6thapril Academic Reading Passage One
6thapril Academic Reading Passage One
6thapril Academic Reading Passage One
5. Maurice Buckley flew his Avro biplane to the Coast in 1923: TRUE
Maurice Buckley, a World War I pilot, was the first to give Coasters,
as the residents of the region were called, such wings, by
establishing the Arrow Aviation Company in 1923. That year he
bought an Avro biplane on the east coast, which he transported
across the country by rail, wings off, before reassembling it in a local
7. luxury
Mercer’s aircraft of choice was a DH83 Fox Moth. By comparison
with the regular open-
open-air aircraft of the day,
day the Fox Moth was a
plane that offered considerable luxury,
luxury housing four passengers in an
enclosed forward area fully protected from the weather.” (luxury)
8. mail
On the last day of that year, [Mercer] commenced a regular delivery of mail,
carrying 73kg of letters to Haast and Okuru.
9. beaches
Starting in 1935 Mercer would put the plane down where there was no
airstrip instead using remote beaches such as the one at the mouth of the
Paring River, collect the whitebait and whisk them off to the night train and
waiting city markets in perfectly fresh condition.
10. subsidy
With the outbreak of World War II, Mercer’s aircraft were considered so
essential to the remote Coast that they were not militarized. In fact, the
business continued to grow in the early years, thanks in large part to a
government-issued subsidy,
subsidy which allowed him to expand into
neighbouring areas.
11. pilots
In time, though, this presented Mercer with a pressing issue: with so many
now joining the Air Force, he no longer had enough pilots.
pilots In 1942 he
wrote in his diary, ‘I am back to where I started eight years ago – on my
own.'” This suggests that there was a shortage of pilots from the state.
12. cargo
But some of mercer’s newly formed team objected to the amount of cargo
they had to carry, which for a small rural airline was a fact of life. One man,
Norm Suttle, left the airline after a few months in protest about carrying
more than was appropriate for the aircraft.
13. helicopters
But in the following decade, times changed fast. Helicopters were soon
found to be ideal machines for the Coast terrain,
terrain and quickly took over the
vast majority of the local air transport business.”