Lecture Notes For Muscles of The Head and Neck
Lecture Notes For Muscles of The Head and Neck
Lecture Notes For Muscles of The Head and Neck
There are 2 types of muscles of the face which function in opposing ways. Sphincter
muscles are circular shaped muscles which close orifices of the body.
Dilators have the opposite effect- they open orifices.
The muscles of the face can be divided into several groups. These are muscles of the
scalp, muscles of the eye, nose and mouth and muscles of mastication (chewing)
Joy: Smiling and laughing involves action of the zygomaticus, labii superioris, buccina-
tor and risorius to produce a smile and the obicularis oculi which narrows or closes the
Sadness also involves the obicularis oculi particularing if crying as well as depressor
muscles of the mouth and lip which tend to depress the corners of the mouth.
Anger can involve corrugator and procerus muscles (frowning). Obicularis oris, de-
pressor labii in tensing of the lips and mouth, masseter in clenching of the jaw. Curling
of the upper lip (snarling) sometimes occurs. This is due to the action of the levator labii
superiorus. Snarling reveals the canines which is also seen in other mammals.
Fear and suprise both involve frontalis in raising of the eyebrows. Also involved are
the levator palpebrae superioris in the action of opening the eyes wide. The muscles of
the mouth (obicularis oris, buccinator, risorius and mentalis) are involved in the opening
of the mouth seen in both suprise and fear. In the case of fear, screaming may involve
the muscles of the jaw as well.
Scientific Anatomy
Disgust involves muscles surrounding the mouth and chin in pulling the lips together
and downward and also puckering and pursing the lips. Also involved are the obicularis
oculi and the corrugator and procerus muscles in frowning and wrinkling the nose. The
nasalis may be involved in that action as well.
Scientific Anatomy
The muscles that are responsible for mastication (chewing) are the temporalis, the
masseter and the pterygoids (lateral and medial).
The temporalis elevates and retracts the mandible. The masseter elevates the mandi-
ble as well. The medial pterygoid elevates the mandible and moves it laterally. The
lateral pterygoid protracts the mandible. These actions allow the teeth to grind food.
Scientific Anatomy
Scientific Anatomy
The trapezius extends over the neck but is considered a superficial muscle of
the back.
The semipinalis capitus muscle extends upward from the 7th cervical and the
first 6 thoracic vertebrae to insert on the occipital bone. When the muscles con-
tract together they extend the head at the neck ( along with the splenius capitus).
If one of the muscles acts alone the head is rotated to the side.
The longissismus capitus originates from the processes of the lower 4 cervical
and upper 5 thoracic vertebrae to insert on the mastoid process of the temporal
bone. This muscle extends the head at the neck, bends it to the side or rotates it
Scientific Anatomy
Suprahyoid muscles: These muscles are located above the hyoid bone.
The digastric which is double bellied and has 2 origins acts to open the mouth
and elevate the hyoid bone.
The myohyloid forms the floor of the mouth. It aids in swallowing by forcing
food towards the back of the mouth.
The stylohyoid extends from the styloid process of the skull to the hyoid bone,
which it elevates as it contracts. This acts to elevate the base of the tongue.
Infrahyoid muscles: These are located below the hyoid bone. They are named on the
basis of the origin and insertion.