Using CNN
Using CNN
Using CNN
Abstract— In image processing, it is essential to detect and Fig. 1 make it challenging to detect, identify, and correctly
track air targets, especially UAVs. In this paper, we detect the localize them ]2[. because of high variability among the
flying drone using a fisheye camera. In the field of diagnosis and objects of a similar kind, object detection in the physical
classification of objects, there are always many problems that environment is an onerous duty, furthermore changes in
prevent the development of rapid and significant progress in appearance, illumination, and perspective reduce the
this area. During the previous decades, a couple of advanced efficiency of a detector. Most of the detectors perform
classification methods such as convolutional neural networks ineffectively within the case of changes to the scale and
and support vector machines have been developed. In this study, distortion]2[.
the drone was detected using three methods of classification of
convolutional neural network (CNN), support vector machine Classifications can be divided into available and
(SVM), and nearest neighbor. The outcomes show that CNN, advanced categories. General classification methods include
SVM, and nearest neighbor have total accuracy of 95%, 88%, Maximum likelihood classification (MLC) and Minimum
and 80%, respectively. Compared with other classifiers with the distance classification (MDC). Advanced classifications,
same experimental conditions, the accuracy of the convolutional artificial neural networks (ANNs), Decision trees, support
neural network classifier is satisfactory. vector machines, and object-oriented classifications can also
be mentioned ]3[ .
Keywords—Drone Detection; Bird Detection; Classification;
Convolutional Neural Network; Support Vector Machine; Nearest In general, the classification is done in several stages in
Neighbor such a way that first the required data, which are called train
data, are collected in various ways. then the selected
I. INTRODUCTION classification algorithm is applied to these images, and the
whole Images are classified Then the accuracy of the desired
With the fast advancement within the field of unmanned classification can be examined using test data ]3[.
vehicles and innovation utilized to build them, the number of
drones produced for military, commercial, or recreational The remains of the paper are as follows: In Section II, it
purposes increments pointedly as time passes. This presents a brief of related work. Section III, shows the
circumstance presents urgent protection and security dangers proposed methods. Analysis of the simulation results is
when cameras or weapons are appended to the drones. Thus, presented in Section IV. Then, some conclusions are
detection of the position and properties, similar to speed and discussed in Section V.
track, of drones before an undesirable happening, has gotten
to be vital]1[.
Speed and move capability of drones, their similarity to
birds in appearance when seen from a distance, as shown in
II. RELATED WORK In Fig. 2, using the 16-NN rule, the point denoted by a
The author of [4] proposed a drone detection solution black dot is classified into the class of the blue points. Out of
based on the Radio Frequency (RF) emitted during the live the sixteen nearest neighbors, five are red, and eleven are
communication session between the drone and its controller blue. The circle indicates the area within which the sixteen
using a Deep Learning (DL) technique, namely, the nearest neighbors lie]11[ .
Convolutional Neural Network (CNN). Mejias et al. used
morphological pre-preparing and Hidden Markov Model
channels to distinguish and track small unmanned vehicles
In [6], the authors presented a comprehensive review of
the literature, addressing the concept of drone detection
through object detection and classification using Machine
Learning technologies. Essentially, the application of machine
learning facilitate the drone detection in a binary classification
model as “drone” or “no drone”. However, some research in
the literature goes beyond the traditional classification to a
multiclass classification which identifies drone types.
Fig. 2. 16- Nearest Neighbor
Goke et al. utilized cascaded boosted classifiers with some
local highlight descriptors ]7[. Using a Doppler radar system, B. Support Vector Machine
Michael et al. [8] detected a flying drone in which data would
be gathered by a two-channel Doppler radar and used for In a variety of situations, we need to categorize the
Range-Doppler-azimuth processing. In [9], the drone is information we have. In machine learning, this is called
detected using a convolutional neural network by audio classification. A support vector machine (SVM) is a set of
signals received by the microphone. Because the drone's monitoring algorithms that analyzes data. In SVM, some
harmonic properties are different from objects such as labeled data must be used to classify information ]12[. In
motorcycles, etc. that make similar noises, it has used the general, data in two-dimensional space is separated by a line
Short-Time Fourier Transform (STFT) to extract features. In in three-dimensional space by a plane, and in n-dimensional
[10], drone is detected using frequency-modulated continuous space by a hyperplane.
wave (FMCW) radar system. The system uses antennas with The Support vector is closest data to the decision
a frequency band of 11 to 11.15 GHz to produce a linear wave boundary, and margin is also the distance of the support
of sawtooth antennas with a gain of 33.7dBi. Metal holes are vectors to the decision boundary. The goal is maximize the
used between and on both sides of the antenna to minimize distance of the support vectors from the decision boundary.
path interference. In this method, the drone is detected at a Relation (1) represent the decision boundary equation that w
distance of more than 500 meters. is slope and b is bias of line. The purpose of determining w
There are several methods for detecting Drones. In this and b is not only to classify the data correctly but also to have
article, machine learning strategies such as, Convolutional the decision distance as far as possible with the support
Neural Network (CNN), K-Nearest Neighbor (KNN), Support vectors which is expressed mathematically in equation (2)
Vector Machine (SVM) are utilized and then compared. and (3) ]3[
wt 𝑥+b=0 (1)
As mentioned in this article, machine learning strategies
such as, convolutional neural network, support vector +1 ,if xt ∈c1 (2)
machine, and nearest neighbor, have been utilized to detect x=(xt ,yt ) yt = { }
-1 ,if xt ∈c2
drones. In this segment, the presentation of the proposed
methods will be inspected. The characteristics of the layers
used in CNN will also be stated.
wt 𝑥 𝑡 +b ≥+1 ,for yt =+1 (3)
{ t 𝑡 }
w 𝑥 +b ≥-1 ,for yt = -1
A. K-Nearest Neighbor
The k-nearest neighbor is an optimization issue to
discover the nearest dots in metric spaces. The nearest X is a point on the decision boundary, and w is vector
neighbor algorithm is used as the first classification model for determine slope ]13[ . Thus, by finding w and b, the
because this model is simple and is robust against a set of decision boundary equation can be obtained.
noisy data and is also useful and applicable for a large data
set. It is the form that assigns data that does not belong to a
category to the group that has the most data around
anonymous data.
2020 6th Iranian Conference on Signal Processing and Intelligent Systems (ICSPIS)
TP+TN (6)
TP (7)
TP (8)
Table II shows the classification test using the test data.
Fig. 4. Flowchart of the proposed drone detection algorithm As it turns out, convolutional neural network classifiers
perform better in drone detection than other classifiers.
C. Operation of Classification
According to Fig. 5.a, in exceptional cases such as the TABLE II. COMPARISON RESULTS OF THE CLASSIFIERS
drone being halfway, since it is very similar to a bird, even
the CNN algorithm is not able to detect the drone and Classifier
Sensitivity Precision Accuracy
misidentifies the bird . Fig. 5.b, because the two birds are )%( )%( )%(
very close to each other, the KNN classifier misdiagnoses
the drone but is correctly identified by CNN and SVM. As CNN 93 97 95
shown in Table II, KNN performs worse than SVM and
CNN . SVM 91 86 88
KNN 94 74 80
a b
Fig. 5. Examples of undetectable samples
2020 6th Iranian Conference on Signal Processing and Intelligent Systems (ICSPIS)
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