Handout About Approaches in Teaching Literature - 024510
Handout About Approaches in Teaching Literature - 024510
Handout About Approaches in Teaching Literature - 024510
Paraphrastic approach is primarily paraphrasing and rewording the text to simpler language or use other
languages to translate it. Teachers use simple words or less complex sentence’s structure to make the original
text easy to understand (David, 2014).
This approach deals with the surface meaning of the text (Hwang and Embi, 2007). Rosli (1995)
asserts that it allows teachers to use simple words and sentence structures compared to the more
complicated ones in the texts and sometimes the teachers can translate it into another language.
The paraphrastic approach is suited to beginners of the target language. This approach uses the
literary text as a stepping stone in learning the target language. Example: A Grade 2 teacher reading
"The Turtle and the Monkey" and then translating it from time to time into the pupil's native tongue.
Loriemel Lapesora
Cielo Bautista
Rose Marie Oderio
Jezza Bernabe
Michelle Gindap