Handout About Approaches in Teaching Literature - 024510

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Approaches-a way of dealing in to something

Approaches in Teaching Literature-provides a model, the operation to be used in presenting the content
that leads to the development of reading skills. (Moody, 1983)


Language Based Approach is one of the methods of teaching literature in English that uses literary text
for the specific drills design to build the language skills rather than focusing on the literary skills.
According to Carter (1988) Language based approach help the learners to focus attention on the ways as
to how the language is used.

Strengths of Language Based Approach

1. Improves students’ language proficiency and incorporates literature and language skills among the
2. Helps the learners to focus their attention on the ways as to how the language is
Weaknesses of Language Based Approach
1. It makes reading mechanical, scientific, and thorough.
2. It does not inspire imaginative interpretation of the text's context.
3. Language development is hampered especially if the students lack understanding of the language.
4. It demands extra efforts in utilizing the language creatively from the students.
5. Reading pleasure and enjoyment is not promoted by language exercise.

Paraphrastic approach is primarily paraphrasing and rewording the text to simpler language or use other
languages to translate it. Teachers use simple words or less complex sentence’s structure to make the original
text easy to understand (David, 2014).
 This approach deals with the surface meaning of the text (Hwang and Embi, 2007). Rosli (1995)
asserts that it allows teachers to use simple words and sentence structures compared to the more
complicated ones in the texts and sometimes the teachers can translate it into another language.
 The paraphrastic approach is suited to beginners of the target language. This approach uses the
literary text as a stepping stone in learning the target language. Example: A Grade 2 teacher reading
"The Turtle and the Monkey" and then translating it from time to time into the pupil's native tongue.

Key points of Paraphrastic Approach

1. Surface meaning of text.
2. Paraphrase
3. Translating it into another language
4. Re-wording the story in simpler language
5. Beginners of target language


Moral Philosophical Approach - also known as moral philosophy, is a branch of philosophy that involves
systematizing, defending, and recommending concepts of right and wrong behavior. It is traditionally divided
into three areas:
1. Meta-ethics: This involves understanding the nature of moral judgement. It explores the origin and
meaning of ethical principles.
2. Normative ethics: This concerns the practical means of determining a moral course of action. It
investigates the set of questions that arise when considering how one ought to act, morally speaking.
3. Applied ethics: This involves examining specific controversial issues, such as abortion, infanticide,
animal rights, environmental concerns, homosexuality, capital punishment, or nuclear war.
Stylistics is a branch of linguistics that studies style in a scientific and systematic way concerning manners,
linguistic features of different varieties of language at different levels.
Stylistic Approach refers to the method of analyzing literary texts that focuses on the linguistic features of
the text such as word choice, sentence structure and use of literary devices.

2 Types of Stylistic Approach

1. Literary Stylistics
It simply has to do with using linguistic techniques (i. e considering the phonological, graphological,
lexico-semantic and grammatical features) in the interpretation of literary text It is concerned with using
linguistic techniques to assist in the interpretation of texts (Jeffer and Mcintyre, 2010 in Adigun, 2020).
2. Linguistic Approach
As observed by Jefferies and McIntyre (2010 in Adigun, 2020), linguistic stylistics is about doing stylistic
analysis in order to test or refine a linguistic model- in effect, to contribute to linguistic theory. It is more
interested in the literary texts (such as rhetorical figures and syntactical patterns) that are employed to produce
expressive or literary style.


1. Applies linguistics to literature in the hope of arriving at analysis which are more broadly based,
rigorous and objective.
2. Focus on the linguistic devices or applications at the phonological, lexical, or syntactic level, which
proves to be meaningful in any kind of literary interpretation
3. Make the learning of language an interesting task as students work upon their intuition, background
knowledge, and experience.
4. Incorporates a close reading of its literature contrary to the traditional ways of memorization and
5. Concentrates on the peculiarities of diction and imagery employed, sometimes relating them to literary
and social theory.

Examples of Activities Using Stylistic Approach in Teaching Literature

 Oral Reading and Summarizing the poem
 Structural/Syntactical Analysis of the Poem
 Lexical Analysis of the Poem
 Phonological Analysis of the Poem
 Theme Analysis of the Poem

Significance of Using a Stylistic Approach in Teaching Literature

 Students will get the participatory role as they will be taught to interact, examine, and evaluate the
language of the text to interpret meaning acquired intuitively using the linguistic features and literary
 It will help students understand the role of language in literature and they will be able to appreciate the
artistic use of language from their point of view.

Loriemel Lapesora
Cielo Bautista
Rose Marie Oderio
Jezza Bernabe
Michelle Gindap

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