Edition 2 The Lion - April

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Issue No.

2 Henry Munro MS April 19, 2024

The Lion
Published by: Addison Myers & Leora Taub-Handelman


This year's Music Fest was
held on Saturday, February The Henry Munro band
24th, 2024. played their best and came
home with Bronze. A big
In Music Fest, there are 5 thank you and
rankings. Thank you for congratulations to Mme.
participating, bronze, silver, Lague, Mr. Gauthier and all
silver with invitation, and the band members. A special
gold. If a band is given congratulations to Lucian
MIKA CHAND - This year, our silver with invitation or Walker who received the
intermediate band competed gold, they are invited to musical award given to one
in Music Fest. Music Fest is a participate in Regionals, band member who shows up
judged performance that last year situated in and tries their best all the
happens every year. Our Niagara Falls. They would time.
band played 3 songs: March play more pieces in another
from “First Suite for Military attempt to bring home
Band”, Yellow Moon and medals for their home
Ready to Fly. school.


Munro is organizing our
first musical in over a
decade! We’re recreating a
classic jukebox musical with
popular rock songs from
the 1980s. This immersive
storyline follows the main
character Sherrie Christian,
portrayed by Frances Reid,
as she navigates love, life very excited to perform TALENT SHOW
and her dream job as an
actress on Sunset
for students, teachers
and parents. We’re
Boulevard. We’re putting on three shows SUSIE HALL - From splendid
introduced to an LA born on April 23rd, 24th and piano pieces to show-stopping
and aspiring rock star 25th. Tickets can be singing, our Lions gave us an
Drew Boley, played by Jay purchased beforehand unforgettable show! We all truly
Jay Johnson. The cast, for $10 or, right before enjoyed the whirlwind of
teachers, tech crew and the show. The Lions extraordinary talent that lit up
ensemble are working
participating are so our Henry Munro stage. Thank
incredibly hard and
excited for this you to all the staff and students
continuing to practice and
performance. We hope involved in putting together this
attend rehearsals. They are
to see you there! year’s talent show.
Issue No. 2 Henry Munro MS April 19, 2024

The Lion
ADDISON MYERS - International Women’s Day
happens every year, on the 8th of March. It is a
day to appreciate the women in your life, a day
of gratitude and recognition. Over the course of
history, women have overcome and faced so
many challenges, and March 8th is a day to
acknowledge that.
At Henry Munro, classes EF8B and EF8A have
done micography projects dedicated to the
greatness of International Women’s Day. All
around the world, this time is celebrated, but
any day is a great time to show the women in
your life how much you care for them.


Munro we are incredibly fortunate to have our
very own Diversity Club! A place where
students (and staff) can go to discuss any
racial or ethnic problems in a judgment free
zone. Mr. Mac first started the club as a Black
Excellence club to help students who had
approached him about lack of representation
in the curriculum, and a place to share their
thoughts and views. During the first meeting,
they quickly realized that they wanted to make
ALIYAH SALAMUNOVIC - After having the club inclusive to all students, no matter
the first practice in November, on their background. Each meeting they discuss
March 20, we had our first ever co-ed a wide range of topics - everything from
hockey team in our school's history problems around the world, to problems
compete in a tournament. They played around the school, to even just questions that
against schools such as Gisele students want answered. A big thanks to Mr.
Lalonde, Garneau, and Louis Riel. It Mac for creating a place in our school for
was a Grade 7 and 8 team mixed with every Lion. Any and all students are welcome
girls and boys. The team also featured at Diversity Club!
a Grade 6! Their games had
everything from big saves to hat-tricks
and shoot-outs. It was an exciting day
of hockey, the team stayed positive
and hyped.
Some players had played hockey
outside of school for a long time and
some were playing for their first time
ever!. Regardless they were
supportive and helped each other
when needed. Overall it was a thrilling
day and one to be remembered!
Issue No. 2 Henry Munro MS April 19, 2024

The Lion
ALIYAH SALAMUNOVIC - After going 3-0 The Junior boys had a rough start to their
in the Round Robin, our Intermediate tournament losing a very well-fought game
Girls Basketball team headed into the but managed to pull out two big wins
semi-finals with the edge over Emily sending them into the finals game. In the
Carr. Even though the game began finals, they played a game against Trillium.
slowly, they found their groove and Everyone showed their resilience
advanced to the finals. Playing throughout the tournament, and they
Summerside in the finals was tough and deservingly won gold. We are very proud
a back and forth game, both teams had of the hard work and talent displayed by all
great defense, but our Lions pulled out a our basketball teams.
win, earning gold at the Regionals and
heading to Boards. At Boards, they lost a As the basketball season has come to an
very well fought game and in the end, end, we have a sport returning to Henry
they finished third. Munro as the badminton teams have begun.
It’s the first time we’ve had a badminton
Our Intermediate boys team followed suit, team in many years! We are excited to see
going undefeated in their round robin. what talent for the game our athletes have
They won both their games and were set for the sport.
to face Emily Carr in the semis. It was a
close game at the start, as they were just
warming up. At the end of the game, our
Lions came out with the win. In the finals,
Trillium presented a strong front, posing
a challenge. Henry Munro did not let that
stop them from showing their talent as
they won gold at Regionals, making it to
Boards. At Boards they played
Broadview and lost a well fought game.

The results of the Junior girls'

tournament may not have been what they

hoped for, but we are still tremendously
proud of them as they demonstrated
astounding True Sport Principles by
cheering on other schools and having fun Here’s what’s coming up:
throughout the whole day.
Grade 8 Mini Enrichment Courses at
Carleton and Ottawa U: week of April 29th
to May 3rd

Rock of Ages Musical: April 23-25th

Gauss Math Contest: May 15th

Intermediate Badminton Tournament:

April 24th

Junior Badminton Tournament: May 1st

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