Grade 10 Percentage
Grade 10 Percentage
Grade 10 Percentage
1. (a) The $9 is 62.5% less than the amount Kolyan had to spend last week.
Calculate the amount Kolyan had to spend last week. [3]
(b) Priya buys a bicycle for $250. Each year the value of the bicycle decreases by 8% of its value at the
beginning of that year.
Calculate the value of Priya’s bicycle after 10 years. Give your answer correct to the nearest dollar. [3]
2. (a) The value of a gold ring increases exponentially at a rate of 5% per year. The value is now $882.
(i) Calculate the value of the ring 2 years ago. [2]
(ii) Find the number of complete years it takes for the ring’s value of $882 to increase to a value greater
than $1100. [2]
3. a) Scott invests $500 for 7 years at a rate of 1.5% per year simple interest.
Calculate the value of his investment at the end of the 7 years. [3]
(b) In a city the population is increasing exponentially at a rate of 1.6% per year.
Find the overall percentage increase at the end of 20 years. [2]
(c) The population of a village is 6400. The population is decreasing exponentially at a rate of r% per year.
After 22 years, the population will be 2607. Find the value of r. [3]
4. (a) The number of newspapers sold decreases exponentially by x% each year. Over a period of 21 years
the number of newspapers sold decreases from 1 763 000 to 58 000. Calculate the value of x. [3]
(b) Mohsin’s earnings increase exponentially at a rate of 8.7% each year. During 2018 he earned $195 600.
During 2027, how much more does he earn than during 2018? [3]
Prettie now picks a third card at random. ( without replacement)
Find the probability that the three letters
(i) are all the same, [2]
(ii) do not include a letter E, [2]
(iii) include exactly two letters that are the same. [5]