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Data Communication and Computer Networks


Instructor: Tsegaye Berhanu

Chapter 6
Introduction to IP Addressing
and Subnetting
In this chapter, you will learn to:
 Explain the structure IP addressing
 convert between 8-bit binary and decimal numbers.
 classify by type and describe how it is used in the
 Determine the network portion of the host address and
explain the role of the subnet mask in dividing networks.
 Given IPv4 addressing information and design criteria,
calculate the appropriate addressing components.

3 Data Communication and Computer Networks

IP Addressing
 Each device on a network must be uniquely

 At the Network layer, the packets of the

communication need to be identified with the source
and destination addresses of the two end systems

 With IPv4, this means that each packet has a 32-bit

source address and a 32-bit destination address in the
Layer 3 header.
4 Data Communication and Computer Networks
IP Addressing

5 Data Communication and Computer Networks

IP Addressing
 These addresses are used in the data network as
binary patterns (0 and 1). Inside the devices, digital
logic is applied for their interpretation

 For us in the human network, a string of 32 bits is

difficult to interpret and even more difficult to

 Therefore, IPv4 addresses are represented using

dotted decimal format.
6 Data Communication and Computer Networks
IP Address
 The address space in a protocol that uses N-bits to
define an Address is 2n
 The address space of IPv4 is
232 or 4,294,967,296.
 IPv6 addresses are 128 bits in length and are made up
of hexadecimal characters.
 In IPv6, addresses are expressed as a series of eight 4-
character hexadecimal numbers, which represent 16
bits each.
7 Data Communication and Computer Networks
Dotted Decimal
 Binary patterns representing IPv4 addresses are
expressed as dotted decimals by separating each byte of
the binary pattern, called an octet, with a dot.
 It is called an octet because each decimal number
represents one byte or 8 bits.
For example, the address:
10101100 00010000 00000100 00010100
is expressed in dotted decimal as:
8 Data Communication and Computer Networks
Network Address and Host Address
 Some portion of the high-order bits represents
the network address.
 At Layer 3, a network is a group of hosts that
have identical bit patterns in the network
address portion of their addresses.
 All 32 bits define the IPv4 host address, there
are a variable number of bits that are called the
host portion of the address.
9 Data Communication and Computer Networks
 The number of bits used in this host portion
determines the number of hosts that we can have
within the network.
11000000 10101000 00001010 00000001
The computer using this network is on network address:

10 Data Communication and Computer Networks

Binary to Decimal &
Decimal to Binary Conversion
Positional Notation
 Positional notation means that a digit represents
different values depending on the position it occupies.
 Using positional notation in the base 10 number
system, 245 represents:
245 = (2 * 10 ) + (4 * 10 ) + (5 * 10 )
245 = (2 * 100) + (4 * 10) + (5 * 1)

11 Data Communication and Computer Networks

 Using positional notation in the base 2 number system,
245 represents:
2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
128 64 32 16 8 4 2 1
 The base 2 numbering system only has two digits: 0
and 1.
 A byte is interpreted as a decimal number, we have the
quantity that position represents if the digit is a 1 and
we do not have that quantity if the digit is a 0.
12 Data Communication and Computer Networks
13 Data Communication and Computer Networks

14 Data Communication and Computer Networks

Types of IP addresses
Within the address range of each IPv4 network, we have
three types of addresses:
Network address- The address by
which we refer to the network
Broadcast address- A special address
used to send data to all hosts in the
Host addresses- The addresses assigned
to the end devices in the network
15 Data Communication and Computer Networks
Red Network Portion , Blue Host portion
 Network Address:
00001010 00000000 00000000 00000000
 Broadcast Address:
00001010 00000000 00000000 11111111
 Host Address:
00001010 00000000 00000000 00000001

16 Data Communication and Computer Networks

Network Addresses
 The network address is a standard way to refer to a
network. For example, we could refer to the network
shown in the figure as "the network."
 The network is the first network.
 All hosts in the network will have the same
network bits.
 Within the IPv4 address range of a network, the lowest
address is reserved for the network address.
 This address has a 0 for each host bit in the host
portion of the address.
17 Data Communication and Computer Networks
Broadcast Address
 Broadcast address is a special address for each network that
allows communication to all the hosts in that network.
 To send data to all hosts in a network, a host can send a
single packet that is addressed to the broadcast address of
the network.
 The broadcast address uses the highest address in the
network range. This is the address in which the bits in the
host portion are all 1s.
 For the network with 24 network bits, the
broadcast address would be This address is also
referred to as the directed broadcast.
18 Data Communication and Computer Networks
Host Addresses
 Every end device requires a unique address to deliver a
packet to that host.
 In IPv4 addresses, we assign the host address values
between the network address and the broadcast address
to the devices in that network.

19 Data Communication and Computer Networks

Network Prefixes
 How do we know how many bits represent the network
portion and how many bits represent the host portion?
 When we express an IPv4 network address, we add a
prefix length to the network address.
 The prefix length is the number of bits in the address that
gives us the network portion.
 For example, in /24, the /24 is the prefix
length - it tells us that the first 24 bits are the network
address. This leaves the remaining 8 bits, the last octet,
as the host portion
20 Data Communication and Computer Networks
Network Prefixes
 The Subnet masks in /24 can also be
represented as or
11111111 11111111 11111111 00000000
which is equivalent to /24
 Specify the network portion of an IPv4 address to the
network devices.
 The subnet mask consists of 32 bits, just as the address
does, and uses 1s and 0s to indicate which bits of the
address are network bits and which bits are hosts bits.
21 Data Communication and Computer Networks
Calculating Network, Host and
Broadcast addresses
Given an /25
 With a 25 bit prefix, the last 7 bits are host bits,
and the 25 bits are for the network bits
 To represent the network address, all of these
host bits are '0’.

22 Data Communication and Computer Networks

Calculating Network, Host and
Broadcast addresses
Given the address /25
Network address:
10101100 00010000 00010100 00000000 thus
First host address:
10101100 00010000 00010100 00000001 thus
Last host address
10101100 00010000 00010100 01111110 thus
Broad Cast address:
10101100 00010000 00010100 01111111 thus
23 Data Communication and Computer Networks
 How many hosts can be represented in this network
28-2 =126
 The minus two is because one is for network address
and the other is for broadcast address.

Given the address calculate the

BA,NA,HA and number of hosts represented?

24 Data Communication and Computer Networks

Classful IP Addressing

 The designers of the Internet created classes of

networks based on network size.

 Subdividing an IP address into a network and node

address is determined by the class designation of
one’s network.

25 Data Communication and Computer Networks

Classful Addressing
 The 32 bit IP address is divided into five sub-classes. These are:

Class A addresses
Class B addresses
Class C addresses
Class D addresses
Class E addresses

26 Data Communication and Computer Networks

Class A Addresses
 The designers of the IP address scheme said that the first bit of the first
byte in a Class A network address must always be off, or 0.
 This means a Class A address must be between 0 and 127, inclusive.
First Octet Range in Binary= 00000000 - 01111111
Range in Decimal = 0-127

 A Class A network is defined in the first octet between 0 and 127,

 Default Subnet
 The 24 bits of host ID are used to determine the host in any network.
 27-2= 126 network ID (Here 2 address is subtracted because and
127.x.y.z are special address. )
 224 – 2 = 16,777,214 host ID
 IP addresses belonging to class A ranges from 1.x.x.x – 126.x.x.x
27 Data Communication and Computer Networks
Class B Addresses
 The first bit of the first byte must always be turned on, but the
second bit must always be turned off.
 If you turn the other 6 bits all off and then all on, you will find the
range for a Class B network:
First Octet
10000000 = 128
10111111 = 191
 A Class B network is defined when the first byte is configured from
128 to 191.
 Network Network HOST HOST
 Default Subnet
 214 = 16384 network address
 216 – 2 = 65534 host address
28 Data Communication and Computer Networks
Class C Addresses
 The first 2 bits of the first octet as always turned on, but
the third bit can never be on.
 Following the same process as the previous classes, convert
from binary to decimal to find the range.
First Octet
11000000 = 192
11011111 = 223
Default Subnet
 221 = 2097152 network address
 28 – 2 = 254 host address
29 Data Communication and Computer Networks
 Show that Class A has

231 = 2,147,483,648 addresses

50% of the IP addresses are used by class A
 Calculate the total IP address generated in Class B
2n n=?
 Calculate the total IP address generated in Class C
2n n=?

30 Data Communication and Computer Networks

Class D and Class E

 The addresses between 224 and 255 are reserved for

Class D and E networks.

 Class D ranges from (224–239) is used for multicast


 Class E ranges from (240–255) for scientific purposes.

31 Data Communication and Computer Networks

Finding the class in Binary notation

Finding the class in decimal notation

32 Data Communication and Computer Networks

Hosts for Classes of IP Addresses

Class A (24 bits for hosts) 224 - 2* = 16,777,214 maximum hosts

Class B (16 bits for hosts) 216 - 2* = 65,534 maximum hosts
Class C (8 bits for hosts) 28 - 2* = 254 maximum hosts

33 Data Communication and Computer Networks

Network id and Host id

34 Data Communication and Computer Networks

IP Addresses as Decimal Numbers

35 Data Communication and Computer Networks

IP Addresses as Decimal Numbers
1ST OCTET Highest Default
Order Bit
CLASS RANGE Format Subnet mask

A 1-126 0------- N.H.H.H

B 128-191 10------ N.N.H.H

C 192-223 110----- N.N.N.H

D 224-239 1110---- ------- -------

E 240-255 1111---- ------- -------

36 Data Communication and Computer Networks

Blocks in class A

Millions of class A addresses are wasted.

37 Data Communication and Computer Networks

Reserved IP addresses

 Expressed in dotted decimal format, the IPv4 address

range is from: to

 Not all of these addresses can be used as host

addresses for communication.

38 Data Communication and Computer Networks

Experimental Addresses
 Class E addresses reserved for special purposes is the
IPv4 experimental address range from: to
 Currently, these addresses are listed as reserved for
future use.
 Currently, they cannot be used in IPv4 networks.
However, these addresses could be used for research or

39 Data Communication and Computer Networks

Multicast Addresses
 Another major block of addresses (Class D) reserved for
special purposes is the IPv4 multicast address range: to
 The IPv4 multicast addresses to
are reserved link local addresses.
 These addresses are to be used for multicast groups on a
local network.
 A router connected to the local network should never
forward them.
 A multicast address identifies a group of hosts sharing the
same address.

40 Data Communication and Computer Networks

Host Addresses
 After accounting for the ranges reserved for
experimental addresses and multicast addresses, this
leaves an address range of to that could be used for IPv4 hosts.
 However, within this range are many addresses that
are already reserved for special purposes.

41 Data Communication and Computer Networks

Private Addresses
 Although most IPv4 host addresses are public
addresses designated for use in the Internet, there
are blocks of addresses that are used in networks that
require limited or no Internet access.
 These addresses are called private addresses.
 to
 to
 to

42 Data Communication and Computer Networks

Private Addresses
 Private addresses are set aside for use in private
 The use of these addresses need not be unique among
outside networks.
 Hosts that do not require access to the Internet at
large may make unrestricted use of private addresses.
 Private IP address of a system is the IP address which
is used to communicate within the same network.
 Using private IP data or information can be sent or
received within the same network.
43 Data Communication and Computer Networks
Public Addresses
 The vast majority of the addresses in the IPv4 unicast
host range are public addresses.
 Public IP address of a system is the IP address
which is used to communicate outside the network.
 Public IP address is basically assigned by the ISP
(Internet Service Provider)
 These addresses are designed to be used in the hosts
that are publicly accessible from the Internet.

44 Data Communication and Computer Networks

Loopback / localhost

 One such reserved address is the IPv4 loopback


 The loopback is a special address that hosts use to

direct traffic to themselves.

 You can also ping the loopback address to test the

configuration of TCP/IP on the local host.
45 Data Communication and Computer Networks
Ex. Given the network address, find
the class
the block
the range of the addresses
 The 1st byte is between 128 and 191. Hence, Class B
 The block has a netid of 132.21.
 The addresses range from to

46 Data Communication and Computer Networks

Subnet Mask
 It determines which part of an IP address is the network
field and which part is the host field
 Follow these steps to determine the subnet mask:
1. Express the subnetwork IP address in binary form.
2. Replace the network and subnet portion of the address with
all 1s.
3. Replace the host portion of the address with all 0s.
4. Convert the binary expression back to dotted-decimal

47 Data Communication and Computer Networks

Subnet Mask

Subnet mask in decimal =

48 Data Communication and Computer Networks

Subnet Mask

• A mask is a 32-bit binary number.

• The mask is ANDed with IP address to get the block address

(Network address)
Mask And IP address = Block Address

49 Data Communication and Computer Networks

AND operation

50 Data Communication and Computer Networks

Default mask and subnet mask

51 Data Communication and Computer Networks

Finding the Subnet Address

What is the subnetwork address if the destination address is and the subnet mask is

 11001000 00101101 00100010 00111000

 11111111 11111111 11110000 00000000
 11001000 00101101 00100000 00000000

The subnetwork address is

52 Data Communication and Computer Networks
 What is the subnet mask?
 What is the network address?
 What is the subnet mask?
 What is the network address?
 What is the broadcast address?

53 Data Communication and Computer Networks

 Subnetting allows you to create multiple logical
networks that exist within a single Class A, B, or C
 If you do not subnet, you are only able to use one
network from your Class A, B, or C network, which
is unrealistic.
 What happens if you wanted to take one network
address and create six networks from it?

54 Data Communication and Computer Networks

 The process of splitting a network into smaller
networks is called subnetting, and the smaller
networks thus formed are known as subnets
 If you break a major network (Class A, B, or C)
into smaller subnetworks, it allows you to create a
network of interconnecting subnetworks.
 In order to subnet a network, extend the subnet
mask using some of the bits from the host ID
portion of the address to create a subnetwork ID.
55 Data Communication and Computer Networks
 Subnets are connected to the rest of the network
through address-resolving devices called routers.
 Network address translation (NAT) is a method of
remapping one IP address space into another by
modifying network address information in the IP
header of packets while they are in transit across a
traffic routing device
 Subnets can be freely assigned within the organization
 Internally, subnets are treated as separate networks
 Subnet structure is not visible outside the organization

56 Data Communication and Computer Networks

Advantages of Subnetting
 Improves efficiency of IP addresses by not consuming an
entire address space for each physical network.
 Reduces router complexity. Since external routers do not
know about subnetting, the complexity of routing tables at
external routers is reduced.
 Reduced network traffic
 Optimized network performance
 This is a result of reduced network traffic.
 Simplified management
 It’s easier to identify and isolate network problems in a group
of smaller connected networks than within one gigantic
57 Data Communication and Computer Networks
How to create subnets
 To create a subnet address, a network administrator
borrows bits from the original host portion and designates
them as the subnet field.
 A network with no subnets will have one of these default
subnet mask values depending upon its class address.
 However, when subnetting is implemented, the actual
subnet mask value is calculated to determine valid IP
addresses for hosts on a subnet.
 This means fewer bits for hosts, so the more subnets, the
fewer bits available for defining hosts.
58 Data Communication and Computer Networks
Basic Idea of Subnetting
 Split the host number portion of an IP address into a
subnet number and host number.
 Result is a 3-layer hierarchy

network prefix host number

network prefix subnet number host number

extended network prefix

59 Data Communication and Computer Networks

Subnetting Example /24 divide it into four networks

First Subnet
 00 000000 = 0 The network (do this first)
 00 000001 = 1 The first valid host
 00 111110 = 62 The last valid host
 00 111111 = 63 The broadcast address (do this second)

60 Data Communication and Computer Networks

Second Subnet

 01 000000 = 64 The network

 01 000001 = 65 The first valid host
 01 111110 = 126 The last valid host
 01 111111 = 127 The broadcast address

61 Data Communication and Computer Networks

Third Subnet

 10 000000 = 128 The subnet address

 10 000001 = 129 The first valid host
 10 111110 = 190 The last valid host
 10 111111 = 191 The broadcast address

62 Data Communication and Computer Networks

Fourth Subnet

 11 000000 = 192 The subnet address

 11 000001 = 193 The first valid host
 11 111110 = 254 The last valid host
 11 111111 = 255 The broadcast address

63 Data Communication and Computer Networks

Exercise 1:
Exercise 1:
You have a network that needs 29 subnets while
maximizing the number of host addresses available on
each subnet.
How many bits must you borrow from the host field to
provide the correct subnet mask?

64 Data Communication and Computer Networks

Exercise 2:
 A company is granted the site address
(class C). The subnet mask is

1. How many subnets?

2. How many total hosts in each subnet?
3. What are the Network address for each subnet?
4. What are the range of valid hosts in each subnet?
5. What are the Broadcast address for each subnet?

65 Data Communication and Computer Networks

Exercise 3:
1. how many subnets?
2. how many hosts?
3. what are the network address of each subnet?
4. what are the broadcast address for each subnet?
5. what are the valid hosts?
66 Data Communication and Computer Networks
Exercise 4:
 If an Ethernet port on a router were assigned an IP
address of, what would be the valid
subnet address of this host?


67 Data Communication and Computer Networks

Exercise 5:
 If an Ethernet port on a router were assigned an IP
address of, what would be the valid
subnet address of this host?


68 Data Communication and Computer Networks

Exercise 6:
A company would like to break its Class B private IP
address into as many subnets as possible
provided that they can get at least 300 clients per
subnet. Find ranges of IP addresses for each subnet
and new mask.

69 Data Communication and Computer Networks

Exercise 7:

A company is granted the site address (class B).

The company needs 1000 subnets. Design the subnets.

70 Data Communication and Computer Networks

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