Advanced Javascript Unleashed

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Advanced JavaScript Unleashed

Master Advanced JavaScript Concepts like Prototypes, Symbols,

Generators and More

Written by Yousaf Khan

Edited by Zao Yang

© 2024

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backup or archival copy. e code may be used freely in your projects,
commercial or otherwise.

e authors and publisher have taken care in preparation of this book,

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of the use of the information or programs container herein.

Published by \newline

What is JavaScript . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Course Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Prerequisites . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Running code examples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Who is this course for? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
History of JavaScript . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Standardization of the JavaScript language . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Ecma International, TC39 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Proposals process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Track upcoming features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
How is ECMAScript versioned? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
JIT Compiler . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
JavaScript Engine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Types of execution contexts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Execution context phases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Stack overflow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
Automatic garbage collection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25

Hoisting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
“var” declarations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
Function declarations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
Function declarations inside blocks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
Class declarations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
Temporal Dead Zone (TDZ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
Function and class expressions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
Common misconception about hoisting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35

Scope . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
Lexical scope . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
Avoid polluting the global scope . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
Implicit globals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
Shadowing declarations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
Function parameter scope . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
Function expression name scope . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44

Block Scope . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
Module Scope . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
Scope Chain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46

Coercion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
ToPrimitive . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
ToNumber . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
ToString . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
ToBoolean . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
Summary of abstract equality operator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
Addition Operator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
Relational operators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67

Closures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
What is a closure? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
How do closures work? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
How are different scopes linked? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
What causes this problem? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81
How to resolve this problem? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82

Prototypes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91
How are objects linked? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91
The “prototype” property . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92
Getting prototype of any object . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94
Object.prototype - parent of all objects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94
“Function” function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97
Problems with __proto__ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99
Object.create method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101
Null prototype object . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101
ES2015 classes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106

‘this’ keyword . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108

Function context . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108
Global context . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110
Constructor function context . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110
Class context . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111
DOM event handler context . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111
Arrow functions to the rescue . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115
Borrowing methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119
Chain constructor calls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120
Revisit “this” problem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121
“this” vs globalThis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123

Symbol . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125

Symbols and privacy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 126

Adding a description to symbols . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129
Symbol.toPrimitive . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 130
Symbol.toStringTag . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131
Symbol.isConcatSpreadable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132

Asynchronous JavaScript . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 134

What does asynchronous mean? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 134
Asynchronous JavaScript . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 134
Problems with callbacks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 138
What is an event loop? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 141
Promise states . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145
Promise instance methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145
Creating promises . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 148
Using promises with callback-based API . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 150
Promise specification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 150
Promise vs thenable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 151
then promise . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 153
catch promise . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 158
finally promise . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 161
Making sense of promise chaining . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 164
Rejection handler in then vs catch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 171
Concurrent requests . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 172
Request timeout . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 174
async functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 177
await keyword . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 179
Multiple await expressions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 181
Error handling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 183
Returning vs awaiting promise . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 184
Awaiting non-promise value . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 187
Unnecessary use of the Promise Constructor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 196
Incorrect Error Handling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 197
Converting promise rejection into fulfillment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 198
Async executor function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 200

Iterators and Generators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 202

Iterables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 202
Iterators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 203
Iterator prototype . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 205
Making custom iterable objects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 206
Infinite sequence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 210
Implementing iterators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 211
Consuming values . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 213

Delegating to other iterators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 214

Further reading . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 215
for await…of loop . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 219

Debugging JavaScript . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 220

Wrap up . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 228
What is JavaScript
Course Overview
JavaScript is arguably the most widely used programming language on the planet, and there is a
vast amount of content available for learning JavaScript. The problem is that not all the content on
the internet does a good job of explaining the complex or confusing concepts of JavaScript.
This course aims to teach different concepts in JavaScript that are not easy to grasp, especially for
beginners. Topics like closures, coercion, the asynchronous nature of JavaScript, etc., are examples
of topics that most beginners struggle with because they are not easy to understand. The goal of this
course is to provide in-depth, easy-to-understand explanations of such confusing topics.
Even those who have been working with JavaScript for a few years might need help understanding
some of the concepts covered in this course or might have some gaps in their understanding. The
goal of this course is to fill those gaps.
This course will not only provide easy-to-understand explanations of fundamental JavaScript topics
like hoisting, coercion, event loop, etc., but will also cover advanced topics like promises and async-
await syntax in a way that will be easy for the students to understand.
By the end of this course, students will have a deep understanding of the concepts covered in this
course. They will become better at JavaScript by having a solid understanding of the topics that most
JavaScript beginners struggle with. Students will be able to debug JavaScript code better and avoid
common pitfalls by having a deep understanding of fundamental but confusing JavaScript topics.

This course assumes that students have a basic understanding of JavaScript and programming in
general. Understanding of topics like variables, loops, objects, arrays, functions, etc., is assumed.

Running code examples

You can download code examples from the same place where you purchased this book.
If you have any trouble finding or downloading the code examples, email us at us@fullstack.io¹.
What is JavaScript 2

Who is this course for?

The course is for those who:

• are struggling to have a deep understanding of JavaScript

• understand fundamental to advanced JavaScript concepts but want to fill gaps in their
understanding of different JavaScript topics that are key to becoming a good JavaScript
developer (topics like closures, coercion, event loop, asynchronous JavaScript, promises, etc.)
• want to understand JavaScript in-depth and get better at working with JavaScript
• want to get better at debugging JavaScript and preparing for job interviews, as this course will
provide a deeper understanding of the JavaScript language
• want to solidify their understanding of JavaScript’s fundamental topics
• want to avoid frustration due to a lack of understanding of JavaScript’s confusing topics
• want to excel in working with JavaScript

This course is unlike online articles/blogs and many JavaScript video courses that either fail
to provide in-depth, easy-to-understand explanations of JavaScript topics that are not easy for
beginners to understand or do not cover all the necessary topics (fundamental to advanced) that
a good JavaScript developer must understand.
This course combines fundamental but confusing JavaScript topics in a single course that aims to
provide a solid understanding to the students and cover all the topics that are key to understanding
JavaScript in depth.
JavaScript is currently the most widely used programming language. With the rise of modern
front-end frameworks and platforms like Node.js, it seems that JavaScript will be the most used
programming language for the foreseeable future.
It is the programming language of the web, most commonly used to add interactivity to web
pages. With the help of technologies like Node.js, which allow us to write JavaScript outside the
browser environment, software developers can now write full-stack applications by learning just
one programming language.
So, how did this programming language that we know today come into existence? Let’s take a brief
tour of its history.

History of JavaScript
In the early days of web browsers, web pages could only be static, without any dynamic behavior
or interactivity. A server was needed for simple things like form input validations. With limited
internet speeds in those days, requiring a roundtrip to the server just for input validation was highly
What is JavaScript 3

There was a need for a client-side scripting language that allowed us to add interactivity to web
pages. In 1995, a software developer at Netscape began working on such a language, initially called
“mocha,” which was later changed to “LiveScript.”
This language was supposed to be part of the Netscape Navigator 2 browser, but just before the
release of the browser, LiveScript was renamed to “JavaScript.”
When Netscape released its Netscape Navigator 3 browser, Microsoft came up with its web
browser known as Internet Explorer 3, which included Microsoft’s implementation of the JavaScript
This presented a problem: there were now two separate implementations of the JavaScript language.
There was a need for a standards body that was responsible for the advancement of the JavaScript

Standardization of the JavaScript language

The problem of multiple versions of JavaScript led Netscape to submit the JavaScript language as a
proposal to Ecma International, a standards organization.
JavaScript is standardized as “ECMAScript” and its standard is ECMA-262².
As mentioned in the previous lesson, the initial name for JavaScript was Mocha, which was later
changed to LiveScript, and just before the release of the Netscape Navigator 2 browser, the name
was changed to JavaScript.
So what’s the reason behind using the word “Java” inside the name “JavaScript” when there was
already a popular programming language named “Java”?
This question of whether these two languages are related to each other arises in the mind of almost
every person who is already familiar with one of these two languages and comes across the other
It was just a marketing move. Java was popular at that time, and Netscape wanted to cash in on
the popularity of the Java language. That is why Netscape renamed the language from LiveScript to
Apart from some similarities in the syntax and, of course, in the name of both languages, the two
languages are very different from each other.

Ecma International, TC39

JavaScript is standardized as ECMAScript by Ecma International, a standards organization.
Within Ecma International, people responsible for developing the JavaScript language are part of
the Technical Committee 39 (TC39). This committee consists of different stakeholders from the
What is JavaScript 4

JavaScript community. Mostly people from big companies like Google, Microsoft, etc. are part of
this group.
Other people can become part of TC39 as well and make their contribution in the development of
the JavaScript language. Details of how anyone can either contribute or be part of TC39 meetings
as a member can be found on the TC39 website³.
TC39 also has a GitHub account⁴ which hosts multiple repositories related to their work. Repositories
include notes from TC39 meetings, different proposals for the JavaScript language, details of how
TC39 works, etc.

Proposals process
TC39 has a well-defined process through which proposals are passed before they can be added to
the ECMAScript specification and ultimately be part of the JavaScript language.
Each proposal is passed through five stages which are mentioned below:

process stages

Stage 0
The first stage represents someone’s idea that they think is worthy of being part of the JavaScript
Not all proposals at this stage move to the next stage, but the ones that do are the ones that gain
enough interest and have a TC39 committee member who is willing to work on the idea. Proposals
at this stage that gain enough interest are discussed in the TC39 meeting. If the discussion goes well,
the proposal is moved to the next stage.

Stage 1
Proposals at this stage are discussed and developed by the community (including non-committee
members), and if the proposal still has enough interest and is thought to have potential benefit if
added to the specification, initial specification language and API are developed and discussed in the
TC39 meeting. Provided everything goes well, the proposal is moved to the next stage.
What is JavaScript 5

Stage 2
At this stage, the API, syntax, and so on are refined and described in greater detail using the formal
specification language. Polyfills and Babel plugins may be developed at this stage for real-world
experimentation with the solution of the proposal.
Once the proposal has been described in enough detail, it can be considered for the next stage.

Stage 3
Proposals at this stage are almost ready to be included in the ECMAScript specification.
For proposals to be moved to the final stage, they need to meet the following two criteria:

• a suite of tests
• two compatible implementations of the proposal that passed the tests

Once the conditions mentioned above are met, and the committee has a consensus that the proposal
is ready to be part of the ECMAScript specification, it is moved to the next stage.

Stage 4
At this stage, the proposal is complete and is ready to be included in the ECMAScript specification
and ultimately be added to the JavaScript language.
A pull request is generated to the ecma262 GitHub repository to include it in the specification. Once
the pull request is approved, the proposal is part of the specification and ready to be implemented
in the JavaScript engines that still need to implement it.
For further details of this process, refer to a process document⁵ on TC39’s website, which explains
the various stages through which proposals pass through.

Track upcoming features

Additions to the JavaScript language in recent years have completely transformed JavaScript into a
programming language, and sometimes, it can be hard to stay updated with the new additions to
the language.
Keeping ourselves updated with new changes is one thing, but how can we track changes that could
potentially be part of JavaScript in the future?
What is JavaScript 6

The answer to this question lies in TC39’s GitHub repository⁶, which contains meeting notes⁷ and
proposals⁸ that are at various stages of the proposal process described in the earlier lesson.
Notes and proposal repositories are a great place to keep track of upcoming changes, and in general,
the TC39 GitHub repository is useful for tracking the work that the TC39 committee is doing.

How is ECMAScript versioned?

ECMAScript version 5, also known as “ES5”, came out in 2009, and until that point, the ECMAScript
specification was referred to by its edition number, but with the introduction of ECMAScript’s 6th
edition, also known as “ES6”, TC39 added the year number in the language’s name.
As the 6th edition came out in the year 2015, it was “ECMAScript 2015”, “ES2015” for short. The later
editions were also named using the year number in which they came out, e.g., “ES2016”, etc.
You will also see these editions referred to as “ES6”, “ES7”, etc., and this naming convention is also
fine to use. Which one you choose is up to your preference. Most of the time, you will see both types
of names used interchangeably.
At the time of this writing, ECMAScript 2023 is the latest edition of ECMAScript.
JavaScript is thought of as an “interpreted” language by many because of the nature of how it is
executed, but calling JavaScript just an “interpreted” language is not entirely true.
In the case of compiled languages, compilers usually compile the source code and produce a binary
executable file, which can then be distributed and executed.
On the other hand, in the case of interpreted languages, interpreters do not produce an executable
output file; unlike compilers, which compile the source code ahead of time, interpreters read and
execute code on the fly.
In the case of JavaScript, the JavaScript engines do not output an executable file, which is one of the
reasons it is thought of as an interpreted language.
However, the JavaScript code is compiled into an intermediary form known as byte code, which
is then executed by the virtual machine. The virtual machine interprets byte code, but modern
JavaScript engines don’t just interpret the byte code; they include what’s known as the “Just-in-
time (JIT) compiler” to compile the byte code into native machine code, which is executed at a
faster speed than the byte code.

JIT Compiler
Just-in-time (JIT) compilation is a technique used by many modern JavaScript engines to increase
the execution speed of the JavaScript code.
What is JavaScript 7

JavaScript code is converted into byte code, and the JavaScript engine then executes this byte code.
However, modern JavaScript engines perform many optimizations to increase the performance of
JavaScript code. These optimizations are performed based on the information collected by the engine
while it is executing the code.
One way to optimize performance is to compile byte code into machine code, which executes faster
than the byte code. The JavaScript engine identifies the “hot” parts of the code to do this - parts that
are being executed frequently.
These “hot” parts of the code are then compiled into native machine code, and this machine code is
then executed instead of the corresponding byte code.
So how is the JIT compiler different from a traditional compiler used by languages like C++? Unlike
traditional compilers, which compile the code ahead of time, the JIT compiler compiles the code at
runtime while the code is being executed.
While Javascript code is still distributed in source code format rather than executable format, it is
compiled into byte code and possibly native machine code.
So, coming back to the question: is JavaScript a compiled or interpreted language? It is safe to say
that it is both - compiled as well as an interpreted language.
We don’t necessarily need to understand the nitty-gritty details of how exactly the JavaScript code
that we write is executed, but to develop a good understanding of the language; it is important
to have a basic understanding of how our JavaScript code gets transformed into something that a
machine can understand and execute.
It is also important to understand what different things come into play while our code is executing;
concepts like “execution context,” “call stack,” etc. are crucial to understanding the JavaScript
language’s runtime behavior and being able to work with it and debug it efficiently.

JavaScript Engine
To execute JavaScript code, we need another software known as a JavaScript engine. This engine
contains all the necessary components to transform the code into something the machine can
Different browser vendors typically create JavaScript engines; each major vendor has developed a
JavaScript engine that executes the JavaScript code in their browser.
The following table shows some major browsers and their JavaScript engines.

Browser Engine
Google Chrome V8
Edge Chakra
Mozilla Firefox Spider Monkey
Safari JavaScriptCore
What is JavaScript 8

While there are differences in the steps taken by each JavaScript engine to execute the JavaScript
code, the major steps taken by each engine are more or less the same and we will try to have a
high-level overview of how our code gets transformed and executed by the JavaScript engines by
understanding the Google Chrome’s V8 engine.
The following image shows the high-level overview of the execution pipeline of the V8 engine:

process stages

The JavaScript engine is complicated software that contains lots of steps and components that are
used to transform and execute the JavaScript code, but the above image shows a simplified version
of the execution pipeline of the V8 engine.
:::note Please note that the team working on the V8 engine is continuously improving it; as a result,
the simplified execution pipeline shown in the image above may change in the future. :::
Let’s get a better understanding of how the execution pipeline shown above works by understanding
what happens at each step of this pipeline.

Source Code
Before the JavaScript engine can begin its work, the source code needs to be downloaded from some
source. This can either be from the network, a cache, or a service worker that pre-fetched the code.
The engine itself doesn’t have the capability to download the code. The browser does it and then
passes it to the engine, which can then begin transforming it and eventually execute it.
What is JavaScript 9

After downloading the source code, the next step is to transform it into tokens. Think of this step as
identifying different parts of the code; for example, the word “function” is one token that is identified
as a “keyword.” Other tokens may include a string, an operator, etc. This process of dividing the code
into tokens is done by a “scanner,” and this process is known as “tokenization.”
The following JavaScript code:

1 function add(num1, num2) {

2 return num1 + num2;
3 }

It can be tokenized as shown below:

1 [
2 { type: "keyword", value: "function" },
3 { type: "identifier", value: "add" },
4 { type: "openRoundParen", value: "(" },
5 { type: "identifier", value: "num1" },
6 { type: "identifier", value: "num2" },
7 { type: "closeRoundParen", value: ")" },
8 { type: "openCurlyParen", value: "{" },
9 { type: "keyword", value: "return" },
10 { type: "identifier", value: "num1" },
11 { type: "addOperator", value: "+" },
12 { type: "identifier", value: "num2" },
13 { type: "closeCurlyParen", value: "}" }
14 ];

Once the tokens have been generated, the parser uses them to generate an Abstract Syntax Tree
(AST)⁹, a set of objects that represent the structure of the source code.
AST Explorer¹⁰ is a cool website that you can use to visualize the AST. Go ahead and paste the code
above in the AST explorer and explore the generated AST.

The Bytecode Generator uses the AST produced by the parser to generate the bytecode. This
generated bytecode is taken by the Bytecode Interpreter, which then interprets it.
V8 also passes the generated bytecode through some optimizers, which perform some optimizations
to ensure efficient execution of the bytecode by the Bytecode Interpreter.
What is JavaScript 10

While the bytecode is executed, the JavaScript engine collects information about the code being
executed. The engine then uses this information to optimize the code further.
For example, the JavaScript engine can identify the parts of code that are being executed frequently,
also known as the “hot” parts of the code. The “hot” parts of the code are then compiled into native
machine code to ensure that these parts get executed as fast as possible.
However, the optimized native machine code sometimes has to be deoptimized back to the bytecode
generated by the Bytecode Generator because of the way the code was written.
The need for falling back to the bytecode arises from the fact that JavaScript is a dynamically typed¹¹
language. The dynamic nature means that we can call a particular JavaScript function with different
kinds of values.
Consider the following code:

1 function print(obj) {
2 console.log(obj);
3 }

The above function can be called with different “shapes” of objects.

1 print({ a: 1, b: 2, c: 3 });
2 print({ a: 1, c: 3 });
3 print({ b: 2 });

This means that if the print function is called multiple times with objects with the following shape:

1 { a: 1, b: 2, c: 3 }

and if it is compiled to native machine code, but then if the same function is called with an object
with a different shape, the JavaScript engine cannot use the optimized machine code and has to fall
back to the bytecode.
The optimized native machine code is generated using the information collected during the
execution of the JavaScript code. The native machine code requires certain checks to ensure that
the assumptions made during the generation of the native machine code are not violated. If the
checks fail, the JavaScript engine has to execute the bytecode instead of the native machine code.
This process is called deoptimization.


The following resources can be used to learn more about how the JavaScript code is executed:

• Understanding the V8 JavaScript Engine - (freeCodeCamp talk by Lydia Hallie)¹²

What is JavaScript 11

• How JavaScript Works: Under the Hood of the V8 Engine - (freeCodeCamp blog)¹³
• What does V8’s ignition really do? - (stackoverflow post)¹⁴
• Ignition - an interpreter for V8 - (youtube video)¹⁵
• Blazingly fast parsing, part 1: optimizing the scanner - (V8 blog)¹⁶
• Overhead of Deoptimization Checks in the V8 JavaScript Engine - (paper by Dept. of Computer
Engineering, University of California)¹⁷

Whenever any JavaScript code is executed, it is executed inside an environment. By “environment”,

I mean everything that is accessible by the code that aids in its execution. For example, the value
of this, variables in the current scope, function arguments, etc. This environment is known as the
“Execution Context”. Every time any JavaScript code is executed, an execution context is created
before its execution.
Understanding the concept of execution context lays the foundation for understanding other
JavaScript concepts like hoisting, closures, etc. These topics will be covered in later chapters.

Types of execution contexts

The following are two main types of execution contexts that we will discuss:

• Global execution context

• Function execution context

There is a third type of execution context that is created for the execution of code inside the eval¹⁸
function. Still, as the use of the eval function is discouraged due to security concerns, we will only
discuss the types of execution context mentioned above.

Global execution context

The global execution context is the base context created whenever JavaScript code is loaded for
execution. Global code, i.e., the code that is not inside a function, is executed inside a global execution
The global context contains the global variables, functions, etc. It also contains the value for this
and a reference to the outer environment, which, in the case of a global execution context, is null.
What is JavaScript 12

Function execution context

Every time a JavaScript function is called, a new execution context is created for the execution of
that function. Just like the global execution context, the function execution context contains:

• The variables and functions are declared inside the function.

• The value of this inside the function for the current function call.
• A reference to the outer environment.

The function execution context also contains the arguments passed to the function.

Execution context phases

Execution contexts have following two phases:

• Creation phase
• Execution phase

Creation phase
As the name suggests, the execution contexts (global and function) are created during the creation
During this phase, the variable declarations and references to functions are saved as key-value pairs
inside the execution context. The value of this and a reference to the outer environment are also
set during this phase.
The values for variables are not assigned during the creation phase. However, variables that refer to
functions do refer to functions during this phase. Variables declared using var are assigned undefined
as their value during this phase, while variables declared using let or constants declared using const
are left uninitialized.
In the case of a global context, there is no outer environment, so reference to the outer environment
is set to null, but in the case of a function context, the value of this depends on how the function
is called, so the value of this is set appropriately.
What is JavaScript 13

Lexical and Variable environments

During the creation phase, the following two components are created:

• Lexical environment
• Variable environment

Lexical and Variable environments are structures that are used internally to hold key-value mappings
of variables, functions, reference to the outer environment, and the value of this.
The difference between the lexical and variable environments is that the variable environment
only holds the key-value mappings of variables declared with the var keyword, while function
declarations and variables declared with let or constants declared using const are inside the lexical
Consider the following code:

1 let name = "Jane Doe";

2 var age = 20;
4 function introduce(name, age) {
5 console.log("Hello, I am " + name + " and I am " + age + " years old");
6 }

The execution context for the above code during the creation phase can be conceptually visualized
as shown in the image below:
What is JavaScript 14

global execution context

What is JavaScript 15

Execution phase
As mentioned earlier, after the creation phase, different variables in the execution context are yet to
be assigned their respective values. Assignments are done during the execution phase, and the code
is finally executed.


Following resources can be used to learn more about the execution context in JavaScript:

• Understanding Execution Context and Execution Stack in Javascript - (blog)¹⁹

• JavaScript Execution Context – How JS Works Behind The Scenes - (freeCodeCamp blog)²⁰
• JavaScript Under The Hood - Execution Context - (youtube video)²¹

A call stack is a structure that is used internally by the JavaScript engine to keep track of the piece
of code that is currently executing. The call stack is simply a stack²² data structure that aids in the
execution of the JavaScript code by keeping track of currently executing code. You can also think of
a call stack in JavaScript as a collection of execution contexts.
Before executing any JavaScript code, a global execution context is created and pushed on the call
stack. This can be easily visualized using the debugger in the browser developer tools.

global execution context pushed on the callstack

What is JavaScript 16

The debugger keyword simply creates a breakpoint, forcing the debugger to stop at the line
containing the debugger keyword. We will cover debugging in a later chapter.
Note that in the above image, before the execution of the console.log statement, there is something
named “global” in the call stack. This is a global execution context that is created and pushed on the
call stack before executing the code.
The label “global” is not important, and different browsers may use different labels to represent the
global execution context in the call stack. For example, the debugger in the Google Chrome browser
shows “(anonymous)” instead of “global.” The above screenshot was taken using the Firefox browser.
After pushing the global execution context on the call stack, any function calls encountered during
the execution of the code will lead to more entries in the call stack. For every function call, a new
entry is added to the call stack before that function starts executing, and as soon as the function
execution ends, that entry is popped off the stack. Consider the following code:
Consider the following code:

1 function bar() {
2 console.log("hello world");
3 }
5 function baz() {
6 bar();
7 }
9 function foo() {
10 baz();
11 }
13 foo();

Before the execution of the above code, the global execution context is pushed on the call stack.
What is JavaScript 17

What is JavaScript 18

As soon as the foo function is called, a new entry is added to the call stack for the execution of the
foo function.
What is JavaScript 19

What is JavaScript 20

The foo function contains a call to the baz function. So, another entry is pushed on the call stack for
the baz function call.
What is JavaScript 21

What is JavaScript 22

The baz function contains a call to the bar function. So, another entry is pushed on the call stack for
the bar function call.
What is JavaScript 23

What is JavaScript 24

Note that the top element in the call stack represents the currently executing piece of code. As soon as
the bar function execution ends, its entry in the call stack is removed. Ultimately, the code execution
completes, and the call stack becomes empty.
You can run the code above in the Replit below to see the call stack in action:
<ReplitEmbed src=”” />

Stack overflow
The term “stack overflow” is a familiar term for every software developer, either because of every
software developer’s favorite website stackoverflow²³ or because of the stack overflow error due to
infinite recursion.
We will be discussing the term “stack overflow” in the context of the call stack. The call stack has a
fixed size and can contain a limited number of entries.
So what happens if we create a function that just calls itself?

1 function foo() {
2 foo();
3 }

Remember what happens when a function is called? A new entry is added to the call stack. In the
case of the above function that just calls itself and never finishes executing, we are just adding the
new entries in the call stack without ever removing any entries. This is infinite recursion, and this
leads to an error known as stack overflow. This error is thrown when the call stack gets filled up
to its limit and can no longer hold more entries.
There are many resources on the internet that claim that primitives are allocated on the stack and
objects are allocated on the heap, but the reality is not that simple.
The official ECMAScript specification doesn’t state anything about how JavaScript engines should
allocate memory for different types of values or how they should free up memory once it is no
longer needed by the program. As a result, different JavaScript implementations are free to choose
how they want to handle memory management in JavaScript.
So instead of simply believing that the primitive values are stored on the stack, and the objects are
stored on the heap, we should understand that memory allocation in JavaScript is an implementation
detail, and different JavaScript engines might handle memory differently because the language
specification doesn’t mandate how memory should be handled in JavaScript.
In the V8 engine, for example, almost everything is stored on the heap. The following quote from the
official V8 blog²⁴ invalidates the common misconception regarding memory allocation in JavaScript.
What is JavaScript 25

JavaScript values in V8 are represented as objects and allocated on the V8 heap, no matter
if they are objects, arrays, numbers, or strings. This allows us to represent any value as a
pointer to an object.

This doesn’t mean that we should assume that everything is allocated on the heap. JavaScript engines
may allocate most values on the heap but could use the stack for optimization and store temporary
values that might not last longer than a function call.
JavaScript engines are complicated softwares that are heavily optimized. It is unreasonable to assume
that they all just follow the simple rule of primitives go on the stack and objects on the heap.
The most important point you should take away from this lesson is that different JavaScript
engines may handle memory differently, and “primitives in javaScript simply go on the stack” is
a misconception.

Further reading

• JavaScript memory model demystified - (blog)²⁵

• What are JavaScript variables made of - (blog)²⁶
• Where does Javascript allocate memory for the result of a function call? Stack or heap? -
(stackoverflow post)²⁷

Automatic garbage collection

Unlike other languages like C, where the programmer is responsible for freeing up the memory when
it is no longer needed, JavaScript makes the job of the programmer easier by automatically handling
the memory.
Memory that is no longer needed is automatically freed by the JavaScript engine, and this process
is known as garbage collection. Modern JavaScript engines include a garbage collector that is
responsible for determining which parts of the memory are no longer needed and can be freed.
Once such blocks of memory have been determined, those blocks are freed by the garbage collector.
Different algorithms are used to determine which blocks of memory are no longer needed and
are eligible for garbage collection. Currently, modern JavaScript engines use a Mark-and-sweep
This algorithm determines which blocks of memory are “unreachable”; such blocks of memory are
considered eligible for garbage collection. This algorithm is an improvement over the reference
counting algorithm²⁹, which has its limitations.
What is JavaScript 26

The Java language also has the mechanism of automatic garbage collection, but in Java, programmers
can manually trigger the garbage collection process, whereas JavaScript programmers don’t have this
level of control over garbage collection. Some might see this as a limitation, but there is no doubt
that automatic garbage collection is really helpful for programmers to avoid memory leaks that are
often encountered in languages that don’t handle this automatically.
In JavaScript, variables and functions can be accessed before their actual declaration, and the term
used to describe this in JavaScript is “Hoisting.”

“var” declarations
The term “hoisting” is mostly associated with function declarations and variables declared with the
“var” keyword. Let’s take a look at how hoisting is associated with the “var” variables.
Consider the following code example:

1 console.log(result); // undefined
2 var result = 5 + 10;

You can run the above code in the Replit below:

<ReplitEmbed src=”” />
The output of the above code shows hoisting in action. The first line in the above code outputs
undefined on the console, but how is this possible? How are we able to access the result variable
before it is actually declared on the second line?
This is made possible because of the parsing step before the code is executed. The preprocessing
of the JavaScript code before its execution allows the JavaScript engine to detect some errors early
before any code is executed. The following code example shows this in action:

1 function print(obj) {
2 console.log(obj; // error
3 }
5 console.log("hello world");

Here’s the Replit to run the above code:

<ReplitEmbed src=”” />
Without any preprocessing of the code, the JavaScript engine cannot detect the syntax error inside
the print function unless the function is invoked or called, and the above code should log “hello
world” on the console without throwing any errors because the function containing the syntax error
Hoisting 28

hasn’t been called. But the above code throws an error instead of logging “hello world” on the console.
Why is that? The answer is the processing step before the code execution.
The JavaScript engine scans the code before executing it, allowing it to detect some errors before
any code is executed. This also enables the engine to handle variable declarations by registering the
variables declared in the current scope. Before any scope starts, all the variables declared in that
scope are registered for that scope. In other words, all the variables declared in a scope are reserved
for that scope before the code in that scope is executed. This preprocessing of the code before its
execution is what enables hoisting. This allows us to refer to “var” variables before they are actually
declared in the code.
Let us revisit the code example given above that logs undefined to the console.

1 console.log(result); // undefined
2 var result = 5 + 10;

If the “var” variables are hoisted, and we can refer to them before their declaration, then why is
undefined logged on the console instead of the actual value of the result variable, which should be
The thing with the hoisting of the “var” variables is that only their declaration is hoisted, not their
values. These variables are assigned the value of undefined, and the actual value, 15 in the above
code example, is assigned when their declaration is executed during the step-by-step execution of
the code.

Function declarations
Function declarations, just like variables declared using the “var” keyword, are also hoisted. The
following code example shows the hoisting of a function declaration in action:

1 startCar(); // starting the car...

3 function startCar() {
4 console.log("starting the car...");
5 }

Here’s the Replit to run the above code:

<ReplitEmbed src=”” />
If “var” variables are assigned a value of undefined before their declaration is executed, how are we
able to call the function before its declaration? How is the hoisting of function declarations different
from the hoisting of variables declared using the var keyword? The difference here is that in the
Hoisting 29

case of function declarations, the function’s name is registered as a variable in the scope containing
the function declaration, and it is initialized with the function itself.
In the above code example, the startCar is registered as a variable in the global scope, and it is
assigned the function. Unlike the “var” variables, there is no initialization with the undefined value
in the case of function declarations.
It is hard to see how hoisting can be a useful feature for a programming language until we see the
hoisting of function declarations. To be able to call a function before or after the function declaration
is really useful and frees the developer from arranging the code in such a way that every function
declaration comes before it is called. This helps in code organization, as we can declare functions
together either at the top or at the bottom of the code file and call them from anywhere we want in
that file.

Function declarations inside blocks

For a long time, function declarations inside blocks weren’t part of the ECMAScript specification,
but that changed with the introduction of ES2015. Since the function declarations weren’t part of
the specification before 2015 and were allowed in the language by the JavaScript engines, they were
handled differently by different engines.
In ES2015, the ECMAScript specification defined standard and legacy rules for handling function

Standard rules
According to the standard rules, the function declarations inside blocks are hoisted to the top of
the block, converted into a function expression, and assigned to a variable declared with the let
The function hoisted inside the block is limited to the containing block and cannot be accessed by
code outside the block containing the function.
It is important to note that the standard rules only come into effect in strict mode³⁰.
The following code example will help you better understand the standard rules for function
declarations inside blocks:

Hoisting 30

1 "use strict";
3 function process() {
4 if (true) {
5 console.log("processing...");
7 function fnInsideBlock() {
8 console.log("I am inside a block");
9 }
10 }
11 }

According to the standard rules, the function inside the if block should be treated as shown below:

1 "use strict";
3 function process() {
4 if (true) {
5 let fnInsideBlock = function fnInsideBlock() {
6 console.log("I am inside a block");
7 };
9 console.log("processing...");
10 }
11 }

The fnInsideBlock function in the above code can only be called from within the if block.

Legacy rules
The legacy rules³¹ are applied to the non-strict code in web browsers. According to the legacy rules,
apart from a let variable for a function declaration inside a block, there is also a var variable in the
containing function scope.
Let us take the code example given in the above section and add the function calls:

Hoisting 31

1 "use strict";
3 function process() {
4 if (true) {
5 console.log("processing...");
7 function fnInsideBlock() {
8 console.log("I am inside a block");
9 }
10 }
12 fnInsideBlock();
13 }
15 process(); // error

You can run the above code in the Replit below:

<ReplitEmbed src=”” />
As the above code is executed in strict mode, the standard rules apply; as a result, the above code
throws an error because, as explained in the above section, the function inside the block is hoisted
to the top of the containing scope and is only accessible inside that block. As a result, the function
call outside the if block throws an error.
If the "use strict" directive is removed from the above code, it will execute without any error.
Why is that? This is because, in non-strict mode, the legacy rules for function declarations in a block
apply, and according to the legacy rules, the hoisted function inside the block is assigned to a var
variable that is declared in the containing function scope.
The above code, when executed in non-strict mode, is treated by the JavaScript engines as shown

1 function process() {
2 var fnInsideBlockVar;
4 if (true) {
5 let fnInsideBlock = function fnInsideBlock() {
6 console.log("I am inside a block");
7 };
9 console.log("processing...");
11 fnInsideBlockVar = fnInsideBlock;
12 }
Hoisting 32

14 fnInsideBlockVar();
15 }
17 process();

Here’s a Replit demonstrating the above code:

<ReplitEmbed src=”” />
In the transformed code above, fnInsideBlockVar and fnInsideBlock are the same variables
handled behind the scenes by the JavaScript engines. The names are shown to be different just for
the sake of explaining how the function declarations in blocks are handled according to the legacy
Now, it should be clear why removing the “use strict” directive allows the code to be executed
without any error. The hoisted function inside the block is assigned to a var variable defined in the
function scope. As a result, the function inside the block is accessible outside the containing if block.
The legacy rules are complicated and confusing; as a result, we shouldn’t rely on code that depends
on the legacy rules for function declarations inside blocks. We should write code in strict mode to
keep confusing complexities from entering our code.

Further reading

• What are the precise semantics of block-level functions in ES6? - (stackoverflow post)³²
• Why does block assigned value change global variable? - (stackoverflow post)³³
• Function declaration in block moving temporary value outside of block? - (stackoverflow

Class declarations
Like function declarations, class declarations are also hoisted, but they are hoisted differently
compared to the function declarations.
Hoisting 33

While we can access a function declaration before its declaration, we cannot do the same in the
case of class declarations. Doesn’t that mean that the class declarations aren’t hoisted? No, they are
hoisted, but differently.
Let us first verify that class declarations are indeed hoisted with the help of the following code

1 let Car = "Honda";

3 if (true) {
4 console.log(typeof Car); // error
6 class Car {}
7 }

Here’s a Replit demonstrating the above code:

<ReplitEmbed src=”” />
The above code throws an error that proves that the class declarations are indeed hoisted.
If the class declarations weren’t hoisted, then the console.log function call should have logged
“Honda” to the console, but that isn’t the case, and that is because the class declaration inside the
if block is hoisted and any code, before or after the Car declaration inside the block, that accesses
Car will access the class declaration and not the Car variable declared above the if statement. The
fact that the identifier Car inside the if block refers to the class declaration and not the Car variable
declared before the if statement proves that the class declarations are indeed hoisted.
So, if class declarations are hoisted, then why can’t we access them before their declaration? The
answer to this question is the “Temporal Dead Zone (TDZ)”.

Temporal Dead Zone (TDZ)

Temporal Dead Zone (TDZ)³⁵ refers to the time during which the block-scoped variables (let, const)
or class declarations cannot be accessed. The time starts from the start of the scope till the declaration
is executed. The following code example will help us visualize TDZ:

Hoisting 34

1 {
2 // TDZ start
3 console.log("hello");
4 console.log("world");
5 let count = 5; // TDZ end
7 // can access "count" after TDZ ends
8 }

TDZ is the reason class declarations cannot be accessed before their declaration is executed during
the step-by-step execution of the code.

let and const

As TDZ also applies to the let and const, are the variables declared using let or constants using
const also hoisted? Yes, they are also hoisted, but, like the class declarations, they are hoisted
differently because of the TDZ.
It is a common misconception that block-scoped variables and constants are not hoisted, but as we
discussed above, they are hoisted; it’s just that their hoisting is different as compared to the hoisting
of variables declared using the var keyword.

1 var count = 5;
3 {
4 console.log(count); // hoisted but cannot access due to TDZ
5 let count = 10;
6 }

You can see the above code example in action in the following Replit:
<ReplitEmbed src=”” />

Function and class expressions

The function and class expression are not hoisted. Consider the following code example:
Hoisting 35

1 console.log(typeof Car); // undefined

2 console.log(typeof Person); // undefined
4 var Car = class {
5 constructor(model) {
6 this.model = model;
7 }
8 };
10 var Person = function (name) {
11 = name;
12 };

Here’s the above code example in action in Replit:

<ReplitEmbed src=”” />
In the above code example, as the variables Car and Person have been declared using the var
keyword, we can access them before their declaration, and their value are undefined. This is because
only the declarations are hoisted, not their values. In the above code example, the values are
expressions, and they are not hoisted.
If we try to create an instance of the Car class or call the Person constructor, we will get an error. It is
worth noting that the error we get in this case is not a reference error (an error that is thrown in the
case of undeclared identifiers) but a type error, and this is because Car and Person are hoisted and
initialized with the value of undefined, and we cannot call an undefined as a constructor function.
Recall that only the declarations are hoisted in this case, not their values.
Hoisting can be a confusing concept to wrap your head around, especially for beginners, because of
the differences in which hoisting is associated with var variables, function declarations, and ES2015
changes, i.e., block-scoped variables/constants and ES2015 classes.

Common misconception about hoisting

Many JavaScript beginners have a misconception about the concept of hoisting, and that is that the
JavaScript engine moves the hoisted declarations to the top of the file. Although this makes it easy
to understand the concept of hoisting, that is not the reality.
JavaScript engines don’t move the hoisted declarations to the top of the file. Instead, they simply
process the declarations before the step-by-step execution of the code. In the case of var variables,
they are assigned the value of undefined until their declaration is executed. In the case of block-
scoped variables, they are marked as “uninitialized”.
The scope is a general concept in the field of computer science that refers to the parts of the program
where a particular variable, function, etc., can be accessed. In other words, the scope of an identifier
(variable, function, etc.) is the part of a program where it is visible or can be referenced.
Modern JavaScript has four main types of scopes that are mentioned below:

• Global scope
• Function scope
• Block scope
• Module scope

Before discussing the above-mentioned types of scopes in JavaScript, we need to understand what
“lexical” scope is.

Lexical scope
In JavaScript, the scope of different identifiers (variables, functions, etc.) is determined at compile
time. During compilation, the JavaScript engines determine the scope of different identifiers de-
clared in the code by analyzing the code structure. This means that before the step-by-step execution
of the JavaScript code starts, JavaScript engines determine the scopes of different declarations in the
Scopes can be nested within other scopes, with each nested scope having access to the outer or parent

1 const myName = "John doe";

3 function hello() {
4 const greeting = "hello " + myName;
5 console.log(greeting);
6 }

In the above code example, there are three different declarations:

• myName variable declaration

• hello function declaration
Scope 37

– greeting variable declaration

The scope of the above declarations depends on where they are written in the code structure above.
The myName variable and hello function are both in global scope, so they are available globally in
the above code. The greeting variable declaration is inside the hello function, so its scope is local
to the hello function.
This type of scope, which is determined at compile time by analyzing the code structure, is known
as lexical scope. JavaScript is not the only language that has a lexical scope. Other languages, like
Java, also have a lexical scope.
Lexical scope is also known as “static” scope. An alternative type of scope is Dynamic scope³⁶.
The global scope is generally the outermost scope that contains all other scopes nested inside it. Each
nested scope has access to the global scope. In JavaScript, the global scope is the browser window
or, more accurately, a browser window tab. The global scope is exposed to the JavaScript code using
the window object.
Variables created using the var keyword or function declarations declared in the global scope are
added as properties on the window object. The following code example verifies this claim:

1 var todoList = ["grocery", "exercise", "meeting"];

3 function emptyTodoList() {
4 todoList = [];
5 }
7 console.log(window.hasOwnProperty("todoList")); // true
8 console.log(window.hasOwnProperty("emptyTodoList")); // true

If the todoList was declared with let or const, it wouldn’t have been added as a property on the
window object, but it would still be a global variable. Similarly, if the emptyTodoList was a function
expression instead of a function declaration, and if the identifier referring to this function expression
was declared using let or const, it also wouldn’t be part of the window object as its property. Instead,
it would just be a global function expression.

Scope 38

1 const todoList = ["grocery", "exercise", "meeting"];

3 let emptyTodoList = function () {
4 todoList = [];
5 };
7 console.log(window.hasOwnProperty("todoList")); // false
8 console.log(window.hasOwnProperty("emptyTodoList")); // false

Avoid polluting the global scope

“Avoid polluting the global scope” - As a JavaScript developer, either you have already heard this
advice, or sooner or later, you will hear it from someone. But what does “polluting” the global scope
even mean? Why should it be avoided?
Declaring everything (unnecessarily) in the global scope is what’s considered as “polluting” the
global scope. Too many declarations in the global scope can lead to unwanted problems.
The global scope is the parent scope of all other scopes; as a result, the declarations inside the global
scope are visible to all other scopes. This can cause problems like variable name clashes, shadowing,
etc. Another thing about the global scope is that it isn’t destroyed until the application is closed, so
if we are not careful, declarations in the global scope can remain in memory regardless of whether
they are needed or not until the application is closed.
Having said all that, declarations in the global scope are typically unavoidable. So, the best we can
do is avoid the global scope as much as possible. Keep the global declarations to a minimum. If a
variable is only used inside a function, there is no point in declaring it in the global scope.
So, if you hadn’t heard it before, you are hearing it now: “Avoid polluting the global scope.”

Implicit globals
JavaScript as a language has many quirks. One of those is the implicit creation of global variables.
Whenever there is an assignment to an undeclared variable, JavaScript will declare that undeclared
variable as a global variable. This is most likely a mistake by the programmer, and instead of
throwing an error, javaScript hides this by automatically declaring a global variable by the same
Scope 39

1 function printSquare(num) {
2 result = num * num;
3 console.log(result); // 64
4 }
6 printSquare(8);
8 console.log("implicit global: " + result); // WHAT??!!

Here’s the above code in action in Replit:

<ReplitEmbed src=”” />
Notice that the result variable is not declared. It is assigned the result of multiplication as though
it has already been declared. One would normally expect an error in this case, but JavaScript will
declare the result as a global variable for you.
It is important to mention that this weird behavior only happens in non-strict mode. In strict mode,
as expected, JavaScript throws an error, informing the programmer about the assignment to an
undeclared variable.
This is also one of the reasons always to write JavaScript code in strict mode. Using the strict mode
keeps such confusing behaviors of JavaScript away from our code.

HTML attributes
Apart from the assignment to undeclared variables, there is another way we get implicit global
variables. The value of the id attribute or the name attribute of HTML elements also gets added as a
variable in the global scope of JavaScript.

1 <h1 id="mainHeading">Hello World!</h1>

The id of the h1 element above gets added to the global scope as a variable. We can access the h1
element using the mainHeading as a variable in JavaScript code. This feature is referred to as Named
access on the Window object³⁷.
This was first added by the Internet Explorer browser and was gradually implemented in other
browsers as well, simply for compatibility reasons. There are sites out there that rely on this behavior,
so for the sake of backward compatibility, browsers have no choice but to implement this behavior.
Although this is supported by most browsers, this feature shouldn’t be relied upon, and we should
always use standard mechanisms to target HTML elements. Functions like getElementById or
querySelector should be used instead of relying on this behavior.
Scope 40

Writing code that relies on this feature is a bad idea because it can result in code that is hard to
read and maintain. Imagine seeing an identifier in the code and not being able to identify where it
is declared. Such code is vulnerable to name clashes with other variables in our code. Also, keep in
mind that writing code that depends on the HTML markup can break easily if the HTML markup
is changed. In short, avoid relying on this feature and use better alternatives for targeting HTML
elements in your JavaScript code.

Further reading

• Global Variables are Bad - (article)³⁸

• Do DOM tree elements with IDs become global properties? - (stackoverflow post)³⁹

The function scope refers to the area of the code within the function body. The function scope
starts from the opening curly parenthesis of the function body and ends before the closing curly
parenthesis. Declarations inside the function scope are limited to that function’s scope and cannot
be directly accessed by the code outside that function.

Shadowing declarations
Declarations inside a nested scope can “shadow” the declarations with the same name in the outer
scope. This is referred to as “shadowing declaration” or simply “shadowing.”
Consider the following code example:

1 let hobby = "reading";

3 function printHobbies() {
4 const hobby = "traveling";
5 console.log(hobby); // traveling
6 }
8 printHobbies();

Here’s a Replit of the code above:

<ReplitEmbed src=””>
The variable hobby inside the function is shadowing the hobby variable declared in the global scope.
It is generally not ideal to shadow other declarations because that can reduce the readability of
the code. It could also make it impossible for code inside the nested scope to access the shadowed
declarations. Consider the following code example:
Scope 41

1 let prefix = ">";

3 function log(logLevel, msg) {
4 let prefix = ":::";
5 console.log(`${prefix} ${logLevel} : ${msg}`);
6 }
8 log("debug", "error caught"); // ::: debug : error caught

Here’s a Replit of the code above:

<ReplitEmbed src=””>
In the code example above, we have shadowed the prefix variable declared in the global scope, and
the code inside the log function is unable to access the global prefix variable.
Recall that the var declarations in the global scope are added as properties on the window object. So, if
the global prefix variable was declared using the var keyword, we could have used window.prefix
to access the shadowed variable.

Function parameter scope

It is a common misconception that the function parameters are defined in the function’s local scope
or that the parameters behave as if they are defined in the function’s local scope, but that is not
always true.
First, we need to differentiate between “simple” and “non-simple” parameter lists. If the function
parameters are defined in such a way that they use ES2015+ features like Default parameters⁴⁰,
Destructuring⁴¹, or Rest parameters⁴², such parameters are considered to be non-simple parameters;
if the parameters don’t use any of these features, they are considered to be simple parameters.

Scope 42

1 function simpleParameters(val1, val2) {

2 // code...
3 }
5 function nonSimpleParameters(val1 = 12, ...restParams) {
6 // code...
7 }

If the parameters are simple, they behave like they are declared in the function’s local scope, but if
the parameters are non-simple, they are declared in their own scope. Non-simple parameter scope
can be thought of as between the function scope and the scope containing the function.
If the function with non-simple parameters is defined in the global scope, its parameter scope can
be conceptually visualized as shown in the image below:
Scope 43

function parameter scope

The following code example proves that the non-simple parameters indeed exist in a different scope
than the function’s local scope:

1 function paramScope(arr = ["initial array"], buff = () => arr) {

2 var arr = [1, 2, 3];
3 console.log(arr); // [1, 2, 3]
4 console.log(buff()); // ["initial array"]
5 }
7 paramScope();

Here’s a Replit of the code above:

Scope 44

<ReplitEmbed src=””>
The paramScope function in the code example above has a non-simple parameter list; the first
parameter, arr has an array as a default value, whereas the second parameter, buff has a function
as its default value.
Inside the function, there is a var declaration with the same name as the first parameter of the
paramScope function. The two console.log calls inside the function log two different values to the
console; why is that? Why does the buff parameter return the default value of the arr parameter
and not the value of the arr inside the local scope of the function?
The answer is that the arr parameter and the arr variable inside the function are two different
variables that exist in two different scopes. The arr inside the function shadows the arr parameter,
but calling the buff function returns the parameter arr. If the parameter and the local arr were the
same variable, the buff function would return [1, 2, 3] instead of the default value of the arr
Remove the var keyword inside the function to show the different output:

1 function paramScope(arr = ["initial array"], buff = () => arr) {

2 arr = [1, 2, 3];
3 console.log(arr); // [1, 2, 3]
4 console.log(buff()); // [1, 2, 3]
5 }
7 paramScope();

Here’s a Replit of the code above:

<ReplitEmbed src=””>
The arr inside the function now refers to the arr parameter, so any assignment to arr inside the
function is reflected when the buff function is called.

Function expression name scope

The function expressions are mostly written as an anonymous function expression, as shown below:

1 let fn = function () {
2 // code ...
3 };

This is an anonymous function expression that is assigned to the fn variable.

We can also write a named function expression as shown below:
Scope 45

1 let fn = function namedFn() {

2 // code ...
3 };

In the code example above, the name of the function expression namedFn is only accessible inside
the function body. As a result, some might incorrectly believe that the name of a named function
expression is declared inside the function body, but that is not correct; the name is declared in a
different scope. The following code proves this claim:

1 let fn = function namedFn() {

2 let namedFn = 123;
3 console.log(namedFn);
4 };

Here’s a Replit of the code above:

<ReplitEmbed src=””>
The let doesn’t allow the re-declaration of a variable. So if the nameFn was declared inside the
function scope, then the code example above should have thrown an error; instead, there is no error,
and this is valid code. The nameFn inside the function body is actually shadowing the name of the
function expression.
Named function expression’s name scope is nested between the scope containing the function
expression and the function expression’s local scope, similar to the scope of the non-simple
parameter list discussed above.

Further reading

• Where are arguments positioned in the lexical environment? - (stackoverflow post)⁴³

• Implied scopes⁴⁴
• Named function expression - (MDN)⁴⁵

Block Scope
A block scope in JavaScript refers to the scope that exists between blocks of code, such as if blocks
or loops.
Prior to the addition of block-scoped let and const in the JavaScript language, variables defined
with the var keyword in a block were accessible outside that block. This is because the variables
declared with the var keyword have function scope. However, the variables declared using let, or
Scope 46

the constants declared using const are scoped to the block in which they are defined unless they are
declared in the global scope, which makes them global variables.
The block-scoped let and const solve problems like unnecessary exposure of variables outside
blocks, closure inside loops, etc. We will discuss the closure inside loops problem in a module related
to the topic of closure.
Another thing to know about the block scope is how function declarations inside blocks are handled.
This was discussed in a module related to hoisting.

Module Scope
Modules are also among the features that were added in recent years to JavaScript. Modules solve
many problems related to code management that existed in code bases that involved multiple
JavaScript files. Modules allow us to split our code into manageable chunks.
The code inside an ES module exists in the module scope. In other words, the declarations inside
a module are scoped to the module and aren’t exposed outside of the module, except the code that
is explicitly exported from the module. Declarations at the top level of a module are limited to the
module and aren’t part of the global scope.

Further reading

• JavaScript Modules - (MDN)⁴⁶

• ES modules: A cartoon deep-dive - (MDN)⁴⁷

Scope Chain
Different scopes can be nested inside other scopes, creating a chain of scopes. This is known as a
scope chain.
Every time a new scope is created, it is linked to its enclosing scope. This linkage between different
scopes creates a chain of scopes that can then be used for lookups for identifiers that cannot be found
in the current scope.
When an identifier is encountered in a particular scope, the JavaScript engine will look for the
declaration of that variable in the parent scope of the current scope. If the declaration is not found
in the parent scope, then the JavaScript engine will look for that variable declaration in the outer
(parent) scope of the parent scope. This process of traversing the scope chain will continue until the
global scope is reached and there are no other scopes to look into for the declaration.
Consider the following code example:
Scope 47

1 const myName = "John doe";

3 function hello() {
4 const greeting = "hello " + myName;
6 function greet() {
7 console.log(greeting);
8 }
10 greet();
11 }
13 hello();

You can preview the code above in this Replit:

<ReplitEmbed src=””>
The scope chain created as a result of the hello function call can be conceptually visualized as shown
Scope 48

scope chain

The scope chain enables the lookup of identifiers that are not declared in the current scope.

Optimizing scope chain lookup

Modern JavaScript apps contain many lines of JavaScript code that must be compiled and executed in
the shortest amount of time possible to ensure that app users do not experience poor app performance.
As a result, modern JavaScript engines heavily optimize the JavaScript code we write to allow it to
execute as efficiently as possible. Different optimizations are performed on the code while it is being
transformed before it is executed. Optimizations are not only limited to the steps before the code
execution but code is also optimized during its execution (recall the JIT compilation).
As the scope in JavaScript is determined at compile time, in most cases, this information allows
the JavaScript engine to avoid having to traverse the scope chain during the code execution. If the
JavaScript already knows what scope a particular variable is defined in, it is highly inefficient to
traverse the scope chain every time a particular variable declaration cannot be found in the current
So unless the scope of a variable cannot be determined at compile time, JavaScript engines don’t
need to traverse the scope chain during runtime. However, there might be cases where the scope of
a particular identifier cannot be determined at compile time; in these cases, the JavaScript engine
Scope 49

has no choice but to traverse the scope chain at runtime to determine what scope that identifier is
declared in.

Further reading

• The Scope Chain⁴⁸

Coercion in JavaScript is the conversion of one type of value into another type of value.
MDN defines coercion⁴⁹ as:

Type coercion is the automatic or implicit conversion of values from one data type to
another (such as strings to numbers).

According to MDN’s definition, if the conversion of values is implicit, then it is coercion, whereas
type conversion can either be implicit or explicit.
So, if the developer expresses the intention to convert one type of value into another, it is just type
conversion. The following code example is an example of an explicit type conversion:

1 const age = Number(ageStr);

And if the type conversion is implicit, where the developer expressed no intention to convert any
value into another value, then it is implicit type conversion or coercion. The following code is an
example of coercion:

1 const result = "50" - 20; // 30

Whenever JavaScript sees a value of one type in a context that expects a value of a different type, it
tries to coerce or convert the value into the expected type. In the above code example, "50" is the
unexpected value type because the operation is subtraction. The subtraction is between numbers, not
between a string and a number. So "50", being an unexpected value, gets converted into a number,
i.e. 50.
However, some might argue that any type of conversion in a dynamically typed language can be
considered coercion. Moreover, the difference between implicit and explicit type conversion depends
on how one views implicit and explicit type conversion.
Having said that, what’s important is that we understand the process of type conversion in JavaScript.
The goal of this module is to help you understand how JavaScript converts one type of value into
another and make type conversion (implicit or explicit) less scary.
Coercion is one of those topics that many JavaScript developers generally misunderstand, and this
is because most online resources advise staying away from coercion and presenting it as a topic
Coercion 51

that should be avoided instead of taking the time to understand it and take advantage of it where
What makes coercion scary for many JavaScript developers, especially beginners, is the need for
more understanding of this topic. Coercion is presented as a feature of JavaScript that is better
avoided than understood.
Coercion is one of the core topics of JavaScript, and its understanding is key to understanding
JavaScript in depth. No matter how many online resources tell you to avoid this topic, it is
unavoidable if you work with JavaScript. Instead of avoiding it, why not make an effort to
understand it? With this in mind, in this module, we will take a deeper look at this topic, and
hopefully, by the end of this module, you will have a solid understanding of type coercion.
Coercion is one of the core topics of JavaScript, and its understanding is key to understanding
JavaScript in depth. No matter how many online resources tell you to avoid this topic, it is
unavoidable if you work with JavaScript. So, instead of avoiding it, why not try to understand
it? With this in mind, in this module, we will take a deeper look at this topic, and hopefully, by the
end of this module, you will have a solid understanding of type coercion.
To understand coercion in-depth, we need to understand how JavaScript goes about converting one
value into another type of value. We need to understand what algorithms or steps JavaScript takes
to perform type conversion.
To deep dive into the world of coercion, let us understand the following:

• Abstract operations
• Abstract equality operator (==)
• Addition operation (+)
• Relational operators (<, >, <=, >=)

Understanding the above-mentioned topics will help us lay the foundation for understanding the
process of type conversion in JavaScript. So, without further ado, let us begin by understanding the
first item on our list, i.e., abstract operations.
The ECMAScript specification has documented several mechanisms that are used by the JavaScript
language to convert one type of value into another type of value. These mechanisms are known
as “abstract operations”; abstract in the sense that these are not some real functions that can be
referred to or called by the JavaScript code; instead, they are just algorithmic steps internally used
by the language to perform type conversion.
These abstract operations are written in the specification as though they were actual functions.
For example, operationName(arg1, arg2, ...), but the specification clarifies that the abstract
operations are algorithms rather than actual functions that can be invoked.
There are many abstract operations⁵⁰ mentioned in the ECMAScript specification, but some of the
common ones that come into play when dealing with coercion are mentioned below:
Coercion 52

• ToPrimitive
• ToNumber
• ToString
• ToBoolean

Although the names of the above-mentioned abstract operations are self-descriptive, let us under-
stand how exactly they aid in type conversion.

The ToPrimitive⁵¹ abstract operation is used to convert an object to a primitive value. This operation
takes two arguments:

• input: an object that should be converted into a primitive value

• preferredType: an optional second argument that specifies the type that should be favored
when converting an object into a primitive value

This operation invokes another abstract operation known as OrdinaryToPrimitive⁵² to do the actual
conversion, and it also takes two arguments:

• O: an object that should be converted into a primitive value

• hint: a type that should be favored when converting an object to a primitive value

ToPrimitive abstract operation invokes the OrdinaryToPrimitive abstract operation, passing in the
object, that is to be converted into a primitive value, as the first argument, and the second argument
hint is set based on the value of preferredType argument as described below:

• If the preferredType is “string”, set hint to string

• If the preferredType is a “number”, set hint to the number
• If preferredType is not specified, set hint to the number

Each object in JavaScript inherits the following two methods from the object that sits at the top of
the inheritance hierarchy, i.e., the Object.prototype object:

• toString()
• valueOf()

toString( )

The toString method is used to convert an object into its string representation. The default behavior
of the toString method is to convert objects in the following (not so-useful) form:
Coercion 53

1 const obj = { a: 123 };

2 obj.toString(); // [object Object]

Here’s the above code in action:

<ReplitEmbed src=”” />
As the default implementation of the toString method is not useful at all, different objects override
this method to make its output more useful. The built-in Date object, for example, when converted
to a string, outputs a human-readable string representation of the date:

1 new Date().toString(); // Sat Feb 04 2023 20:44:23 GMT+0500

Here’s the above code in action:

<ReplitEmbed src=”” />

valueOf( )

The valueOf method is used to convert an object into a primitive value. The default implementation
of this method, like the toString method, is useless, as it just returns the object on which this method
is called.

1 const arr = [];

2 arr.valueOf() === arr; // true

Here’s the above code in action:

<ReplitEmbed src=”” />
It is meant to be overridden by other objects. Many built-in objects override this method. For
example, for the Date objects, this method returns the number of milliseconds since midnight 01
January 1, 1970 UTC.

1 // number of milliseconds will be different for you,

2 // depending on when you execute the code below
3 new Date().valueOf(); // 1675526929129

Here’s the above code in action:

<ReplitEmbed src=”” />
The OrdinaryToPrimitive abstract operation invokes the toString and the valueOf methods to
convert an object into a primitive value. Among these two methods, in some cases, only one of
them is called; in other cases, both of them are called.
The hint argument received by the OrdinaryToPrimitive abstract operation determines which of
these two methods is called first.
Coercion 54

Prefer string
If the hint argument is “string”, then the OrdinaryToPrimitive abstract operation first invokes
the toString method on the object. If the toString method returns a primitive value, even if that
primitive value is not of the string type, then that primitive value is used as a primitive representation
of the object.
If the toString method doesn’t exist or doesn’t return a primitive value, then the valueOf method
is invoked. If the valueOf method returns a primitive value, then that value is used; otherwise, a
TypeError is thrown, indicating that the object couldn’t be converted to a primitive value.

1 const obj = {
2 toString() {
3 console.log("toString invoked");
4 return "hello world";
5 },
6 valueOf() {
7 console.log("valueOf invoked");
8 return 123;
9 }
10 };
12 console.log(`${obj}`);
13 // toString invoked
14 // hello world

Here’s the above code in action:

<ReplitEmbed src=”” />
In the above code example, we have an object containing overridden implementations of the
toString and the valueOf method. At the end of the code example, we are trying to log obj,
embedded in a template literal⁵³, to the console. In this case, the obj will be converted into a string.
As discussed above, when the hint argument of the OrdinaryToPrimitive abstract operation is
“string”, the toString method is invoked to convert an object into a primitive value, preferably
into a value of string type.
As the toString implementation of the obj object is returning a string primitive value, the valueOf
method is not invoked, and the object-to-primitive conversion process for the obj object is complete
at this point. The primitive value returned by the toString method of the obj object is used by the
template literal.
But it was mentioned above that the value returned by the toString method can be of non-string
primitive type. The following code example verifies this claim:
Coercion 55

1 const obj = {
2 toString() {
3 console.log("toString invoked");
4 return true;
5 },
6 valueOf() {
7 console.log("valueOf invoked");
8 return 123;
9 }
10 };
12 console.log(`${obj}`);
13 // toString invoked
14 // true

Here’s the above code in action:

<ReplitEmbed src=”” />
The toString method in the above code example returns a boolean (non-string) primitive value.
Instead of invoking the valueOf method or converting the non-string return value of the toString
method into a string value, the boolean value is accepted as the primitive representation of the obj
The next case we need to verify is what happens if the toString method doesn’t return a primitive
value. The following code example demonstrates this case:

1 const obj = {
2 toString() {
3 console.log("toString invoked");
4 return [];
5 },
6 valueOf() {
7 console.log("valueOf invoked");
8 return 123;
9 }
10 };
12 console.log(`${obj}`);
13 // toString invoked
14 // valueOf invoked
15 // 123

Here’s the above code in action:

Coercion 56

<ReplitEmbed src=”” />

As explained earlier, if the toString method doesn’t return a primitive value, the valueOf method
will be invoked to get a primitive representation of the object. In the code example above, the
toString method returns an empty array of an object type; as a result, the valueOf method is
The valueOf method is invoked even if the toString is not defined for an object. The following code
example shows this behavior:

1 const obj = {
2 toString: undefined,
3 valueOf() {
4 console.log("valueOf invoked");
5 return 123;
6 }
7 };
9 console.log(`${obj}`);
10 // valueOf invoked
11 // 123

Here’s the above code in action:

<ReplitEmbed src=”” />
The last case we need to verify is what happens when JavaScript can’t get a primitive value, even
after invoking the toString and the valueOf method.

1 const obj = {
2 toString() {
3 console.log("toString invoked");
4 return [];
5 },
6 valueOf() {
7 console.log("valueOf invoked");
8 return [];
9 }
10 };
12 console.log(`${obj}`);
13 // toString invoked
14 // valueOf invoked
15 // TypeError ...
Coercion 57

Here’s the above code in action:

<ReplitEmbed src=”” />
When JavaScript can’t get a primitive value after invoking both methods, a TypeError is thrown,
indicating that the object couldn’t be converted into a primitive value. So, it is important to remember
when overriding these methods that at least one of them should return a primitive value.
We have discussed what happens when the preferred type is a string in the object-to-primitive
conversion process. Next, let’s discuss what happens when the preferred type is a number.

Prefer number
If the hint argument is “number”, then the OrdinaryToPrimitive abstract operation first invokes the
valueOf method and then the toString method, if needed.

This is similar to the “prefer string” case discussed above, except that the order in which the valueOf
and the toString methods are invoked is the opposite.

1 const obj = {
2 toString() {
3 console.log("toString invoked");
4 return "hello";
5 },
6 valueOf() {
7 console.log("valueOf invoked");
8 return 123;
9 }
10 };
12 console.log(obj + 1);
13 // valueOf invoked
14 // 124

Here’s the above code in action:

<ReplitEmbed src=”” />
This code example above is the same as the one shown in the section above, except that instead of
embedding obj in a template literal and logging it to the console, we are adding 1 to obj. We are
using obj as if it were a number.
So when JavaScript gets an object in a context where it expects a number, it tries to coerce the object
into a primitive type, preferably into a number type.
In this case, the hint argument passed to the OrdinaryToPrimitive abstract operation is “number”;
as a result, the valueOf method is invoked first. Since it returned a primitive value, there is no need
to invoke the toString method.
Coercion 58

The rest of the cases are the same as discussed in the “prefer string” section. The only difference is
that the valueOf method is invoked first when the preferred type is “number”.
What will happen if the valueOf method returns a boolean value? It is a primitive value. It is not a
number but still a primitive value. So JavaScript should accept it as a primitive representation of the
obj object, right?

Consider the following code example:

1 const obj = {
2 valueOf() {
3 console.log("valueOf invoked");
4 return true;
5 }
6 };
8 console.log(obj + 1);
9 // valueOf invoked
10 // 2

Here’s the above code in action:

<ReplitEmbed src=”” />
Why did we get two as an output? The answer is that true is accepted as a primitive representation
of the obj object, but we cannot add true and 1. JavaScript expects a number in this context. So, it
tries to coerce true into the expected type of value, which in this case is 1. If the valueOf method
had returned false, it would have been coerced to 0.

No preference
When the ToPrimitive abstract operation is called without the preferred type or hint, or if the hint
is set to “default”, then this operation generally behaves as if the hint were “number”. So, by default,
the ToPrimitive prefers the conversion to number type.
However, the objects can override this default ToPrimitive behavior by implementing the Sym-
bol.toPrimitive⁵⁴ function. This function is passed a preferred type as an argument, and it returns
the primitive representation of the object.

Coercion 59

1 const obj = {
2 [Symbol.toPrimitive](hint) {
3 if (hint === "string") {
4 return "hello";
5 } else {
6 return 123;
7 }
8 }
9 };
11 console.log(`${obj}`); // hello
12 console.log(obj + 1); // 124

Here’s the above code in action:

<ReplitEmbed src=”” />
Out of the built-in objects, only the Date and Symbol objects override the default behavior of the
ToPrimitive abstract operation. The Date objects implement the default behavior as if the preferred
type or hint is “string.”

1 new Date()[Symbol.toPrimitive]("default"); // Tue Feb 07 2023 23:47:42 GMT+0500

Here’s the above code in action:

<ReplitEmbed src=”” />
We rarely need to call the Symbol.toPrimitive function explicitly. JavaScript calls this function
automatically when it needs to convert an object into a primitive value.
The ToPrimitive abstract operation is summarized in the image below:
Coercion 60

Object to primitive conversion summarized

The ToNumber⁵⁵ abstract operation is used whenever JavaScript needs to convert any non-number
value into a number.
The following table shows the results of this abstract operation applied to some non-number values:

Coercion 61

Value ToNumber(value)
”” 0
“0” 0
“-0” -0
” 123 “ 123
“45” 45
“abc” NaN
false 0
true 1
undefined NaN
null 0

As far as objects are concerned, the ToNumber abstract operation first converts the object into a
primitive value using the ToPrimitive abstract operation with “number” as the preferred type, and
then the resulting value is converted into a number.
The BigInt⁵⁶ values allow explicit conversion into a number type, but the implicit conversion is not
allowed; implicit conversion throws a TypeError.

1 console.log(Number(10n)); // 10
3 console.log(+10n); // TypeError...

Here’s the above code in action:

<ReplitEmbed src=”” />

The ToString⁵⁷ abstract operation is used to convert any value into a string.
The following table shows the results of this abstract operation applied to some non-string values:

Value ToNumber(value)
null “null”
undefined “undefined”
0 “0”
-0 “0”
true “true”
false “false”
123 “123”
NaN “NaN”
Coercion 62

In the case of objects, the ToString abstract operation first converts the object into a primitive value
using the ToPrimitive abstract operation with “string” as the preferred type, and then the resulting
value is converted into a string.

The ToBoolean⁵⁸ abstract operation is used to convert a value into a boolean value.
Unlike the above-mentioned abstract operations, this operation is simply a lookup of whether a value
is a falsy⁵⁹ value. If it is, we get false as a return value; for all other values, this operation returns

The following is a list of falsy values:

• false
• 0, -0, 0n
• undefined
• null
• NaN
• ””

As mentioned earlier, there are many abstract operations⁶⁰ mentioned in the ECMAScript specifica-
tion that are used for type conversion; in this lesson, we have only discussed the common ones.

Further reading

• Number coercion - (MDN)⁶¹

• String coercion - (MDN)⁶²
• Boolean coercion - (MDN)⁶³
• Coercing values - (You Don’t Know JS Yet )⁶⁴

Let’s discuss the infamous “double equal” operator that is used for loosely comparing two values. It
is also known as the “abstract equality” operator.
This operator is infamous because many resources online, and JavaScript developers, in general,
discourage its use because of its coercive behavior.Instead of blindly ignoring the double equality
operator, we should try to understand how it behaves, and then we can decide for ourselves whether
we want to not use it at all in our code or use it where it is safe to use.
Coercion 63

Despite what you hear about his operator, it behaves according to some predefined algorithmic
steps, and if we understand how it works, this operator won’t scare us, and we might even prefer
this operator in some cases over its cousin, the strict equality operator (===).
When two values are compared using the double equals operator, the steps taken by JavaScript to
compare the two values are described by an abstract operation known as IsLooselyEqual⁶⁵.

Summary of abstract equality operator

The working of the double equals operator is roughly summarized in the steps below:

• If the values being compared are of the same type, then perform the strict equality compari-
• If one value is undefined or null and the other value is also undefined or null, return true.
• If one or both values are objects, they are converted into primitive types, preferring the number
• If both values are primitives but are of different types, convert the types until they match,
preferring the number type for coercing values.

Delegating to strict equality comparison

Think about the first point mentioned above. If the types of values being compared using this
operator are the same, under the hood, the two values get compared using the triple equals or the
strict equality operator. So, if we know that only the same type of values will get compared in some
piece of code, it doesn’t make any difference whether we use the double equals or the triple equals
operator; in this case, we will always have the strict equality operator.

null vs undefined
The second point is also worth pondering over. Unlike the strict equality operator, the abstract or
loose equality operator considers null == undefined comparison to be true.

Coercion 64

1 console.log(null === null); // true

2 console.log(undefined === undefined); // true
3 console.log(null === undefined); // false
5 console.log(null == null); // true
6 console.log(undefined == undefined); // true
7 console.log(null == undefined); // true

You can see the code above in action below:

<ReplitEmbed src=”” />
The fact that null and undefined are equal to each other according to the abstract equality operator
makes for an interesting use case of the abstract equality operator. When writing JavaScript code, it
is common to check if a value is neither null nor undefined.
With the strict equality operator, we will have a check that looks something like the following:

1 if (someVal !== null && someVal !== undefined) {

2 // code
3 }

Whereas with the abstract equality operator, we can shorten this check to just one condition:

1 if (someVal != null) {
2 // code
3 }
5 // or
7 if (someVal != undefined) {
8 // code
9 }

Considering how often we need to guard against null and undefined in our JavaScript code, I feel
the abstract equality operator is ideal for this case. Having said that, you won’t be wrong if you use
the strict equality operator in this case.

“if” conditions
Although the coercive behavior of the abstract equality operator is predictable, as explained above,
people often fall into a trap because of how they use this operator in the if statement conditions.
Consider the following code example:
Coercion 65

1 const someVal = {};

3 if (someVal == true) {
4 console.log("if");
5 } else {
6 console.log("else");
7 }

You can see the code above in action below:

<ReplitEmbed src=”” />
We know from an earlier lesson that objects are truthy⁶⁷ values. So, in the above code example,
it seems reasonable to assume that the if condition would be evaluated as true, leading to the
execution of the if block. But, if you execute the above code, you might be surprised to know that
instead of the if block, the else would execute because the someVal == true check would evaluate
to false.
If either operand of the abstract equality operator is a boolean value, it is first converted to a number
- false into 0 and true into 1. So the if condition in the above code example would be evaluated as

1. One operand is an object, and the other one is a boolean, so according to step 10 of the
isLooselyEqual⁶⁸ abstract operation, if one operand is a boolean value, convert it into a number
using the ToNumber abstract operation. So our condition would become:

1 someVal == 1;

2. After coercing a boolean value into a number, we have a comparison between an object
and a number. According to step 12 of the isLooselyEqual abstract operation, the object
someVal would be converted into a primitive value using the ToPrimitive abstract operation,
passing “number” as the preferred type. The default primitive representation of object literals
is "[object Object]", so our condition after coercion would become: js "[object Object]"
== 1;
3. Now, we have a comparison between a string and a number. According to step 6 of the
isLooselyEqual abstract operation, if one operand is a string and the other one is a number,
convert a string into a number. Converting "[object Object]" into a number will give us
NaN⁶⁹. So our condition would become:

1 NaN == 1;

4. After coercing three times, we have a comparison between a NaN value and a number. They
are not equal to each other. (NaN value is not equal to any other value, including itself.). So our
condition fails to evaluate as true.
Coercion 66

The purpose of the above discussion is to understand that checking if a value is true or false using
the abstract equality operator doesn’t always work as one might expect. It is easy to blame the
abstract equality operator in such cases. Still, the fact is that those who write such code need help
understanding or remembering how the abstract equality operator works.
In such cases where we want to check if a value is truthy or falsy, instead of using the abstract
equality operator, it is enough to take advantage of the coercive behavior of the if statement. What
I mean is that the if condition in the above code should be written as:

1 if (someVal) {
2 // code
3 }

With the above condition, we will get the expected result because someVal will be checked if it is a
truthy value; if it is, the condition will evaluate to true, leading to the execution of the if block.
So, as a piece of advice, avoid checks such as someVal == true, where one operand is a boolean
value. In such cases, take advantage of the implicit coercive nature of the if statement, which will
check if the value is a valid value or not.

Further reading

• Boolean gotcha - You Don’t Know JS Yet⁷⁰

• Runtime semantics of “if” statement (ECMAScript specification)⁷¹

Addition Operator
The addition operator can be used to perform the addition of two numbers, or it can be used to join
two strings, also known as string concatenation.
The working of this operator is based on the ApplyStringOrNumericBinaryOperator⁷². The way this
works is that if any or both operands are non-primitive values, they are converted into primitive
values using the ToPrimitive abstract operation, and no preferred type is specified. As a result, the
“number” is the preferred type in this case because that is the default behavior of the ToPrimitive
abstract operation.
After checking for non-primitive operands and coercing them, if any, into primitive values, the next
step is to check if either or both operands are strings. If that’s the case, then the non-string operands,
if any, are coerced into strings, and string concatenation is performed.
If neither operand is a string, then the addition is performed after coercing non-number operands
into numbers.
Coercion 67

Relational operators
The relational operators (<, >, <=, >=) are used to compare both strings and numbers. The abstract
operation invoked in the case of relational operators is IsLessThan⁷³ abstract operation. Despite its
name, this operation handles “<=”, “>”, and “>=” comparisons as well.
If either operand is an object, it is converted into a primitive value with “number” as the preferred
type. If both operands are strings, then they are compared using their Unicode code points. If not
strings, then the operands are generally converted into numbers and then compared.
We can also compare date objects using relational operators. Recall that the Date objects are
converted into strings when converted into primitive values using the ToPrimitive operation
with no preferred type, but in the case of relational operators, Date objects, when converted into
primitives, result in a number representation of the Date objects because in the case of relational
operators, ToPrimitive abstract operation is passed “number” as the preferred type.

1 const d1 = new Date("2022-11-03");

2 const d2 = new Date("2023-05-10");
4 console.log(d1 < d2); // true

Here’s a Replit of the above code in action:

<ReplitEmbed src=”” />
Now that we have had a deeper look at coercion and how some of the common abstract operations
work to make coercion work, let us test what we learned in this module. This following exercise will
allow us to consolidate our understanding of the topic of coercion.
Following are some expressions that involve coercion. Try to guess the output based on the
knowledge you gained in this module. Don’t worry if you don’t understand all of them. Their
explanation is also given below. You can obviously refer to the specification and the earlier lessons
in this module to understand and guess the output of the expressions below.

1 0 == false
3 "" == false
5 0 == []
7 [123] == 123
9 [1] < [2]
Coercion 68

11 [] == ![]
13 !!"true" == !!"false"
15 [1, 2, 3] + [4, 5, 6]
17 [undefined] == 0
19 [[]] == ''
21 [] + {}

Below is an explanation of the output of each of the above-mentioned expressions.

0 == false

Let’s start with an easy one, and most people will probably get it right, even without reading this
module. Now that we know how the abstract equality operator works let us understand the steps
taken to evaluate this expression as true.

1. As the types are not equal and one of the operands is a boolean, the boolean operand is
converted into a number using the ToNumber⁷⁴ abstract operation. So, the first coercive step
is to convert false into a number, i.e., 0. The expression becomes:

1 0 == 0

2. Now the types are equal, so the strict equality comparison is performed, i.e., 0 === 0, giving
us true as an output.

"" == false

1. As the types are not equal and one of the operands is a boolean, the boolean operand is
converted into a number using the ToNumber abstract operation. So, the first coercive step is to
convert false into a number, i.e., 0. The expression becomes:

1 "" == 0

2. Now, we have a string and a number. Recall that the abstract equality operator prefers number
comparison, so the string operand is converted into a number using the ToNumber abstract
operation. An empty string, when converted into a number, outputs 0. So the expression
Coercion 69

1 0 == 0
3. The types are equal, so the strict equality comparison is performed, i.e., 0 === 0, giving us true
as an output.

0 == []

1. The array is converted into a primitive value using the ToPrimitive abstract operation. As the
abstract equality operator prefers number comparison, the array is converted into a primitive
value with a number as the preferred type. An empty array, when converted into a primitive
value, outputs an empty string. So the expression becomes:
1 0 == ""
2. Next, the string will be converted into a number. An empty string converted into a number
outputs 0. So the expression becomes:
1 0 == 0
3. The types are equal, so the strict equality comparison is performed, i.e., 0 === 0, giving us true
as an output.

[123] == 123

1. We have a comparison between an array and a number. So, the array is converted into a
primitive value using the ToPrimitive abstract operation, with number as the preferred type.
The valueOf method will be invoked first, as the preferred type is a number. But we know
that the default implementation of the valueOf method simply returns the object on which it
is called. So, the toString is invoked next. For Arrays, the toString method returns an empty
string for empty arrays; for an array like [1, 2, 3], it returns the contents of the array as a
string, joined by commas, i.e., "1,2,3". Each array element is coerced into a string and then
joined by comma(s).
In our case, we have a single element in an array, i.e., [123], so it will be coerced into "123".
So the expression becomes:
1 "123" == 123
2. Next, the string will be converted into a number. So the expression becomes:
1 123 == 123
3. The types are equal, so the strict equality comparison is performed, i.e., 123 === 123, giving
us true as an output.

:::info Weird fact about array conversion into a primitive value: an array containing null or
undefined is coerced into an empty string, i.e., [null] —> "" and [undefined] —> "". Similarly,
an array containing both of them is coerced into a string containing a single comma, i.e., [null,
undefined] —> ",". Why don’t we get "null", "undefined", and "null,undefined" for such arrays,
respectively? This is just one of the corner cases of coercion. :::
Coercion 70

[1] < [2]

1. This is a comparison between two objects. Both arrays are converted into primitive values
using the ToPrimitive abstract operation, with number as the preferred type. As explained
in the previous example, the toString will eventually be called to convert both arrays into
primitive values, giving us "1" and "2" as output, respectively. So the expression becomes:

1 "1" < "2"

2. Now, we have two strings. The types are equal, so the strict equality comparison is performed,
i.e., "1" < "2", giving us true as an output because the strings are compared using their Unicode
code points.

[] == ![]

1. In this comparison, we have two operators: the abstract equality operator and the Not (!)⁷⁵
operator. The Not operator has a higher precedence⁷⁶ than the equality operator, so the sub-
expression ![] is evaluated first.
The Not operator converts true into false, and vice versa. But here it is used with a non-boolean
value. So what happens when JavaScript sees a value of one type in a context where it expects
a value of a different type? Coercion! So [] will be coerced into a boolean value, as boolean is
the expected type, using the ToBoolean abstract operation. As [] is a truthy value, it is coerced
into true and then the Not operator negates it, converting true into false. So the expression

1 [] == false

2. Next, the boolean operand, i.e., false is converted into a number, i.e., 0. The expression is now:

1 [] == 0

3. Now we have a comparison between an object and a number. Recalling how the abstract
equality operator works, the object will be converted into a primitive value, preferring the
number type. As mentioned in one of the earlier examples, an empty array is converted into
an empty string, so the expression becomes:

1 "" == 0

4. Next, the empty string is converted into a number, i.e., 0, using the ToNumber abstract operation.

1 0 == 0

5. The types are equal, so the strict equality comparison is performed, i.e., 0 === 0, giving us true
as an output.
Coercion 71

:::note If you are wondering how I know which operand, either left or right, is coerced first and what
coercion is performed, I am simply referring to the steps mentioned in the ECMAScript specification.
For example, for an expression involving a comparison using the abstract equality operator, I am
referring to the steps of the IsLooselyEqual⁷⁷ abstract operation.
This is what you should do as well. There is no need to memorize every step. Just understand the
basics of how coercion is performed, which abstract operations are involved, and just refer to the
specification. :::

!!"true" == !!"false"

1. Again, we have two operators in an expression. As mentioned before, the precedence of the
logical Not operator is higher, so the sub-expressions !!"true" and !!"false" will be evaluated
The string "true" in the expression !!"true" is a truthy value, so it will be coerced to the
boolean value true. So the expression will become !!true. Next, we have two occurrences of
the Not operator. Applying it twice to true will first convert it to false and then back to true.
The second sub-expression !!"false" will also evaluate to true because the string "false"
is a truthy value, so same as the first sub-expression, the expression will become !!true and
then applying the Not operator twice will give us true. So after the sub-expressions have been
coerced and evaluated, our expression will become:

1 true == true

2. The types are equal, so the strict equality comparison is performed, i.e., true === true, giving
us true as an output.

[1, 2, 3] + [4, 5, 6]

1. Recall how the addition operator works. The abstract operation involved here is ApplyStringOr-
As both of the operands are objects, they are first converted into primitive values with no
preferred type specified for the ToPrimitive abstract operation. So, by default, “number” is the
preferred type. Arrays, when coerced into primitive values, are converted into primitive values
using the toString method. For the array that we have in our expression, we will get "1,2,3"
and "4,5,6" respectively. So the expression becomes:

1 "1,2,3" + "4,5,6"

2. As both operands, after coercion, are strings, instead of addition, concatenation is performed,
joining both strings, giving us "1,2,34,5,6" as output.
Coercion 72

[undefined] == 0

1. As we have seen many times in this lesson when there is a comparison between an object and a
number using the abstract equality operator, the object is first converted into a primitive value.
Recall from a note earlier in this lesson that [undefined], when converted into a primitive
value, outputs an empty string. So the expression becomes:

1 "" == 0

2. An empty string, when converted into a number, gives us 0. So the expression becomes:

1 0 == 0

3. The types are equal, so the strict equality comparison is performed, i.e., 0 === 0, giving us true
as an output.

[[]] == ''

1. In this expression, we have an array containing an empty array and an empty string. The array
operand is first converted into a primitive value. Recall how arrays are converted into primitive
values. Apart from some corner cases mentioned earlier, arrays are converted into primitives
by coercing their elements into strings and then joining them using commas. So, the nested
empty array will be converted into a primitive value. What do we get when an empty array
is converted into a primitive value? Yes, an empty string. So, the outer array is also converted
into an empty string. The expression after coercion becomes:

1 "" == ""

2. An empty string is equal to an empty string, so the output is true.

[] + {}

1. As the operator is an addition operator and both operands are objects, they are both converted
into primitives with no preferred type. So, by default, the preferred type is set to “number”.
An empty array is converted into an empty string, and the default primitive representation of
object literals is the string "[object Object]". So the expression becomes:

1 "" + "[object Object]"

2. Both operands are now strings that are concatenated, giving us “‘[object Object]” as an output.


Some of the expressions above were taken from the following github repo: wtfjs⁷⁹
Closure is one of the fundamental topics in JavaScript and can be tricky to understand for beginners.
It is a powerful feature, and developing a good understanding of this topic is essential. In this module,
we will take a deeper look at what closures are and how they work.

What is a closure?
The closure is a combination of the following two things:

• A Function
• A reference to the environment/scope in which that function is created

In other words, whenever we define a function in JavaScript, that function saves a reference to the
environment in which it was created. This is what’s referred to as a closure: a function along with
a reference to the environment in which it is created.
Closures allow a nested function to access the declarations inside the containing function, even after
the execution of the containing function has ended.

1 function outerFn() {
2 const outerVar = 123;
4 return function inner() {
5 console.log(outerVar);
6 };
7 }
9 const innerFn = outerFn();
10 innerFn();

Here’s a Replit of the code above:

<ReplitEmbed src=””>
How does the innerFn, function returned by outerFn, have access to the outerVar variable declared
in outerFn even after the “outerFn” execution is complete?
The above code works because JavaScript functions always create closures when they are created.
In some programming languages, a function’s locally defined variables only exist for the duration
of that function’s execution; when a function’s execution ends, variables defined in its local scope
are destroyed. But that’s not the case in JavaScript, as is evident from the code example above. So,
how do closures work?
Closures 74

How do closures work?

To understand how closures work, we need to understand how JavaScript resolves the scope of any
Although we had a detailed discussion on scope in an earlier module dedicated to the topic of scope,
let us once again briefly go over how the lexical scope is resolved. Consider the following code

1 let isReading = true;

3 function learnJavaScript() {
4 console.log(isReading);
5 }
7 learnJavaScript();

Here’s a Replit of the code above:

<ReplitEmbed src=””>
When the learnJavaScript function is invoked to log the value of the isReading variable, the
JavaScript first needs to identify where it is defined. The first place where JavaScript will search is
the local scope of the learnJavaScript function because this is where a reference to the isReading
variable was found.
As the isReading variable is not defined in the local scope of the learnJavaScript function,
JavaScript will search for this variable in the outer scope, which in this case is the global scope.
JavaScript will find the declaration of the isReading variable in the global scope, so it will get its
value and pass it to the console.log function so that it can be logged to the console.
Let us take a look at another code example that involves a nested function:

1 let isReading = true;

3 function learnJavaScript() {
4 function stepsToLearnJavaScript() {
5 console.log(isReading);
6 }
8 stepsToLearnJavaScript();
9 }
11 learnJavaScript();
Closures 75

Here’s a Replit of the code above:

<ReplitEmbed src=””>
In this code example, we have a nested function, stepsToLearnJavaScript, that logs the value of
a variable defined in the global scope. If JavaScript hasn’t already determined the scope of the
isReading variable, how will it find its declaration? Recall the scope chain!
JavaScript will need to traverse the scope chain to find the declaration of the isReading variable.
As in the earlier example, the declaration is first searched in the current scope, which in this case
is the local scope of the stepsToLearnJavaScript function. If the current scope doesn’t contain the
declaration JavaScript is looking for, the search is sequentially expanded to the outer scopes. In our
example, the stepsToLearnJavaScript function doesn’t contain the declaration of the isReading
variable, so the search is moved to the outer scope, which in this case is the local scope of the
learnJavaScript function. The declaration doesn’t exist in this scope either; JavaScript traverses to
the outer scope of the learnJavaScript function scope. The outer scope now is the global scope.
In the code example above, the variable declaration is found in the global scope, so the search for
the variable declaration will be stopped when the search reaches the global scope. But what will
happen if we remove the variable declaration from the above code example?

1 function learnJavaScript() {
2 function stepsToLearnJavaScript() {
3 console.log(isReading);
4 }
6 stepsToLearnJavaScript();
7 }
9 learnJavaScript();

Here’s a Replit of the code above:

<ReplitEmbed src=””>
Now, the stepsToLearnJavaScript function is logging an undeclared variable. Now, what will
happen when the search for the variable declaration reaches the global scope? At this point,
javascript will do one of the following two things:

• throw an error if the code is in strict mode

• declare a global variable for you in non-strict mode (recall “implicit globals” in the scope

How are different scopes linked?

At this point, we know how the scope is resolved, and the different scopes are linked together,
forming a chain that is known as the “scope chain.” But have you wondered how different scopes are
Closures 76

linked? It can’t be magic; some mechanism must link different scopes together. How does JavaScript
determine the outer scope of the current scope?
Let us revisit one of the code examples presented earlier in this lesson:

1 let isReading = true;

3 function learnJavaScript() {
4 console.log(isReading);
5 }
7 learnJavaScript();

Here’s a Replit of the code above:

<ReplitEmbed src=””>
We know that when the learnJavaScript function is invoked, the local scope of this function is
linked to the global scope, but how? The answer is the hidden internal slot named [[Environment]]⁸⁰.
This [[Environment]] internal slot exists on the functions, and it contains a reference to the outer
scope/environment. In other words, this internal slot contains a reference to the scope on which the
containing function has closed over or formed a “closure.”
There are many hidden internal slots⁸¹ mentioned in the ECMAScript specification. The specification
uses these hidden internal slots to define the required behavior. These hidden internal slots, just like
abstract operations, may or may not be actual things that are implemented by the different JavaScript
In the code example above, when the learnJavaScript function is created, as it is created in the
global scope, a reference to the global environment is saved in the internal [[Environment]] slot of
the function object. Later, when the function is called, a new environment is created for the execution
of the code inside the function. This environment (local scope of the function) is linked to the global
environment by getting a value that is saved in the [[Environment]] slot of the learnJavaScript
function and saving it in an internal slot named [[OuterEnv]]⁸². Each environment object has an
internal slot that contains a reference to the outer environment.
The linkage of scopes in the above example can be conceptually visualized in the image below:

scope linkage

Closures 77

Let’s revisit one of the earlier examples from this lesson that involved a nested function:

1 let isReading = true;

3 function learnJavaScript() {
4 function stepsToLearnJavaScript() {
5 console.log(isReading);
6 }
8 stepsToLearnJavaScript();
9 }
11 learnJavaScript();

Here’s a Replit of the code above:

<ReplitEmbed src=””>
In this code example, we have three different environments:

• The global environment

• The local environment of the learnJavaScript function (created when the function is invoked)
• The local environment of the stepsToLearnJavaScript function (created when the function is

The linkage between different scopes can be visualized in the image below:
Closures 78

scope linkage

Hopefully, the above two code examples and images have clarified how different scopes are linked
together, forming a scope chain. This scope chain is traversed by the JavaScript engine, if needed, to
resolve the scope of any identifier.
This linkage between different environments, i.e., the scope chain, is what makes closures possible
in JavaScript. Due to this scope chain, a nested function can still access variables from the outer
function even after the execution of the outer function has ended. This outer environment is kept in
memory as long as the inner function has a reference to it.
Now, let us revisit the first code example in this lesson, which involves invoking a nested function
from a different scope than the one it is defined in.
Closures 79

1 function outerFn() {
2 const outerVar = 123;
4 return function inner() {
5 console.log(outerVar);
6 };
7 }
9 const innerFn = outerFn();
10 innerFn();

Here’s a Replit of the code above:

<ReplitEmbed src=””>
Hopefully, you can now explain how the nested function has access to the outerVar variable, even
after the completion of the outerFn execution.
The inner function has a reference to the local scope of the outerFn function, saved in its
[[Environment]] internal slot. When the inner function is returned from the outerFn function,
although the outerFn execution has ended, the inner function still has a reference to the local
scope of the outerFn. When the inner function is invoked, the value of the [[Environment]] slot
of the inner function is saved in the [[OuterEnv]] internal slot of the environment created for the
execution of the inner function.
To summarize, every time a javascript function is created, a closure is formed, which allows that
function to access the scope chain that was in effect when that function was defined. Each time a
function is created, javascript saves the reference to the surrounding environment of the function
in the internal [[Environment]] slot on the function object. When that function is called, a new
environment is created for that function call, and javascript saves the value of [[Environment]] slot
on the function in the [[OuterEnv]] slot of the environment object.
It is a common misconception among beginners that closures are only formed when any function
returns a nested function. But that is not the case.
Every time a function is created in JavaScript, it forms a closure over the environment in which that
function was created. Forming a closure is a fancy way of saying that when a function is created, it
saves a reference to the environment in which it was created.
What is the cause of this misconception? It is because of the following two reasons:

• Many online resources introduce the concept of closures with code examples containing a
function that returns a nested function.
• Closures are only noticeable when a function is invoked from a different scope than the one it
is defined in.
Closures 80

Most functions are usually invoked from the same scope in which they are defined. This makes the
closures go unnoticed. It is only when a function is invoked from a different scope than the one it is
defined in that closures become noticeable.
In the following code example, a function is defined and invoked from the global scope, so a closure
formed by the function is unnoticeable.

1 let score = 150;

3 function logScore() {
4 console.log(score);
5 }
7 logScore();

You can see the code above in this Replit:

<ReplitEmbed src=””>
Unlike the code example above, in the following code example, closure is noticeable as the nested
greet function has access to the greetMsg parameter of the containing createGreeting function
even after the completion of the createGreeting function. The closure is noticeable because the
greet function is invoked from a different scope than the one it is defined in. The greet function is
defined in the local scope of the createGreeting function, but it is invoked from the global scope.

1 function createGreeting(greetMsg) {
2 function greet(personName) {
3 console.log(`${greetMsg} ${personName}!`);
4 }
6 return greet;
7 }
9 const sayHello = createGreeting("Hello");
10 sayHello("Mike");

Here’s a Replit of the code above:

<ReplitEmbed src=””>
What output do you expect from the following code example?
Closures 81

1 for (var i = 1; i <= 3; i++) {

2 setTimeout(() => {
3 console.log(i);
4 }, 1000);
5 }

You might expect the following output:

1 1;
2 2;
3 3;

Although the above output seems reasonable, it is not the output we get from the code example
above. The actual output is as shown below:

1 4;
2 4;
3 4;

Here is the output of the code example above in a Replit:

<ReplitEmbed src=””>
If this output surprised you, then this lesson is for you. Even if it didn’t, do you understand the
reasons behind this output? In this lesson, we will explore what causes this problem, also known as
the “closures in loop” problem, and how we can fix it.

What causes this problem?

The code example above suffers from this infamous “closures in loop” problem because the callback
function of each setTimeout forms a closure over the same variable i. As there are a total of three
loop iterations in our example, setTimeout is called three times, so we have three callback functions,
all having a closure over the same variable i.
The callback function of each setTimeout call is invoked after the loop execution has completed.
The value of variable i after the last iteration of the loop is “4”, and because each callback function
of the “setTimeout” has a closure over the same variable i, all three of them see “4” as the value of
the i. This is the reason they all log “4” on the console.
The scope linkage for the code example above can be visualized in the image below:
Closures 82

scope linkage

It is important to note that functions form closures over variables, not their values. Closure over
variables implies that each function logs the latest value of the variable it has closed over; if functions
formed closure over values rather than variables, they would log the snapshot of the value in effect
when the closure was formed.
In our example, if the closure was over the values of i instead of the i variable, then each callback
would have logged the value of i that was in effect in the iteration in which that callback was
created. This means we would have gotten the expected output, i.e., 1 2 3 instead of 4 4 4. But
as is evident from the output of the code example, closures are formed over variables. As a result,
each callback function of setTimeout has a closure over the variable i, and when each callback is
executed, it sees the latest value of i.

How to resolve this problem?

Now that we understand what the “closures in loop” problem is and what causes it let us discuss
how this problem was tackled before ES2015.
Closures 83

Pre-ES2015 solution
Before the introduction of ES2015, also known as ES6, one way to solve this problem was to use an
IIFE (Immediately Invoked Function Expression)⁸³. The following code example shows how using
an IIFE resolves this problem.

1 for (var i = 1; i <= 3; i++) {

2 ((counter) => {
3 setTimeout(() => {
4 console.log(counter);
5 }, 1000);
6 })(i);
7 }
9 /* output
10 ---------
11 1
12 2
13 3
14 ---------
15 */

Here is the output of the code example above in a Replit:

<ReplitEmbed src=””>
How does the use of an IIFE solve this problem?
Recall that the problem is caused by the closure of different callbacks over the same variable. But
with the use of an IIFE, we can pass the value of i in each iteration to the IIFE as a parameter.
This parameter (counter) is then used inside the callback function of the setTimeout function. This
solves the problem because the counter parameter is closed over by each callback function, and in
each iteration, a new IIFE is created, along with the new callback function of setTimeout. Each new
instance of the IIFE gets passed a new value of i, i.e., “1” in the first iteration, “2” in the second
iteration, and so on. So now, with the use of an IIFE, each callback function has a closure over a
different counter variable.
The image below helps visualize the scope chain in the above code example (function objects are
not shown in the image below to keep it simple):
Closures 84

scope linkage

Although the callbacks of the setTimeout function log the counter variable, they still have access
to the i variable as well. What if we log both counter and i? How will the output change?

1 for (var i = 1; i <= 3; i++) {

2 ((counter) => {
3 setTimeout(() => {
4 console.log(counter, i);
5 }, 1000);
6 })(i);
7 }
9 /* output
10 ---------
11 1 4
12 2 4
13 3 4
Closures 85

14 ---------
15 */

The output of the code example above can be seen in the Replit below:
<ReplitEmbed src=””>
Each callback has a closure over a different instance of the counter variable, but they all still share
the same variable i from the global scope. As a result, they log the latest value of i, i.e., “4”.

ES2015 solution
ES2015 introduced block-scoped variables and constants with the help of let and const keywords,
respectively. We can solve the “closures in loop” problem simply by replacing the var keyword with
the let keyword in our original code example that had this problem.

1 for (let i = 1; i <= 3; i++) {

2 setTimeout(() => {
3 console.log(i);
4 }, 1000);
5 }
7 /* output
8 ---------
9 1
10 2
11 3
12 ---------
13 */

Here is the output of the code example above in a Replit:

<ReplitEmbed src=””>
Using the let keyword solves this problem because, unlike each callback function closing over the
same variable i, the let being block-scoped causes each iteration of the loop to have a different copy
of the variable i. This is the key idea that solves the problem of “closures in loop”. Each iteration
has its own separate copy of variable i, which means that the setTimeout callback created in each
iteration closes over the copy of variable i that is limited to that particular iteration of the loop.
In our code example, we have three iterations of the loop and separate copies of variable i, each
limited to a particular iteration of the loop. Although it seems that we have a single variable i,
behind the scenes, each iteration gets its own copy of the variable i.
To understand how each iteration gets its own copy of variable i, the following steps explain how
the above code is executed:
Closures 86

1. Before the execution of the for loop starts, an environment object (let’s call it initEnv) is
created, and it contains the variables declared in the initialization part of the for loop. In
our case, we have only one variable, i, so the initEnv environment object contains a copy of
variable i. This environment object is linked to the outer environment by saving a reference to
the outer environment in the [[OuterEnv]] internal slot. The outer environment, in this case,
is the global environment.
2. To start the first iteration of the for loop, a new environment object is created (let’s call it
iter1Env). This environment object also gets the global environment as its outer environment.
The variable i is copied into this newly created iter1Env object by copying it from the initEnv
object (created in step 1).
3. The loop condition i <= 3 is true, so the body of the loop is executed as part of the first
iteration of the loop. The callback function for the setTimeout is created, saving a reference to
the environment object of the first loop iteration iter1Env (created in step 2) in the internal
[[Environment]] slot of the callback function. After that, the callback function is passed to the
setTimeout function as an argument to be executed later.
The first iteration has been completed. The following image shows the linkage between
different environments created so far:
Closures 87

closue in loop - iteration 1

4. Now, to start the second iteration, a new environment object is created (let’s call it iter2Env).
The variable i is copied from the initEnv environment object (created in step 1), but the value
of i in iter2Env is the value of i in iter1Env (created in step 2). The value of i in iter2Env is
then incremented due to the increment part (i++) of the for loop.
5. As in the previous iteration, a new callback function is created, and the reference to the
iter2Env is saved in its [[Environment]] internal slot. The callback function is then passed
to the setTimeout function as an argument.
6. This process is repeated for the third and final iteration of the loop.

The following diagram shows how different environments are linked together after three iterations
of the loop:
Closures 88

closue in loop - all iterations

Hopefully, the final diagram clarifies why using the let keyword solves the “closures in loop”
problem. As each environment object created for each iteration of the loop has its separate copy
of the variable i, the closure of each callback created in different iterations of the loop forms a
closure over a separate copy of the variable i. As a result, they log the value they have closed over,
giving us the expected output, i.e., 1 2 3.
With the recent additions to the JavaScript language, it is now possible to have private fields
and methods⁸⁴ in JavaScript. However, before these changes were introduced in the language,
closures were the go-to option for hiding data from public access. In object-oriented programming
terminology, this is referred to as “data hiding” and “encapsulation”.
Following is an example of how we can have private variables and methods using closures:

Closures 89

1 const bank = (function () {

2 // private data
3 const accounts = [];
5 // private function
6 function getInternalBankLogs() {
7 // ...
8 }
10 /*** public functions ***/
12 function openAccount(data) {
13 // some logic...
14 // ...
15 accounts.push(newAccount);
16 }
18 function deposit(accountNum, amount) {
19 // ...
20 }
22 function withdraw(accoutNum, amount) {
23 // ...
24 }
26 return {
27 openAccount,
28 deposit,
29 withdraw
30 };
31 })();
33 bank.openAccount({}); // ok
34 bank.accounts(); // error, not accessible

The code inside the IIFE is executed, and an object is returned from the IIFE that is assigned to the
bank variable. The object returned only contains the data that needs to be accessible from outside
the IIFE. The code that is meant to be private is not returned; as a result, that data remains private,
limited to the boundary walls of the IIFE. However, thanks to closures, publicly exposed data that
is returned from the IIFE can still access the private data inside the IIFE.
Closures 90

Further reading

• Emulating private methods with closures - (MDN)⁸⁵

Inheritance is a general object-oriented programming concept allowing objects to inherit other
objects’ methods and properties. This reduces code duplication and promotes code sharing between
different objects.
Unlike traditional object-oriented programming languages like Java or C#, JavaScript has a different
way of dealing with inheritance. Objects in JavaScript are linked to other objects, and this linkage
allows an object to use the functionality of another object to which it is linked.
The linkage between objects in JavaScript forms a chain. This chain is known as the “prototype
chain”. Think of the scope chain, where each scope is linked to another scope until we reach the
global scope. The prototype chain is similar: one object is linked to another object. This other object,
in turn, is linked to another object, forming a chain between objects.
The prototype chain allows the sharing of properties between objects, and this is the idea of
inheritance in JavaScript, known as the “prototypal inheritance”. In prototypal inheritance, an
object from which other objects inherit properties is known as the “prototype” of those objects.
When we create an object literal in JavaScript, it is, by default, linked to the built-in
Object.prototype object.

1 const obj = {};

The Object.prototype object is the prototype of the obj object in the code example above.

How are objects linked?

Objects in JavaScript have a hidden internal slot named [[Prototype]]. When an object is created,
it is linked to another object by saving a reference to the other object in the [[Prototype]] internal
slot of the newly created object. The other object whose reference is saved in the internal slot will
serve as the “prototype” of the newly created object.
In the code example above, the [[Prototype]] slot of the obj object contains a reference to the
Object.prototype object. So, obj.[[Prototype]] gives us the prototype of the obj object, the object
from which obj is linked to and inherits the properties. But as [[Prototype]] is an internal slot not
accessible by JavaScript, later in this lesson, we will see how we can access the prototype of any
Prototypes 92

The “prototype” property

In our discussion of prototypal inheritance so far, you might have noticed the term “prototype” used
in two different contexts: one as a property, i.e., Object.prototype and the other as a general term
used to describe an object that shares its properties with another object. This clash of names creates
confusion among many when they first start learning about prototypal inheritance in JavaScript.
As functions are objects in JavaScript, they can have properties just like any other object. The
property name “prototype” is one of the functions’ properties. The arrow functions do not have
this property.
The prototype property of a function refers to an object that is used as the “prototype” of other
objects when that function is invoked as a “constructor function” using the “new” keyword. Again,
the term “prototype” has been used in two contexts here:

• The “prototype” property on functions

• An object is referred to as a “prototype” when it is linked and shares its properties with other

The following code example shows that the property named “prototype” exists on functions:

1 function Car(name, model) {

2 = name;
3 this.model = model;
4 }
6 console.log(Object.getOwnPropertyNames(Car));
8 // [ "prototype", "length", "name" ]

You can run the above code in the Replit below:

<ReplitEmbed src=”” />
You can probably tell from the code above that the Car function is meant to be used as a constructor
function. However, it is indeed just a normal function. The “prototype” property is only useful when
we invoke a function as a constructor, i.e., with the new keyword.
Any properties added to the Car.prototype object will be shared by all the instances created from
the Car constructor function. The Car.prototype function will serve as the “prototype” for all the
instances of the Car constructor function.
Initially, the object pointed to by the prototype property on any function just contains a single
property named “constructor”. The value of this “constructor” property is a reference to the
constructor function. In the case of Car.prototype object, Car.prototype.constructor refers to
the Car constructor function.
Prototypes 93

1 // Car.prototype
2 {
3 constructor: <Car function>
4 }

The following code example verifies that Car.prototype.constructor refers to the Car function:

1 function Car(name, model) {

2 = name;
3 this.model = model;
4 }
6 console.log(Car.prototype.constructor === Car); // true

You can run the above code in the Replit below:

<ReplitEmbed src=”” />
The constructor property⁸⁶ is rarely used, if at all, in the JavaScript code that we write.
Let’s add a property on the Car.prototype object:

1 Car.prototype.start = function () {
2 console.log("starting the engine of " +;
3 };
5 const honda = new Car("honda", "1996");
6 const toyota = new Car("toyota", "2000");
8 honda.start(); // starting the engine of honda
9 toyota.start(); // starting the engine of toyota

You can run the above code in the Replit below:

<ReplitEmbed src=”” />
When a function is invoked using the new keyword, one of the steps during the creation of a new
object is that the [[Prototype]] internal slot of the newly created object is pointed to the object
referenced by the function’s prototype property. As a result, the newly created object has access to
the properties defined on the object referred to by the constructor function’s prototype property.
Prototypes 94

Getting prototype of any object

The Object function has a static method named getPrototypeOf⁸⁷ that can be used to get the
prototype of any object. It returns the value of the internal [[Prototype]] property of the object.
For the honda object created in the previous code example, Object.getPrototypeOf function returns
the Car.prototype object because the Car.prototype object is the prototype of all the instances of
the Car constructor function.

1 function Car(name, model) {

2 = name;
3 this.model = model;
4 }
6 Car.prototype.start = function () {
7 console.log("starting the engine of " +;
8 };
10 const honda = new Car("honda", "1996");
12 console.log(Object.getPrototypeOf(honda) === Car.prototype); // true

You can run the above code in the Replit below:

<ReplitEmbed src=”” />
Now that we know what prototypal inheritance is let us explore the prototype chain.

Object.prototype - parent of all objects

At the top of the prototypal inheritance hierarchy is the Object.prototype object. It is the root object
or parent of all objects. When we create an object literal, its prototype is the Object.prototype

1 const obj = {};

3 console.log(Object.getPrototypeOf(obj) === Object.prototype);
4 // true

You can run the above code in the Replit below:

<ReplitEmbed src=”” />
We didn’t define any properties on the obj object. But we can still call some methods on it.
Prototypes 95

1 const obj = {};

3 console.log(obj.toString()); // [object Object]

You can run the above code in the Replit below:

<ReplitEmbed src=”” />
We didn’t define a method named toString on the obj object; how is it accessible in the code example
above? You guessed it: it is defined on the Object.prototype object, and as Object.prototype is the
prototype of obj, the properties defined on Object.prototype are inherited by obj, toString being
one of them.
Objects created in this way are instances of the Object constructor function. We can also define obj
as shown below:

1 const obj = new Object();

This has the same effect: it creates an empty object. As discussed in the previous lesson, functions
have a prototype property that points to an object that serves as the “prototype” of all instances
of that function when that function is invoked as a “constructor”. So, the Object.prototype object
serves as the “prototype” of all objects created via new Object() or through object literal notation.
At this point, you might ask: isn’t toString callable on all objects? Yes, it is; some objects inherit
it from the Object.prototype object, while other objects, such as arrays, inherit it from their
prototype, i.e., the Array.prototype object, which overrides the toString implementation defined
in Object.prototype.
Some objects are directly linked to the Object.prototype object, while others are linked indi-
rectly. Arrays, for example, are linked indirectly. Each array instance is directly linked to the
Array.prototype object. The Array.prototype object is linked to the Object.prototype object. This
forms a prototype chain that ends at the Object.prototype object.

1 const arrayPrototype = Object.getPrototypeOf([]);

2 const prototypeOfArrayPrototype = Object.getPrototypeOf(arrayPrototype);
4 console.log(arrayPrototype === Array.prototype);
5 // true
6 console.log(prototypeOfArrayPrototype === Object.prototype);
7 // true

You can run the above code in the Replit below:

<ReplitEmbed src=”” />
The prototype chain demonstrated in the code above can be visualized in the image below:
Prototypes 96

array prototype chain

The Array.prototype object contains the methods that are callable on every array, for example, map,
filter, etc. The Object.prototype object contains the methods that are available to all objects, for
example, the toString method.
Just as JavaScript traverses the scope chain to find the declaration of an identifier that can’t be found
in the current scope, JavaScript traverses the prototype chain to find the properties that cannot be
found in the current object. The prototype chain has to end somewhere. Otherwise, JavaScript will
keep traversing an endless chain; it ends at the Object.prototype object. Accessing the prototype
of Object.prototype returns null.

1 console.log(Object.getPrototypeOf(Object.prototype));
2 // null

You can run the above code in the Replit below:

<ReplitEmbed src=”” />
The prototype chain for strings is similar to that for arrays, except that instead of the
Array.prototype object, there is the String.prototype object, which serves as the prototype
of all string instances. This String.prototype object is, in turn, linked to the Object.prototype
object, where the Object.prototype object serves as the prototype of the String.prototype object.
Prototypes 97

“Function” function
As confusing as it may sound, there’s a function named Function⁸⁸. Functions in JavaScript are
objects and are instances of this “Function” constructor function. The Function.prototype object
provides properties that are accessible by all functions; for example, methods like bind, apply, etc.
The Function.prototype object serves as the prototype for functions, including the Object function.
Even the Function function, to which the Function.prototype object belongs, inherits properties
from the Function.prototype object because Function is, after all, just a function itself. So it makes
sense to make it inherit from the Function.prototype object, which contains the common properties
for functions.

1 console.log(Object.getPrototypeOf(Object) == Function.prototype);
2 // true
4 console.log(Object.getPrototypeOf(Function) == Function.prototype);
5 // true

You can run the above code in the Replit below:

<ReplitEmbed src=”” />
The prototype chain described above can be visualized in the following image:
Prototypes 98

array prototype chain

As the Object.prototype object is the root or parent object, it is part of the prototype chain, directly
linked to the Function.prototype object.
The __proto__ property is defined on the Object.prototype object. It is a getter and a setter that
returns or sets the prototype of an object. In other words, it returns or sets the value of the internal
Prototypes 99

[[Prototype]] property of an object.

Although this property can be used to set and get the prototype of an object, its use is discouraged.
This property has been deprecated, and better alternatives have been provided to get and set the
prototype of an object.

1 const user = { name: "John Doe" };

3 console.log(user.__proto__);
4 // logs Object.prototype object

You can run the above code in the Replit below:

<ReplitEmbed src=”” />
The above code example shows the use of the __proto__ property as a getter to get the prototype of
the user object. It can also be used as a setter to set the value of the [[Prototype]] internal property
of an object. Again, its use is discouraged, and there are better alternatives. For setting the prototype,
we can use the setPrototypeOf⁸⁹ method.
The prototype of the user object in the code example above is the Object.prototype object. As a
result, the user object has access to the __proto__ property. As the __proto__ property, when used
as a getter, simply exposes the value of the internal [[Prototype]] property of an object, in the case
of user, it returns the Object.prototype object.

Problems with __proto__

There are multiple reasons to avoid using __proto__ property to get or set the prototype of an object.
As mentioned earlier, the __proto__ property has been deprecated, and better alternatives exist to
set and get the prototype of an object. This property wasn’t standardized until 2015, so before that,
it existed as a non-standard feature of the JavaScript language. Even though the __proto__ property
is now part of the ECMAScript specification, this property wasn’t standardized by the ECMAScript
specification to promote or encourage its use; instead, it was standardized because it already existed
in several JavaScript engines running in the browsers.
Another problem with the __proto__ property is that it may not be available on all objects. You might
ask how that is possible. Don’t all objects directly or indirectly inherit from the Object.prototype
object? The reason it may not be available is that we can create objects that do not inherit from any
other object (we will discuss this in the next lesson).
So far, we have seen built-in objects, such as Object.prototype, automatically being set as
prototypes of objects. How can we use our own objects as prototypes for other objects? For example,
we have the following object, which we want to use as a prototype of some other object:
Prototypes 100

1 const propertyPrinter = {
2 printOwnPropertyNames: function () {
3 // "this" refers to the object on which
4 // this function is called
5 for (let prop of Object.getOwnPropertyNames(this)) {
6 console.log(prop);
7 }
8 }
9 };

How can we use this object as a prototype of another object? We can use the setPrototypeOf method:

1 const propertyPrinter = {
2 printOwnPropertyNames: function () {
3 // "this" refers to the object on which
4 // this function is called
5 for (let prop of Object.getOwnPropertyNames(this)) {
6 console.log(prop);
7 }
8 }
9 };
11 const user = {
12 firstName: "John",
13 lastName: "Doe",
14 age: 25
15 };
17 // set the prototype of the "user" object
18 Object.setPrototypeOf(user, propertyPrinter);
20 // prototype methods are now accessible
21 user.printOwnPropertyNames();
22 // firstName
23 // lastName
24 // age

You can run the above code in the Replit below:

<ReplitEmbed src=”” />
The deprecated __proto__ property can also be used to achieve the same result, but as it is deprecated,
we will instead discuss another option to set the prototype of an object explicitly.
Prototypes 101

Object.create method
The Object.create method is used to create a new object with another object, passed as the first
argument, as the prototype of the newly created object. This method lets us explicitly set the
prototype of an object. The code example above can be rewritten with Object.create as shown

1 // create a new object and set "propertyPrinter"

2 // object as its prototype
3 const user = Object.create(propertyPrinter);
5 user.firstName = "John";
6 user.lastName = "Doe";
7 user.age = 25;
9 // prototype methods are accessible
10 user.printOwnPropertyNames();
11 // firstName
12 // lastName
13 // age

You can run the above code in the Replit below:

<ReplitEmbed src=”” />

Null prototype object

All objects ultimately inherit from the Object.prototype object because it sits at the top of the
prototype chain and is the parent of all objects. However, we can create objects that do not inherit
properties from any object. We just have to set null as the value of the internal [[Prototype]]
property using the methods discussed above.

1 const obj = Object.create(null);

3 console.log(obj.toString());
4 // Error: toString not defined

You can run the above code in the Replit below:

<ReplitEmbed src=”” />
The obj object in the above example doesn’t have a prototype. If its prototype wasn’t explicitly set
to null, its prototype would have been the Object.prototype object, and it would have inherited
Prototypes 102

the toString method, but as is evident from the code example above, obj doesn’t have access to the
toString method.

The null prototype objects may seem useless, but they are useful in some cases. For example, such
objects are safe from attacks such as the prototype pollution⁹⁰ attack, where a malicious code might
add some properties to the prototype chain of an object that could change the normal flow of code
Consider the following simplified example:

1 const user = {};

3 // malicious code adding "isAdmin"
4 // property in the prototype object
5 Object.prototype.isAdmin = true;
7 if (user.isAdmin) {
8 console.log("grant access");
9 }

You can run the above code in the Replit below:

<ReplitEmbed src=”” />
If the prototype of the user object was null, malicious code wouldn’t have an effect on our code.

1 const user = Object.create(null);

3 // malicious code adding "isAdmin"
4 // property in the prototype object
5 Object.prototype.isAdmin = true;
7 if (user.isAdmin) {
8 console.log("grant access");
9 } else {
10 console.log("access denied");
11 }

You can run the above code in the Replit below:

<ReplitEmbed src=”” />
In conventional object-oriented languages like Java or C#, we can extend or inherit a class to reuse
its functionality. Extending a class creates a parent-child relationship where the child class extends
the parent class. It promotes code reusability.
Prototypes 103

Until 2015, JavaScript didn’t have classes. Constructor functions were used instead. To inherit from a
constructor function, JavaScript developers explicitly created a link between the prototype properties
of two different constructor functions by using the Object.create method. The following code
example shows how one constructor function could extend another constructor function to reuse
some functionality:

1 function Person(name, age) {

2 = name;
3 this.age = age;
4 }
6 Person.prototype.introduce = function () {
7 console.log(`My name is ${} and I am ${this.age} years old`);
8 };
10 function Student(name, age, id) {
11 // delegate the responsibility of initializing
12 // "name" and "age" properties to the Person
13 // constructor
14, name, age);
15 = id;
16 }
18 // set "Person.prototype" object as the prototype
19 // of the "Student.prototype" object
20 Student.prototype = Object.create(Person.prototype);
22 // set the constructor property on the
23 // newly created Student.prototype object
24 Student.prototype.constructor = Student;
26 const mike = new Student("Mike", 20, 222);
27 mike.introduce();

Here’s a Replit embed to run the code above:

<ReplitEmbed src=”” />
The following three points are worth noting in the code example above:

• is invoked inside the Student constructor function to delegate the responsi-
bility of adding and initializing the name and age properties on the newly created instance or
object of Student.
Prototypes 104

• Object.create is used to create a Student.prototype object, and Person.prototype is set as

the prototype of the newly created object.
• Normally, the object referred to by the “prototype” property of a function has a constructor
property that points back to the function. As the object created by the Object.create method
doesn’t have the constructor property, we explicitly added the constructor property to the
newly created Student.prototype object.

The linkage between the Student.prototype object and the Person.prototype object allows the
instances of Student to use the properties defined on the Person.prototype object.
The image below helps visualize the prototype chain created as a result of our code example:
Prototypes 105

constructor function prototype chain

Prototypes 106

Although the code above works, it is error-prone because there are multiple steps to set a prototype
link correctly between the two constructors. Imagine having more than two constructors that need to
be linked like this. It is easy to forget any steps necessary to set up the prototype link correctly. Ideally,
we want a more declarative way of achieving the same result. Ideally, we want a more declarative
way of achieving the same result. A declarative solution will allow us to get the same result without
having to explicitly create a link between the Student.prototype and Person.prototype objects.

ES2015 classes
As of 2015, JavaScript has classes. They provide a declarative way of writing code that is less
error-prone. Classes come with the extends⁹¹ keyword that helps create a parent-child relationship
between classes. The code example above can be rewritten using classes, as shown below:

1 class Person {
2 constructor(name, age) {
3 = name;
4 this.age = age;
5 }
7 introduce() {
8 console.log(`My name is ${} and I am ${this.age} years old`);
9 }
10 }
12 class Student extends Person {
13 constructor(name, age, id) {
14 // delegate the responsibility of initializing
15 // "name" and "age" properties to the parent class
16 super(name, age);
17 = id;
18 }
19 }

The code above gives us the same result as the one with the constructor functions. It also creates the
same prototype linkages. We can verify this with the following comparisons:

Prototypes 107

1 console.log(Object.getPrototypeOf(mike) === Student.prototype);

2 // true
3 console.log(Object.getPrototypeOf(Student.prototype) === Person.prototype);
4 // true
5 console.log(Object.getPrototypeOf(Person.prototype) === Object.prototype);
6 // true

One important thing to mention here is that the classes are just syntactic sugar over the traditional
constructor functions. Under the hood, we are still using the constructor functions, but classes allow
us to write the code in a more declarative way.
One extra thing that the extends keyword does is that, apart from setting the linkage between
Student.prototype and Person.prototype objects, it also links the constructor functions. It does
this by setting the Person class as the prototype of the Student class. The following code verifies the
second prototype chain that the extends keyword sets up for us behind the scenes.

1 console.log(Object.getPrototypeOf(Student) === Person);

2 // true

The two prototype chains set up by the extends keyword serve two different purposes:

• Student.prototype ---> Person.prototype allows the inheritance of the instance properties.

• Student ---> Person allows the inheritance of the static properties.
‘this’ keyword
The this keyword is among the most confusing concepts in the JavaScript language. The cause of
confusion is the different ways in which the value of the this keyword is set in different contexts.
In this module, we will try to demystify the this keyword. We will understand different ways in
which the value of this is set. The this keyword can be used in different contexts: inside functions,
global scope, inside modules, etc. We will explore different contexts and how this is set in those

Function context
The this keyword is mostly used inside functions to refer to the object using which the function
was invoked. In other words, when a function is invoked as a “method” (invoked using an object),
the this keyword becomes applicable for referencing the object used to invoke the function.
The this keyword is like an implicit parameter passed to a function. Just like explicit function
parameters, the value of implicit parameter this is set when the function is invoked. This is an
important point. The value of this inside a function depends on how that function is called.
Consider the following code example:

1 const student = {
2 id: 123,
3 name: "John Doe",
4 email: "",
5 printInfo: function () {
6 console.log(`${} - ${} - ${}`);
7 }
8 };
10 student.printInfo();
11 // 123 - John Doe -

Here’s a Replit of the code above:

<ReplitEmbed src=””>
The printInfo function in the code example above uses the this keyword, and looking at the code,
we can tell that the printInfo function assumes that the value of this inside the printInfo function
‘this’ keyword 109

will be an object with three properties: id, name, and email. But as mentioned earlier, the value of
this inside a function depends on how the function is called.

In the code example above, the printInfo function is invoked using the student object, and when
a function is invoked using an object, the this inside that function refers to the object using which
the function was invoked. So in our code example, this inside the printInfo refers to the student
object. As the student object has the three properties that are accessed using the this keyword
inside the printInfo function, their values are logged to the console.
What will this refer to if the function is not invoked as a “method”? Consider the following code

1 function orderFood() {
2 console.log("Order confirmed against the name: " + this.fullName);
3 }
5 orderFood();
6 // Order confirmed against the name: undefined

Here’s a Replit of the code above:

<ReplitEmbed src=””>
What does this refer to inside the orderFood function?
The answer to the question above depends on whether our code is executed in strict mode⁹². If
non-strict mode, this inside a function, when not invoked as a method, refers to the global object,
which in the case of browsers is the window object. However, the value of this inside a function is
undefined in strict mode when not invoked as a method.

Can you guess in which mode the code was executed from the output of the code above? As
this.fullName evaluated to undefined, the code was executed in non-strict mode.

If we execute the code above in strict mode:

1 "use strict";
3 function orderFood() {
4 console.log("Order confirmed against the name: " + this.fullName);
5 }
7 orderFood();
8 // Uncaught TypeError: this is undefined

Here’s a Replit of the code above:

‘this’ keyword 110

<ReplitEmbed src=””>
An error? Why?
Recall what the value of this is inside a “function” in strict mode. It is undefined. So this.fullName
throws an error because we cannot access any properties on the undefined value.

Global context
In the global scope, the value of this depends on the environment in which our JavaScript code is
JavaScript code can be executed in different environments, for example, browsers, NodeJS, etc. The
value of this in global scope is different in different environments. In the case of browsers, the value
of this in the global scope is the window object.
In NodeJS, the value of this depends on whether we are using the ECMAScript modules or the
CommonJS modules. In ECMAScript modules, the value of this is undefined at the top level of a
module. This is because the code in ECMAScript modules is executed in strict mode. In CommonJS
modules, at the top level of a module, this refers to the module.exports object.
In Node.js, the JavaScript code is technically not executed in a global scope. Instead, it is executed
in a module scope, where commonly used modules are CommonJS and ECMAScript modules.
Inside web workers⁹³, the value of this at the top level refers to the global scope of the web worker,
which is different from the global scope containing the window object in the browser. Code inside
a web worker is executed in its own separate context with its own global scope.

Constructor function context

When a function is invoked as a constructor function using the new keyword, the this keyword
inside the constructor function refers to the newly created object. The new keyword creates a new
object and sets the newly created object as the value of this. As a result, we can use this inside a
constructor function to add properties to the newly created object.

‘this’ keyword 111

1 function Recipe(name, ingredients) {

2 = name;
3 this.ingredients = ingredients;
4 }

The function above, when invoked as a constructor function, will add two properties: name and
ingredients to the newly created object.

Class context
Code inside a class in JavaScript is executed in strict mode. As a result, the value of this inside
methods is either undefined if not invoked on an object or the class instance itself, which is used to
invoke the method.

1 class Shape {
2 constructor(color) {
3 this.color = color;
4 }
6 printColor() {
7 console.log(this.color);
8 }
9 }
11 const circle = new Shape("Red");
12 const printColorFn = circle.printColor;
13 printColorFn();
14 // Error: this is undefined

Here’s a Replit of the code above:

<ReplitEmbed src=””>
The code example above throws an error because we have invoked the printColor method as a
“function”. As mentioned earlier, code inside a class executes in strict mode, so, as within functions
in strict mode, this inside methods is undefined.

DOM event handler context

We already know that this inside a function depends on how the function is called. But what about
the callback functions that we do not call? I mean the callbacks like the DOM event handlers that
‘this’ keyword 112

we do not call but instead are called for us by JavaScript whenever the click event is triggered. In
such cases, what is the value of this?
The event listener callback is invoked with this set to the HTML element that triggered the event.
Consider the following code example:

1 <button>Submit</button>
3 <script>
4 const btn = document.querySelector("button");
6 class FormHandler {
7 constructor(submitBtn) {
8 submitBtn.addEventListener("click", this.submitForm);
9 }
11 submitForm() {
12 console.log("form submitted");
13 console.log(this);
14 }
15 }
17 new FormHandler(btn);
18 </script>

Here’s a Replit of the code above:

<ReplitEmbed src=””>
Run the above code in a browser and check the console in the browser developer tools. Specifically,
note the value of this logged by the submitForm method. The value of this inside this method,
when it is invoked as an event listener callback, is the button element and not the instance of the
class like we would normally expect.
This can cause a problem if we are not careful when using this inside an event listener callback
function. Imagine a scenario where we had to call another method within the FormHandler class:
‘this’ keyword 113

1 <button>Submit</button>
3 <script>
4 const btn = document.querySelector("button");
6 class FormHandler {
7 constructor(submitBtn) {
8 submitBtn.addEventListener("click", this.submitForm);
9 }
11 submitForm() {
12 this.sendRequest();
13 // ERROR: this.sendRequest is not a function
14 }
16 sendRequest() {
17 console.log("sending request...");
18 }
19 }
21 new FormHandler(btn);
22 </script>

Calling the sendRequest method from within the submitForm method throws an error because, as
discussed, this inside an event handler function, submitForm in our case, is an HTML element that
triggered the event. So, unlike what we expected, this.sendRequest throws an error. It would have
worked if this inside the submitForm method was an instance of the FormHandler class. So, how can
we call the sendRequest method from the submitForm method? There are multiple ways to achieve
this, but we will discuss them in the later lessons in this module.
Before diving into how this works inside arrow functions, let us first explore the problem with
using the this keyword inside regular functions. Consider the following code example:

1 function Counter(startingValue) {
2 this.value = startingValue;
3 }
5 Counter.prototype.incrementFactory = function (incrementStep) {
6 return function () {
7 this.value += incrementStep;
8 console.log(this.value);
9 };
10 };
‘this’ keyword 114

12 const counter = new Counter(0);
13 const increment5 = counter.incrementFactory(5);
14 increment5(); // NaN
15 increment5(); // NaN
16 increment5(); // NaN

You can run the above code in the Replit below:

<ReplitEmbed src=”” />
Why did we get NaN as an output? The reason for unintended output is the incorrect value of this
inside the function returned from the incrementFactory function.
Recall how the value of this gets set inside a function. It depends on how the function is called.
In the code example above, how is increment5 function called? Is it called as a “method” or as a
standalone function? It is called a “function”, so the value of this depends on whether our code
is in strict mode or not. Assuming that our code is in non-strict mode, the value of this inside
the increment5 function is the global object, i.e., the window object in the case of browsers. So,
this.value is actually window.value, and it is undefined because the window object, by default,
doesn’t have a value property. As a result, we get the NaN value when undefined is added to a
number, i.e., the value of the incrementStep parameter.
How can we fix this problem? How can we ensure that the value of this inside the increment5
function is what we want it to be? There are multiple ways to handle this problem. One way is to
save the value of this inside the incrementFactory function before returning a function, and inside
the returned function, use the variable containing the value of this instead of directly using this.
The following code example shows this approach in action:

1 function Counter(startingValue) {
2 this.value = startingValue;
3 }
5 Counter.prototype.incrementFactory = function (incrementStep) {
6 const thisVal = this; // save `this` value
7 return function () {
8 // use `thisVar` variable instead of `this`
9 thisVal.value += incrementStep;
10 console.log(thisVal.value);
11 };
12 };
14 const counter = new Counter(0);
15 const increment5 = counter.incrementFactory(5);
16 increment5(); // 5
‘this’ keyword 115

17 increment5(); // 10
18 increment5(); // 15

You can run the above code in the Replit below:

<ReplitEmbed src=”” />
The approach shown above was commonly used to fix similar problems where the value of this
from the surrounding context was needed instead of the one from the current function where this
was actually used. In the code example above, we needed the value of this from the surrounding
context of the incrementFactory function and not the one inside the increment5 function.

Arrow functions to the rescue

Another way to solve the problem shown above is to use an arrow function. Let’s change the code
example above to use an arrow function:

1 function Counter(startingValue) {
2 this.value = startingValue;
3 }
5 Counter.prototype.incrementFactory = function (incrementStep) {
6 // use an arrow function
7 return () => {
8 this.value += incrementStep;
9 console.log(this.value);
10 };
11 };
13 const counter = new Counter(0);
14 const increment5 = counter.incrementFactory(5);
15 increment5(); // 5
16 increment5(); // 10
17 increment5(); // 15

You can run the above code in the Replit below:

<ReplitEmbed src=”” />
Using an arrow function solves the problem because, unlike regular functions, which get their own
value of this when they are invoked, arrow functions don’t get their own this value; instead, the
value of this inside an arrow function is taken from the surrounding context.
The surrounding context is the environment in which the arrow function is defined. In our code
example, the arrow function is created when the incrementFactory function is invoked using the
‘this’ keyword 116

counter object. So, this inside the incrementFactory function refers to the counter object, and this
is the surrounding context of the arrow function returned from the incrementFactory function. As
a result, the value of this inside the arrow function, when it is invoked, is also the counter object,
and this is what we wanted this inside the increment5 function to be to make our code example
Let us revisit the example we discussed in the previous lesson:

1 <button>Submit</button>
3 <script>
4 const btn = document.querySelector("button");
6 class FormHandler {
7 constructor(submitBtn) {
8 submitBtn.addEventListener("click", this.submitForm);
9 }
11 submitForm() {
12 this.sendRequest();
13 // ERROR: this.sendRequest is not a function
14 }
16 sendRequest() {
17 console.log("sending request...");
18 }
19 }
21 new FormHandler(btn);
22 </script>

Clicking the submit button in the code example above throws an error because the value of this
inside the submitForm method is the button element instead of the instance of the FormHandler class.
As a result, the this.sendRequest() call throws an error because this needs to refer to an instance
of the FormHandler class to allow us to call other methods in this class from within the submitForm
method. So the problem is, how can we call the sendRequest method from the submitForm method?
We said in the previous lesson that there is more than one way to solve this problem. One of them
is to use an arrow function.
To fix the issue, inside the constructor of the FormHandler class, we can pass an arrow function
instead of this.submitForm as a callback function to the click event listener. Inside the arrow
function, we can invoke the submitForm method to handle the click event.
‘this’ keyword 117

1 class FormHandler {
2 constructor(submitBtn) {
3 submitBtn.addEventListener("click", () => this.submitForm());
4 }
6 // methods...
7 }

Why did passing an arrow function as a callback fix the issue? We are still invoking the submitForm
method inside the arrow function, so how is this different from directly passing this.submitForm
as a callback function?
The reason an arrow function fixed the issue is that, as discussed earlier, arrow functions do not
have their own value of this; they get it from the surrounding environment. The surrounding
environment is the constructor in this case. What’s the value of this inside the constructor? Its
value is an instance of the FormHandler class when the constructor is invoked using the new keyword.
So, instead of this referring to an HTML element inside the event handler callback function like
it did in the previous example, the value of this inside the arrow function is the same as in the
constructor, i.e., an instance of the FormHandler class. So when we invoke the submitForm method
inside the arrow function, the value of this inside the submitForm method is also an instance of the
FormHandler class. As a result, we can call any other method from inside the submitForm method.

In the older version of this code that throws an error, the event handler was this.submitForm method.
It was not invoked by our code explicitly. Instead, it is invoked by JavaScript whenever the submit
button is clicked. We know that the value of this inside functions depends on how a function is
called. In this case, as we weren’t invoking the function explicitly, we couldn’t control the value of
this inside the submitForm method. Using an arrow function allowed us to invoke the submitForm
method explicitly and, consequently, allowed us to control the value of this inside it.
Arrow functions are really useful and a welcome addition to the JavaScript language. The problems
they solve can also be solved in other ways, but other solutions are more verbose than arrow
So far, we have discussed that the value of this depends either on the environment in which our
JavaScript code is executed or, in the case of functions, on how a function is called. We have also
discussed that arrow functions don’t have their own value of this; instead, they get their value from
the surrounding context.
All the ways we have seen so far for setting the value of this automatically set its value. Javascript
also provides us with ways to explicitly set this to whatever value we want.
We can use any of the following three built-in methods to explicitly set the value of this:

‘this’ keyword 118

• Function.prototype.apply()⁹⁵
• Function.prototype.bind()⁹⁶

We won’t go into details of how these methods work; you can learn how each of these methods
works using the links given above. We will, however, see how explicitly setting this can be useful.
Let us revisit the code example from the previous lesson about arrow functions:

1 function Counter(startingValue) {
2 this.value = startingValue;
3 }
5 Counter.prototype.incrementFactory = function (incrementStep) {
6 return function () {
7 this.value += incrementStep;
8 console.log(this.value);
9 };
10 };
12 const counter = new Counter(0);
13 const increment5 = counter.incrementFactory(5);
14 increment5(); // NaN
15 increment5(); // NaN
16 increment5(); // NaN

You can run the above code in the Replit below:

<ReplitEmbed src=”” />
In the previous lesson, we saw how using an arrow function fixed the code example above. We
could also fix this code by explicitly setting the value of this to the desired value, i.e., the counter
object, which is used to invoke the incrementFactory function. Instead of using an arrow function,
we could use the bind method to set the value of this.

‘this’ keyword 119

1 function Counter(startingValue) {
2 this.value = startingValue;
3 }
5 Counter.prototype.incrementFactory = function (incrementStep) {
6 const incrementFn = function () {
7 this.value += incrementStep;
8 console.log(this.value);
9 };
11 // return a function with `this` bound
12 // to the object used to invoke the
13 // `incrementFactory` method
14 return incrementFn.bind(this);
15 };
17 const counter = new Counter(0);
18 const increment5 = counter.incrementFactory(5);
19 increment5(); // 5
20 increment5(); // 10
21 increment5(); // 15

You can run the above code in the Replit below:

<ReplitEmbed src=”” />

Borrowing methods
Imagine having an object that contains methods that can be useful for other objects as well. How
can we use those methods with other objects? One option is to duplicate the definition of methods
for each object that needs them. But we don’t want duplication. Is there a way to avoid duplication
and reuse the existing methods?

1 const john = {
2 name: "John",
3 sayHello() {
4 console.log("Hello, I am " +;
5 }
6 };
8 const sarah = {
9 name: "Sarah"
‘this’ keyword 120

10 };
12 // borrow method from john
13 const sayHello = john.sayHello;
15 // Hello, I am Sarah

You can run the above code in the Replit below:

<ReplitEmbed src=”” />
We can explicitly set the value of this inside a function and use it with other objects using any of
the three methods mentioned above. This allows us to avoid duplication and reuse code.
At this point, you might ask: can we not create a constructor that allows us to create objects and add
common methods in the constructor prototype property? You are right. Creating a constructor is the
right way to handle a situation where we want to create similar objects. However, explicitly setting
the value of this allows us to reuse code between unrelated objects. It is a nice option to have and
can be used where appropriate.

Chain constructor calls

Before classes were introduced in JavaScript, the traditional way of inheriting from another
constructor function was to explicitly set the prototype chain and reuse the constructor that was
being inherited from to add the common properties to the newly created object. The following
code example shows how we can delegate the responsibility to an existing constructor to add some
properties to the newly created object:

1 function Employee(name, age, id) {

2 = name;
3 this.age = age;
4 = id;
5 }
7 function BankEmployee(name, age, id, bankName) {
8 // delegate the responsibility of adding
9 // "name", "age", and "id" properties to
10 // the Person constructor
11, name, age, id);
12 this.bankName = bankName;
13 }

In the code example above, the call method has been used to call the Employee constructor, passing
in the three properties that the Employee constructor can set on the newly created object. But how
‘this’ keyword 121

can we tell the Employee constructor to add the properties to the newly created BankEmployee object?
This is where the first argument passed to the call method comes in. We have passed this as the
first argument. Recall how the value of this is set inside a function: it depends on how the function
is called. In this case, we expect the BankEmployee function to be invoked as a constructor function
using the new keyword. As a result, this inside the BankEmployee function will be the newly created
object. This newly created object is explicitly set as the value of this inside the Employee constructor.
In other words, the Employee constructor is invoked from inside of the BankEmployee constructor,
with this explicitly set to the newly created BankEmployee object. As a result, properties added
to this inside the Employee constructor will actually add the properties to the newly created
BankEmployee object. This is how we can use the existing constructor function and reduce code

Revisit “this” problem

Let us revisit the example we discussed in the first lesson.

1 <button>Submit</button>
3 <script>
4 const btn = document.querySelector("button");
6 class FormHandler {
7 constructor(submitBtn) {
8 submitBtn.addEventListener("click", this.submitForm);
9 }
11 submitForm() {
12 this.sendRequest();
13 // ERROR: this.sendRequest is not a function
14 }
16 sendRequest() {
17 console.log("sending request...");
18 }
19 }
21 new FormHandler(btn);
22 </script>

The problem we are trying to fix is that we want to call other methods of the same class from inside
the event handler callback, but trying to do so throws an error because this inside an event handler
‘this’ keyword 122

is the HTML element that triggered the DOM event. In the previous lesson, we saw how an arrow
function could solve this problem. There’s another way to fix the issue, and that’s to explicitly set
the value of this inside the submitForm method.

1 class FormHandler {
2 constructor(submitBtn) {
3 submitBtn.addEventListener("click", this.submitForm.bind(this));
4 }
6 // methods...
7 }

Explicitly setting the value of this inside the submitForm method using the bind method fixes the
problem because it overrides the default value of this inside an event callback function. We have
explicitly set it to the value of this inside the FormHandler class constructor, i.e., an instance of the
FormHandler class.

The difference between passing this.submitForm vs. passing this.submitForm.bind(this) to the

addEventListener method is that with this.submitForm, the value of this inside the submitForm
method depends on how the submitForm method is invoked. In this case, we know that the value
of this inside it will be the html button element, which is not what we want. On the other hand,
passing this.submitForm.bind(this) solves the problem because, unlike before, the value of this
inside the submitForm method is explicitly bound to be an instance of the FormHandler class.
globalThis is a globally available property in JavaScript that allows us to access the global object
regardless of which environment our JavaScript code is executed in. It provides us with a standard
way to access the global object across different JavaScript environments.
As we know, JavaScript can be executed in different environments, for example, the browser, the
Node.js runtime, etc. Each of these environments has a different global object available to the
JavaScript code executing in the environment. Before globalThis, there was no standard way to
access the global object in a cross-environment way. This made our code less portable.
The globalThis property made it possible to access the global object without worrying about the
environment. If we know that our code can be executed in different environments, using globalThis
to access the global object is the way to go in modern JavaScript code.
Imagine a scenario where you want to check if the global object contains a certain property
regardless of whether your code is executed in a browser or a NodeJS environment. Without a
standard way to access the global object, you might write the following code:
‘this’ keyword 123

1 if (typeof window !== "undefined" && window.secretProperty) {

2 // execute code for browser
3 } else if (typeof global !== "undefined" && global.secretProperty) {
4 // execute code for nodejs
5 }

With globalThis, we can simplify the above code as shown below:

1 if (globalThis.secretProperty) {
2 // execute code
3 }

Although this property is well supported⁹⁷ in modern browsers, older versions of browsers don’t
support it. So, browser support might be taken into consideration when using this property.

“this” vs globalThis
The globalThis should not be confused with the this keyword. We have discussed in this module
how the value of this can vary depending on different execution contexts, but globalThis is just a
standard way to access the global object in different JavaScript environments. Its value only varies
depending on the environment in which our code is executed. It isn’t affected by how the function
is called or whether our code is in strict mode or not.
In ECMAScript modules, code is executed in strict mode. As a result, the value of this in module
scope is undefined, but the value of globalThis is the global object of the execution environment;
in NodeJS, it is the global object, and in the browsers, it is the window object.
This module was all about the this keyword; we discussed different ways its value is set in different
contexts; we also discussed a problem that can arise due to an unexpected value of this and explored
different options we have to fix such problems.
As this can have different values in different contexts, let us summarize what value this has in
different contexts:

• In the case of an arrow function, the value of this is taken from the surrounding context.
• In the case of a regular function, the value of this depends on how a function is called and
whether the code is executed in strict mode or not.
– If a function is invoked as a constructor using the new keyword, the value of this is the
newly created object.
– If the value of this is explicitly set using bind, call, or apply functions, then the value of
this is whatever value is passed as the first argument to these functions.
‘this’ keyword 124

– If a function is invoked as a “method”, the value of this is the object used to call the
– If the function is invoked without any object, i.e., as a “function”, the value of this is the
global object in non-strict mode and undefined in strict mode.
• In DOM event handler callbacks, the value of this is the HTML element that triggered the
• In the global scope in browsers, this refers to the global window object.
• In NodeJS, code at the top level is executed in a module scope. In ECMAScript modules, this is
undefined at the top level of a module because the code in the ECMAScript module is implicitly
executed in strict mode. In CommonJS modules, this refers to the module.exports object at
the top level of a module.

Hopefully, this module gave you a better understanding of this keyword and helped you understand
how its value is set in different contexts. This module also aims to help you understand the kinds of
problems an unexpected value of this can cause in our code and what different options are available
to us to fix such problems.
symbol is a primitive value that can be created using a function named Symbol. What makes this
primitive value interesting is that it is guaranteed to be unique. This guarantee of being unique is
the selling point of symbols.
With the introduction of symbols in ES2015, two things changed in JavaScript:

• A new type of value was introduced in the language.

• Only strings were allowed to be added to objects as property keys. Now, symbols can be keys
as well.

Before we discuss how to use symbols in our code, let us first understand the motivation behind
adding symbols to the JavaScript language.
Symbols were originally meant to be used as a mechanism to add private properties to objects and
were supposed to be called “private name objects”. But later, their name was changed to symbols,
and they were made a primitive value.
It turned out that each symbol being a unique value is pretty useful because it allows the JavaScript
language to be extended and remain backwards compatible. Symbols allow JavaScript to add new
properties to objects that cannot conflict with the existing properties on objects that others might
have used in their code.
One of the main goals of TC39 is to keep JavaScript backwards compatible. With this goal in mind,
any new feature added to the language must not break existing code. Symbols help keep the promise
of backward compatibility.
Some features in the JavaScript language require looking up a property on an object. What property
keys could have been chosen for such features? Choosing any string property name wasn’t possible
because someone might have used that property in their code, and using that property for a new
feature might have broken their code.
For example, for converting an object into a primitive value, a special property named Sym-
bol.toPrimitive⁹⁸ is looked up on the object by the type conversion algorithm. If such a property
exists and its value is a function, its return value is used as the primitive representation of the object.
Otherwise, the default mechanism of calling the toString and valueOf methods in different order
is used, as explained in an earlier module on coercion.
Think about how such a feature could have been added to the language with a string property. What
name could possibly have been chosen that was guaranteed to not break existing code?
This is where symbols shine. Using symbols as properties enables such features by adding unique
properties to objects that cannot possibly break existing code because:
Symbol 126

• symbols didn’t exist before ES2015, and

• each symbol is a unique value

Symbol values can be created using the Symbol function. It’s important to note that the Symbol
function must be invoked without the new keyword. Attempting to use the new keyword to invoke
the Symbol function will result in an error. This is because it prevents the creation of an object
wrapper around the symbol. Every call to the Symbol function must create a new unique symbol

1 const sym = Symbol();

Once a symbol has been created, it can be added to an existing object as a property using the square
bracket notation:

1 const sym = Symbol();

3 const obj = {};
4 obj[sym] = "hello";
6 console.log(obj[sym]); // hello

You can run the above code in the Replit below:

<ReplitEmbed src=”” />
Alternatively, the computed property notation can also be used to add a symbol as a property to the

1 const sym = Symbol();

3 const obj = {
4 [sym]: "hello"
5 };
7 console.log(obj[sym]); // hello

You can run the above code in the Replit below:

<ReplitEmbed src=”” />

Symbols and privacy

Regular string properties on objects can be accessed in a variety of ways. For instance, consider the
following code example:
Symbol 127

1 const name = "name";

3 const person = {
4 [name]: "John Doe"
5 };
7 console.log(; // John Doe
8 console.log(person["name"]); // John Doe
9 console.log(person[name]); // John Doe

You can run the above code in the Replit below:

<ReplitEmbed src=”” />
In this example, a property key “name” was added to the person object using the computed property
name. This property can be accessed in multiple ways, as demonstrated in the code example above.
But what happens if the value of the name variable is changed from a string to a symbol?

1 const name = Symbol();

3 const person = {
4 [name]: "John Doe"
5 };
7 console.log(; // undefined
8 console.log(person["name"]); // undefined
9 console.log(person[name]); // John Doe

You can run the above code in the Replit below:

<ReplitEmbed src=”” />
It will be noticed that and person["name"] output undefined, but the last console.log
statement logs the name as expected. So, what’s the difference between the first two statements and
the last one? The first two statements log undefined because symbol properties cannot be accessed
until access to the original symbol is obtained. Only the last console.log statement in the code
example above used the original symbol, which is why it logged the name instead of undefined.
So, if the original symbol is not accessible, does that make the symbol property a private property?
What happens if the properties of an object are iterated over? Let’s find out if the symbol properties
of an object can be obtained.
Symbol 128

1 const name = Symbol();

3 const person = {
4 [name]: "John Doe",
5 age: 20
6 };
8 // only sees the "age" property
9 for (const prop in person) {
10 console.log(prop);
11 }
13 console.log(Object.keys(person)); // ["age"]
15 console.log(Object.getOwnPropertyNames(person)); // ["age"]

You can run the above code in the Replit below:

<ReplitEmbed src=”” />
Looking at the output of the above code example, it might be assumed that symbol properties are
indeed private. However, this assumption would be incorrect. Symbol properties are not private, as
the next code example demonstrates.

1 const name = Symbol();

3 const person = {
4 [name]: "John Doe",
5 age: 20
6 };
8 console.log(Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(person));
10 console.log(Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(person));

You can run the above code in the Replit below:

<ReplitEmbed src=”” />
The above code example shows that symbol properties can be discovered using methods like
Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors or Object.getOwnPropertySymbols. While symbol properties
may be a bit more inconvenient to access compared to string properties, they are not private.
JavaScript has true private properties⁹⁹, and symbols are not intended to be used as private properties.
Symbol 129

Adding a description to symbols

When creating symbols, there is the option to provide a description for each symbol. This description
can be useful for debugging purposes. The following code example creates a symbol with a

1 const propSymbol = Symbol("property symbol");

The description is passed as an argument to the Symbol function. The provided description can then
be accessed using the property named description on symbols.

1 const propSymbol = Symbol("property symbol");

3 console.log(propSymbol.description);
4 // property symbol

You can run the above code in the Replit below:

<ReplitEmbed src=”” />
The description property can only be used to get the property of a symbol; it cannot be used to
set the description. The following code example shows that assigning a value to the description
property of a symbol doesn’t change its value. The description property is actually a getter, and
a setter isn’t defined for this property. As a result, the description can only be obtained but not set
using this property.

1 const propSymbol = Symbol("property symbol");

3 console.log(propSymbol.description);
4 // property symbol
6 propSymbol.description = "123";
8 console.log(propSymbol.description);
9 // property symbol

You can run the above code in the Replit below:

<ReplitEmbed src=”” />
Each call to the Symbol function creates a new unique symbol. However, JavaScript also allows us
to create symbols that can be shared across files or realms¹⁰⁰. This is where the concept of a global
symbol repository comes in.
We can use the Symbol.for method to create a global symbol in the global symbol repository.
Symbol 130

1 const globalSymbolKey = "my-global-Symbol";

2 const mySymbol = Symbol.for(globalSymbolKey);
4 console.log(mySymbol === Symbol.for(globalSymbolKey));
5 // true

You can run the above code in the Replit below:

<ReplitEmbed src=”” />
We pass a key to Symbol.for method, and using this key, we can retrieve the symbol associated with
it in the global symbol repository. If the key exists in the repository, the Symbol.for method returns
the symbol associated with it; otherwise, it creates a new symbol in the repository and associates it
with the given key.
If we have a global symbol, we can get the key it is associated with using the Symbol.keyFor method.

1 const globalSymbolKey = "my-global-Symbol";

2 const mySymbol = Symbol.for(globalSymbolKey);
4 console.log(Symbol.keyFor(mySymbol));
5 // my-global-Symbol

Here’s a Replit where you can run the above code:

<ReplitEmbed src=”” />
The JavaScript language uses several built-in symbols to make different features work, for example,
the Symbol.toPrimitive described in an earlier lesson in this module. Such symbols are referred to
as “well-known symbols” by the ECMAScript specification.
While the complete list of well-known symbols in the JavaScript language can be found in the
ECMAScript specification¹⁰¹, this lesson describes some of the well-known symbols.

As explained in an earlier lesson in this module, Symbol.toPrimitive represents a symbol property
that is used by the object to primitive conversion process in JavaScript. Its value is a function that
is passed a hint or the preferred type of the primitive value to represent the object being converted
into a primitive value. The return value is used as the primitive value of the object.
The following code example hooks into the object to the primitive conversion process of the movie
object and returns a different representation of the object based on the value of the hint argument.

Symbol 131

1 const movie = {
2 name: "Jurassic Park",
3 releaseDate: "09,June,1993",
5 [Symbol.toPrimitive](hint) {
6 if (hint === "number") {
7 return new Date(this.releaseDate).getTime();
8 } else {
9 return;
10 }
11 }
12 };
14 console.log(Number(movie));
15 console.log(String(movie));

You can see the output of the above code example in this Replit:
<ReplitEmbed src=”” />

The default implementation of the Object.prototype.toString method isn’t very useful for user-
defined objects.

1 console.log({}.toString()); // [object Object]

For some built-in objects, the default implementation of the toString method is also not useful. As
a result, many objects override the default toString implementation.

1 const arr = [1, 2, 3];

2 // overridden implementation
3 console.log(arr.toString()); // "1,2,3"
5 // default implementation from Object.prototype
6 console.log(; // [object Array]

You can see the output of the above code example in this Replit:
<ReplitEmbed src=”” />
Notice the “Array” part in the output of the default toString implementation. It is known as the tag.
For some built-in objects, the tag is the type of the value, for example, “Array” in the case of arrays
and “String” in the case of strings.
Symbol 132

In the case of user-defined objects, the default toString output, as shown above, is [object Object]
where the tag is “Object” - not very useful.
The well-known symbol Symbol.toStringTag allows us to change the value of the tag.

1 const task = {
2 title: "exercise",
3 isComplete: false,
4 [Symbol.toStringTag]: "Task"
5 };
7 console.log(task.toString()); // [object Task]

You can see the output of the above code example in this Replit:
<ReplitEmbed src=”” />

The [Symbole.isConcatSpreadable] property is looked up by the concat method of arrays to
determine if the elements of the array or array-like object passed to the concat method should
be spread or flattened.

1 const arr = [1, 2, 3];

2 console.log([].concat(arr));
3 // [1, 2, 3]
5 arr[Symbol.isConcatSpreadable] = false;
6 console.log([].concat(arr));
7 // [[1, 2, 3]]

You can see the output of the above code example in this Replit:
<ReplitEmbed src=”” />
As the output of the above code example shows, the default behavior for arrays is to spread their
elements. This default behavior can be overridden by setting Symbol.isConcatSpreadable to false.
For array-like objects¹⁰², the default behavior is to not spread their properties. This can be overridden
by setting Symbol.isConcatSpreadable to true.

Symbol 133

1 const obj = {
2 0: 123,
3 1: 456,
4 length: 2,
5 [Symbol.isConcatSpreadable]: true
6 };
8 console.log([].concat(obj));
9 // [123, 456]

You can see the output of the above code example in this Replit:
<ReplitEmbed src=”” />
There are other well-known symbols that allow us to hook into different built-in operations in
JavaScript. The complete list can be seen in the ECMAScript specification¹⁰³ or MDN - Symbol¹⁰⁴.
Asynchronous JavaScript
In this module, we will cover asynchronous programming in JavaScript. We will learn what
asynchronous programming means and how it was traditionally done in JavaScript. We will also
discuss the problems with the traditional way of handling asynchronous code in JavaScript and how
promises, introduced in ES2015, changed the way we handle asynchronous code in JavaScript. We
will discuss promises in detail and also learn about the async-await syntax that simplifies using

What does asynchronous mean?

In the context of programming, “asynchronous” means that the program starts a potentially long-
running task and is free to do other tasks while the long-running task is executed in the background.
The key point to understand here is that the program doesn’t have to wait for the long-running task
to be completed; it is free to do other tasks. Once the task is complete, the program is notified and
presented with the result of the task.
Asynchronous programming is needed because of the problems with traditional synchronous
programming. In synchronous programs, each instruction is executed one after the other in a
sequential manner. Instructions are executed in the order they appear in the program. As a result,
synchronous programs are easier to reason about, but they also present problems that are solved by
asynchronous programming.
The problem with synchronous programs is that a potentially long-running task will block the
program’s execution until its completion. This presents problems like poor program performance,
poor user experience, and inefficient resource utilization.
Although asynchronous programs solve the problems presented by synchronous programs, asyn-
chronous programs come with their own set of challenges, like error handling, managing the shared
state and resources, managing the coordination between different parts of the program, etc.

Asynchronous JavaScript
Before we dive into how asynchronous code can be written in JavaScript and how it is handled
behind the scenes, let’s take a step back and see the problem we face in JavaScript if we execute
some long-running code, like a loop in the following example:
Asynchronous JavaScript 135

1 function block() {
2 const start = new Date();
4 while (new Date() - start < 3000) {
5 // simulate long running operation
6 // that takes approximately 3 seconds
7 }
8 }
10 console.log("Before long running operation");
11 // gets logged immediately
13 block();
15 console.log("After long running operation");
16 // gets logged after approximately 3 seconds

You can see the code above in this Replit:

<ReplitEmbed src=””>
JavaScript is a single-threaded language, which has its pros and cons. JavaScript developers generally
don’t have to worry about problems that come with multi-threaded programs, like race conditions¹⁰⁵
and deadlocks¹⁰⁶. However, the limitation of the single thread is evident in the code example above.
The code example above is designed to simulate some long-running code that takes approximately
3 seconds to complete. During these 3 seconds, the main thread on which our JavaScript code is
executed is blocked; nothing else executes during those 3 seconds. If this JavaScript code is attached
to an HTML file and executed in a browser, the UI will freeze until the loop ends.
To see the frozen UI in action, try adding the above Javascript code to a file named index.js and
attaching it to an HTML file containing the following HTML:

1 <h1>hello world</h1>
2 <button onclick="alert('hello')">Click</button>

You can see the code above in this Replit:

<ReplitEmbed src=””>
On the initial page load, you will notice that the button is not clickable for a few seconds. The UI
will stay frozen until the JavaScript code has been executed, specifically the long-running loop.
This presents a horrible user experience in web applications. The single thread puts a hard limit on
what we can do with JavaScript on the main thread.
Asynchronous JavaScript 136

Nowadays, JavaScript engines are good enough to execute the code at a very good speed; engines
are designed to heavily optimize the JavaScript code to execute it as efficiently as possible. Still, one
needs to be mindful that the main thread should not be blocked by any code that could take long
enough to make the delay noticeable.
JavaScript also allows us to execute some code in another thread, independent of the main thread,
using the web workers¹⁰⁷.
Next, let’s discuss the traditional way of writing asynchronous code in JavaScript using callbacks.
We will also discuss the problems with using callbacks.
Using callback functions to handle asynchronous code has been the traditional way of writing
asynchronous code in JavaScript. A callback function is a function that is passed to another function
as an argument and is intended to be invoked after some asynchronous operation. The function that
receives the callback function as an argument typically invokes the callback function with the result
of the asynchronous operation or the error if the asynchronous operation fails.
Operations like HTTP requests are asynchronous, but they aren’t handled by JavaScript. The code
we write initiates the asynchronous operation; the actual asynchronous operation is handled by the
browser in the case of client-side JavaScript, background threads, or the operating system itself in
the case of the NodeJS runtime.
In simple words, asynchronous operations take place in the background (outside of JavaScript land),
and in the meantime, other things can execute on the main thread (in JavaScript land).
When the asynchronous operation is completed, our JavaScript code is notified, leading to the
execution of the callback function that we provided at the time of initiating the asynchronous
This is how JavaScript gets around its limitation of a single thread. The asynchronous operations are
actually handled by the runtime (browser, NodeJS, etc.). In the meantime, JavaScript can do other
The following code example shows the use of a callback function by sending an HTTP request to a
fake REST API:

Asynchronous JavaScript 137

1 function fetchUser(url) {
2 const xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
4 xhr.addEventListener("load", function () {
5 // check if the operation is complete
6 if (xhr.readyState === 4) {
7 if (xhr.status === 200) {
8 // Request succeeded
9 const data = JSON.parse(xhr.responseText);
10 console.log(data);
11 } else {
12 // Request failed
13 const error = new Error("Failed to fetch todo");
14 console.log(error);
15 }
16 }
17 });
19"GET", url);
20 xhr.send();
21 }
23 fetchUser("");

You can run the code above in the Replit below:

<ReplitEmbed src=”” />
A callback function passed to the addEventListener method handles the result of the HTTP request.
Different DOM events, for example, the click event, are also handled asynchronously using the
callback functions. A callback is registered as an event handler and is invoked later whenever the
event is triggered.

1 const submitBtn = document.getElementById("submit");

3 submitBtn.addEventListener("click", function (event) {
4 // code to handle the click event
5 });

Similarly, different timer functions like setTimeout are also provided with a callback function that
is intended to be invoked after the specified amount of time has elapsed.
Asynchronous JavaScript 138

1 setTimeout(function () {
2 console.log("logged after 2 seconds");
3 }, 2000);

You can run the code above in the Replit below:

<ReplitEmbed src=”” />
There is a common misconception that the callback provided to setTimeout is invoked exactly after
the specified amount of time has passed. The time we specify when invoking setTimeout is the
minimum amount of time after which the provided callback will be invoked.
In the code example provided above, we have specified 2 seconds (2000 milliseconds) as the time after
which the callback should be invoked. But the callback will not be invoked exactly after 2 seconds.
Imagine a scenario where we also have a long-running loop that takes approximately 4 seconds to
run. As we discussed in the previous lesson, JavaScript is single-threaded, so a long-running loop
will block the main thread, which means that the callback function provided to setTimeout cannot
be executed until the loop ends. The following code example demonstrates this scenario:

1 setTimeout(function () {
2 console.log("logged after approximately 4 seconds instead of 2");
3 }, 2000);
5 const start = new Date();
7 // takes approximately 4 seconds to execute
8 while (new Date() - start < 4000) {}

You can run the code above in the Replit below:

<ReplitEmbed src=”” />
The above code example shows that the setTimeout callback or the callback provided to the
setInterval function may not be invoked after the specified time has passed; some other code
can block them from being invoked after the specified time.
JavaScript is single-threaded; only one thing can execute at a time on the main thread. Currently,
executing code cannot be interrupted to execute some other code, like the callback function of
setTimeout in the code example above.

The callback functions are at the heart of asynchronous code in JavaScript. Using callbacks works,
but they also come with problems.

Problems with callbacks

Using the traditional way of using callbacks to handle asynchronous code presents multiple problems
that make it hard to use callbacks effectively.
Asynchronous JavaScript 139

Callback hell
Imagine a scenario where multiple asynchronous operations need to start sequentially because each
operation depends on the result of the previous operation. To handle such a scenario, we have to
nest callbacks, which, depending on the number of asynchronous operations, can lead to code that
is hard to read and maintain. The following code example shows this in action:

1 asyncOperation1((result1) => {
2 asyncOperation2(result1, (result2) => {
3 asyncOperation3(result2, (result3) => {
4 asyncOperation4(result3, (result4) => {
5 // ...more nested callbacks and operations
6 });
7 });
8 });
9 });

This is what’s referred to as the Callback Hell or the Pyramid of Doom because the nesting at each
level creates a structure that looks like a pyramid.
Looking at the code example above, it is not hard to imagine that it will get harder to read as more
operations are added to the sequence of asynchronous operations. Not only is it hard to read, but it
is also hard to maintain and refactor. Note that the code example above does not include any error
handling; add that to the code above, and you will have the following:

1 asyncOperation1((error1, result1) => {

2 if (error1) {
3 // handle error
4 } else {
5 asyncOperation2(result1, (error2, result2) => {
6 if (error2) {
7 // handle error
8 } else {
9 asyncOperation3(result2, (error3, result3) => {
10 if (error3) {
11 // handle error
12 } else {
13 asyncOperation4(result3, (error4, result4) => {
14 if (error4) {
15 // handle error
16 } else {
17 // ...more nested asynchronous operations and callbacks
18 }
Asynchronous JavaScript 140

19 });
20 }
21 });
22 }
23 });
24 }
25 });

The code above fits its name: “Callback Hell”. No one wants to deal with such a code. It is hard to
reason about. We will see in later lessons in this module how the same code can be rewritten using
promises and async-await syntax to make it more readable and maintainable.

Error handling
Writing error handling code using callbacks, as shown above, is not a pleasant experience. As shown
in the code above, we need to handle errors in each callback, which can lead to duplication of
error handling logic. There is no central place where we can catch and handle errors for all the
asynchronous operations.
In this lesson, we discussed how callbacks are used to write asynchronous code in JavaScript. Though
there are better alternatives like promises and async-await that solve the problems with callbacks
discussed above, callbacks are still commonly used. Although promises solve the problems with
callbacks, they still use callbacks, but in a more manageable way that helps us avoid the callback
As we know already, the JavaScript language is single-threaded. Long-running code on the main
thread can block the thread; in the case of browsers, blocking the main thread means that browsers
cannot respond to user interactions and cannot render changes on the UI. This is why the screen
freezes when some long-running code blocks the main thread. In the case of NodeJs, in the context
of application servers, blocking the main thread means that the server cannot handle the incoming
HTTP requests until the main thread is unblocked.
To get around the limitation of a single thread where JavaScript code executes, as discussed in the
previous lesson, any asynchronous operation is handled in the background, and in the meantime,
the main thread can do other things.
Asynchronous operations like HTTP requests are handled by the browser in the background, and
when the HTTP request is completed, our JavaScript code is executed using the callback we provided
at the time of starting the HTTP request. The same is true for other asynchronous operations, like
file handling in NodeJS. Every asynchronous operation in NodeJs is either handled by the internal
thread pool of NodeJS or the operating system itself.
If we consider the main thread as the “JavaScript world”, then the asynchronous operations actually
happen outside the JavaScript world. Once the operation is completed, to get back into the JavaScript
world, callbacks are used, which are invoked to execute the JavaScript code in response to the
successful completion or failure of the operation.
Asynchronous JavaScript 141

So, in short, the code we write that executes on the main thread only initiates the asynchronous
operation. Instead of waiting for the operation to complete, the main thread is free to do other
things. The asynchronous operation is handled in the background by the environment in which
our JavaScript code is executed. It can be a browser or a runtime like NodeJS. But how does the
execution get back from the background to the main thread where our code is executed? This is
where the event loop comes into the picture.

What is an event loop?

The event loop in JavaScript is one of those concepts that is explained abstractly to make it easier
for others to understand. This lesson will aim to create a solid understanding of the event loop.
The event loop helps to execute asynchronous operations in a non-blocking manner. When an
asynchronous operation is completed in the background to execute the JavaScript callback that we
provided at the time of initiating the asynchronous operation, it needs to be pushed onto the call
The call stack is a stack data structure used to keep track of the currently executing code. Every
function call is added to the stack as a stack frame. The frame is popped off the stack when the
function execution ends.
Let us understand the event loop using the following code example:

1 setTimeout(() => {
2 console.log("hello world");
3 }, 2000);
5 console.log("after setTimeout");
7 // output:
8 // ------
9 // after setTimeout
10 // hello world

You can run the code above in the Replit below:

<ReplitEmbed src=”” />
The code above logs “after setTimeout” before “hello world” which is inside the callback of
setTimeout. The following steps explain how the code above executes:

1. To execute the code, a task is created and pushed onto the call stack. This is what’s commonly
referred to as the “global execution context”.
Asynchronous JavaScript 142

2. Once the code execution starts, the first thing to do is to invoke the setTimeout function,
passing in a callback that is to be invoked after approximately 2 seconds. Calling setTimeout
starts a timer in the background that will expire after 2 seconds in our code example. In the
meantime, the main thread continues executing the code instead of waiting for the timer to
expire. This is why “after setTimeout” is logged before “hello world”.
3. Next, the console.log is executed, logging “after setTimeout” on the console.
4. At this point, the synchronous execution of our code has ended. As a result, the task created
(step 1) to execute the code is popped off the call stack. Now, JavaScript is ready to execute any
scheduled callbacks. This point is important: no asynchronous callback can be invoked until
the synchronous execution of the code has ended. Remember, only one thing executes at a time
on the main thread, and the currently executing code cannot be interrupted.
5. After the synchronous execution ends, let us assume that by this time the timer has expired (in
reality, our code execution will end long before 2 seconds). As soon as the timer expires, a task
is enqueued in a task queue to execute the callback of setTimeout. The task queue is where
different tasks are queued until they can be pushed onto the call stack and executed.
6. The event loop is the entity that processes the tasks in the task queue and pushes each of them
to the call stack to execute them. Tasks are processed in the order they are enqueued in the
task queue. In our case, there is only one task in the task queue. This task is pushed onto the
call stack, but the event loop only pushes the tasks onto the call stack if the call stack is empty.
In our case, the call stack is empty, so the callback of setTimeout can be executed. As a result,
“hello world” is logged on the console.

The role of the event loop, as described in the above steps, is to process the tasks in the task queue
if the call stack is empty and there are one or more tasks in the task queue waiting to be executed.
So, the event loop is an entity that allows asynchronous code to be executed in JavaScript in a non-
blocking manner. The event loop can be thought of as a loop that continuously checks if there are
any tasks waiting to be executed.
The event loop is what connects the two worlds: the “JavaScript world”, where our code executes,
and the “background world”, where the asynchronous operations are actually executed.
The above steps can be visualized in the following image:
Asynchronous JavaScript 143

function parameter scope

Take your time to understand exactly what happens behind the scenes. The timer is intentionally
shown to take longer than 2 seconds to make the visualization easier to understand. Understanding
the steps above before seeing the image will make it easy to understand how our code example
Any user interaction like the click event requires scheduling a task; the same is true for executing
the callbacks of timing functions like setTimeout. Tasks are queued in the task queue until the event
loop processes them. The task queue is also referred to as the event queue or the callback queue.
The event loop processes a single task during its single turn, commonly referred to as the “event
loop tick” or just “tick”. The next task is processed during the next turn or tick of the event loop. The
browser may choose to render UI updates between tasks.
The event loop can have multiple sources of tasks, and the browser decides which source to process
tasks from during each tick of the event loop. Another queue is known as the microtask queue,
which we will discuss later in this module. The event loop also processes microtasks, but there is a
difference in how the event loop processes tasks and microtasks. The difference will be clear when
we discuss the microtask queue.
In this lesson, we discussed what an event loop is and how tasks are processed: a single task per tick
of the event loop.

Tool to visualize the event loop

The following is a great tool to visualize the workings of an event loop using our code:
Asynchronous JavaScript 144

• loupe¹⁰⁸

Further reading
The following resources are recommended to further our understanding of the event loop:

• The event loop (MDN)¹⁰⁹

• What the heck is the event loop anyway? | Philip Roberts (youtube video)¹¹⁰
• Jake Archibald on the web browser event loop, setTimeout, micro tasks, requestAnimation-
Frame (youtube video)¹¹¹

Promises introduced in ES2015 have transformed the way we handle asynchronous code in
JavaScript. Promises are meant to address the problems we discussed with callbacks.
A promise represents an object that acts as a placeholder for a value that is typically produced as
a result of an asynchronous operation. In other words, a promise object represents the successful
completion or failure of an asynchronous operation. There is a common misconception among
beginners that promises to make our code asynchronous; they do not. Think of promises as a
notification mechanism that notifies us about the success or failure of some operation that is already
asynchronous. Promises wrap asynchronous operations and allow us to execute code when an
asynchronous operation is successfully completed or when it fails. That’s all a promise does. Nothing
more, nothing less. It is only meant to observe the asynchronous operation and notify us when that
operation is completed.
Before we learn how we can create promise objects, let us first learn how we can deal with promises
using the built-in fetch function that allows us to make HTTP requests from the JavaScript code
running in the browser.
When the fetch function is called, instead of making the calling code wait for the HTTP request to
complete, it returns a promise object. We can associate callback functions with the returned promise
object to execute code when the HTTP request is complete. We still use callbacks with promises,
but the problems we discussed with callbacks in an earlier lesson in this module don’t exist when
using promises. Compared to callbacks, promises provide a clean and structured way to handle
asynchronous operations in JavaScript.

1 const p1 = fetch(/* some url */);

The promise returned by the fetch function can be thought of as the fetch function promising us
to supply a value when the HTTP request completes some time in the future. In the meantime, the
main thread is free to do other things.
What can we do with the returned promise? We can register callbacks with the promise object that
will be invoked when the network request completes. We can register separate callbacks to handle
the success or failure of the network request.
Asynchronous JavaScript 145

Promise states
Promises can be in one of the following three states in their lifecycle:

• pending: the initial state in which promises typically start when they are created. It indicates
that the asynchronous operation associated with the promise is in progress.
• fulfilled: means that the asynchronous operation associated with the promise has been
completed successfully.
• rejected: means that the asynchronous operation associated with the promise has failed.

During the lifecycle of a promise, its state changes from pending to either fulfilled or rejected. The
state of a promise is saved in the hidden internal slot named [[PromiseState]]¹¹².
A promise in the pending state is considered unsettled. Once the promise transitions from the
pending state into either a fulfilled or rejected state, it is said to have settled.

Promise instance methods

There are three instance methods we can call on promise instances:

• Promise.prototype.then()
• Promise.prototype.catch()
• Promise.prototype.finally()

then method
The then method is used to register a callback that is invoked asynchronously once the promise
is fulfilled, i.e., the asynchronous operation wrapped by the promise completes successfully. This
method allows us to execute code upon the successful completion of an asynchronous operation.
Consider the following code example:

1 const p1 = fetch(/* some url */);

3 p1.then((response) => {
4 // code to execute if the promise fulfills
5 });

The then method accepts two callback functions as arguments: the fulfillment handler and the
rejection handler. The fulfillment handler is the first argument, as shown in the code example
above. The rejection handler is the optional second argument that is invoked if the promise on
which the then method is called gets rejected.
Asynchronous JavaScript 146

1 const p1 = fetch(/* some url */);

3 p1.then(
4 (response) => {
5 // code to execute if the promise fulfills
6 },
7 (error) => {
8 // code to execute if the promise is rejected
9 }
10 );

The fulfillment handler is passed the result of the asynchronous operation as an argument. In other
words, the fulfillment handler receives the value with which the promise is fulfilled. In the case of an
HTTP request, the promise is fulfilled with the server response, so the fulfillment handler receives
the server response as an argument. On the other hand, the rejection handler receives the rejection
reason as an argument if the promise is rejected.

catch method
We learned in the previous section that we can pass the rejection handler as the second argument
to the then method to handle the promise rejection. There is another option to register the rejection
handler, and that is through the catch method. Instead of passing the rejection handler to the then
method, we can call the catch method on the promise to register the rejection handler.

1 const p1 = fetch(/* some url */);

3 p1.then((response) => {
4 // code to execute if the promise fulfills
5 });
7 p1.catch((error) => {
8 // code to execute if the promise is rejected
9 });

The catch method is similar to the then method that is called with only a rejection handler, as shown

1 p1.then(null, (error) => {

2 // code to execute if the promise is rejected
3 });

However, using the catch method to register a rejection handler is more common than using the
second argument of the then method.
Asynchronous JavaScript 147

finally method
Imagine a scenario where we want to send an HTTP request to a server, and while the request is
in progress, we show a loading spinner to the user to indicate that data is being loaded. When the
request completes, either successfully or unsuccessfully, we want to hide the loading spinner. To
achieve this, we will have to duplicate the code that hides the loading spinner in the fulfillment and
rejection handlers, as shown in the following code example:

1 const p1 = fetch(/* some url */);

3 p1.then((response) => {
4 // hide the loading spinner
5 document.getElementById("spinner").style.display = "none";
6 });
8 p1.catch((error) => {
9 // hide the loading spinner
10 document.getElementById("spinner").style.display = "none";
11 });

We want to avoid code duplication, and the finally method can help us remove the code duplication.
The finally method allows us to execute code regardless of promise fulfillment or rejection. Just like
the then and catch methods, the finally method also accepts a callback function that is invoked
asynchronously after promise fulfillment as well as promise rejection. The callback passed to the
finally method is the perfect place for the code that we want to execute regardless of whether the
asynchronous operation fails or completes successfully. We can refactor the code above as shown

1 const p1 = fetch(/* some url */);

3 p1.then((response) => {
4 // code to execute if the promise fulfills
5 });
7 p1.catch((error) => {
8 // code to execute if the promise is rejected
9 });
11 p1.finally(() => {
12 // hide the loading spinner
13 document.getElementById("spinner").style.display = "none";
14 });
Asynchronous JavaScript 148

Unlike the callbacks of the then and catch methods, the callback passed to the finally method
receives no arguments.

Creating promises
We can create new promise objects using the Promise constructor, as shown below:

1 const p = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {

2 // initiate asynchronous operation...
3 });

The Promise constructor takes a callback function as an argument, referred to as the executor
function, that is invoked synchronously to create the promise object. It is common to incorrectly
assume that any code inside the executor function is executed asynchronously, but that is not the
case. The executor function is invoked synchronously to create the promise object. The code inside
the executor function should be any code that starts some asynchronous operation. The newly
created promise object will observe that asynchronous operation. The promise object will notify
us about the success or failure of the asynchronous operation that is initiated inside the executor
How is the asynchronous operation linked to the newly created promise? Through the resolve and
reject functions that, the executor function receives as arguments. The parameters could be given
different names, but it is common practice to name them resolve and reject to clearly indicate
their purpose. The resolve function is used to resolve or fulfill the promise, and the reject function
is used to reject the promise. Let us take a look at a concrete example that will clarify how we can
create a promise object that wraps around an asynchronous operation and is resolved or rejected
depending on whether the asynchronous operation succeeds or fails.

1 const p = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {

2 const xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
4 xhr.addEventListener("load", function () {
5 // check if operation is complete
6 if (xhr.readyState === 4) {
7 if (xhr.status === 200) {
8 // Request succeeded
9 const data = JSON.parse(xhr.responseText);
10 // call the resolve function with the data
11 // as an argument to fulfill the promise
12 // with the data
13 resolve(data);
14 } else {
Asynchronous JavaScript 149

15 // Request failed
16 const error = new Error("Failed to fetch todo");
17 // call the reject function with the rejection
18 // reason or an error as an argument
19 reject(error);
20 }
21 }
22 });
24 const url = "";
25"GET", url);
26 xhr.send();
27 });
29 // register fulfillment handler
30 p.then((todo) => {
31 console.log(todo);
32 });
34 // register rejection handler
35 p.catch((error) => {
36 console.log(error.message);
37 });

You can run the above code in the Replit below:

<ReplitEmbed src=”” />
The code example above shows how a promise object can be wrapped around an asynchronous
operation and be resolved or rejected when the asynchronous operation succeeds or fails. In response
to the promise being fulfilled or rejected, the appropriate handler (fulfillment or rejection) is invoked
It is important to note that the promise won’t be fulfilled or rejected until the resolve or reject
functions are called within the executor function. As a result, any registered fulfillment or rejection
handlers won’t be called until the promise is settled.
The code example above might not make you see how promises are an improvement over the
traditional way of using callbacks to handle asynchronous code, but wait until we discuss promise
chaining and async-await syntax in the upcoming lessons in this module. These two topics will
help you see how promises address the two main problems with callbacks: Callback hell and error
Asynchronous JavaScript 150

Using promises with callback-based API

If you noticed in the code example in the previous section, we just wrapped a promise around the
callback-based XMLHttpRequest API. We wrapped a promise around it so that we could interact with
it using promises.
Similar to what we did above, we can convert any callback-based API into a promise-based API. All
we need to do is place the callback-based code in the executor function and call the resolve and
reject functions at appropriate places to fulfill or reject the promise. Following is an example of
wrapping a promise around setTimeout to add an artificial delay in the code:

1 function timeout(delayInSeconds) {
2 const delayInMilliseconds = delayInSeconds * 1000;
4 return new Promise((resolve) => {
5 setTimeout(() => resolve(), delayInMilliseconds);
6 });
7 }
9 timeout(2).then(() => {
10 console.log("done"); // logged after 2 seconds
11 });

You can run the above code in the Replit below:

<ReplitEmbed src=”” />
In the code example above, we wrapped setTimeout in a promise to add an artificial delay in the
code. To resolve the promise after the specified delay (2 seconds in our code above), we call the
resolve function inside the callback function of setTimeout. Note that we didn’t call or use the
reject function because we didn’t need it to reject the promise. We just want the promise to be
fulfilled after the specified delay.

Promise specification
Promises/A+¹¹³ is a standard that defines the behavior of promises in JavaScript. It ensures that
different implementations of promises in different environments conform to the standard behavior
defined in the specification to ensure consistency in the behavior of promises across different
Asynchronous JavaScript 151

Promise vs thenable
If you read the promise specification, you will find the word “thenable” mentioned multiple times.
A thenable is any object that has defined a method named then but is not a promise. It is a generic
term for objects with a method named then. As promises have a method named then, we can say
that all promises are thenables, but the reverse is not true: every thenable is not a promise.
To summarize the difference, thenable is an object with a then method, and promise is an object
with a then method that conforms to the Promises/A+¹¹⁴ specification.
In the previous lesson, we discussed the following instance methods of promises:

• Promise.prototype.then()
• Promise.prototype.catch()
• Promise.prototype.finally()

We discussed what each of these methods allows us to do, but what we didn’t discuss is what each
of these methods returns. Their return value is important because it allows for promise chaining,
which is the topic of this lesson.
Each of the instance methods of promises returns a new promise, which enables us to create a chain
of method calls, effectively creating a chain of asynchronous operations. Promise chaining helps
resolve the two main problems we face when using callbacks: “Callback Hell” and error handling.
The following code example shows how we have registered fulfillment and rejection handlers with
the promise returned by the fetch function:

1 const p = fetch(/* some url */);

3 // register a fulfillment handler
4 p.then((response) => {
5 // code...
6 });
8 // register a rejection handler
9 p.catch((error) => {
10 // code...
11 });

As each promise instance method returns a new promise, we can rewrite the above code as shown

Asynchronous JavaScript 152

1 fetch(/* some url */)

2 .then((response) => {
3 // code...
4 })
5 .catch((error) => {
6 // code...
7 });

The refactored code achieves the same result as the first code example, but technically, the first
code example is different compared to the refactored code. In the first code example, the rejection
handler is registered on the promise returned by the fetch function, whereas in the refactored code,
the rejection handler is registered on the promise returned by the then method. The promise chain in
the refactored code can be split into different parts, as shown below to make it easier to understand:

1 const pFetch = fetch(/* some url */);

3 const pThen = pFetch.then((response) => {
4 // code...
5 });
7 const pCatch = pThen.catch((error) => {
8 // code...
9 });

Notice the promises for which fulfillment and rejection handlers have been registered. The fulfill-
ment handler is registered on the promise returned by the fetch function, but unlike the first code
example, the rejection handler is registered on the promise returned by the then method. So does
it mean that if the promise returned by the fetch function is rejected, there is no rejection handler
registered to handle the rejection? No, the rejection handler registered on the pThen promise will
handle the rejection. To understand how it works, we have to understand how the promise chain
Further code examples in this lesson will use the following function that simulates an HTTP request
that takes approximately two seconds to complete:
Asynchronous JavaScript 153

1 function fakeRequest(isSuccessRequest = true) {

2 return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
3 setTimeout(() => {
4 if (isSuccessRequest) {
5 const data = { name: "John Doe", favouriteLanguage: "JavaScript" };
6 resolve(data);
7 } else {
8 const error = new Error("request failed");
9 reject(error);
10 }
11 }, 2000);
12 });
13 }

This above function will make it easy for us to understand the promise chaining. The function takes
a boolean parameter that specifies whether we want our fake request to be fulfilled or rejected. The
default value of the parameter is true, so we only need to pass the argument if we want the request
to fail. Inside the function, a promise is returned that wraps around the setTimeout to simulate a
request that takes approximately two seconds to complete. After the timer expires, the promise is
fulfilled or rejected, depending on the value of the isSuccessRequest parameter.
With the fakeRequest function defined, let us dive into the world of promise chaining.

then promise
Calling the then method on a promise registers a fulfillment handler on that promise. The then
method itself returns a new promise that is different from the original promise on which the then
method is called.

1 const pRequest = fakeRequest();

3 const pThen = pRequest.then((response) => {
4 console.log(response);
5 });
7 console.log(pThen === pRequest); // false

You can run the above code in the Replit below:

<ReplitEmbed src=”” />
The promise returned by the then method fulfills or gets rejected based on the following two
Asynchronous JavaScript 154

• What happens to the promise on which the then method is called? In our case, the then method
is called on the pRequest promise.
• What is returned from the fulfillment or rejection handlers passed to the then method? Which
handler will affect the promise returned by the then method depends on which handler is
invoked when the original promise on which the then method is called settles.

Keeping the above two questions in mind, let us discuss the different scenarios that can affect the
promise returned by the then method:

Scenario 1: Original promise gets fulfilled

If the original promise on which the then method is called is fulfilled, the promise returned by the
then method depends on what happens inside the fulfillment handler. Following are different things
a fulfillment handler can do that affect the promise returned by the then method:

• If the fulfillment handler is registered and it returns a value that is not a promise or a thenable,
then the promise returned by the then method gets fulfilled with that returned value.

1 // pRequest will be fulfilled

2 const pRequest = fakeRequest();
4 const pThen = pRequest.then((response) => {
5 console.log(response);
6 return "success";
7 });
9 pThen.then((data) => {
10 console.log(data); // success
11 });

You can run the above code in the Replit below:

<ReplitEmbed src=”” />

• If the fulfillment handler doesn’t explicitly return any value, the promise returned by the then
method is fulfilled with undefined as the fulfillment value.
Asynchronous JavaScript 155

1 // pRequest will be fulfilled

2 const pRequest = fakeRequest();
4 const pThen = pRequest.then((response) => {
5 console.log(response);
6 });
8 pThen.then((data) => {
9 console.log(data); // undefined
10 });

You can run the above code in the Replit below:

<ReplitEmbed src=”” />

• If the then method is called on a promise but the fulfillment handler isn’t provided, the promise
returned by the then method gets fulfilled with the same fulfillment value as the original

1 // pRequest will be fulfilled

2 const pRequest = fakeRequest();
4 // fulfillment handler not provided
5 const pThen = pRequest.then();
7 pThen.then((data) => {
8 // logs the value with which pRequest fulfilled
9 console.log(data);
10 });

You can run the above code in the Replit below:

<ReplitEmbed src=”” />

• If the fulfillment handler throws any value or an error, the promise returned by the then method
gets rejected with the thrown value as the rejection reason or value.
Asynchronous JavaScript 156

1 // pRequest will be fulfilled

2 const pRequest = fakeRequest();
4 const pThen = pRequest.then((response) => {
5 throw new Error("something bad happened");
6 });
8 pThen.catch((error) => {
9 console.log(error.message); // something bad happened
10 });

You can run the above code in the Replit below:

<ReplitEmbed src=”” />

• If the fulfillment handler returns a promise, the promise returned by the then method gets
resolved to the promise returned by the fulfillment handler. One promise getting resolved to
another promise simply means that the fate of one promise (let’s call it p1) depends on the other
promise (let’s call it p2). If p2 is fulfilled, p1 also gets fulfilled with the same fulfillment value.
If p2 gets rejected, p1 also gets rejected with the same rejection value. Promise p1 will wait for
p2 to settle before it also settles and will eventually meet the same fate as p2.

1 // pRequest will be fulfilled

2 const pRequest = fakeRequest();
4 const pThen = pRequest.then((response) => {
5 // return a promise that will be fulfilled
6 return fakeRequest();
7 });
9 pThen.then((response) => {
10 // logs the fulfillment value of
11 // promise returned from the fulfillment
12 // handler of pRequest promise
13 console.log(response);
14 });

You can run the above code in the Replit below:

<ReplitEmbed src=”” />
In the above code example, pThen promise returned by the then method gets resolved to the promise
returned by the fulfillment handler of the pRequest promise.
Asynchronous JavaScript 157

Scenario 2: Original promise gets rejected

If the original promise on which the then method is called is rejected, the promise returned by the
then method depends on the following scenarios:

• If only the fulfillment handler is passed to the then method, the promise returned by the then
method also gets rejected with the same rejection reason or value with which the original
promise was rejected.

1 // pRequest will get rejected

2 const pRequest = fakeRequest(false);
4 const pThen = pRequest.then((response) => {
5 console.log(response);
6 });
8 pThen.catch((error) => {
9 console.log(error.message); // request failed
10 });

You can run the above code in the Replit below:

<ReplitEmbed src=”” />

• If a rejection handler is passed to the then method, then the promise returned by the then
method depends on what happens inside the rejection handler. This works similarly to how it
works in the case of the fulfillment handler:
– If the rejection handler returns a non-promise value, the promise returned by the then
method gets fulfilled with the value returned by the rejection handler.
– If the rejection handler doesn’t explicitly return any value, the promise returned by the
then method is fulfilled with undefined as the fulfillment value.
– If the then method is called on the original promise but the rejection handler isn’t provided,
the promise returned by the then method gets rejected with the same rejection value as
the original promise.
– If the rejection handler throws any value or an error, the promise returned by the then
method gets rejected with the thrown value as the rejection reason or value.
– If the rejection handler returns a promise, the promise returned by the then method gets
resolved to the promise returned by the rejection handler, the same as in the case of the
fulfillment handler discussed earlier.

Now that we have discussed how the promise returned by the then method settles in different
scenarios, next we will discuss the promise returned by the catch method.
Asynchronous JavaScript 158

catch promise
The catch method is used to register a rejection handler for a promise in which it is called.
Just like the then method, the catch method also returns a new promise, and just like the then
method promise, the promise returned by the catch method settles depending on the following two

• What happens to the promise on which the catch method is called?

• What is returned from the rejection handler passed to the catch method?

Scenario 1: Original promise gets fulfilled

Suppose the original promise on which the catch method is called is fulfilled. In that case, the
rejection handler registered using the catch method isn’t called, and the promise returned by the
catch method gets fulfilled with the same fulfillment value as the original promise.

1 // pRequest will be fulfilled

2 const pRequest = fakeRequest();
4 const pCatch = pRequest.catch((error) => {
5 console.log(error.message);
6 });
8 pCatch.then((data) => {
9 // logs the fulfillment value with
10 // which pRequest promise fulfilled
11 console.log(data);
12 });

You can run the above code in the Replit below:

<ReplitEmbed src=”” />

Scenario 2: Original promise gets rejected

The rejection handler registered using the catch handler is called when the original promise on
which the catch method is called gets rejected. If the original promise is rejected, then the promise
returned by the catch method, just like the promise returned by the then method, depends on what
happens inside the rejection handler:

• If the rejection handler returns a non-promise value, the promise returned by the catch method
gets fulfilled with the value returned by the rejection handler.
Asynchronous JavaScript 159

1 // pRequest will get rejected

2 const pRequest = fakeRequest(false);
4 const pCatch = pRequest.catch((error) => {
5 return "default value";
6 });
8 pCatch.then((data) => {
9 console.log(data); // default value
10 });

You can run the above code in the Replit below:

<ReplitEmbed src=”” />

• If the rejection handler doesn’t explicitly return any value, the promise returned by the catch
method is fulfilled with undefined as the fulfillment value.

1 // pRequest will get rejected

2 const pRequest = fakeRequest(false);
4 const pCatch = pRequest.catch((error) => {
5 console.log(error.message); // request failed
6 });
8 pCatch.then((data) => {
9 console.log(data); // undefined
10 });

You can run the above code in the Replit below:

<ReplitEmbed src=”” />

• If the catch method is called on the original promise but the rejection handler isn’t provided,
the promise returned by the catch method gets rejected with the same rejection value as the
original promise.
Asynchronous JavaScript 160

1 // pRequest will get rejected

2 const pRequest = fakeRequest(false);
4 // rejection handler not registered
5 const pCatch = pRequest.catch();
7 pCatch.catch((error) => {
8 // logs the rejection value of the
9 // original pRequest promise
10 console.log(error.message); // request failed
11 });

You can run the above code in the Replit below:

<ReplitEmbed src=”” />

• If the rejection handler throws any value or an error, the promise returned by the catch method
gets rejected with the thrown value as the rejection reason or value.

1 // pRequest will get rejected

2 const pRequest = fakeRequest(false);
4 const pCatch = pRequest.catch((error) => {
5 throw error;
6 });
8 pCatch.catch((error) => {
9 console.log(error.message); // request failed
10 });

You can run the above code in the Replit below:

<ReplitEmbed src=”” />

• If the rejection handler returns a promise, the promise returned by the catch method gets
resolved to the promise returned by the rejection handler, the same as in the case of the
fulfillment handler discussed earlier.
Asynchronous JavaScript 161

1 // pRequest will get rejected

2 const pRequest = fakeRequest(false);
4 const pCatch = pRequest.catch((error) => {
5 // return a promise that will get fulfilled
6 return fakeRequest();
7 });
9 pCatch.then((data) => {
10 // logs the fulfillment value of
11 // promise returned from the rejection
12 // handler of pRequest promise
13 console.log(data);
14 });

You can run the above code in the Replit below:

<ReplitEmbed src=”” />

finally promise
The finally method is used to register a callback function that is invoked asynchronously after
the promise settles. The callback passed to the finally method is invoked regardless of whether
the promise on which it is called is fulfilled or rejected. Just like the then and catch methods, the
finally method also returns a new promise, and the settlement of the promise returned by the
finally method depends on the following two questions:

• What happens to the promise on which the finally method is called?

• What is returned from the callback function passed to the finally method?

Scenario 1: Original promise gets fulfilled

Suppose the original promise on which the finally method is called is fulfilled. In that case, the
promise returned by the finally method also gets fulfilled with the same fulfillment value as the
original promise, provided that the following conditions are met:

• The finally callback doesn’t throw an error or a value.

• The finally callback doesn’t return a rejected promise or a promise that eventually gets
Asynchronous JavaScript 162

1 // pRequest will get fulfilled

2 const pRequest = fakeRequest();
4 const pFinally = pRequest.finally(() => {
5 console.log("finally called");
6 });
8 pFinally.then((data) => {
9 // logs the fulfillment value of
10 // the original pRequest promise
11 console.log(data);
12 });

Here’s the code in the Replit:

<ReplitEmbed src=”” />
Note that the finally callback didn’t explicitly return any value, but the finally promise fulfilled
with the fulfillment value of the original pRequest promise. This behavior is different than that of
the then and catch methods; their promise is fulfilled with the value undefined if their callback
implicitly returns undefined.

Scenario 2: Original promise gets rejected

Suppose the original promise on which the finally method is called is rejected. In that case, the
promise returned by the finally method also gets rejected with the same rejection value as the
original promise, provided that the same two conditions mentioned previously are met:

• The finally callback doesn’t throw an error or a value.

• The finally callback doesn’t return a rejected promise or a promise that eventually gets rejected.

1 // pRequest will get rejected

2 const pRequest = fakeRequest(false);
4 const pFinally = pRequest.finally(() => {
5 console.log("finally called");
6 });
8 pFinally.catch((error) => {
9 // logs the rejection value of
10 // the original pRequest promise
11 console.log(error.message);
12 });
Asynchronous JavaScript 163

Here’s the code in the Replit:

<ReplitEmbed src=”” />

Scenario 3: shadowing original promise settlement

Unlike the then and catch methods, the return value of the finally callback is ignored, and the
promise returned by the finally method simply meets the same fate as the original promise on
which it is called; if the original promise fulfills, the finally promise also fulfills; if the original
promise gets rejected, the finally promise also gets rejected.
However, the two conditions mentioned in the first two scenarios of the finally method are
exceptions to this rule. If the finally callback throws an error, the finally promise gets rejected
with the thrown value.

1 // pRequest will get rejected

2 const pRequest = fakeRequest(false);
4 const pFinally = pRequest.finally(() => {
5 throw new Error("finally error");
6 });
8 pFinally.catch((error) => {
9 console.log(error.message); // finally error
10 });

You can run the above code in the Replit below:

<ReplitEmbed src=”” />
The rejection of the finally method shadowed the rejection of the original pRequest promise. The
same thing will happen if the pRequest promise is fulfilled. Throwing an error from the finally
callback simply rejects the finally promise, regardless of what happens to the original promise.
Similarly, returning a promise that is rejected from the finally callback rejects the finally promise,
regardless of what happens to the original promise.
Asynchronous JavaScript 164

1 // pRequest will get fulfilled

2 const pRequest = fakeRequest();
4 const pFinally = pRequest.finally(() => {
5 // return a promise that will get rejected
6 return fakeRequest(false);
7 });
9 pFinally.catch((error) => {
10 // logs the rejection value of the
11 // promise returned from the finally callback
12 console.log(error.message); // request failed
13 });

You can run the above code in the Replit below:

<ReplitEmbed src=”” />

Making sense of promise chaining

We have discussed every scenario that can reject or fulfill the promise returned by each of the
promise instance methods. Finally, we can make sense of how the promise chain works. We will go
through a series of examples to solidify our understanding.

Example 1
1 fakeRequest()
2 .then((response) => {
3 console.log(response);
4 return "hello world";
5 })
6 .then((data) => {
7 console.log(data);
8 return "123";
9 })
10 .catch((error) => {
11 console.log(error.message);
12 });

You can run the above code in the Replit below:

<ReplitEmbed src=”” />
Asynchronous JavaScript 165

What output do you expect in the above code example? Keep in mind that each instance method
returns a new promise, and its fulfillment or rejection depends on two things:

• What happens to the original promise on which the method is called?

• What happens inside the callback function of that method?

Considering the different scenarios discussed above that can fulfill or reject the promise returned
by each of the promise instance methods, try to test your understanding by guessing the output of
the above code. Below is an explanation of the output produced by the above code:

1. Starting from the top of the promise chain, the promise returned by the fakeRequest function
will be fulfilled, resulting in the invocation of its fulfillment handler that is registered using
the first invocation of the then method. As a result, the following is logged on the console:

1 {
2 favouriteLanguage: "JavaScript",
3 name: "John Doe"
4 }

2. The promise returned by the fakeRequest function has been settled. The next promise in the
chain is the one returned by the first then method call. As the original promise is fulfilled, the
first then promise now depends on what happens inside its callback function. As it returns the
string “hello world”, the first then promise will get fulfilled with “hello world” as the fulfillment
As a result, its fulfillment handler is called, which was registered using the second then method
call. The fulfillment handler of the first then promise receives its fulfillment value, i.e., “hello
world”, as an argument. This results in “hello world” getting logged to the console. The console
output so far is shown below:

1 {
2 favouriteLanguage: "JavaScript",
3 name: "John Doe"
4 }
6 "hello world"

3. At this point, two promises in the promise chain have settled. The next promise in the chain
is the one returned by the second then method. Just like the first then method, the promise
returned by the second then method depends on the original promise on which it is called, i.e.,
the promise returned by the first then method. As the original promise is fulfilled, the second
then promise now depends on what happens inside its callback function. Its callback returns
the string “123”. So the second then promise fulfills with “123” as its fulfillment value.
But there is no fulfillment handler registered for the second then promise; only the rejection
handler is registered using the catch method. As a result, no fulfillment handler is invoked in
Asynchronous JavaScript 166

response to the fulfillment of the second then method. The promise chain moves to the last
promise in the chain, i.e., the one returned by the catch method.
4. The promise returned by the catch method is called on the promise returned by the second
then method. As the second then promise is fulfilled, the catch promise also gets fulfilled with
the same fulfillment value as the second then promise. But there is no fulfillment or rejection
handler registered for the catch promise, so its fulfillment is simply ignored. The final output
of the code is shown below:

1 {
2 favouriteLanguage: "JavaScript",
3 name: "John Doe"
4 }
6 "hello world"

Example 2
1 fakeRequest()
2 .then((response) => {
3 console.log(response);
4 return fakeRequest();
5 })
6 .then((data) => {
7 console.log(data);
8 })
9 .catch((error) => {
10 console.log(error.message);
11 });

You can run the above code in the Replit below:

<ReplitEmbed src=”” />
Below is an explanation of the output produced by the above code:

1. Starting from the top of the promise chain, the promise returned by the fakeRequest function
will be fulfilled, resulting in the invocation of its fulfillment handler that is registered using
the first invocation of the then method. As a result, the following is logged on the console:
Asynchronous JavaScript 167

1 {
2 favouriteLanguage: "JavaScript",
3 name: "John Doe"
4 }

2. The promise returned by the fakeRequest function has been settled. The next promise in the
chain is the one returned by the first then method call. As the original promise is fulfilled, the
first then promise now depends on what happens inside its callback function. As it is returning
a new promise by calling the fakeRequest function, the first then promise will get resolved to
the promise returned from its callback function. The then promise will wait for the promise
returned from its callback function to settle before settling itself.
The promise returned from the callback function of the first then method will be fulfilled
after approximately two seconds. As soon as it is fulfilled, the promise returned by the then
method will also get fulfilled with the same fulfillment value as the promise returned by its
callback. As a result, its fulfillment handler is called, which was registered using the second
then method call. The fulfillment handler of the first then promise receives its fulfillment value
as an argument, which is logged inside the fulfillment handler. The console output so far is
shown below:

1 {
2 favouriteLanguage: "JavaScript",
3 name: "John Doe"
4 }
6 {
7 favouriteLanguage: "JavaScript",
8 name: "John Doe"
9 }

3. At this point, two promises in the promise chain have settled. The next promise in the chain
is the one returned by the second then method. Just like the first then method, the promise
returned by the second then method depends on the original promise on which it is called, i.e.,
the promise returned by the first then method. As the original promise is fulfilled, the second
then promise now depends on what happens inside its callback function. Its callback implicitly
returns undefined. So the second then promise fulfills with undefined as its fulfillment value.
But there is no fulfillment handler registered for the second then promise; only the rejection
handler is registered using the catch method. As a result, no fulfillment handler is invoked in
response to the fulfillment of the second then method. The promise chain moves to the last
promise in the chain, i.e., the one returned by the catch method.
4. The promise returned by the catch method is called on the promise returned by the second
then method. As the second then promise is fulfilled, the catch promise also gets fulfilled with
the same fulfillment value as the second then promise. But there is no fulfillment or rejection
handler registered for the catch promise, so its fulfillment is simply ignored. The final output
of the code is shown below:
Asynchronous JavaScript 168

1 {
2 favouriteLanguage: "JavaScript",
3 name: "John Doe"
4 }
6 {
7 favouriteLanguage: "JavaScript",
8 name: "John Doe"
9 }

Example 3
1 fakeRequest(false)
2 .then((response) => {
3 console.log(response);
4 })
5 .catch((error) => {
6 console.log(error.message);
7 });

You can run the above code in the Replit below:

<ReplitEmbed src=”” />
Below is an explanation of the output produced by the above code:

1. Starting from the top of the promise chain, the promise returned by the fakeRequest function
will get rejected, but there is no rejection handler registered for this promise; only a fulfillment
handler is registered. As a result, no rejection handler will be invoked for this promise. We
move on to the next promise in the chain.
2. The promise returned by the fakeRequest function has been settled. The next promise in the
chain is the one returned by the first then method call. As the original promise is rejected and
no rejection handler was passed to the then method, the promise returned by the then method
will also get rejected with the same rejection value as the original promise. As a result, its
rejection handler, registered using the catch method, is invoked, logging the following on the

1 "request failed"

The error object with which the first promise got rejected is the same value with which the
promise returned by the then method also got rejected. The promise chain moves to the last
promise in the chain, i.e., the one returned by the catch method.
Asynchronous JavaScript 169

3. At this point, two promises in the promise chain have settled. The next promise in the chain is
the one returned by the catch method. As the then promise is rejected, the promise returned by
the catch method depends on what happens inside its callback. Its callback implicitly returns
undefined, resulting in the catch promise getting fulfilled with undefined as a fulfillment value.
But there is no fulfillment handler registered for the catch promise, so its fulfillment is simply
ignored. The final output of the code is shown below:

1 "request failed"

One thing to note in the above code example is that the rejection of the promise returned by the
fakeRequest function was eventually handled by the rejection handler registered for the promise
returned by the then method. This is one of the powers of promise chaining. Unlike callbacks, where
we had to check for the error in every callback, with promise chaining, we can register one rejection
handler, and it can handle the rejection of all the promises that come before it in the promise chain.
We could have multiple then method calls in the promise chain and only one rejection handler at
the end of the promise chain, registered using the catch method. This makes error handling easy to
manage in a promise chain.

Example 4
1 fakeRequest()
2 .then((response) => {
3 return fakeRequest(false);
4 })
5 .catch((error) => {
6 return { data: "default data" };
7 })
8 .then((data) => {
9 console.log(data);
10 })
11 .then(() => {
12 throw new Error("error occurred");
13 })
14 .catch((error) => {
15 console.log(error.message);
16 });

You can run the above code in the Replit below:

<ReplitEmbed src=”” />
Below is an explanation of the output produced by the above code:
Asynchronous JavaScript 170

1. Starting from the top of the promise chain, the promise returned by the fakeRequest function
will be fulfilled, resulting in the invocation of its fulfillment handler that is registered using
the first invocation of the then method, passing the fulfillment value to its fulfillment handler
as an argument.
2. The promise returned by the fakeRequest function has been settled. The next promise in the
chain is the one returned by the first then method call. As the original promise is fulfilled, the
first then promise now depends on what happens inside its callback function. As it is returning
a new promise by calling the fakeRequest function, the first then promise will get resolved to
the promise returned from its callback function. The then promise will wait for the promise
returned from its callback function to settle before settling itself.
The promise returned from the callback function of the first then method will be rejected after
approximately two seconds. As soon as it is rejected, the promise returned by the then method
will also get rejected with the same rejection value as the promise returned by its callback. As
a result, its rejection handler is called, which was registered using the first catch method call.
The rejection handler of the first then promise receives its rejection value as an argument.
3. At this point, the first two promises in the promise chain have settled. The next promise in
the chain is the one returned by the first catch method. As the promise on which the catch
method is called gets rejected, the first catch promise now depends on what happens inside
its callback function. It returns an object literal. As a result, the first catch promise fulfills the
returned object as its fulfillment value.
Note that the catch method doesn’t necessarily have to be at the end of the promise chain;
however, the catch method is most commonly placed at the end of the promise chain.
Depending on the requirement, the catch method can be placed anywhere in the chain. In
our code example, it is called after the first then method to handle the possible rejection of the
first then promise by returning the default data and letting the chain continue. If the rejection
of the first then promise wasn’t handled, all the then promises after the first then method would
also be rejected with the same rejection value as the first then promise, and the rejection would
finally be handled in the last catch method call.
4. At this point, the first three promises in the promise chain have settled. The next promise in
the chain is the one returned by the second then method call. As the promise (the first catch
promise) on which the second then method is called is fulfilled, the promise returned by the
second then method now depends on what happens inside its callback function. Its callback
logs the fulfillment value of the first catch promise and implicitly returns undefined, resulting
in the second then promise getting fulfilled with undefined as the fulfillment value. Following
is the console output up to this point:

1 {
2 data: "default data"
3 }

5. At this point, the first four promises in the promise chain have settled. The next promise in
the chain is the one returned by the third then method call. As the promise (the second then
promise) on which the third then method is called is fulfilled, the promise returned by the
Asynchronous JavaScript 171

third then method now depends on what happens inside its callback function. Its callback
throws an error, resulting in the third then promise getting rejected with the thrown error as
the rejection reason or value. As a result, its rejection handler, registered using the last catch
method, is invoked, passing in the rejection value as an argument.
6. As the promise (the third then promise) on which the last catch method is called gets rejected,
the last catch promise depends on what happens inside its callback function. Its callback logs
the rejection value of the third then promise and implicitly returns undefined, resulting in the
last catch promise getting fulfilled with undefined as the fulfillment value. But there is no
fulfillment handler registered for the last catch promise, so its fulfillment is simply ignored.
The final console output of the code is shown below:

1 {
2 data: "default data"
3 }
5 "error occurred"

Hopefully, the examples above, along with the earlier discussion in this lesson on different scenarios
that can reject or fulfill the promise returned by each of the promise instance methods, have laid a
solid foundation for understanding the promise chains and making use of them in your own code.

Rejection handler in then vs catch

In the previous lesson, it was mentioned that a rejection handler can be registered by passing a
second argument to the then method, as shown below:

1 fakeRequest().then(null, (error) => {

2 // handle error
3 });

There is one thing that should be kept in mind when registering a rejection handler using the then
method: the rejection handler registered using the then method is not invoked if the promise returned
by the then method, to which the rejection handler is passed as an argument, gets rejected. The
following code example shows this in action:
Asynchronous JavaScript 172

1 fakeRequest().then(
2 (response) => {
3 // rejects the promise returned
4 // by the "then" method
5 throw new Error("error");
6 },
7 (error) => {
8 // this callback is not invoked
9 console.log(error.message);
10 }
11 );

The rejection handler registered using the then method is only invoked if the original promise on
which the then method is called gets rejected. As a result, we have an unhandled promise rejection
in the above code example, which, in the worst case, can terminate the program. As a result, always
remember to handle all the possible promise rejections in your code when working with promises.
In this lesson, we will discuss a couple of common use cases of the two static methods¹¹⁵ of promises
and learn how they can be useful. Other promise static methods are also useful, but in my opinion,
the following two use cases are the most common ones:

• Making concurrent requests

• Implementing request timeout

Concurrent requests
Imagine a scenario where we want to initiate multiple HTTP requests all at once and wait for their
collective results. We cannot use a promise chain, as shown below, because it will execute each
request in a sequential manner.

1 const url1 = "";

2 const url2 = "";
3 const url3 = "";
5 function parseFetchResponse(response) {
6 if (response.ok) {
7 return response.json(); // returns a promise
8 } else {
9 throw new Error("request failed");
10 }
11 }
Asynchronous JavaScript 173

13 fetch(url1)
14 .then(parseFetchResponse)
15 .then((data1) => {
16 console.log(data1);
17 // initiate second request
18 return fetch(url2);
19 })
20 .then(parseFetchResponse)
21 .then((data2) => {
22 console.log(data2);
23 // initiate third request
24 return fetch(url3);
25 })
26 .then(parseFetchResponse)
27 .then((data3) => {
28 console.log(data3);
29 })
30 .catch((error) => {
31 console.log(error.message);
32 });

You can run the above code in the Replit below:

<ReplitEmbed src=”” />
As each request in the above code is independent, instead of initiating the requests in a sequential
manner, we want concurrent¹¹⁶ requests. This can be achieved using the Promise.all method. It
allows us to start each request one after the other without waiting for one request to complete
before starting the other one. As a result, all three requests are initiated concurrently, and we can
wait for their collective results.
The Promise.all method takes an iterable¹¹⁷ of promises as an input and returns a promise that
fulfills once all the promises passed to it are fulfilled. The fulfillment value of the promise returned
by this method is an array of fulfillment values of all the promises passed to this method as input.
The promise this method returns gets rejected if any of the input promises gets rejected. We can
rewrite the above code example using the Promise.all method as shown below:

Asynchronous JavaScript 174

1 const url1 = "";

2 const url2 = "";
3 const url3 = "";
5 function parseFetchResponse(response) {
6 if (response.ok) {
7 return response.json();
8 } else {
9 throw new Error("request failed");
10 }
11 }
13 Promise.all([
14 fetch(url1).then(parseFetchResponse),
15 fetch(url2).then(parseFetchResponse),
16 fetch(url3).then(parseFetchResponse)
17 ])
18 .then((dataArr) => {
19 console.log(dataArr);
20 })
21 .catch((error) => console.log(error.message));

You can run the above code in the Replit below:

<ReplitEmbed src=”” />

Request timeout
An HTTP request can sometimes just hang due to some problem on the server. We do not want
the request to be in a pending state for longer than a few seconds. To avoid longer request pending
times, we can implement the request timeout feature, which lets our code know that a request is
taking longer than expected. This allows us to take the appropriate action.
Using the Promise.race method, we can initiate an HTTP request with a timeout. This method,
just like the Promise.all method, takes an iterable of promises and returns a promise that fulfills
when any of the promises out of one or more promises provided to this method as an input fulfills.
Similarly, the promise returned by this method is rejected when any of the input promises is rejected.
The following code example shows the request timeout implemented using the Promise.race
Asynchronous JavaScript 175

1 // simulate a request that takes

2 // approximately 8 seconds to complete
3 function delayedRequest() {
4 return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
5 setTimeout(() => {
6 resolve("hello world");
7 }, 8000);
8 });
9 }
11 // timeout promise that is rejected
12 // after approximately 3 seconds
13 function timeout() {
14 return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
15 setTimeout(() => {
16 const error = new Error("request timed out");
17 reject(error);
18 }, 3000);
19 });
20 }
22 Promise.race([delayedRequest(), timeout()])
23 .then((response) => {
24 console.log(response);
25 })
26 .catch((error) => console.log(error.message));

You can run the above code in the Replit below:

<ReplitEmbed src=”” />
In this lesson, we discussed only two static methods, but it’s worth learning about the other static
methods¹¹⁸ available on the Promise constructor. Each static method has its own use cases; we just
discussed two use cases that I think are the most commonly needed.
While promises have changed the way we write asynchronous code in JavaScript, we still use
callbacks to register fulfillment and rejection handlers with promises. Some people might view using
callbacks with promises as verbose, even though promises solve the problem of “Callback Hell” and
the problem of error handling using the traditional way of using callbacks. What if there was an
easier, more concise, and more intuitive way to deal with promises? What if we could get rid of
callbacks when using promises? Enter async await!
The async await can be considered a syntax sugar over the traditional way of using promises. It
allows us to deal with promises using code that executes asynchronously but looks synchronous. It
Asynchronous JavaScript 176

also allows us to write more concise code that is easier to reason about, as the code doesn’t include
callbacks, and the flow of the code looks like that of synchronous code.
Let’s take a look at the following code example that uses promise chaining:

1 function fetchTodo(url) {
2 fetch(url)
3 .then((response) => {
4 if (response.ok) {
5 return response.json();
6 } else {
7 throw new Error("request failed");
8 }
9 })
10 .then((data) => {
11 console.log(data);
12 })
13 .catch((error) => {
14 console.log(error.message);
15 });
16 }
18 const url = "";
19 fetchTodo(url);

Here’s a Replit where you can run the above code:

<ReplitEmbed src=”” />
The code above is certainly an improvement over the traditional way of using callbacks for writing
asynchronous code, but it still has room for improvement, at least in terms of readability. The async
await syntax can be used to rewrite the above code example as shown below:

1 async function fetchTodo(url) {

2 try {
3 const response = await fetch(url);
5 if (response.ok) {
6 const data = await response.json();
7 console.log(data);
8 } else {
9 throw new Error("request failed");
10 }
11 } catch (error) {
Asynchronous JavaScript 177

12 console.log(error.message);
13 }
14 }
16 const url = "";
17 fetchTodo(url);

Here’s a Replit where you can run the above code:

<ReplitEmbed src=”” />
The revised code achieves the same result but is more readable, doesn’t use any callbacks, and is
easier to reason about as compared to the earlier example that uses promise chaining. Although the
code looks like synchronous code, it is asynchronous. Let us understand how async await works.
Two things should be noted in the code example above that uses the async await syntax: the async
keyword in the function signature and the await keyword inside the function. Following are the two
main steps to using the async await syntax:

1. Mark any function as “async” using the async keyword. This is needed because the await
keyword can only be used inside an “async” function.
2. Use the await keyword inside the async function to wait for any promises to settle.

:::info While the await keyword is mostly used inside an async function because the await keyword
was only allowed inside async functions until a recent change in the language that allows using the
await keyword at the top-level of a module¹¹⁹

async functions
An async function allows the use of the await keyword inside its body. An async function is different
from a non-async function because an async function always returns a promise. An async function
implicitly creates and returns a promise, similar to how each promise instance method creates and
returns a new promise. The following code verifies this claim:

1 async function foo() {}

3 const result = foo();
4 console.log(result instanceof Promise); // true
Asynchronous JavaScript 178

Here’s a Replit where you can run the above code:

<ReplitEmbed src=”” />
The fulfillment or rejection of the promise returned by an async function depends on what happens
inside its body, similar to how the promise returned by each of the promise instance methods depends
on the events occurring within its callback function. The following points summarize the settlement
of the async function promise:

• Returning any non-promise value from an async function leads to the fulfillment of the async
function promise, using the returned value as the fulfillment value.

1 async function foo() {

2 return 123;
3 }
5 foo().then(console.log); // 123

Here’s a Replit where you can run the above code:

<ReplitEmbed src=”” />

• Not returning any value from the function implicitly returns undefined. This leads to the
function promise getting fulfilled with undefined as the fulfillment value.

1 async function foo() {}

3 foo().then(console.log); // undefined

Here’s a Replit where you can run the above code:

<ReplitEmbed src=”” />

• Throwing an error inside the async function rejects the async function promise, using the
thrown value as the rejection reason.

1 async function foo() {

2 throw new Error("some error occurred");
3 }
5 foo().catch((error) => console.log(error.message)); // some error occurred

Here’s a Replit where you can run the above code:

<ReplitEmbed src=”” />
Asynchronous JavaScript 179

• Returning a promise from the async function results in the async function promise getting
resolved to the promise returned inside the function body. As we learned about one promise
resolving to another promise in one of the earlier lessons in this module, the promise created by
the async function will wait for the promise, returned inside its body, to settle. Eventually, the
async function promise will be fulfilled or rejected depending on what happens to the promise
returned inside the async function.

1 // returns a promise that is fulfilled

2 // after approximately 2 seconds
3 function getPromise() {
4 return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
5 setTimeout(() => {
6 resolve("hello world");
7 }, 2000);
8 });
9 }
11 async function foo() {
12 return getPromise();
13 }
15 foo().then(console.log); // hello world

Here’s a Replit where you can run the above code:

<ReplitEmbed src=”” />

await keyword
The await keyword, also referred to as the await operator, is used to wait for a promise to settle. The
following is an example of using the await keyword to wait for a promise to settle:

1 // assume that the following statement

2 // is inside an async function
3 const response = await fetch(url);

The await fetch(url) is an expression that will either evaluate the fulfillment value of the promise
returned by the fetch function or it will throw the rejection value if the promise returned by the
fetch function gets rejected. The thrown value can either be caught in the catch block of the
surrounding try-catch block or, if try-catch is not wrapped around the await statement, rejection
of the awaited promise can reject the async function promise, allowing the calling code to handle
the promise rejection.
Asynchronous JavaScript 180

Unlike promise chaining, where we have to register the fulfillment handler to get the fulfillment
value of the promise, the await expressions evaluate the promise fulfillment value, which we can
save in a variable. But how does it work? Isn’t it blocking the main thread while waiting for the
promise to settle?
Whenever an async function is called, it is executed synchronously until the first await expression
is encountered. The function’s execution is suspended or paused until the awaited promise is settled.
Instead of blocking the main thread, the function’s execution is paused, and in the meantime,
the main thread is free to do other things. When the promise is eventually settled, the function’s
execution is resumed, resuming the code execution after the await expression if the promise is
fulfilled or throwing the rejection value of the promise if the awaited promise is rejected.
What’s important to note is that the code inside the async function is executed synchronously until
the first await expression. What if the async function doesn’t have the await keyword inside it? Will
the function execute synchronously? Yes, it will, but keep in mind that the async function always
returns a promise, and it will either get fulfilled or rejected depending on what happens inside the
async function. This means that the following code doesn’t work as one might expect:

1 async function foo() {

2 return "123";
3 }
5 const result = foo();

The async function in the above code example didn’t use the await keyword, so the code inside it is
executed synchronously, but does it return the value “123” synchronously as well? No, it doesn’t. The
function is async, which means it returns a promise, so the result in the above example contains
the promise and not the value “123”. To get the fulfillment value of the promise, we can either use
promise chaining as shown below:

1 async function foo() {

2 return "123";
3 }
5 foo().then(console.log); // "123"

Here’s a Replit where you can run the above code:

<ReplitEmbed src=”” />
Or await the promise returned by the foo function using the async await syntax as shown below:
Asynchronous JavaScript 181

1 async function foo() {

2 return "123";
3 }
5 async function bar() {
6 const result = await foo();
7 console.log(result); // "123"
8 }
10 bar();

Here’s a Replit where you can run the above code:

<ReplitEmbed src=”” />

Multiple await expressions

An async function is not limited to using the await keyword only once inside its body. You can
use the await keyword as many times as you want inside an async function. The only thing to be
aware of regarding multiple await expressions is that they are not executed in parallel; instead, they
are executed in sequence, one after the other. The function execution will be paused at each await
expression, and the next await expression can only be executed after the ones before it has been

1 // returns a promise that is fulfilled

2 // after approximately 1 second
3 function promisifiedRandomNumber() {
4 return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
5 setTimeout(() => {
6 // generate a random number within range: 0 - 9
7 const randomNum = Math.floor(Math.random() * 10);
8 resolve(randomNum);
9 }, 1000);
10 });
11 }
13 async function random() {
14 const num1 = await promisifiedRandomNumber();
15 const num2 = await promisifiedRandomNumber();
16 const num3 = await promisifiedRandomNumber();
18 console.log(num1, num2, num3);
Asynchronous JavaScript 182

19 }
21 random();

Here’s a Replit where you can run the above code:

<ReplitEmbed src=”” />
Each of the await expressions in the above code example takes approximately 1 second, so the
function takes approximately 3 seconds to evaluate all the await expressions, logging their value at
the end.

1 // returns a promise that is fulfilled

2 // after approximately 1 second
3 function promisifiedRandomNumber() {
4 return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
5 setTimeout(() => {
6 // generate a random number within range: 0 - 9
7 const randomNum = Math.floor(Math.random() * 10);
8 resolve(randomNum);
9 }, 1000);
10 });
11 }
13 async function random() {
14 const randomSum =
15 (await promisifiedRandomNumber()) + (await promisifiedRandomNumber());
16 console.log(randomSum);
17 }
19 random();

Here’s a Replit where you can run the above code:

<ReplitEmbed src=”” />
The two await expressions in the above code example are also not executed in parallel; instead, they
are executed one after the other, from left to right.
Suppose we want concurrent asynchronous operations inside an async function. In that case, we can
use the Promise.all function, providing all the promises as input and awaiting the promise returned
by Promise.all.
Asynchronous JavaScript 183

1 // returns a promise that is fulfilled

2 // after approximately 1 second
3 function promisifiedRandomNumber() {
4 return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
5 setTimeout(() => {
6 // generate a random number within range: 0 - 9
7 const randomNum = Math.floor(Math.random() * 10);
8 resolve(randomNum);
9 }, 1000);
10 });
11 }
13 async function random() {
14 const promiseArr = [
15 promisifiedRandomNumber(),
16 promisifiedRandomNumber(),
17 promisifiedRandomNumber()
18 ];
19 const randomNumsArr = await Promise.all(promiseArr);
20 console.log(randomNumsArr);
21 }
23 random();

Here’s a Replit where you can run the above code:

<ReplitEmbed src=”” />

Error handling
To handle promise rejections inside an async function, we can wrap the await expressions with the
try-catch block as shown below:

1 async function getUsersAndTasks() {

2 try {
3 const users = await fetchUsers();
4 const tasks = await fetchTasks();
5 } catch (error) {
6 // handle the error
7 }
8 }
Asynchronous JavaScript 184

If any of the promises awaited in the try block are rejected, the code after that await expression
won’t be executed, and the execution will jump to the catch block. The await keyword throws the
promise rejection value, allowing the catch block to catch the rejection.
Alternatively, we can omit the try-catch block, but in this case, the code that calls the async function
must handle the promise rejection, either by using the promise chaining:

1 async function getUsersAndTasks() {

2 const users = await fetchUsers();
3 const tasks = await fetchTasks();
5 // do something with users and tasks.
6 }
8 getUsersAndTasks().catch((error) => {
9 /* handle the error */
10 });

or using the try-catch block in the calling code if we are using the async await syntax:

1 async function getUsersAndTasks() {

2 const users = await fetchUsers();
3 const tasks = await fetchTasks();
5 // do something with users and tasks.
6 }
8 async function initApp() {
9 try {
10 await getUsersAndTasks();
11 } catch (error) {
12 // handle the error
13 }
14 }

Returning vs awaiting promise

Forgetting to await a promise inside an async function can lead to bugs, causing unexpected output.
The code below shows the problem it can cause:
Asynchronous JavaScript 185

1 // returns a promise that either

2 // fulfills or gets rejected randomly
3 function getPromise() {
4 return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
5 setTimeout(() => {
6 if (Math.random() < 0.5) {
7 resolve("success");
8 } else {
9 reject(new Error("failed"));
10 }
11 }, 1000);
12 });
13 }
15 async function foo() {
16 getPromise();
17 }
19 foo()
20 .then(() => console.log("foo promise fulfilled"))
21 .catch(() => console.log("foo promise rejected"));

Here’s a Replit where you can run the above code:

<ReplitEmbed src=”” />
The getPromise function returns a promise that can be rejected, but the promise returned by the
foo function is always fulfilled. Why? The foo function has a problem: it didn’t return or await
the promise returned by the getPromise function. As a result, the foo function doesn’t wait for the
promise returned by the getPromise function to settle; instead, it just calls the getPromise function,
and the function execution ends, implicitly returning undefined, leading to the foo function promise
getting fulfilled with undefined as the fulfillment value.
Further code examples will use the getPromise function defined above.
To catch the rejection of the promise returned by the getPromise function, we have the following

• return the promise returned by the getPromise function.

Asynchronous JavaScript 186

1 async function foo() {

2 return getPromise();
3 }
5 foo()
6 .then(() => console.log("foo promise fulfilled"))
7 .catch(() => console.log("foo promise failed"));

Here’s a Replit where you can run the above code:

<ReplitEmbed src=”” />
Returning the promise resolves the foo function of the promise returned inside its body. As a result,
whatever happens to the promise returned by getPromise, the foo function promise meets the same

• await the promise returned by the getPromise function.

1 async function foo() {

2 await getPromise();
3 }
5 foo()
6 .then(() => console.log("foo promise fulfilled"))
7 .catch(() => console.log("foo promise failed"));

Here’s a Replit where you can run the above code:

<ReplitEmbed src=”” />
As mentioned earlier, if the awaited promise is rejected, its rejection value is thrown inside the async
function. As there is no try-catch block inside the foo function, the promise rejection causes the
foo function promise to also get rejected with the same rejection reason.

However, one thing to note in this code example is that if the promise returned by getPromise
is fulfilled, the foo function promise doesn’t fulfill with its fulfillment value; instead, it fulfills
with undefined as the fulfillment value because we didn’t explicitly return anything from the foo
function, and we know what happens to the async function promise when we don’t explicitly
return any value inside the function: the async function promise gets fulfilled with undefined as
the fulfillment value.

• await the promise returned by the getPromise function and surround it with the try-catch
Asynchronous JavaScript 187

1 async function foo() {

2 try {
3 await getPromise();
4 } catch (error) {
5 console.log("inside catch block of foo function");
6 return "error caught in foo";
7 }
8 }
10 foo()
11 .then(() => console.log("foo promise fulfilled"))
12 .catch(() => console.log("foo promise failed"));

Here’s a Replit where you can run the above code:

<ReplitEmbed src=”” />
Awaiting the getPromise call will catch the promise rejection, causing the catch block to execute.
However, the promise returned by the foo function will always be fulfilled. Why? Because the catch
block didn’t throw an error or return a promise that gets rejected. As a result, the foo function
promise always fulfills with the return value of the catch block. We can throw the error from the
catch to fix this problem. Having said that, if all we do inside the catch block is throw the error,
then it’s better to just omit the try-catch block and let the promise rejection automatically reject
the foo function promise.
Another problem in this code example is that we didn’t explicitly return any value in case the promise
was fulfilled and the catch block was never executed. So the foo function promise will be fulfilled
with undefined. Adding the return keyword before the await expression will do the job.
:::caution Can’t we just do return getPromise(); instead of return await getPromise();? We
could have if the await expression wasn’t wrapped in the try-catch block. What difference does
try-catch make? With the try-catch block, return getPromise(); will lead to the catch block
inside the foo function never executing. For the catch block inside the foo function to execute, we
need to await the promise inside the try block instead of just returning it. For more details, read:
await vs return vs return await¹²⁰ :::

Awaiting non-promise value

The await keyword is usually used to wait for a promise to settle, but it can also be used with a
non-promise value. The following code example shows this action:

Asynchronous JavaScript 188

1 const printRandomNumber = async () => {

2 const randomNum = await Math.floor(Math.random() * 10);
3 console.log(randomNum);
4 };
6 printRandomNumber();
8 console.log("before printing random number");

Here’s a Replit where you can run the above code:

<ReplitEmbed src=”” />
If you execute the above code example, you will note that the console.log statement at the end of
the code example is logged before the random number is printed, even though the function is called
before the last console.log statement. Why is that? We haven’t awaited any promises, so what’s
happening here?
When the await keyword is used with a non-promise value, a new promise is created, and that
promise is fulfilled with the value we used with the await keyword. In our code example, we have
awaited a random number; it is not a promise, so a new promise is created and fulfilled with the
generated random number. Code after the await expression is executed as though it were in a
fulfillment handler. As a result, when the promise is fulfilled, the code after the await expression
is not immediately executed. It is executed asynchronously, and as we learned in the lesson about
event loop, any asynchronous code is only executed after the synchronous execution of our code
ends. The last console.log statement is executed as part of the synchronous execution of our code.
As a result, it is logged before the random number.
Using await with a non-promise value is hardly useful, but just be aware that it is possible, and the
value is implicitly wrapped in a promise.
We learned in one of the earlier lessons in this module that executing DOM event listeners and
setTimeout or setInterval callbacks require scheduling a “task”. Tasks are enqueued in a task queue
until the event loop processes them. What about the promise fulfillment or rejection handlers? Does
their execution also require scheduling a task? Not exactly a task, but a “microtask”.
Microtasks, which the ECMAScript specification calls jobs¹²¹, are scheduled for things that have
higher priority than “tasks”. Microtasks are processed after:

• each callback, provided that the callstack is empty.

• each task

Whereas “tasks” are executed in the order they are enqueued in the task queue, only one task is
executed per one turn or tick of the event loop.
Asynchronous JavaScript 189

Another important thing to note about microtasks is that while only one task is processed per tick
of the event loop, microtasks are processed until the microtask queue is empty. If a task schedules
another task, it won’t be processed until the next turn or tick of the event loop, but in the case of
microtasks, if any microtask is queued by a microtask, the queued microtask will also be processed.
This means that the event loop can get stuck in an infinite loop if each microtask keeps queuing
another microtask.
Consider the following code example:

1 console.log("start");
3 setTimeout(() => {
4 console.log("setTimeout callback with 500ms delay");
5 }, 500);
7 Promise.resolve()
8 .then(() => {
9 console.log("first 'then' callback");
10 })
11 .then(() => {
12 console.log("second 'then' callback");
13 })
14 .then(() => {
15 console.log("third 'then' callback");
16 });
18 setTimeout(() => {
19 console.log("setTimeout callback with 0ms delay");
20 }, 0);
22 console.log("end");
24 /*
25 start
26 end
27 first 'then' callback
28 second 'then' callback
29 third 'then' callback
30 setTimeout callback with 0ms delay
31 setTimeout callback with 500ms delay
32 */

Here’s a Replit of the above code in action:

Asynchronous JavaScript 190

<ReplitEmbed src=”” />

Executing the above code requires scheduling tasks and microtasks. The following steps explain how
different tasks and microtasks are scheduled to execute the code above:

1. A task is created to execute the script, starting the synchronous execution of the code.
2. The first console.log statement is executed, logging “start” on the console.

1 output:
2 -------
3 start

3. Next, we have the setTimeout call with a 500ms delay. This starts a timer in the background,
and its expiration will result in a task to execute the setTimeout callback getting queued in the
task queue.

1 task queue:
2 -----------
3 [task(execute setTimeout callback)]
5 output:
6 -------
7 start

4. Moving on with the synchronous execution of the code, Promise.resolve¹²² is called, which
creates a resolved promise. To execute its fulfillment handler, a microtask or job is queued in
the microtask queue.

1 task queue:
2 -----------
3 [task(execute setTimeout callback)]
5 microtask queue:
6 ----------------
7 [job(execute fulfillment callback)]
9 output:
10 -------
11 start

5. Next, we have a setTimeout call with a 0ms delay. This also schedules a task to execute its

Asynchronous JavaScript 191

1 task queue:
2 -----------
3 [
4 task(execute setTimeout callback),
5 task(execute setTimeout callback)
6 ]
8 microtask queue:
9 ----------------
10 [job(execute fulfillment callback)]
12 output:
13 -------
14 start

6. Finally, the synchronous execution reaches its end with the final console.log statement,
logging “end” on the console. At this point, the callstack is empty, and the event loop can
start processing the scheduled tasks and microtasks.

1 task queue:
2 -----------
3 [
4 task(execute setTimeout callback),
5 task(execute setTimeout callback)
6 ]
8 microtask queue:
9 ----------------
10 [job(execute fulfillment callback)]
12 output:
13 -------
14 start
15 end

7. As mentioned earlier, microtasks are processed after each task as well as after each callback,
provided that the callstack is empty. The synchronous execution of the code is a task, and
when it ends, the callstack is empty, so any microtasks in the microtask queue are ready to be
processed by the event loop. We have only one microtask in the microtask queue. It will be
processed by logging “first ‘then’ callback” on the console.
Asynchronous JavaScript 192

1 task queue:
2 -----------
3 [
4 task(execute setTimeout callback),
5 task(execute setTimeout callback)
6 ]
8 microtask queue:
9 ----------------
10 []
12 output:
13 -------
14 start
15 end
16 first 'then' callback

8. The callback function of the first then method implicitly returns undefined, and as a result,
the promise returned by the then method is fulfilled with undefined as the fulfillment value.
This queues another microtask in the microtask queue to execute the fulfillment handler of the
promise returned by the first then method.

1 task queue:
2 -----------
3 [
4 task(execute setTimeout callback),
5 task(execute setTimeout callback)
6 ]
8 microtask queue:
9 ----------------
10 [job(execute fulfillment callback)]
12 output:
13 -------
14 start
15 end
16 first 'then' callback

9. As mentioned earlier, microtasks are processed until the microtask queue is empty, so the newly
queued microtask will also be processed, logging “second ‘then’ callback” on the console.
Asynchronous JavaScript 193

1 task queue:
2 -----------
3 [
4 task(execute setTimeout callback),
5 task(execute setTimeout callback)
6 ]
8 microtask queue:
9 ----------------
10 []
12 output:
13 -------
14 start
15 end
16 first 'then' callback
17 second 'then' callback

10. Similar to step 8, the callback function of the second then method implicitly returns undefined,
and as a result, the promise returned by the then method is fulfilled with undefined as
the fulfillment value. This queues another microtask in the microtask queue to execute the
fulfillment handler of the promise returned by the second then method.

1 task queue:
2 -----------
3 [
4 task(execute setTimeout callback),
5 task(execute setTimeout callback)
6 ]
8 microtask queue:
9 ----------------
10 [job(execute fulfillment callback)]
12 output:
13 -------
14 start
15 end
16 first 'then' callback
17 second 'then' callback

11. This results in the “third ‘then’ callback” getting logged on the console.
Asynchronous JavaScript 194

1 task queue:
2 -----------
3 [
4 task(execute setTimeout callback),
5 task(execute setTimeout callback)
6 ]
8 microtask queue:
9 ----------------
10 []
12 output:
13 -------
14 start
15 end
16 first 'then' callback
17 second 'then' callback
18 third 'then' callback

12. We didn’t do anything with the promise returned by the third then method, so its fulfillment
is ignored. At this point, all the microtasks have been processed, and the microtask queue is
empty. The event loop can now process the first task in the task queue.
13. The first task in the task queue is that of the second setTimeout call because it had less delay
than the first one, so it was queued before the task of the other setTimeout callback, which had
a 500ms delay. Processing it results in a “setTimeout callback with 0ms delay” being logged on
the console.

1 task queue:
2 -----------
3 [task(execute setTimeout callback)]
5 microtask queue:
6 ----------------
7 []
9 output:
10 -------
11 start
12 end
13 first 'then' callback
14 second 'then' callback
15 third 'then' callback
16 setTimeout callback with 0ms delay
Asynchronous JavaScript 195

14. Finally, the last task in the task queue is that of the first setTimeout call with a 500ms delay,
resulting in “setTimeout callback with 500ms delay” getting logged on the console.

1 task queue:
2 -----------
3 []
5 microtask queue:
6 ----------------
7 []
9 output:
10 -------
11 start
12 end
13 first 'then' callback
14 second 'then' callback
15 third 'then' callback
16 setTimeout callback with 0ms delay
17 setTimeout callback with 500ms delay

:::note In this module, we have used the term “resolved” to refer to a promise that is waiting for
another promise to settle. In other words, we have used the term “resolved” to refer to a promise in
a pending state.
Having said that, the term “resolved” can also be used to refer to a promise that has either been
fulfilled or rejected. For more details, read: promises-unwrapping - States and Fates¹²³

Further reading
The following are links to some of the Stackoverflow questions that I answered that are related to
microtasks and explain the execution of code examples similar to the one discussed above:

• How to explain the output order of this code snippet?¹²⁴

• JavaScript quiz of printing sequence with a combination of promise.then and async function¹²⁵
• Promise chain .then .catch¹²⁶
• Asynchronous Execution Order in JavaScript¹²⁷
Asynchronous JavaScript 196

The following is an article that explains the execution of tasks and microtasks with the help of
interactive examples:

• Tasks, microtasks, queues, and schedules¹²⁸

In this lesson, we will discuss common promise-related anti-patterns that should be avoided.
Following is a list of anti-patterns we will discuss:

• Unnecessary use of the Promise constructor

• Incorrect error handling
• Converting promise rejection into fulfillment
• Async executor function

Unnecessary use of the Promise Constructor

One of the most common mistakes made by JavaScript developers, especially those who don’t have
much experience with promises, is creating promises unnecessarily using the Promise constructor
function. Let’s take a look at an example:

1 function fetchData(url) {
2 return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
3 fetch(url)
4 .then((res) => res.json(res))
5 .then(resolve)
6 .catch(reject);
7 });
8 }

The above code will work if you pass a URL to the fetchData function and then wait for the promise
to resolve, but the use of the Promise constructor is unnecessary in the above code example. The
fetch function already returns a promise, so instead of wrapping the fetch function call with the
promise constructor, we can re-write the above function as shown below:

1 function fetchData(url) {
2 return fetch(url).then((res) => res.json(res));
3 }
Asynchronous JavaScript 197

The revised version of the fetchData function is concise, easy to read, free from the creation of any
unnecessary promises, and allows the code that calls the fetchData function to catch and handle any
errors. The older version of the fetchData function also allowed the calling code to handle errors,
but the revised version does it without using the catch method call.
Unnecessary use of the promise constructor can lead to another problem: if we forget to add the catch
method call to the promise chain inside the Promise constructor, then any error thrown during the
HTTP request won’t be caught. Forgetting to call the reject function inside the executor function
can hide the failure of the asynchronous operation inside the executor function.

Incorrect Error Handling

When writing code that uses promises, one of the most important rules to keep in mind is to either
catch and handle the error or return the promise to allow the calling code to catch and handle it. This
fundamental rule can help you avoid hidden bugs in the code that uses promises.
Let’s take a look at an example of incorrect handling of errors that breaks the above rule:

1 function fetchData(url) {
2 fetch(url).then((response) => response.json());
3 }
5 fetchData("")
6 .then((data) => console.log(data))
7 .catch((error) => console.log(error));

Here’s a Replit of the above code in action:

<ReplitEmbed src=”” />
The above code throws an error because the fetchData function doesn’t return the promise. It also
doesn’t allow the calling code to do any kind of error handling.
There are two ways to fix the above code:

• Return the promise from the fetchData function by adding the return keyword before

1 function fetchData(url) {
2 return fetch(url).then((response) => response.json());
3 }

Here’s a Replit of the above code in action:

<ReplitEmbed src=”” />
As the above function just makes the HTTP request and returns the response data after calling
the json() method on the response object, the calling code is responsible for using the response
data as well as handling any error.
Asynchronous JavaScript 198

1 fetchData(/* some url */)

2 .then((data) => {
3 /* do something with the data */
4 })
5 .catch((error) => {
6 /* handle error */
7 });

• Handle the error inside the fetchData function by chaining the catch method to the then

1 function fetchData(url) {
2 fetch(url)
3 .then((response) => response.json())
4 .then((data) => {
5 /* do something with the data */
6 })
7 .catch((err) => {
8 /* error handling code */
9 });
10 }

and you call the function above as shown below:

1 fetchData(/* some url */);

Converting promise rejection into fulfillment

Each method on the Promise.prototype object returns a new promise. If we are not careful, we can
write code that can implicitly convert promise rejection into promise fulfillment. Let’s take a look
at an example:

1 function getData(url) {
2 return Promise.reject(new Error()).catch((err) => {
3 console.log("inside catch block in getData function");
4 });
5 }
7 getData()
8 .then((data) => console.log("then block"))
9 .catch((error) => console.log("catch block"));
Asynchronous JavaScript 199

Here’s a Replit of the above code in action:

<ReplitEmbed src=”” />
What output do you expect? The output is shown below:

1 "inside catch block in getData function"

3 "then block"

We called Promise.reject¹²⁹ inside the getData function, so instead of logging “then block”, why
didn’t “catch block” get logged? Instead of the catch block, why was the callback function of the
then method invoked? Let’s understand how the above code executes:

1. getData function is invoked.

2. Promise.reject(new Error()) creates a rejected promise.
3. As a result of the promise rejection, the callback function of the catch method is invoked.
4. “inside catch block in getData function” gets logged on the console.
5. As the callback function of the catch method didn’t explicitly return anything, the callback
function implicitly returns undefined.
6. The promise returned by the catch method is fulfilled with the return value of its callback
function, i.e., undefined.
7. This fulfilled promise is returned to its calling code by the getData function.
8. As the promise returned by the getData function is fulfilled with the value undefined, the then
method’s callback is invoked in the calling code, which logs “then block”.

See this stackoverflow post¹³⁰, which explains this behavior in more detail.
Although the above code is a contrived example, imagine if there was a fetch function call instead
of Promise.reject in the getData function; if the HTTP request is successful, our code will work
without any problem, but if the HTTP request fails, the catch method in the getData function
will convert promise rejection into promise fulfillment. As a result, instead of returning a rejected
promise, the getData function will return a fulfilled promise.
Sometimes, you do want to convert promise rejection into promise fulfillment to handle the rejection
and let the promise chain continue. This is fine if done intentionally. Just be aware that promise
rejection can turn into promise fulfillment if you are not careful. Doing this will certainly lead to
bugs in your code.
Suppose you are wondering why the promise returned by the catch method got fulfilled instead of
getting rejected. In that case, the answer is that, as explained in the previous lesson, the promise
Asynchronous JavaScript 200

returned by the then or catch method gets fulfilled if their callback function explicitly or implicitly
returns a value instead of throwing an error or returning a rejected promise or a promise that
eventually gets rejected.
So, how can we fix the above code example to avoid this problem? There are two ways to fix this

• Throw the error from the callback function of the catch method.
1 function getData(url) {
2 return Promise.reject(new Error()).catch((err) => {
3 throw err;
4 });
5 }

Here’s a Replit of the above code in action:

<ReplitEmbed src=”” />

This will reject the promise returned by the catch method, and the getData function will return this
rejected promise. As a result, as expected, catch method callback in the calling code will be invoked.

• Remove the catch method call.

1 function getData(url) {
2 return Promise.reject(new Error());
3 }

Here’s a Replit of the above code in action:

<ReplitEmbed src=”” />
This will also invoke the catch block in the calling code because now the getData function
returns the result of calling Promise.reject, and as mentioned before, Promise.reject creates
a rejected promise. :::tip Personally, I recommend using this approach instead of throwing the
error from the catch method callback. Just allow the calling code to catch and handle the errors.
The catch method callback that just re-throws the error is unnecessary. :::

Async executor function

When creating a new promise using the Promise constructor, we pass a function to the promise
constructor. This function is known as the executor function. The executor function should never
be an async function. Why is that?
Suppose the executor function is an async function. In that case, any errors thrown by the async
executor function will not be caught, and the thrown error won’t cause the newly-constructed
promise to reject.
Asynchronous JavaScript 201

1 const p = new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => {

2 throw new Error("error");
3 });
5 p.catch((e) => console.log(e.message));

In the above code example, as the executor function is an async function, the error thrown inside it
doesn’t reject the newly-created promise p. As a result, the callback function of the catch method,
called on promise p, never gets called.
If the executor function is a synchronous function, then any error thrown inside the executor
function will automatically reject the newly created promise. Try removing the async keyword in
the above code example and observe the output.
Another thing to note is that if you find yourself using await inside the executor function, this should
be a signal to you that you don’t need the promise constructor at all (remember the first anti-pattern
discussed above).
Iterators and Generators
Built-in objects like arrays can be iterated over using the for…of¹³¹ loop. Instead of iterating over an
array with a simple for loop where we have to access the value using an index, increment the index
after each iteration, and also know when to end the iteration so that we don’t access indexes that
are out of bounds, with for...of loop, everything is handled for us. We don’t have to worry about
the indexes or the loop termination condition.

1 const arr = [1, 2, 3];

3 for (const num of arr) {
4 console.log(num);
5 }

Here’s a Replit where you can run the above code:

<ReplitEmbed src=”” />
How does for...of loop help us iterate over an array? How does it know when to end the iteration?
To understand this, we need to understand the following two concepts:

• Iterables
• Iterators

Iterable is an object that implements the iterable protocol¹³². According to the iterable protocol,
an object is iterable if it defines the iteration behavior that can be used by the for...of loop to
iterate over the values in the object. The object can implement a method that is referred to by
the property represented by Symbol.iterator¹³³; it is one of the well-known symbols to define the
iteration behavior. The well-known symbols were discussed in the module related to symbols.
In the case of arrays, this method is defined in the Array.prototype object. This method defines the
iteration behavior that is appropriate for arrays. Other objects can also implement this method to
define an iteration behavior that is appropriate for them.
What does the Symbol.iterator return that can be used by constructs like for...of loop to iterate
over an object? It returns an iterator object.
Iterators and Generators 203

Iterators are objects that implement the iterator protocol¹³⁴. According to the iterator protocol, an
object is an iterator if it implements a method named next that takes zero or one argument and
returns an object with the following properties:

• done: indicates whether the iterator can produce or return another. If it can, its value is false,
otherwise, true. The true value is the same as omitting this property in the object returned by
the next method.
• value: the value returned by the iterator object. This property can be omitted or its value can
be undefined if the value of the done property is true.

The following are examples of iterator objects with the above mentioned properties:

1 { value: 45, done: false }

3 // or
5 { value: undefined, done: true }

When we iterate over an array using the for...of loop, it internally gets the iterator from the array
and keeps calling its next method until the iterator has returned all values. With the for...of loop,
we use the iterator indirectly. We can also use the iterator directly. Arrays are iterables, and we know
that iterables implement the Symbol.iterator method that returns the iterator object that contains
the next method. The following code example shows how we can get the array iterator and use it
directly to get the values in the array:

1 const arr = [2, 4, 6, 8, 10];

3 // get the array iterator object
4 const arrayIterator = arr[Symbol.iterator]();
6 // get the first iterator result object
7 let result =;
9 // keep getting new iterator result objects
10 // until the "done" property of the iterator
11 // result object is false
12 while (!result.done) {
13 console.log(result.value);
Iterators and Generators 204

14 result =;
15 }
17 /*
18 2
19 4
20 6
21 8
22 10
23 */

Here’s a Replit where you can run the above code:

<ReplitEmbed src=”” />
Each built-in iterator object¹³⁵ provides iterators that define a specific iteration behavior for the
iterable object. The following is an example of using the Map object’s iterator directly:

1 const myMap = new Map();

2 myMap.set("a", 1);
3 myMap.set("b", 2);
4 myMap.set("c", 3);
6 // get the array iterator object
7 const mapIterator = myMap[Symbol.iterator]();
9 // get the first iterator result object
10 let result =;
12 // keep getting new iterator result objects
13 // until the "done" property of the iterator
14 // result object is false
15 while (!result.done) {
16 console.log(result.value);
17 result =;
18 }
20 /*
21 ["a", 1]
22 ["b", 2]
23 ["c", 3]
24 */
Iterators and Generators 205

Here’s a Replit where you can run the above code:

<ReplitEmbed src=”” />
The value of the value property on the iterator result object for the Map object is a key-value pair
contained in an array. You can use Map.prototype.values()¹³⁶ to get an iterator that just returns values
in the Map, or Map.prototype.keys()¹³⁷ to get an iterator that returns all the keys in the Map.

Iterator prototype
Each iterator object inherits from the respective iterator prototype object. For example, the array iter-
ator inherits from the Array Iterator prototype object. Similarly, the string iterator inherits from the
String Iterator prototype object. All iterator prototype objects inherit from the Iterator.prototype

1 const arr = [2, 4, 6, 8, 10];

3 // get the array iterator object
4 const arrayIterator = arr[Symbol.iterator]();
6 // this is the prototype object shared by all array iterators
7 const arrayIteratorPrototype = Object.getPrototypeOf(arrayIterator);
9 console.log(Object.getOwnPropertyNames(arrayIteratorPrototype));
10 // ["next"]

Here’s a Replit where you can run the above code:

<ReplitEmbed src=”” />
The code example above shows one way to get the array iterator prototype object, and it also shows
that the next method is inherited from the array iterator prototype object. If we get the prototype
of the array iterator prototype object, we will get the Iterator.prototype object, which is shared
by all iterator prototype objects.

Iterators and Generators 206

1 const arr = [2, 4, 6, 8, 10];

3 // get the array iterator object
4 const arrayIterator = arr[Symbol.iterator]();
6 // this is the prototype object shared by all array iterators
7 const arrayIteratorPrototype = Object.getPrototypeOf(arrayIterator);
9 // this is the Iterator.prototype object shared by all iterator prototypes
10 const iteratorPrototype = Object.getPrototypeOf(arrayIteratorPrototype);

:::info We cannot access the Iterator.prototype object directly because it is a hidden global object
that all built-in iterators inherit from.
The Iterator.prototype object itself is an iterable object, which means that it implements the
iterable protocol. But the Symbol.iterator method that it implements simply returns the iterator on
which this method is called. This means that any iterator object itself is iterable, meaning that we
can use it with constructors like the for...of loop.

1 const arr = [1, 2, 3];

3 const arrayIterator = arr[Symbol.iterator]();
5 // use the array iterator object instead of the array
6 for (const num of arrayIterator) {
7 console.log(num);
8 }
10 /*
11 1
12 2
13 3
14 */

Here’s a Replit where you can run the above code:

<ReplitEmbed src=”” />

Making custom iterable objects

At this point, we have learned enough about iterables and iterators to make custom iterable objects.
To make a custom iterable object, we need to implement Symbol.iterator method that returns the
Iterators and Generators 207

iterator object containing the next method. Let’s consider an example of student objects that we
want to make iterable so that we can easily print their properties with the for...of loop.

1 function Student(name, age, id, courses) {

2 = name;
3 this.age = age;
4 = id;
5 = courses;
6 }

This is the Student constructor that will be used to make student objects. To make all the student
objects iterable, we need to implement the Symbol.iterator method in the Student.prototype
object, as shown below:

1 Student.prototype[Symbol.iterator] = function () {
2 // "this" refers to the student object on which this method is called
3 const currentStudent = this;
4 const studentProps = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(currentStudent);
5 let propIndex = 0;
7 const studentIterator = {
8 next: () => {
9 if (propIndex < studentProps.length) {
10 const key = studentProps[propIndex];
11 const value = currentStudent[key];
12 propIndex++;
13 const formattedValue = `${key.padStart(7)} => ${value}`;
15 return {
16 value: formattedValue,
17 done: false
18 };
19 }
21 return {
22 value: undefined,
23 done: true
24 };
25 }
26 };
28 return studentIterator;
29 };
Iterators and Generators 208

Now, if we try to iterate over any student instance, we will get the formatted values as we defined
in the student iterator’s next method, as shown below:

1 const jack = new Student("Jack", 20, "21A", ["Maths", "Biology", "Physics"]);

3 for (const val of jack) {
4 console.log(val);
5 }
7 /*
8 name => Jack
9 age => 20
10 id => 21A
11 courses => Maths,Biology,Physics
12 */

Here’s a Replit where you can run the above code:

<ReplitEmbed src=”” />
We can define the iteration behavior according to whatever logic we want and format the value
returned in the iterator result object in whatever way we want. This gives us the flexibility to define
the iteration behavior for any object(s) that is appropriate for a particular object or for a group of
related objects.
Remember that each iterator prototype object, for example, the array iterator prototype object,
inherits from the Iterator.prototype object, but the studentIterator object doesn’t. As a result,
the student iterator object is not iterable.

1 const jack = new Student("Jack", 20, "21A", ["Maths", "Biology", "Physics"]);

3 const studentIterator = jack[Symbol.iterator]();
5 for (const val of studentIterator) {
6 console.log(val);
7 }
9 // ERROR...

Here’s a Replit where you can run the above code:

<ReplitEmbed src=”” />
We can fix this either by explicitly setting up the prototype chain link between the
Iterator.prototype object and our studentIterator object, or an easier way is to just implement
the Symbol.iterator method in the studentIterator object to make it iterable:
Iterators and Generators 209

1 Student.prototype[Symbol.iterator] = function () {
2 // code omitted to keep code example short
4 const studentIterator = {
5 next() {
6 // code omitted to keep code example short
7 },
8 [Symbol.iterator]() {
9 return this;
10 }
11 };
13 return studentIterator;
14 };

Now the studentIterator object is iterable, so we can use it with the for...of loop if we want to.
There’s one more improvement we can make to the above code example. We have defined
Symbol.iterator method in the Student.prototype object, but it is enumerable¹³⁸, which is not
ideal. We can make it non-enumerable by defining it using the Object.defineProperty¹³⁹ method, as
shown below:

1 Object.defineProperty(Student.prototype, Symbol.iterator, {
2 value: function () {
3 // copy the code inside the Symbol.iterator method from above
4 },
5 configurable: true,
6 writable: true
7 });

Generators are special functions in JavaScript that can suspend their execution at different points
in their execution and then resume from the point at which they were paused. Just like iterators,
generator functions can be used to produce a sequence of values that can be consumed by constructs
like the for...of loop. In fact, a generator function returns a generator object, which is an iterator.
So, we can use the return value of a generator function just like any other iterator.
Following is an example of a generator function that produces odd numbers from 0 to 10:

Iterators and Generators 210

1 function* odds() {
2 for (let i = 1; i <= 10; i += 2) {
3 yield i;
4 }
5 }
7 for (const num of odds()) {
8 console.log(num);
9 }
11 /*
12 1
13 3
14 5
15 7
16 9
17 */

Here’s a Replit of the above code in action:

<ReplitEmbed src=”” />
Note the following two things in the generator function above:

• The function* syntax marks a function as a generator function. Space between * and function
is also valid syntax: function *.
• The yield keyword produces a value. The value on the right of the yield keyword is what we
get when we call the next method on the iterator object returned from the generator function.
The yield keyword also marks a place where a generator function is paused.

Infinite sequence
Generator functions can also be used to create an infinite sequence. as shown below:
Iterators and Generators 211

1 function* randomNumberGenerator(max) {
2 while (true) {
3 yield Math.floor(Math.random() * max);
4 }
5 }
7 const randomNumGen = randomNumberGenerator(10);
9 // log 10 random numbers
10 for (let i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
11 console.log(;
12 }

Here’s a Replit of the above code in action:

<ReplitEmbed src=”” />
The code example above logs only 10 random numbers, but it is possible to use the generator to
generate an infinite number of random numbers. This is possible because generator functions are
evaluated lazily; their execution is paused until a new value is requested.
In the above code example, we are consuming the generator using the next method. Note that calling
the generator function doesn’t execute it; instead, it returns a generator object. The generator object
is an iterator as well as an iterable. So we can use it like an iterator by calling the next method on it.
Calling the next method on a generator object returns the values that the generator yields. Multiple
calls to the next method keep returning the value that the generator yields until the generator object
stops yielding the values. At this point, we get an object with the done property set to true. However,
the generator function above can yield values infinitely.

Implementing iterators
As a generator function returns an iterator object, generator functions make it convenient to write
iterators. We can rewrite the student iterator example in the previous lesson using a generator
function, as shown below:
Iterators and Generators 212

1 function Student(name, age, id, courses) {

2 = name;
3 this.age = age;
4 = id;
5 = courses;
6 }
8 Student.prototype[Symbol.iterator] = function* () {
9 // "this" refers to the student object on which this method is called
10 const currentStudent = this;
11 const studentProps = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(currentStudent);
13 for (let i = 0; i < studentProps.length; i++) {
14 const key = studentProps[i];
15 const value = currentStudent[key];
16 const formattedValue = `${key.padStart(7)} => ${value}`;
18 yield formattedValue;
19 }
20 };
22 const jack = new Student("Jack", 20, "21A", ["Maths", "Biology", "Physics"]);
24 for (const val of jack) {
25 console.log(val);
26 }
28 /*
29 name => Jack
30 age => 20
31 id => 21A
32 courses => Maths,Biology,Physics
33 */

Here’s a Replit of the above code in action:

<ReplitEmbed src=”” />
Compare the implementation of the Symbol.iterator method in the previous lesson and the new
one that uses a generator function to implement the student iterator. Code is simpler, concise, and
easy to read. Generator functions really make it easy to implement iterators.
As an added bonus, the iterator object returned by the generator function is automatically iterable;
as a result, the student iterator is iterable without us needing to manually set up the prototype chain
link or implement the Symbol.iterator method in the iterator object.
Iterators and Generators 213

Consuming values
While simple iterators only produce values, generators can also consume values. We can pass a value
to the generator using the next method. The value passed to the generator becomes the value of the
yield expression. Consider the following code example of a generator consuming a value:

1 function* myGenerator() {
2 const name = yield "What is your name?";
3 yield `Hello ${name}!`;
4 }
6 const gen = myGenerator();
7 console.log(; // What is your name?
8 console.log("John").value); // Hello John!

Here’s a Replit of the above code in action:

<ReplitEmbed src=”” />
The first next method call yields the first value, i.e.,”What is your name?”. At this point, the generator
function pauses. The value of the yield expression will be calculated depending on how we call the
next method again. If we pass an argument to the second call to the next method, that argument
will become the value of the yield expression. In the above code example, the argument provided
is the string “John”, so the value of the first yield expression is “John”, and that is saved in the name
constant inside the generator function.
The second next method call provides a value for the first yield expression and results in the
generator function yielding the next value, which is also a string in the code example above. The
second yield value is calculated using the value of the name constant. As a result, we get “Hello
John!” as the second value from the generator function.
:::note We didn’t pass any argument to the first next method call; this is because any value provided
to the first next method call is ignored. The first next method call cannot provide a value for the
first yield expression. The value of the first yield expression will be provided by the second next
method call; similarly, the value of the second yield expression can be provided by the third next
method call, and so on. :::
The following is an example of a generator that produces random numbers infinitely and allows us
to pass the upper limit of the range in which the random number should be produced. The number
we pass is not included in the range.
Iterators and Generators 214

1 function* generatorRandomNumber(limit) {
2 while (true) {
3 const randomNumber = Math.floor(Math.random() * limit);
4 limit = yield randomNumber;
5 }
6 }
8 const randomNumGenerator = generatorRandomNumber(10);
10 console.log(;
11 console.log(;
12 console.log(;
13 console.log(;
14 console.log(;
15 console.log(;

Here’s a Replit of the above code in action:

<ReplitEmbed src=”” />

Delegating to other iterators

Another cool thing about generators is that they allow us to delegate the responsibility of producing
values to other iterators, such as generators. To delegate the responsibility, we need to use the yield*
operator. This operator takes any iterator and yields values from it until the iterator is done. The
following is an example of using the yield* operator to delegate the responsibility of producing
even or odd numbers to respective generator functions:

1 function* evens() {
2 yield 2;
3 yield 4;
4 yield 6;
5 }
7 function* odds() {
8 yield 1;
9 yield 3;
10 yield 5;
11 }
13 function* printNums(isEven) {
14 if (isEven) {
Iterators and Generators 215

15 yield* evens();
16 } else {
17 yield* odds();
18 }
19 }
21 for (const num of printNums(false)) {
22 console.log(num);
23 }
25 // 1
26 // 3
27 // 5

Here’s a Replit of the above code in action:

<ReplitEmbed src=”” />
The printNums generator delegates the responsibility of producing values to one of the other two
generator functions depending on the value of the isEven parameter.

Further reading
• Generator (MDN article)¹⁴⁰
• yield* (MDN article)¹⁴¹

We learned about iterables and iterators in the first lesson of this module. An iterable is an object that
implements the iterable protocol, and an iterator is an object that implements the iterator protocol.
The iterators we learned about were synchronous.
JavaScript also has asynchronous iterators that work similarly to synchronous iterators. The
synchronous iterators contain a method named next that, when called, returns an object with two
properties: done and value. The asynchronous iterators also contain a method named next, but
instead of returning an object with the previously mentioned properties, it returns a promise.
Objects implement the Symbol.iterator method to implement the iterable protocol. Objects can
implement the async iterable protocol¹⁴² by implementing the Symbol.asyncIterator¹⁴³ method.
The following is an example of using an async iterator to fetch users from an API:

Iterators and Generators 216

1 function fetchUsers(userCount) {
2 // keep max user count to 10
3 if (userCount > 10) {
4 userCount = 10;
5 }
7 const BASE_URL = "";
8 let userId = 1;
10 const userAsyncIterator = {
11 async next() {
12 if (userId > userCount) {
13 return { value: undefined, done: true };
14 }
16 const response = await fetch(`${BASE_URL}/${userId++}`);
18 if (response.ok) {
19 const userData = await response.json();
20 return { value: userData, done: false };
21 } else {
22 throw new Error("failed to fetch users");
23 }
24 },
25 [Symbol.asyncIterator]() {
26 return this;
27 }
28 };
30 return userAsyncIterator;
31 }
33 async function getData() {
34 const usersAsyncIterator = fetchUsers(3);
36 let userIteratorResult = await;
38 while (!userIteratorResult.done) {
39 console.log(userIteratorResult.value);
40 userIteratorResult = await;
41 }
42 }
Iterators and Generators 217

44 getData();

Here’s a Replit of the above code in action:

<ReplitEmbed src=”” />
In the above code example, we are using the async iterator directly instead of using a construct like
the for...of loop. Later in this module, we will see how we can consume an async iterator using a
Note in the above code example that the userAsyncIterator object inside the fetchUsers
function implements the Symbol.asyncIterator method to implement the async iterable
protocol. We discussed in the lesson about iterators that each built-in iterator inherits from the
Iterator.prototype object and is an iterable itself. To make our custom iterators also iterables, we
can make our iterators inherit from the iterator.prototype object, or we could implement the
Symbol.iterator method in our iterator object to make it an iterable. Similarly, async iterators
inherit from the AsyncIterator.prototype object, which is also a hidden global object, just like
the Iterator.prototype object. We could make our userAsyncIterator object inherit from the
AsyncIterator.prototype to make it an iterable, or we could implement the Symbol.asyncIterator
method, as shown in the above code example.
In short, the main difference between a synchronous iterator and an async iterator is that the next
method of an async iterator returns a promise. Next, we will discuss the asynchronous generators
that, just like regular generators, can make it easy for us to implement the async iterators.

Further reading
• AsyncIterator (MDN article)¹⁴⁴

Similar to the difference between synchronous iterators and async iterators, the main difference
between a regular generator and an async generator is that an async generator yields a promise.
Async generators are a combination of async functions and generators. As a result, we can use both
the await and the yield keywords inside an async generator. Calling an async generator returns an
AsyncGenerator¹⁴⁵ object that implements both async iterator as well as async iterable protocols.
The next method of the AsyncGenerator object returns a promise.
Let us rewrite the async iterator example in the previous lesson to use an async generator:

Iterators and Generators 218

1 async function* fetchUsers(userCount) {

2 // keep max user count to 10
3 if (userCount > 10) {
4 userCount = 10;
5 }
7 const BASE_URL = "";
9 for (let userId = 1; userId <= userCount; userId++) {
10 const response = await fetch(`${BASE_URL}/${userId}`);
12 if (response.ok) {
13 const userData = await response.json();
14 yield userData;
15 } else {
16 throw new Error("failed to fetch users");
17 }
18 }
19 }
21 async function getData() {
22 const usersAsyncGenerator = fetchUsers(3);
24 let userGeneratorResult = await;
26 while (!userGeneratorResult.done) {
27 console.log(userGeneratorResult.value);
28 userGeneratorResult = await;
29 }
30 }
32 getData();

Here’s a Replit of the code above:

<ReplitEmbed src=”” />
:::info Inside the fetchUsers function, instead of awaiting the result of response.json() and then
yielding the userData object, we could simply yield response.json(). This will also work because
returning a promise from an async function resolves the async function promise to the promise
returned inside its body. The same principle applies here: if we yield a promise, the async generator
promise will be resolved to the promise that is yield inside it.
Iterators and Generators 219

The async generators make it really easy to implement async iterators, and this is how you would
normally implement async iterators.

for await…of loop

So far, we have consumed the async iterators directly by calling the next method. The for...of loop,
which helps us iterate over the iterable objects, has a counterpart known as the for await…of¹⁴⁶ loop
that helps us iterate over the async iterable. The following code example shows how we can rewrite
the getData function to use the for await...of loop:

1 async function getData() {

2 for await (const user of fetchUsers(3)) {
3 console.log(user);
4 }
5 }

The for await...of loop can only be used in a context where we can use the await keyword, i.e.,
inside an async function and a module.

Further reading
• async function* (MDN article)¹⁴⁷

Debugging JavaScript
Debugging is the process of finding and fixing problems or errors in code. Most software developers,
if not all, spend more time debugging code than writing it. Therefore, debugging is a must-have skill
for any software developer. It is impossible to write bug-free code, so learning to debug your own or
someone else’s code effectively can greatly enhance your productivity as a software developer. We
can’t escape debugging as software developers, so we might as well learn to do it effectively.
In this module, we will learn different ways to debug JavaScript code. Every JavaScript developer
uses the console.log and alert functions to debug their code, and it is fine to do so, but there are
other ways to debug JavaScript. The goal of this module is to introduce the following three ways
that can help us debug JavaScript code effectively:

• Using the debugger statement

• Using breakpoints in browser developer tools
• Using VS Code debugger

The debugging strategies mentioned above depend on the debugger¹⁴⁸ to help us debug our code
The next few lessons introduce each of the above-mentioned methods.
The debugger statement allows us to set up a point in our code where the debugger can pause the
execution of our code. This is like setting up breakpoints in our code where the code execution can
be paused, allowing us to inspect the values of different variables in our code.
Run the following code example in the browser and enter the value “18”. The code below works fine
but gives incorrect output for the value “18”.

Debugging JavaScript 221

1 function isOldEnoughToDrive() {
2 const age = prompt("What is your age?");
3 let result;
5 debugger;
7 if (age === 18) {
8 result = "You are just about the right age to drive!";
9 } else if (age < 18) {
10 result = "Not allowed to drive";
11 } else if (age > 18) {
12 result = "Allowed to drive!";
13 } else {
14 result = "invalid age value provided";
15 }
17 const resultElm = document.querySelector("#result");
18 resultElm.innerHTML = result;
19 }
21 isOldEnoughToDrive();

1 <body>
2 <h2 id="result"></h2>
3 <script src="index.js"></script>
4 </body>

Here’s a Replit of the above code in action:

<ReplitEmbed src=”” />
You can open the above code example in the browser using the VS Code’s live server¹⁴⁹ extension.
The value “18” is a valid value, but we get “invalid age value provided” as an output. Why is that?
Let us debug that using the debugger statement.
The Firefox browser was used to show different debugging strategies in this module. You can follow
along using Firefox, Microsoft Edge, or the Chrome browser.
Debugging JavaScript 222

You might have noticed the debugger statement already added to the code. It is only needed when
debugging the code and can be removed after you’re done debugging the code. But it didn’t do
anything in the code; our code didn’t pause at the debugger statement. Why is that? For the debugger
statement to pause the code execution, we need to have the browser developer tools opened. Just
open the browser’s developer tools¹⁵⁰.
Once opened, refresh the browser window, and you will notice the paused code execution, as shown
in the image below:

screenshot of code paused on debugger statement

:::info You might need to drag the developer tools window to increase its width in order to match
the layout shown in the image above. The narrow width of the window can show a different layout
of the different areas highlighted in the image above. :::
Now that the code execution is paused, we can focus on two areas of the debugger: the debugger
controls and the values of different variables in the current scope; both areas are highlighted in the
image above.
The debugger controls allow us to execute the code one line at a time, making it easier for us to see
how each line of code executes and how it affects the values of different variables.
:::info You can hover over each button in the debugger controls to know what it does. :::
You can also see the call stack above the “Scopes” section in the image above. This allows us to view
how the current function was called. We can also hover over different variables in our code to view
their values.
:::info You can change the values of different variables in the “Scopes” section by double-clicking on
the value. This allows us to see how our code behaves if the values of variables in the current scope
are changed. :::
Debugging JavaScript 223

Let us debug why our code doesn’t work when the value is “18”. Note the value of the age variable
(hover over it or look at the “Scopes” section); you will see that its value is a string and not a number.
That means the prompt function, which takes the user’s input, returns a string. So when we get to
the first if condition, i.e., age === 18, it doesn’t evaluate to true. Can you guess why? Because
comparing a string with a number using the triple equals (strict equality) operator always evaluates
to false and you probably knew that, but if you didn’t, the debugger helped you know that the
value of age is a string and you are comparing it to a number, so it did help you better understand
your code.
Now that we know the problem, we can fix it by converting age to a number before comparing it:

1 const age = Number(prompt("What is your age?"));

This was a simple example to show you how the debugger statement can be used to debug our code.
The debuggers built into browsers are really powerful, and it is worth exploring every feature of
them to enhance your debugging skills.
In the previous lesson, we used the debugger statement to pause the code execution and debug
our code. There’s another way to pause the code execution, and that is by using breakpoints. A
breakpoint acts just like the debugger statement, but the difference is that we don’t have to write
any special keywords in our code. Instead, we open the JavaScript code in the browser’s developer
tools and set breakpoints in the browser’s developer tools.
As shown in the previous lesson, our JavaScript code was opened in the “Debugger” tab. In Chrome,
the corresponding tab is named “Sources”. The overall functionality of the debugger is more or less
the same for both browsers. The following is a screenshot of the “Sources” tab in the Chrome browser
containing our JavaScript code:

screenshot of sources tab in chrome dev tools

Now, instead of using the debugger statement to pause the code execution, let us use the breakpoints.
We will use the same example as in the previous lesson but without the debugger statement. To set
breakpoints, we first need to open our code in the browser, open the developer tools, and open the
“Sources” or “Debugger” tab if you are using the Firefox browser or Chrome (other browsers will
also have a similar tab).
Debugging JavaScript 224

If you are following along from the previous lesson, you probably already have the code opened in
the browser; if not, you can open the code example in the previous lesson in the browser. You can
use VS Code’s live server¹⁵¹ extension to open the code example.
Once the code is opened in the browser’s developer tools, setting up a breakpoint is as simple as
clicking on the line number in the code. The following image shows two breakpoints set up in the

screenshot of breakpoints in browser dev tools

Just click on the line number at which you want to set the breakpoint and refresh the browser
window. Just like with the debugger statement, when the execution reaches the breakpoint set in
our code, the code execution will be paused, and from there on, we can use the different features
provided by the browser debugger to debug our code.

Further reading
• Debug JavaScript (chrome devtools docs)¹⁵²

Visual Studio Code (VS Code) is one of the most commonly used editors these days due to the
features and flexibility that it provides with the help of the many extensions that are available to
use with it. Among the many features that VS Code provides, one is the built-in debugger that allows
us to debug our code within VS Code. Apart from the built-in debugger, there are many extensions
available for debugging code written in different languages.
To use VS Code to debug our code, open the same code example in VS Code that we have been
working on within the last two lessons. Once opened, create a folder named “.vscode” in the folder
Debugging JavaScript 225

containing our code (HTML and JavaScript files). Inside the “.vscode” folder, create a file named
“launch.json” and paste the following JSON into this file:

1 {
2 "version": "0.2.0",
3 "configurations": [
4 {
5 "type": "chrome",
6 "request": "launch",
7 "name": "Launch Chrome against localhost",
8 "file": "${workspaceFolder}/index.html"
9 }
10 ]
11 }

Before we can run the debugger, we need to setup breakpoints. We can either use the debugger
statement in the code or set breakpoints by clicking on the line number in the JavaScript code file
opened in VS Code. The following image shows a breakpoint added in the JavaScript code file that
is opened in VS Code:

screenshot of breakpoint added in VS Code

The red dot in the image above is a breakpoint added by clicking on line number 5.
After this, open the “Run and Debug” option in VS Code, as shown in the image below:
Debugging JavaScript 226

screenshot of Run and Debug option in VS Code

Once the “Run and Debug” window opens, as shown in the image above, click on the green play
button at the top in the image above. This will open up the Chrome browser, and the debugger
will pause the code execution when it reaches the breakpoint. As shown in the image above, the
breakpoint is added at line 5, so the debugger will pause the execution after taking user input.
Depending on where you added the breakpoint, the code execution will be paused whenever it
reaches that point.
The following image shows the state of VS code when code execution is paused at the breakpoint:
Debugging JavaScript 227

screenshot of VS code debugger

You can see the debugger controls at the top, which works similarly to the debugger controls in
the browser. The highlighted line shows the point where the code execution paused, and there is a
call stack and the variables in the current scope in the left sidebar. We can advance the debugger
forward or resume it using the debugger controls and see the flow of execution and values of different
variables in the scope to debug our code.

Further reading:
There is a lot more that you can do with the debugger in VS Code. The “launch.json” file that we
created manually can be created automatically by VS Code with the click of a button. This and other
things possible with the VS Code debugger are explained in the VS Code documentation:

• Debugging (VS Code docs)¹⁵³

Wrap up
Congratulation! You have reached the end of this course. Hopefully, this course was able to meet
your expectations, if not exceed them.
Despite all its quirks, JavaScript is an amazing language to learn. The aim of this course is not to
cover the JavaScript language in its entirety. Instead, it aims to cover the core topics that are often not
understood well enough, especially by beginners. There is so much about JavaScript that couldn’t
be covered in this course. But with a solid understanding of its core topics, one can surely continue
learning it further.
Learning JavaScript opens the door for working not only on the frontend using modern frontend
frameworks but also on the backend using technologies like NodeJS.

Next Steps
Following are some of the resources that can be used to continue your journey of learning JavaScript:

• JavaScript reference on MDN¹⁵⁴ is a great resource for referencing different JavaScript topics.
Instead of trying to memorize every JavaScript topic, use MDN to read about it when needed.
• ECMAScript specification¹⁵⁵ is mostly meant for those who implement the specification in the
browsers. Having said that, it can be used to further dive into a specific topic to understand
how it actually works or is supposed to work under the hood.
• exploringjs.com¹⁵⁶ is a great website where you can find books related to JavaScript. The great
thing about this website is that the books are free and can be read online.

In addition to the above-mentioned resources, the following are a few of my favorite books (paid
resources) that can serve as great resources for learning JavaScript:

• Javascript: The Definitive Guide by David Flanagan

• Javascript: The New Toys by T.J. Crowder
• Professional JavaScript for Web Developers by Nicholas C. Zakas

With that, I shall thank you for investing your time in this course, and hopefully it was able to help
you gain a deeper understanding of the JavaScript language.


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