Paper 1 Living WorldBooklet
Paper 1 Living WorldBooklet
Paper 1 Living WorldBooklet
Name _______________
Paper 1: The Living World
Lesson title Date lesson Revised?
1. Small scale ecosystems
2. How does change affect ecosystems?
3. Global ecosystems
Tropical rainforests
4. Environmental characteristics of tropical
4. Environmental characteristics of tropical
rainforests (part 2)
6. Example: Causes of deforestation in the
Malaysian Rainforest
7. Example: Impacts of deforestation in the
Malaysian Rainforest
8. Sustainable development of tropical
9. Sustainable development of tropical
rainforests (part 2)
Hot deserts
10. Environmental characteristics of hot
11. Environmental characteristics of hot
deserts (part 2)
12. Example: Opportunities for
development in the Sahara Desert
13. Example: Challenges of development in
the Sahara Desert
14. Causes of desertification
15. Reducing desertification
Paper 1: Section B: Question 2: The Living World
1. Small Scale Ecosystems
the atmosphere and weathered rock releasing
What is an ecosystem?
nutrients into the soil.
A natural system made up of biotic components –
When plants or animals die, decomposers break
plants (flora) and animals (fauna) – and abiotic
them down. Through this decomposition, nutrients
components i.e. the environment. Abiotic
are released into the soil.
components include:
The nutrients are then taken up from
the soil by plants.
Temperature and amount of rainfall are
important in determining which species
The plants may be eaten by consumers. When the
can survive in the ecosystem.
plants or consumers die, the nutrients are returned
to the soil. This transfer of nutrients is called
nutrient cycling.
The soil type is important as this provides
nutrients to support different plant species.
Example of a small scale ecosystem
A freshwater pond ecosystem includes the pond
The amount of water available in an
bottom, the organisms found mid-water, the pond
ecosystem will determine which plants
surface, the area above the pond and the edge of
and animals can be supported.
the pond.
The biotic parts of the ecosystem have a complex
Producers include detritus (decaying leaves) and
relationship with the abiotic components.
Changing one will lead to a change in the other.
Consumers include midge larvae, great
Ecosystems exist at different scales. They can be
diving beetles, fish and herons.
local, small-scale, like a pond or hedgerow but
they can also be found on a global scale e.g. the
tropical rainforest or polar regions.
The living elements of an ecosystem.
Ecosystems can take hundreds, if not thousands, It can result in fewer habitats for ladybirds,
of years to develop. Ecosystems need balance if greenfly and spiders, so their numbers fall.
they are to be sustainable. One change to the Sparrows and thrushes then have less to eat, so
ecosystem can affect the balance and have knock- their numbers drop too.
on effects on the rest of the ecosystem.
As a result, there are fewer birds for
What causes changes to ecosystems? sparrowhawks to hunt so the number of
sparrowhawks falls too.
Changes can occur naturally or due to human
activities. Changes can occur at a local scale or at Example of a small-scale ecosystem:
a global scale. Freshwater pond at Moseley Bog
Many animals, such as sloths, are nocturnal. Describes species which are at serious risk of extinction.
Paper 2: Section B: Question 2: The Living World
6. Example: Causes of
Deforestation in the Malaysian
Palm oil farmers are now required to meet
What are the threats to Malaysia’s tropical
sustainability standards. Over a third of
Malaysia’s palm oil producers still haven’t met
the requirements.
Deforestation is the main threat, especially
because timber is a high-value export.
e) Subsistence farming
The state of Pahang lost 30% of its
rainforest cover between 2000 and
Traditionally, local communities would hunt and
gather food from the rainforest and grow food
crops in cleared pockets of forest. This is small
What are the causes of deforestation in
scale and sustainable.
However, sometimes slash and burn is used.
a) Logging
Whilst burning can create valuable nutrients that
help plants to grow, fires can grow out of control
Malaysia became the world’s largest exporter of
and destroy large areas of rainforest.
tropical wood in the 1980s. Clear-felling, which
involves chopping down all the trees in an area,
f) Energy development
was common.
The Bakun Dam is located on the
Recently, clear-felling has been replaced by
Balui River in Sarawak.
selective logging. Trees that have
important ecological value are left
Hundreds of square kilometres of
rainforest were flooded and thousands of
indigenous people were displaced to make way
b) Mineral extraction
for the development.
Tin mining is common in Peninsular Malaysia.
Rainforest has been cleared for mining and road Export
construction. To sell goods or services to another country.
Critically endangered
Deforestation reduces the amount of moisture in A species facing an extremely high risk of extinction in
the air, due to a lack of transpiration, resulting in the wild.
a drier climate.
The process of transpiration uses up heat, thus On or relating to land.
cooling the air down. If trees are cut down, this Transpiration
cooling stops and temperatures rise. The evaporation of water from plant leaves, stems or
d) Economic development
Primary products
The basic materials that goods are made from e.g.
Deforestation in many parts of the world is driven crops, wood, metals and animal products.
by profit. Whilst deforestation may result in short-
term economic gains, it may lead to long-term Hydro-electric power
losses. Energy generated by the movement of river water.
Developing land for mining, farming and energy Describes a species of which there are no remaining
leads to the creation of jobs. Companies pay living members.
Paper 2: Section B: Question 2: The Living World
8. Sustainable Development of
Tropical Rainforests
1. Why do rainforests need protecting? don’t need to log or farm to make money,
meaning fewer trees are cut down.
We need to preserve biodiversity.
We also source many products If a country’s economy relies on ecotourism, there
from the rainforest e.g. coffee, is an incentive to conserve the environment.
chocolate and medicines. We can Ecotourism has been successful in Costa Rica. It
create long-term economic benefits is the country’s largest source of income and 21%
by developing sustainable of the country is protected from development.
ecotourism. Rainforests are also vital carbon
stores and they have a significant impact on water d) Conservation
This involves setting up national parks and
So, how can we ensure sustainable management of nature reserves within rainforests. Harmful
tropical rainforests? activities are restricted. However, it can be
difficult to enforce rules due to lack of funds.
a) Selective logging
Some overseas governments and
This involves only removing older or inferior businesses give money to countries that
trees. By removing only a few trees from each protect their rainforests. The money
area, we don’t affect the overall rainforest can be used to enforce rules on
structure – the canopy will still be there so the soil damaging activities and to promote
will remain protected, thus allowing the rainforest sustainable use of rainforests.
to regenerate.
Norway has paid $1 billion into Brazil’s Amazon
b) Replanting Fund for conservation purposes.
There are international agreements in place to try This involves educating people about the impact
to reduce illegal logging of hardwoods. These of deforestation so they buy products from areas
agreements also promote the use of that are sustainably managed.
hardwood from rainforests that have
been managed sustainably. Some local people don’t know what
the environmental impacts of
The Forest Stewardship Council is an organisation deforestation are. They may try to
made up of businesses, NGOs and individuals make money through illegal logging
from all over the world. Sustainably sourced to help overcome their poverty.
timber is marked with their logo so consumers
can choose products that are not contributing to It is important to educate locals about alternative
unsustainable deforestation. ways to make money which don’t damage the
environment as much e.g. ecotourism, as this will
f) Reducing debt not only conserve the environment but also give
them a sustainable source of income.
Many tropical rainforests are in LICs. These Logging
countries often borrow money from wealthier The large scale removal of trees from an area,
countries or organisations, like the in order to sell the wood.
World Bank, to fund their
development. This money has to be People who buy things.
paid back with interest.
These countries often allow logging, farming and A sum of money owed to a person, organisation or
mining in rainforests to make the money required government.
to pay back the debt. Interest
Additional money you must pay when you have
So, reducing debt means countries might have borrowed money.
money available to manage rainforests
sustainably. Ecotourism
Tourism that minimises damage to the environment and
benefits local people.
Debt can be cancelled by countries or
organisations, but there’s no guarantee that the
money that would have been spent on repayments
will be spent on conservation instead.
1. Where are hot deserts found? Plants gain their nutrients from soils, and
provide nutrients to animals that eat
Hot deserts are mainly found in dry, them. In turn, animals spread seeds
continental areas, away from coasts, through their dung, helping plants to
in a belt at approximately 30˚N and reproduce.
30˚S of the Equator. Some coastal
deserts exist too, such as the Atacama The sparse vegetation limits the amount of food
on the west coast of South America. available, so the desert can only support low-
density populations of animals
2. What is the hot desert climate like?
Water supplies are extremely scarce. Rainfall is
Hot deserts are areas that receive under 250mm of low and coarse desert soil means rain
rainfall. that does fall drains away quickly.
Animals and people have to find ways
Temperatures are extreme, ranging from very hot to cope e.g. by constantly moving, or
in the day (up to 45˚C) to very cold at night, often by digging deep wells.
falling below freezing.
Paper 2: Section B: Question 2: The Living World
11. Environmental
Characteristics of Hot Deserts
1. How are desert plants adapted to the hot, Some animals get all the water they need from the
dry conditions? food they eat. For example, cactus mice get water
from cactus fruits and insects.
Plant roots are either extremely long to reach very
deep water supplies, or spread out very wide near 3. Hot deserts and biodiversity
the surface to catch as much water as possible
when it rains. Hot deserts have fairly low biodiversity,
especially when compared with tropical
Many plants – like cacti – are succulents. They rainforests. Small areas around temporary ponds
have large, fleshy stems for storing on the edges of deserts have the highest levels of
water and thick waxy skin to reduce biodiversity.
transpiration (water loss). Some also
have sharp spines and toxins to stop However, areas with water also have the highest
animals stealing water from their stems. density of human populations, which can threaten
animal species. Roads may divide
Some plants have small leaves or spines, giving up habitats and threaten animals –
them a low surface area, which reduces like the desert bighorn sheep – that
transpiration. migrate over long distances to find
food and water.
The seeds of some plants only germinate when it
rains. These plants grow, flower and release seeds
in just a few weeks, which makes sure they only Succulents
grow when there’s enough water to survive. Types of plants which have thick, fleshy leaves.
Overgrazing occurs when too many cattle or Removal of trees, on a large scale, by chopping or
sheep eat plants faster than they can re-grow. This burning.
leads to more soil erosion because the
Paper 2: Section B: Question 2: The Living World
15. Reducing Desertification Soil management
In the Thar Desert, a tree called the Prosopis Intruding on something beyond normal limits.
cineraria has been planted to help reduce the risk
of desertification. Nutrients
Substances absorbed by plants to help with growth.
This tree has plenty of seed pods for animals to
eat, produces good quality firewood, produces Organic matter used as fertiliser to help plants grow.
strong wood which is good for building, provides
shade and moist growing conditions for plants, Sand fences
and has roots which stabilise sand dunes Barriers to trap windblown sand
Flat areas cut into slopes to farm crops.