Randy Silverman
Randy Silverman
Randy Silverman
The pamphlet binding is often regarded as an insignificant or ephemeral
book structure, which has received little attention over the years in the
professional bookbinding literature. An attitude prevails that a bookbinder
capable of executing sophisticated and detailed bookbindings need only apply
common sense to successfully execute a pamphlet binding. For this reason,
little work has been done to examine the historical prototypes of pamphlet
binding structures, nor, in fact, has the term "pamphlet binding" been
adequately defined.
Definition of terms
The term "pamphlet" is derived from the main character of a 12th
century love poem, Pamphilus seu de Amore, (Pamphilus, or Concerning
Love). The poem owed much of its popularity to its comedic characterization of
an old bawd named Pamphilus, and the term came to be associated with small
pieces of popular writing. 2 The New World of Words defined a pamphlet in
1706 as "a little stitch'd book." 3 Johnson's Dictionary in 1755 defined it as "a
small book, properly a book sold unbound, and only stitched." 4 In current
usage, the 1971 edition of The Oxford English Dictionary defined a pamphlet as
"always (at least in later usage) unbound, with or without paper covers," 5 posing
an apparent contradiction when applied to the combined term "pamphlet
binding." Curiously, even the binding of telephone directories is considered
pamphlet binding within the printing industry. 6
To clarify the issue for the purposes of this paper, a pamphlet binding will
be defined as: A thin bookcomposedof betweenone and threefoldedsections,
linked togetherby a sewing structure and boundas a permanentenclosure.
This definition is broad enough to include the Nag Hammadi Codices, (though
in fact these are early manuscript books), which contain structural components
pertinent to this discussion.
Historical Overview
Unbound Pamphlets
The pamphlet contributed significantly to the rapid spread of knowledge
which followed the invention of printing due to its availability, timeliness and
the quantity in which it was produced.7 These often beautiful (if slapdash)
Renaissance tracts were often issued unceremoniously unbound in folded
sheets, though sometimes stitched (i.e. side sewn). As early as 1586 trade rules
were established in England which limited the stabbing of books to material of
less than five sheets decimo sexto. By 1704 a tax was imposed on pamphlets in
England which redefined them as "printed matter of up to three sheets,
regardless of the format." This tax was revised in 1712 to impose a two shilling
duty on pamphlets. 8
Simple blue paper wrappers of a utilitarian character seem to have become
common by the first third of the 18th century, 10 although the earliest date which
this paper came into use has yet to be established. Despite the definition of a
pamphlet as unbound, an occasional presentation pamphlet covered in ornate
Dutch gilt or marbled paper was produced by the mid-18th century, as well as
pamphlets with black paper wrappers for funeral sermons and elegies. 11
Typically, a paper wrapper was merely pasted to the pamphlet's spine and
tipped to the first and last leaves far enough beyond the shoulder to cover the
stitching. Later, a more sophisticated technique was to sew the pamphlet to a
plain white wrapper around which was pasted an ornamental sheet, the white
sheet functioning as a simple end paper. This type of pamphlet was occasionally
sewn on cord supports which were frayed out between the end paper and the
wrapper. The structural similarity between this style of sophisticated wrapper,
and later, simple pamphlet binding styles, suggests that true pamphlet bindings
may have evolved from this style of wrapper.
Pamphlet Bindings
Pamphlet bindings seem to have developed as vernacular design, that is,
everyday design carried out in a routine way without much conscious thought
or formal planning. The style has developed and redeveloped as the need
dictated, influenced by craft traditions, functional requirements, and aesthetic
preferences. To a large degree pamphlet bindings have been used for material
which, at one point at least, has been considered ephemeral, and as such have
consistently been affected by economic constraints. Though elegant pamphlet
bindings do exist, the style is, for the most part, a utilitarian covering. None the
less interesting for this fact, pamphlet bindings are historially rich in material
and structural variations, incorporating a wide range of minute, stylistic
Structural Analysis
Many styles of bookbinding were found to be inappropriate for the
pamphlets they housed because they incorporated either a form of endpaper
which was tipped to the text, or an adhesive spine lining. A tipped endpaper is
a detrimental form of attachment for thin material because the adhesive has the
potential to stiffen and eventually skin the first and last leaves of the text when
delamination occurs. Spine lining adhesives pointlessly restrict the openability
of thin material and can also prove physically damaging to the pamphlet over
time, or when removed.
,·. f j
., thickness
j ' f" ...
.....' . '
' \
... ... R~
L2 (endpaper hinge) put in TENSION when opened.
L1 (covering material) put in COMPRESSION when opened.
stretched (Fig. 1). The structure's point of critical wear is in the endpaper hinge,
where a lack of flexibility results from the elimination of the endpaper pleat.
Despite the lightweight nature of a pamphlet, the hinge in a case binding will
eventually fail because the unified parts are not adequately flexible to
accommodate the movement of opening.
The case style can be constructed with a spine stiffener which creates an
artificial French joint, as described by Diehl 12 in 1936. This concept departs from
a binding design which is a reflection of the pamphlet's form, and focuses
primarily on the problem of titling a thin spine. If the thin dimensions of a
pamphlet are allowed to express its own needs in terms of function, a single
hinge design will emerge which allows the boards to open to a single fulcrum
point without exerting an excessive amount of stress on the end paper hinge or
on the pamphlet proper.
What follows are a set of design specifications which satisfy the criteria for
a durable, non-damaging pamphlet binding. This style of pamphlet binding is
appropriate for thin material of one, two, or three sections (Fig. 2). The model
attempts to isolate a number of successful components from historical pamphlet
quarter cloth
Silverman pamphlet binding: 1987
binding prototypes, and integrate them into an ideal structure. The design
emphasizes the principle of a non-damaging cover to text attachment as
Cross sectional view of one, two, and three section pamphlets
sewn with wrapping fly leaf and reversed bookcloth hinge.
The end paper construction is appropriate for single as well as multiple
section pamphlets, providing a non-adhesive attachment as well as an alkaline
paper barrier between the text and the binding. A simple folded fly leaf is
wrapped around the pamphlet, over which is folded a reversed bookcloth hinge
(Fig. 3). A separate pastedown is used on the inside of each board to complete
the endpaper.
_,:'.:.-:-·: >··{:{
.,::· .· ::' ::•···
... ·.·
•, ·:·:
. .·.·
. •,-:-:-:-:-.·
Model"A" Model"B"
Fig. 4
Nag Hammadi Codices: 4th Century
Model "A": Tackets passing through free guard, reversed leather hinge and limp leather cover.
Model "B": Tackets sandwiched between reversed leather hinge and limp leather cover.
bookcloth hinges permits them to wear at the same rate while stretching and
compressing to accommodate the movement of the boards. The adhesive bond
Fig. 5
Comparison of text flexibility in
reversed bookcloth hinge and reversed V-guard styles of pamphlet binding.
between the two layers of cloth allows the laminated hinge to function as an
integral unit while permitting the pamphlet unimpaired movement on its
fulcrum of sewing thread.
Fig. 6
Reversed bookcloth hinge and wrapping endpaper sewn to one section pamphlet.
The reversed bookcloth hinge (Fig. 6) is cut to the height of the fly leaf and
wide enough to allow ease of handling while sewing. The trimmed-out width
of the reversed bookcloth hinge once glued to the inside of the boards is equal to
the width of the turn-ins. Both the reversed bookcloth hinge and the free guard
(when used) are trimmed to their final dimensions after the sewing is
Free Guard
Because this design relies on the sewing to form the cover to text
attachment, weakened paper can present a problem. This can usually be
overcome by including a free guard in the center of each section to protect the
paper from abrasion caused by the sewing thread. The free guard effectively
reinforces the fold of the section and distributes the stress of the thread along
the entire length of the free guard. The earliest documented precedent for the
inclusion of a free guard (in this case leather) is also found in the Nag Hammadi
Codices. 22 Of the eleven intact bindings recovered in Egypt about 1945 (one
composed of four sections, and ten composed of one section), all contained (or
showed evidence of) leather free guards in the folds of the sections, included to
protect the papyrus texts from the sewing thongs. Two independent "U" shaped
tackets were used to sew the single section bindings, with the free guards
coming in three varieties: a single free guard extending the length of the section;
a pair of free guards, each supporting one tacketed stitch; and three free guards
(with evidence of a fourth), each of which supported a single sewing station.
Fig. 7
Sewing structure for one section pamphlet: spine and fold views.
The sewing stations at the head and tail of the work must be inset at least
the width of the turn-ins, or they will interfere with the turning-in procedure.
The re-use of the original sewing stations is encouraged, however, where
these were originally inadequate, a prime consideration must be to properly
support the material being sewn.
6 4
3 7
4 8 6
Fig. 8
Schematic sewing pattern for
one section pamphlet: three, four and five station varieties.
Fig. 9
Linking the last stitch before tying off.
insure that the sewing is taut when completed, the last stitch is linked under the
loop created by the first stitch before tying off (Fig. 9). Pulling the ends of the
thread at right angles to the thread's twist will cause the thread to catch on itself,
allowing an even tension to be maintained while the square knot is completed.
Sewing structure for two section pamphlet: spine and fold views.
Schematic sewing pattern for two section pamphlet: three, four, and five station varieties.
For a view of the completed sewing structure, return to Fig. 10.
the same sewing holes through the fly leaf and the bookcloth hinge. The
completed pattern when viewed from the spine looks like a crisscrossed version
of the figure-eight stitch, while in the folds of each section the pattern appears to
be continuous (Fig. 11).
Schematic sewing pattern for three section pamphlet: five stations.
and placement of the boards is correct, the resultant shape of the spine when
viewed as a cross section is parabolic, not saddle-backed or French jointed (Fig.
13). Further shaping of the other three board edges is discretionary.
Fig. 13
Cross sectional view of spine shapes of typical pamphlet binding styles.
The pamphlet is then covered in a strong yet flexible bookcloth 26 which
matches the cloth of the reversed bookcloth hinge, either as a full or quarter
binding. The cloth is turned-in at the head and tail over the reversed bookcloth
hinge to prevent future delamination at that point, integrally linking the
Turning-in the covering material over the reversed bookcloth hinge.
to the boards, and the finished pamphlet binding is dried under weights with
blotters interleaved between the boards and the text to control warping and to
Comparison of board attachments between
the reversed bookcloth hinge and the split board pamphlet binding styles.
act as a fence. With the cloth sides and pastedowns in place, the binding is
structuralli similar to the split-board pamphlet binding described by Douglas
Cockerell 2 in 1901 (Fig. 15).
The binding is titled using paper labels which are produced with a
Macintosh computer and a laser printer. 28 This method provides a fast,
economical and attractive alternative to gold stamping. Moriki, 29 an assorted
line of colored Japanese handmade papers, is used because it is flexible, durable,
and provides a smooth surface which is compatible with the laser printing
process. The software used for the labels (as well as for the graphics in this
paper) is a program called "Super Paint, 1130which can be upgraded to include
hundreds of fonts of type, and allows for precise manipulation of spacing
between lines. The labels are produced in batches of approximately twenty per
sheet, the Moriki being cut to the 8 1 /2 by 11 inch dimensions required to feed
properly through the laser printer. Once printed, the xerographic image is
sealed to improve its abrasion resistance with an application of
hydroxypropylcellulose (Klucel-g) 31 dissolved in ethanol, and the finished label
is attached to the front cover of the binding with a mixture of paste and PVA.
In cases where it is necessary to pamphlet bind a limited number of single
leaves (such as photocopies), the work of Henry Pedersen 32 provides a workable
model. Sections are made up of four leaves which are creased to hinge in an
alternating pattern along the binding edge, joined with paste, and sewn through
the resultant fold (Fig. 16). Another option for single leaves of historical
significance is to attach a Japanese paper hinge to the leaf with paste, and sew
through the resultant gathering of Japanese paper hinges. A small book of
Fig. 16
Single leaves joined as a section for pamphlet binding.
In conclusion, the purpose of this paper has been to draw attention to an
approach to binding pamphlets (when binding is appropriate) which is
non-damaging in terms of the materials and structure used. Too often
historically significant pamphlets have been bound as expeditiously as possible
using inappropriate techniques such as tipped endpaper attachments, glued up
spine folds, stab sewn structures for multiple section pamphlets or unsound
materials in general. By examining the history of pamphlet binding structures
and synthesizing the components that have proven simple and non-damaging,
a bookbinding specification has resulted that has found application in the
general collection of the Lee Library of Brigham Young University. This
technique has been used successfully by technicians over the past two years,
primarily in the Primrose music collection, and has satisfied our need for a
durable, easy to produce and aesthetically pleasing pamphlet binding.
13 Christopher Clarkson, Limp Vellum Bindingand Its Potentialas a
ConservationType Structurefor the Rebindingof Early Printed Books: A Break
with 19th and 20th Century RebindingAttitudes and Practices (Hitchin,
Hertfordshire, England: The Red Gull Press, 1982). First published under the
same title in Preprints, 4th Triennial Meeting of the International Council of
Museums, Committee for Conservation, Venice, 13-18 October 1975 (Paris: The
Committee, 1975), 3:1-15.
14 GaryFrost, "Historical Paper Case Binding and Conservation
Rebinding," The New Bookbinder2 (1982): 64-67.
15 RobertEspinosa, "Specifications For a Hard-Board Laced-In
Conservation Binding," The BookAnd PaperGroupAnnual 2 (1983): 25-49.
r=====~~t I
backed i \
ready end prepared
for paper for
'f\l)\ ,~~1
1111 Ir
I I 1\
I i\,
Harrison binding for one section book: 1947
19 Pauline
Johnson, CreativeBookbinding (Seattle, WA: University of
Washington Press, 1963), 122-23.
20 JaneGreenfield, Books:Their Careand Repair (New York: The H. W.
Wilson Co., 1983), 108-28.
Sewing structure for a thin book using an unsupported link stitch.
Douglas Cockerell, Bookbinding,and the Careof Books: A Handbook
for Amateurs, Bookbinders,and Librarians (New York: D. Appleton and
Company, 1901), 177-78. (Fig. 19).
pair of
Cockerell binding for very thin books: 1901
Selected Bibliography of Literature Relevant
to the Binding of Pamphlets
Brigham, Herbert 0. "Indexing and Care of Pamphlets." The LibraryJournal
37 (December 1912): 668-71.
Buick, Moira. "One Method of Sewing Single Sheets for Binding." The Paper
Conservator2 (1977): 4-5.
___ . Book Craftsfor JuniorPupils: A Handbookfor Teachersand
Students. Leicester, England: The Dryad Press, 1936.
Davenport, Cyril. "The Repairing and Binding of Books for Public Libraries."
Chap. in Leatherfor Libraries.London: The Sound Leather Committee
of the Library Association, 1905.
Davenport, Fred. Binding Craftsfor the Junior School. London: Sir Isaac
Pitman and Sons, Ltd., 1930.
Diehl, Edith. Bookbinding:Its Backgroundand Technique. Vol. 2. New York:
Rinehart and Company, Inc., 1946.
Douglas, Clara, and Constance Lehde. Book Repairing: New Ideasfrom the
Mendery. University of Washington Extension Series. Seattle, WA: The
University of Washington, 1936.
Dumpleton, John. Make Your Own Booklet. New York: Taplinger Publishing
Company Inc., 1969.
"The Evolving Pamphlet Bindery: Only the Strong Will Survive." Inland
Printer/AmericanLithographer173 (September 1974): 75-76.
___ . BasicBookRepair. 30 min. The H. W. Wilson Company. 1987.
Honea, Ted. "Music ... A Binding Challenge." The New LibraryScene 4,
no. 3 (June 1985): 1.
Kemp, Ruth H. Book Craft. Library of the Seven Crafts. New York: Camp
Fire Outfitting Company, 1935.
Lakhanpal, S. K. LibraryBinding Manual. Rev. ed. Saskatoon, Canada:
Serials Department, Murray Memorial Library, University of
Saskatchewan, 1972.
Middleton, Bernard C. "Craft Binding Technique." Printing World (24
November 1954): 606-14.
Pedersen, Henry. "A Method for Fastening Single Leaves Together for
Binding into Volumes." Restaurator 2, no. 2 (1975): 61-63.
Pratt, Guy A. Let's Bind A Book. Milwaukee, WI: The Bruce Publishing
Company, 1940.
Purdy, Susan. Booksfor You to Make. Philadelphia, PA: J. B. Lippincott
Company, 1973.
___ . "On the Codicology of the Nag Hammadi Codices." Essayson the
Nag HammadiTexts:in Honorof PahorLabib. Nag Hammadi Studies 7.
Leiden, Netherlands: E. J. Brill, 1975.
Storer, Tracy I. "The Care of Pamphlet Collections." Science 44, no. 1143
(24 November 1916): 739.
United States Government Printing Office. Theoryand Practiceof
Bookbinding.Training Series. Washington, DC: Government
Printing Office, 1950.
Woodcock, John. Binding Your Own Books. Puffin Picture Book Series, no.
104. London: Penguin Books, Ltd., [1960].