Ldica - Unit - 2 OA IC555 and IC565-notes

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uf | i; ra yeti - Ti OP--AMP 1 -555 2 As 2 565 Applications wae wwleaniapiol Te fe ee eee An electsic filtes ic often a Sag uoney Gofoctive etecuit that Pacces a Srecifie banD of —foagueciee and ploting ov attenueter Signale GY feepuanciec cudeibe dlc baaQ Filleve awe widely Used in Communication awd gn Proceecing arQ ia ond Sonus oma tres lowe | in alco all Sopbicticoted aleclaonic intinuusate Such Ailkeas con beslt faow pagsiva RIC Compororts, a8 ap-cup Coctive Sitess) Crystals oe Besistosc, Capac ites Filtare way pe Clactidie® 1A nutes @ Ys 1) Anclog os Sigitel | 1) Pecsive 08 active | 2) DudiolAe) os adie Sreymry (rey Averleg Aitiese ave Sesigne te Paorees ovaleg sigrls Lolita Digit! Filters Poocess analog aignale Usieg Sagitet Aochuiques, DepenDe UPpor Abe lyre glouunte Ucod 1 bein Concinuction fillers aay cfactiie ac acfive om Ele wants Used ia pacciue LGildeae ave He cielo, peccive « anQ inGucters «Active Aiyass on the olives hawk! Capacitor’ | awapley Aeon dichoss aah Cotacitone- Tae lyre ol tlemaate Ute8) Dictetes Aue opeseting Soosuenty wonge | Siliese- Ailkare cise Comsmony Used) fon auSic or low (ney opesation, whe ag Le om Cxycie) fitesc one ecwplay ox op-awtpe in ADBition Jo the wecictors for Graple Re OL RE on igh Seay Especially became A dheis nigh @ value (Ligue q mieait)) le Caythale Provide wiow Qlable opesation at Iai g nes Anogusaties + Ty Gullo Ais aguancies aDuctows ae Often vot trted) becouice they Axe Voy loage pcotlly onl Diccipate wroae Powes. | “Aa active filles offer Abe follavoing oBventeges oves i Pacerve fies Gain a Boequertg APiuclaead Tewelrd - Siace Hae cp-cud HC capable Providing o gesia “Tes inpud signet ig ot ctlenualed act Ie & Pacive ities) Tn alSitiod -tbe atlive filles ve eases do lune os aRaust De loaing Phoblear * Reecurse Ais Ligh 9m “ “ or au) tow oudpur nesideate lia | sapur spe si thane? Raven cauice loeBing opecarp le active -filtes of le Sounce ov loa 2 Co 3 TyPically attive fess axe wot canonical Ruan pactive filtess: Te OS because of te varie ky ay cleages pp-aupt an los absence ag idudors fldbouge Clive filters ane wouly ued in Aue id qf Comets Sigueak Pnocening , RaSlio. Cpace coke lites Qh bioneBiced aguipaant ete - “ i Tus uses} Consort ue Sitters ave 'Y Lowe pace files 2) igh poss Piltos D Raw pas Hihes tu) Rand Reet Files S) AN Peary fies Gack there BiMese User a OP-omp OS Als cclivt and ‘wocictost an Capecto os the she Gay Ayre Op-cet? Lda AG Qoticfaciorily igh gpeed op-ourps Such as LHI oO ole want Paceive Oleme ate AH bough Ailes cements Lerect? imcpeovt dhe Sears fi 0B lights usily Gee jin Aeee pasts Pesdormraace Whezeug bare weseate skia sete © vont Below sig Ghose lhe Sxoquenty secpoate ¢honcterstes) A we Fu Ayres q Aes Tha iQead seapoate ie Choos by patale «lie Qolif lines inGitate +ue Puactical ached curse. Ailes Bespence os A Su Froquraey Low pase Tilhe5 @ Deel ae EM 4 \ chef pansy : Sher : ba ty gfe Fe Fey Sede te Grey) Tard wet He Rand we'ject #:Hos | village ANN pace Ailhes Ay lew Paw Bikes hac & Constant ges Den O-HZ Jo panduaiQie is acer abies tues Cody) if Sernonces dea npr faogueny Tha doey ave Wann as the Pacbard) Qi, Tot ave attenuated includes he elorbaG fnoy dis votturdosse inGieades an Deal Sikes ta He. Paccband aB infigile lece ia a high cedold nape] $y Taasebose Thee da AL fy, Tee gen ts Dosa by 180 tii tte inteeote 4 behoven 0462 10 dn Groguardits there beyond Boch ine 1 hac a zero lose fie Sorbo Lut Deol fies socponse 1 vot G@ pot Practical because — lingor ness Camel ocDhe dle Giccontinuities. However it ie Porende to ablein o Practical wecpoase that ceprenimiatee ihe Deal wesporte by urd Qpecial Design techniques ac vooll at paecicion Consonant Value and righ Bpeed OPamsPe: [uti enceatle ,Chebgslev and cauces filtest axe gous of fhe msott Conrmenty ced Practical Siltess Hot atpeaisale tbe Deol gogponte The Wey clavactesteticn ot tls Auttements 4filtey iC dbat it hos a Slat pacsboud) agesell as Qhopband - Fow Haig Beacor it IC Coue dines coiled ac Glad Slat filter. The cLebysheu filkes lhe a wipe Patcband and ttt hop banBs Lalile lee Couee Filter bes a yivrle chopbewd and o xiptle Paubard Gouesclly dus Cours Ailtes gives uo bed Sopband) wegate Ousord the ibvec: igh Pest Aities hac a stopbax® ox $<, and anQ a pactband Bad. Fu is low Crd odd Sveg uray anQ fic te opeiateg fooquesy «A baw) Pegs —filbes hes @ pastbang be hover choo cutold Saaquane ies Ay ad §. tole Byrd. 8 tee atopbands andFy, and foty e paGedin g pawBpors files is eqpvol do Sur Fu Tua baad) Bejact Sites pevfowes © asactly appocite to the and Pass: The onl weract Aites 4s Olso Colied ponk Stop 6 pauG) aliarinatton Siltes- Fou oll Pau filtes Hame So plete Chitt between input 2 urpud velleges © Tait Ailtes pecsee al Jragqventits equal cootl teat ig Gutput A input voltage axe opel ia caneplitudle on alt Qneguancies wilt Play chit Tre elual wecporte cemsues of lhe Bilteas va Abe Lopead ites Manly Becwaaces om incwenees ov both with incseate in dnequentg The tate of toler Als een Oh tha Silkes changes i He Stopbaad 16 Bedaguuimed by the onGes of the filles fox oxacaple fox Moa Miner onMeg oxo Pace filer Tae guia wells of! at Hoa node Of 209R| Decale in he AopoanQ, What is Boe Ad4y On Aba otbe5 hand fon Abe Secaad osSeg Gites tbe voll off we bon] Decade awd Ry Comteas fos que isc oes igh Pts ate a 20 Gq] GecoWe loo Pass Sean, fires -lus grin incweacer ot Abe % in lbs Gordon eat is Ueki FoF, the incmeate ic Go apex Bos SecoB onbes bigh pars Hes aS cw on Band Pass ai ese A baw. pace Sitter hae a Paccban® between ioe! cuteht raqcanciee BR tL Seb stot $y > Sur Ang fate Asaqronry ouiaide -lhig Pacchand aHenucted + Racically jbese Axe too Tyres 4 tran Pars Fi Hess UW) WGeband Pace GO Varna wie band pace ig Mo Sek Riv Qing lina beieen Undastumately there teil) Dodino a Silex ay WHebanS tie Aor Horseve; 9? Pass Wf He igus of nieat om Aualila Auctes @< 10. ondbe oreo how® if @SIO toe will call dls flex a nesses bond ps Sites Thus @ ie A meacuse G Lelectuity the higher clus Value Q @ dhe wsone Selective is dhe filer cm he newsotoes 14C ban Quai Gee (M0) The Beletionchip betircen AQ dhe 2OR basin and center troy 2 is Qiven by ode, Me Qs Ate * FS, Bos wide banD pats filter tha Contes Suey 4, Ga Gohined as Bie ltite Ay igh curelt Aneg, (AP) Ais Lew cutol Aney of Abe Wideband fae Aites Cun) Tn a wrtnond baw® pace -fileg dls Oulput velage Peaks at Ale coats frog uanty Laide Rand - Pare Filter De teraGd pace Siler Coa be Aornase by Sincply pace an@ low Pass Section: To abtoin pace -finst onSen high Pacs ond fioet 8 do at ho An |Gecehe | acan® oaSoa bi jn Qesiog and So OF 1 dae ones of | Aw Carcading high + ro Ba] Meceke be onGen low Pact Sections ase cascaSle Hand Pace filter qh pace aaS Secon® oles [ero Vase Sec kions Ae tte banS Pass fikes Gapen® os pose filter Sections Belov 44 Bless connec to Tus onde, 0 Aus lagh Pee AW los baie band pass Filles tabich ix ComspoceQ) aed Siok ovGes loo pan fess Ale 420 &a[ Qe cde of fiosy onBes brig Pass ¢ o-cshh + en 1 te Va 2h Pot ici - ot 5-9 \ Bye Poon : Bo. phen Fine) on@ey —-——sk-— stint oles =. 7 Tom Pach wy Pack ecuce goction |e ve) * Ve. agee® Ast. \ aan ORR ; \C qnha\gecnte y el. eter Pacchond al ator te tie Fatijdaonca acquany soeponie Lasso? Rand - Pass file, | condnad bY Tie rewncid band pace 4fite “using uaultiple eeMbnety Fue Aitken Ue aly One OPAMP. Horsee bad pace $ihes ie Unique ia dhe follosing wo pect ty TA has tue foaBlbncls patie hence Ibe Manse wrubiiple feoMbacts filtes 2) The Op-cup ic Used ia aa investing aiohe Sikes 6 Deci ques) fon Generally lar newnere bend pase aad @ os f, 009 center frequenty fe pectic values a ponents One Qefeguained foom anMoiGie “Whe cancuil Co be Adloming 0 felion leips Fo Simaptidy the Deciga calewledions choose G+ Cy =o Q Ryt a onder (Rye ae a gngee Com Ap) 7 Ris age tohera ty 8 Aes Gua mt Je Giver by ‘8. Ae: Ra 22, however dae asa Ap tuuust Sahity dle condition A; < 207 Another Avantage pt dle crulriple feeDbacty Sites Ge Abak ie conta Freq 4, Com be clouged lo s10 Boog 4: without clanging The Quin om penGeoilsn Sithy by chonging By dor We Gam chowge co teat Rand. Reyect Filters a ne Fee band seiect filte i alto Wawa et baad: Shp Gwin Bley oMenvater Ale Aropony ox ban). aliaination Ales + paceds) outei@e Alig baad in cla hopbennG) wohile Abe Om Rand weject Altes alacrified at hy WIDe bawG weieck hy Nanmee pen. veer , Fra newsod band naiect Biker commonly Calle) toe vetels a higher a(siwy Ak wad widte | Jus viewnerd Laud nerect filter is auch guualles toon Abas | | | A we LDebeand weiact tiles Wide Ron’ Reyeel Hie | wise pad neiect Ailes ic Continucl Using % a bigh Pact Pikes and a Cuscsting in below fige To pealige a pond select mpocpoate fe [oo cutolt foey fe o§ | Alo high pace fiver wast be lange Hoan ie high of Ao loro Pass Giles: Jn ofSition poguenty Fn fie Wig Pass oadk lod low Pars Biter Quplifies OF how euiolt Poss Hua Patsbaud Aste of poi Qorlions Utust be osu). nol pot ab isan, us ter \en | pace —2h Reject —oke parsbo® > y bend 91 Bem i Le Ag yas ‘ J > Sy Fe gene as §.: Jeg 2 48m Cyog uot Response ZL l@ Loansoe Ron Re -— a wasect Silke olen Cotte) the used) fow Avs gerjection of Gots Powe tine Ssaqueng ber te Maa Hain <7 nelow F elope) vie lovstes WD a Capacitor, Fue nesses be noid Filter ie Commonly acy Back as uged votes Fike, werfotes) of Le Odi HOWL oO ingle Apag ue Ts wirost Courmorly Ca passive Sikes © up of te ton Cospacilo’ and ¢ TMs 1 One 1 nedoosh vusBe tobile lus otter usec 4 peti tte. je dts foonterng OF colic Feo notch oul Frequency 1s Aiven by aan odie uuation Occ UBS doe a Oo pte “hain -T nel hes Oo relatively loo ua Pascive «Tun @ of dhe nefiooahy Signe ty merit aigaisicantly spk is uted Lone dhe voltage woe Commer USE Q Noleh Sie, ie in nelmuaaenig for Sharad ing watch Hes fox a Spacid can be mieneacel) a follower Ts Comeuaunsica HOAs uadesivad Jacquinses On® pion Bicol | ie Motels Out Fue Design on active Bnay Sy, Choose Ae value 4 Refee above Aquation : fon bacy A os up and Aten caleulaie dts naqined Value Bes ponse He Cincuit Corpo nents Should be very close to thers inBicated Valuas Active notch tile _2aNh sent ty tude Fraqeeaty wes ponte All. pose fillon pastes all Praquonty emsporras Aa all pas ihe Ateuuation tohile Psovidlivg py the wput age without PaoQiealable Place ctudt fos Setfesent taaguencies of Anensunitled oves eigned + tolea Gignels ome die input Arancaciction linet auch as -lelegbore Wises Ausy v9 oago clouge in plo To couepencete fos ths ce place charges all pase Plas ave naguineS) The all pace filtere ave ele asyualien cs plese Comnerloss Rolo ig eLousl Colles) Deloy an all pass Aries pabarein Rp = hy Qi ee BI 1oha 4. ‘yahidec oo Mia } ov, e) qa Bade gor pot oF We —— Plowe awule Cag’) Ths cutpur Voltege Vo of clue filtes Con be Obsaraed oy Usiag) Quperpositinn Taeose | te Vo 2 —Mat Vin Reike Rut 3.4% ond = Vise Net Vq Cle es jrmgre ts Vo {-s2T Fre Via Wee ie ds Aney Ale imput sige ja bontz} ate cmtlilBe 4 Velvia | rout Hur Usetul ola 4 above 2quotion Sicotes is ually clo lvls Wal -Laeny Va & Vin wa Grog, “serge eG Place Sth befaees Ye 4 . Suavhior & input fsoquenyy J. The Phase cugle give * 2 -Q tad (20822) ge in Gegere, din shot Yolrese neat , & in Ons and cin force Fioct omen Low pate Ruttexwonth filles oes oe tS ae a ea, ove RE € Ooh ae lows voltogy geet Ae 3080, [Beene Pan ban’ ae dup band > __ => th Freguancg Fistlonfes Rutermost, Silex Hot User aa ke joiassin fon fittesng © En teic The op-anep 16 used) i non Investing Con figuantion honee if Goes not lea Jory Resiciene Ree Ry Dotozusines -the Geom le Re Nelworl - of tte hikes AcconBing do Ave voltage SiviBey wule the vobage at dle von inverting Aegurtmal (acacts Capaci tog ¥e)ic ve Ike Ve -© R~IX¢ , whee 320 om “we yamte, Binlidying ay A) ue Ma 2S RE Ale anQ “outputs voltage : uw Re vor CHEE 2 (te) Ma mr leader 4 Moo. Ae _Q i a(S v c at a dunt | Lolese a 5 Qeon Ate Sey Of % ion Vin foeawoaty ofa RE 2 Pactban® gaia of Ake wpa Ae fey 3 4 ttey ge Aresuaay oh Ke input Maer ge. te high culolt fro gq dhe On "amine Afildes Jue Grin miagaitde and place gle oguations of loo pase filkes Gan be ohtainefl by Converting Agetion > im do ite Ogquivatent Polar forne ay follow Mls teow 7 ys (flay gh ~~ tot! (415, -G Go pole gis lle Plato cugle in Roques “ Jus OPaxation a tus [oo Pass Ayes Con be veridied Arson Ge wooqnit Be aquation DAL veay lov -foaquencies tata [ve fA : al r y a ged, pe Az. o907 Ap ° Tr DH fi fotn v je \ < Ap Boos Obove Alajewentg (We Can Sy dior when Reoquemg ic ingseatedD forhela Cone QeceBe ) Aw 4 Voltage gus i GiideQ by 10° 24 otremacrie tis goa Gecneaces 208% (22.0 log 10) ig incensed! by 10" lence The Bo salts off ade Jy 16 Re Ma) SecaBe er EAdloctove , tober! oclove Ggnites a Awe $ol9 ineneose in fe 0g vanty « | Tea Sooquany 24a is Colle the Cubed Pacquane] beenuse the qosn of Ale Biltea at dhe Poaquonty ic Dad by 28a (e2ekgo%er) Jao OFF Ofte agpivalend Jequey Pen Curotd frequenty ore -29n Jooy ,braar fnog ons Cannes Suoguert y each Haw the f mequanty fe at oleic He goin Fikes De sig A lous pass Silty Con be Resigned by japle wont sus follasing Aeps Choose a value high cutolf Foquenty Sas 2) Bleed he velus afc. lege ato oe ase to | er 2) Coleulate Abe Value @g Using a Be gna 4) Finally Qefecd Ualuog of BARe GepanBeut o4 the Gesined Pesckand) gen Ap Using Ap + WEE é i Frequoncy Sealing ace fies Resigned cthame Way Someties be A nocd to clonge tte catopy doeguenry » Tu PooceQure used) Ao Convent Ga omigianl Cutodl 4oog Ff, to oO ned cutoff Que, Ta 18 colle Sooquany Sealing Jo chawge & Wig cudodt fooq. Wtultiply Rew ¢ but not bok) by the Beko of lke ciginal cutoff dros, 4d Tea nad cubalt Fnogeency Fined odes atige Pars Rutenccts Filtes aoe ~~ — 2 ' i high Pees Hiterc ce often FJonnaed bY Gin ply ‘nteachonging Avayorty Bel agning Hosiekess and Cafecilons ™ loa Pass Silters - Relo> sig Aho Te crscuit of Fisk onion Ligh Pes Gilkey aad ite Gooquant, “posponse 7 Re lowe Ip he Mee — 4 Fooyuenty fos Sinck ose, igh Pas Biles 1s output voltage is Ve 2 a R 4 an $ere oe ( fe) a Min ' Te 12H Re 1 Cosy | Me [ SEBO Me atte) Ape 4 = Patthaad gia of dhe diltes 4. Soeqverty of input sgeel Oe) ! Bo: sae = low cubot} frequency (42) cHonce as sag nit be of the Voltage gen ts jv) . A (AO) Vin righ Pees Sitters ane Jowred by intonc hanging ge tte Besign a8 Frsaqysoary pee ef lam Pate Sikes of an lors Paes Bese ave bse Scaling PuoceSure& applicadle to igh pece Bilteag. | Iw OSdllatont ys. de Decign oscillates uced) Ad oscillator of uonuectaaas te Lonve fosar of op-amxp Can be Capable of gory yaarely ie a case thet weacdes AiteD aooplitude an frog nergy witbeut OG input signet a sepetit oxlesned Principle of operction ajo oscillates 16 oO deeQbect qusplifiag in which a feaction of oabpat is feQboach to inp via o fete Cracwsh | Quaing j _pvathidies Vo 7 Vo Nar? Va, A u > Aad back _ g | Ny “Wo nelicows | Vo. “ | eed in Positive & of Psopes easageitede | i 19 focBbach osedlationt Abe qesecut pootucet than Vy Vint Yo > Vint Va “$ No ALY Ny = Mo 2 Mo Me. Aya Ay ty tu Ro aw 1- Av® Lp Varo & te shen AyhE in polanfemat yh = | [etex Que Masthausn Cnrteria Fue Above tice agate’ Qives ese neqesamstas of Me anseilledion’ The gnitude of The loop gir Ja Ml) via be unity We] 21 Ayh wtuce be epee ‘ i 7 adleacy 2qvet do 2) Je -fotel phase slate of lon grin jo 0% os Whe® ons calle dus Gaainhauces Caletia Fuece oe cons to opazate oo by & ciscuit 6 a oscillator yas be spac Ocaillatess Cleceifieati on Recoure oF iMecprend Use wren Sisegont types oy avilable ' Re oteillaios | » Accosthing Jo Was Components uced BY te Oscillator 9 cayste! oscietos | ciccilietons os? 2) AcconSing te Saoq 08 Oceillations: a) Audio feaq, oseillator >) Radio Lees ! oes cestlatos 2) According to Ayre (Dawe fost A) Jinusoiel oxctlabeg! v) Noa ainuseiGal oceillatens, | Qqeos | Feiewgelas | Qouotoo te [ tu) PecenBling te tyre @ Hecbasicus © potitwe JeeBbeck ) by negative wcitience Re axccillatons ~ AR - Cine ® Cosine uae s -feeDba ch, Le. occillatoss - RE - Sone ecave ParicQic Ld ferme Cnet Siac }eacae) - gece Auase Tsiaugiles , ofc Referation oscillators |e + que abi lila of que oscilietos 4o oteliate ak | Asoy is cole Sroquory Ghability © The Pointong clanges in oscillates Seoyunncy ose. | ia Be Powe supply + otetk one Foctose Auat Conse ourpagatune changes & olanges Fey anQ Powes SuPrly changes Capacitance. aanQ 19 Oxfeanad Cinch tnp Cauce Veviationt i “lhe Op-auii's geva, injuaetio & sesistances of Ate -lsansiciost 10 an op-aue? Componn nt -fmoties iwspontant feeton At ig Abe Figuee of wioaid ability + Coy etal accilletoss 1 or Deloqsine Fa0q Aebility fe of dhe Cancedte igh Aust Boa vos? ateable fe gneates que SI aor Re & Le oseillatoss expecially | Ce ar qhe A oquerc? Le ciacuits & cnystels ation of ligh Asoy, Signals dio Asequengy opp lication s aoe generally Uc fos | Aus genes , votale Ra ase Quiteabl fos 0 Gauase wart Gencsaten Cavan Lomve cubpuky ane gesesete tales ey CY-cusp it fouceS do chesste in Coturmtion region 12 the output of Ke op-curp It BoncoD to omy weep pahoen Pocdive Getumetion 4 Vers (Fave) & megehes Setoretion 1 Nae (= ve CubRUt w> Besulhing in QQ Spas UO Ga@iane usave Gouedeton Co 1 ty Fe Gtteble wubb | ce Ayre none Ofer lehom vyeltag® aac ents Cot 08 eu 7e30 work) Js Unltage Gemoss Hie Catauros © ‘ . . ce tue ingtenr tle Qe Supily voltege tec oo ~ Vee OPP in Ree Fas vaeaer dhe votlege Gl Ho inventing feqeud Th yen dee ene Aa tbe Sans mstent dhe vo tege very Surely fiasie Welue > nf Veluwe s 9g i Uo He. R,e B, Bessiess ¢ Vologe Vig ie Gqval do fue volege Vi Gt aguinof | Alibough Vary Suel vellegt Utah Chany to Deine hy oF set waidielly ravasting Aoduu ne 1 Duadion 4 tb cutpad ofgceh YS Shor Fue Abe Qitbesential inpe lun Vonisveting 4 Qi o \ Los | into Catuzatiog | TA psp ie a Positive Voltage a therefex vallege ¥% w lee) Postive Since wabally tke CaPaciea ¢ OC, 20 Q Shoot Crmcelt wlee Goer of Ike opamp sy Very legge (a) hance Vi Qrivertus Output of Ate op-cup do ttt Positive Setunction 4 Ven bad, Abe outpad voltage of tha Opeawp ch Wg.g He Copactes © ) Gdeate chaaging elowsend 4 Vg, ihneugh petctes PR an | OL Soon GE le be Hoge VU, Genest -Ike Copaciqes cm shy baly fue Peer ic | nce do Storch fo a nepaive Salusction Usa, Aes voll v, Geom alte Ry ik else negecive tanose Posthve dhan Vy plus Oubpul oF Gace R ye Ree fey, : aa, | cat) 2 “\, ! a Ws ef a) lolese t re | aus due ned Differential Voltage Ma Vv Fe Regation | Ok Ate op-auwp i viage ive Se fundine Selusetion Uatd 4he Gopracites. a Magetive volieae slyttly } tobi botBe -lbe output Tu, Outpus pe aA woe tive C Brechanges © Aten ‘seaches 4e Wages -lbon -¥, Loos t Goon SE he Cepacites Voltage VM becowes uuase nayalive Hho 6 v, due fed Qisforesial voltage Lecenuee Portive & Reuce Soiver The CabPut of dia Opauah carte - bork to beilection 4 ugg Tete Comlates cme cycle ; Lotk -Hee Oulpal GE 4 Magy » VolteG \% | j id | 2M ot lle mvegting input 2 tt | Me mate (4 veer) | | 2 (ver) is alto ced i Aye me pars of Olu os Uipur Wavetoow 1 given ys ane lw we i-th zeke weit Bs (a) o 1 _ te ote Qte io Leet fr, Foagueny oF dus outps So ong @ uation of te time Constent but also on Rye ha ih Ree plbd, soon Qe + a eRe Curafles ee RO aioe Content lighe dus output Ave Ay oD vicevato AC iit Sinewave occillatens que Wages Avex qeser® uy th Qaase owe geen us Slewset of dia ope? Torangules LOOUe Gonescdos ~ eo pt a Sajuene waoue Geueratos is cud Lolick gee a Tbe output Gives Qe Iwpot tp lke tategecten os ie @ deonguics Qqynne vont | t g Aeiengules Out Put Laue Can be ableiae ba inbequclf ° gs wR oe | + Yo | | ¥ coup | ! Us foregut 4 Qruorewaaue © rarangeles vos | On Gow bt ale ausplilude of cua quiere vane it Conshan! wail Gecneart at AVeap Te qusplitude of tle foiougulen ne ! as foesenty Wncneates Nyet Juit bacause tho weacteute of lke Capaciles 6, ati foo Mbach ciaewt Qeeneacer at lige feeaucnces A eecivlopce Qi Commecte gcse cle CveiS tea Gelumetion Paden | | i | | of loo Ase aos in Cale of Poet teal ialegretos fnodier Aoiengu bs Ler qreect® voliick posses Serory Coumponent Te conics of 0 Couspereion A, On8 on mategaete Ay: Tle outpul of tee Comlpenetes #4, ig O Gapore Looe A ouplitde tv, and is applic) to Hus (-) whut jaguinal ge) integnedere AL Podducing -} jeugulea tout Fis -foinngues voHwe te foe Dberts ac inpul to due | -bb20) RyRy dnitioly : of Comparetos vgn & vo Regt DivDes | be vegetiee Going Bat | Cows pare tot Ay Let lus output A, iat a Veyeat TO oulpd of le vd ageoctoy a, en | Fru one en of Tue Voltage Qwide, Ri Ry it at a Vol oge A Ven & ofles at nag ewe going wap of A pomp atlains @ Volo g Point 9 baco mut slightly utpur of A, 1S oF Meeg Qineriioa Aud Pol P becews AL det, Whan negetive ae cls otfective volege ot yay Guoite los -lbe © sa ate, Positive —Visnuatp lear dias ov: Jorn encet Het, Abe vo Hoge al le Out Ped ~[le output of A, ol tbe stent obove ov —lhuseby Suiielaing i ued @ Adem “Nene Ae + Mant “Tho cyte wePeok ard) qewantes a —lpiougulen “ie Sooquenty of Sacer ad spoinngules we fle coc plteDe a dle Hie vg ules wove Re Velus oh tbe deg orton Als He Love doa pmaves ODF & GepenBe upon the Out Put vologe level ce Ay | 7 jus output volege A, Con be Set to DecisD keel ' i | Pa using popopaicde Zones Reo of Oscillator Fooauoney ius edtective voltage ot Pot using Ee of Ar ot F Mae leuel ie Gite | jiase voles outpal -¥. + Ru [vce (-Veeus) | awd BetP Ry AE det; We voltage at Pot P becouse egucl do 2090 “Vea t b - home Taha Veee7 Veep) | 2 7 2 My + (a0) + Bey +0 Dome ie fates age OP Re ) Bey eR R 7 “Vguay ( Bbsz®) Be vg Rye neta a NV, Bavad Ginuledly at Quorchat feo Neat sto + Meat Vv, owt as (veer) 3 Peatr to Peak quuplitede Veter) = 4 Vgguay 7 (Meomr . ake vy, Rae, Ta Sot Tun qubper Gusiteles Meowt -Veauap Wt Vaone |” held tbe foperied Pulling Nin vets ba dee beste inlegaate equates Pe : Te (> = SS -V. ° Res \¢ ea 8+ Veet ( 1H) Ries arc, Yolre’ Veet Questiete tae Value a Velen) 2 Re Wy = . Tee Ser T= OR. 1 BE Veet Gre ~ Re Vaot be & Hente Ale Fo ey A oscillation af, he Ate5, tolan le output of A of the Aiaagulee Lcave ig “jue Dilforence eehseen lr —biawgulas and Goratoords oauejoou, it Hho -jle peedine of ~biengules joaue i Gauw oF alomys eqval te te Aalitine ce te aww cusoum) of tase i saqpun® fon tr ~hsieugules pave 40. Sg faomt —Vyauip 42 7 Yeomp —Vyua ps Poisioets WDourfoo has Unequal Bise on) Hilti ie He Bisediame is “Geeotes ian he fall tea om Wier Jus Apianguhe Losve, genset Gn be Conveied mo a ase cti“g a Vasinble Be Ravotootk Loave qenaetet “a fequsinel of inhagaerce Ay voltage ite the nen saves ti Fuss 8 cccompliched by Utvy cis Polentiomo tes aad) comme ting ot do 4V & Vee Cayley De level Depending on tw BR, sehing © ie ingen in te ouipul of fi, Tas output of Ay ia Aquove wave aD ie potentionsles Ry it aude fox OO Castoin Ge fowl . te the outpur of A, will be & ctsiagules lone willing on Gouw De level politic a at 4 Frou +My ce function ah Ry Soltig Tle Qudy cycle of Ale Gyo ware a) poleaily a) ompliluQe of lis Qe ce -Hhan 307 Lill Hien Couse Hoa Outpt ool. uDith wipes ak Contes fares, of ie a Cauttoal posve-fonut iil be Beragusined by “Wer jevet. A Quly cyte @ a lo ba G Sevol uc oupu of Ae Ry Ve. \ poten BR, OPO in raoeed Horas = Nee aon Abe pice hie of ae a. a7 tees feuges dor te Se in bg sere” ue et Jan ie beens ala “ph aie omy of He Sekt oe Grate os fly is cDivad ovata Tee de Veg ob He Ry eWing Fut Ve QepeQe noi only On 4 Vent Bur dle auplilade of Serotooth Loaves ie inBe pe Dot We avenbing mage-tive gong wa id alte DepenSe of Be voege Led vu bet volloge OpPeosing of non mueating | wfennsinel gh AL Vee Veet vollege Droop ocsos Ria Que do 4g = Voleg Drop acres Ry Sue to “Yoaup | ve - (Meat? | 7 Npent wR gL | { -Vaeu? * “Be (vex? | Votp-p> = “rea f Oe Ng avy oe (Went 974 Vo (6) he in i a (BD gs | Fel tree T= a mC Rie dee TL Ger) ma Vit!) hoegedive eed Deh is vag Gall ComPased i do Ave gping ren? palscl® gerrtonth eavrfoar oc thom ah = : Dott tina Peed Te WAL (ary | 2 1, (oprea le Tc 55% AS = Sabie Qovice fax The S5F dimen 1s O vghly qoute aceuneta Tie Seley os OScillation cig tafucuceS) Mus Device Ge As Dw ic avila Ase Paciege sigles DLP ow Oe cooposation fact ge SE8S9/ WESSE O & pia cierto style , foes Cat) OF Bein win ley pin DEP) Te ase Hees Contoing too 355 Hes od o va-Pe DEP. Thee 5 hich Contos 0 995 4 ina Single Ib Pia Pachage ie algo ovilable Counter, incan Such wes Plus Os Etav's *R-224 Prognewaethe oinosg Quntes imnes Can Poovidle time Delay nenge- iq tow yuiere cocaGe to louse whee oF Countas Annes Con hoo @ waninntiet liming worge a loys Te S5etiney Con be used rote Supply volleys ia dos conge | 45¥ 4o 418 and can Sreive loa) up te rows TA ie Ourperible wid and coos logic Beeaatcineust * Lecause Q Ae wide Ss tiniey 18 vege ile aad aA Singh 395 owe We wonge of Supely voltage the 35 easy fo Use tatiorg Suck at Oaillaterns, Pulse gonaatoe va Vorsious apeli ; Romp & — Qqyase Qos Geustatos , Hono ing calor, drottic gle Contaol Shot wulivis-tor Rusgel & yollege wionites ate | pin Biagnen Grad | Vow FVsiqas picclonge | outer Fngechal& coated voltage " Rocet | Functional Diagnas - OPagetion Of WKN Timer ae AA Re les Diegres chow Hos fusttional Qingnas Bok sss Te Aina RP Mce . 5 7 Veeck : — Le conte Fe S ; le — _ Rowan "putea ot Gavete) |, i Gvourd TAheee FHL atagnah Be cistoss acle ae Voltage DwiQer providing bier vollege of Bu, do do -Ihe lous Coupenctos LO Lolese vag 16 The Qinte -Iate -tde VolHages $n ds Uppers Courferater ve 8 YR Mee aurely volteg? wecesend Comspe gator -Itne bold Detarnui sna sles Aivasng ntag ved - Ting con be Varie® alectworically by apilying 2 wueQuletion do is Coateol veHege Input forusinal (Pins) ae Gucty wieBulation is into ed 1 voltage Ateg alo ad an applications - ey by wronvdactuxens thar o Capacite (oor) € seconded be Comecte9 batiseen Conizio! voltage Aequaival and gooual) deo by Pact Moise 8 ingle Anow The Supply in tos Gable (stenBeg ) State dee Output a of Flop ig igh This wanker the output loo sawegt od A nagative ! jee De level choulh Aus Contool #1? because of pomPa auplifias Lokich tan red eiqgry Pulse ic aplieg to Pine £ be qseates Aeon Ala Aigochsi@ Jevel 04 [owas Comsperates (%e) i Z| Ae bs nagetiv® werd o8qe of Abe Aaiggrs 8 dee an Passes Abou gt “ge vile output Y “fia lows ComPereox | oon bag & ets te FE (ana, Aso) PUY poten Ae atwachol volege oF Pa 6 peuer Avery® 2%, of dle UPre comparctos goes: high & pets He | Anigt Ale ave @ecuctie4 Ala output Fe (azo, Bea) iaput (ting) Pooudes oO wuacbaniens $e Beet coluch ovesniDex he olterd q any Awan ous Tor weet iE im & manage Coming Fe fF we affective polay Hos “secot {is yachauchion Hiding waset Ctout OGY Arent lod% Gupazator volun Foe se 62 npet ig less thor ve not Ute iF HC sebuaned | slo Vee Jus twensinios @, Soars ax a budjey -te isolete | | Fle toomnticte 2 ctgangivror By oblosned inpur Snow FF aqanre VoHoge Vesot Hs Boset ingagual wed ee Leow omy vo Reg? Mec BS Times Ac Honogteble Hultivibaaton . Ce onan Soa we Sd | Functions! Sioqnent “bo alate ele, FF roe daantickos 6,02 ACs c Kei -y tbe oxtesnad ining Capac tos cto grevd of gee’ foleuting be lows AL Fuse output He eaosat spoigges Paes Aba orgs Yee (Dia) lle FF oF 2 bot ig Set [ie BLO Tha wakes he tron siclOF a | Ciseuit BCwos He timing Capacitor it selamed o1 Gig lo oudpur goes bigh (2h 1 Tee Tinteg caste bagiag v9 Since Gig Clauses Voltage Qewost ih wicas axtponeatially Horsoug® Ro -towdende Vv, With @ ime Con Sten! Re (as glows in belod Waveform Dites a ine Pasio® 7 le Camcites Voltage judd grestation Yr Vee & Abs. Uppers Couspesatos weceds He ie let, 90 + This wanes Gu} ,ctoomsittoe G1 Gorter Fe pautos & wepidly to (1a Catuanles)) SO Sicelaaing the © ound Podewlial Tha Output nefuains 40 anDey (ghabl’) Geb t esis, y oa gent folowttaf as Shon 1 belo ta qwigie® ' wit Li- Fla voltage acxots He ‘ New ° — —- CoPpacibos Ts jven gen oy on rhe 7 ee vee Ye (ates) 7 fen ov cutter : At 457 T aN v / oulh > Ve 7A fee ‘ ov -aiec SI 1 Ne yet ve. Oe" ©): wa | mae Ly | ov pulce qe chela(4) | 1 1 | avrlicd) ovarer Po Fa Wire Gecobe) | ov j oer | otek pul | cant The ing valewal iv wGepeQeat of dos Supely | } Volt-ge Once toiggaeS Hlle Qubpul Beusminl in “Wha Wala | Olapaes vabicth Sapo Oe owly upen | Bode Unt) dinw T Rae | ao | Avy aM ier} Aeigges pulce Consing Saning i, Ainse voli not clouge Aba output State Hover i a weqective ey eset Pulce t¢ applied to -lhe besed Aequinct (in-4) Surg she Hig cytle Avene cher | B, fees os} ,@, becomes O4 & exdagnead Fisted capecit iy teDeotely Dicebowged- | Tus OutPud of B, 16 Comecte Dianetly to “te pur of Gi SO 8 to lua on a intone Site | & Adare by | Quod tte Peopaga tion Beloy Atasough te Te. Dow oun “Yue cutpur Beweia tour Until tay if th, veer soleatod | OO n@etive gory Avigga Pulse iy agua applied as fin 2. cA\pphtabont of Monoslable Mee Miccing Pulse Detectors pulee Delors Crdeudt USiAG 3595 times Hic is Showa poled 44 qven 2 oui pul Oo LE [Ls Aym of Ciscust Ove uc do Dodeck vwutting reaqibest Used fos Shel Contoo) « Urwacuswrend Lf japud -tnigge, puluc axe Gereatad foot G Boletng voheel Ata cincust fool. twhortis vaobeel SO Qaop! bebro PreDelorminel Volt ° oh iin s Ofagetion a inpud “igge IC foro dle Curis ide | @ 1¢ fomaaSl biatal The copacitos < | STs output | Loleneve of the Aneucistos fevspeS to fers dents of volts (vo-a¥ The Crecuit Slightly gueate | dbs | aets al | od Has disses Gore ligh- | O% eager) Aton Hot of Awiqgaig pulees So long Avigge Pulse tain boa PS Coming at pin n The output | Beusins high: i TLE oo Pulee wicker dha -laigg ex input ic high © @ ne Ser times anlage in do Mosuial Stote of Gua dudpet Goes leo odta tee Tt! | is qutodd wronogicble OPpesatiod * od tla vsoro chet yp Miceeg pulse sige? wp = ur Resichos Bod vaong alate crbcutt 16 ePleceD & a Congest usar Counce Tes Copecibos is closged lineasly by ua content epoonsictos 62 ah Bounce food ‘Y is Cusse The Capertee volage NM a yr zt fise © ° tole Fuse Ryne up by Aes contend cumnest Qousee oaiting VE Fae Mae - (pe JuPe = Make Berg ie &) polese Ig, be O* base & Colliecton cusse agogpectinly TL Cesenh quiflificotion factor in ch moe & VY “er Ree Cape ie 2, (er Re) Qubeditut® oy) oO NV, 7 lhe Capaciios Wwiteye Ve bens At chee +27 2a Veo Re (eee) 7 ir The Copaciton Gicelowges OL Seehof iF vallaga. Beatles By, wolich ic as —HocetholS of Uphes Composston: z JA Ha usonocheble operction i Reso till Anothes 431999 “Tia Capacity voltage Bemeint js copped) Tia Pnackicol Velus can Mote ot Ry: GBS Ce GOI Re 1OOK* 25v (aug volua beeen 6 #1 Gin ba clooten) Vee hg? 2 Fhe ec agatha wee [| a | yp ot Pine ° Crrpecitor voltae fon ate ite ! ; Pacey Tite A Contimuucly Asiggad wmionothable Cixeust olay easton Gon be uted as a a Fyne LOVE a ¢ aMiutted fo be ey, 4 he Finsing indaavel 1 gion of The Asigqaing ayy Il be toiggae? Y Aniggaed ty faaauss't} Biv longer tlan tee Pi | Signa: Fa wionottebie wuultivibnaton 2H dus fod vegptin Dae % Hie Gayvase Qaye pul bub He oulput ty (becouse 4 greate Aiing jd asval to» nes} gaiose ave + det gy on ; | Qe pHing on Wh a an be woe integral yonve are LOOVE input ioilt wemsoia bi aony Dye git Fue wee nd stand ve Qe ‘input Seley a cthis tO La impor psig’ 7 ‘i ort (iat, ates ah? e ately or _ ou wi iG + WL Inpwever be Te! sce OF Hes tit Junctions) pk Me -feay oh Yee * 1 om op OL Ee Pulee poi dats HoWuletion Tis 36 bocroally & monosiable Luu [ivibaetos ion wodelating sg ot aes Pas By Te applica A Continuous -laigges at finer egies Output Pulses ave obtainndl! rye Suvetiva Q Wher Dopene upon tee wudulaking input oF Fines “Th cudluleting Serak applied oF Pras gate Sure iurpoced por Hee alneady axichind voltage Mee oe | Abe inverting fesurinah af US The intuan changes fia Aiwecrold level of Hoe Ue © Ale output pulse voiG4n weaulation ates Place Ty wreBaleting Sgod & ths ofp wWavedorar arc ac below isd oletd yatet pulvet Fe Pulte Quvetion (Duty egele) only varies Abe Aeaqeaniy is Hae Gt dhot Confinuows inpud Pulse tsoin twigge | 59 "5 Fis Ag Asteble Hulivibs=tos Functi onal Qeegne we 7 |, output “CLE aN | [Powe [ I ed owt pul CPG to Awe Be clio i Fue oy wee’ pin a Bicckosgivy fo dee uncdion @] Ba anf Ry i Da Los sfooucictos Gy it Commecled - : 7 ies polon Ale Poway Sup Vee is GanectaD +402 extern ' Ties) Copaciioe C clonges fouserS ec Vg WHy tee constant (Rythay c+ During atlas fina Hie output (Pin 2) | is igh (aqvat toy) as Recet C=O get sei a thir | woke G0 wluth los actauped te Covsbinadi or Fim Copatite jolie tle Copacitos volage @3ual to Vic Coat geate) | geac ls Contec! Sliptlop So that | OO & Cofecitos © ( | Abs Upper Compensation Tig jatusn wakes “Heoncistes 61 Ground Aisogh ha ® Aoansistoe Rac (nalecting dia foxv00d) acckrce| Be Tess hoats Dhchasging dower By will o tie Contant a 1) + Cunvent alto Blow ito ay Abang Ra ' wich be leage avoug Jo [peak Aly Cuasent Tae Pa to ne Disebouge ceoncictos Ot & Prevent: Demroge pis ner Valre a Ra is ES (epprex’) wlase wrowmunt CUssent long lo on Rensises OF Capatite © as it weathar The we Ord is the During Abo Biceborge of TY Vee (suck Jax) Abe leo Capatices 1S Aoiggad & of dat “2 - or peo which uot Q=0° ha orternal tyes Capacitor c+ Tua Capacitos ¢ periodically charged oO Bigehorged beter (gud Gud nacpe clively » Tw cfising, Sogquance & Capacitor VoHage i Chora ples oa f | im im [ | J] _ Output 1 | { | bow Geo undewps ik ° : ae! NAINA ol Mee 7 y Yiiy! Pacitee “Hi Volt Pde a cea’ Low!

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