Technology in Teaching Mathematics

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Proceedings of GREAT Day

Volume 2020 Article 8


Technology in Teaching Mathematics: Desmos

Cristina Gulli
SUNY Geneseo

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Technology in Teaching Mathematics: Desmos

Sponsored by Melissa Sutherland

This article is available in Proceedings of GREAT Day:

Gulli: Technology in Teaching Mathematics

Technology in Teaching
Mathematics: Desmos
Cristina Gulli
sponsored by Melissa Sutherland

This paper centers on research-supported ways of implementing dynamic geometry soft-
ware into mathematics courses, specifically into high school geometry. The Next Genera-
tion Standards state, “For scaffolding purposes, the use of a variety of tools and methods
for construction is encouraged. These scaffolds include compass and straightedge, string,
reflective devices, paper folding, dynamic geometric software, etc. Dynamic geometry
environments provide students with experimental and modeling tools that allow them
to investigate geometric phenomena using visualization, reasoning, and geometric mod-
eling to solve problems, in much the same way as computer algebra systems allow them
to experiment with algebraic phenomena. Students can create geometric models and
ideas to solve not only problems in mathematics, but in other disciplines or everyday
situations.” I discuss an overview of the research that supports the implementation of
such mathematical technology to further student learning and achievement, as well as
criteria for effective implementation of such technological activities. Moreover, this pa-
per addresses the obstacles educators face when implementing technology, as well as sug-
gestions to overcome said obstacles. Finally, I share a sample lesson plan (see Appendix
B) using Desmos, a computer application created according to the research criteria that
engages high school geometry students in exploration of transformations using dynamic
geometry software.

echnology is constantly advancing and growing more and more prominent in our
lives. Today’s students are growing more fluent in technology. Schools have been
trying to increase the incorporation of technology into classrooms for many rea-
sons, motivation being one of them. Student achievement, attitude, and motivation are
improved by proper incorporation of technology. Mathematics lends itself particularly
well to the use of technological aids. Manipulatives are crucial to developing understand-
ing in mathematics, as they allow for multimodal learning, which helps to build deeper
conceptual understanding. Although not with handheld manipulatives, technological
exploration is a useful way to explore mathematics. Technology gives the ability to look
at multiple examples in a short period of time and manipulate the examples on the screen

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Proceedings of GREAT Day, Vol. 2020 [2021], Art. 8

to draw conclusions similar to handheld manipulatives. The issue surrounding imple-

mentation is that often teachers do not fully understand the technology themselves.
The purpose of this project is to discover how to properly implement technology into
mathematics classrooms and evaluate the resources available to teachers. After exten-
sive research, we have come up with a comprehensive list of criteria for picking math-
ematical technology to implement and incorporating it into lesson plans and created
a sample lesson using Desmos that meets these criteria (see Appendix C).

Importance of Technology in the Classroom

School boards are making a push to implement technology more purposefully into
classrooms. The New York Next Generation standards states,
for scaffolding purposes, the use of a variety of tools and methods for con-
struction is encouraged. These scaffolds include compass and straightedge,
string, reflective devices, paper folding, dynamic geometric software, etc.
Dynamic geometry environments provide students with experimental
and modeling tools that allow them to investigate geometric phenomena
using visualization, reasoning, and geometric modeling to solve problems,
in much the same way as computer algebra systems allow them to experi-
ment with algebraic phenomena. Students can create geometric models
and ideas to solve not only problems in mathematics, but in other disci-
plines or everyday situations. (NYSED, 2019, p.125)
In other words, technology is essential to helping students look for mathematical
patterns and develop problem solving skills. According to Sarama (2009), using com-
puter tools, especially for geometry, makes students aware of the motions that are
being performed (i.e. transformations). Moreover, the abstract nature of mathematics
lends itself to the use of manipulatives so that we may develop concepts and under-
stand said abstractions (Roschelle et al., 2010). Specifically, geometry concepts such as
transformations are difficult to visualize without some form of representation, which
cannot be given by textbooks (Adelabu et al., 2019). Since geometry is such a visual
area, it naturally lends itself to the use of technology to create, view, and manipulate
visual representations of the objects involved (Hollebrands & Dove, 2011). Moreo-
ver, Dynamic Geometry Software (DGS) provides new opportunities for students to
engage in reasoning and sense-making activities (Hollebrands & Dove, 2011). When
given time to explore with technology, students are guided to focus on the mathemati-
cal processes involved rather than the answers. The students are able to more clearly
recognize patterns in the motions and develop a stronger conceptual understanding of
the mathematical processes involved in the content being studied (Erlwanger, 2004).
When exploring transformations with DGS, students can perform transformations
with more accuracy, explore their properties, and consider what happens when two or
more transformations are composed. Thus, students are discovering important prop-
erties on their own through investigation, which is essential to student learning (Hol-
lebrands & Dove, 2011).

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Gulli: Technology in Teaching Mathematics

There are different types of knowledge: sensory-concrete, which is the need for sen-
sory material to make sense of a concept or procedure, abstract, which is generalized
and often symbolic knowledge, and finally integrated-concrete, which is a combi-
nation of the two (Sarama & Clements, 2009). Technology allows us to develop a
combination of these types of knowledge, making the student’s understanding of the
material stronger. Moreover, computer manipulatives tend to be more user friendly
because they are more manageable and precise for students. Additionally, computer
manipulatives such as Desmos and GeoGebra provide immediate feedback, which al-
lows students to monitor themselves and gauge their understanding as they go. Using
such manipulatives allows students to replay, alter, and immediately reflect on a se-
quence of actions, and truly see how changes affect the transformation as a whole. The
study conducted by Sarama (2009) showed that students with computer manipula-
tives outperformed their peers who were restricted to physical manipulatives or paper
and pencil. Utilizing multiple modes of teaching, combining physical, technical and
traditional methods will allow for more effective learning by the students (Roschelle
et al., 2010). This ties back into the idea that fully integrated concrete knowledge is a
stronger form of knowledge to have because it leads to deep conceptual understand-
As Sarama’s study showed, technology helps increase student achievement and atti-
tude in the classroom. Technology helps learners and teachers in multiple aspects in
the mathematics classroom, which allows permanent and effective learning (Adelabu
et al., 2019). Using a different method of learning yields more permanent learning
because it represents fully integrated concrete knowledge. The nature of educational
technology such as Desmos and GeoGebra “helps teachers create learning contexts
that were not previously possible with traditional teaching methods” (Eyyam & Yara-
ta, 2014, p. 32). Technology opens doors for new paths of learning that facilitate crea-
tive and imaginative thinking. Students have an opportunity for individualized and
flexible learning when technology is utilized in the classroom. Additionally, according
to Eyyam’s study, when technology is implemented properly and appropriately, it is
guaranteed to have a positive impact on student achievement. In addition to positive-
ly impacting student achievement, technology has been shown to positively impact
student attitude. Technology enhances students’ motivation and helps make learning
more engaging. It is important that students are familiar with technology before it is
implemented into lessons, as this will make the lesson more enjoyable for the students
(Eyyam & Yarata, 2014).

The Case for Dynamic Geometry Software

Often, teachers will try to fill the technology requirement with calculators, however
research has shown that in order to truly benefit students, geometry teachers should
incorporate Dynamic Geometry Software (DGS) into their classrooms. Adelabu and
colleagues define Dynamic Geometry Environments as, “particular technology tools
that have been used in the teaching and learning of geometry to assist learners in
moving beyond the specifics of a single drawing to generalizations across figures and

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Proceedings of GREAT Day, Vol. 2020 [2021], Art. 8

shapes” (2019, p. 54). The defining characteristics of DGS programs include a set of
primitive objects, the ability to construct parallel and perpendicular lines, tools for
performing transformations and calculations, ability to drag, measure, animate and
hide objects, and finally an ability to create procedures (Hollebrands & Dove, 2011).
Based on these criteria, Desmos can be defined as a form of DGS. GeoGebra is one
of the most popular forms of DGS, partially because it is a free resource, and research
has shown that it is more effective at enhancing the learner’s performance and under-
standing than traditional pencil and paper (Adelabu et al., 2019).
As stated previously, technology positively impacts learners’ achievement and attitude
in the classroom. Specifically, DGS is important to incorporate in the classroom be-
cause it serves as an object of education, which affects learning objectives and serves
as a medium to improve the teaching and learning process (Arbain & Shukor, 2015).
They found that students enjoyed using DGS, especially when they were familiar
with the technology being used: “Students in the 21st century are computer-literate
and the opportunities to learn using technology support will attract major attention”
(Arbain & Shukor, 2015, p. 212). Technology, when implemented properly, can sig-
nificantly improve students’ engagement and learning in the classroom.
The DGS primarily studied in this research was GeoGebra. GeoGebra is an action
technology that provides new mathematical tools and scenarios that engage students
in meaningful mathematical activity and problem solving (NCTM). Although I used
Desmos to create the activity, most research available exists on GeoGebra. Desmos is
essentially the same as GeoGebra, except instead of the activity being a worksheet, it
is presented in slide form. With Desmos, the students can progress through the slides
at their own pace in order to complete the activity and learn at a rate proper for them.
The benefits of both GeoGebra and Desmos are that these websites are free, so schools
can use them without having to purchase subscriptions, and students can access them
outside of school. Due to the easy-to-use nature of GeoGebra, there is an online com-
munity surrounding it, which allows educators to share ideas with ease. "The use of
GeoGebra encouraged the [students] to take a more active independent role in their
learning by answering a series of questions…fosters experimental, problem oriented,
independent learning, and discovery learning of mathematics” (Getenet, 2018, p.
223). When interactive technology is incorporated into classrooms, research shows
that students begin to take control of their learning.

Criteria for Implementing Technology

One of the key components to incorporating technology into the classroom is making
sure that it is done effectively. Multiple studies presented criteria for effectively im-
plementing technology. We will discuss the different guidelines presented and create
a compilation of criteria that should be considered while creating technology-based
lessons. Additionally, technology is versatile. It can intensify instruction, covering the
basics of the material as well as more advanced topics all depending on the mode of
implementation (Roschelle et al., 2010).

74 4
Gulli: Technology in Teaching Mathematics

Beginning with the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) guide-

lines, when planning, one must first identify the learning objectives for the lesson.
After this is done, a task must be created or modified that provides the students with
opportunities to meet the objective and engage in reasoning and sense making to
support learning as they progress through the task. Once the task is chosen, one must
decide how to implement the lesson, this includes organization of students, presenta-
tion of the task, and time allotted to the task. At the end of the lesson, the teacher
should manage class discussion regarding students’ observations and conjectures and
help them draw significant connections that they may have missed (NCTM).
Getenet recommends another checklist on how to evaluate the implementation of
technology. This checklist is based on seven categories of the TPACK (Technologi-
cal, Pedagogical, and Content Knowledge) model. First is knowledge needed to use
a particular technology. This includes ensuring students have the skills necessary to
properly use the technology, as well as ensuring that the knowledge and skills gained
from the technological activity can be transferred to new situations. In other words,
when implementing technology, teachers must make sure that they themselves and
the students can use said technology, and that the proper supports are implemented
throughout the lesson so that students can effectively learn from the activity. Next the
teacher must have all students’ learning styles in mind, i.e., knowledge about process
and practices of teaching. Teachers should be able to incorporate real-world issues and
solve authentic problems using teaching resources, address diverse needs of all learn-
ers by using learner-centered strategies, and provide equitable access to appropriate
resources. A more self-explanatory criteria is that teachers must demonstrate knowl-
edge of the subject matter to be taught. The teacher must have a solid understand-
ing of the core principles and procedures involved with the subject matter in order
to ensure that the technology being implemented in the lesson is appropriate to the
overall learning goals. Thus, the teacher should include a clear introduction to the
topic and learning goals, have sufficient knowledge of the lesson, demonstrate confi-
dence in mathematical concepts related to the lesson, and use appropriate materials
in relation to the lesson being taught. The teacher must next ensure that they have
knowledge of how pedagogical approaches are suited to teaching the content. That
is, the teacher must possess the ability to integrate teaching approaches that arouse
creativity and apply teaching approaches, which give more authority to students in
solving mathematics problems. Next on the checklist is reflecting on how technol-
ogy and content interact in effective teaching. The teacher must understand how the
subject matter can be changed by use of technology. There is a clear link between
technological and mathematical knowledge. Teachers should design relevant learning
experiences that incorporate technology used to promote learning and introduce fun-
damental concepts through exploration. Again, teachers must have knowledge of how
to use the technology with different pedagogical approaches. Last, teachers must have
knowledge that is more than the sum of the other three components. To make a prop-
er choice of technology in relation to mathematics concept and pedagogy, teachers
should integrate the components of the TPACK model in order to promote creative

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thinking and apply TPACK to promote reflection and to clarify conceptual thinking.
This full checklist can be found in Appendix A (Getenet, 2018).
The last evaluation method to be discussed is Kovacs’ method for evaluation online
educational materials. This is based on four general principles, from which he derives
sixteen quality identifiers. The first principle is the multimedia principle. The educa-
tional activity should utilize both words and graphics rather than just words. Next
is the contiguity principle, which requires that corresponding words and graphics are
placed near each other on the page. The coherence principle requires an element of
simplicity. Although it is tempting to add interesting material such as detailed textual
descriptions, entertaining stories or background music, this can ultimately hurt the
students’ learning and should be avoided. Finally, we have the personalization prin-
ciple, which states that the activity should address the students directly using a con-
versational style. These four general principles yield the three groups containing the
sixteen quality identifiers. The first group is layout. The layout of the activity should
avoid scrolling, have a brief explanation, require few tasks, and avoid distractions. The
next group is dynamic figures. This group names a quality activity one that is interac-
tive, easy-to-use, appropriate size, has dynamic text placed close to corresponding
objects, avoids the clutter of static text, and is readable upon first appearance (is not
overwhelming). Finally, the last group is explanations and tasks. All explanations and
tasks should have a small number of specific questions that refer to the applet and
vocabulary reflecting that the audience is the learners, as well as tasks, which include
demonstration figures with no additional tasks or questions attached (Kovacs & Cole,
A comprehensive guideline blends these three guidelines (NCTM, TPACK, and Ko-
vacs’ method) together and includes mathematical viewpoint, pedagogical viewpoint,
layout, dynamic elements, and instruction and text. It is important to keep everything
that the NCTM, Getenet, and Kovacs discussed in mind when creating and selecting
technological activities for the classroom. Doing so will ensure that the activity fits
properly into the lesson, is used effectively, and is conducive to students’ achievement
of the lesson objectives. Additionally, there are some key steps to success when imple-
menting technology. When learners have prior knowledge of how to use technology
such as GeoGebra, the full potential of the discovery approach may be effectively
realized (Getenet, 2018). Thus, the first step to successfully integrating a technology-
based activity is having students familiarize themselves with the program. Next, one
should go through the various check-lists and ensure that the technology will aid stu-
dents in achieving the objectives for the lesson, that the activity satisfies the TPACK
model, and that the activity is built effectively so that it will not be distracting to the
students. Additionally, effective technology will “aid students in building, strengthen-
ing, and connecting various representations of mathematical ideas” (Sarama & Cle-
ments, 2009, p. 146).
As discussed in detail previously, DGS lends itself nicely to exploration. Additionally,
DGS can be used for the pedagogical strategy called delayed scaffolding, in which

76 6
Gulli: Technology in Teaching Mathematics

teachers do not immediately provide scaffolding to students. Instead, the students

work independently while the teacher circulates the room. The teacher can ask guid-
ing questions to lead students in the right direction. With this strategy, students can
use the technology to explore what they have already learned in order to discover a
deeper meaning. This is a metacognitive strategy because it puts students in charge
of their own thinking and encourages them to become aware of their own learning.

Obstacles and Solutions

Since we have discussed effective ways to incorporate technology into a lesson, we
now provide warnings about possible constraints or obstacles to achieving this. One
more obvious obstacle is a lack of necessary equipment. Semenikhina suggests the
BYOD (bring your own device) approach. With this, students can bring in their own
cloud-based devices. Since GeoGebra (and Desmos) are accessible on any device, if
only a handful of computers or iPads are available to the class, students may use their
phones to complete the selected activity. Although this is not ideal, it is a solution for
schools that cannot provide a personal laptop for each student, or for when a teacher
simply cannot get access to a computer lab. Another obstacle is a lack of training
for teachers (Eyyam & Yaratan, 2014). It is important to train teachers in these new
technologies so that they can expertly and effectively incorporate technology into
their classrooms (Kovacs, 2019). Lifelong learning and professional development can
solve this problem. Providing teachers with the necessary information, aids, equip-
ment and opportunities for professional development will ensure that they master the
technology (Eyyam & Yaratan, 2014). Additionally, teachers should be fully aware
and involved in the integration process to prevent problems. To avoid obstacles to
implementing technology, teachers should practice "good teaching," which requires
“an understanding of the representation of mathematical concepts using technologies;
pedagogical techniques that use technologies in constructive ways to teach content;
knowledge of what makes concepts difficult or easy to learn, and how technology can
help reformulate some of the problems that students face” (Kovacs, 2019, p. 137).
Teachers must think through the application of the activity to the topic, why is the
technology being used and how will it advance student learning. Finally, teachers
must be able to identify the cause of student errors, since errors may simply be due
to lack of understanding the technology rather than lack of understanding a concept
(Kovacs, 2019). Additionally, students should be very familiar with technology as
well, as this will help prevent errors in their work.

The Lesson and Activity

My research project culminated in an example lesson plan that incorporates DGS.
While technology can be useful for all subjects of mathematics, for the purposes of
creating a lesson, the topic I chose to focus on is transformation geometry. This les-
son is an exploratory introduction to translations. Before considering an activity, I
formulated the following objective for my lesson: Given Chromebooks, previous in-
struction on how to work Desmos, and an introduction to translations, students will

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Proceedings of GREAT Day, Vol. 2020 [2021], Art. 8

explore this transformation as a function on geometric figures in order to complete

an online task on Desmos which demonstrates how this transformation works and its
various properties. The lesson focuses specifically on translations, so the key proper-
ties are preservation of orientation and size, slide by a vector (specific line length and
slope), and that image segments are congruent and parallel (to each other and to the
vector of translation). Once the objective was established, I began to create an activity
on Desmos. Desmos was used instead of GeoGebra because it is also a free form of
DGS, however it provides the teacher and student with immediate feedback, which
is beneficial for a classroom. Additionally, the teacher can pause the slides, in order
to emphasize a property for students if needed or simply grab the students’ attention.
Moreover, the data from the students’ work is stored on Desmos, so the teacher may
go back and see students’ results later to evaluate their understanding.
This exploration-based activity is linked in the lesson plan under the “Materials” sec-
tion and can also be found in Appendix B. There are opportunities for students to
explore, make conjectures, explore more and adjust their conjectures and so on. The
lesson design allows students to develop a deep understanding of the inner workings
of translations. There are also slides that test how well students understood what they
were doing, by asking them to fix a mistranslated object by adjusting the image to the
appropriate location. Additionally, there is a question asking students to determine
the vector of translation when given the preimage and image. Students can use their
understanding of the image segments, as built during the beginning of the activity,
to apply and advance their understanding to a different scenario in order to solve the
given problems. These two questions also embody the problem solving that exists
within the lesson. This activity allows for productive struggle with the material, which
in turn will help students develop a stronger understanding of the material.
I created this Desmos activity for the lesson according to the guidelines discussed in
this paper. The activity is to be implemented such that students can explore, but are
given the appropriate support when necessary, and there is time built in after the ac-
tivity for a class-wide discussion in which the students can verbalize their conjectures
in a precise manner, and critique each other’s ideas. Additionally, during this whole
class discussion, the teacher can prompt students with questions to help draw out
connections they might have missed during the activity. For instance, if a student
did not recognize that the image segments are congruent and parallel to each other
and the vector of translation, the teacher can go back to a slide and ask more directed
questions focusing on this missed connection. During this whole class discussion,
students can also raise any concerns or ask any unanswered question they may have
from the activity itself.

Overall, this research helped me to better understand the importance of using tech-
nology in mathematics classrooms. Technology, when incorporated effectively, is
proven to have a positive impact on student motivation, attitude, and achievement.

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Dynamic geometry software is especially beneficial to student learning and should be

incorporated where applicable. Additionally, I learned the criteria to use to evaluate
and effectively incorporate such technology into a lesson (NCTM, Kovacs, TPACK).
Keeping this research in mind will allow you to create a worthwhile mathematical task
whose impact may be enhanced through effective incorporation of technology.

All appendices are located in the online edition of Proceedings of GREAT Day 2020,
found at

Appendix A: TPACK Guideline

This Appendix contains the TPACK Guideline for implementing technology into the
classroom. The guideline provides a checklist for educators to consider when creating
their lesson plans that incorporate technology. This checklist will allow educators to
determine if the technology they are implementing is appropriate, as well as ensuring
that it is incorporated in a way that promotes creative thinking, reflection, and clarify
conceptual thinking.

Appendix B: The Lesson

This Appendix has a sample lesson plan which demonstrates how to integrate tech-
nology into the classroom. In this lesson plan, a sample anticipatory set is provided
to lead students into the exploration of translations. Before implementing the activ-
ity, the teacher should set clear expectations, but after that the work is left up to the
students. In the last few minutes of class, it is important to bring the class together
for a debriefing of what knowledge they gained from the activity. The teacher should
hold a discussion that is led by the students and their discoveries, and simply prompt
responses when necessary. In this Appendix, there is also a sample homework as-
signment that can be given to the class as a follow up activity. The answer key is also
contained here.

Appendix C: The Desmos Activity

This Appendix contains the slides from the Desmos Activity (which is also linked).
There are screen caps of each slide that are contained in the activity. In order to work
with the activity and implement it, follow the link that is in this Appendix. The activ-
ity has students make conjectures and scaffolds students understanding of translations
on and off of the coordinate plane. By the end of the activity, students are able to
construct the vectors of translation and translate polygons.

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Published by KnightScholar, 2021 11

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