Music: Pre-Junior Cycle Final Examination 2024

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Pre-Junior Cycle Final Examination 2024

Common Level
1 hour 30 minutes
280 marks

School use only:

Spelling Waiver Granted


Write your details in the boxes on the front cover.

There are six ques ons in this examina on paper. Answer all ques ons.

• Write your answers in blue or black pen. You may use pencil for staff nota on.

• Write your answers in the spaces provided in this booklet.

• Before the examina on begins, listen carefully to the test excerpt. If you cannot hear the
recording clearly, inform the Superintendent immediately.

• There will be suitable pauses throughout for you to read and answer ques ons.

• You will have five minutes at the beginning to read the paper.

QuesƟon 1

Excerpt 1, played three Ɵmes.

(a) Listen to the music in this excerpt and complete the following sentences. Choose your
answers from the word bank below.

Word Bank

Male Female Unaccompanied Accompanied

Monophonic Polyphonic Homophonic Ornamenta on

(i) The melody is sung by a voice.

(ii) The melody is .

(iii) This creates a texture.

(iv) One feature of Irish tradi onal music in this melody is .

(b) Excerpt 2, played three Ɵmes.

Select the feature performed by each of the following in the excerpt.

Sustained Notes Countermelody Block Chords

(i) Strings

(ii) Piano

(iii) Tin Whistle

(c) Excerpt 3, played three Ɵmes.

Listen to the excerpt and comment on the three changes listed below that happen
throughout the excerpt compared to Excerpt 1 and Excerpt 2.



Instrumenta on:

(d) Excerpt 4 and 5, played twice each.

With reference to musical features, describe two differences between Excerpt 4 and Excerpt 5.

1st difference:

2nd difference:

• You have five minutes to answer (e).

(e) Both of these songs were arrangements of the Irish ballad The Par ng Glass.

(i) Iden fy one organisa on which is involved in the preserva on, distribu on or
produc on of music in Ireland.

Organisa on:

(ii) Briefly comment on the role this organisa on plays in the preserva on, distribu on
or produc on of music in Ireland


(iii) Explain one way in which Irish musicians benefit from the collec on of royal es in


QuesƟon 2

Three excerpts played twice.

(a) (i) Match each excerpt to one of the descrip ons below.

(ii) Give a reason for your choice, referring to musical features.

Excerpt 1.

A: Chickens on a Farm B: An Irish Ceili C: Sports Day


Excerpt 2.

A: Chickens on a Farm B: An Irish Ceili C: Sports Day


Excerpt 3.

A: Chickens on a Farm B: An Irish Ceili C: Sports Day


• You have ten minutes to answer (b).

(b) Composing Task

Your local GAA club is looking for entries for a composi on compe on, to create a new
jingle for the club. One of your classmates has composed a rhythmic pa ern.

(i) Compose your own melody in the key of Bb major to the given rhythm to complete
the tune. End on the keynote/doh.

(ii) Add suitable phrasing.




QuesƟon 3

Excerpt 1, played three Ɵmes. The lyrics are printed below.

(a) The underlined words in the lyrics in lines 1, 2 and 3 show where the chords change.

Underline or circle two words in Line 4 where you hear a chord change.

Line 1 Leave your keys if you're not coming home

Line 2 You packed your bags full of le ng go

Line 3 You were moving in and now you're moving on

Line 4 There’s no ge ng used to you being gone


Excerpt 2, played once only.

(b) Listen to the excerpt and answer the ques ons below.

And let you know I'll wait for you e-very night

(i) Name the four notes at 1.

Note Note Note Note

(ii) These three notes form the chord of:

D Major A Major G major

  
(iii) What is the rhythmic value of the do ed crotchet shown above

1 beat 2 beats 1-and-a-half beats

  

Excerpt 3 played once only.

(c) Listen to the music in this excerpt and answer the ques ons on the next page.


If you ev – er wan – t one more night

If you ev – er wa – na make things right

If you ev – er wa – na change your mind


I'll be wai – ng I'll be wai – ng.


(i) Iden fy chords that could be used as backing chords at X, Y and Z. Use the chord box

Chord at X Chord at Y Chord at Z

(ii) Iden fy the cadence indicated at the end of the excerpt.

perfect imperfect plagal interrupted

   

A B C# D E F# G A

F# G A B C# D E F#

D E F# G A B C# D

D Em F#m G A B C#dim D

I ii iii IV V vi viio I


QuesƟon 4

Excerpt 1, played twice.

● Listen to the excerpt, while following the score.

● Answer the ques ons which follow on the next page.




(a) Iden fy the meaning of the following terms and symbols.

(i) ƒ This dynamic marking indicates a dynamic of:

loud so moderately loud

  

(ii) This key signature indicates the key of:

C Major Bb Major F Major

  

(iii) The dots underneath these notes indicate what type of ar cula on?

legato staccato marcato

  

(iv) This symbol indicates what type of rest?

crochet quaver minim

  

(v) This symbol indicates what type of accidental?

sharp natural flat

  

(b) Excerpt 1, played once more.
Excerpt 2, played twice.

With reference to musical features, describe two differences between Excerpt 1 and Excerpt 2.

1st difference:

2nd difference:


• You have 5 minutes to complete (c).

(c) This piece of music used in part (a) and (b) was composed by Mozart, who is a composer
from the Classical era.

(i) Name one other contemporary or historical style of music that you have studied.

(ii) Describe two features of this style of music.

Feature 1:

Feature 2:

(iii) Name a piece of music from this style.

(iv) Describe one musical feature of this style.


QuesƟon 5

Excerpt 1 – An excerpt from Different Trains by Steve Reich, played three mes.

(a) (i) Iden fy the family of instruments that play from the beginning.

Strings Woodwind Brass Percussion

   
(ii) Describe two ways in which the music represents the movement of a train in this excerpt.

Answer 1:

Answer 2:

Excerpt 2 – An excerpt from The Desert Music by Steve Reich, played three mes.

(b) Describe two ways in which the music represents a desert scene.

Answer 1:

Answer 2:

QuesƟon 6

Excerpt 1, played three Ɵmes.

(a) (i) Outline the role that each of the following instruments play in this excerpt.


Tin Whistle:


● You have eight minutes to answer (b) on page 20.

(b) (i) Name an event you have created a playlist for.


(ii) Name one song and composer/performer that you used as part of this playlist.



(iii) State one reason why this song was suitable for the event.


(iv) Describe one way that you might be able to share this playlist with a global audience.


Do not write on this page













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