TLE Final Coaching 2023
TLE Final Coaching 2023
TLE Final Coaching 2023
A. They are more stress tolerant. 10. Which branch of horticulture refers to the growing
of vegetables?
B. They are seaweeds that grow fast.
A. Pomology
C. They have good reproductive ability.
B. Olericulture
D. They are some of the major commercial species.
C. Farming
5. What does NTS stand for in construction?
D. Floriculture
A. Not To Scale
11. Which housing space for bred ewes in a
B. National Topographic System confinement is recommendable?
14. What is the common flavor enhancer used by fish 20. According to Robert Gagne's model in providing a
processors? structured approach of learning, this is to reinforce or
correct learning.
A. Monoammonium
A. Eliciting Performance
B. Disodium guanylate
B. Providing Feedback
C. Disodium inosinate
C. Assessing Performance
D. Monosodium glutamate
D. Presenting the material
15. If you install a flexible metal conduit is installed as
a fixed raceway, it shall be secured within ___ on 21. Which solar collector is capable of producing
each side of every outlet box. voltage when exposed to radiant energy?
C. 150 mm C. Photosolar
16. All these are types of activities presented on the 22. Considered as the most important resource in the
business is ___.
statement of cash flows but NOT to include ___.
A. material resources
A. Operating
B. informational resources
B. Financing
C. human resources
C. Marketing
D. financial resources
D. Investing
23. A tool in hair cutting for thinning thick, kinky hair is
17. The Teacher shows a short film clip before the called ___.
start of his/her lesson, what is being performed by the
Teacher? A. straight razor
26. Arrange the steps of instruction aids the students 31. Which handtool do you use to drive cross-slotted
in the learning process by Robert Gagne. screw head?
C. Grades 1 to 3
D. Grades 11 to 12
40. The simultaneous culture of several species in the
same body of water to exploit the different trophic
35. It is the cycle of carbon from the atmosphere to levels in the pond is ___.
living organisms and back to the atmospheric
reservoir. A. monoculture
B. Concentrates marine organisms to allow more 43. Teacher Ryan teaches in a public high school
efficient but selective and regulated fishing activities. where most of his students are working students.
During the conduct of his lessons, he usually asks his
C. Serves as nursery, breeding and spawning students questions related to their present topic in
grounds to various fish species and eventually serves relation to their work experience.
as protection to them.
A. Stimulating recall of prior learning
D. All of the above
B. Providing learning guidance
38. These are earnings of corporations which are
distributed among stock holders. C. Presenting the stimulus
C. Dado joint
D. Lap joint
46. Which do you use to separate suspended solids 52. All of the following are elements of drawing
from water? EXCEPT one. Identify it.
47. The maximum size of a liquid tight flexible metal 53. It is a line that shows the length, width and height
conduit shall be ___ trade size. of object terminated with an arrowhead.
C. 50 mm C. Visible line
48. TLE as it is a skill dominated subject, what 54. How much is 5 Kilobytes in Bytes?
guidelines and guiding principles in the teaching of
TLE is being mentioned? A. 50
D. Develop student's entrepreneurial mindset 55. A participant in your training program is struggling
to understand a concept. What should you do?
49. 1/16 inch is the smallest mark on a tape measure.
A. Ignore the participant and move on to the next
A. No topic.
50. Which is the recommended soaking time for rice D. Ask another participant to explain the concept to
seeds before sowing the seedbed? the struggling participant.
B. make efficient use of time 57. Short dash lines use to show non visible surfaces.
Usually shows as medium thickness is called ___.
C. get into the system quickly
A. Hidden line
D. retain confidentiality of files
B. Dimension line
C. Center line
D. Extension line
58. Which is the FIRST P in 7P's business
64. Which tool do you use for cutting off the branches
A. Price of trees and bushes?
60. Which plants grow on other plants but are not 66. In a parallel circuit with a voltage source and
parasites? several branch resistors, how is the total current
related to the current in the branch resistors?
A. Epiphytes
A. It equals the average of the branch current through
B. Halophytes each resistor
A. To have a sustained drive despite the tension that D. increasing the effective resistance of the resistor
occurs when the need is not met.
69. Which method do you apply when a drainage pipe
B. Practice human relations with his/her customers. at a high level is to join a drain at a lower level?
C. Back
D. Front
70. Which of the following upper threading that 76. The typical scissor blade angle will be ___.
regulates the looseness and tightness of the thread?
A. 50 degrees
A. Upper tension
B. 40-45 degrees
B. Needle bar eyelet
C. 30-35 degrees
C. Thread guide pin
D. None of these
D. Thread take up lever
77. This line is projected as a shorter line in a
71. If a current of 2 amperes flows through a 50-ohm drawing.
resistor, what is the voltage across the resistor?
A. inclined line
A. 25 volts
B. curve line
B. 100 volts
C. horizontal line
C. 48 volts
D. vertical line
D. 52 volts
78. Aside from egg and water, what other ingredients
72. Competencies following except: can be used in making poached egg?
73. Which of the following sampling techniques is 79. Which sequence of cutters and cutting operation
most appropriate when the population is large and is used on a tenoner when coped shoulder are
geographically dispersed? required?
74. The resistor that could dissipate the most heat 80. Which is an example of extension question?
would be marked:
A. What if you were using cassava flour instead of all
A. 2 ohms purpose flour?
75. Which refers to the art and science of growing D. What are the specified procedures or steps to
vegetables, fruits, ornamental plants for landscape changing the battery oil?
gardening, and other plantation crops?
81. In marketing fruits, which method is used by
A. Floriculture farmers in order to sell to vendors, fruitstand owners,
and grocers?
B. Olericulture
A. Brokering
C. Agriculture
B. Cooperative marketing
D. Horticulture
C. Selling in bulk
D. Retailing
D. Contingency Management Skill
82. Which refers to size of one picture element in 88. Which refers to an electric machine that converts
relation to the size of another that should be pleasing electrical energy into mechanical energy?
to the eye?
A. Battery
A. Drawing
B. Electric motor
B. Proportion
C. Electric generator
C. Rhythm
D. Transformer
D. Emphasis
89. What is the word used to describe the rate at
83. This is an imaginary horizontal plane which is in which electrical energy is used?
level with the observer's eye and the horizon.
A. Voltage
A. Eye Level
B. Resistance
B. Picture Plane
C. Current
C. Horizon Plane
D. Power
D. Vanishing Point
90. Two intersecting lines which form right angles are
84. You need to trim and pare fruits and vegetables. called ___.
Which one do you use?
A. Perpendicular lines
A. Pruning shears
B. Parallel lines
B. Butcher knife
C. Straight lines
C. Paring knife
D. Tangent lines
D. French knife
91. Which of the following fish species are
85. If a drawing has one surface that is parallel to the characterized as catadromous?
picture plane then this method is called ___.
A. Karpa
A. oblique drawing
B. Tlapia
B. isometric drawing
C. Eel
C. perspective drawing
D. Bangus
D. orthographic drawing
92. Which technique may be used by a group of
86. Why do plants growers prefer budding as a students who try to view an orthographic projection by
method of propagation? extracting first the front view of a simple object using
a transparent material?
A. It is the fastest and the easiest method of plant
propagation. A. Onion skin
B. It can result in producing more new plants from the B. Japanese paper
mother plant.
C. Sheep skin
C. It is adoptable to any kind of temperature in the
area. D. Glass box
D. It is capable of producing a greater number of new 93. How is the voltage in a DC circuit calculated when
plants. the current and resistance are known?
87. What dimension of competency that requires to A. Voltage equals current multiplied by resistance
manage several different tasks?
B. Voltage equals current divided by resistance
A. Task Skill
C. Voltage equals resistance divided by current
B. Task Management Skill
D. Voltage equals power divided by current
C. Job Environment Skill
D. Dovetailing, half-lapping, and beetling
94. Which is the fine tube-like hollow structure of 100. Thin and dark line use to show the starting and
wood that determine the grain direction? ending of dimension is called ___.
95. Which is the appropriate tool for measuring 101. How is the current in a DC circuit calculated
angles? when the voltage and resistance are known?
96. Teacher Ray shows to the class how to 102. A u-shaped pipe filled with water and located
disassemble an appliance using the right tool and beneath plumbing fixtures to form a seal against the
proper technique in doing the job..coaching each of passage of gases and odors.
his students very well. What do you think is the part of
the lesson teacher Ray has performed? A. Air Trap
D. providing learning guidance 103. A rectangular piece of steel with two cutting
edges used for working flat and curved shapes.
97. Which two electrical units multiplied together give
the unit "watts"? A. Plane
D. Volts and amperes 104. Which instrument do you use for measuring the
flow of electrical current in a circuit?
98. Which refers to the extraction of electrons form a
substance by sunlight in incident electromagnetic A. Voltmeter
B. Anemometer
A. Photoemission
C. Ammeter
B. Photovoltaic system
D. Wattmeter
C. Photoelectric effect
105. Different breeds of poultry may be classified
D. Electron microscopy according to the purpose of their production. Which
breed do you choose for meat and eggs production?
99. In order to transmit stresses from one member to
another when joining two pieces of materials in their A. Rhode Island Red
longitudinal direction, which is the most appropriate
process to follow? B. Leghorn
C. Resistance equals current multiplied by voltage C. egg wash, flour, bread crumbs
D. Resistance equals power divided by voltage D. flour, egg wash, bread crumbs
107. Which is the FIRST step in 5s system? 113. Which process refers to the thinning hair using a
sliding movement with the blades of the shears
A. Seiso partially opened reduce volume?
B. Seiri A. Slithering
C. Seiketsu B. Bending
D. Seiton C. Slicing
108. Which chemical solution do you use in cells and D. Free handling
some capacitors to produce an electrically conductive
medium? 114. A trader wanted to make a big profit if he would
charge 40% more that the actual cost of the items be
A. Sulfuric Acid bought for Php. 5,896.00. If his transportation
expenses amounted to Php. 655.00, how much profit
B. Electrolyte would he get?
C. When the barrel of the fitting is at least two (2) pipe A. To help keep it stable, apply the minimum amount
sizes larger than the largest inlet. of pressure.
D. When the barrel of the fitting is larger than the two B. Pick the right kind of saw and go with the material
pipes. you are cutting.
110. The vent system is an assential part of the DWV C. To avoid wandering off source, hold the handsaw
system. Which is the main function of vents? tight.
A They prevent the air to flow freely in drain pipe. D. Keep the index finger pointed down the length of
the blade to keep it stable.
B. They hold enough water in the trap.
116. Inside the distribution panel or service switch,
C. They lessen sewage gases that escape into the
you notice that the white wire is the ground wire.
Although the ground wire is not part of the circuit,
D. They supply air for drain pipes to let the air to flow which is the purpose of grounding?
A. To make the circuit stronger and sturdier.
111. Where are the tools of debits and credit used?
B. To reduce the flow of electric current in the
A. Making transactions distribution panel.
B. Improving record of liabilities C. To protect the circuit and eliminate some danger
C. Recording transactions
D. To increase the resistance .of the circuit
D. Finishing records of assets
D. capacitor
117. Which cooking method is the LEAST healthy? 123. The learning units of a module is termed as
elements in the Competency Standards are referred
A. baking to as ___ in Competency-Based Curriculum.
C. ensure the learners are ready to learn and C. The liquid will produce a low-gloss, opaque sauce.
participate by giving a lesson introduction or perhaps
by a short video presentation D. Lumps will form and sauce will not thicken evenly.
D. present the lesson systematically by the use of 127. The force which opposes and reduces the flow of
appropriate methods and techniques considering electrical current is recognized as ___.
multiple intelligences and learning styles
A. power
121. The acronym ICT stands for ___.
B. frequency
A. Inter - Continental Technology
C. resistance
B. Inter - Change Technology
D. electromagnetic force
C. Information Concepts Technology
128. A drawing instrument that serves as guide in
D. Information and Communications Technology drawing vertical and diagonal lines as in triangles. It is
generally used in drawing horizontal lines. Which one
122. Which of the following is NOT an electronics is it?
A. Triangle
A. diode
B. T-square
B. power
C. French curve
C. transistor
D. Triangular scale D. 11.8%
129. If a 3 volt battery supplies 300 milliamperes to a 135. Which is the current if the total power of the
circuit, the circuit resistance is ___. circuit is 8,800 watts and the voltage is 220 volts?
A. 9 ohms A. 40 amperes
B. 5 ohms B. 30 amperes
C. 3 ohms C. 60 amperes
D. 10 ohms D. 80 amperes
130. An aquatic animal with a soft body that is 136. The fishpond has been attacked by a fish
protected by a shell is ___. fungus. Which among the choices below is NOT a
preventive measure for fish fungus?
A. mollusk
A. Proper fish handling
B. amphibian
B. Avoiding handling of fish in cold water
C. crustacean
C. Improved water quality
D. cephalopod
D. Low organic salt in water
131. A numbers of species of fish migrate during their
reproductive periods either to the sea or in freshwater 137. Which do you use to prevent discoloration and
different from the environment on which they grow. spoilage of dried fruit?
Which of these is anadromous?
A. Salt solution
A. Epinephelus coioides
B. Sulfite dip
B. Siganus guttatus
C. Ascorbic acid
C. Lates calcarifer
D. Chlorine solution
D. Chanos chanos
138. Which is the LAST step in preparing "Chicha-
132. Which affects the process of water movement rabao"?
such as drainage, water storage, working properties
among others? A. Shear the carabao hide
D. Soil Nutrition 139. A saleslady sold a set of tea cups costing Php.
180.00 at 270.00. What is the mark-up rate based on
133. Which program of technology can a designer use the selling price?
to conceptualize object easily without spending costly
illustrations, models or prototypes? A. 30%
D. Computer-aided engineering 140. In 2017, the net profit of Mr. Chavez grocery
store was Php 2, 275,820.00. in 2018, the profit
134. A dealer bought a dozen of 8 in. × 6 in. picture increased by Php 852,495.00. What is the profit
frame for Php 2,160.00 and sold them for Php 234.00 increase rate of his store?
each. Find the mark up rate?
A. 37.46%
A. 4%
B. 30.93%
B. 10.3%
C. 32.01%
C. 30%
D. 31.75%
141. Which scientific instrument is used to measure 147. What linear circuit compares two input signals
atmospheric pressure? and provides a digital level output depending on the
relationship of the input signals?
A. Anemometer
A. Switch
B. Salinometer
B. Comparator
C. Barometer
C. Compressed
D. Scale
D. Controller
142. Which poultry species do you use to control
snails in rice field and garden pests? 148. Which instrument is used in drawing curves
except circles and arcs?
A. Use of needles
A. Compass
B. Turkeys and quail
B. Protractor
C. Ducks and geese
C. French curve
D. Peafowl and pigeons
D. Divider
143. Resistor wattage ratings are ___.
149. Which is NOT true for formaldehyde?
A. variable in steps of one hundred
A. Formaldehyde is used in embalming dead persons.
B. determined by heat dissipation qualities
B. This releasing agent is widely used in hair products
C. calculated according to physical size and tolerance and moisturizers.
C. It is used as a preservative in a many cosmetic
D. expressed in joules products.
144. It refers to the utilization of technology in D. It is used in the production of resins used in wood
teaching and learning, which includes both the non- products.
digital and digital media.
150. Which is the LAST step in making edge and
A. Educational Technology down edge joints?
B. Digital Learning A. Assemble the pieces for the edge joints and test
them for proper alignment.
C. Online Digital Tools and Apps
B. Arrange the end grain to lessen warpage of the
D. Digital Literacy glued-up board.
145. A polygon is classified according to the number C. Check to see that the edges are square with the
of sides. What do you call four-sided polygon? surface.
C. Hexagon
D. Quadrilateral
A. Trial
B. Temporary
C. Permanent
D. Income
TECHNOLOGY LIVELIHOOD, TECH-VOC 33. A. It delivers an in-depth understanding of the
EDUCATION - 150 ITEMS problem or study.
77. A. inclined line 110. D. They supply air for drain pipes to let the
air to flow freely
78. D. Vinegar
111. C. Recording transactions
79. B. Tenon heads, coping heads, cut-off saw
112. D. flour, egg wash, bread crumbs
80. A. What if you were using cassava flour
instead of all purpose flour? 113. A. Slithering
82. B. Proportion 115. D. Keep the index finger pointed down the
length of the blade to keep it stable.
83. C. Horizon Plane
116. C. To protect the circuit and eliminate some
84. C. Paring knife danger shocks
86. B. It can result in producing more new plants 118. B. Soil Profile
from the mother plant.
119. A. Waist line
87. B. Task Management Skill
120. C. ensure the learners are ready to learn and
88. B. Electric motor participate by giving a lesson introduction or
perhaps by a short video presentation
89. D. Power
121. D. Information and Communications
90. A. Perpendicular lines
91. C. Eel
122. B. power
92. D. Glass box
123. B. Learning outcome
93. A. Voltage equals current multiplied by
124. A. Mechanical
125. C. two
94. B. Fiber
126. B. Baking powder will create a chemical
95. C. Protractor
96. D. providing learning guidance
127. C. resistance
97. D. Volts and amperes
128. B. T-square
98. C. Photoelectric effect
129. D. 10 ohms
99. A. Cross-lapping, mitering, and scarfing
130. A. mollusk
131. D. Chanos chanos
134. C. 30%
135. A. 40 amperes
139. B. 33 1/3%
140. A. 37.46%
141. C. Barometer
145. D. Quadrilateral
146. C. Permanent
147. B. Comparator