Clarion Call To Revisit Our Roots: Chicago Address of Swami Vivekananda
Clarion Call To Revisit Our Roots: Chicago Address of Swami Vivekananda
Clarion Call To Revisit Our Roots: Chicago Address of Swami Vivekananda
A speech delivered in less than five minutes! Just from deep within his heart, within his soul. That
18 sentences and 478 words! Delivered by a 29 very connect has ensured that the speech has gone
year old, young, energetic and handsome monk down in history as one of the most famous
unseen, unheard and unknown to many till 11th speeches of all time.
September, 1893. While we are mostly aware of this
Those electrifying words from the mouth beginning of speech, the less known fact is that
of Swami Vivekananda representing Hinduism at the several thousands of delegates were so
the inaugural session of the World Parliament of impressed with his speech that he was invited to
Religions at Chicago turned into a perennial speak five more times over the next fortnight at
source of guidance and inspiration for the the congregation. This was indicative enough of
humankind which remains relevant today even as the influence his message would create in the hearts
it was then. It brought an instant historic change and minds of humanity across the world.
in the mindset of entire Western World for its Romain Rolland, the French man of
Eastern counterpart, gave a new identity of Letters, was emphatic in his praise for Swamiji
Himalayan significance to our country and saying that, “his words are great music, phrases
established the profound message of Hinduism in the style of Beethoven, stirring rhythms like the
for the mankind. march of Handel choruses. I cannot touch these
The very beginning of his address with sayings of his, scattered as they are through the
the words, “Sisters and Brothers of America” to pages of books at thirty years’ distance, without
greet the global audience was an enlightened receiving a thrill through my body like an electric
awakening to the new age. The words were shock. And what shocks, what transports must
unique of its kind as it was a marked departure have been produced when in burning words they
from the conventional usage of formal salutations issued from the lips of the hero!”
and the result was a spontaneous and heartfelt The short yet epoch making speech had
appreciation from the audience expressed through far reaching consequences for the event where it
a thunderous standing ovation that lasted more was delivered, the speaker who delivered it, the
than two minutes. The audience could sense that audience who listened, the religion which it
here was a person who wasn’t just speaking from represented and the humanity for which what it
the pages of a scripture but from his experience, was aimed at.
Odisha Review ISSN 0970-8669
The speech was delivered at the inaugural President of the Scientific section of the
session of the World Parliament of Religions which Parliament, said that Swami Vivekananda was
was one of the twenty ‘Congresses’ on socio- “beyond question the most popular and influential
cultural and economic themes held in Chicago as man in the Parliament. He frequently spoke… and,
adjuncts to the World’s Fair, known as Columbian on all occasions he was received with great
Exposition, organized to mark the four hundredth enthusiasm than any other speaker, Christian or
anniversary of the discovery of America by Pagan. The people thronged about him wherever
Columbus. The original intention of the sponsors he went and hung with eagerness on his every
was to bring all the main religions of the world to word.”
a common platform to consider with sympathy Swami Vivekananda’s rousing address,
their differences and relative merits. By the time in the words of Prof. Sankari Prasad Basu, “won
of its conclusion after 17 days, it had emerged as recognition for his country’s ancient heritage, and
a celebration of the rich diversity in religions and thereby gave back to his countrymen their long-
cultural beliefs around the world which not only lost self-esteem and self-confidence. It is through
helped bringing the world together to understand this extempore speech that he brought out the core
different world views, but also deepened the values of India. He declared in clear terms, “I am
humankind’s appreciation of the common quest proud to belong to a religion which has taught the
for peace and harmony that human beings have world both tolerance and universal acceptance.
been engaged in since time immemorial. The We believe not only in universal toleration, but
undisputed anchor of this great platform was none we accept all religions as true. I am proud to
other than Swami Vivekananda. belong to a nation which has sheltered the
“Here is a man who is more learned than persecuted and the refugees of all religions and
all our learned professors put together”, thus all nations of the earth.” Such bold statements
written in the introductory letter of Prof. John marked the advent of Western interest in Indian
Henry Wright of Harvard University for Swami principles and ethos. He was instrumental in ending
Vivekananda’s registration for the Parliament of India’s cultural isolation from the rest of the world.
Religions proved prophetic as, on the next day of He, in fact, was the main architect of raising the
his address, the newspapers of America described image of India to a high pedestal as the land of
him as the greatest figure in the congregation. The spirituality, harmony and rich cultural heritage.
simple monk with a begging bowl in hand, burning The grand vision of Indian thinkers found
sincerity in words, sunshine of confidence in look the most eloquent and sublime expression in
and postures, crystal clear in thoughts became Swami Vivekananda’s exposition. He acted as a
the man in demand. The address set the tone for bridge between the East and the West by bringing
the worldwide fame for him and thanks to the a sea-change in the views of West which so far
eminence he acquired here; what started as a trip held the Hinduism as an absurd philosophy
to the Parliament of Religions extended to overridden by superstitions, dogmas and blind-
become a lecture tour of the America and Europe beliefs completely devoid of any scientific outlook;
that lasted for four years. With his Chicago through convincing propagation of the great moral,
address, Swami Vivekananda became the beacon ethical, spiritual and cultural values of Hindu
of Indian philosophy and spiritualism for the scriptures and philosophy. He also made a
Western World. Mr Merwin-Marie Snell, successful attempt to mould Indian mindset to
ISSN 0970-8669 Odisha Review
accept Science & Technology and humanism of experience of transcendent reality common to all
the West. humanity. The universal conception of religion as
In his Welcome address, he quoted two the science of consciousness frees religion from
verses - one from the Shivamahimna Stotra and the hold of superstitions, dogmatism, priest-craft
another from the Bhagavad Gita : and intolerance, and makes religion the highest
and noblest pursuit – the pursuit of supreme
"As the different streams having their freedom, supreme knowledge and supreme
sources in different places all mingle there water happiness. Swami Vivekananda laid the
in the sea, so, O Lord, the different paths which foundation for spiritual humanism by strongly
men take through different tendencies, various advocating the concept of potential divinity of the
though they may appear, crooked or straight, all soul which divinizes human relationships, saving
lead to Thee." it from degradation and makes life meaningful and
"Whosoever comes to Me, through worth living.
whatsoever form, I reach him; all men are His steering message of oneness of
struggling through paths which in the end lead to religions came like a breath of fresh air for the
me." suffocated mankind. Rising above petty matters,
Speaking about Swamiji’s role in giving Vivekananda spoke of harmony, understanding
Hinduism its distinct identity in the Parliament of and universalism. In his address at the final session
Religions, Sister Nivedita wrote, “… it may be of the Parliament of Religions on September 27,
said that when he began to speak it was of the 1893, he called the entire world collective to end
religious ideas of the Hindu’s but when he ended all fanaticism, all persecutions and all uncharitable
Hinduism had been created.” feelings, and appealed for “Help and not Fight”,
Making an objective assessment of “Assimilation and not Destruction”, “Harmony and
Swami Vivekananda’s world culture, the eminent Peace and not Dissention”. A century and more
British historian A.L.Basham stated that, “In than a quarter after the fiery proclamations of
centuries to come, he will be remembered as one Swamiji rocked the world, we are still looking at
of the main moulders of the modern world.” Some these words, hoping to find direction and
of the most pressing problems of the day, guidance. Today when humanity is at crossroads
threatening the survival of human civilization were and values cherished over the centuries are getting
foreseen by Vivekananda. Religious intolerance, eroded, Swami Vivekananda’s message of
cultural exclusiveness and blind fanaticism were universality, harmony, character building, strength
identified by him as dangerous portents. At and courage is even more relevant. As Mark Tully
Chicago, he forcefully brought out that these dark writes, “He was relevant then, and is relevant
forces of sectarianism, bigotry and fanaticism had today for his constant affirmation that all religions
filled the Earth with violence and had deluged the are paths to God and his call for tolerance.”
world with rivers of human blood and brought
beautiful civilizations to extinction.
For the modern world, he gave a
Laxmi Narayan Mallik, Executive Director (Logistics),
completely new understanding of religion through Steel Authority of India Limited (SAIL), 6th Floor, Ispat
his interpretation of religion as a universal Bhavan, 40, JL Nehru Road, Kolkata -700071.