Clamp On Meter

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Majnoon Oil Field


Prepared by : Elkhomainy Hamed

Majnoon Oil Field

What is a clamp meter ?

A clamp meter is an instrument that can
be clamped around a live wire in order to
measure the current it's carrying.
Majnoon Oil Field

Clamp meter parts

1.AC Current Transformer Jaw: This is used to pick up
a current signal. To measure DC/AC current, a conductor
must be enclosed by the jaws.
2. Transformer Trigger: This is used to open the jaws.
3. Data Hold Button: Press this button to hold the
current reading in the LCD display. Press it again to
release the HOLD function.
4. Function rotary switch: This is used to select the
desired function, such as DCA, ACA, DCV, ACV, Hz,
Ohm and Continuity.
5. Function select: Once a function is selected, the
corresponding unit (V, Ω, A, or Hz) shall be displayed on
Majnoon Oil Field

6.LCD: Shows function symbols, units, bar graph, sign,

decimal points, low battery symbols, max/min symbols,
and zero symbol are included.
7. Relative Value Button: Once this button is pressed,
the current reading shall be set to zero and be used as a
zero reference value for all other subsequent
measurement. The function can also be used to offset
readings caused by the residual magnetism remaining in
the core for DC current measurements. Once this button
is pressed, the clamp meter will change to manual mode
instead of auto-range mode. The Relative function will be
disabled if Max/Min function is enabled.
8.Black probe terminal: This terminal is used as common
reference input.
9.Red probe terminal: This terminal is used as an input
for voltage, ohm/continuity, or frequency measurements.
Majnoon Oil Field

Clamp Meter Principle

In general AC clamp meters operate on the principle of current transformer (CT) used to pick up magnetic flux
generated as a result of current flowing through a conductor.
Assuming a current flowing through a conductor to be the primary current, you can obtain a current proportional to
the primary current by electromagnetic induction from the secondary side (winding) of the transformer which is
connected to a measuring circuit of the instrument.
This permits you to take an AC current reading on the digital display(in the case of digital clamp meters) as
illustrated by the block diagram.
Majnoon Oil Field

Clamp Meter Operation

DC Current Measurements

✓ Set the rotary switch at DCA.

✓ Push and hold the DCA ZERO button until the
reading shows zero.
✓ Press the trigger to open the jaws and fully enclose
the conductor to be measured. No air gap is allowed
between the two half jaws.
✓ The clamp meter will automatically select the
appropriate range. If the user wants to select a range
manually, press the range button before pressing the
DCA ZERO button.
✓ Read the measured value from the LCD display.
Majnoon Oil Field

Clamp Meter Operation

AC Current Measurements

✓ Set the rotary switch at ACA.

✓ In AC current measurement, ZERO is not needed.
Do not press DCA ZERO button.
✓ Press the trigger to open the jaw and fully enclose
the conductor to be measured. No air gap is allowed
between the two half jaws.
✓ The clamp meter will automatically select proper
range. If users want to select range, press the range
button before pressing the DCA ZERO button.
✓ Read the measured value from the LCD display.
Majnoon Oil Field

Clamp Meter Operation

DC Voltage Measurements

✓ Set the rotary switch to V DC.

✓ Insert the test leads into the input terminals.
✓ Connect the test probes of the test leads in
PARALLEL to the circuit to be measured.
✓ The clamp meter will automatically select the
appropriate range. If manual selection of the range is
required, press the range button.
✓ Read the measured value from the LCD display.
Majnoon Oil Field

Clamp Meter Operation

AC Voltage Measurements

✓ Set the rotary switch to V AC

✓ Insert the test leads into the input terminals.
✓ Connect the test probes of the test leads in
PARALLEL to the circuit to be measured.
✓ The clamp meter will automatically select proper
range. If users want to select range, press the range
✓ Read the measured value from the LCD display.
Majnoon Oil Field

Clamp Meter Operation

Resistance Measurement

✓ Set the rotary switch to Ω

✓ Insert the test leads into the input terminals.
✓ Connect the test probes of the test leads to the two
ends of the resistor or circuit to be measured.
✓ The clamp meter will automatically select proper
range If manual selection of the range is required,
press the range button.
✓ Read the measured value from the LCD display.
Majnoon Oil Field

Clamp Meter Operation

Continuity Measurement

✓ Set the rotary switch to Continuity

✓ Insert the test leads into the input jack.
✓ Connect the test prods of the test leads to the
two ends of the resistor or circuit to be
✓ Read the measured value from the LCD
✓ If the resistance is lower than 40 Ω, the internal
sounder will operate.
Majnoon Oil Field

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