Corner Short

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Conjuring Archive

Corner Short

178 entries in Cards / Principles / Locator

Cards / Short Cards / Corner Short

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1934 Theodore Annemann

The Last of the Think Stop

Tricks 

two cards, think stop by selecting

number between one and ten,

SH-H-H--! It's A Secret 

p. 28
Cards / Principles / Stacked Deck Stu! /
Full Stack (DONT USE THIS)
Cards / E!ect Themes / Location / Stop
Cards / Principles / Locator Cards / Short
Cards / Corner Short

1935 Theodore Annemann

The Migrating Pasteboard 

The Jinx (Issue Summer Extra 


Softened Corner 

Encyclopedia of Card Tricks 

1937 Theodore Annemann

Composite Routine 

The Jinx (Issue 32) 

Forcing a Corner-Shorted
Court Card 

Greater Magic

The Short Card 

Greater Magic

Impromptu Short Card 

Greater Magic

1938 Ralph W. Hull

The Tuned Deck 

Greater Magic

1940 Dr. Jacob Daley

Short Card Anecdote 

The Jinx (Issue 79) 

1941 Eddie Joseph

"I Get The Aces" 

How Gamblers Win 

1943 Theodore Annemann

Impromptu Tricks Using A

"Short" Card 

Full Deck of Impromptu Card 


1943 Theodore Annemann

Composite Routine 

Full Deck of Impromptu Card 


1943 Theodore Annemann

The Migrating Pasteboard 

Full Deck of Impromptu Card 


1943 Henry Christ

Lies! Lies! Lies! 

Full Deck of Impromptu Card 


Corner Short Peek Force 

Future Reverse

1947 J. B. Bobo

The Isolated Key 

Watch This One! 

1948 George G. Kaplan

The Corner-Short 

The Fine Art of Magic 

1948 George G. Kaplan

The Secret Gadget 

The Fine Art of Magic 

1948 George G. Kaplan

Advantages of the Corner-

Short Procedure 

The Fine Art of Magic 

1948 George G. Kaplan

Locating the Corner-Short,

and the Delayed-Action
Control 

The Fine Art of Magic 

1948 George G. Kaplan

The Pencil Dot 

The Fine Art of Magic 

1948 George G. Kaplan

Avoiding Contrasts 

The Fine Art of Magic 

To Bring the Corner-Short to
the Top of the Pack 

The Fine Art of Magic 

1948 George G. Kaplan

The Kaplan Fan Cut 

The Fine Art of Magic 

1948 George G. Kaplan

To Bring the Corner-Short to

the Bottom of the Pack 

The Fine Art of Magic 

1948 George G. Kaplan

To Control a Selected Card

by Means of the Corner-
Short 

The Fine Art of Magic 

1948 George G. Kaplan

The Kaplan Control of a

Glimpsed Card by Means of
the Corner-Short 

The Fine Art of Magic 

1948 George G. Kaplan

Retaining Control of several

Glimpsed Cards by Means of
the Corner-Short 

The Fine Art of Magic 

1948 George G. Kaplan

Controlling Three Selected

Cards by Means of the
Corner-Short 

The Fine Art of Magic 

1948 George G. Kaplan

To bring a Prearranged
Packet above a Chosen Card
by Means of the Corner-
Short 

The Fine Art of Magic 

1948 George G. Kaplan

Obtaining a Desired Packet

Instantly by Means of the
Corner-Short 

The Fine Art of Magic 

1948 George G. Kaplan

Using the Corner-Short to

Retain a Prearranged Deck in
Order 

The Fine Art of Magic 

1948 George G. Kaplan

Out-of-the-Room Selection 

The Fine Art of Magic 

1948 George G. Kaplan

The X-Ray Location 

The Fine Art of Magic 

1948 George G. Kaplan

Double-Back Corner-Short
Location 

The Fine Art of Magic 

1948 George G. Kaplan

Mind-Reading with Two

Subjects 

The Fine Art of Magic 

1948 George G. Kaplan

The "Impossible" Discovery 

The Fine Art of Magic 

1948 George G. Kaplan

The Twenty-Sixth Card

Location - Using a Corner-
Short 

The Fine Art of Magic 

1948 George G. Kaplan

Au Naturelle 

The Fine Art of Magic 

1948 George G. Kaplan

The Topsy-Turvy Fan 

The Fine Art of Magic 

1948 George G. Kaplan

The Captain Kidd Card (First

Version) 

The Fine Art of Magic 

1948 George G. Kaplan

The Lie Detector 

The Fine Art of Magic 

The Deck Switch 

The Fine Art of Magic 

1948 George G. Kaplan

The Medium´s Card Test 

The Fine Art of Magic 

1948 George G. Kaplan

Yogi Spelling Test 

The Fine Art of Magic 

1948 George G. Kaplan

The Eighteen-Cards Spelling

Trick 

The Fine Art of Magic 

1948 George G. Kaplan

The Triple Spelling Trick 

The Fine Art of Magic 

1948 George G. Kaplan

The Three-Billet Test No. 1 

The Fine Art of Magic 

1948 Don Greenwood

Opener for a Mental Routine 

Hugard's Magic Monthly (Vol. 

6 No. 5)

1951 Don Alan

Corner Ri!e Force by

Timing 

Close-Up Time with Don Alan 

1951 Don Alan

Card in the Egg 

Close-Up Time with Don Alan 

1952 Audley Walsh

Audley's Best 

The Phoenix (Issue 270) 

1956 Edward Marlo

Broken Corner 

Fingertip Control 
1956 Salwaro

Leitkarten 

Hokus Pokus (Vol. 17 No. 3)

1957 Russell "Rusduck" Duck

Flip Deck 

The Cardiste (Issue 4) 

1959 Peter Warlock

No Guesswork 

Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue 

Yearbook 1959)

1959 George Blake

Devil Divination 

Devil Divination

1960 Sam Randlett

Name-O-Card Revisited 

Ibidem (Issue 21)

1962 Norman Osborn

Double Choice 

Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue 

Yearbook 1962)

1964 Edward Marlo

Tapping on Table 

The Patented Shu"e (Issue 5 I

Shu"ed the Cards)

1967 Dai Vernon

The Corner Short 

Ultimate Secrets of Card 


1967... Victor "Astor" Jamnitzky

Das Forcieren einer Karte 

The Astor-Deck

1968 Ed Balducci

Cut Deeper Force 

Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue 

Yearbook 1967-68)

1968 J. B. Bobo

Triple Threat Card 

The Pallbearers Review Vol. 1-4

(Vol. 3 No. 9)

1969 Rolf Andra

Ein kartenmagisches Rätsel 

Hokus Pokus (Vol. 30 No. 2)

1970 Edward Marlo

Reverse Fingertip Control 

Advanced Fingertip Control

1970 Edward Marlo

Tapping on Table 

Advanced Fingertip Control

1970 Edward Marlo

Incredible Fingertip Location 

Advanced Fingertip Control

1970 Edward Marlo

Triple Fingertip Control 

Advanced Fingertip Control

1970 Edward Marlo

Marlo Key Card 

Advanced Fingertip Control

1970 Edward Marlo

Corner Short Control 

Advanced Fingertip Control

1970 Edward Marlo

Pre-Determined Four -
Fourth E"ect 

Advanced Fingertip Control

1971 Rolf Andra

Der Zauberkreis 

Hokus Pokus (Vol. 32 No. 3)

1972 Roger "Hervey" Vuille

Le Coin Coupe 

Hokus Pokus (Vol. 33 No. 1)

1972 Roger "Hervey" Vuille

Tour avec le Coin Coupé 

Hokus Pokus (Vol. 33 No. 2)

1972 Victor Farelli, Rolf Andra

Ein verblü"ender "Reverso"-

Trick 

Hokus Pokus (Vol. 33 No. 3)

1972 Roger "Hervey" Vuille

Encore le Coin Coupé 

Hokus Pokus (Vol. 33 No. 3)

1972 Roger "Hervey" Vuille

Toujours Le Coin Coupé 

Hokus Pokus (Vol. 33 No. 4)

1972 Jochen Zmeck

Ein Super-Karten#nden 

Sieben mal Drei

1973 J. B. Bobo

Triple Threat Card 

Intermagic (Vol. 1 No. 2)

1974 Philip T. Goldstein

On the Corner Short 

Card Tricks for People Who Don't

Do Card Tricks

1974 Theodore Annemann

Snapped Corner 

Card Tricks for People Who Don't

Do Card Tricks

1974 Karl Fulves

Technicolor Cards 

New Stars of Magic (Vol. 1 No. 6)

1975 Roger Smith

IF Cover Up Control #3 

The Faro Sorcery Trilogy —

Number 1

1975 Roger Smith

Faro Shu!ing With a Short

Card 

The Faro Sorcery Trilogy —

Number 1

1975 Roger Smith

The Short Card Faro Force 

The Faro Sorcery Trilogy —

Number 1

1976 Bernard Bilis

Everywhere 

Close Up, French Style

1976 Rolf Andra

Übereinstimmung 

Hokus Pokus (Vol. 37 No. 2)

1978 Hannes Höller

Kurze Karte 

Einfach Wunderbar — Wunderbar


1978 Jack Yates, Ken De Courcy

Notes by the Editor 

Jack's Pack 
1978 Ken De Courcy

As a Location System 

Jack's Pack 
1978 Rolf Andra

Kartenzauber 

Hokus Pokus (Vol. 39 No. 1)

Short Corner 

The second now you see it, now

you don't!

1979 Wayne Wall

Signed, Sealed, Stabbed and

Delivered 

The Card Book

1981 Thomas Alan Waters

LeNormand's Legacy 

Mind, Myth & Magick (Issue


1981 Thomas Alan Waters

LeNormand's Legacy II 

Mind, Myth & Magick (Issue


1981 Roger Crosthwaite

The Crosthwaite Key Card 

The Commercial Card Magic of 

Roger Crosthwaite

1981 Roger Crosthwaite

Multiple Card Control 

The Commercial Card Magic of 

Roger Crosthwaite

Peek Force 

Polished Polish Prestidigitation

1984 Stephen Tucker

Cover Blown 

May the Force Be with You!

1984 Stephen Minch

Divination 

Eyeless in Gaza

Ri"e Force 

Eyeless in Gaza

1987 Dai Vernon

On the Corner-Short 

The Vernon Chronicles — Volume


Tapping on Table 

The Vernon Chronicles — Volume


1987 Bruce Cervon

Two Corner Short Controls 

The Vernon Chronicles — Volume


1987 Harry Riser

Estimation Help 

The Vernon Chronicles — Volume


1987 Tom Gagnon

Faro Control 

The Vernon Chronicles — Volume


1988 Norman Osborn

The Magic Step Ladder 

Inside Out (Issue 4)

1992 Edward Marlo

Memo-Deck Index 

The Olram File (Issue 11)

1992 Frederick Braue

Card to Wallet 

The Fred Braue Notebooks (Issue


1992 Vanni Bossi

A Faro Subtlety 

Escorial 1992 — The Marlo Year

1992 Vanni Bossi

Three Original Key Cards 

Escorial 1992 — The Marlo Year

1993 Doug Canning


Semi-Automatic Card Tricks

1993 Eddie Fechter

Peek Control with a Corner

Short Card 


1993 Vicente Canuto

La Carta con la Esquina

Cortada 

Cartomagia Fundamental

1993 Vicente Canuto

La Esquina Doblada 

Cartomagia Fundamental

1993 Juan Tamariz

En el Bolsillo 

Cartomagia Fundamental

The Little-#nger Count 

Card College — Volume 1 

1995 John Riggs

In-Decks 

Semi-Automatic Card Tricks —

Volume 2

1995 Thomas Fraps

Pips Desease 

Continental Close Up

Corner Short Ri"e Force 

The Books of Wonder — Volume 1

1996 Karl Fulves

Lifting at Corner Short 

Blocking O!

1996 Karl Fulves

Side E"ects 

Blocking O!

1996 Karl Fulves

Cheat Deck 

Blocking O!

1996 Karl Fulves

Short End 

Blocking O!

1996 Karl Fulves

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