Agent Consent Form
Agent Consent Form
Agent Consent Form
1. The business entity is a corporation (KRS 271B, KRS 273 or KRS 274)
a limited liability company (KRS 275)
a limited partnership (KRS 362)
a limited liability partnership (KRS 362)
a business trust (KRS 386)
I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of Kentucky that the forgoing is true and correct.
All documents will be sent to the return address on the outer envelope. If no address is found, the documents will be sent to the
principal office. If the applicant wishes for correspondence from the Office of the Secretary of State to be sent to someone other than
those above, a request must be submitted in writing affirming that request. All other communication and notification shall follow the
process prescribed in Kentucky Revised Statute.
The document must be signed by an individual meeting one of the following requirements:
• If the registered agent is an individual resident of this state, the individual must sign statement.
• If registered agent is a corporation, an officer or the chairman of the board of directors must sign on behalf of the corporation.
• If the registered agent is a limited liability company and management of the company vested in one or more managers, a
manager must sign on behalf of the limited liability company. If management of the company is vested in its members, a
member must sign.
• If the registered agent is a limited partnership, a general partner must sign on behalf the limited partnership.
• If the registered agent is a limited liability partnership the statement shall be executed a partner or other person authorized by
chapter 362.
• The representative signing the statement of consent on behalf of the business entity acting as agent must designate the title or
the capacity in which he or she signs.
There is no filing fee for filing this document. Checks should be made payable to the "Kentucky State Treasurer."
If you have any questions, please feel free to visit our website at or call 502-564-3490.