Paper 1 Living WorldBooklet

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Paper 1: Section B: Question 2: The Living World

Name _______________
Paper 1: The Living World
Lesson title Date lesson Revised?
1. Small scale ecosystems
2. How does change affect ecosystems?
3. Global ecosystems
Tropical rainforests
4. Environmental characteristics of tropical
4. Environmental characteristics of tropical
rainforests (part 2)
6. Example: Causes of deforestation in the
Malaysian Rainforest
7. Example: Impacts of deforestation in the
Malaysian Rainforest
8. Sustainable development of tropical
9. Sustainable development of tropical
rainforests (part 2)
Hot deserts
10. Environmental characteristics of hot
11. Environmental characteristics of hot
deserts (part 2)
12. Example: Opportunities for
development in the Sahara Desert
13. Example: Challenges of development in
the Sahara Desert
14. Causes of desertification
15. Reducing desertification
Paper 1: Section B: Question 2: The Living World
1. Small Scale Ecosystems
the atmosphere and weathered rock releasing
What is an ecosystem?
nutrients into the soil.
A natural system made up of biotic components –
When plants or animals die, decomposers break
plants (flora) and animals (fauna) – and abiotic
them down. Through this decomposition, nutrients
components i.e. the environment. Abiotic
are released into the soil.
components include:
The nutrients are then taken up from
the soil by plants.
Temperature and amount of rainfall are
important in determining which species
The plants may be eaten by consumers. When the
can survive in the ecosystem.
plants or consumers die, the nutrients are returned
to the soil. This transfer of nutrients is called
nutrient cycling.
The soil type is important as this provides
nutrients to support different plant species.
Example of a small scale ecosystem
A freshwater pond ecosystem includes the pond
The amount of water available in an
bottom, the organisms found mid-water, the pond
ecosystem will determine which plants
surface, the area above the pond and the edge of
and animals can be supported.
the pond.
The biotic parts of the ecosystem have a complex
Producers include detritus (decaying leaves) and
relationship with the abiotic components.
Changing one will lead to a change in the other.
Consumers include midge larvae, great
Ecosystems exist at different scales. They can be
diving beetles, fish and herons.
local, small-scale, like a pond or hedgerow but
they can also be found on a global scale e.g. the
tropical rainforest or polar regions.
The living elements of an ecosystem.

What is a food chain? Abiotic

The non-living elements of an ecosystem.
A sequence of feeding relationships between
organisms, showing which organisms eat what, Trophic level
The position of an organism in a food chain or food
and the movement of energy through the trophic web.
The organisms in ecosystems can be classed as Plants found at the beginning of food chains. They
producers, consumers or decomposers. produce their own energy from carbon dioxide and

What is a food web? Consumers

An organism that gets its energy from eating another
A network of food chains, showing the links plant or animal.
between all of them.
An organism, such as bacteria or fungus, which eats
What is nutrient cycling? dead organisms, fallen leaves and animal droppings,
and breaks them down into simpler materials.
Nutrients are foods that are used by plants or
animals to grow. There are two main sources of Nutrient cycling
The movement of nutrients, such as potassium, calcium
nutrients – rainwater washing chemicals out of
Paper 2: Section B: Question 2: The Living World
2. How Does Change Affect

Ecosystems can take hundreds, if not thousands, It can result in fewer habitats for ladybirds,
of years to develop. Ecosystems need balance if greenfly and spiders, so their numbers fall.
they are to be sustainable. One change to the Sparrows and thrushes then have less to eat, so
ecosystem can affect the balance and have knock- their numbers drop too.
on effects on the rest of the ecosystem.
As a result, there are fewer birds for
What causes changes to ecosystems? sparrowhawks to hunt so the number of
sparrowhawks falls too.
Changes can occur naturally or due to human
activities. Changes can occur at a local scale or at Example of a small-scale ecosystem:
a global scale. Freshwater pond at Moseley Bog

a) Natural changes Moseley Bog is located in south Birmingham.

Since 2010, it has been a Wildlife Trust Reserve.
Ecosystems are able to adapt to slow natural
changes with few harmful effects. However, rapid The area is a mixture of woodland
changes can have serious impacts. and bog. Bogs tend to have rich
Hot and dry weather for example, can
be devastating to ponds and lakes as Producers in the freshwater pond at Moseley Bog
it can result in water drying up in include pond weed and algae. Buzzards, frogs,
places and changes to the pond minnows, waterboatmen and snails are all
margin environment. consumers. Decomposers include bacteria, water
worms and rat tailed maggots.
This results in plants drying out, which may
deprive consumers of their energy source. Fish In 1980, plans were announced to build 22 houses
may become starved of oxygen and die. Predators in the reserve where Moseley Bog is located. This
may be forced to adapt or, if they are sparked a ‘Save our Bog’ campaign led by a local
unable to, they may die out. resident. The campaign was successful and in
1986, Birmingham City Council put a stop to the
b) Human activities resulting in changes development.

Agricultural fertilisers can lead to Sustainable

Using and doing things in a way that means future
eutrophication. The increase of generations can also use them and benefit from them.
nitrates can increase the growth of
algae, which depletes oxygen. Fish Fertilisers
may die. Chemical or natural substances added to the soil or
land to increase its fertility.
Ponds may be drained for agricultural purposes. Eutrophication
This results in the death of plant and animal life. A process in which there is an excessive amount of
nutrients in a body of water, which starves the water of
Wooded areas may be deforested, destroying bird oxygen.
habitats and affecting the nutrient cycle.
To completely use up a supply of something.
Hedgerows may be removed to increase the size
of fields, resulting in habitat destruction. Bog
A freshwater wetland of soft, spongy ground.
Simply trimming hedgerows can be damaging to
the ecosystem.
The variety of plant and animal life.
Paper 2: Section B: Question 2: The Living World
3. Global Ecosystems
d) Temperate deciduous forest
What is a biome?
Located 50-60˚N of the equator. Climate is
characterised by four distinct seasons. Summers
A large scale, global ecosystem. Biomes are
are warm, winters are fairly mild and there is
defined mainly by the dominant type of
rainfall all year round.
vegetation that grows there.
Deciduous trees shed their leaves in
Biomes form wide belts across the
winter to retain moisture.
world, from east to west, parallel to
the lines of latitude. This is a result of
e) Hot deserts
the global atmospheric circulation.
Found between 15-35˚ north and south of the
Variations in ocean currents, winds and the
distribution of land and sea produce small
variations in temperature and moisture which
Associated with sub-tropical high pressure belts.
affect the characteristics of the biome.
Sinking air stops clouds from forming, resulting in
high daytime temperatures, low-night time
What are the characteristics of biomes?
temperatures and low rainfall.
a) Tundra
f) Polar
Tundra is found at high latitudes (above 60˚N) in
Located around the north pole (Arctic)
northern Europe, Alaska and northern Canada.
and south pole (Antarctica). Very
cold, icy and dry as cold air sinks at
Winters are very cold, summers are very brief and
the poles.
there is little rainfall.
Temperatures can fall below -50˚C.
There are very few trees. Vegetation includes
mosses, grasses and low shrubs. There is a layer
of permafrost on the ground. A large-scale, global ecosystem.

b) Tropical rainforest Vegetation

A collective name for plants, especially those found in a
particular area or habitat.
Located between 23.5˚N and 23.5˚S of the
equator, where it is hot and wet all year round. Latitude
The distance of a place, north or south of the equator.
Tropical rainforests contain lush
forest, with dense canopies of Global atmospheric circulation
vegetation forming layers. The pattern in which air is transported around the

c) Tropical grassland (savannah) Permafrost

A thick layer of soil that remains below freezing point
Located between 15-30˚ north and south of the throughout the year, often found in polar regions.
Large areas of flat lands, often with few trees.
The climate is tropical and characterised by
distinct wet and dry seasons. Predators
Animals that stalk and kill others for food.
Large herds of animals graze on the plains, along
with predators such as lions and leopards. Describes a tree or shrub which sheds its leaves
Paper 2: Section B: Question 2: The Living World
4. Environmental
Characteristics of Tropical

1. Where are tropical rainforests found?

The main canopy is the ‘roof’ of the rainforest,
and the tallest trees, called emergents, are found in
Tropical rainforests are located between 23.5˚N
the emergent layer.
and 23.5˚S of the equator. They are
found in South East Asia, Central and
5. How are rainforests interdependent?
South America, central Africa and
northern Australia.
All parts of the rainforest are dependent on one
another. If one part changes, everything is
2. What is the climate in the tropical rainforest
The warm, wet climate means everything is
Very wet! Tropical rainforests receive over
decomposed quickly by fungi and bacteria on the
2,000mm of rainfall per year.
forest floor. So, this soil surface is high in
nutrients meaning plants can grow quickly and
This is because the global atmospheric
circulation causes low pressure to form at the
equator. The rising air results in condensation,
Trees intercept rainfall and release it back into
creating clouds from which heavy rain falls.
the atmosphere through transpiration. This
provides moisture for further rainfall.
They are also very warm, with an average daily
Deforestation by humans using the rainforest
temperature of 28˚C. Temperatures
means the climate may change and the
never drop below 20˚C and rarely go
risk of drought may increase. These
above 35˚C. The humidity is very
changes will drastically impact
rainforest flora and fauna.
The climate is fairly consistent all year round. The
months of December-May tend to be wetter than
the other months of the year. Global atmospheric circulation
The pattern in which air is transported around
the world.
3. What are the characteristics of rainforest
soil? Fertility
A measure of capability for producing offspring.
Most tropical rainforest soil has low fertility. A
thin layer of very fertile soil is found on the soil The act of heavy rain washing nutrients out of the soil.
surface where dead leaves decompose and leave
nutrients behind. Intercept
To block or stop rainwater from reaching the ground.
Heavy rainfall results in nutrients being quickly
washed out of the soil. This is called leaching. It The evaporation of water from plant leaves, stems or
leaves the soil infertile, red and full of iron. This flowers.
type of soil is called latosol.
4. How is tropical rainforest vegetation All the plant species loving in a specific area.
structured? Fauna
All the animal species living in a specific area.
The ground level is the lowest level of the
rainforest. Above this, we find the shrub layer.
The under canopy is found above the shrub layer.
Paper 2: Section B: Question 2: The Living World
5. Environmental
Characteristics of Tropical
Rainforests This allows them to save energy during the day
when it is hot and feed at night when it is cooler.
How have plants adapted to rainforest
Anteaters are adapted to the low-light conditions
on the rainforest floor. They have a sharp sense of
smell and hearing so they can detect predators
Tall trees competing for sunlight have big roots
without seeing them.
called buttress roots to support their trunks.
What is biodiversity like in the rainforest?
Plants have thick, waxy leaves with pointed tips
called drip-tips. The drip-tips channel the water to
Extremely high. Tropical rainforests contain
a point so it runs off. This prevents the weight of
approximately 50% of the world’s plant, animal
the water from damaging the leaf, and there is no
and insect species and may contain around half of
standing water for fungi and bacteria to grow in.
all life on earth.
Many trees have thin, smooth bark which allows
Rainforests are stable and productive
water to run off easily. There is no need for a thick
environments because the climate is consistent all
bark as the trees don’t need protecting from high
year round. This means plants and animals don’t
have to adapt to changing conditions and there is
always plenty to eat.
Climbing plants, such as lianas, use tree
trunks to climb their way up in search of
Deforestation and uncontrolled
development of the rainforest will
likely lead to the extinction of many
The rainforest has four distinct layers of plants
species and the loss of biodiversity.
with different adaptations. For example, plants in
the emergent layer only have branches at their
14% of Malaysia’s mammal species are
crown, where most light reaches them. Trees in
endangered and the Orang-utan is critically
the under-canopy have large leaves to allow for
maximum absorption of sunlight as conditions are
fairly dark in this layer.
Buttress roots
Large roots which have ridges to support tall trees.
How have animals adapted to rainforest
conditions? Lianas
Woody vines which have roots in the ground but climb
Howler Monkeys have strong limbs so up trees to reach sunlight.
they can easily climb and leap from
tree to tree. Arms and legs.

Flying Squirrels have flaps of skin that enable Manoeuvre

them to glide between trees and Red-Eyed Tree Concerned with careful or skilful movement.
Frogs have suction cups for climbing.
Active at night.
The Harpy Eagle has short, pointy wings so it can
easily manoeuvre between the dense tangle of Biodiversity
branches in the trees. The variety of plant and animal life.

Many animals, such as sloths, are nocturnal. Describes species which are at serious risk of extinction.
Paper 2: Section B: Question 2: The Living World
6. Example: Causes of
Deforestation in the Malaysian
Palm oil farmers are now required to meet
What are the threats to Malaysia’s tropical
sustainability standards. Over a third of
Malaysia’s palm oil producers still haven’t met
the requirements.
Deforestation is the main threat, especially
because timber is a high-value export.
e) Subsistence farming
The state of Pahang lost 30% of its
rainforest cover between 2000 and
Traditionally, local communities would hunt and
gather food from the rainforest and grow food
crops in cleared pockets of forest. This is small
What are the causes of deforestation in
scale and sustainable.
However, sometimes slash and burn is used.
a) Logging
Whilst burning can create valuable nutrients that
help plants to grow, fires can grow out of control
Malaysia became the world’s largest exporter of
and destroy large areas of rainforest.
tropical wood in the 1980s. Clear-felling, which
involves chopping down all the trees in an area,
f) Energy development
was common.
The Bakun Dam is located on the
Recently, clear-felling has been replaced by
Balui River in Sarawak.
selective logging. Trees that have
important ecological value are left
Hundreds of square kilometres of
rainforest were flooded and thousands of
indigenous people were displaced to make way
b) Mineral extraction
for the development.
Tin mining is common in Peninsular Malaysia.
Rainforest has been cleared for mining and road Export
construction. To sell goods or services to another country.

c) Population pressure Selective logging

Only felling trees of a certain height or age.

In the past, poor urban people were encouraged by Transmigration

the government to move into the countryside to A population policy designed to reduce pressure on
reduce pressure on rapidly growing cities. This is urban areas.
called transmigration.
The action of maintaining or supporting yourself and
Between 1956 and the 1980s, about 15,000 your family.
hectares of rainforest was felled for settlers.
Slash and burn
d) Commercial farming Cutting down and burning existing vegetation to clear
land for farming, before sowing new seeds.
In 2019, Malaysia was the world’s Indigenous
second largest exporter of palm oil. Describes a person whose ancestors were all born in the
Palm oil accounted for 3 6% of its country they reside in.
exports that year at a value of $8.3
Forced to leave your home.
Paper 2: Section B: Question 2: The Living World
7. Example: Impacts of
Deforestation in the Malaysian
taxes to the government, resulting in increased
What are the impacts of deforestation in
investment in public services and facilities.
Primary products such as palm oil and rubber
a) Soil erosion
provide raw materials for manufacturing
industries. Hydro-electric power provides cheap
Deforestation increases surface
and plentiful energy.
runoff and reduces soil stability.
Loose soils are quickly washed away
On the other hand, fires can cause harmful
by heavy rainfall.
pollution and burn out of control,
destroying vast areas of rainforest.
b) Loss of biodiversity
Plants that could bring huge medical
benefits and high profits may become
Malaysia is home to approximately 15,500 plant
species, 746 bird species, 300 mammal species,
379 reptile species, 198 amphibian species and
Climate change may have economic and social
368 species of fish.
costs as people have to adapt to living in a warmer
world. Pollution of water sources and an
The Bornean Orang-utan is now
increasingly dry climate may result in water
critically endangered due to habitat
destruction and illegal hunting.

c) Contribution to climate change

Surface runoff
Forests are the largest terrestrial store of carbon,
Water, from rain, snowmelt and other sources,
but deforestation is the second largest that flows over the land surface.
source of carbon dioxide emissions,
causing 15% of global greenhouse Biodiversity
gas emissions. The variety of plant and animal life.

Critically endangered
Deforestation reduces the amount of moisture in A species facing an extremely high risk of extinction in
the air, due to a lack of transpiration, resulting in the wild.
a drier climate.
The process of transpiration uses up heat, thus On or relating to land.
cooling the air down. If trees are cut down, this Transpiration
cooling stops and temperatures rise. The evaporation of water from plant leaves, stems or
d) Economic development
Primary products
The basic materials that goods are made from e.g.
Deforestation in many parts of the world is driven crops, wood, metals and animal products.
by profit. Whilst deforestation may result in short-
term economic gains, it may lead to long-term Hydro-electric power
losses. Energy generated by the movement of river water.

Developing land for mining, farming and energy Describes a species of which there are no remaining
leads to the creation of jobs. Companies pay living members.
Paper 2: Section B: Question 2: The Living World
8. Sustainable Development of
Tropical Rainforests

1. Why do rainforests need protecting? don’t need to log or farm to make money,
meaning fewer trees are cut down.
We need to preserve biodiversity.
We also source many products If a country’s economy relies on ecotourism, there
from the rainforest e.g. coffee, is an incentive to conserve the environment.
chocolate and medicines. We can Ecotourism has been successful in Costa Rica. It
create long-term economic benefits is the country’s largest source of income and 21%
by developing sustainable of the country is protected from development.
ecotourism. Rainforests are also vital carbon
stores and they have a significant impact on water d) Conservation
This involves setting up national parks and
So, how can we ensure sustainable management of nature reserves within rainforests. Harmful
tropical rainforests? activities are restricted. However, it can be
difficult to enforce rules due to lack of funds.
a) Selective logging
Some overseas governments and
This involves only removing older or inferior businesses give money to countries that
trees. By removing only a few trees from each protect their rainforests. The money
area, we don’t affect the overall rainforest can be used to enforce rules on
structure – the canopy will still be there so the soil damaging activities and to promote
will remain protected, thus allowing the rainforest sustainable use of rainforests.
to regenerate.
Norway has paid $1 billion into Brazil’s Amazon
b) Replanting Fund for conservation purposes.

This involves planting new trees to replace those

that have been cut down, ensuring there are trees Biodiversity
The existence of a wide variety of plant and
for people to use in the future. animal species living in their natural environment.

Replanting the same tree species is Sustainable

important for maintaining biodiversity. In Using and doing things in a way that means future
some countries, laws require logging generations can also use them and benefit from them.
companies to replant trees when Carbon store
they clear an area. A place where carbon dioxide is absorbed and stored,
thus mitigating climate change.
c) Ecotourism
Not as good, in quality.
Ecotourism is tourism that minimises damage to
the environment and benefits local people. Only Incentive
small numbers of visitors are allowed into an area Something designed to encourage you to do something.
at a time and waste/litter are disposed of properly
to prevent contamination. National park
A large area of land protected by the government due to
its natural beauty and/or environmental value.
Ecotourism provides a source of income
for locals and it can bring in money Enforce
for rainforest conservation. If Making sure a rule is followed e.g. by punishing those
locals have a sustainable source of who break it.
income, they
Paper 2: Section B: Question 2: The Living World
9. Sustainable Development of exchange for a guarantee that the money will be
spent on rainforest conservation.
Tropical Rainforests

e) International hardwood agreements

Hardwoods, like mahogany and teak,

tend to be fairly dense and hard. This In 2010, for example, the USA and
makes them a useful material for Brazil signed an agreement
building furniture. converting $21 million of Brazilian
debt into a fund to protect tropical
There is a high demand for hardwood furniture ecosystems.
and this has resulted in some tropical hardwood
species becoming rarer. g) Education

There are international agreements in place to try This involves educating people about the impact
to reduce illegal logging of hardwoods. These of deforestation so they buy products from areas
agreements also promote the use of that are sustainably managed.
hardwood from rainforests that have
been managed sustainably. Some local people don’t know what
the environmental impacts of
The Forest Stewardship Council is an organisation deforestation are. They may try to
made up of businesses, NGOs and individuals make money through illegal logging
from all over the world. Sustainably sourced to help overcome their poverty.
timber is marked with their logo so consumers
can choose products that are not contributing to It is important to educate locals about alternative
unsustainable deforestation. ways to make money which don’t damage the
environment as much e.g. ecotourism, as this will
f) Reducing debt not only conserve the environment but also give
them a sustainable source of income.
Many tropical rainforests are in LICs. These Logging
countries often borrow money from wealthier The large scale removal of trees from an area,
countries or organisations, like the in order to sell the wood.
World Bank, to fund their
development. This money has to be People who buy things.
paid back with interest.
These countries often allow logging, farming and A sum of money owed to a person, organisation or
mining in rainforests to make the money required government.
to pay back the debt. Interest
Additional money you must pay when you have
So, reducing debt means countries might have borrowed money.
money available to manage rainforests
sustainably. Ecotourism
Tourism that minimises damage to the environment and
benefits local people.
Debt can be cancelled by countries or
organisations, but there’s no guarantee that the
money that would have been spent on repayments
will be spent on conservation instead.

A better solution is a conservation swap. This

involves part of a country’s debt being paid off in
Paper 2: Section B: Question 2: The Living World
10. Environmental
Characteristics of Hot Deserts

1. Where are hot deserts found? Plants gain their nutrients from soils, and
provide nutrients to animals that eat
Hot deserts are mainly found in dry, them. In turn, animals spread seeds
continental areas, away from coasts, through their dung, helping plants to
in a belt at approximately 30˚N and reproduce.
30˚S of the Equator. Some coastal
deserts exist too, such as the Atacama The sparse vegetation limits the amount of food
on the west coast of South America. available, so the desert can only support low-
density populations of animals
2. What is the hot desert climate like?
Water supplies are extremely scarce. Rainfall is
Hot deserts are areas that receive under 250mm of low and coarse desert soil means rain
rainfall. that does fall drains away quickly.
Animals and people have to find ways
Temperatures are extreme, ranging from very hot to cope e.g. by constantly moving, or
in the day (up to 45˚C) to very cold at night, often by digging deep wells.
falling below freezing.

At 30˚N and 30˚S of the Equator, air Continental

that has risen at the Equator descends to On the land, away from the sea.
form a belt of high pressure. This
explains the lack of cloud and rain, and Equator
the very high daytime temperatures. An imaginary line around the middle of the earth at an
equal distance from the north pole and south pole.

It also explains why, with the lack of cloud cover, Coastal

temperatures can drop to below freezing at night Near the sea.
during the winter.
To move downwards.
3. What are hot desert soils like?
Organic matter
Desert soils tend to be sandy or stony, with little Material that has come from a recently living organism.
organic matter due to the lack of leafy
vegetation. The soils are dry but able to soak up Fertile
Able to support the growth of lots of strong, healthy
water quickly after rainfall. Soils tend to be quite plants.
Evaporation draws salt to the surface of Depending on each other.
the soil, often leaving a white powder
on the ground. Desert soils are not
Living components of an ecosystem e.g. plants, animals,
very fertile. people.

4. Interdependence in the hot desert Abiotic

Non-living components of an ecosystem e.g. climate,
The biotic and abiotic components of hot deserts
are closely related. If one changes, it affects the Sparse
others. Small in number and spread out over a large area.

Paper 2: Section B: Question 2: The Living World
11. Environmental
Characteristics of Hot Deserts

1. How are desert plants adapted to the hot, Some animals get all the water they need from the
dry conditions? food they eat. For example, cactus mice get water
from cactus fruits and insects.
Plant roots are either extremely long to reach very
deep water supplies, or spread out very wide near 3. Hot deserts and biodiversity
the surface to catch as much water as possible
when it rains. Hot deserts have fairly low biodiversity,
especially when compared with tropical
Many plants – like cacti – are succulents. They rainforests. Small areas around temporary ponds
have large, fleshy stems for storing on the edges of deserts have the highest levels of
water and thick waxy skin to reduce biodiversity.
transpiration (water loss). Some also
have sharp spines and toxins to stop However, areas with water also have the highest
animals stealing water from their stems. density of human populations, which can threaten
animal species. Roads may divide
Some plants have small leaves or spines, giving up habitats and threaten animals –
them a low surface area, which reduces like the desert bighorn sheep – that
transpiration. migrate over long distances to find
food and water.
The seeds of some plants only germinate when it
rains. These plants grow, flower and release seeds
in just a few weeks, which makes sure they only Succulents
grow when there’s enough water to survive. Types of plants which have thick, fleshy leaves.

2. How are desert animals adapted to the hot, Transpiration

dry conditions? The evaporation of water from plant leaves, stems or

Some animals are nocturnal, allowing them to Surface area

stay cool in their burrows during the day. Desert The outside part of uppermost layer of something.
animals often have long limbs or ears, providing a
large surface area to lose heat from. Germinate
To start to grow.
Lizards and snakes are able to cope with high Nocturnal
body temperatures. Desert iguanas can survive Describes creatures that are mainly active at night.
temperatures up to 42˚C!
Arms and legs.
Camels store large amounts of fat in
their humps which they can break Biodiversity
down into water when needed. They The existence of a wide variety of plant and animal
also have long eyelashes, triple eyelids species living in their natural environment
and the ability to close their nostrils to keep sand
out of their eyes and nose during s and storms. In
How much something is filled or covered with people or
addition, camels have large, flat feet to prevent things.
them from sinking into the sand.
To move from one place to another.
Paper 2: Section B: Question 2: The Living World
12. Opportunities for
Development in the Sahara
Sandboarding and desert treks are popular tourist
activities in the Sahara Desert. Tourism remains
Opportunities for economic development in the
small-scale within the Sahara but
Sahara include:
many people do visit cities on the
Desert’s outskirts e.g. Marrakech.
1. Mineral resources
5. Farming
Morocco is the world’s largest exporter of
phosphate. The country holds 75& of
Water is essential for plant growth so commercial
the world’s phosphate reserves.
agriculture in the Sahara is only possible where
Phosphate is used in fertilisers, cleaning
there is enough irrigation water.
products and batteries.
The Aswan Dam provides a year-round water
2. Oil and gas
supply in Egypt.
Algeria is a leader in oil exploration and
extraction in the Sahara Desert. It has many oil Export
fields, including Hassi Messaoud. To sell goods or services to another country.

60% of Algeria’s income comes from the oil and Reserve

gas industry and it employs 40,000 people in A supply of something.
Algeria. Over 80% of Algeria’s gas is Extraction
exported to Europe and it has the Taking a substance or object from something else e.g. by
third-largest oil reserves in Africa. using industrial or chemical processes.

3. Solar energy Solar energy

Power obtained from the sun’s light and heat.

Solar energy can be exploited in Tunisia because Photovoltaic

the Sahara often receives 12 hours of bright Describes a device that uses sunlight to cause a
sunshine every day and the sky tends to remain chemical reaction which produces electricity.
cloudless on most days. These are ideal conditions
Renewable energy
for generating solar power. Sources of power which will not run out and do not
release greenhouse gases into the atmosphere.
A French energy company – Engie – has teamed
up with a Moroccan energy company – Nareva- Remote
to build a photovoltaic power plant in Gafsa, Located far away from main areas.
Tunisia. Exotic
Describes something unusual or interesting, usually
The solar power plant will cover an area of 400 because it is associated with a distant country.
hectares. The project is part of a
development programme which aims Outskirts
The parts of a place furthest from its centre.
to produce 30% of Tunisia’s
renewable energy by 2030. Commercial agriculture
Farming on a large scale and producing enough
4. Tourism livestock or crops that they can be sold at market for a
Many people are fascinated by remote and exotic Irrigation
desert locations. Supplying water to crops to help them grow.
Paper 2: Section B: Question 2: The Living World
13. Challenges of Development
in the Sahara Desert

1. Population It is extremely difficult to provide enough water

for workers, for industry and for irrigation.
The harsh weather conditions mean that only 2
million people live in the Sahara. Deep boreholes are drilled to take water that is
naturally stored underneath the Sahara Desert.
Most people live in small fertile areas, where However, this water is not naturally replaced,
water from a spring or well is used to irrigate the which makes it a very unsustainable thing to do.
ground so that crops e.g. dates, can be grown.
Some resources in the Sahara are so valuable that
Others living in the Sahara are nomadic. This companies find a way to supply the water that is
means they constantly move around, not settling needed. For example, the phosphate
in one place for too long. They move to from the mines in Morocco is so
find fresh grazing land for their herds valuable that the mining company
of sheep, goats and camels. pipes water from a dam in central
Morocco. This is very expensive!
2. Extreme temperatures

As there are rarely clouds in the sky above the Harsh

Unpleasant and difficult.
Sahara, the temperature can reach 40˚C during the
day time. It can also drop to below 0 ˚C at night. Fertile
Being exposed to such high and low temperatures Able to support the growth of lots of strong, healthy
can cause illness or death, and healthcare may be plants.
far away.
To supply water to crops to help them grow.
The hot season is often too hot for
tourists to visit, so people working in Nomadic
the tourist industry only have a job for Moving from place to place.
some months of the year.
Refers to grassland which is suitable for farm animals.
3. Inaccessibility
As the Sahara is huge, people and materials have Not sheltered or protected from the weather.
to travel over long distances. As the distances are
so long, travel is usually by air, which is Tourist industry
Jobs linked to people visiting places for pleasure, on
expensive. holiday.

Expensive pipelines have to be built to Inaccessibility

transport oil and gas from remote Difficult to reach.
areas. It takes 5 days, by truck, to
transport salt from salt mines in Mali Located far away from main areas.
out of the desert.
4. Water supply Refers to the activity of factories processing raw
The Sahara has very low annual rainfall. It can Borehole
receive less than 70mm of rain in some places. A deep, narrow hole made in the ground to locate and
extract water stored deep underground.
The rainfall is unpredictable and most rivers only
flow for part of the year. Unsustainable
Paper 2: Section B: Question 2: The Living World
14. Causes of Desertification
plants no longer hold the soil together. Trampling
What is desertification?
by animals also erodes the soil.
The degradation of land so that it Over-cultivation can also cause desertification. If
becomes more desert-like. This means it crops are planted in the same area continually, all
becomes drier and less fertile. the nutrients in the soil get used up. This means
that plants can no longer be grown in those soils
A third of the world’s land is at risk and, without plants, soil erosion increases.
of desertification, especially land at the edges of
the world’s deserts. Approximately 1 billion Population growth puts pressure on the
people live in areas at risk of desertification. land, leading to more deforestation
Desertification affects both rich and poor (for firewood), more overgrazing and
countries. It is a significant problem in parts of the more over-cultivation.
USA, Europe (especially Spain) and Australia.

Soil erosion is a key part of desertification. Soil

that is exposed is easily removed by wind or
water. The process of land becoming damaged or
poorer in quality, usually because of pollution,
Nutrients in the soil (e.g. from fallen leaves and industry and farming methods.
dead plants) are lost, making soil less fertile.
Eventually, the ground becomes sandy, dusty,
Not sheltered or protected from the weather.
stony or just bare rock.
Causes of desertification Substances which are absorbed by plants and help them
to grow.
1. Climate change
Good for growing things. Full of nutrients.
Climate change is expected to reduce
rainfall in areas that are already quite dry. Climate change
Less rain means that less water is A long-term change in the earth's climate, especially a
available for plant growth. Plant change due to an increase in the average temperature.
roots stabilise soil so less plants Evaporate
leaves soil vulnerable to erosion. The process by which a liquid changes state to become a
gas because its temperature has increased.
Global temperatures are expected to increase.
Higher temperatures mean that more water Arid
Very dry land.
evaporates from the land and from plants. This
makes soils drier and means that plants die (so Overgrazing
their roots no longer hold the soil together). Damage to grassland as a result of excessive grazing
(eating) by animals.
2. Human activities
To step heavily on something and damage it.
Many people in arid areas remove wood for fuel.
They need fuel for cooking. Removing trees Over-cultivation
means the soil is left exposed so it is more easily Using farmland to grow excessive amounts of crops
eroded. which exhausts and degrades it, leaving it unproductive.

Overgrazing occurs when too many cattle or Removal of trees, on a large scale, by chopping or
sheep eat plants faster than they can re-grow. This burning.
leads to more soil erosion because the
Paper 2: Section B: Question 2: The Living World
15. Reducing Desertification Soil management

Leaving areas of land to rest in between grazing or

There are a number of strategies we can use to
planting allows them to recover their nutrients.
reduce the risk of desertification.
Rotating crops that use different
nutrients from the soil means that
Water management
the same nutrients don’t keep being
removed. Compost can be used to
Commercial farming in hot deserts often involves
add extra nutrients to the soil.
surface irrigation. Water from deep
underground, or from rivers and
Appropriate technology
canals, can be sprayed onto crops or
used to flood fields.
This involves using cheap, sustainable and easily
available materials that are easy for local people to
However, too much irrigation can cause problems
maintain. For example, sand fences or terraces
like salinisation. This occurs because the water
can be constructed to stabilise the soil and reduce
often contains salt and it is evaporated quickly
because it is so sunny in the desert. This rapid
evaporation causes a build-up of salt on the
The rate of deforestation can be
surface of the soil, reducing soil fertility and
reduced by using solar cookers, which
potentially killing plants.
use the sun’s energy to heat food.
They are cheap and easy to make, and
Growing crops that don’t need much water (e.g.
don’t require fuel wood to work.
millet or olives) can reduce demand for water.

Using drip irrigation on crops instead of surface Irrigation

irrigation means that the soil isn’t eroded by lots Supplying water to crops to help them grow.
of water being added all in one go.
The build-up of salt in soil. Toxic for plants.
Tree planting
Trees can be planted to protect soil from How able the soil is to grow healthy crops.
wind erosion. Trees can also stabilise
the sand which prevents the desert Drip irrigation
Irrigation which delivers water slowly to plant roots,
from encroaching on farm land.
instead of the plant surface. Reduces waste water and
Growing trees in amongst crops protects the crops
(and soil) by providing shade, which reduces Stabilise
temperatures and evaporation rates. To strengthen and protect.

In the Thar Desert, a tree called the Prosopis Intruding on something beyond normal limits.
cineraria has been planted to help reduce the risk
of desertification. Nutrients
Substances absorbed by plants to help with growth.
This tree has plenty of seed pods for animals to
eat, produces good quality firewood, produces Organic matter used as fertiliser to help plants grow.
strong wood which is good for building, provides
shade and moist growing conditions for plants, Sand fences
and has roots which stabilise sand dunes Barriers to trap windblown sand

Flat areas cut into slopes to farm crops.

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