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arXiv:2405.19830v1 [math.LO] 30 May 2024
1. Introduction
Continuous model theory is a growing area of model theory that has been de-
veloping very fast in recent years. Many of the most important dividing lines for
first-order theories have been also defined for continuous theories (Stability [BYU10;
BY10], NIP [BY09], Distality [And23]). One invaluable tool for the characteriza-
tion of dividing lines in first-order theories is (generalized) indiscernible sequences
(See [She82, Chaper VII], [Sco12], [CPT14], [GH19]). We present natural contin-
uous counterparts of generalized indiscernibles and the modeling property (where
the index structures are still first-order) and show that a first-order structure has
the continuous modeling property (see Definition 3.4) if and only if its age has the
embedding Ramsey property (Theorem 3.10). Several notions around this topic
have been also defined in positive logic. Dobrowolski and Kamsma (see [DK21])
proved that s-trees have the (positive logic version of) modeling property in thick
theories, later in [Kam23, Theorems 1.2, 1.2 and 1.3] it was shown that str-trees,
str0 -trees (the reduct of str-trees that forgets the length comparison relation) and
arrays also have the modeling property in positive thick theories.
The notion of a dependent theory was first introduced by Shelah in [She82].
In later work [She05; She07], Shelah introduced the more general notion of n-
dependence. This notion was studied in depth in [CPT14], where the authors give
a characterization of n-dependent theories in terms of the collapse of indiscernible
sequences (See [CPT14, Theorem 5.4]). In the continuous context, the definition
of n-dependence was introduced in [CT20] using a generalization of the V Cn di-
mension. Section 10 of the aforementioned paper is dedicated to several operations
which preserve n-dependence. The proof of [CPT14, Theorem 5.4] contains a mis-
take 1 in the implication (3) =⇒ (2); we provide a counterexample to the key
claim (see Counterexample 4.14). Using the tools developed in Section 3 we give
Here P0 (Gn+1,p ) is the first part of the partition of Gn+1,p , and by a Gn+1 -
indiscernible sequence (ag )g∈ Gn+1 with respect to Ψn+1FX/E we mean that for any
W, W ⊆ Gn+1,p if the quantifier free types of W and W ′ coincide (in the language
2. Preliminaries
2.1. Continuous logic. We present some basic definitions and facts about con-
tinuous logic needed for this paper, we refer the reader to [BYU10] and [BY10] for
a more detailed exposition.
Definition 2.1. A continuous (metric) signature consists of:
• A collection of function symbols f, together with their arity nf < ω.
• A collection of predicate symbols P, together with their arity nP < ω.
• A binary predicate symbol, denoted d, specified as the distinguished distance
• For each n-ary symbol s and i < n a continuity modulus δs,i , called the
uniform continuity modulus of s with respect to the ith argument.
Given a continuous signature L, the collection of L-terms and atomic L-formulas
are constructed as usual. In the continuous context, the quantifiers supx and inf x
play the roles of ∀ and ∃ respectively. The issue of connectives is a bit more delicate
and we refer the reader to [BYU10] for an in depth treatment. Depending on the
context, we will consider all uniformly continuous functions u : [0, 1]n → [0, 1] for
all n < ω as connectives or just some finite subset of such functions.
A condition is an expression of the form φ = 0 where φ is a formula. Note
that expressions of the form φ ≥ r and φ ≤ r can be expressed as conditions.
A continuous L-theory T is a consistent set of L-conditions φ = 0 where φ is a
A complete n-type in variables x is a maximal satisfiable set of conditions with
free variables x1 , . . . , xn ⊆ x for some n. The space of all types over the empty set
in variables x is denoted by Sx . If x = (x1 , . . . , xn ), we denote Sx by Sn . The space
Sx is a compact Hausdorff space when equipped with the finest topology for which
all continuous formulas φ are continuous functions φ : Sx → [0, 1].
Definition 2.2. A definable predicate f in variables x is a continuous function
f : Sx → [0, 1].
The following was proven in [BYU10, Proposition 3.4] for a finite number of
variables but the proof also applies for an infinite x.
Fact 2.3. Definable predicates in variables x can be uniformly approximated by
continuous formulae in variables contained in x.
By an abuse of notation, when results apply to both, we will usually also refer
to definable predicates as formulas. We need to allow the domain of definable
predicate to be an infinite Cartesian power of C to deal with hyperdefinable sets
X/E which are contained in an infinite product of sorts.
3. Generalized indiscernibles
Let L′ be a first-order language and L be a continuous logic language. Unless
specified otherwise, T is a complete continuous L-theory with C |= T a monster
model (i.e. κ-saturated and strongly κ-homogeneous for a strong limit cardinal
> |T |) and I, J are L′ -structures.
In this section, we present natural adaptations of the concepts of generalized
indiscernibles and the modeling property to continuous logic and give a charac-
terization of the continuous modeling property in the form of a continuous logic
counterpart of [Sco21, Theorem 2.10].
The following idea first appeared in [She82, Definition VIII.2.4].
Definition 3.1. Let I = (ai : i ∈ I) be an I-indexed sequence, and let A ⊂ C be a
small set of parameters. We say that I is an I-indexed indiscernible sequence over
A if for all n ∈ ω and all sequences i1 , . . . , in , j1 , . . . , jn from I we have that
tpqf (i1 , . . . , in ) = tpqf (j1 , . . . , jn ) =⇒ tp(ai1 , . . . , ain /A) = tp(aj1 , . . . , ajn /A).
We will refer to I-indexed indiscernible sequences as I-indiscernibles.
Next, we adapt the definition of locally based on given in [Sco15]. The first
reference to this concept can be found in [Zie88].
Definition 3.2 (Locally based on). Let I = (ai : i ∈ I) be an I-indexed sequence.
We say that a J -indexed sequence (bj : j ∈ J ) is locally based on I if for any finite
set of L formulas ∆, any finite tuple j ⊆ J and ε > 0 there is i ⊆ I such that:
(1) tpqf (i) = tpqf (j).
(2) |φ(bj ) − φ(ai )| ≤ ε for all φ ∈ ∆.
The original definition presented in [Sco15, Definition 2.5] is the following:
Definition 3.3 (Classical definition of Locally based on). Let I = (ai : i ∈ I) be
an I-indexed sequence. We say that a J -indexed sequence (bj : j ∈ J ) is locally
based on I if for any finite set of L formulas ∆, any finite tuple j ⊆ J and ε > 0
there is i ⊆ I such that:
(1) tpqf (i) = tpqf (j).
(2) tp∆ (bj ) = tp∆ (ai ).
Note that if we tried to use this stronger version of the property, it is easy to show
that even for I = (N, <) we can find a sequence for which there are no indiscernible
sequences locally based on it. Consider for example the theory Th([0, 1], d) where
d is the distance predicate and the sequence (1/n)n<ω .
The next definition is then the natural continuous counterpart of [Sco12, Defini-
tion 2.17].
Definition 3.4 (Continuous Modeling property). Given a continuous theory T ,
we say that I-indexed indiscernibles have the continuous modeling property in T if
given any I-indexed sequence I = (ai : i ∈ I) in a monster model C of T there exists
an I-indiscernible sequence (bi : i ∈ I) in C locally based on I. We say that I has
the continuous modeling property if I-indexed indiscernibles have the continuous
modeling property in every continuous theory.
As it is natural, if a first-order structure I has the continuous modeling property
then it has the modeling property. More precisely:
Proposition 3.5. Let T be a first-order theory, and let T ′ be its continuous logic
counterpart (i.e., T and T ′ have the same models). Then I has the continuous
modeling property in T ′ if and only if I has the modeling property in T .
Proof. Clearly, If I has the continuous modeling property in T ′ then it has the
modeling property in T since classical formulas are a subset of the {0, 1}-valued
continuous logic formulas.
Assume now that I has the modeling property in T . Let I = (ai : i ∈ I) be any
sequence in C |= T . Since I has the modeling property, there is an I-indiscernible
sequence (bi : i ∈ I) locally based on I (in the classical sense). We show that the
sequence (bi : i ∈ I) is locally based on I in our continuous logic sense. Since
first-order formulas generate a dense subalgebra A of the set of all continuous logic
formulas, for each continuous logic formula f (x) and ε > 0 there is φ(x) ∈ A such
that |f (x) − φ(x)| ≤ ε/2. Thus, for any tuples i, j ⊆ I and tuples aj , bi we have
|f (aj ) − f (bi )| ≤ |f (x) − φ(x)| + |φ(aj ) − φ(bi )| + |f (x) − φ(x)| ≤ |φ(aj ) − φ(bi )| + ε.
Finally, note that by the definition of being locally based on (in the classical sense)
for any bi and finite Σ ⊂ A, there is j with the same quantifier free type as i such
that φ(bi ) = φ(aj ) for every φ ∈ Σ. Therefore, the sequence (bi : i ∈ I) is locally
based on I in the continuous sense. □
Next, we define two partial types that will be useful during this section. The
first one is a generalization of the classical Ehrenfeucht-Mostowski type (EM-type
for short). The second is a type whose realizations are exactly the I-indiscernible
sequences. They are based on [Sco12, Definitions 2.6 and 2.10] respectively.
Definition 3.6. Let I = (ai : i ∈ I) be an I-indexed sequence. The EM -type of
I is the set of all conditions φ(xi1 . . . , xin ) = 0 such that φ(aj1 . . . , ajn ) = 0 holds
for every j1 , . . . , jn ∈ I with the same quantifier free type as i1 , . . . , in . That is
EMtp(I)(xi : i ∈ I) = {φ(xi1 , . . . , xin ) = 0 : φ ∈ L, i1 , . . . , in ∈ I
and for any j1 , . . . , jn ∈ I such that
tpqf (j1 , . . . , jn ) = tpqf (i1 , . . . , in ), |= φ(aj1 . . . , ajn ) = 0}.
Definition 3.7. We define Ind(I, L) as the following partial type:
Ind(I, L)(xi : i ∈ I) := {φ(xi1 , . . . , xin ) = φ(xj1 , . . . , xjn ) :
n < ω, i, j ⊆ I, tpqf (i) = tpqf (j), φ(xi1 , . . . , xin ) ∈ L}.
Zn → (Zn−1 )A
In light of the previous theorem we will not make a distinction between contin-
uous or classical modeling property from now on.
As in [CPT14, Corollary 5.3], from the fact that any permutation of the parts
of the partition of Gn+1,p is induced by an automorphism of Gn+1.p treated as a
pure hypergraph, we obtain the following as an easy corollary:
Corollary 4.8. Let f (x, y0 , . . . , yn−1 ) be a formula and (w, z0 , . . . , zn−1 ) be any
permutation of (x, y0 , . . . , yn−1 ). Then g(w, z0 , . . . , zn−1 ) := f (x, y0 , . . . , yn−1 ) is
n-dependent if and only if f (x, y0 , . . . , yn−1 ) is n-dependent.
A more involved proof is given in [CT20, Proposition 10.6].
We cannot guarantee that an n-independent formula will encode (n + 1)-uniform
hypergraphs. However, it is true that for continuous theories having IPn and the
existence of a formula encoding (n + 1)-uniform hypergraphs are equivalent. This
generalizes the result in [LS03, Lemma 2.2] and allows is to give an alternative
proof of [CPT14, Theorem 5.4] that avoids the mistake mentioned in the introduc-
tion. In the proof of the next result, we will write f (y0 , . . . , yn−1 , x) instead of
f (x, y0 , . . . , yn−1 ) for convenience.
Proposition 4.9. Let T be a continuous logic theory. The following are equivalent:
(1) T has IPn .
(2) There is a continuous logic formula encoding (n + 1)-uniform hypergraphs.
(3) There is a continuous logic formula encoding Gn+1 as a hypergraph.
(4) There is a continuous logic formula encoding Gn+1 as a hypergraph wit-
nessed by a Gn+1 -indiscernible sequence.
Proof. (1) =⇒ (2). Let f (y0 , . . . , yn−1 , x) be a formula with IPn . We show that
the symmetric formula
ψ(y00 y01 · · · y0n−1 x0 , . . . , yn0 yn1 · · · ynn−1 xn ) = min 0
{f (yσ(0) n−1
, . . . , yσ(n−1) , xσ(n) )}
the rest of the cases are defined by symmetry of RH̃ and by declaring ¬RH̃ (h̃i0 , . . . , h̃in )
whenever im1 = im2 for some m1 ̸= m2 . Note that by construction, we have
(H, RH ) ∼= (H̃, RH̃ ).
Claim. The elements bh̃i := (agi0 , . . . , agn−1 , agc(i)
n ) for i < k witness that ψ encodes
First, note that if im1 = im2 for some m1 , m2 < n then we have ¬RH̃ (h̃i0 , . . . , h̃in )
by definition of RH̃ and ψ(bh̃i , . . . bh̃i ) ≥ s by construction of the function c.
0 n
Hence, we only need to prove the equivalences above in the case where all the
i’s are pairwise distinct. We prove the first equivalence; the second one is easily
deduced from it.
Assume that RH̃ (h̃i0 , . . . , h̃in ) holds. By symmetry, without loss of generality
we may assume that i0 < · · · < in . Then, by the definition of RH̃ , this implies
that RGn+1,p (gi00 , . . . , gin−1
, gc(in)
) holds. Since the formula f encodes Gn+1,p , this
is equivalent to f (agi0 , . . . , agn−1 , agc(in
) ≤ r . Hence, ψ(bh̃i , . . . bh̃i ) ≤ r.
0 in−1 n 0 n
i < n is an L∗ isomorphism.
where A = (ag )g∈V . Since G′ is isomorphic to Gn+1,p , by Proposition 4.7, the for-
mula f ′ (x, y0 , . . . , yn−1 , A) has IPn and hence, by Remark 4.4 there is a continuous
logic formula g(x, z0 , . . . , zn−1 ) which has IPn .
(1) =⇒ (3). The proof is exactly as the proof of (1) =⇒ (2).
(2) =⇒ (1). It follows from Proposition 4.7. If the formula f encodes Gn+1,p
as a partite hypergraph witnessed by a Gn+1,p -indiscernible sequence (ag )g∈Gn+1,p ,
then (ag )g∈Gn+1,p cannot be Lop -indiscernible.
(3) =⇒ (1) Follows from Proposition 4.9. If T has IPn , there is a continuous
logic formula encoding Gn+1 as a hypergraph witnessed by a Gn+1 -indiscernible
sequence(ag )g∈Gn+1 . Then (ag )g∈Gn+1 cannot be order-indiscernible. □
We know explain the error in the proof of [CPT14, Theorem 5.4 (3) =⇒ (2)]
Without loss of generality we write
Gn+1,p = {gqi : i < n; q ∈ Q},
where gqi ∈ Pi (Gn+1,p ) and gqi < gpi for all q < p ∈ Q. We define the ordered
(n + 1)-uniform hypergraph G∗n+1 as follows:
• G∗n+1 = {hq : hq = (gq0 , . . . , gqn ), q ∈ Q},
• RG∗n+1 (hq0 , . . . , hqn ) ⇐⇒ RGn+1,p (gq00 , . . . , gqnn ) for q0 < · · · < qn ,
• hq < hp ⇐⇒ q < p.
Clearly, G∗n+1 embeds every finite ordered (n + 1)-uniform hypergraph.
Let (ag )g∈Gn+1,p be a Gn+1,p -indiscernible sequence which is not Lop -indiscernible.
For hq ∈ G∗n+1 , let bhq = (agq0 , . . . , agqn ) and consider the G∗n+1 -indexed sequence
(bh )h∈G∗n+1 . The following claim is made in the proof:
Claim. Whenever X ≡<G∗ ,RG∗ Y ⊆ G∗n+1 , we have
n+1 n+1
It turns out that IPn of the formulas f and ψf are equivalent. The implication
(2) =⇒ (1) in the next result can also be deduced from [CT20, Proposition
10.4 and Proposition 10.6] since the set of connectives {¬, 21 , −̇} is full (we can
approximate every continuous formula uniformly by formulas constructed using
only that set of connectives). However, we provide a direct proof with ideas that
will be useful in the next section.
Lemma 4.15. Let f (y0 , . . . , yn−1 , x) be a continuous logic formula. Then, the
following are equivalent:
(1) f has IPn .
(2) ψf has IPn .
Proof. (1) =⇒ (2). Follows from the proof of (1) =⇒ (2) of Proposition 4.9 and
Proposition 4.7.
(2) =⇒ (1). First, recall that if a formula is n-dependent and we add dummy
variables, then the new formula is still n-dependent and that n-dependence is pre-
served under permutations of variables (by Remark 4.4 and Corollary 4.8).
We consider the formula
fσ (y00 y01 · · · y0n−1 x0 , . . . , yn0 yn1 · · · ynn−1 xn ) = f (yσ(0)
0 n−1
, . . . , yσ(n−1) , xσ(n) ).
We have ψf = minσ∈Sym(n) {fσ }. Let (bg )g∈Gn+1,p be a witness that ψf encodes
Gn+1,p as a partite hypergraph with some r < s, which exists by Proposition
4.7 and the assumption that ψf has IPn . Fix a linear ordering of Sym(n) and
color the edges of Gn+1,p according to the first σ such that fσ (bg0 , . . . , bgn ) ≤ r
whenever ψf (bg0 , . . . , bgn ) ≤ r. Let H be any finite ordered (n + 1)-partite (n + 1)-
uniform hypergraph. Since Age(Gn+1,p ) has ERP, we can find a monochromatic
isomorphic copy of H inside Gn+1,p . This implies that fσ encodes H as a partite
hypergraph with the same r < s as above (where σ is the color of the edges of
this monochromatic copy of H). Since each finite (n + 1)-partite (n + 1)-uniform
hypergraph is encoded by some fσ , by compactness there is fσ encoding Gn+1,p as
a partite hypergraph. Thus, fσ has IPn which, by the previous paragraph, implies
that f (y0 , . . . , yn−1 , x) has IPn . □
We recall the family FX/E defined in [KP22, Section 2]. FX/E is the family of all
functions f : X × Cm → R which factor through X/E × Cm and can be extended to
a continuous logic formula Cλ × Cm → R over ∅ (i.e. factors through a continuous
function Sλ+m (∅)), where m ranges over ω.
Let A ⊂ C (be small). Recall that the complete types over A of elements of X/E
can be defined as the Aut(C/A)-orbits on X/E, or the preimages of these orbits
under the quotient map, or the partial types defining these preimages. The space
of all such types is denoted by SX/E (A).
In this section we apply the results obtained in continuous logic to the context
of hyperdefinable sets to obtain a counterpart to Theorem 4.13.
In [KP22, Proposition 2.1], we showed that the family of functions FX/E sepa-
rates points in SX/E×Cm (∅). Namely,
Fact 5.1. For any a1 = a′1 /E, a2 = a′2 /E in X/E and b1 , b2 ∈ Cm
tp(a1 , b1 ) ̸= tp(a2 , b2 ) ⇐⇒ (∃f ∈ FX/E )(f (a′1 , b1 ) ̸= f (a′2 , b2 ))
This allows us to work with elements of X/E as real elements if we restrict
ourselves to functions from the family FX/E . Hence, we introduce the following
Notation 2. Let ∆ be a set of (continuous) formulas in variables (xi )i<λ all from
the same product of sorts. We say that a sequence (ai )i∈I of elements from the
appropriate product of sorts is I-indiscernible with respect to ∆ if for any tuples
i1 , . . . , in , j1 , . . . , jn ∈ I we have that
tpqf (i1 , . . . , in ) = tpqf (j1 , . . . , jn ) =⇒ tp∆ (ai1 , . . . , ain ) = tp∆ (aj1 , . . . , ajn ),
where the tuples ai are substituted for the variables of the formulas from ∆.
We define generalised indiscernible sequences of hyperimaginaries exactly as we
did in Definition 3.1.
Definition 5.2. Let I = (ai : i ∈ I) be an I-indexed sequence of hyperimaginaries
(maybe of different sorts), and let A ⊂ C be a small set of parameters. We say that
I is an I-indexed indiscernible sequence over A if for all n ∈ ω and all sequences
i1 , . . . , in , j1 , . . . , jn from I we have that
tpqf (i1 , . . . , in ) = tpqf (j1 , . . . , jn ) =⇒ tp(ai1 , . . . , ain /A) = tp(aj1 , . . . , ajn /A).
By Fact 5.1, a sequence of hyperimaginaries (ai /E)i∈I is I-indiscernible if and
only if the sequence (ai )i∈I is I-indiscernible with respect to the family of functions
f : X n → R that factor through (X/E)n and can be extended to a continuous
formula f : Cnλ → R over ∅ where n ranges over ω.
Next, we define the n-independence property for hyperdefinable sets.
Definition 5.3. A hyperdefinable set X/E has the n-independence property, IPn
for short, if for some m < ω there exist two distinct complete types p, q ∈ SX/E×Cm (∅)
and a sequence (a0,i , . . . , an−1,i )i<ω such that for every finite w ⊂ ω n there exists
bw ∈ X/E satisfying
tp(bw , a0,i0 , . . . , an−1,in−1 ) = p ⇐⇒ (i0 , . . . , in−1 ) ∈ w
Note that 1-dependent hyperdefinable sets are exactly the hyperdefinable sets
with N IP (see the definition of hyperdefinable set with NIP in [HP18, Remark
2.3]) by [KP22, Lemma 2.12].
We can easily modify our definition of n-independence to suit functions in FX/E .
Definition 5.4. We say that f (x, y0 , . . . , yn−1 ) ∈ FX/E has the n-independence
property, IPn for short, if there exist r < s ∈ R and a sequence (a0,i , . . . , an−1,i )i<ω
from anywhere such that for every finite w ⊆ ω n there exists bw ∈ X satisfying
f (bw , a0,i0 , . . . , an−1,in−1 ) ≤ r ⇐⇒ (i0 , . . . , in−1 ) ∈ w
f (bw , a0,i0 , . . . , an−1,in−1 ) ≥ s ⇐⇒ (i0 , . . . , in−1 ) ∈
/ w.
Similarly, we can define what it means for a function in FX/E to encode (n-
partite) n-uniform hypergraphs.
Definition 5.5. We say that f (x, y1 , . . . , yn−1 ) ∈ FX/E encodes a n-partite n-
uniform hypergraph (G, R, P0 , . . . , Pn−1 ) if there are a G-indexed sequence (ag )g∈G
with ag ∈ X for every g ∈ P0 (G) and r < s ∈ R satisfying
f (ag0 , . . . , agn−1 ) ≤ r ⇐⇒ R(g0 , . . . , gn−1 )
f (ag0 , . . . , agn−1 ) ≥ s ⇐⇒ ¬R(g0 , . . . , gn−1 )
for all g0 , . . . , gn−1 ∈ P0 ×· · ·×Pn−1 . We say that f (x0 , . . . , xn−1 ) ∈ FX/E encodes
n-partite n-uniform hypergraphs if there exist r < s ∈ R such that f (x, y1 , . . . , yn−1 )
encodes every finite n-partite n-uniform hypergraph using the same r and s.
The proof of the following fact is exactly as in the case of a general continuous
Proposition 5.6. Let f (x, y0 , . . . , yn−1 ) ∈ FX/E . Then, the following are equiva-
(1) f has IPn .
(2) f encodes (n + 1)-partite (n + 1)-uniform hypergraphs.
(3) f encodes Gn+1,p as a partite hypergraph.
(4) f encodes Gn+1,p as a partite hypergraph witnessed by a Gn+1,p -indiscernible
The following lemma allows us to understand IPn of a hyperdefinable set X/E
through the family of functions FX/E .
Lemma 5.7. X/E has IPn if and only if some f (x, y0 , . . . , yn−1 ) ∈ FX/E has IPn .
Proof. Assume that X/E has IPn . Take witnesses p and q from Definition 5.3.
Then, by Fact 5.1, there exists f (x, y0 , . . . , yn−1 ) ∈ FX/E and r < s such that
f (x, y0 , . . . , yn−1 ) ≤ r ∈ p and f (x, y0 , . . . , yn−1 ) ≥ s ∈ q. The elements witnessing
IPn for X/E also witness that f (x, y0 , . . . , yn−1 ) has IPn .
Assume now that some f (x, y0 , . . . , yn−1 ) ∈ FX/E has IPn . By Proposition 5.6,
the function f encodes Gn+1,p as a partite hypergraph witnessed by a Gn+1,p -
indiscernible sequence (ag )g∈Gn+1,p and some r < s ∈ R. We write
Gn+1,p = {(j, m) : j ≤ n; m < ω}.
bg = (a0g , . . . , ang ) with ang ∈ X. Fix a linear ordering of Sym(n) and color the
edges of Gn+1 according to the first σ such that f (a0gσ(0) , . . . , angσ(n) ) ≤ r when-
ever ψf (bg0 , . . . , bgn ) ≤ r. Let H = {him : i ≤ n, m ≤ k} be any finite ordered
(n + 1)-partite (n + 1)-uniform hypergraph. Since Age(Gn+1 ) has ERP, we can
find a monochromatic isomorphic copy of H inside Gn+1 (as a non partite hyper-
graph). This implies that the function f (y0 , . . . , yn−1 , x) encodes H as a partite
hypergraph, witnessed by the elements {ai σ(i) : i ≤ n, m ≤ k}, where σ is the
color of the monochromatic copy of H. By compactness, f ′ (x, y0 , . . . , yn−1 ) :=
f (y0 , . . . , yn−1 , x) encodes Gn+1,p as a partite hypergraph. Therefore, since the
function f ′ (x, y0 , . . . , yn−1 ) is in FX/E , by Proposition 5.6, X/E has IPn . □
We finish the section with a characterization of n-dependent hyperdefinable sets
analogous to the one in Theorem 4.13. Recall the definition of the family Ψn+1FX/E
from Notation 3.
Theorem 5.10. The following are equivalent:
(1) X/E is n-dependent.
(2) Every Gn+1,p -indiscernible (ag )g∈Gn+1,p where for every g ∈ P0 (Gn+1,p ) we
have ag ∈ X/E is Lop -indiscernible.
(3) For every m ∈ N, every Gn+1 -indiscernible with respect to Ψn+1
FX/E sequence
of elements of Cm × X is order-indiscernible with respect to Ψn+1
FX/E .
Proof. (1) =⇒ (2). Let (ag )g∈Gn+1,p be a Gn+1,p -indiscernible sequence where
for every g ∈ P0 (Gn+1,p ) we have ag ∈ X/E which is not Lop -indiscernible and
let (a′g )g∈Gn+1,p be a sequence of representatives. Then, by Lemma 5.1, there are
Lop -isomorphic W, W ′ ⊂ Gn+1 subsets of size m, a function f (x0 , . . . , xm−1 ) and
r < s ∈ R such that f ((a′g )g∈W ) ≤ r and f ((a′g )g∈W ′ ) ≥ s (where the elements a′g
are substituted for the variables x0 , . . . , xm−1 according to the ordering on W and
W ′ ). Without loss of generality, by Fact 4.11, we may assume that W is V -adjacent
to W ′ for some subset V such that W = g0 . . . gn V , W ′ = g0′ . . . gn′ V , R(g0 , . . . gn )
and ¬R(g0′ , . . . gn′ ). Following as in the proof of (1) =⇒ (2) of Theorem 4.13,
we arrive at the conclusion that f ′ (x, y0 , . . . , yn , A) has IPn , where A = (a′g )g∈V .
The tuple A is contained in some product (with repetition) of X and C. Hence,
the function g obtained at the end of the proof of this implication in Theorem 4.13
possibly has several infinite tuples of variables each of which corresponds to X.
Thus, when performing the change of variables done in Remark 4.4 (1) we might
end with infinite tuples of variables. However, since this new function g(x, z1 . . . , zn )
is the uniform limit of functions from the family FX/E , we might find a suitable
formula g ′ ∈ FX/E witnessing IPn .
(1) =⇒ (3). Let (ag )g∈Gn+1 be a Gn+1 -indiscernible with respect to Ψn+1 FX/E
sequence which is not order-indiscernible with respect to Ψn+1 FX/E . Then there are
W, W ⊂ Gn+1 subsets of size n + 1, a function ψf (x0 , . . . , xn ) and r < s ∈ R such
that ψf ((ag )g∈W ) ≤ r and ψf ((ag )g∈W ′ ) ≥ s. By Fact 4.11 and the fact that Gn+1
is self-complementary, we may assume W = g0 . . . gn , W ′ = g0′ . . . gn′ , R(g0 , . . . gn )
and ¬R(g0′ , . . . gn′ ).
By Gn+1 -indiscernibility of (ag )g∈Gn+1 with respect to Ψn+1
FX/E and by symmetry
of the relation R and ψf , this implies that
ψf (ah0 , . . . , ahn ) ≤ r ⇐⇒ R(h0 , . . . , hn )
ψf (ah0 , . . . , ahn ) ≥ s ⇐⇒ ¬R(h0 , . . . , hn ).
By Proposition 5.9, the set X/E has IPn .
(2) =⇒ (1) It follows from Proposition 5.6. If the function f ∈ FX/E
encodes Gn+1,p witnessed by a Gn+1,p -indiscernible sequence (ag )g∈Gn+1,p , then
(ag )g∈Gn+1,p cannot be Lop -indiscernible.
(3) =⇒ (1) It follows from Proposition 5.9. If T has IPn , there is a function
ψf ∈ Ψn+1
FX/E encoding Gn+1 witnessed by a Gn+1 -indiscernible sequence (ag )g∈Gn+1 .
Then, (ag )g∈Gn+1 cannot be order-indiscernible respect to Ψn+1
FX/E . □
Note that the results of this section easily generalise to deal with n-dependence
of imaginary sorts in continuous logic. We finish the chapter with an example
illustrating that, in general, the theorem above is optimal. Namely, for an n-
dependent hyperdefinable set X/E and n′ > n there might be a Gn+1 -indiscernible
sequence of elements of Cm × X for some m < ω which are not order-indiscernible
with respect to ΨnFX/E+1
or with respect to more general families of functions from
F(Cm ×X/E)n+1 .
Example 5.11. Let N be a monster model of a NIP theory and R a monster model
of the theory of random ordered graphs. We consider the structure N ⊔ R i.e. the
structure with disjoint sorts for N and R with no interaction between the sorts. Let
X = N and E be the equality relation. Clearly, X/E has NIP.
z }| {
Claim. Let n ≥ 1. The sequence (ag )g∈G2 := (g, . . . , g, n0 )g∈G2 is G2 -indiscernible
but it is not order-indiscernible with respect to the family of formulas f (x0 , . . . , xn )
where each xi is a tuple (x0i , . . . , xm
i ) of variables of length m + 1 whose last coor-
dinate corresponds to X.
Proof of the first claim. Let g0′ < g0 < g1 < · · · < gn ∈ G2 be such that R(g0 , g1 )
and ¬R(g0′ , g1 ) and let f (x0 , . . . , xn ) := R(x00 , x01 ). Clearly, the tuples (g0 , g1 , . . . , gn )
and (g0′ , g1 , . . . , gn ) have the same order type but f (ag0 , . . . , agn ) ̸= f (ag0′ , . . . , agn ).
z }| {
Claim. For n > 1, the sequence (ag )g∈G2 := (g, . . . , g, n0 )g∈G2 is G2 -indiscernible
but it is not order-indiscernible with respect to the family of functions ΨnFX/E+1
Proof of the second claim. We show it for n′ = 2. Let f (y, z, x) := R(y, z). Then
the formula
ψf (y0 z0 x0 , y1 z1 x1 , y2 z2 y2 ) := min f (yσ(0) , zσ(1) , xσ(2) )
belongs to Ψ3FX/E . However, taking g0′ < g0 < g1 < g2 such that
• R(g0 , g1 ), R(g0 , g2 ), R(g1 , g2 )
• R(g0′ , g2 ) and ¬R(g0′ , g1 )
we have that the tuples (g0 , g1 , g2 ) and (g0′ , g1 , g2 ) are order-isomorphic and
ψf (g0 g0 n0 , g1 g1 n0 , g2 g2 n0 ) ̸= ψf (g0′ g0′ n0 , g1 g1 n0 , g2 g2 n0 ).
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