Postgradmedjournal - Purulent Pericarditis
Postgradmedjournal - Purulent Pericarditis
Postgradmedjournal - Purulent Pericarditis
Review Article
Purulent pericarditis
I.P. Hall
pain. Four years earlier, a diagnosis of non-Hodgkin's Organisms causing purulent pericarditis
lymphoma had been made on lymph node biopsy and
he had received chlorambucil for one year. Six months The organisms most frequently causing purulent
before admission, chlorambucil was recommenced at pericarditis are staphylococcus, streptococcus and
15 mg a day following the reappearance of lympha- Gram-negative organisms such as proteus, Escherichia
denopathy but was stopped 3 weeks before admission coli, pseudomonas and klebsiella. In a series of
because of neutropenia. On admission, he looked microbiological isolates from 53 cases of purulent
unwell and was pyrexial at 38.8°C but there were no pericarditis, the latter group accounted for 32% of all
tions. Although small, localized pericardial collections established at an early stage, appropriate management
may be missed by echocardiography, there is nonethe- instigated, and no serious underlying disease exists,
less a strong argument in favour of making echocar- the prognosis should be excellent.3'6'7
diography a mandatory investigation in the febrile
patient with no localizing signs.
Once the diagnosis is suspected, pericardiocentesis Purulent pericarditis in the immuno-compromised
usually proves necessary, either to relieve cardiac
tamponade or to provide a microbiological diag- Establishing the diagnosis of purulent pericarditis in
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