Kesher Fall 2023 Election Packet-2

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Kesher BBG #2506

15th Board Fall 2023 Election Packet

My sister B’nai B’rith Girls

About six months ago, Kesher changed with the leadership of a new board. Yet again,
it's time to elect our Fall '23 board. This is the perfect opportunity to discover what
potential you and your sister BBGs have to be a leader. Being on board takes
commitment, teamwork, and responsibility. You will work with the other members on
board to help Kesher reach its full potential as a chapter. You will work to create fun
and engaging programs, recruit new members, and retain a sisterhood like no other.

Being on board has given me so many amazing opportunities, friendships, and

experiences that I would like every single one of you to be involved in someday. It has
been one of the most rewarding roles I have ever taken on, but not without difficulty.
No matter which position, being on board won't always be a breeze. It takes hard
work, and you should only run if you are committed to fulfilling your role, and working
as a team.

I have watched every single one of you grow as BBGs, and for some of you, this is
your next step. Each of you has the potential to be an amazing leader, and I know our
chapter will be in good hands if you all work hard towards achieving our goals. Kesher
has grown so much since my first term on board in 2021, and I can't wait to see what
great heights we will one day reach with our chapter in your hands. That being said, I
encourage all of you to run for board with a position that best suits you, not just for the
title. I see potential in each and every one of you to take on this rewarding task.

You will find all the information about politicking, different positions on board, election
protocols, and more within this packet. Please reach out to ONLY me (954-399-3358/, Hailey Finer (813-695-3754/, or Brooke Berger (305- 308-2255/ if you have any questions. I wish you all the best of luck!

Submitted with undying love for Kesher BBG, I forever remain, April
Olshansky, damn proud Spring Term 2023 N’siah.
Politicking is defined as anyone besides your Parents, the Regional Staff, and Advisors
being aware of your declaration for office. If it’s found out that a candidate has made
her candidacy known to ANYONE other than these people, the candidate’s declaration
will be withdrawn immediately.

No breach of this rule will be tolerated. If I hear that anyone is promoting a candidate or
participating in any other form of politicking, your candidacy will be revoked. Integrity is
a major part of being a chapter officer and this responsibility begins before the election

I will have eyes and ears at every chapter program from now until the election to ensure
this policy is enforced. Please don’t be fooled into thinking that you can get away with it.
If asked if you are running, the appropriate response is “I am not allowed to discuss it.”

This policy is enforced to create a fair election. My goal is not to punish anyone. Don’t
be concerned with who else is running. Asking someone what they’re running for is just
as wrong as promoting your own candidacy. If you believe another candidate has
breached this policy, feel free to contact me, in the appropriate manner.

Please make sure you are running for the right reasons. Running for a position just to
have the title or to be on board is completely wrong. To gain a position on board is a
privilege. Not only do you become a role model for the chapter, but you represent the
chapter to the whole region and international order.

Please make sure that you are aware of everything that is required from your position
and that you’re ready to give it your all and more. Getting help from others is
unacceptable and will not be tolerated.
Candidacy Process

Step #1: Declaration of Candidacy • (May 4, 2023) You must

declare your candidacy by emailing April Olshansky (,
Brooke Berger ( Hailey Finer
( with the following information:

● Name
● Position considering
● Position you would slide to (only allowed to slide once)
● Email Address
● Cell Phone Number
● Parents Email Address
Keep in mind that this is not binding and you can decide later to change positions or not
run at all. However, if you are considering running and do not send in a declaration, you
will not be allowed to run.

Step #2: Forms and Signatures • (May 10, 2023) The official forms
attached to this packet must be filled out and emailed to us and no one else by this
date. ( NO EXCEPTIONS ) Again, these are not binding, but you must turn them in if
you want to be allowed to run. You have until the Friday prior to elections to change
the position you are caucused for.

Step #3: Platform Submission • (May 10, 2023)

Your platform will be sent in to confirm that everything is factual and fits the standards
set out in this packet. We are not responsible for any spelling errors, grammar mistakes
– those are your edits to make! TO BE CLEAR, IF WE DO NOT HAVE YOUR
CANDIDACY!! Email to and

Step #4: Elections • (May 16, 2023)

You must be in attendance in-person for elections in their entirety in order to run for
a position!
Questions to ask yourself if you’re
debating on running for board:
● Do I want to work to improve all aspects of Kesher and set the standard for other
● Do I have time to attend every chapter meeting and program and be an active
board member?
● Am I willing to work with ALL girls to better my chapter?
● Am I willing to compromise with girls I am working with in order to make
improvements within my chapter?
● Will I follow through with all of the responsibilities of my elected position?
● Am I willing to put myself out there and run with the understanding that I may not

I understand that being on board is a PRIORITY, just like

any after school club or sport.

A word of advice:
Choose a position that you love!!! It is more important to run for a position that you want
and will excel at rather than for one you think you will win. In the end, you will be much
happier in a position that you care about.

Board Rules
• Must not miss more than 3 meetings. If a meeting is missed, you must
inform the current N’siah and advisors.

• Must work diligently.

• Must respect and work well with other board members.

• Must serve as a role model to the chapter (do not be on phones during
meetings, do not be disruptive, etc).
• If any of these rules are broken, you will be subject to dismissal from
the Board.


The Family:

N’siah (President)

● Oversees all board positions and chapter events

● Works well with chapter advisors
● Remains in constant communication with everyone
● Conducts business meetings/elections
● Aware of everything going on in Kesher and Gold Coast Region
● Serves as a role model 24/7
● Corresponds with Regional N'siah

S'ganit (Vice President of Programming)

● Incorporates 6 folds into programs

● Oversees all planning of chapter programs
● Puts programs on dashboard at least 2 weeks in advance
● Serves as a role model 24/7
● Corresponds with Regional S’ganit

MIT Mom (Vice President of Membership)

● Educate new members about principles, traditions, folds, policies, and everything you need to know about
● Helps prospects join BBYO
● Focuses on the 3 R's: recruit, reeducate, retention
● Promotes summer programs (CLTC & ILTC)
● Serves as a role model 24/7
● Corresponds with Regional MIT Mom

Mazkirah (Vice President of Communication)

● Make weekly calls and texts to ALL members and prospects

● Make sure Advisors are updated
● Maintain Facebook/Twitter/Instagram/Remind 101
● Serves as a role model 24/7
● Correspond with Regional Mazkirah

Sh'licha (Vice President of Judaism, Community Service, and Inclusion)

● Incorporates Judaism, Social Action, and Community Service into programs

● Plans community service projects for Kesher
● Plans BBG Shabbat/Chapter Shabbat
● Educates about Israel and Jewish Holidays
● Serves as a role model 24/7
● Corresponds with Regional Sh’licha
Gizborit (Vice President of Fundraising)

● Conducts chapter fundraisers

● Raises money for chapter, Stand UP cause, and ISF
● Maintains chapter bank account
● Serves as a role model 24/7
● Corresponds with Regional Gizborit

Nochecha (Vice President of Retention)

● Works alongside chapter Mit Mom in membership efforts

● Focuses mainly on reaching out to older and inactive members in effort to bring them back to the chapter
● Works on increasing chapter program attendance
● Serves as a role model 24/7
● Corresponds with Regional Nochecha

All positions will have periodic Check-ins with

the N’siah and Advisors to ensure
Platform Guidelines
A platform is a way to outline goals, ideas, and qualifications a candidate has when
running for a board position. In BBYO, a candidate running for chapter, regional, or
international board makes a platform to show what they want to do with the position in
a way that will convince voters that she is the best candidate for the position. There is
no set way to make a platform. Creativity is encouraged. You want your platform to
stand out, so add something unique when creating your platform. Whether you fold,
cut, or do anything else you can come up with, make the platform you hand out your
very own. Although creativity is highly encouraged, there are several things that you
should have on your platform no matter what format you use:

• Qualifications: What positions have you held in BBYO? What chapter, regional,
and international events have you attended? What awards have you earned?
What accomplishments do you have outside of BBYO that are relevant to the
position you are running for?
• Goals: What do you hope to achieve during your term if elected to this position?
What is your vision for this job? (Candidates often arrange their goals according
to divisions outlined i n the responsibilities for their position. For example, the MIT
Mom may divide goals into recruitment, retention, and education.)
• Ideas: Outline concrete ideas you have for the position. While it is important to put
the basics that are common for the position, it is vital to focus on changes or new
ideas that you have. If voters read anything on your platform, it will be your new
ideas. You can also address questions such as how you will accomplish the goals
you have outlined, and why you are best suited for the position, in a short
personal statement.

Platform Rules
• Use just one sheet of 8 1/2 x 11 solid paper front and back (it may be
• Black ink only!
• All information on the platform MUST be true.
• You may use ONE sticker on every platform to seal them.

• You will pass out your platform before reading your speech.
Platform Example
For examples visit or see the
platform below.
Your speech is the final chance you get to express your ideas to the chapter before we
vote. Think carefully about what you want to say, this is very important!! You may say
anything you would like as long as it is relevant to your candidacy and respectful. The
chapter will be looking at your platform while you read your speech. Practice it before
elections because it must fall within the time limit or you WILL get cut off! If you
choose to respectfully submit your speech, this will not count as a part of your time.

N’siah - 5 minutes
S’ganit, MIT Mom, Mazkirah - 4 minutes
Sh’licha, Gizborit, Nochecha - 3 minutes

Question and Answer Guidelines:

After you distribute your platforms and before you give your speech, the N’siah will ask
you a specific question based on the position you’re running for. You will have thirty
seconds to think about what you’re going to say and one minute to answer each
Election Protocols

Pocketing of Votes
There will be no pocketing of votes by the N'siah in BBYO. Ever.
What’s pocketing? This is when the N'siah takes their vote and quite literally puts it in their
pocket instead of the ballot box. The vote can be taken out to break a tie or make a tie and
force a re-vote (this can easily be seen as bias and an abuse of power). To ensure the
fairness of this election, the N'siah will have one vote, just like everyone else.

Election Behavior
There should be no emotion (clapping, cheering, excessive hugging, high-fives, ect.) after
speeches, between speeches, after winners are announced, ect.
We DO NOT want candidates to feel unappreciated, or worse than they already may feel.
The body will be able to clap for all candidates.

All elections are done by a secret ballot vote, and all paid members get one vote. In
order for a candidate to win they must receive a majority vote (50% +1). If there is a tie,
we will re-vote until the tie is broken. If no candidates receive a majority vote, we will
move into a runoff election between the top two candidates.

Candidates who choose to “slide” ( lose one position and drop to another ) will have 1
minute to speak about anything that they want. In order to be eligible for slides, the
candidate must have included their tentative slide position in their declaration of
candidacy, and the official position to which they are dropping down must be shared
with April and Hailey no later than the Sunday before elections. You will only be
allowed to slide once.

Nominations from the floor, i.e. nominations for someone who has not declared their
candidacy or prepared any materials, will be honored so long as the nominee a) has
been nominated without requesting nomination and b) is a member in good standing
of Kesher BBG. Nominations off the floor will have 1 minute to state only their
Declaration Form:

Candidacy for Kesher BBG:

B’nai B’rith Girls, I _____________________

Kyli Katz (Your name) officially
declare myself a candidate for the position of ________________
(position running for) for the Chapter of Kesher BBG. I understand the
responsibilities of this office and pledge to fulfill them to the best of my
ability if elected. If not elected, I promise to remain a dedicated and
active member of the B’nai B’rith Girls and continue to share my love
for our Order.

Submitted with Undying Love, Respect and Dedication for the B’nai
B’rith Girls, I remain,

Teen Signature: _________________

Cell Phone Number: __________________
Email Address:_____________________
Drug, Alcohol, and Smoking Contract

I understand that no participant in any BBYO event shall possess, use

or be under the influence of any prohibited substance. A prohibited
substance is defined as the following:
● Alcoholic Beverage of any nature whatsoever except for supervised
religious purposes.
● Marijuana, Cigarettes, E-cigarettes
● Any illegal substances
● Any drug which requires a prescription but for which a valid prescription
has not been issued to the person possessing, using, or under the
influence of such drug

In addition, a “BBYO Event” is defined as any BBYO meeting, program or

function, including staff arranged travel to and from such an event. If these
policies are broken, I understand that there will be a 30-day suspension and
immediate removal from office. For the second offense, I will be expelled from
Furthermore, it is my responsibility to report such behavior that I am
aware of.

Teen Signature: ________________________

Date: _____________________
Dear Kesher Parents,
Every six months Kesher BBG, along with the thousands of BBG chapters all over the
world holds its term elections for the executive board. Enclosed in this packet is a list of
the board positions along with the responsibilities set out for each position. I urge you to
review this with your daughter before she chooses to run for a position.

The election process is a democratic one, but unfortunately like any election it can be
difficult and emotional for the girls whether they win or lose. We begin elections with the
highest position, N’siah (President) and work our way down through the positions on the
Executive Board giving the members an opportunity to “slide” to another position.

As a member of the Executive Board, whatever position, your daughter will be required
to attend all meetings, executive board meetings and regional/chapter programs. With
the pressure of school and other activities, these can be the most rewarding and
beneficial times in your daughter’s high school career. The knowledge, friendship and
leadership your daughter will gain from BBG goes beyond anything I can explain in

Finally, I ask that you discuss this step with your daughter and make sure you are both
ready for the responsibility and fun that such an opportunity will bring. Please feel free
to call me with any comments or questions you might have. With the seriousness of
elections, I WILL NOT permit any girl to run for any position without a signed permission
form from their parents.

Any questions? Please contact: April Olshansky

( , Brooke Berger ( or Hailey Finer
( Chapter President BBYO’s Associate Regional
Director & Chapter Advisor

I acknowledge that I have read and I understand the procedure of Kesher BBG’s
Executive Board elections. I have discussed with my daughter her choice of positions
and give her full permission to run and fulfill any position she chooses.

Parent Signature: ______________________


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