three-phase input of 120V/5A per phase to the meter & 1 pulse on all Pulse Counter
inputs per minute. The totalized value reported for a 1-hour interval in the Load Profile can be computed
as follows –
Totalized WHr = 600 + 6000 + 12000 + 18000 + 24000 + 30000 + 36000 = 126600 WHr
The following is a list of the factory default settings that will be seen in a JEMStar II meter after a Cold
Start is performed. Use JEMWare II software to program the meter with your custom configuration.
Meter Identification
ID String 1: (JEMStarII ID)
ID String 2: (Ametek Power)
ID String 3: (Rochester, New York)
ID String 4: (Factory Default)
ID String 5: (1-888-222-6282)
ID Label 1: MV90 Meter ID
ID Label 2: Administrator
ID Label 3: Location
ID Label 4: Configuration ID
ID Label 5: Account Number
Primary Configuration
Meter Settings:
Meter Form 9
Meter Class Amps 20
Voltage Range 69-480
Connection Type 4 Wire Y
Frequency 60hz
Register Scaling:
VARs, Q Units
Watts, VA Units
Amp, A² MilliAmps
Volt Volts
V² KiloVolts
Appendix A- Default Configuration
Display Registers
Normal Registers
Alternate Registers
Test Registers
Appendix A- Default Configuration
Load Profile
Interval Length: 15 min
Sub Interval Length: 5 min
Enable Demand Sync. No
Thermal Demand Time: 15 min
Defer Demands for: 0 sec
After Power Outage (secs): 1
Channel 1: Input Interval Sync
Channel 2: Input Status Input
Channel 3: Output Energy Pulse, 1 shot, Wh polyphase, ke=1
Channel 4: Output Energy Pulse, 1 shot, VARh polyphase, pke=1
Channel 5: Output End of Demand Interval
Channel 6: Output Triggered Alarm
Appendix A- Default Configuration
Analog Outputs
Analog Output 1: Watts Phase A, 0-0
Analog Output 2: Watts Phase A, 0-0
Analog Output 3: Watts Phase A, 0-0
Analog Output 4: Watts Phase A, 0-0
Trigger Setup
Channel 1: Volts Line-Neutral, Phase A, >100, not enabled
Channel 2: Volts Line-Neutral, Phase B, >100, not enabled
Channel 3: Volts Line-Neutral, Phase C, >100, not enabled
Communication Setup
Optical (Port 1): 9600 baud
Binary protocol
Device Address = 01
Password timeout 1 min.
RS-232 (Port 2) 19200 baud
Binary protocol
Device Address = 01
Password timeout 5 min.
TX Start Delay =0
TX End Delay = 0
Turnaround Delay = 0
RS-232/485 (Port 3) RS232
19200 baud
Binary protocol
Device Address = 01
Password timeout 5 min.
TX Start Delay =0
TX End Delay = 0
Turnaround Delay = 0
RS-232/485 (Port 4) RS232
19200 baud
Binary protocol
Device Address = 01
Password timeout 5 min.
TX Start Delay =0
TX End Delay = 0
Turnaround Delay = 0
Int Modem (Port 5) 9600 baud
Binary protocol
Device Address = 01
Password timeout 10 min.
Appendix A- Default Configuration
Protocol Setup
Modbus Slave
Modbus Counters: Start Address = 30001
Point 1 Watthour Delivered 0.001 scaling
Point 2 Watthour Received 0.001 scaling
Point 3 VARhour Delivered 0.001 scaling
Point 4 VARhour Received 0.001 scaling
Appendix A- Default Configuration
DNP Slave
DNP Counters: Write Time Interval = 1
Data Link Timeout = 1
Data Link Mode = never
Application Timeout =1
Data Link Retries = 3
Restrict Counter = any
Time Set Tolerance = 2
Analog Input Variation = 3
Frozen Counter Events = yes
Analog Scaling = 16 bit
Class 0 Counter type = Running Object 20
Class 0 Counter type = Frozen Object 21
Global Time Set = enabled
Appendix A- Default Configuration
Display Setup
Display Scroll Rate: 7 sec
Display Timeout: 15 sec
Date Format: MM/DD/YYYY
Preset mode timeout: 1 minutes
Test Mode timeout: 30 minutes
Demand Reset lockout: 5 minutes
User Menu Timeout: 120 sec
Loss Compensation disabled
User Management
Username: admin Password: admin
Access to all
The following is a list of user replaceable parts. Please contact the factory for further information.
*When ordering spare or replacement circuit boards, please have the meter’s Model Number and Serial
Number available.
Static, by definition, is designating or producing stationary electrical charges such as those resulting from
friction. An electrostatic potential is produced by friction between nonconductive materials and can best
be visualized as a field between two charged plates. The electrostatic potential will exist until the
difference in the potential is overcome.
All meter shop work must be performed at static-protected work stations following properly prescribed
static-control practices. Unless controlled, electrostatic discharge can destroy or weaken solid-state
electronic components and assemblies.
Failure Mode
Failure of a solid-state component due to static discharge is characterized by partial or complete
destruction of a semiconductor junction or a microscopic resistive or capacitive element within a circuit
device. Failure is most common in CMOS, very low-energy devices.
Destruction of a circuit is immediately detectable and is remedied by normal troubleshooting and repair
methods. However, the common condition of partial damage induced by low-level static discharge is not
immediately detectable. Thus, the damaged component may continue to operate normally, but in a
weakened state. Repeated exposure of the same component to similar low levels of static discharge may
produce cumulative damage, ultimately leading to failure.
Static damage can be avoided by practical methods accessible to anyone handling solid-state components
or assemblies.
Completely assembled products are only minimally vulnerable to static damage, and then only under the
most severe of static-prone environments. Consequently, completely assembled products can usually be
handled in normal work environments, indoors and outdoors, with little risk of static damage.
If a product is disassembled to any level, all exposed or removed electronic modules must be considered
vulnerable to static damage and handled accordingly. There is no truly safe level of exposure to
electrostatic discharge. However, the presence of a static charge or static field is not, in itself, damaging
to electronic components.
Subassemblies from a dismantled product should not be considered static protected by design. In fact,
depending on the design and conductive mass of the connected circuitry, components in subassemblies
may be more vulnerable to static damage than loose components of the same type. Therefore, the
objectives of static control cannot be met by indiscriminate handling of subassemblies or loose
Handling a printed-circuit-board assembly by its edges without employing static protection does not
preclude the risk of static damage to its components. Effective static- control methods cannot be
executed without proper tools and equipment.
Appendix C- Electrostatic Discharge
All static-control methods relate to one simple principle: provide alternate, intentional paths for
grounding electrostatic charges away from or around the devices to be protected. Static control is the
employment of tools and equipment to predetermine the flow path of this current.
Any two physical bodies, conductive or nonconductive, can be the source of an electrostatic discharge if
either is charged to a different level of electrostatic potential. As these two physical bodies come in
contact or proximity, equilibrium is achieved by a sudden flow of current.
Most people associate a static discharge with a small blue arc and a sharp snapping noise. It is important
to note that static charges of a level too low to produce a detectable arc can still damage unprotected
electronic components.
Another important consideration is that even though a safe encounter has been achieved between two
physical bodies, any subsequent encounter with a third, fourth, or more bodies must be protected in the
same manner since a static potential difference may exist between the, now combined, first two bodies
and any unknown new body.
The first step in the above example is to de-energize the meter so that the meter is completely
isolated from all service lines. Never dismantle an energized meter.
Attach the conductive work mat and the conductive wrist strap to the ground cord. Put on the wrist strap
and remove the assembly from the meter. If work is to be performed on the assembly at the metering
site, perform it on the grounded work mat.
If the assembly is to be transported to the meter shop or other off-site location, insert the assembly into a
conductive, antistatic bag for safe transportation. If the assembly has a battery installed, remove the
battery before inserting into the bag for transportation. Conductive, antistatic bags can cause a battery to
discharge during the transportation process.
If sensitive components are removed from the assembly at the meter site and are to be reused, insert the
components—with all component leads piercing into a piece of conductive foam carrier—into an
antistatic bag for safe transportation.
Static kits including mat, wrist strap, cord, and clip are available through your local electronics supplier.
Distributed Network Protocol (DNP 3.0) is an industry standard protocol for SCADA communications
between Master Stations, Host computers, Remote Terminal Units, and Intelligent Electronics Devices
(such as the JEMStar II meter). It is a public domain, non-proprietary protocol based on the IEC-870
standards, and is intended primarily for use in SCADA-like systems.
DNP as a protocol provides efficient, robust data communications through a system of 32-bit data link
CRCs (Cyclical Redundancy Checks) and confirmation messages. However, DNP is much more than an
error-detection-and-correction scheme. A DNP-compliant device, from the protocol's point of view, is
considered a group of data "objects", each of which contains one or more "points". The DNP protocol
specification defines the allowable object types and what constitutes a "point" for that object type.
JEMStar II uses the Triangle MicroWorks™, Inc. DNP 3.0 Slave Source Code Library Version 3.12.0.
This implementation of DNP 3.0 is fully compliant with DNP 3.0 Subset Definition Level 2, contains
many Subset Level 3 features, and contains some functionality even beyond Subset Level 3.
The following sections, in conjunction with the Device Profile Document, provide a complete
interoperability/configuration guide for the JEMStar II meter:
• the Implementation Table
• the Point List Tables
• Configuration methods
Appendix D - DNP Serial Communications
DNP V3.00
For static (non-change-event) object requests, request qualifier codes 00 and 01 (start-stop), 07 and 08 (limited
quantity), and 17 and 28 (index) are supported in addition to request qualifier code 06 (no range – or all points).
Static object requests received with qualifiers 00, 01, 06, 07, or 08, will be responded with qualifiers 00 or 01.
Static object requests received with qualifiers 17 or 28 will be responded with qualifiers 17 or 28. For change-
event object requests, qualifiers 17 or 28 are always responded.
The read and write function code for Object 50 (Time and Date), variation 1, is supported.
Maximum Data Link Frame Size (octets): Maximum Application Fragment Size (octets):
Transmission Delay: Configurable, via JEMWare II
Inter-character Timeout: 1 sec.
Need Time Delay: Configurable, via JEMWare II
Frozen Counter Event scanning period: FIXED AT 5 seconds
Appendix D - DNP Serial Communications
DNP V3.00
Queue Never
Clear Queue Never
Reports Binary Input Change Events when no Reports time-tagged Binary Input Change Events when no
specific variation requested: specific variation requested:
Never Never
Appendix D - DNP Serial Communications
The JEMStar II II DNP implementation conforms to the standard for a Level II slave device, with some
additions. Implementation consists of the following static objects:
The following table identifies the variations, function codes, and qualifiers supported by the meter in
both request messages and in response messages.
For static (non-change-event) objects, requests sent with qualifiers 00, 01, 06, 07, or 08, will be
responded with qualifiers 00 or 01. Static object requests sent with qualifiers 17 or 28 will be
responded with qualifiers 17 or 28. For change-event objects, qualifiers 17 or 28 are always
In the table below text shaded as Subset Level 3 indicates Subset Level 3 functionality
(beyond Subset Level 2), and text shaded as beyond Subset Level 3 indicates functionality
beyond Subset Level 3.
Appendix D - DNP Serial Communications
Appendix D - DNP Serial Communications
Appendix D - DNP Serial Communications
NOTE 1: For static (non-change-event) objects, qualifiers 17 or 28 are only responded when a request
is sent with qualifiers 17 or 28, respectively. Otherwise, static object requests sent with
qualifiers 00, 01, 06, 07, or 08, will be responded with qualifiers 00 or 01. (For change-event
objects, qualifiers 17 or 28 are always responded.)
Appendix D - DNP Serial Communications
NOTE 2: A cold restart is implemented as a warm restart – the meter is not restarted, but the DNP
process is restarted.
Appendix D - DNP Serial Communications
DNP Mapping
The JEMStar II meter supports a flexible mapping scheme where you can select any data point in the
location you want. The following categories of DNP objects are supported:
• Binary Inputs (Object 2)
• Binary Outputs (Object 10)
• Counters (Object 20, 21, 23)
• Analog Inputs (Object 30)
• Time and Date (Object 50)
• Class Polls (Object 60)
DNP Binary Objects support the Digital I/O with the following objects and variations:
Object Variation Description
2 1 Binary Input Change without time
2 Binary Input Change with time
10 1 Binary Output without Status
2 Binary Output with Status
We use DNP Object 10 to report the status of the Digital Outputs and we use DNP Object 2 to report the
status of Digital Inputs and metering events as shown in the list below.
Appendix D - DNP Serial Communications
DNP Counters
(Object 20, 21, 23)
DNP Counters are implemented as 16 and 32-bit counter with the following objects and variations:
The JEMStar II uses a flexible mapping system for DNP counters, with the ability to pick any Normal or
Alternate Display register configured in the meter.
Note: Counters are typically used for integrated measurements like Watthours, VARhours, etc. but you
can choose from any Display register configured in the meter, such as instantaneous or demand
Other data formats that may be assigned to display registers include:
• Time and Date registers are represented as seconds since midnight 1/1/70
• Diagnostic and String register types will be represented as 0
• Status registers will be represented as a direct 16 (32)-bit mask value.
Appendix D - DNP Serial Communications
The list of available measurements that can be configured for your DNP Counters is shown below:
Measurement Measurement Phase Direction TLC
Consumption Whr, VARhr, Vahr(vect), Vahr(arith), Ahr, A,B,C, Total Del, Rec, Net, Abs, Q1- yes/no
2 2 Q4
Qhr, A hr, V hr
Instantaneous Volt, Amp, Watt, VAR, VA(vect), A,B,C, Total Del, Rec, Net, Abs, Q1- yes/no
VA(arith), Freq, PF(vect), PF(arith), Q, Q4
VoltTHD, AmpTHD, V 2, A2, Volt
Imbalance, Amp Imbalence
Demand: Volt, Amp, Watt, VAR, VA(vect), A,B,C, Total Del, Rec, Net, Abs, Q1- yes/no
Peak (Max) VA(arith), Freq, PF(vect), PF(arith), Q, Q4
Present VoltTHD, AmpTHD, V 2, A2, Volt
Past Imbalance, Amp Imbalence
Peak Thermal
Minimum Volt, Amp, Watt, VAR, VA(vect), A,B,C, Total Del, Rec, Net, Abs, Q1- yes/no
Maximum VA(arith), Freq, PF(vect), PF(arith), Q, Q4
Average VoltTHD, AmpTHD, V 2, A2, Volt
Imbalance, Amp Imbalence
Power Quality Volt THD, Amp THD, VoltTHD odd, A,B,C n/a
VoltTHD even, Volt Imbalance, Amp
Imbalance, TDD, TDD odd, TDD even,
Crest Factor, Pst, Plt, Pinst
Fault Negative Sequence Ratio (current and A,B,C n/a
voltage), Zero Sequence Ratio (current
and voltage)
Appendix D - DNP Serial Communications
The DNP Counter will duplicate the settings in the display register, so if the display register
measurement selected is ‘Primary’ with engineering units ‘kilo’, the corresponding counter point will
When configuring the DNP Counter, you can select your own scale factor from 1 to 1,000.
Note: The DNP Counter table must be configured after all Normal/Alternate display registers have been
created for the configuration.
Appendix D - DNP Serial Communications
DNP Analogs
(Object 30)
DNP Analogs are implemented as 16 and 32-bit Analogs with the following objects and variations:
Object Variation Description
30 1 32-bit Analog with flag
2 16-bit Analog with flag
3 32-bit Analog without flag
4 16-bit Analog without flag
5 Short Floating Point Analog
The JEMStar II Meter supports a flexible DNP mapping system as you can select from any instantaneous, power quality
and fault measurement. The list of available measurements that can be configured for your display registers is shown
Measurement Measurement Phase Direction TLC
Instantaneous Volt, Amp, Watt, VAR, VA(vect), A,B,C, Total Del, Rec, Net, Abs, Q1- yes/no
VA(arith), Freq, PF(vect), PF(arith), Q, Q4
Volt THD, Amp THD, V 2, A2, Volt
Imbalance, Amp Imbalance
Power Quality Volt & Current Harmonic magnitude (2- A,B,C n/a
64th harmonic), Volt & Current Harmonic
phase angle (2-64th harmonic), Volt &
Current Inter-Harmonic magnitude (2-
50th harmonic), Volt THD, Amp THD,
VoltTHD odd, VoltTHD even, Volt
Imbalance, Amp Imbalance, TDD, TDD
odd, TDD even, Crest Factor, Pst, Plt,
Fault Neagtive, Positive, Zero Sequence A,B,C n/a
(voltage/current magnitude and phase,
Negative Sequence Ratio (current and
voltage), Zero Sequence Ratio (current
and voltage)
Appendix D - DNP Serial Communications
Secondary Measurement Value: 1,825.438 Watts
Primary Measurement Value: 36,508.76 kWwatts
Transformer Factor: 20,000
Scale Factor Used: 20
Note: The maximum value allowed for a 32 bit DNP Analog Object is: 2,147,483,647
32 Bit Method
This is a similar approach to the 32 Bit, applying a straight scale factor from 0 to 1,000 to the measured value. Note:
Keep in mind that the maximum 16 bit value that can be stored is 32,767, so make sure the scaling doesn’t overflow the
For Example; if the maximum secondary watts is 3,600 Watts, your maximum scale factor is 9.
16 Bit Method
This method optimizes the usage of 16 Bit storage by automatically scaling the measurement to fit the maximum
secondary ranges. As an example, the measurement range for watts is 0 to 10600 which is scaled to 0 to 32767. A
measurement of 10600 watts would provide a DNP value of 32767. A value 10% of that (1060 watts) would provide a
DNP value that is 10% of the full scale, or 3277.
Appendix D - DNP Serial Communications
These are some examples of how scaling can be applied to different measurements:
Scaling Example 1:
Amps 12.56
Measurement Range 0 to 20
Scaled Range 0 to 32767
----------------- X Scaled Range = DNP Value
Meas Range
------------- X 32767 = 20578 DNP Value (The DNP value of 20578 represents 12.56 Amps)
The DNP configuration also includes a user configurable scale factor of 1 to 100 selectable by measurement. A scale
factor should be made so that the maximum value doesn’t exceed the measurement range. For example, the 3-phase watt
maximum is 31800. If your maximum watt value is less than 3180, you can use a scale factor of 10.
Scaling Example 2:
Polyphase Watts delivered 1825.438
Measurement Range 0 to 31800
Scaled Range 0 to 32767
Scale Factor Used 10
----------------- X Scaled Range X Scale Factor = DNP Value
Meas Range
------------- X 32767 X 10 = 18809 DNP Value = 1825.438 Watts
Appendix D - DNP Serial Communications
The JEMStar II DNP implementation includes frozen counter event objects. These are implemented as
Object 23 Variations 0, 1, 2, 5 and 6. These provide a time-stamped snapshot of the corresponding
counters at the time of freeze. The JEMStar II has storage for up to 500 frozen event objects when all 300
points are configured. An event is generated at each register freeze. Each event includes all
corresponding registers at the time the freeze occurred.
If event data is not desired, the generation of events can be disabled using JEMWare II.
JEMWare II software must be used to set up the configurable parameters that relate to DNP 3.0 in the
meter, as well as configurable point assignments for the various DNP Objects that the meter supports.
Please refer to the section in this manual titled “Protocols” for detailed procedures.
The MODBUS protocol defines a message structure that electronic communications equipment will
recognize and use, regardless of the type of networks over which they communicate. It describes the
procedure a host piece of equipment called the MASTER uses to request access to another device called
the SLAVE, how it will respond to requests from other devices, and how errors will be detected and
reported. A common format is defined for the layout and contents of message fields.
The MODBUS protocol has two distinct forms, RTU mode and ASCII mode, the JEMStarII supports
MODBUS RTU protocol only.
RTU mode essentially means binary mode, where each byte of information is transmitted as an actual 8-
bit binary byte.
Further information concerning MODBUS implementation standards can be found at the following
The MODBUS Device Address, timeout, and communications parameters are configured via the
JEMWare II software.
Appendix E - Modbus Communications
The following MODBUS serial communications parameters are configurable via JEMWare II:
• Baud Rate (1200, 2400, 9600, 19200, 38400)
• RS-232 (half duplex) or RS-485 (half duplex) signal levels
As implied by the Read Holding Registers command, all JEMStar II available data will be stored in 16-
bit Holding Registers. However, these registers will either hold the High Order or Low Order 16 bits
(word) of a 32-bit quantity or a single 16-bit register if Analog Scaling = 16 in JEMWareII Protocol
Setup. Whenever a 32-bit quantity is accessed, the registers containing both the High Order & Low
Order words must be included in the request, or the command will be rejected.
Appendix E - Modbus Communications
The supported Register Sets and the MODBUS Function Codes (FC) used to retrieve the data are as
The JEMStar II MODBUS implementation will not monitor the network bus continuously, and thus will
not detect any silence interval. Consequently, the strict rules about silence intervals will not be enforced.
The start of a new message will be detected using a synchronization algorithm.
Appendix E - Modbus Communications
Communication Errors
Communication errors, consisting of a Parity, LRC or CRC error, will result in the message causing the
error to be ignored by the meter. The MASTER Device will timeout and retransmit the message.
Exception Responses
The JEMStar II MODBUS implementation can produce 1 of 3 possible exceptions:
An Illegal Function is self-explanatory. If the meter receives a MODBUS query that contains a function
that it does not support (anything other than 01, 02 03, 04, 05, 15 or 16), an Illegal Function (Exception
01) will be returned.
The Data Address is the Holding Register or Input Register address. For example, an Illegal Data
Address for a Function 03 command would be either a register value greater that 0xE7 or a register value
that begins at the second word (Lo Order Word) of a 32-bit quantity. An Illegal Data Address for a
Function 06 command would be any register other than 0x16.
The meaning of the Data Value depends upon the command. The Data Value for a Function 03
command is the number of Holding registers requested, starting with the first (Data Address) register. If
the sum of the first register and the number of registers is either greater than 0x3F, or results in the
request of only one word of any 32-bit quantity, an Illegal Data Value exception is generated.
An Exception Response is the JEMStar II’s Device Address, the function value with the High Order Bit
set to 1, and the Exception Code followed by the CRC. For example, an Illegal Data Address exception
to a function 03 request would be:
Appendix E - Modbus Communications
The timeout period from the reception of a matching Device Address until that message is completed is
software assignable using JEMWare II software. If a timeout occurs, the portion of the message already
processed is discarded and the meter will again look for a matching Device Address. The default timeout
is 1 second, but can be configured for 100 – 65000ms.
Register Presets
In the JEMStar II Modbus implementation, meter registers (Normal and Alternate) may be cleared or set
to a given value with the Preset Multiple Registers command (Function Code 16).
Note that the start register specified in the command must be the Hi-order register number of the
appropriate register pair. There can not be more than 120 registers per request.
In addition, ”Allow Register Presets” must be specifically enabled in the meter with JEMWare II
(Use menu Meter Settings/Protocols/ Modbus). If not enabled, Modbus exception 01 (illegal function)
will be returned if register presets are attempted.
Appendix E - Modbus Communications
We use a single 16 bit register for multiple inputs and outputs. You can select from any of the digital I/O
and metering events as shown in the list below.
Function 01 Function 02
Read Output Coils Read Input Status
Address Function Address Function
00001 Digital Out #1 10001 Digital Input Status
00002 Digital Out #2 10002 Ch. 1-14
00003 Digital Out #3 10003 Trigger Status
00004 Digital Out #4 10004 Ch. 1-64
00005 Digital Out #5 10005 Meter Status
00006 Digital Out #6 10006 Volts Ph A,B,C Status
00007 Digital Out #7 10007 Clock Sync Status
00008 Digital Out #8 10008 Battery Status
00009 Digital Out #9 10009 Internal Comm Status
00010 Digital Out #10 Calibration Status
00011 Digital Out #11 Configuration Status
00012 Digital Out #12 10099 Firmware Status
00013 Digital Out #13 10100 Test Mode Status
00014 Digital Out #14
Appendix E - Modbus Communications
Modbus Counters
(Function 03 – Read Holding Registers)
The JEMStar II uses a flexible mapping system for Modbus counters, with the ability to pick any Normal
or Alternate Display register configured in the meter.
You can specify a register starting address (ex: 40001) and you can select an individual scaling factor
from 0-1000.
Appendix E - Modbus Communications
The list of available measurements that can be configured for your display registers is shown below:
Measurement Measurement Phase Direction TLC
Consumption Whr, VARhr, Vahr(vect), Vahr(arith), Ahr, A,B,C, Total Del, Rec, Net, Abs, Q1- yes/no
2 2 Q4
Qhr, A hr, V hr
Instantaneous Volt, Amp, Watt, VAR, VA(vect), A,B,C, Total Del, Rec, Net, Abs, Q1- yes/no
VA(arith), Freq, PF(vect), PF(arith), Q, Q4
VoltTHD, AmpTHD, V 2, A2, Volt
Imbalance, Amp Imbalence
Demand: Volt, Amp, Watt, VAR, VA(vect), A,B,C, Total Del, Rec, Net, Abs, Q1- yes/no
Peak (Max) VA(arith), Freq, PF(vect), PF(arith), Q, Q4
Present VoltTHD, AmpTHD, V 2, A2, Volt
Past Imbalance, Amp Imbalence
Peak Thermal
Minimum Volt, Amp, Watt, VAR, VA(vect), A,B,C, Total Del, Rec, Net, Abs, Q1- yes/no
Maximum VA(arith), Freq, PF(vect), PF(arith), Q, Q4
Average VoltTHD, AmpTHD, V 2, A2, Volt
Imbalance, Amp Imbalence
Power Quality Volt THD, Amp THD, VoltTHD odd, A,B,C n/a
VoltTHD even, Volt Imbalance, Amp
Imbalance, TDD, TDD odd, TDD even,
Crest Factor, Pst, Plt, Pinst
Fault Negative Sequence Ratio (current and A,B,C n/a
voltage), Zero Sequence Ratio (current
and voltage)
Appendix E - Modbus Communications
Note: The Modbus Counter table must be configured after all Normal/Alternate display registers have
been created for the configuration.
The list of available measurements is based on what you have configured for your Normal and Alternate
Display Registers.
Appendix E - Modbus Communications
Modbus Analogs
(Function 04 – Read Input Registers)
We use a single 16 bit register per measurement. You can select from any instantaneous measurement
with selections for phase, direction, TLC and scaling. All values are based on secondary values. You can
specify a register starting address (ex: 30001) and you can select an individual scaling factor from 0-100.
The list of available measurements that can be configured for your display registers is shown below:
Address Measurement
30001 Analog 1
30002 Analog 2
30003 Analog 3
| |
Power Quality Volt & Current Harmonic magnitude (2- A,B,C n/a
64th harmonic), Volt & Current Harmonic
phase angle (2-64th harmonic), Volt THD,
Amp THD, VoltTHD odd, VoltTHD even,
Volt Imbalance, Amp Imbalance, TDD,
TDD odd, TDD even, Crest Factor
Fault Neagtive, Positive, Zero Sequence A,B,C n/a
(voltage/current magnitude and phase,
Negative Sequence Ratio (current and
voltage), Zero Sequence Ratio (current
and voltage)
Appendix E - Modbus Communications
This scaling method optimizes the usage of 16 Bit storage by automatically scaling the measurement to
fit the maximum secondary ranges. As an example, the measurement range for watts is 0 to 10600 which
is scaled to 0 to 32767. A measurement of 10600 watts would provide a Modbus value of 32767. A value
10% of that (1060 watts) would provide a Modbus value that is 10% of the full scale, or 3277.
These are some examples of how scaling can be applied to different measurements:
Scaling Example 1:
Amps 12.56
Measurement Range 0 to 20
Scaled Range 0 to 32767
----------------- X Scaled Range = Modbus Value
Meas Range
------------- X 32767 = 20578 Modbus Value (The Modbus value of 20578 represents 12.56 Amps)
Appendix E - Modbus Communications
The Modbus configuration also includes a user configurable scale factor of 1 to 100 selectable by
measurement. A scale factor should be made so that the maximum value doesn’t exceed the
measurement range. For example, the 3-phase watt maximum is 31800. If your maximum watt value is
less than 3180, you can use a scale factor of 10.
Scaling Example 2:
Polyphase Watts delivered 1825.438
Measurement Range 0 to 31800
Scaled Range 0 to 32767
Scale Factor Used 10
----------------- X Scaled Range X Scale Factor = Modbus Value
Meas Range
------------- X 32767 X 10 = 18809 Modbus Value = 1825.438 Watts
IEC 61850 is an optional communication protocol used over Ethernet. It is used to make the meter
measurements and I/O status available for other IED’s and applications.
In this implementation, the meter will be used as an IEC 61850 Server, publishing the status of the
analog and digital I/O wired to the meter to other IEC 61850 enabled IED’s.
It will support GOOSE messaging by transmitting the status of the digital inputs to other devices.
ICD File
Each meter shall have an ICD file that describes all available options. The file will
include information such as Internal I/O, External I/O and how it is configured for inputs
or outputs. The ICD file shall also identify whether it is configured for power quality
measurements and PMU.
CID File
The CID file shall be created using a software application (provided by Ametek) that
allows you to take the ICD file and configure the various application requirements,
including IED Properties, Goose Messaging, Buffered and Unbuffered Reports and
definition of the Dataset. The Software shall allow the use of FTP to transfer the CID file
into the meter.
IED Properties
The IED properties shall include the IED Name, Manufacture, Model Type, Station ID,
Device ID, Firmware and Identification
Appendix F – IEC-61850 Communications
The meter will support the following logical nodes:
Logical Node IEC 61850 Description Measurements Variations
Physical Device LPHD Contains physical information about our
Logical LLNO Contains data about our meter
Measuring- for MMXU1 Total Active Power TotW
operative Total Reactive Power TotVAR
purpose Total Apparent Power TotVA
Average Power factor TotPF
Frequency Hz
Phase to phase voltages PPV phsAB, phsBC,
Phase to ground voltages PhV phsCA
Phase currents A phsA, phsB, phsC
Phase active power W phsA, phsB, phsC
Phase reactive power VAr phsA, phsB, phsC
Phase apparent power VA phsA, phsB, phsC
Phase power factor PF phsA, phsB, phsC
phsA, phsB, phsC
Metering - for MMTR1 Total Watt hours TotWh
commercial Total VAR hours TotVArh
purpose Total VA hours TotVAh
Delivered Watt Hours SupWh
Delivered VAR hours SupVArh
Received Watt hours DmdWh
Received VAR hours DmsVArh
Appendix F – IEC-61850 Communications
GOOSE messaging is supported to allow re-transmission of any of the JEMStar II hardwired
digital inputs.
The IEC-61850 Protocol supports up to 12 Un-buffered reports and 12 Buffered Reports. The
reports shall be configured using the IEC-61850 Software application.
The reports shall be triggered for retrieval from any of three methods:
• Configurable trigger based on a change in a value as selected by a deadband value
• Report retrieved at a configurable time interval
• Report requested for retrieval by a client device
The 61850 Configuration Software shall provide the ability to configure 8 Data Sets of meter
data (max 50 measurements) which will become available for the buffered and unbuffered
reports. They shall start as a default list of values which the user can add/edit/delete the entries.
The Data Sets shall consist of:
Meter Status This shall contain various health check conditions of the meter
Instantaneous Group of instantaneous measurements from MMXU node
Energy Group of energy measurements from MMTR node
Statistics Group of min/max/avg measurements from MSTA node
Sequence Group of sequence components from MSQI node
Power Quality (Future) Group of power quality measurements from MHAI node
Disturbance (Furure) Group of disturbance measurements from RADR, RBDR, RDRE
I/O (Future) Group of analog and digital I/O from GGIO node
The meter meets performance class M2 for revenue metering with accuracy class 0.2 (IEC
62053-22) and 0.1 (IEC 60044-8) and up to the 13th harmonic.
Configuration Software is provided for mapping the JEMStar II data items to other IED’s using GOOSE
Messaging and for selecting items in the Data set and Reports. The Software allows the import of other
manufacture ICD files to assist with the mapping. The software creates a CID file that can be sent to the
meter via FTP.
Refer to the 61850 Congfiguration Software manual for details.
Apparent Power
The product of the applied voltage and current in an ac circuit. Apparent power, or volt-amperes, is not
the real power of the circuit because the power factor is not considered in the calculation. JEMStar II
calculates Apparent Power = Watts 2 + VARs 2
At Rated Output
Average Power Factor
The ratio of kilowatt-hour pulses to computed equivalent kVAh pulses for the billing period.
Billing Period
The period of time (commonly a month) between meter readings, when those readings are used for
billing a power customer. Also, the period of time between two consecutive demand resets.
Billing Period Reset (BPR)
A task commonly associated with the Billing Read is the Billing Period Reset. The Reset causes a
"snapshot" of register readings to be copied to storage as well as clearing Peak Demand readings and
updating Cumulative and Continuous Cumulative readings. You must break a seal to perform a Billing
Period Reset on the front panel. The Reset is recorded in the Billing Period Reset event buffer.
Billing Read
A Billing Read is the task of reading billing information from the meter front panel. If the billing
information is required to be available to anyone, it can be programmed into the Normal display list (See
"Casual" Read).
Load imposed by a device on an input circuit, expressed in ohms or VA.
Casual Read
A "casual" read is the ability to see measurements on a sealed, functioning meter without breaking a seal
or otherwise violating the meter's security. The type and amount of information available during a casual
read can be selected by the meter setup programmer using JEMWare II.
For example, any non-secure readings may be placed in the Normal display list. If nothing is to be
displayed to unauthorized users, the programmer may place the Blank or Segment Check display items in
the Normal list. Consult the JEMWare II user’s manual for full configuration details.
Class; Class Amps
The maximum current for which a meter is specified to operate within its accuracy rating.
Daily Schedule
The daily schedule is an array of times and rates, and it determines the moment at which a TOU period
The average of some measurement over a defined period of time, traditionally calculated by
accumulating the integrated measurement over the defined period (the "demand interval") and dividing
by the time.
Demand Deferral
A period immediately following a power outage during which demands are not calculated. It is
determined by the number of demand-interval closures following the power outage.
Demand Prediction
An optional feature that calculates and displays the Demand value expected at the end of the present
demand interval before the interval is completed. Demand Predictions may be used to monitor a load in
order to prevent setting a new Peak Demand.
Demand Reset
A scheduled or user-initiated event that causes maximum demands to be zeroed and certain other
calculations to occur.
Distributed Network Protocol: a serial communication protocol used in instrument networking. See
Appendix D.
A voltage and current input pair to a meter or transducer, typically from the same phase. A half element
takes advantage of mathematical relationships present in a three phase power system to eliminate the
need for one voltage measurement.
Full Scale
A reference condition corresponding to the highest rated value of a given measurement. For watts, this
condition occurs at the user’s input voltage, class current rating, and unity power factor. For VARs, full
scale is at the user’s input voltage, class current, and zero power factor.
Health / Status Read
A Health and Status Read is concerned with evaluating the correct operation of the meter and its
installation, not its billing data. Health and Status display items may be programmed into either Normal
or Alternate display lists at the user’s discretion.
For TOU purposes, a holiday is a date contained in the holiday schedule.
Holiday Schedule
A holiday schedule is an array of dates (in seconds time format at midnight) within the TOU schedule
that enables the meter to identify holidays.
Instantaneous Quantities
Instantaneous quantities are short-term average or RMS measurements of electrical characteristics in a
circuit. Instantaneous quantities are suitable for developing Instantaneous Register, Thermal Demand, or
analog outputs.
Integrated Quantities
Integrated quantities are power measurement quantities that are integrated over time, and which may be
accumulated. Integrated quantities are used for developing Consumption, Fixed or Sliding Window
Demand (Peak or Coincident), Load Profile, or pulse outputs.
A period over which a demand is calculated consisting of one or more subintervals.
Infrared light-emitting diode, such as the optical port on the JEMStar II meter.
A meter output that indicates energy by toggling a Form-C contact output at a frequency proportional to
power flow. Each transition represents some constant amount of energy (typically referred to as Ke,
"energy constant") that has been consumed. JEMStar II mimics this function by allowing the user to
configure two solid-state contact outputs into a similar arrangement.
Leading Zero(es)
The main section of the meter’s LCD readout can be configured (with JEMWare II) to fill in unused
display digits with either blanks or zeros. “Leading Zeroes” inserts “0” digits to the left of the most
significant digit until all display positions are filled (there can be 6 or 8 digit positions, depending upon
Line Loss Compensation: the ability of an instrument to measure or calculate the power lost in an
imperfect conductor and to use that figure to modify its power or energy readings.
Liquid Crystal Display (LCD)
Display area on the meter face that contains alpha-numeric characters for data readout.
Load Linearity
Specifies the maximum deviation of performance in percent registration over a range of current (load)
assuming all other conditions at nominal reference conditions.
Load Profile
A record of energy consumption stored periodically (typically every 1 to 60 minutes) and sequentially.
Each stored "interval" (one record) contains one or more "channels" (a single integrated quantity
accumulated during the interval just ended).
(Load Profile) Periodic Special Event
The meter stores pulses accumulated since the time of the previous LP interval closure.
Load Profile Interval
An LP interval is the period between two consecutive LP interval closures.
Load Profile Record
An LP record is the data in a segment of load-profile memory where the accumulated pulses from a
single LP interval are stored.
Loss Compensation
A generic term used to include both TLC and LLC.
Measurement Quantity
A single measurable characteristic of power flow in a circuit, or a commonly used combination of
measurement quantities. E.g. Volts Phase A, Watthours Delivered Total.
A standard serial communication protocol used by programmable controllers.
Null Modem
Cable that emulates a modem to enable the connection of two DTE (data terminal equipment) devices
such as any two devices that would communicate with a modem (DCE) device.
Partial Load Profile Count
The total accumulated counts within an interval after the last special event or load- profile interval
Past Interval Demand
The demand for the most recently ended demand interval.
Peak Demand
(a.k.a. Maximum Demand) The highest demand reading in a Billing Period.
The timing relationship between two signals of the same frequency, expressed as an angle. E.g. the delay
between voltage and current waveforms in an AC circuit, or between voltage waveforms in different
One of (usually) three circuits in a polyphase power distribution system. Each phase may be treated as an
individual power source that is synchronized to the other phases in the system.
The sum, average, or combination (as appropriate) of measurements from all phases input to a meter.
Power Factor (PF)
The ratio of the real power (watts) to the apparent power (volt-amperes). PF is equal to the cosine of the
phase angle between voltage and current.
Present TOU Period
The one Time Of Use period that the meter determines to be active at the present time. This is
determined by the present date and time of the meter and the TOU schedule.
A state change in either direction of a binary metering signal.
Used to refer to specific quantities to be displayed or retrieved.
Register Assembly
The term used to refer to the hardware implementation of the display or control of the I/O functions of
the meter.
Root Mean Square: the equivalent DC value of a periodic (AC) signal. 5 amps RMS delivers the same
amount of power to a given load as 5 amps DC.
Rolling Interval/Sliding Window
A demand measurement consisting of the summation of values calculated over multiple consecutive
subintervals. A calculation is updated at the completion of each subinterval, but includes a defined
number of previous subintervals.
A season is a range of dates whose start date is contained in the season schedule in seconds time format.
Season Schedule
A season schedule is an array of dates within the TOU schedule that enables the meter to identify the
Seconds Time Format
A 32-bit number in units of seconds referenced from January 1, 1990.
Special Event
An event stored in load-profile data such as a register freeze, power fail, time set, etc.
Storage Register
A copy of a quantity which could be a displayable register and is saved when triggered by a demand
The increment of time in which demand calculations are updated.
Test Amperes; equal to ½ Class Amps
Total Harmonic Distortion: a measure of the amount of harmonic content in a periodic signal, expressed
as a percentage. A pure sine wave at the fundamental frequency has 0% THD.
Thermal Demand
A measurement filtered through a time delay such that step changes in the measurement are reflected
slowly in the output. Commonly used to simulate the effects of current heating on power distribution
Thermal Time Characteristic
The time required for a Thermal Demand Register to reflect 90% of a step change in input. Similar to the
time characteristic of mechanical thermal demand meters.
Threshold Alarms
JEMStar II can be configured to monitor any Register and (if the proper option module is installed)
generate a contact closure output based on the register's value. JEMStar II compares the selected
Register against the setpoints once per second.
The user can configure these characteristics:
• The register to compare against the thresholds
• The upper threshold (set point)
• The lower threshold (reset point)
Time indicates hours, minutes, and seconds.
Transformer Loss Compensation: the ability of an instrument to measure or calculate the power lost in an
imperfect transformer and to use that figure to modify its power or energy readings.
Total Registers
Those JEMStar II registers that are not TOU registers are called total registers. The total registers always
are active.
TOU Period
A selected duration of time during which the consumption, demand, and other information are assigned
to a set of Time Of Use registers.
TOU Rate Indicator Output
A display segment that indicates the present TOU rate in effect.
TOU Register
A TOU register is a register of the JEMStar II meter that, for a designated TOU period, accumulates and
may display amounts of electrical energy, demand, or other quantities measured or calculated.
TOU Schedule
The TOU schedule is a static, externally configured database within the meter. The data base contains
information that allows the meter to determine the present TOU period based upon the real date and time
of the meter.
Volt Amperes or Volt Amps: the product of voltage and current in a circuit regardless of phase.
Typically expressed in RMS units, this is also called "apparent" power. JEMStar II calculates VA
VA = Watts + VARs
2 2
VA hour: VA integrated over time to produce a measurement that may be accumulated.
Volt Amps Reactive: the product of voltage and current in a circuit, times the sine of the phase shift
between the two. Typically expressed in RMS units. The unit of "reactive" or "imaginary" power.
VAR hour: VAR integrated over time to produce a measurement that may be accumulated.
Watt: the product of voltage and current in a circuit, times the cosine of the phase shift between the two.
Typically expressed in RMS units. The unit of "real" power.
Watt-hour: W integrated over time to produce a measurement that may be accumulated.
Display Registers
The meter has provisions to display and store up to 50 Normal, 50 Alternate and 50 Test Registers. The
measurement selections available are shown below.
Demand Registers
Demand Meas Measurement Phase Direction Meas Type Storage Type
Peak (Max) Watts A,B,C,Polyphase Delivered, Received, Bi-Directional, Absolute Working
VARS A,B,C,Polyphase Delivered, Received, Bi-Directional, Absolute, Q1,2,3,4 Billing Period Reset
Present Season Change
VA A,B,C,Polyphase Delivered, Received, Bi-Directional, Absolute
Past Primary Cumulative
Q A,B,C,Polyphase Delivered, Received, Bi-Directional, Absolute Secondary Continuous
Amps A,B,C,Polyphase, Neutral, Average Delivered, Received, Bi-Directional, Absolute Cumulative
Peak Thermal
Amps2 A,B,C,Polyphase, Average Delivered, Received, Bi-Directional, Absolute Previous Hour
Demand Time Time when demand measurement above is recorded Previous Day
Load Profile
The meter comes with 16 channels of Load Profile that can be selected with any of the measurements
below. There is an option to add a second group of 16 Channels Load Profile.
The recording interval for each measurement is selectable from 1 to 60 minutes.
Instantaneous measurements such as Volts, Amps, Frequency, THD, Volts2, AMPS2, Watts, VARs, VA,
Q and PF will store the average value over the selected time interval, selectable from 1-60 minutes.
The remaining energy measurements will store the accumulated consumption for that interval and start
again from 0 for the next interval.
The Load Profile Data is stored in either 32 bit engineering units or 16 bit counts.
When 32 bit engineering units are used, we store the value as a 32 bit floating point with a maximum
value of 4,294,967,296 per recording interval.
When 16 bit counts are used, you have a maximum 16,383 counts per recording interval. To avoid
exceeding this number of counts, the measurements can be scaled by a factor called Km.
The number of counts for a given measurement is shown below:
Total Measurement
------------------------------ = # of Counts in Load Profile
Note: In order to increase your measurement resolution when using 16 bit counts, it is best to pick a Km scale factor to
maximize the total number of 16,383 counts available per interval. You don’t want to excced the 16,383 counts per
interval, so try to get at least 13,000 counts for your full scale input, allowing some room for exceeding full scale.
Measurement Log (option ML)
This continuous recording option provides 100 channels divided into two groups of 50, each with their
own recording interval. The following measurements are available in the measurement log.
Meas Type Measurement Phase Direction Recording Storage Type
Volts L-N A,B,C,Polyphase (average) N/A Min/Max/Avg/Snap
Volts L-L A,B,C,Polyphase (average) N/A Min/Max/Avg/Snap
Amps A,B,C,Polyphase (total) N/A Min/Max/Avg/Snap
Frequency A,B,C,Polyphase N/A Min/Max/Avg/Snap
Volts2 L-N A,B,C,Polyphase (average) N/A Min/Max/Avg/Snap
Volts2 L-L A,B,C,Polyphase (average) N/A Min/Max/Avg/Snap
Amps2 A,B,C,Polyphase (total) N/A Min/Max/Avg/Snap
Watts A,B,C,Polyphase Del, Rec, Bi-Dir, Abs Min/Max/Avg/Snap
VARS A,B,C,Polyphase Del, Rec, Bi-Dir, Abs, Q1-Q4 Min/Max/Avg/Snap
VA (Aritmetic) A,B,C,Polyphase Del, Rec, Bi-Dir, Abs Min/Max/Avg/Snap
VA (Vectorial) A,B,C,Polyphase Del, Rec, Bi-Dir, Abs Min/Max/Avg/Snap
Q A,B,C,Polyphase Del, Rec, Bi-Dir, Abs Min/Max/Avg/Snap
PF (Arithmetic) A,B,C,Polyphase Del, Rec, Bi-Dir Min/Max/Avg/Snap
PF (Vectorial) A,B,C,Polyphase Del, Rec, Bi-Dir Min/Max/Avg/Snap
Volts Imbalance Polyphase N/A Min/Max/Avg/Snap
Amps Imbalance Polyphase N/A Min/Max/Avg/Snap
WHr A,B,C,Polyphase Delivered, Received, Net, Absolute Total
VARHr A,B,C,Polyphase Delivered, Received, Net, Absolute, Q1,2,3,4 Total
VAHr (Arithmetic) A,B,C,Polyphase Delivered, Received, Net, Absolute Total
VAHr (Vectorial) A,B,C,Polyphase Delivered, Received, Net, Absolute Total
QHr A,B,C,Polyphase Delivered, Received, Net, Absolute Total
AMPHr A,B,C,Polyphase, Average N/A Total
Volts2Hr A,B,C,Polyphase N/A Total Selectable
AMP2Hr A,B,C,Polyphase, Average N/A Total Storage Intervals
Harmonic Volts L-N A,B,C Magnitude: Harmonics 2 thru 64 Min/Max/Avg/Snap
Harmonic Volts L-N A,B,C Phase Angle: Harmonics 2 thru 64 Min/Max/Avg/Snap 150/180 Cycle
Measurement Harmonic Volts L-L A,B,C Magnitude: Harmonics 2 thru 64 Min/Max/Avg/Snap 1 min
Logging Harmonic Volts L-L A,B,C Phase Angle: Harmonics 2 thru 64 Min/Max/Avg/Snap 2 min
Harmonic Amps A,B,C Magnitude: Harmonics 2 thru 64 Min/Max/Avg/Snap 3 min
Harmonic Amps A,B,C Phase Angle: Harmonics 2 thru 64 Min/Max/Avg/Snap 4 min
50 Channels Volts THD A,B,C N/A Min/Max/Avg/Snap 5 min
x Amps THD A,B,C N/A Min/Max/Avg/Snap 10 min
2 Groups Volts THD even A,B,C N/A Min/Max/Avg/Snap 15 min
Volts THD odd A,B,C N/A Min/Max/Avg/Snap 20 min
Amps THD even A,B,C N/A Min/Max/Avg/Snap 30 min
Amps THD odd A,B,C N/A Min/Max/Avg/Snap 60 min
TDD A,B,C N/A Min/Max/Avg/Snap 120 min
TDD even A,B,C N/A Min/Max/Avg/Snap
TDD odd A,B,C N/A Min/Max/Avg/Snap
Crest Factor A,B,C N/A Min/Max/Avg/Snap
InterHarmonic Volts L-N A,B,C Magnitude: InterHarmonics 2 thru 40 Min/Max/Avg/Snap
InterHarmonic Volts L-L A,B,C Magnitude: InterHarmonics 2 thru 40 Min/Max/Avg/Snap
InterHarmonic Amps A,B,C Magnitude: InterHarmonics 2 thru 40 Min/Max/Avg/Snap
Flicker Pinst A,B,C N/A Min/Max/Avg/Snap
Flicker Pst A,B,C N/A Average
Flicker Plt A,B,C N/A Average
Negative Sequnce Polyphase Current Magnitude Snapshot
Negative Sequnce Polyphase Current Phase Angle Snapshot
Negative Sequnce Polyphase Voltage Magnitude Snapshot
Negative Sequnce Polyphase Voltage Phase Angle Snapshot
Positive Sequnce Polyphase Current Magnitude Snapshot
Positive Sequnce Polyphase Current Phase Angle Snapshot
Positive Sequnce Polyphase Voltage Magnitude Snapshot
Positive Sequnce Polyphase Voltage Phase Angle Snapshot
Zero Sequnce Polyphase Current Magnitude Snapshot
Zero Sequnce Polyphase Current Phase Angle Snapshot
Zero Sequnce Polyphase Voltage Magnitude Snapshot
Zero Sequnce Polyphase Voltage Phase Angle Snapshot
Digital Input Digital Input Ch 1-6 Status Input Total
Digital Input Digital Input Ch 1-6 Pulse Counter Total
Storage Types for Measurement Logging is defined as:
Min – Minimum value over that interval.
Max – Maximum value over that interval
Avg – Average value computed over that interval
Total – Total quantity computed over that interval (similar to Load Profile)
Snapshot – Value recorded at the end of the interval
Volts RMS is calculated using the square root of the sum of the squares over one cycle which is sampled
512 times.
1 1
+ V b + V c
2 2 2 2
N n V n
N n V a
n n
Amps RMS is calculated using the square root of the sum of the squares over one cycle which is sampled
512 times.
I = I +I +I
2 2 2 2 2
N n n n
Amps RMS is calculated using the square root of the sum of the squares over one cycle which is sampled
512 times.
INeutral =
Watts is calculated using the product of voltage and current updated every half cycle
Watts =
N n VI n n
VARs is calculated using the product of voltage and current updated every half cycle
VARs =
N n V I n Sn I Sn
= I n
advanced 90O with respect to fundamental frequency
Apparent Power
Apparent Power is calculated both Vectorially and Aritmetically every half cycle.
VA Arithmetic = V RMS
I RMS (same sign as Watts)
Q is calculated using the sum of Watts and VARs as shown every half cycle.
Watts VARS 3
Q = +
2 2
PF Arithmetic
PF Aritmetic is calculated using the ratio of Watts over the Apparent Power calculated arithmetically
every half cycle.
PFARITH = Sign positive for Lag (Quad I & III), Negative for Lead (Quad II&IV)
PF Vectorial
PF Aritmetic is calculated using the ratio of Watts over the Apparent Power calculated vectorially every
half cycle.
PFVECT = Sign positive for Lag (Quad I & III), Negative for Lead (Quad II&IV)
Unbalance is calculated using the ratio of the maximum deviation from average over the average.
Unbalance = 100 * VrmsMaxDev / VrmsAvg
Percent THD
PercentTHD is calculated using the Total RMS (over all harmonics) and the RMS over the Fundamental
frequency. (typical for volts and amps)
Total RMS − Fundamenta l RMS
% THD = 100
Fundamenta l RMS
% THD = 2
128 Total RMS H 2−128 2
Total RMS H 1
) x100
Harmonics, Interharmonics
Voltage/Current magnitudes and phase angles are calculated per IEC61000-4-7
Individual harmonics are calculated up to the 64th. Individual interharmonics are calculated up to the 50th.
Pinst (instantaneous), Pst (10 minute), Plt (2 hour) are calculated per IEC61000-4-15
Total demand distortion as defined in the IEEE 519 standard is he total root-sum-square harmonic
current distortion, in percent of the maximum demand load current and can be calculated using the
following formula
Crest Factor
Crest factor is defined as the ratio of peak value to rms value of a current waveform: The crest factor for
a sinusoidal current waveform, such as that which a pure resistive load would draw, is 1.414 since the
peak of a true sinusoid is 1.414 times the rms value.
Sequence Components
Sequences are calculated by the Method of Symetrical Components as required by IEC61000-4-30
Zero Sequence:
Zero Sequence Vector = V0 = 1/3(Va + Vb + Vc)
Zero Sequence Magnitude = sqrt (real(V0)^2 + imag(V0)^2)
Zero Sequence Phase = arctan(imag(V0) / real(V0))
Positive Sequence:
Positive Sequence Vector = V1 = 1/3(Va + nVb + mVc)
(where n = vector rotation 120 deg counter-clockwise, m = vector rotation 240 deg
Positive Sequence Magnitude = sqrt (real(V1)^2 + imag(V1)^2)
Positive Sequence Phase = arctan(imag(V1) / real(V1))
Negative Sequence:
Negative Sequence Vector = V2 = 1/3(Va + mVb + nVc)
(where n = vector rotation 120 deg counter-clockwise, m = vector rotation 240 deg
Negative Sequence Magnitude = sqrt (real(V2)^2 + imag(V2)^2)
Negative Sequence Phase = arctan(imag(V2) / real(V2))
A. Obtain a Returned Material Authorization (RMA) number by calling the AMETEK Repair
Department and giving the following information:
B. Enclose the information with the equipment and pack in a commercially accepted
shipping container with sufficient packing material to insure that no shipping damage will
occur. Mark the outside of the container with the RMA number.
Ship to the appropriate location:
C. Your equipment will be tested, repaired, and inspected at the factory. Normal factory
turn-around is ten working days or less (excluding shipping time).
WARRANTY — AMETEK warrants equipment of its own manufacture to be free from defects in
material and workmanship, under normal conditions of use and service. AMETEK will replace
any component found to be defective, upon its return, transportation charges prepaid, within
five years of its original purchase. AMETEK will extend the same warranty protection on
accessories that is extended to AMETEK by the original manufacturer. AMETEK assumes no
responsibility, expressed or implied, beyond its obligation to replace any component involved.
Such warranty is in lieu of all other warranties expressed or implied.