CH 2
CH 2
CH 2
Controllers used in process control
2.1 Types of controllers
What is controller?
A controller inputs the result of a measurement of the controlled variable and determines an
output to the final control element. The term final control element refers to the device that is
used to adjust the manipulated variable. It is usually a control valve but could be some other type
of device, such as a variable speed pump or an electrical heater. Essentially, the controller is
some form of computer, analogue or digital, pneumatic or electronic that using input
measurements solves certain process equations to calculate the proper output. The controller is
considered as the heart of a feedback control system and is considered deeply in this chapter.
Proportional-integral-derivative (PID) control and on-off control are the predominant types of
feedback controllers used in the process industries.
The operation of the controller may be
Discontinuous (e.g. ON/OFF) Modes
Continuous Modes (Smooth variation)
Proportional Control Mode
Integral Control Mode
Derivative Control Mode
Composite Control Modes
Proportional-Integral Mode (PI)
Proportional-Derivative Mode (PD)
Proportional- Integral-Derivative Mode (PID)
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Eceg 4333: Process control fundamentals
On off controller
ON/OFF controller mode is the simplest and cheapest control mode. They are simple,
inexpensive feedback controllers that are commonly used as thermostats in home heating
systems and domestic refrigerators.
They are also used in noncritical industrial applications such as some level control loops and
heating systems.
However, on-off controllers are less widely used than PID controllers, because they are not as
versatile or as effective. Though an equation between the error and the controller output cannot
be written, it can be said that the output is either 0% or 100% for errors less than zero or more
than zero.
When the measured value is less than the set point, the error is more than zero and full controller
output results. When measured value is more than the set point, the error is less than zero and the
controller output is zero.
As an example – consider a room temperature control: When the temperature of a room falls
below the set point, the heater is turned ON and when the temperature rises above the set point,
the heater is switched OFF.
In any controller of this type, a Neutral zone exists when the error increases or decreases through
zero. In this span, no change in controller output occurs.
Some overshoot and undershoot of the controlled variable will occur due to the finite time
required for the control element to impress its full effect on the process.
Note that on-off control can be considered a special case of proportional control with a very high
controller gain.
The disadvantages of on-off control are that it results in continual cycling of the controlled
variable and produces excessive wear on the control valve (or other final control element). The
latter disadvantage is significant if a control valve is used, but less of a factor for solenoid valves
or solenoid switches that are normally employed with on-off controllers.
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Eceg 4333: Process control fundamentals
Continuous modes
The output of the controller changes smoothly in response to the error or rate of change of error.
In feedback control, the objective is to reduce the error signal to zero where
e(t ) Ysp (t ) Ym (t )
Ym (t ) is measured value of the controlled variable (or equivalent signal from the
sensor/ transmitter)
For proportional control, the controller output is proportional to the error signal. This mode can
be expressed by the equation
P P0 K p * (e(t ))
p = Controller output
Kp = Proportional gain between error & controller output (% per %)
e(t) = process error
po = controller output with no error(%)
If the error is zero, the output is a constant equal to “po”. If there is error, for every 1% of error,
a correction of “Kp” percent is added to or subtracted from “po” depending on the sign of the
error. There is a band of error about zero of magnitude “PB” within which the output is not
saturated at 0% or 100%.
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Eceg 4333: Process control fundamentals
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Eceg 4333: Process control fundamentals
The offset error of the proportional mode occurs because the controller cannot adapt to process
load changes. In other words, the zero-error output is a fixed value. The integral mode
eliminates this problem by allowing the controller to adapt to changing external conditions by
changing the zero-error output. Integral control action is widely used because it provides an
important practical advantage, the elimination of offset.
P P0 K I (e(t ))dt , K Kp
Where I an adjustable parameter referred to as the integral time or reset time has units of time.
Integral action is provided by summing the error over time, multiplying that sum by a gain, and
adding the result to the present controller output. For integral control action, the controller output
depends on the integral of the error signal over time.
If the error makes random oscillations above and below zero, the net sum will be zero. The
integral action will not contribute. If the error becomes positive or negative for an extended
period of time, the integral action will begin to accumulate and make changes to the controller
• The rate of change of controller output depends upon the value of error and the size of the
• If the error is zero, the output stays fixed at a value equal to what it was when the error
went to zero.
• If the error is not zero, the output will begin to increase or decrease at a rate of KI
%/second for every 1% of error.
Although elimination of offset is usually an important control objective, the integral controller is
seldom used by itself, because little control action takes place until the error signal has persisted
for some time. In contrast, proportional control action takes immediate corrective action as soon
as an error is detected. Consequently, integral control action is normally used in conjunction with
proportional control as the proportional-integral (PI) controller:
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Eceg 4333: Process control fundamentals
One disadvantage of using integral action is that it tends to produce oscillatory responses of the
controlled variable and it reduces the stability of the feedback control system. A limited amount
of oscillation can usually be tolerated, because it often is associated with a faster response. The
undesirable effects of too much integral action can be avoided by proper tuning of the controller
or by including derivative control action which tends to counteract the destabilizing effects.
The function of derivative control action is to anticipate the future behavior of the error signal by
considering its rate of change. In the past, derivative action was also referred to as rate action,
pre-act, or anticipatory control.
For example, suppose that a reactor temperature increases by 10 C in a short period of time, say
3 min. This clearly is a more rapid increase in temperature than a 10 C rise in 30 min, and it
could indicate a potential runaway situation for an exothermic reaction. If the reactor were under
manual control, an experienced plant operator would anticipate the consequences and quickly
take appropriate corrective action to reduce the temperature. Such a response would not be
obtainable from the proportional and integral control modes discussed so far. Note that a
proportional controller reacts to a deviation in temperature only, making no distinction as to the
time period over which the deviation develops. Integral control action is also ineffective for a
sudden deviation in temperature, because the corrective action depends on the duration of the
The anticipatory strategy used by the experienced operator can be incorporated in automatic
controllers by making the controller output proportional to the rate of change of the error signal
or the controlled variable. Thus, for ideal derivative action,
de(t )
P P0 K D K D K p * D
Where D the derivative time, has units of time.
Derivative controller action responds to the rate at which the error is changing. Derivative action
is not used alone because it provides no output when the error is constant. Must be used with
great care and usually with a small gain, because a rapid change of error can cause very large,
sudden changes of controller output leading to instability.
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Eceg 4333: Process control fundamentals
• If the error is changing in time, the mode contributes an output of “Kd” percent for every
1%-per-second rate of change of error.
• For direct action, a positive rate of change produces a positive derivative mode output.
• By providing anticipatory control action, the derivative mode tends to stabilize the
controlled process. Thus, it is often used to counteract the destabilizing tendency of the
integral mode
• Derivative control action also tends to improve the dynamic response of the controlled
variable by the settling time, reducing the time it takes to reach steady state.
If the process measurement is noisy, that is, if it contains high-frequency, random fluctuations,
then the derivative of the measured variable will change wildly, and derivative action will
amplify the noise unless the measurement is filtered. Consequently, derivative action is seldom
used for flow control, because flow control loops respond quickly and flow measurements tend
to be noisy.
In industrial processes it is expedient to combine several basic modes of control to gain the
advantages of the modes and eliminate the limitations of the modes. The various composite
modes are:
• Proportional-Integral Mode (PI)
• Proportional-Derivative Mode (PD)
• Three-Mode controller (PID).
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Eceg 4333: Process control fundamentals
PI controller
The lack of derivative action may make the system steadier in the steady state in the case of
noisy data.
This is because derivative action is more sensitive to higher-frequency terms in the inputs.
Without derivative action, a PI-controlled system is less responsive to real (non-noise) and
relatively fast alterations in state and so the system will be slower to reach set-point and slower
to respond to perturbations than a well-tuned PID system may be.
• The main advantage of this composite control mode is that one-to-one correspondence of
the proportional mode is available and
• If the error is not zero, the proportional term contributes a correction, and the integral
term begins to increase or decrease the accumulated value, depending on the sign of the
error and the direct or reverse action.
• This mode can be used in systems with frequent or large load changes.
• Because of the integration time, the process must have relatively slow load changes to
prevent oscillations induced by the integral overshoot.
• During the start of a batch process, the integral action causes considerable overshoot of
the error and output before settling to the operation point.
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Eceg 4333: Process control fundamentals
PD controller
The stability and overshoot problems that arise when a proportional controller is used at high gain
can be mitigated by adding a term proportional to the time-derivative of the error signal,
de(t )
P K p [e(t ) D ]
This technique is known as PD control. The value of the damping constant, D , can be adjusted
to achieve a critically damped response to changes in the set-point temperature. Too little
damping results in overshoot, too much causes an unnecessarily slow response.
Characteristics of PD controller
• This mode involves the serial use of the proportional and derivative modes
• It can, however, handle fast process load changes as long as the offset error is acceptable.
PID controller
Although PD control deals neatly with the overshoot and ringing problems associated with
proportional control it does not cure the problem with the steady-state error. Fortunately it is
possible to eliminate this while using relatively low gain by adding an integral term to the control
function which becomes
1 de(t )
P K p [e(t )
I e(t )dt
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Eceg 4333: Process control fundamentals
difference between a measured process variable and a desired set-point. The controller attempts
to minimize the error by adjusting the process control inputs.
The PID controller calculation (algorithm) involves three separate constant parameters, and is
accordingly sometimes called three-term control: the proportional, the integral and derivative
values, denoted P, I, and D. Heuristically, these values can be interpreted in terms of time: P
depends on the present error, I on the accumulation of past errors, and D is a prediction of future
errors, based on current rate of change.[1] The weighted sum of these three actions is used to
adjust the process via a control element such as the position of a control valve, or the power
supplied to a heating element.
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Eceg 4333: Process control fundamentals
A more flexible PID control algorithm can be obtained by weighting the set point in both the
proportional and the derivative terms. This modification eliminates the proportional kick that
also occurs after a step change in set point. For this modified PID algorithm, a different error
term is defined for each control mode: t
1 de (t )
P P0 K p [e p (t ) e(t )dt D D ]
I 0 dt
e p (t ) Ysp (t ) Ym (t )
eD (t ) Ysp (t ) Ym (t )
e(t ) Ysp (t ) Ym (t )
The beta and gamma coefficients are set to value of zero to eliminate the effect off proportional
and derivative kick respectively
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Eceg 4333: Process control fundamentals
ASTU 2015
Eceg 4333: Process control fundamentals
In typical control applications, it is not possible to achieve all of these goals simultaneously,
because they involve inherent conflicts and tradeoffs.
A control system exhibits a high degree of performance if it provides rapid and smooth responses
to disturbances and set-point changes with little, if any, oscillation. A control system is robust if
it provides satisfactory performance for a wide range of process conditions and for a reasonable
degree of model inaccuracy. Robustness can be achieved by choosing conservative controller
settings (typically, small values of Kc and large values of T1), but this choice tends to result in
poor performance. Thus, conservative controller settings sacrifice performance in order to
achieve robustness.
A second type of tradeoff occurs because PID controller settings that provide excellent
disturbance rejection can produce large overshoots for set-point changes. On the other hand, if
the controller settings are specified to provide excellent set-point tracking, the disturbance
responses can be very sluggish. Thus, a tradeoff between set-point tracking and disturbance
rejection occurs for standard PID controllers.
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Eceg 4333: Process control fundamentals
The controller design is based on a process model and a desired closed loop transfer function.
Consider the following block diagram.
Y Gc G
Ysp 1 Gc G
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Eceg 4333: Process control fundamentals
1 Y
If G is the approximated process model and is the desired closed loop transfer function,
the expression for the controller will be given by:
1 Ysp d
1 Y
sp d
The specification of
is the key design decision and will be considered during the design.
Note that the controller transfer function in the above expression contains the inverse of the
process model due to the term. This feature is a distinguishing characteristic of model-based
control. The performance of the DS strongly depends on the specification of the desired closed-
loop transfer function, · ideally, we would like the closed loop transfer function to have
the value of unity so that the controlled variable tracks set-point changes instantaneously without
any error. However, this ideal situation, called perfect control, cannot be achieved by feedback
control because the controller does not respond until the error is detected For processes without
time delays, the reasonable first-order model is given by
Y 1
Ysp d c s 1
Where c is the desired closed-loop time constant. Substituting this expression in the above
equation and solving for Gc, the controller design equation becomes:
1 1
G c s
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Eceg 4333: Process control fundamentals
If the process transfer function contains a known time delay , a reasonable choice for the
desired closed-loop transfer function is:
Y e s
Ysp d c s 1
The time-delay term in the above equation is essential, because it is physically impossible for the
controlled variable to respond to a set-point change at t = 0. If the time delay is unknown it must
be replaced by an estimate. Then the expression for the controller transfer function will be given
1 e s
G c s 1 e s
The above design can be used to derive PID controllers for simple process models. The
following derivation is based on approximating the time-delay term in the denominator with a
truncated Taylor series expansion:
e s 1 s
Substituting into the denominator of the controller transfer function and rearranging gives the
expression below:
1 e s
G ( c ) s
Note that it is not necessary to approximate the time-delay term in the numerator, because it is
canceled by the identical term in G , when the time delay is known exactly.
First-Order-Plus-Time-Delay (FOPTD) Model
Consider the first order plus time delay model given by the following expression
G ( s )
s 1
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Eceg 4333: Process control fundamentals
By substituting this in to the expression for the controller transfer function, we end up with the
following controller gains settings.
Kp . I
K c
Gc K p (1 )
I s
Second-Order-Plus-Time-Delay (FOPTD) Model
Consider the first order plus time delay model given by the following expression
Ke s
G ( s)
( 1 s 1)( 2 s 1)
By substituting this in to the expression for the controller transfer function, we end up with the
following controller gains settings.
1 1 2 1 2
Kp . I 1 2 D
K c 1 2
Gc K p (1 D s)
I s
Example: use the direct synthesis design method to calculate the PID controller settings for the
process given by:
2e s
G ( s)
(10s 1)(5s 1)
c 1,3, and 10
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